1965-04-29 SP 23 Speeia.l Meeting April 29, 1965 Plcsseht: John 0. Webster- Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson , Councilman Hammond.Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order at 5:40 P. m, _ Supeiser Webster greeted the following visitors: Mr. Frank Lockhart Mr. Wilfred Derway Attorney Donald Barth Mrs. Jeanette Riley Mr. &- Mrs, Perry- Crawford _ Mr. Orman Holden Mr. & Mrs. Sheridan- Gilman Mr. Otto Kuhl Mr. & Mrs. Waite Mr. James- Starbuck Dr. & Mrs. James Blake Mr. John Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Olton Mr. Robert Wilbur Mr. Stephen Quade r Atty,. Albert E.` Beswick Mr.- Harald Woodruff - Mr. Bernard- J. Codner Mr. Herbert D. Garrant Mr. Thomas Flaherty Mr* -William J. Tremblay Mr. LeRoy Phillips Mr.-4 Mrs Hermen Mohler Supervisor Webster opened the Public Hearing on the= Ordinance for the Plum Point Residential Zone, at this time. The clerk presented the proof of publication. With no request from the visitors the reading of the notice was omitted. c Supervisor Webster -requested a.voice from any persons to opposition to the ordinance. f Attorney Albert E. Beswick discussed the fact that a section number5 has,.- been inserted in the ordinance to make room for a, possible request for a variance to the ordinance. Mr. -Ste Quade raised the question as to what notice would be given to the residents of tle residential zone should a request be received -for .a variance. Mr. Quade was advised that the normal i posting of a notice would .take, glace. With no further discussion the hearing was declared closed. A metiop;-was made by Councilman Hammond Robertson, .Jr.,. aud seconded by Councilman N. Harwood -Beaty,,, that the ordinance be .adopted as follows: TAB ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PLUM POINT RESIDENTIAL. ARSBA. IN THE LAKE.GEORGE._PARK. Be it Enacted and Ordained by the Town Board of the Town ;_,pf-.Queeasbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section 1. The word "person" as used in this ordinance shall include an individual, society,, club, firm, partnership, ,corporation or association of persons, and the singular number shall include the area. The words "residential area" shall have the intended and provided by Article 13-C of-the General %micipal Law. The legislative intent in the adoption of the ordinance shall be as set forth in Section 280 of the General , Manfcipal Law. i i i 24 Section 2. ' Pursuant to the provisions of Article -C of the General Municipal Law, ther is hereby established a residen- tial area in that portion of the Town of Queensbury wholly within. the Lake George Park bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the easterly shore of Lake George at the northeasterly corner of- the landswof Antigua Motel and the most northerly corner of the lands of Anna Crannell, running from thence southeas- terly, easterly and southerly along the shore of the` said Lake to a point therein in the easterly bounds of lot 10 and- the westerly bounds- of lot 11 of- the r- rei chi =' Mountain Tract, said point being near the southerly end of Dunhams 85;y and a short distance north of New - York State Highway number 9-L, and' said point being in •° the easterly bounds of-lands of Joshua's Rock Corpora- •° tion; running from thence southerly along a portLdn of . the easterly bounds of- lot 10 and the westerly bounds of lot 11, being also along the easterly bounds of the said lands• of 'Joshua's Rock Corporation, to a point at the northeasterly corner of lands of Allison Ellsworth;. - thence running westerly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Allison Ellsworth and the southerly- bounds of lands of Joshua' s Rock Corporation -to a point." at the southwesterly corner of the said lands of Joshua's Rock Corporation and the northwesterly corner of the said lands of Allison Ellsworth, said corner' being on the line between lots 8 and 10 of the French Mountain Tract; thence running northerly along the ;! > ' easterly bounds of the said lot 8 and the westerly bounds of the said lot 10; being-along the westerly bounds of lands of Joshua' s Rock Corporation, to a point in the center ,of New York State Highway number 9-L; thence running in :a northerly, westerly, south- westerly and northwesterly direction along the said bounds of New York State Highway number 9-L to a point therein at .the. .southwesterly corner of the -lands- of Frank and Jessie Lockhart and the most southerly corner' j of the lands of FiM. Bishop; thence running in '-a north- westerly direction along the westerly bounds of the lands of the said Bishop, 276.50 feet, °more or less; to ' a point at the northwesterly corner thereof and the southwesterly corner of the lands -of James Blake; thence running in a northwesterly direction along the westerly bounds of the lands of the said James Blake, 100 feet, mom or ,less, to a point at the northwesterly corner thereof and the southwesterly corner of the lands "of Anna Crannell; thence running in a northwesterly direction along the westerly bounds of the lands of the said Anna -Crannell, 157.60 feet, more or less, to a point at the northwesterly corner thereof; thence run- ning in a northeasterly direction along the northerly bounds of the lands of the said Anna 'Crannell and the southerl bounds of the lands of Anti Motel r ert ` 210 y � P oP y�' .: feet, more or less, to the shore of Lake George at the point and place of beginning," t Section 3. On and after the effective date of this ordinance, no person shall use any real property within the boundariesof`the aforesaid residential area for any industrial commercial purpose - except that any residence within the_ - said residential area ssy be leased or rented for single private family residential purpose," but this ordinance shall not apply nor prohibit a non-conforming 25 (Ordinance establishing Plum Pmint Residential Zoning - continued) use in existence at the time of the effective date of this ordinance. Section 4. If the Town Board of the Town, of Queensbury shall hereafter -adept. and- enact a general- zoning=ordinance- for the entire Town ofs Queensbury.. and-. any provisions -of= such general zoning ordinance relating to the use of real property in the said resi- dential area established by this ordinance shall conflict with or be inconsistent with any provision of such general zoning ordi- nance t then provisionns of-such. general• zoning-ordinance shall supersede the-provisions of this ordinance- and shall govern the use of such property. Section 5. The Town Board of the- Town ,of Queensbury slxall have the power to grant a proper and appropriate variance from thls, ordinanrce; to. authorize or permit a­necessary or desirable- use of land or prevent.unnecessary hardship in an individual or particular instance. Such variance shall be by resolution adopted bar xaw-afafit-mative'-vote..of a majority of the total--membership of the town board and a-variance shall bei•granped only after a public hearing. Notice-- of-such public hearing shall be-published. once in the official newspaper and posted on the bulletin board of the Town Clerk. Such notice- shall contain the name of the owner of the property for which a variance has been requested, a sufficient description-- to identify the partieulare property for which a variance has been requested and a concise statement of the parti- cular proposed use for which the variance has been requested. The application by an owner to the Town Board shall be by written petition which shall contain the foregoing information: Section 6. A violation of this ordinance shall be an offense punishable upon conviction by a fine not to exceed One Hundred Dollars or imprisonment for not to exceed sixty-daps, or both,-aiLd each calendar week',s continued violation shall consti- tute a separate additional violation. In addition to the fore- going penalties provided for a violation of this ordinance, the Town-Board-o f--the-Town--®-f-Queeaebury-$hall.have the._.right_to_-__ apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for an order to restrain and enjoin any proposed or threatened: violation of this ordinance. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. - I The 'publ;tc, hearing.,on- the application- of Sheridan Gilman of 32 Pine, Street, West -Glens Falls;--view- York, to locate a Mobile H6*e outside of a duly licensed Mobile Home Court was declared open at this time by Supervisor Webster,. i Proof of Publication was-presented-by the Clerk. The original application for the permit was read by the .Clerk. The reading of the" Published-not-ice was dispensed with at this time. Supervisor Webster requested any voice in opposition to granting the pern}it. _There were none„ In his own behalf Mr. Sheridan Gilman stated that he is physicialy unable to build a home for his family at this time. 26 The problem-of=water supply to the location was discussed at length by the Town Board. The board expressed favor to grant the request for the permit at a. later time in the meeting. The hearing was declared closed at this time. The Public Hearington the application of Jeannette Riley to locate a mobile home outside ofla' duly licensed Mobila,Home Court was declared open at this time. Proof of publication was presented by the clerk. The original:%application for. the ppermit was read -by the clerk. The reading�of 'the published notice was dispensed-with. Supervisor Webster requested any voice in opposition to granting the permit., There were none. , Jeannette'- Riley 'stated-that she- has no . further• information to­add except what Is ott .the original application.= \ r A decisiotilvab reaehed that approval of the application would .be reserved at this ,time'; $pending a report -of-inspection.-by the newly appointed Building Inspector of "the Town' of�Qaeensbury: The hearing was declared closed at this time. The Public Hearing on;,the establishment of the•Bay Road Water District was declared open at this time. Proof of Publication was presented by the clerk. The Posting, of'ther,Notice -was handled, by�the clerk as follows-, In the Matter o,f.. the E stabli shiaent"b f` BAY ROAD WATER DISTRICT in the. Town of Qtteensbury, Warren County., New_York, ' pursuant to Article 12-A of-'the Town Law r . . aaa aaaa as aaaaaaraaa�a aaa�.aaiawrijiaii"�ii'saaaiYaa�awas aaasaaaaaASaa'_ STATE OF NEVI"TURK' ., ss " COUNTY OF WARREN : GEORGE C. CRANNELL, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the'Torte Clerk of` the Town of Queensbury,. Warrren County,..New Yof— 9nd that", on' the 15th,-day of Apr4- .1965,.:the Town Board of said Town of Queensbury. duly adopted an order. for., a public hearing on the map, plan and report filed'. in the Town Clerk's office for the establishment of Bay Road Water District i;� said Town of Qaeensbdry; and t tat an the 16th day' of April, 1965 deponent duly posted a certified copy of said order -on the �Illetin board 'oti"the -front of the Town Clerk's office on Dixon Road in said Town of Queensbury. George C.- Crawwll.. Sworn td` befdte me on this 29th day of April, 1965 Theodore Turner Notary Public 27 Supervisor Webster requested any voice of opposition or favor in the establishment of the Bay Road Water District. Mr. Robinson sgjke in favor of the proposed water district with a statement that in the location wheat he is building a new home; there will be over 100 futute' resideuteslin a sub-dtivision being formed. Mrs. Mohler spoke in favor of the water district. , , ,;.John Hughes a building contractor questioned the Town Board as to h6i'long he must wait for the proposed construction of..th. Bay Road Water District.'s - The hearing was declared closed at this time. At a .Regular Meeting of the Town Board of- the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y., held at- the - Queensbury School. on the 29th day of April-,' 1965; :PSE�1T: JOHN 0. WEBSTER, Supervisor. N. HARWO(O- BUTY Councilman" CURTIS aAMPSON, _Councilman THEODORE .TURNER,. Councilman HAMMOND ROBERTSON,' JR. , Councilman 1n the ,Matter _ of . the Establishment of BAY ROAD WATER DISTRICT, in the Town of Queensbury, County_of -Warren:. and State of New York, pursuant to- Article ­ 12-A of the Town Law. `;'WHEREAS, a map, plan and report relating to the establish- mex�, . :of the .proposed Bay Road Water District prepared by Joseph A, R,estner, Jr. , a competent engineer' duly licensed by the State of'New York; �in -the manner and in such detail as has been deter- mined by the'Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has been filed with, the Town .Clerk of the Town of' Queensbury in accordance with the requirements of Article 12-A of the Town Law, and WHEREAS, an drder was duly° adopted by- the -Town Board of the Town 4 Queensbuiy on: April '15, 1965; reciting the filing of such map;ap an, and report, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the .proposed district, . the estimate"d expense thereof, the pro- posed,method of financing the cost' thereof, the fact that the map, plan and report describing the same are on file in the office of the `Town Clerk ,for public inspection,' and stating all other matters .required 'by law to be stated and specifying April 29, 1965., at 8:30 o'clock, P. M. (D.S.T.) as the time and the Quoeusbu y.School on the Aviation Road '�in -said Town as a place where the Town Board will meet to consider the map, plan and report, and to_hear all.persons 'interested °in -the-subject thereof concerning the same -and to take such action thereon as is autho- riied or required by la-4, and 28 WHEREAS, .such order was duly .published,-,and posted as required .by-,law, and WHEREAS, a hearing on said,.matter .was duly held by. the Town- Board .of the Town-of Queensbury on this 29th day of April,' 1965' - beginning at,. L ,o'clock", P,.M. (D.S.T.) at the Queens- bury School in said Town and a full .discussion of the matter having been had and all persons desiring to be heard concerning the same having been heard, RESOLUTION NO 88, Now upon the evidence given upon such hearing. and.upon._a motion made by Councilman Turner, who moved._its. ' adoption, seconded by Councilman Beaty, it is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED (a) That the order containing the notice of hearing was published and.posted as required by law. (b) That all property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby. (c) That all the'property and..&Operty owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district. (d) That it is in the public interest to establish said water district,, and be it `&rttier RESOLVED'AND DETERMINED*that° the establishment of the . water district, as set forth--in. said• map, plan and report, be approved; that the improvement therein be constructed, and the necessary land and easments be acquired, upon the required funds being made available and provided for; .and that 'such district shall be known and designated as the Bay Road Water District in the Town of Queensbury and shall be "bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING' at a point in the easterly- bounds-. &E- the. - present-Queensbury Water District where. the•.game is intersected by the southerly bounds of lands leased to the Glens Falls .Country Club ,by, Harry and 'tt ' Chesebro; the said point of-beginning being:'to the easterly bounds of Extension number four of the '` former North Glens Falls Water District, running' from thence easterly along the southerly bounds of 'the said lands leased 'to the Glens Falls Country Club, crossing Country Club Road,, to the easterly bounds thereof; thence running northerly along the easterly bounds of Cduntsy Club.to the northerly bounds of lands ,of said Chesebro; thence running` easterly along the northerly .bounds of said lands_ ­of Chesebro to a point for a corner; thence .run ,. ning northerly .parallel, to Country Club Road., - crossing lards of the 'Glens Falls Country Club and and lands. of Preston and tle Thomas,, to the south- westerly corner 'of the lands df Robert -Reed; thence running -northerly along the westerly bounds of the said lands of Reed to the northwesterly corner '{ thereof; thence running easterly along the' udrth- erly bounds of the said lands of Reed to_a point; thence running North} 04 degrees and 00 minutes ' East, crossing the lands of the Glens Falls Insur- ance Company to a marble monument at the south- 29 (Resolution No. 88 - continued) easterly corner of lands now or formerly of one Newton; thence running North 04 degrees and 00 minutes East along the. easterly bounds of the said lands of Newton, 700.26 feet to a stone monument at the northeasterly corner thereof; thence running North 04 degrees and 00 minutes East,. crossing lands of' the Glens Falls Insurance Company, to .the. northwesterly corner of the lands now or formerly of one Linton; thence running South a 14 degrees and 37 minutes.West, 100.00 feet along the westerly- bounds of the -said lands of Linton, to ` an iron pipe at the southwesterly corner thereof; thence running' South 83 degrees and 48 minutes East along the southerly bounds of the said lands of Linton and continuing the same course to and crossing Bay Road to_a point in the easterly bounds thereof, said _point being in the westerly bounds of lands of the Glens. Falls Insurance Company; thence .; running North .23- degrees and 25 minutes East along the easterly bounds of Bay Road, being also the westerly bounds of the said lands of the Glens ` Falls Insurance Company, to the intersection of fencesaat the northwesterly corner thereof; thence running South 81 degrees and 52 minutes East along the northerly-bounds of the said lands of the Glens Falls Insurance Company 1280.1 feet to an iron pipe at the- southeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of Harold Hillis; thence running South 82 degrees and 24 minutes East 248.30 feet to the intersection of fences at- the northwesterly corner of lands A : formerly of, John G Haviland; thence running South 06 degrees and 24..minutes West along the westerly bounds -of lands formerly of John G. Haviland 4004.50 feet to an angle ,point .in the boundary line; thence running North 81 degrees and 14 minutes West along the said lands of Havilalhd, 64.70 feet; thence run- nin�g South 05 degrees .and 36 minutes West along the westerly bounds of the said lands of Haviland, 820.90 feet to the northerly bounds of lands of John M. and Wilma 1 . Hughes; thence running South 81 degrees and 55 minutes East along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Hughes, 1140.91 feet to the westerly bounds of Meadowbrook Road; thence running South 0.6 degrees and 13 minutes West along the westerly bounds of Meadowbrook Road, .574.30 feet to_the northeasterly corner of. the lands of William and Claire Aronson; .thence running North 83 degrees and 09 minutes West along the northerly bounds of . the said lands of Aronson, 200400 feet, thence southerly parallel to Meadowbrook Road, and 200.00 feet distant therefrom,. to the southerly bounds of the said, lands of Aronson to the westerly l bounds of Meadowbrook Road to the centerline of Halfway Brook; thence 'running easterly along the center of Halfway Brook, crossing Meadowbrook Road,to the iiorthwastdrly corner of the lands of Frank and Anna Sundberg; ' thence running southerly along the center of dry brook, so called, which forms the easterly bounds of the lands of Sundberg, to the northeasterly corner of lands of Freihofer, thence running easterly along the northerly bounds of the 30 said lands of Freihofer, Sizse and Hollis Cross to the northeasterly corner of the said lands of Hollis Cross; thence running easterly on a line being 4- continuation of the preceding course, crossingethe lands of Paul Krebs, to the westerly bounds .of lands of one._Dolan; thence running morthefly along the westerly 'bounds of the lands of Dolan to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence running easterly along the northerly bounds of -Dolan -and Maynard anal Dorothy Brooks to the north- ' ' . easterly corner of, the"sa d` lands of Brooks to the northwesterly corner of lands formerly of Earl and Dorothey Atwell; thence running North 82 degrees and 50 minutes East along the northerly bounds of the said lands formerly owned by Atwell, 531.94 .feet to the westerly bounds of Friends Cemetery; thence running northerly along the westerly bounds of the.-said cemetery lands to the northwesterly corner thereof'; thence running southeasterly along the northeasterly bounds of the said cemetery lands to the center of Ridge Road; thence running north- easterly, crossing Ridge Road, to the northwesterly cornet of lands of Norman: L and Eloise Calkins; thence running southeasterly along the northeas- terly bounds of the lands of the said Calkins to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence running 'southwesterly along the southeasterly bounds of the said lands. of Calkins to the northerly bounds of lot 17 of the first subdivision of Queensbury; thence running easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lot 17 to the northeasterly corner of the present Queensbury Water District; thence following the northerly bounds of the present Queensbury Water District in a westerly and nor-- ---'' therly direction to the point and place of begin- ning," and be it further RESOLVED that the proposed improvement, including construction costs, cost of _acquisition of lands and easements, legal and engineering feee fees and all other expenses, be financed by the issuance and sale of serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury to mature in such number of annual installments not exceeding thirty, _as may hereinafter be deter- ; mined "by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, payable in the first instance from ad valorem taxes levied 6n all taxable property in said district, and be it further RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to permissive referendum-as provided in Section 209-e of the Town Law, and that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to give due public notice of, fhe adoption of this resolution in the manner provided by law. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a � vote, -,and upon roll call, the vote was as follows: John .O. Webster, Supervisor , ves N. Harwood Beaty, _Councilman yes Curtis LAmpson, Councilman ,yes Theodore Turner, Councilman ,yes Hammond Robertson, Jr. , Councilman yes 31 -The Public Hearing on the establishment of the Route 9 Water District was declared open at this time. Pro6f 'of Publication was presented by the clerk. The Posting of the Not'i'ce was 'bandled by the -clerk as follows: In the 'Matter of the Establishment of ROUTE'I9 WATER DISTRICT in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New_.York `.pursuant to Article 12-A ._nf t -T4nmt Law. iY►ri. irr Tier rrrrrrrir rrrr+rrrri�rar�rrrrrr�`i rrr�r'rrrr-r---rr--rr STATE, OF NEW YORK ss COUNTY OF WARREN s` GOERGE C.' CRANNELL,"being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Town''Clerk o f"the i Town of Qaeen sbuy'y o Warren County, New York$. and that on 'the,.15th 'day of April, 1965,, the Towt�' Board of sa d-;T6*n of* Queensbury •duly adopted an order for a public hearing on�.the map, plan and report filed in the Town Clerk's office for the establishment of Route 9 Water District in said Town of Queensbury --and that 'on the 16th day of April, 1965, deponent duly posted a certified copy of said order on the bulletin board on the front of the Town Clerk's office on Dixon Road in said 'Town `of'.Queensbury. George C. Crannell Sworn to before me on thi's 29th day of April, 1965 Theodore Turner Notary Public t . Supervisor Webster requested any voice of opposition or favor in the establishment of the Route 9 Water District. Mr. 'Tramposh a businessman within the proposed district expressed his favor for the esteblishmant 'of' the Route 9 Water District as soon as possible. The public hearing was declared closed on the establishment of the Route 9 Water District. At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y., held at the Queensbury School on the 29th 'day of April, 1965. PRESENT: JOHN 0`. WEBSTER, Supervisor N. HARWOOD BEATY, Councilman THEODORE TURNER,. Councilman ' CU$TIS. LAMPSON,. Councilman HANMOND ROBERTSON, JR., -Councilman In the Matter of . the Establishment of ROUTE 9 WATER DISTRICT, IN THE ..Town of Queensbury, County o€-Warren and State of New York, pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law. 32 WHEREAS, a map plan and report relating to the establish- ment of the proposed Roupe 9 Water District prepared by Joseph- A. Kestner, Jr. , a competent engineer duly licensed by the State of New York, in the manner and in such detail as has been deter- mined by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has been filed with the Town. Clerk of the Town. of Queensbury in accordance with the requirements of Article. 12-A of the- Town Law, and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town_ ,of.,Queensbury;on April -15, 1965, reciting, the .filing of such,map, plan and report, .tie improvements proposed,` the boundaries of�th:e-prepesed-dlistr4,ct.,-..the_ e..st;,larpd .expense__therrof._ the. Pro- posed method of financing the cost thereof, the fact that the map, plan and report describing the same are on file in the offioe of the Town Clerk for public inspection, and stating all other matters required by law to be stated and specifying April 29, 1965, at 8:45 o'clock, P.M. , (D.S.T.) as the time and the Queensbury.School Qn the Aviation..Road in said Town as a place where the Tom Board will meet to-consider- the *ap, plan and report,, and to hear all persons interested -in the ,subject thereof concerning the same and to take such action thereon as .is autho- rized or required by law, and WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted a- required. .by law, and WHEREAS, a hearing on- said matter was duly held by the. Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on this 29th day of April, 1965,, beginning at>_8:45 o'clock, P.M. (D.S.T.) at the ,Queens- bury School in said Town and full._discussion of the matter having been had and all persons desiring to be heard concerning the—., same having been heard, RESOLUTION NO. 89, Now, upon the evidence given upon such hearing, and upon, a motion made by Councilman Robertson, who moved its* adoption, seconded by Councilman Lampson, it is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED: (a) That the order containing the notice of hearing was published and posted as required bylaw. ` r. (b) That all property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby, (c) That all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district. (d) That 3t is in the public interest to establish said water district, and be it further RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the establishment of the water district, as set forth -in said map, Elan and report, be approved; that the improvements therein be constructed, and the necessary land and easements be acquired, upon the required funds being made available and provided for; and that such district shall be known and designa�gd as the Joute 9 Water District in the Town of Queensbury- and shall be bounded and described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point on the northerly bounds of the..present Queensbury Water District where the same is intersected by the easterly bounds of Interstate Route 87, running from thence northerly i 33 along the easterly bounds of Interstate Route No. 87, to the northwesterly corner of lands of John B. and Margaret Haskell; thence running easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of .. ,Haskell ta thw_noi;tbiea starly ._corner thereof in the westerly bounds .of.Route,9; :thence running across Route:,9.. to..the:northwesterly corner of sands of Kenneth..Bennett;.. thence running along the northerly bounds.,,,of_t w..said lauds.of Bennett to -the westerly bounds of lands. ot...the Niagara. Mbhawl:, Po-4er Cor- poration (formerly the Hudson Valley Railway lands) ; thence rurnaing southeast erly�aloug the sot4thwesterly bounds :of.:the. said :lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to a point in the easterly bounds of lands of one Tramposch; thence running southerly along the easterly bounds of the said lands of Tramposch to the northeasterly cornet of the lands of Nelson W. Griggs; thence running westerly along the. northerly_bounds of the lands of Griggs to the northeasterly corner of lands of Warren County; thence continuing along the •northerly boliids' of - the lands,o€ Warren Cq=ty in a westerly direction, crossing .U.S.,•..Route No. 9, to the easterly bounds of Interstate Route No. 87 at the point and place of beginning,," and be it further RESOLVED that the proposed improvement, Including construction costs, .cost. .o€ acquisition of lands and easements, legal and engineering fees akid all other expenses; be financed by the issuance and sale of serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury to mature in such number of annual_.installVent.s not exceeding thirty, as may hereafter be determined by the-T©'wn Board of. the.Town of Queensbury, payable in the first instance from ad valorem taxes-levied on all taxable real property in said district, and be it further RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to permissive referendum as provided in Section 209-e.,of the Town. Law, and that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is..directed to: gjve, due public notice of the adoption of this resolution- in .t:he ,manner provided,-by law. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly puf ta 'a vote, and upon roll call, the vote -was as follows: John; 0. -Webster; Supervisor yes N. -Harwood Beaty, ,Councilman yes Curtis Lampson, Councilman, ves Theodore Turner-, .Councilman , yep Hammond Robertson, Councilman} yes The public hearing on the establishment of Extension No: l to the densbury Water District was declared open at -tt}is time. Proof ,,,of Publication was .pres$n�ed by ,the .,clerk. The .Posting of the Notice-was-,,handled bye the clerk as follows: In„ the M4t;ter the�Establishment of EXTENSION NO. l to the QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ''is,)the Town of Queensbury;- Warren County, New York, pursuant to Artic le 12-A of the Town Law. — r --rr-rr--r r r r-rr-r rrrr--rrrrr 34 STATE OF NEW"CORK COUNTY OF 'WARREN ; GEORGE Co' CRANNELL- being duly `swb= deposes and says that he is. the .Town :Clerk of 'the 'Town of�Queensbury,' Warren County, New York and:that on .the 15th`day of April, 1965, the Town Board of said Town of Queensbury duty addoted an order for a public hearing° on, the*%ap', plan and report-•filed in the Town - Clerk's 'off3.te 'for ,thei.''establisbrient of &tension No. 1 to the Queens6ury-Water District and.' hat on the 16th day of April, 19659'- deponent duly pasted,.a•certified',copy ot said order on the bulletin board on the front of- the Town Clerk's office on Dixon Road in said Town of Queensbury, `- George C. Crannell Sworn to before me on this 29th day of April, 19,65.` Theod6re Turner—P Supervisor Webster requesied' any voice of- opposition or favor dkn the establishment ofathe $xtension`No. 1 to the Queensbury Water District; With no one appearing in oppositon or favor the public hearing was declared closed; _ At a Regular Meeting-oaf the r, Town Board of the Town of Queensbury "Warren County; New York, held at t the Queensbury School on the 29th day of April, 1965; PRESENT: JOHN 0. WEBSTER, Supervisor --� N, RARWOOD BEATY, Councilman CURTIS. _IAMPSON,_ Councilman THEODORE TURNER, Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. , Councilman In the Matter of the Establishment of EXTENSION .NO -1 TO THE QUEENSMXRY WATER DISTRICT in the Town of Queensbury,. County -of.Warren and State of New York, pursuant torArticle• 12-A of the Town._Law. -WHEREAS, a map, plan and report relating to the-.establish- went of proposed_Extension No. 1 to Queensbury Water District prepared by Joseph•A; Kestner Jr, a competent. .engineer duly licensed by the State bf Nevi Yorkr' in the�minaer and in such detail as has been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury 1 has been filed with the Town' Clerk of- the Town of Queensbury in accordance with requirements of Article 12-A of the Town Law, and WHEREAS, an order was- duly adopted by the Town Board--of the Town of Queensbury on April 15, 1965, .reciting the filircg. of_ such. map, plan and report, the boundaries of the proposed extension and ---a-statement-that-no-constraction-will--be-required-fn-the prepesed- 35 extension and that ub expense other than the� bngiiieering costs and legal fees will be required,,° the fact that the map, plan and report describing they same are on file in the pffice of the Town C1e k' for public inspection."and° stating all other matters re- quired by law "to`be stated, and specifying• April~ 29, 1965 at 9:00r a'clock, P.M. (D.9-.T'.) as the time and the' Queensbury School. on the Aviation, Road in 'said town as the place where the Town Board will meet 'to c6nsider the map, plan and report and to hear 'all persons- interested in the subjeet- thereoC C-concerning same and to take "such action thereon as is :euthoriaed or required b *,'law and -- ikIEREAS01 such order was duly'published'and posted as required by law,' and WITEREA,S,` a hearing on said matter, was duly held by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on this 29th day of April, 1965, beginning at 9:00 o'clock, P.M. , (D.S.T.) at the Queens- bury School 'in said Town and full.-discu.asion•,af the matter having been had and all persons 'desiring, to' be heard having been heard, RESOLUTION. N0. 903, Now, upon Avidence' given 'on .such hearing and upon it-motion made by Councilman Beaty, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Robertson,- it is - 'RESOLVED AND DETERMINED: (a) Thdt the order containing the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law. (b) That all property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby. (c) -That all' the property and property owners benefited are "included within the limits of the proposed district. e - -(d) That it is in the public interest to establish said water-district, and be it futther RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the establishment of Extension Nw 1 to the._.Queensbury Water District, as set forth in ,-said map, plan and report, be approved -axed that such extension shall be . known and designated as Extension No. 1 to Queensb%}ry Water Dis- triak, and shall be bounded And .-described.$s =foblvws: ;. "BEGINNING at a point on the northerly bounds of Glen-Lake. Road at an angle #oi°nt-in the present Queensbury Mater District boundary,- said point ...being-the southeast .-coiner -of the lands of ,Warren County, rdnniug-.thence in a nowtherly •directton along the present easterly bounds of the said . water district to an angle point (1) in the sou- therly bo nds of- the sands 'of Tramposch, said point 'also being the northeast- corner .of the lands of Warren County; thence easterly along the =- southerly bounds of the lands of 7 ramposch and the , northerly bounds. of, the.lands bf Nelson W. Griggs to a point (2) ; thence soVtherly •along the easterly _",boundary of -lands of Griggs to a point -(3) in _the north line of,Glen,Lake;Road; thence westerly along the northerly bounds of Glen Lake Road to a point (4) at the intersection of the northerly bounds o€ Glen Lake Road with the easterly bounds of Courthouse Drive; i 36 ' Of'Courth6rUse, Drive;-- thence southerly ft- a li being a continuation, of• the .courso�.cf CeurthouAe Drive, crossing Glen Lake Road;, to a .point (5) 500,00 feet sontherl fr the- center`.of slen Lake Y�` Pm Roa& messpred $t right- an gles, therefrom; _thenee- running westerly and paral]:ea. t6 Glep 4ke _Roaad, as the same winds and turns and 50040 feet 404T.,, therly therefrom, measured at -right 4ngles ,.ftom the center-thereof. to-.a point- (b)' in the easterly.. ; bounds' of the Queensbury'Water Di;stritt; thevoe northerly along Queensbury Water District boundary: to an angle point (7) in the northerly bounds of Glen Lake Road; thence easterly along the Queens- bury Water District boundary, and the northerly ,,- bounds of Glen Lake Road, to the point and place " of" beginning, -said parcel containing approximately 78.2 acres, ALSO 'BEGINNING at, a point-�on� the 'northerly. bounds-r ,, of the 'present` Queensbury Water -District wheret thek, same is intersected by the easterly bounds of the lands of Vera Twichell, and- the-'wester_lyx litre .of the lands- of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence westerly in4 •northerly. •along the present. Queensbury Water District boundary to a point (8) where the same is intersected by the northerly bounds of Lot 51 of the first subdivision of the Town of Queensbury; thence easterly .along" the northerly bounds of said Lot- 51, the same` being northerly bounds of the said lands of Twichell, to a point (9) in the northeasterly corne"r ,of the lands of Twichell and the westerly :bounds: of the lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence southerly along the -easterly .bounds of the lands 'of Twichell and the westerly bounds of -the _., lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; to the point and,.place of beginning, said parcel containing approximately 21:0 acres", and be_it further RESOLVED that the expenses of-the establishment -of ,Exteusion No. 1 to Queensbury Water District, including engineering and legal services, be paid from.current funds availablee for such...'.- purpose and that no indebtedness`be incurred •for such' purposei and be it further RESOLVED that this resolution is subject td permissive referendum as._provided in Section :209-e of� the Town Law, and that the Town Clerk be and' he- hereby is.-directed to-give due public notice of the adoption of this ,resolutton •in -the manner provided'by law. The adoption 'of the' foiegoing resolution was duly put to a vote, and upon roll call, 'the vote was -as-fellows: John 0, Webster, Supervisor yes --� • N. Harwood Beatq, .`Councilman , •. , ...es. Curtis"tamp-soti, Councilman` , rimes, Theodore Turner, 'Councilman- ►ees_ Hammond Robertson, Jr, ,' Councilman ves 3 Mr. LeRoy Phillips, Chief of Police reported to the Town Board on the effort to date- in eliminati4g 3:ittering on highways within the Town. Severly poorly kept residents were discussed by the Chief. Meetion-.was also made of possible pollution to streams within the town, resulting from operation of Laundermats. RESOLUTION NO. 91, introduced^1 by-Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson, WNES, the Water Resources Commission made an order on June 6, 1963, ­&Vpteving the plans and specifications for the construction*of the water -works system in Queensbury Water District and such water works system has now been completed, be_.it RESOLVED that an application be made to the Water Resources Commission for..'approval of the completed works in Queensbury Water District and that-John U. Webster, Supervisor, be and .he hereby..-is authorized and directted to execute such petition on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Duly adopted by, the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None Councilman Beaty, reported on his efforts to arrive at a satisfactory understanding with Mrs. Martha Freiber-ger on the easment on land which will-be necessary for the completion of a well drilling As in the well field of the Queensbury Water District. TOWN .OF QUEENSBURY Warren County, New .York WATER DEPARTMENT April 27, 1965 U The Queensbury Town Board,, Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor. Subject: Water Softners, and Salesmen After talking to Mr. Webster this afternoon on the phone, I made &-canvas of the Cottage Hill, Greenway North- section. Apparently these .;salesmen. have covered this area pretty thoroughly. The following statements are .statements they have made to Queensbury Water Consumers, as reported to me. 1. Queensbury water is of 15 grains hardness. This would be approximately 256 parts per million: As of 4 P.M. this afternoon Queensbury 'Water as checked at the treatment plant was 10 grains or approximately 171 PPM. t 2.. This was the hardest Wp= .that,. he had ever seen, 3. They courteous thing to do is t© try a water softner and make -nice remarks about it. 4. If you did not try one now they would not sell you one at a future date. 5. The unit was offered to one person at a Special price of $349.00. This person was told that the regular price was $360.00. 6, Another party was pffered-a unit-�at- $100.00 to $150.00 party was to&d, "Pipes have rusted and broken in the Cottage Hill area. Most of the pipes in this area have broken, 38 The Water Department has received one report of a-broken house service in this atea. This was caused by frost. 8. One party was told that hard water would rust their pipes. e 9. One representative said that, "He took a shower at a local • motel and the water contained sand." 10. The statement has been made that this company contacted the Town of Queensbury about installing a water softner. :-It was also said that the average water rent would raise,.-about $15.00 per house, because of, such an installation, if it, were made. Igo One has contacted the Queensbury Water Department about the installation of a water softner of any -type. To knowledge, No One has contacted ANY town official. on: thts subject. Respectfully submitted Thomas K. Flaherty'- ' - r Superintendent STATEMENT ON WATER SOFTENER SALESMEN r It has been called to my attention that salesmen from a water, softening firm - I might add, outside de of our immediate area have been systematically calling on property owners in the town, particularly in our water district and subdivision areas, with the intention of selling or renting water softening equipment. I recognize that this may be a valid business pursuit, the same as selling anything else, such as cars, vacuum cleaners, or swimming pools, and if people want to spend their money for such a purpose they have the right to do so r What concerns me is that it has been reported by quite a number of people that 'these salesmen are using all sorts of "high pressure" tatics, and have in many instances resorted to' giving false an&� misleading information in an effort to make sales. These people have not contacted the water department of town government in any way, yet they seem to be spreading untrue statements such as: 1. That they have quoted a cost figure to the town' for softening on a municipal basis but that the rates for water would be too high and it is more economical to treat the water on an individual unit basis. 2. Incorrect information as to the -"hardness" of the water. 3. Statements such as "Hardest water we have ever seen.' 4 That the mains of the system are "breaking up" because of the water, 5. That Queensbury water will "plug up their domestic water pipes utiless treated with their softener. 6y That water pipes will "rust out" unless water receives. treatment. w i 1 7. A variety of general statej*6j s running down the water or the water distribution system. . A `haie stated,` if people w'i'sh to buy water softt�ing equipment they -have that right, but- at the same time I hope no one in our town is, persuaded to do so on the basis of misleading and inaccurate information. It dppear's--that' the represbiitat1Ves-" of this firm are saying ,just about any thing they feel that they can'get away `with, -or what people W �ll believe`, in order to sell their product. I believe that this 'f=-o r#i should call on this'- firm to' 'stop these selling tactics nediately and should demand that these representatives appear before next meeting of the town 'board to account for their conduct in 'the toxin. I have asked our engineer, Joseph A. ` Kestner', Jr. .,, to comment on this matter. John 0. Webster, Supervisor a Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. Gonsutting Engineer. One Kestner Lane, Troy, N.Y. April 29, 1965 Nr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor ' Town of Queensbury R.D. #1, , Chestnut Ridge Road, ' Glens Falls, New York Subject: Queensbury Water District - Water Quality _ Dear John: It has been called .to my attention that household water conditioner equipment "salesmen ate indicating that the quality of water being furnished by the Queensbury"Witer 'District is unsatisfactory and detrimental to household plumbing. . The well water supply system of the Queensbury Water District has consistently furnished water of safe sanitary, quality, The water Quality has also met the U.S. Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards for chemical qualityAn all- items with the -exception of Iron. These standards limit the iron content of tte water to 0.3 ppm (parts per million) and recent samples from the well supply indicate: an iron content of 0.6 ppm. A Polyphosphate is being added to the water to control `the'fron'content and of the present time, the water being delivered to all users is of proper physical, chemical and bacteriological quality. The hardness of the well water has varied from_116"ppm to 185 'ppm and the -most recent samples indicate a hardness of 168 ppm to 172 ppm; The prolonged drought has increased the hardness from 9 'normal' range of 130 'ppm and this is to' be expected under these circumstances. 'As I'have previously indicated, the well water supply is considered to be moderately hard and most of the water hardness is in phe form of bicarbonates which are precipitated by heating and boiling, which 'produces a white deposit. ' The -inter hardness however, is below the Hits for which municipal water softening is provided and there is no co—nity :in:jj3e York State which provides municipal water softening for a supply with a hardness'of 116 to 185 ppm. 40 (Joseph A, Kestner,_ Jr._, letter !—continued) The polyphosphate treatment, which is being provided for the well water.-will:.hPld.the Iron. .in solution and control the deposition of hardness content. The well. water. is not corroave and whi 4. deterioate either micipal' or household plumbing. If a house= holder wishes to provide softening equipment for this water. for laundry and dishwashing purposes, I consider this to* be a personal personal.pxeference. and,.not a. necessity .to -prevent excessive, damage to household.p3:umbing. During..1964,. I advised the Town Board that municipal water softening could be provided at a cost� of about- $75,000, with a 30 by 40 `foot J addition to the present .well house. The cost of municipal _softening would be approximately $,04 per 1000 gallons, or approxim4tely $4. to $5. per year per home. This cost is much less than "softening with.dndividual -.household units: f The quality of the well water being furnished by the Queensbury Water District is checked daily by the Water Superintendent. Samples taken regularly, by the New York State Health Department have been of consistently safe sanitary quality and desirable for municipal water supply purposes. Sincerely, Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. ` Consulting- Engineer t Mr. Herbert Garrant and Mr. William Tremblay were greeted by the Town Board, to discuss the present status of the esta.blishment_ of the highway in the 3rd Street Extension. t ^ PLANNING BOARD of. the. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY MEMORANDUM TO THE TOWN BOMW OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY The Planning Board of the Towri of Queensbury has, as requested by the Town Board, .studied- the two proposed locations for the new Town Office Building, We wish to report -that we recommend the Bay Road site over the Aviation Road site for the following reasons:. 1. This site is larger providing more land for future expansion -as well as expansion for departments :and uses .not ,now forseeable. 2. Itis- our opinion that the trend of expansion will be in'this general area of the twon vis: from the .Northway East from Quaker Road North to Farm to .'Market Road. 3. With the proximity of Adirondack Community College, we feel this area shall develop into the cutural and civic center of --y the town. ` 4. Toe feel this site will create the better image for our town. t 5. We feel that this site will be the better location for this building for the next 50 years, 41 RESOLUTION NO. 92, introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Robertson. AREAS, Andrew­R. Butz, ' Justice of the Peace, died suddenly 1 vng several matters iinco*'leted And', the- request of Mrs. Butz;'anc' audit of his accounts was made by an auditor assigned by they=bepartme k Hof AudiC and tbfttrol, from which it appears that from the moneys in his =hands at the time of his death there is due to the State of New York the sum of $105.00, that there was a' total' of '$310. 'in cash bail' accepted by him as Justice of the Peace, and a surplus of $7•.27, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide for the disposition of the fun'ds in-the account In 'Glens Falhs National Bank and• Trust Company in the name of Andrew R. Butz, Justice �of the- Peace, and WHEREAS, Arthur R. Greenberg, Executor of the Estate of Andrew R. &tz,- 'leas­cTosed_out- the public_officiA aecount of= Andrew R. Butz by a check drawri'`on the said accovint payable° to "Supervisor, John O, Mebster in- the amount o,&•$422 V, be it SbL"VED,• that the supervisoY be and he hereby is authorized to deposit -said check in the amount of $422.27 in the General Town Fund, and that�`Ile be 'and is further authorized to .draw.a check on the General Town Fund in the amount of $105.00 payable to the Department of Audit and Control and deliver the same; a check to James A. .Davidson; Justice of the Peace, ,in the amount of' $310.00 representing bail money to be held by him and paid out-`b'y him as the cases t in'which' such`'bail"was deposited are "disposed of;"- and a check to ,the Estate of Andrew R. Butz in the amount of $7.27 to refund the excess remaining in said account, and that the account of Andrew R.- Butz, Justice of the Peace, be closed and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to deliver certified copies of this resolution to Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company, State 'Department of Audit..and Control, James A. Davidson, Justice of the Peace,, and to Mrs. Andrew R. Butz, Duly adopted by the following vote: - Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr.Webster Noes - None RESOLUTI N T ORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTIO N0. 93, introduced by Mr. Lamp son, seconded by Mr. Turner WHEREAS, Sheridan Gilman of 32 Pine Street, Glens Falls, New York, has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c), Section 4, of Aii ordinance­of the'•To*V of Queensbury entitledORDINANCE':FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE -HOMES -atd aILE,"HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN _C0uNTY, NEW^Y0Ui to,-Iocate._a mobile homd outside of a duly-.licensed mobile home court at property situated Lot #7, B1a6k'#1, "Lind9"14ne, West Glens Falls, New York, and WK ERE AS, 'this town board has conducted-a public-hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard `— in favor of or against.-sAid, application, and WHEREAS, IT' IS HEREBY �DETERMINED THAT THE facts presented in said ap�l'gation and' at said public hearing. are sufficient . to authorize t e.=issuance of the permit requested by said application, for the 'f�llowing` reasons i''the, heariAgAbt6ttght otit tMhat,undue hardship exists and no persons appeared in opposition, therefore be it t 42 (Resolution No. 93 - continued) RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is, hereby given'.to ,Sheridan .C*ilman, of 32 Pine Street, West Glens Falls, New .York, to locateaa mobile home outside of- a. licensed .mobile home .court, at property situated at Lot 7, $Xoc , #1, Linda 1"e,, West Glens Falls,. New York,- and that the,Town Clerk is*.hereby authorized and directed to `issue such pe nit .in accordance with the- terms, and conditions of said ordinance. C Duly adopted= by the following votes Ayes - .Mr. Beaty,,-- Mr. Turner, Mr. .La mp son , Mr. ,Robertson: and . ! Mr.. Webster., Noes - None . Superintendent of Highways, Bernard, J. Codner-, recommended .the advertising -for Bids-- for supply of gasoline for use by the` Highway Department for the pear 196 , per following specfations: R.F.D. 1, Glens Falls, N.Y., April 15, 1965 ' - Gasoline Specifications For The Town Of Queensbury The Town Board will not consider any- gas ovther than , ,Standard Brands; or gas that- has been- the market for at least four years. ` . , _.. Must have storage plant within reasonable distance of,. , Highway Department Garage, and able to deliver gas within 12 ` hours after receiving order. Regular gas to contain an Octane of at least 95. Premium gas to contain an Octane of at least 101. Bids will be received at the Town Clerk's Office until 7:00 P;M. the 20 day May, 1965. All bids will be opened and read aloud at 7:30 P.M. the 20 day of May, 19.65, at the Queensbury School on Aviation_ . Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. The Town Board reserves the right to- reject any and all bids, e r + _ Bernard J. `Codner Supt. of Highways RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF GASOLINE RESOLUTION N0. 94, introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by 11r. Turner, WHEREAS;"it'appears that4 the aggregate _purchase .o€ ,gasoline ., for use by the'Tdwn of Queensbury will- exceed-the-sum of,, $ 1,000, during. the current'year, therefore be it : RESOLVED that -the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to_cause the following Notice to Bidders to be published in the Post Star and ,the Glens Falls Times-prior to May J0, -1965. Notice -to Bidders The Town, Board of the -Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New.York invites sealed bids for the sale.. and delivery.to the T16 -1 .0f Queensburyf during the fiscal year 1965 ,of -approsimatelyQ 000. gallons ofi gasoline of-a specification obtainable from ihe •High- way Superintendent. 4: (Resolution No. 94 —continued) The Town will furnish a storage- tank-at- the town storehouse on Auietion, Road ,aud :he successful;,bidder will be re,4 uired to make deliveries of not more than 1000 gallons as required •by the Town Superintendent. of ,.Highways .from .time ,to time. Bidders are required to :specif the y r :particular' brand, grade aril oct r�at .ng .of :,the gasoline proposed to be delivered as re- s, quired by the Town Superintendent. of Highway in the town_ stor`e- house tank and,.the price per gallon- less tax delivered in--the stoseh(Mse. tangy.. The price bid fmust be firm and not subject to flucm4ti' as sto "Tank Lot Price' o ,and will apply n ,all purchases made for twelve .month period, after-.4vard of...the. bi-d ' Bidders must also indicate 'the location of storage 'facilities f`ro'm'i; iich deliveries will be made. Bids wi be .received by George C. Crannell, Town Clerk, at the To G. . xk`s, Offlce,, 95 ,Dixon 'Road,{ Glens Falls, I .Y.; .up to m. on the 20th -da of Ma, X965 and must be submitted 5:00'0 c odk p y y! in sealed enveloped plainly marked "GASOLINE BID". The Town Board will meet in the library of Queensbury Junior Righ School, Aviation Road, Town of Queensbury at 7:30 p.m. ­on May 20',` 19 , at which time the bids will be publicly opened 'and. 'read alowO - 411 The_.Tewn. $oard reserves .the s,r3.ght to ,reject aiiy or ail iiids: , ..ordez of th€: qwn oard •. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Spaty, Mr. Turner,. Mr. 14impsan, Mr. Robertson .and Mr. Webster. Noes - None TOWN OF O1gENSBURY — WatetrDDe artmenb kT- he�Queensbury'Water Department would like to invite bids on the following materials, to meet specifications as listed. Price at,_ time of -bidding to prevail. We reserve the right to, reject any or'all bids. 1000 Ft. of copper service tubing. Curb Boxes -- 50 Type K Arch Pattern Base 'American Made l inch upper section with 3/4 inch cover and stationary Rod lee ft. coils 5-k ft. Bury - American made Corporation Stops -- �0 3/4 inch CC thread Outlet, copper flanged •;- American Made .. . Straight coupling nut, No gasket required r 45 - /4 inch,. Na Drain,... Inverted Key, 4Round way, 'American made combined. Cap And Tee, with Check_ :. Inlet, ,Capper flanged ; Odtlet, Copper. flanged, All of the above items to be �. delivered to the , eensbury Water Department, R.D. 2, Lake George Road, Glens ItAls, N; 'Y. Thomas K. Flaherty, Superintendent 14 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF"8UPPLIES FOR WATER DEP ,. , . RESOLUTION N0 �95 introduced by Mr ` ; ' ' '; . Lamp son on , secded` bq '1'ctiher WHEREAS, Thomas K. Flaherty,­ Superin'tendent' of the 'CZueensbeiiy Water,District, has advised phis. board, that it _appears advisable . to solicit biId .fps .mai r 1s _t. be used in'makeing `water connections in the various- water 'districts; And-had filed 'the'se' . ' recommendations with this board, be it RESOLVED., that ,the .Town Clerk ,sis hezebq authorized 'AzO dfieeted to cause__.the, f�rllowi d r F owing tcz..Bid s to •bie published .,in' the _ Post Star and tie Glens Fa11s Times, prior to iKay'' ltd; AM Notice to Bidders ' The Town ~Board of the flown of�Qui�nsWr , �fiarren Count ' "Ybtk Y, h invites ;sealed bids ,for: the,sale .fnd .dalivet fo `the Queent ry Water Pistrict the fpllowing gate#;%l 1000, ft. copper service. tubing. _ 50 3/4 ,inch,Corporation Stops ' 45 X14. -inoh',Qu b ,Stops 50 Curb Boxes Detailed specifications gf the materials to be_, purchased may be obtained, during business hours, Tram}the'Queorisbury' k e6r'`Dept , R .F.D. #2, Lakey_George Road?,,Glens ,Falls, N.Y. (Thomas K. Flaherty, Superintendents ,anal bidder ou mst '-agree' to make delivery of materials within thirpy days after award of bid. Bid will be received'by George C. 'Crafine=l1, `Town Clerk,' ate' the Town Clerk's Office, 95 Dixon Road, Glens Falls, New Yoik, -up to- 5:00 p.m, on the 20th day of May 1965 and must be_ submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked "WATER MATERIAL BID. The Town Board will meet in the library y of_Queensbury,Junicar`:.Htih* S�hobi�,"�- Aviation Road, Town of Queensbury, at 7:30 p.m. on May 20, 1965, at which, ti*e thg bids will be publicly..opened and read aloud. The Town Board reserves the rikht` to reject any or' all bids'. _. By order of the Town Board Duly adopted by the following vote: ' Aye- Mr.. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes None QUEENSBURY WATER DEPARTMENT Thomas K. • Flaherty Superintendent REPORT OF WATER,.QUALITY * **** GARRISON RD, NORTH RD,, SECTION Around the middle of November 1964 this section, was returned to Queensbury water. This was done after consultation wits Mx:' stner and Mr. Alex Cooper of the Warren Chemical Co. The plan.'was treat the water with a heavy dose .of Warren 1004 and chlorine;`Also" it was decided to flush,the mains exte ivp,ly` xg remove any foreign material in the mains. This has been done- as directed; The mains h44e�'been flushed on the average of three days per week'fors $ hourrs''der day. This was done thru the last hydrant on tie kbrth' road: There'has been a slight improvement in the-water but we are still receiving complaints such as vo repeiyed before. = 1 45 Report of Water Quality - Garrison Rd. , North Rd. , Section I feel that the Warren Chemical is helping the situation and should not be abandoned. However it appears that the mains on Garrison Road and North Road are so encrusted with Tuburcalation ;_:thAt. the use of Warren Chemical to eliminate the troubse will takk longer than we can affprd to wa , unless to help. I have consulted with ,Joe Kestner' about ,the possibility of Cleaning this section mechanically.- Joe has contacted a firm that does this type of work for a cost estimate. I have contacted the Schroon Lake rWiex Dept. ,. abot ,:the _possibilty-of renting their machine and should have an answer soon. t �.rv'This job will require that we notify the consumers and shut down -the-service whi4& the work is done. I have talked to several of the people -and this does not seem to pose a problem. 1W.,brder to do, this we would have to make 4 cuts in the line as fens; 1 at Rt. 9 and Garrison, .1 at Garrison and Bay Rd. 1 at the intersection of North Rd. and 1 at the end of North Rd. Alto it would be necessary to locate each curb box and shut the service so that no foreign material would feed into the homes. This may seem like a large project but Ifeef that it is the only way that this problem can be solved. These people have been having this troulbe for quite a while and they are beginning to get very impatient. Respectfully submitted Thomas K. Flaherty RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR CARNIVAL OPERATIONS f RESOLUTION N0_96, introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson. RESOLVED that pevmission is hereby granted to conduct carnival operations, as follows: Sponsor: Queensbury Plaza, Inc. , and,all Tenants Carnival: Robert D. Kellogg-Amusements, Inc. Place: Queensbury -Plaza Date: .May 1 through May 8, 1965 and be it further RESOLVED, MtTt%e Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue a -permit to the aforesaid sponsor upon receipt of proof of Liability Insurance in the amount of not less than $100,000/$300,000 Bodily Injury Liability and $25,000 Property Damage.Liability Coverage. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webst� Noes - None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION N0. 97 , introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr, Lampson. WHEREAS, Inez Mosher of Minnesota Avenue, West Glens Falls, New York, has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c), Section._4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO Umatgta mobile home outside 46 (Resolution No; 97 - continued) of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated Upper' Sherman Avenue, glens Falls, New-York,, and WHEREAS, . it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, IT is hereby determined that said application•complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it —' RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions "of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearings ea said application on- May 13, 1965, at 7:30 p.m in the library .af Queensbury Junior High School, Aviation Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice: of said ublic hearing in accordance with the provisions of said P g ord'inanc e. . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr., Beaty,, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None. On motion the meeting was adjourned. J Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk Special Meeting May 6, 1965 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor •N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p'. m. Supervisor Webster greeted the following visitors: Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rathbun Mr. Harold Woodruff _ Atty. Donald Borth Dr. Richard C. Tefft • Mr. Cyrial Eggleston _ Bernard J. Codner Thomas Flaherty "Bucky" Corlew LeRoy Phillips Juliett�1=da Ellingsworth J Mr. Robert Baker Mr. L. Mattison }