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1965-04-15 SP
Special Meeting April 15, 1965 Present: Jahn 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. Supervisor Webster greeted the visitors as follows: Edward Waters - Dog Warden James P . Troy Visitor Edward;T'ro ithley .- Visitor Percy Rozell - Queensbury Highway Department Buell Fisher - Queensbury Highway Department Fred,,Wiles - Queensbury Highway Department Francis Robillard - Queensbury Highway Department Charles Howe - Queensbury Highway Department Marshall Harris - Queensbury Highway Department IA Paul Bishop - Visitor Dale M. Taglor. - Visitor Walter D. Wicks -. Visitor Mr. & Mr-s. Percy Wendell - Interested in Public Hearing Mr. & Mrs.- J. Edward Harney,- Interested in Public Hearing Mrs.- Florence Baxter - Interested in Public Hearing Carlton Hillis Interested in Public.,Hearing Mr. §, Mrs LeRoy A. Denton - Interested-in Public Hearing Robert E. Roe - Interested in Public Hearing John Lynch - Visitor Edward. Barrett - Visitor James R. Dempsey - Visitor Albert E. -Beswick - Attorney Mr , & Mrs.- Bernard J. Codner - . Superintendent of Highway .& wife "$ueky" Corlew - Deputy Superintendent of Highways Thomas-K. Flaherty - Superintendent of Queensbury Water LeRoy Phillips - Chief of Police Urnard Zovistosky - The Post Star P The public hearing was declared open on the application of one John Stranahan to locate a mobile home out side of a duly licensed Mobile Home Court. The Proof of Publication was presented by the clerk. The clerk read the application of John t Stranahan as received on March 23, 1965. Mr. Robert E. Roe spoke for the group in attendance. A question was raised as to the statement that Mr. Stranahan has a home on the property. It is the opinion of the objectors that there is no home as such on the property. Mr. J. Edward Harney voiced objections to the granting of the permit as applied for. Mr. Harney stated that to do so would be detrimental to property values in the area. Mr. LeRoy Denton spoke in objection to thetgranting of the permit. Mr, Denton repeated statement of others that property values would be effected. 2 _ Mrs. Florence Baxter stated that the proposed mobile home would be undesirable-. Mr. James Troy recited the effect of trailers or mobile h®mes on property values at another location in the Town of Queensbury. Mr. LeRoy Denton voiced a strong urge for overall zoning for the Town-of Queensbury at large. The public hearing was declared closed at 7:50 p. m. Supervisor Webster stated to the group ©f visitors that action on..the matter would be forthcoming at a later hour in the meeting of this night. Mr. Edward Trombley and Mr. James Troy, reported on the abuse of adjacent land to a trailer court on Aviation Road at the corner of Mountain View Lane. The property .is owned.-by-Mr. Tromblesy„ They stated that the occupants of the trailer court'-are continually depositing refuse on land owned by Mr. Trombley, Mr. Dale Taylor of West Mountain Road repeated p previous requests for himself and other neighbors to urge an extension of water ' supply at as early a date as possible. Mr. James R. Dempsey questioned the Town Board as-to the present status of the -construction of a Town- Office Building. . Supervisor Webster discussed the progress in planning to date and further explained that each of the two sited being considered have been presented to the Town of Queensbury Planning-Board for their opinion on the locations on the basis of long range planning. . The maps, plans and reports as prepared by the engineer Joseph A Kestner, Jr. of the three new Queensbury Water Districts-were presented-to the town board for discussion, . Attorney - 1 orney Albert E. Beswick discussed the proper procedure to fallow and in turn presented the following orders for adoption as prepared by him. At a Regular Meeting of `the Town Board of the Town of Queens- bury, Warren County, New York, held at the Queensbury Schbol on - the 15th day of- April, 1965 PRESENT: John 0. Webster, Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman Curtis Lampson, Councilman Theodore Turner, Councilman , Hammond Robertson, Jr. , Councilman i In the matter- of the Establishment of BAY ROAD WATER DISTRICT in the Town of Queensbury-,.....County.....of.-Warren and State of New York, pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law. i i i WHEREAS, a map, plan and report have been prepared in such manner and-:in.-such detail as has heretofore beendetermined by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury relating to the proposed establishment of a..-new water district to be known and designated as the Bay Road Water-District in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS,"such-map, plan acid report have been duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of 'the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, .Jr. , of OneKestner Lane, Troy:, N.Y. , a competent engineer duly licensed by the State of..New York., showing the boundaries of the proposed district, the source of water supply, the mode of construction of the proposed water works and the location on thereof- including water mains, distributing pipes and hydrants,,,arid the proposed method of operation, together with an es'tibatt-of the cost-of construction of- said-proposed water system, an estimate of the aftnual' cost_of-dperation; and the plan for financing the cost of such construction and of providing the revenues' for debt` service and the-�operation oUsaid proposed water system--and other pertinent facts relating thereto, and . WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed Bay Road Water District- are as follows: "Beginning. at a point in the easterly bounds of the present Queensbury Water District where the same is intersected by the southerly bounds- of lands leased to-the' Glens Falls Country Club by Harry and Ethel. Chesebro; the -said point• of_beginning being in the easterly bounds of Extension number four of the ' former North Glens Falls Water District, running from-thence easterly along the southerly bounds of the said lands leased to the Glens Falls Country Club, crossing Country Club R.oad, to . the easterly bounds thereof; .thence manning northerly along the easterly bounds of Country Club to the northerly bounds of lands of said Chesebro; thence running easterly along the northerly bounds of said lands oS Chesebro to a point for a corner;, thence run- 1 ning northerly parallel to Country Club Road, crossing lands of the Glens Falls Country Club and lands of Preston and Myrtle Thomas,, to the south- westerly corner of the lands..of Robert Reed; thence running northerly along the westerly bounds of the said lands of Reed-- to the> northwesterly corner thereof; thence running- easterly along the north- erly bounds of the said Iands- of- Reed to a point; thence running North 04 degrees and 00 minutes East, crossing the lands of the Glens Falls Insur- I ance Company to a marble monument at the south- easterly corner of lands now or formerly of one Newton; thence running North 04 degrees and 00 minutes East along the easterly bounds of the said lands of Newton, 700.26 . feet to a stone monument at the northeasterly corner thereof; thence running North 04 degrees and 00 minutes East, crossing,,-lands of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, to the northwesterly corner of the lands now or formerly of one Linton;-thence running South 14 degrees and 37 minutes West, 100.00 feet along i i 4 the westerly bounds of the said lands of Linton, to an .iron pipe at the southwesterly corner thereof; thence running South 83 degrees and 48 minutes East along the southerly bounds of the said lands :n, of Linton and continuing the same course to and crossing Bay Road to a point in the easterly bounds thereof, said point being in the westerly bounds of , lands of the Glens Falls Insurance Company; thence running North,...23 degrees and 25 minutes East along the easterly bounds of Bay Road, being also the westerly.bounds of the said,.-lands of tbe Glens Falls Insurance Company, to the intersection of- fences -at the northwesterly corner thereof; thence running South 81 degrees and 52 minutes East along the northerly bounds of the said lands of the Glens Falls- Insurance Company 1280.1 feet to an iron,.,.pip.e at the- southeasterly-corner of lands now or formerly of Harold Hillis'; thence running South 82 degrees and-24 minutes East 248.30 feet to the intersection of fences at' the northwesterly corner of lands - formerly of John- G. Haviland; thence running South 06 degrees and 24. minutes West along the westerly bounds of land formerly of...John G. Haviland 4004.50 feet to an angle point in the boundary line; thence running North 81 degrees and 14 minutes West along the said.-lands of Haviland, 64.70 feet; thence run- ning- South 05 degrees and 36 minutes West along the westerly bounds of the said lands of Haviland, 820.90 feet to the northerly bounds of lands of John M. and Wilma P. ' Hughes; thence running South 81 degrees and 55 minutes East along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Hughes-, 1140.91 feet to the westerly bounds of Meadowbrook Road; thence running South 06 degrees and 13 minutes West along I j the westerly bounds of Mead brook Road,. .574.30 feet to the northeasterly corner of.. the lands of William and Claire Aronson; thence running North 83 degrees and 09 minutes West along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Aronson, 200.00 feet, thence southerly parallel to. Meadvebrook Road, and 200.00 feet distant therefrom, to the southerly j bounds of the said lands- of Aronson to the westerly bounds of Meadowbrook Road to the centerline of Halfway Brook; thence running easterly along the center of Halfway Brook, crossing Meadowbrook Road, to the northeasterly corner of the lands of Frank and Anna Sundberg; thence running- southerly along the center of dry brook, so called, which forms the easterly bounds of the lands -of Sundberg; to the northwesterly corner of lands of.. Freihofer, thence running easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Freihofer, Sizse and Hollis Cross to the northeasterly corner of the said lands of Hollis Cross; thence running` easterly on a line ?� being a continua-tion of the preceding course, crossing lands of 'Paul Krebs, to the westerly bounds of lands of one Dolan; thence running northerly along the westerly bounds of the. lands of Dolan to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence running easterly along the northerly bounds of Dolan and Maynard and Dorothy Brooks to the northeasterly corner of the said lands of Brooks to the north- _ J I westerly corner of lands formerly of Earl and Dorothy:Atwell; thence running North 82 degrees and 50 minutes East along the northerly bounds of the said lands formerly owned by Atwell, 531.94 feet to the westerly bounds of Friends Cemetery; thence running northerly along the westerly bounds of the. said cemetery lands to the. northwesterly - corner thereof; thence running southeasterly along the northeasterly bounds of the said cemetery lands to the center of Ridge Road; thence running north- easterly, crossing Ridge Road, to the northwesterly corner of lands of Norman- 1. and Eloise Calkins; thence running southeasterly along the northeas- terly bounds of the lands of the said Calkins to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence running southwesterly along the southeasterly bounds of the said lands of Calkins to the northerly bounds of lot 17 of the first subdivision of Queensbury; thence running easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lot 17Pto the northeasterly corner of the present Queensbury Water District; thence following the northerly...bounds of the present Queensbury Water D�stric.t in a westerly and nor- therly direFtion� to the point and place of begin- ning," and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed generally consist of the construction, and installation of mains to be connected to the water supply of the existing Queensbury Water District, the installation of pipes, hydrants, valves and other appurtenances and equipment, I and j WHEREAS, the estimated maximum cost of the proposed improve- ments,. .including engineering and legal services, is the sum of $312,000.and the.proposed method of financing such cost consists of the issuance of serial bonds .of the Town of Queensbury in the amount' of $296,400. to mature in annual..install�ments over a period not exceeding thirty pears, payable in the first instance from an ad valorem tax levied on all taxable real property in the proposed Bay Road`-Water District, and the payments of the balance of such estimated maximum cost of $15,600.00 from current funds to be provided for such purpose, and f WHEREAS, the said map , plan and report describing the proposed Bay Road Water District and the improvements therein are on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of ,Queensbury for public inspection, - Now, on motion of Councilman Beaty, seconded by Councilman Turner, it is hereby ORDERED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, .New. york, shall meet� and hold a public hearing at the. .Queensbury Junior High School, Aviation Road in said Town of Queensbury on the I� 29th day of April, 1965, at 8:30 p. m. o'clock, on that day to consider •••' said map, plan and report and. to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law. l _ t The adoptionaf the foregoing order was-duly put to a vote, and upon roll call, the vote was as follows-, John ©�: Webster,, Supervisor voted Yes �T; Haxwc�hd Beaty, ...Councilman, voted Yes Curtis Lampson, Councilman, voted Yes Theodore' Turner, Counciltnan,.-mooted Yes Hammond-Robertson, Jr. , Councilman,voted Yes The order was thereupon` declared, duly adopted. Dated: April, M,,. 1965 At a Regular Meeting of the Town award of.-the- Town of Queensbury, ' Warren..Count:yi% New- York, held at the ' Weensburq' %heoll on the 15th day of - 4ri1,., 196% PRESENT:', jam 4Y.`'WEBSTER, Supervi"sur , IT. HARWOOD- BEATY, 1 Councilman CURTIS IANPSON,, Councilman THEODORE TURNER, Councilman HAM!'OND;ROBERTSON, JR. , Councilman 4 In the Matter Of" the E stablI shtent.. of-- ROUTE- 9 WATER-DISTR.I-CT in the Town of Queensbury, County._of-Warren and State of New York, pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town -Law. -- WHEREAS, a map,: plan, an& report have been prepared in such manner_ .and_ in such detail as- has heretofore -been determined by the I Town Board of the Town of Queensbury relating. to the proposed establishment of anew water district:, <to be known and -designated as the Route 9 Water .District in the; Town. oi Queensbury, and WHEREAS, such map, plan and report have been duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Towq .of. Queensbury, and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , of One Kestner Lane, Troy, N. Y. , a competent engineer duly licensed by the State of New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed .district, "the source, of water, supply, the mode of construction of the proposed water works and the location thereof, including water mains, distributing pipes and hydrants, and the proposed method of-operation,. together, with an estimate of the cost of construction of said proposed water system, an estimate of the annual cost of operation, and`the plan for, -- financing the cost of such construction and-of providing the revenues for debt service and the operation of said proposed water. system and other pertinent facts relating thereto,, and WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed Route 9 Water District areas follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly bounds of the present Queensbury Water District where the same is interee cted by the easterly bounds of Interstate Route 87, running from thence northerly along the easterly bounds -of Interstate Route No. 87, to the northwesterly corner of lands. -of John B. and Margaret Haskell; , thence running easterly '. along the northerly bounds° of the said. lands of - Haskell -to the, northeasterly corner thereof in the westerly bounde of Route. 9; thence running across Route. 9 to the northwesterly corner of lands of Kenneth Bennett; thence running along the northerly bounds of the_- said-:lands of Bennett- to ,the westerly bounds of lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Cor- poration (formerly the Hudson- Valley Railway: lands) ; thence running southeasterly along the southwesterly bounds of-the said lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation_ to a point in the easterly bounds of lands- of one� Tramposch; thence running southerly -along the- easterly bounds of the said lands of Tramposch' tothe' northeasterly corner of the lands of Nelson W. Griggs; thence running westerly along the norther-ly,.-.bounds, of the lands of Griggs. to the northeasterly, corne-r of lands of Warren County; thence continuing along the northerly bounds of the lands of' Warren Pounty in a -westerly direction, crossing U..S.,ROute No, 9, to the easterly bounds of Interstate Highway No. 87 at the point and place of .beginning," and . . WHEREAS, the improvements proposed generally consit of the construction and installation of mains to be connected to the water supply of the existing Queensbury Water District,lthe installation of pipes, hydrants valves and other appurtenances and equipement, and, WHEREAS, the estimated maximum cost of the proposed improve- '— meets, including engineering and legal services, is the sum of $36,50Q..00 .4nd ,the proposed method of financing such cost consists of the issuance of serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury in the amounts-of 04,675.00 to mature -in annual ;in4tallmer�ts over a period not exceeding thirty years, payable in- the first instance from an ad valorem tax levied, on all taxable real property in the proposed Route =9'Water District, and the payment of the balance of such estimated maximum cost of $1,825.00 from current funds to be provided for such purposes, and WHEREAS, the said map, plan and report describing the proposed Route 9 Water ,District and the- improvements therein are on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury for public inspection, Now, on motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman lampson, it is hereby ORDERED that the Torun Board of the .Town of Queensbury,, -Warren County, -New Y8rk, shall meet and hold a public hearing at j the Queensbury Junior High School .on Aviation Road ,in said Town of l— Queensbury 'on the 29th day of ,-April, 196:5, at 8-:45 o'clock, . P. M. , on that day to consider said map,: plan. and report ,and to hear all persons interested in the subject -thereof concerning the same and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law. The adoption of the foregoing order was duly put to a vote, and upon roll call, the vote was as follows: John 0. Webster,-, Supervisor, voted yes N. Harwood Beaty, ..Councilman, .voted yes Curtis Lampson, Councilman, voted yes Theodore Turner, .Councilman, voted. y„es Hammond Robertson, Jr, , Councilman voted Yes The order was thereupon declared duly adopted. Dated: April 15, 1965. At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queens- bury, Warren County, New York, held at the _Queensbury School on the 15th day of April, ,.1965. PRESENT: JOHN 0. WEBSTER, Supervisor N.� HARWOOD- BEATY, . Councilman CURTIS. _LAMPSON, .C.ouncilman THEODORE TURNER, Councilman HAMMOND ROBERTSON, JR. ,, Councilman In the matter of the Establ.ishinent of EXTENSION NO. 1 TO THE QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT in the Town of Queensbury, ..County of Warren and State of New York, pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law. WHEREAS, a map, plan and report have been, prepared in such manner and .in such detail as has thertofore been determined by, the, Town Board of the Town of Queensbury relating to the proposed _ establishment of an extension to be known and ,designated as Extension No. l to the existing Queensbury Water District in the Town of Queensbury, and - WHEREAS, such map , plan and report have been duly filed in the office _of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report ware prepared by- Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , of One Kestner Lane, Troy, N. Y. J. a competent engineer fuly licensed by the State of-.New York,. showing the boundaries of the proposed extension which will consist of the addition of two tracts of land immediately adjacent to the existing Queensbury Water District, and which map, plan and report shows that all lands within the proposed extension will _be served from the water supply of Queensbury Water District by existing mains adjacent to the proposed extension and that no construction will be required in the proposed extension, and that no expense other than engineering costs and legal fees will be required and WHEREAS, the boundaries of proposed Extension No. 1 to Queensbury .Water District are as follows: 9 "BEGINNING at a point on the northerly bounds of Glen'Lake Road at 'an Tangle point in' the present Queensbury. .Water District boundary, said point being the sddtheast corner' of the lands of Warren County, running thence in a northerly direction along tfi6° pteaent'°easterly bounds of the said water District to' ari angle point (1), in the sou- therly -bounds of the lands of Tramposch, said point also being the northeast .corner of the lands - of Warren County; thence easterly al:oiig the southerly bounds of the lands of Tramposch and the northerly bounds of the laflds of Nelson W', Griggs to a point (2) ; thence southerly along the easterly ' boundary of the lands of Griggs to a point (3) in the northYline-'of Glen Lake Road; thence westerly along the northerly bounds of Glen Lake Road to a p61nt (4) at `the intersection of the northerly bounds-6f-'C1en Lake Road with the easterly bounds of Courthouse Drive; thence southerly on a line being a-dont nuationlof the Bourse of Courthouse Drive, ,crossiTi"'Glen Lake 'Road, to a point (5) 500.00° feet `south4irly- fr6m'the center of Glen Lake Road, measured 'at right angles `therefrom; ._thenee running 'westerly and parallel 'to -Glen Lake Road, as the same winds and turns, and 500.00 feet sou- therly therefrom, measured at right angles from the center thereof, to a point (6) in the easterly bounds of the Queensbury Water District; � thence northerly along QUEENSBURY Water District boundary to:an single' 'point '(7) }.in the northerly bounds of -- - Glen Lake Road; thence 64.6terly along the Queens- bury Water. .District boundary, and the northerly bounds of Glen Lake Road, to the point and place of beginning, said parcel containing approximately 78.2 acres. ALSO BEGINNING at a point on the northerly bounds • - of the present: Queensbury Water District where the same is intersected by the .easter-ly bounds of the lands `of Vera Twichell, and the westerly-line of the lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence'vesterly and northerly along the present Queensbury Water District boundary to a point (8) where the same is -intersected by the northerly , - "bounds of 'Lot 51 of the first subdivision of the Town of Queensbury; thence easterly along. the northerly bounds of said Lot 51, the same being northerly bounds of the said lands of Twichell, to a point (9) iii the northeasterly corner of the lands of Twich&ll °and, the` westerly "bounds of the lands o f� the Niagara -Mohawk Power Corporation; thence' southerly along the easterly bounds of the lands of Twichell and -the westerly -bounds of the lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to the point and 'place of- beginning., said parcel *containing -approximately .21.Q acres" and- WHEREAS, the estimated maximum cost of the establishment of said proposed extension, including engineering and legal services, is the sum of $1,000.00 which will be paid from current funds to be provided for such purpose and not indebtedness will be incurred for such purpose, and 10 WHEREAS, the said map, .p lan. and report describing the proposed. Extension No. 1 to .the Queensbgry _Water District and the improvements therein are .on file in the office of -the Town Clerk of the Town^of Queensbury..for..public inspection, Now, on motion of Councilman .Beaty, , seconded by Councilman Robertson, it is-.hereby - ^ORDERED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,- New .York .shall,meet and hold a public hearing at the Queensbury Junior High School on Aviation Road in said Town of _ Queensbury on the 29th day of April, 1965,, at 9:00 o'clock,, -.P.M. , on that day to consider said map, plan and report and to hear all persons interested in the-,,subj ect thereof concerning the same and . to take such action thereon as ;is required or authorized by law. The adoption ,of the -foregoing order was duly put to a vote, and upon roll call, the vote was as .follows: John 0. Webster Supervisor, voted yes N. Harwood Beaty, .Councilmsn, voted Yes Curtis Lampson, Councilman, voted yes Theodore Turner,. Councilman.,, voted yes Hammond Robertsonn, Jr. , .Counci, m. ai ' voted yes The order was thereupon declared duly adopted. Dated: April 15, 1965 Lengthy discussion on all aspects -ol- the future planning for the Queensbury Water-District took place at ,this time. The plans a§ considered to drill a new well in the present well field were discussed. Councilman. Beaty, was directed to endeavor to secure 1 a deed on an...option to buy a quarter of additional land f€v the j well field from the owner Mrs. Martha Frieberger. .� RESOLUTION NO. $2, introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Beaty. WHEREAS, the�Town. Boardchas determinedr that it is necessary to provide a Building- Inspector for the enforcement of the Mobile Home Ordinance and, the Multiple R.es,idence,_ ,Inspector, and. WHEREAS, Arthur W. Monthie is willing to act as such Building Inspector.. and Multiple Residence Inspector at a compensation of $600.00 per year, be it - RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury enter into a contract with Arthur.W. Monthie. for his services as Building Inspector and Multiple- Residen;ce. Inspector fora-period of. one year from April 15th, 1965, at a compensation of $600.0.0 and 'that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to, execute such contract on behalf of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following -Vote:.„ Ayes Mr. Featy,`Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampoon,, Mr.. Robertson and Mr. Webster.. Noes - None . 1 RESOLUTION TO DISAPPROVE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO.''83, introduced`by Mr. Robertson, seconded: by Mr. Beaty. WHEREAS, John Stranahan of R.F.D. #1, Lake George, New York, has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c)-Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queengbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE. and MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE -TOWN OF QUEENS- BURY WARREN -COUNTY,, NSW YORK, ..to..locate a...mobile home-outside of a duly .licensed ..mohile. home_court at property situated i mile North of Route 149 on Bay Road, West Side, and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a--public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are not sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, for the following reasons: Several persons attended the hearing in opposition with not a person in favor. This board feels that in granting this request it would have adverse effects on property values in the area and that granting of the permit is not in the best interest of the health and welfare of the area. RESOLVED, that pursuant to the pro-Visions of the above mentioned ordinance, the application of John Stranahan of R.F.D. #1, Lake 'George., New York to locate a mobile home outside a licensed ,mobile home court at property situated i mile North of Route 149 r or Bay Road West Side is hereby disapproved, 4nd that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to advise John Stranahan of the decision of this board. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner., Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None. . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, George C. Crannell Town Clerk i