Application TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 flay }(3ail, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 September 18,2019 Attn: John Sheeran, Treastirer Ktibricky Construction Co. 269 Ballard Road Wilton,NY 12831 Re: Access through an Easement East side of Bay Road, north side of service road To Duke Concrete Products Tax Map Parcel: 302. -2- 1 Dear Mr. Sheeran: I am writing you with regards to my review of the most recent application and plans submitted to this office relative to the above-referenced project and to document the conversations between your agent; Dennis MacElroy, Environmental Design Partnership and 1laura Moore of my office. As 1 understand,you propose to have access for an existing 6.6 aore lot through an easement to an adjoining parcel that has access to Bay Road. Area Variance relief is needed for the 6.6 acre lot utilizing easement access to Bay Road - not having physical access to a public road (Bay Road). I believe that your agent; Mr. Macl troy, has addressed this detail in his recent submittal. Therefore, this letter serves as the necessary denial letter with regards to the processing of your application. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your applications, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CB1sh Cc: Dennis MacClroy, Environment Design Partnership L_lCxaig BroW2013 LeMrADenial Kubricky Consmuction Co 4) 1 18_doc " Noose of Nafaral Seamy .,. A Gt) od Placr to Liao " ENVIROMMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LLP. 900 New York 448 Clifton Park, NY 12065 Stiapingthe pny5ical environment (P) 518.371,76�1 (F)518.371_9:*40 edpllp,com September 17, 2418 Area Variance Z-AV- 6- 01 S John Kubriaky & Sons, Inc. Bay Road access for a lot through an easement Town of Queens bury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 REQ,EIVED Attn: Harrison Freer, Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman SEP 7 20 TOWN OF QUEEN BURY Re: Area Variance Submission BONING OFFICE Kubricky Construction Co. — Bay Road Dear Mr. Freer: Submitted for your distribution and review are 15 sets of the applicable Area Variance application documents for the referenced project. The subject property consists of undeveloped land holdings of Ku Construction Co. on the northside of the access road serving Duke Concrete Products. The road also serves as access to the lands of Kubricky both to the north and south. This property has been used in the past for the storage of materials and equipment. With the pending approval of the Bay Road Self Storage project the baundary lines will be adjusted so that the access road is no longer within the property which includes the subject property (6.6 acres north of road: Tax Parcel g .8- - 21). T h a Town of Queens bury Zoning Ordinance requires that a parceI's lot frontage is also the location of its actual access. As tha existing service road will be part of the Self Storage lot frontage it can no lodger serve the northern parcel without a variance. Thus, we will be seeking an area variance to allow the continued else of the service road. While an easement will be required the continued use of the existing road is certainiy preferable to creating a new curb cut on Bay Road within the frontage of the northern lot. All required application documents Including site plans, AV application, deed, survey and application fee have been compiled In the All package. As there is no new development of the site, simply a legal confirmation of the access, a wavier from Area Variance submittal requirements fvr certain items (sewer &water details, parking, square footage building use breakdown, stormwrater management, grading, signage, lighting, landscape Plans, etc). info is herein requested. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, I.I.P. 900 New York 146 Clifton Park,NY 12065 Shaping the physical environment (P)518.371.7621 (F)518.371-9544 edplip.r= Thank you for your consideration and review of these applications and we look forward to presentatlons to your Board at are October rneeting. SEncerely, — j Dennis MacElroy, PE attachments cc: John Davidson 2 Area Variance [Zisn approved: Scptcmbfir 21 Z 161 General Information 302.8-2-21 Tax Parcel 1D Number: CLI Zoning District: Detailed Description of Project [include current& proposed use], material&equipment storage Current use: material&.equipment storage Proposed Ilse: east side of Bay Road,noMiside of service road to Duke Concrete Products Locatiort of Projw'. Appliea.ut Name: Kubricky Constluctian Co, Mailing Address 259 Ballard Road Horne Phone Aim:John Sheeran,Trmstirer City,.Mate,Zip Wilton,ICY 12831 Work Phone CeII Phone - -Mail' jdavidson[a'daoollins,00rn FAX] O. A, enOi Name: Dcnnis MacElroy h6ailing Address 1:DP-900 Rt. 146 Home Phone City, Mate, Zip Clifton Pare,NY 12065 i Work Phone Celi Phone 518 376-355 E-mail dmac,-Lro &d 1� com FAX No. :.. Y.} P P- Owner's Name Kubricky Construction Mailing Address Home Phone city, Mate, zip Work Phone Cell Phone r E-mail FAX No. Pag�o 1 ATe,a VarianCC JZBAapp ytmd' Scpl¢mbu2l 2016] Site Development Data Area 1 Type Existing sq.ft. Proposed Total sq.ft- Addition sq. ft. A. Building footprint 0 I 0 0 B. Detached Garage _ �Y 0 0 � C. Accessory >ructurc(s) 0 — Q D. Paved, gravel or other hard slufaQed area E. Porches 1 Decks 0 0 � E Other 0 0 0 G- Total Ton-Pomcab[e [Add A F] — H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq- ft- ; acre] 288790.4 288790.4 288790A I. Percentage ofImperrrleable Area of Site J-0.1I] Setback Requirements Area Requlred Existing Proposed Froat Yard [1] Froat Yard [ ] Shoreline r i& Yard [I] + Side Yard [2] Rear Yard [11 + Rear Yard [2] __.... Travel Corridor Height[maximum] FeMeability I IVtunber ofpar[cing spaces Paec Area Variance [ZBAuppmvcd= Scptembcr2l2016] Additional project Information 1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? no. 2. if the parcel has previous approvals, List application number(s): 3. Docs this project require coverage under clip,New York Mate pollutant Discharge Elini nntion System(SPDE ) Permit Program? _Yes) x No 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date: NA End Date, NA 5. Estimated total cost of project: NA 6, Total area afland disturbance far project: NA Floor Area Ratio WorkAeet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) —The relationsbip of building size to lot size,derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size iu square feet,yielding a percentage. Zoning District Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FARI Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 Commercial Moderatc I Commercial CM/C1 0.3 intensive A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porcbes. Building, square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (12G) square feet or less_ Any additional sheds will be included. (See "FLOOR AREA RATIO"). B_ Commercial or industrial. the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. Parcel Area sq, ft, Exist!a g Floor Area sq. f see above definition Proposed Additional Floor Area ft_ Proposed Total Floor Area Total Allowable Floor Area Area x see above table gage 3 A03 Variance [ZBAapproved; 8eplember21 2016] Comp ianee with Zoning Ordinance Requi�sting mlief from SECTTON. 1. --4 1 Need relief from the rNuirem=gs)listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed. [CheckdI that apply] ❑ Setback ❑ SufFer Zone DL.ot Width ©Outer Acotas The fallowing questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of varianca, Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed. 1. Whether are undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance? The granting of this variance will allow the continued use of the property and the access to the property as has "ifti The recent boundary line adjustment eliminates the previously existing Bay Roars frontage access. No age to the neighborhood nor ctrtmen t ws occur as a restAt of this variance. 2., Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? The creation of a new'curb cut'along the frontage of Bay Road could serve as the legal access to the property- It is more desirable to continue the access from thke existing service road- 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial'! No,...in fact it will not result in any change iu access than currently exists. 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse erect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the ineighborhocd or district? No changes to the physical or envin�ental conditions of the neighborhood will result 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? Yes Page 4 Al 363nCe [ZBAappmed' SupirmbeT212M) Section 179-14-430—Application materials Application materials and site plan drawing is to include sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plan drawing(s)--a$urvoy showing existing cwsditions, a proposed couditians map(see page 00 for specific criteria)and include any other attachments that address A-D as applicable to the proposed proiea A: General howl exi Sheet# 1 Title,Name,Address of applicant&purson responsible for prepamton of draw' V-1 2 Deed attached 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID,date prepaxed and scale["nimum: I inch=40 feet] V-1 4 Boundaries of the propLq Rlotted to scale,main bounds V-1 5 Principal structures, aceessory structures with exterior dimensions V-1 6 Site impmvements Incl. outdoor storage areas, driveways,parking areas,etc.: existing V-1 proposed 7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements: existing Sr propased V-1 8 Elevations and floor p1mis of all proposed and affected structures NA B. Water&Sewer Shown on Sheet# 1 Project sewage disposal facilities,design details, oonstruction details,flow rates, and numbor of NA bedrooans pfoposed Water supply(i.e. well] &septic on adjoining lots with Separation distances to-existing or NA proposed on-site water supply and septic 3 Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies NA 4 Existing public or private water supply[well,lake, eta,]. l ethad of securing public or private NA water, location design and construction of water supply including daily water usage 5 Percolation test location and results NA 'Parking f Permeable Areas Shown on Sheet# 1 Number of spaces required for prof ect including calculations and justification: existing c$ NA proposm No. of existing parking spaces,number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing NA material e. .,ySvO, yeti 3 Provision for pedestrian and hauchcap access and RPEkin : existing&_prop9sed NA 4 Designdetails of ingress, egress, laad4 areas and cutfi : existing 14c proposed V-1 5 Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed],rnodi Fication to greet, area,buffer V-'I zone to remain undisturbed 6 lighting, location and dmign of all existing and prop=4 outdoor H tin NA D. Additional Site Develo rmnt and NEscellaneous Shown on Sheet# 1 On-site &adjacent vvaterc urses, streams,rivers,lake and wetlands -1 2 Utili {enEU distrft ion system[ a, electric,solar,telephone]. existi4-proposed V-1 3 Location,design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements V-1 inclu • drains,culverts retai ring walls fences, fire&emer each zones and hy4rams,etc. 4 Square footage of bldg. area proposed for office, manufacturing,retail sales or other commercial NA activities: existing 8 ILTo22sed S SkpMq. Location,si , type, design and setback: existing&proposed OVA 6 'Waiver Request provide Ietter with application requesting any waivers: please reference cover let6er specific items 7 Commercial/Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping,Stormwater waiver Mana 5 anent, Grading&Lighting plans 8 Identification of Federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a record NA of application for all necessary en-nits Pale 5 Area Variance [ZDA approved= Scptcniber2l told) lare-St bwission t~onfe=ce Form!Suction 179- -040 1. Applicant Name. Jahn Kuhricky&Sons, Inc . Tax Map ID 302.8' - 1 f mention: Bay Road 3. Zoning Classification CLI 4. Reason for Review: C e[-eS,> A cc ( 414 fU c.!;-j A A le�g J7 ff"r� 5. zoni 'section : ' G 3", c.;ill Ldo� ° 6. Pre-submission Wfeeting dotes: ProvIdW Outstanding; Please provide by Deed General Information complete Site Development Data Complete Setback Requirements Complete a , Additional Project Information CorWiete FAR addressed r Compliance with Zoning ordinance Checklist items addressed Environmental Form completed ignat m Page mmpleted t ,CCU PO` k up, uxO r al ,/i O � o lC t {+�t 0 {e L , c F c + c Le l cP c � to ctzc W- ' cxr Staff Representative: "�`' C` ,Applicant{ Agent Date: qJ-11 Page Cr Area ' adance [zaA approved: SWerrebn 21 2015] This page includes the 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure;3.) Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Pern-r t Responsibilities;5.)Official Meeting Disclosure and&)Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNER'S AGEra FORM- Complete the following if the OWNER:of the property is not the same as the applicant: Owner: ubricky Construction Co. Designates- Dennis MacElroy as Agent regarding the following: Variance /- Site Plan_ Subdivision For Tax leap No.:30 .8- - 1 Deed Book Page . Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: APPLICANT'S AGENT F030d, Complete the following if the APPLICANT is amble to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party; Owner: Kubricky Construction Co. Designates= l nn iS MacEiroy as Agent regarding the following: Variance v1 Site Plan_ Subdivision_ For Tax Map No.,302.8-2-21 — erence: Book Page Rate OWN SIGNATURE, DATE, 2.) ..ENUMERING )FEE DISCLO IJRE; Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, stnrny drainage, ctc, as dctcrmincd by than Zoning nr planning Departruent. Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed S 1,0M without poti fication to the applicant_ .} AII'I HQRU ATJGN FOR.SJ'E VISITS; By signing this page and submitting the application materials attacbed herein, the Owner,Applicant, and his(horftheir agent(s)hemby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. 4.) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits_ 5.1 OFFICIAL MEETING ME UTES DISCI S_V"; It is die practice of the Community Development Depmtnx:nt to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of rueetings resWC4 from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.) AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission and agree to the subrission RgWrements, I acknowledge no oonstruotion activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit_ I certify that the application,plans and supporting materials are a true and complete staternentfdewi*tion of the existing conditions and the work pmposed, and tbat all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in conformance with heel zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed,I or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy as rwcesswy, I also understand that 11we may be required to provide an as-buitt survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy 1 have read and agree to the ab John Sheeran, Treasurer 9-17- 018 Si fpHc?nt1 Print Name [Applicant] Date signed Dennx s MacElroy 9-17-2018 atom [Agent] Print Name[Agent] Date signed Page 7 _ U,&4W..t N•7r.P � 7R1.3L Iin m.m.� T{ABLWX erel�Team Iw.sw.r� nrrrrm� ���E6� Rrn FiT,�.sR�P�ar.Lr��[h1AI � Y�h'o4wA�h!#,olisl7es�[WYIkdIR I Chu Nublpnhmo Arada tha rc day of 49 OCTDHER, a Sanv7rad and SEVENTY-FIVE 11975) 2�gLlYeAn ANTHONY A. CANALS, prarMtly rasiding at 5 Ames Place, TOus Of Queenab=Y, WArrftn CQnnty, New YPXkr party, of tJie Brat Fart, and Few JORN =BRICHY a SONS, INC., a aomparation with otficea lacated at 237 C eery StreetF TaWn of Q11aansbury, Warren County, New York, part Y of OW Mond part, Wilneuelh that the MA y of tha jimt part,to wrwW4FEz&YA of ONE and 40/1.00----------- (51.00- }' JGU0r2 in M*y of 97be Urf$tsd States,i nd other good and valuable considerati Pau i p tkg pvty of theiaeand part,do e!� h.arebjera stand rs2raacunto th6 party of Eha Asoond part, x heirs and ttaafgim.s forever, , ALL TEAT TRACT OR P#RCEL or I.Xn situate on the Say Road, Town Of i2uaanabli y in the County of Warren, State of Now York, bounded and daaaribed as falloasi: BEGIMING at the southweat corner of land maw or farmexiy owned by Gaorge Davison; thence easterly along sai3 Daviso 's land 3n5 font; theucs in a xontherly direction along Jana now or far- j. marly opmed by Gar-tmae Ferguson. 58 fast; thence westerly a► OAg lend anw or fi=arly cwrrad by Gertrudia Fargur n, 318 feet tv Say Rand; thane northerly along said Hay Road Bb faet.to the plEwe of becjlnn�ng. Eeing- the came pre dreg =rmayed by Evelyn Lallora to miohalae Colios by dead dated August 5, 1974 and recorded in tha Warren County Clerk's office on August 6, 1974 in Bonk 583 ofi Deady at Page 87. Being tha same pxeatisas mrLmoyed by Nicholas Coliac to the r Party of the J]u Ut part Ilesein by 8aad d&t,ad the 1001 day a# October, 1975 and reanrdad in tbo warran onmty c2ark's Office ," y on October 16f 1975 in Book 5.91 of Deeds at pnga 1009. ; i l k Il I L _ , €E L i E Ta thcr with the appurtenare-cea wed at#tke estut�vied rights of th a party of asrat purt era,upLd to said prey .t4i3s, To have ued to h-14 the prm)efsaa horde Vane Ed lutev the party of tTae � ascarrtt pare, xts heirs un asadgna forever. i And aafd Party of That Hirst $art Covenants aafuumsr art, That au party of the seaartd part skau quietly vgOY the safd!premises; Second, 74a&saW Party at the 8ixst Part i• i toted forever Wilmant the tet2e to avid prerrefaas. Third, That, In Co)mptlanaa with She. IS of the Lfau Law, the drantar wfld reaelue the aanitdo aedon for fUF cartvtxea��anag and wild Md tho rdolttto rscelve su67a gonadderadfare as a trraat fund to ba aF7rfro ;tp&9 for tha purpogis of pa"t7aa cost of the rtnproe+earseatG nand WUL appLy the game f8rat CO Lfie paynexLG of the cant of tho xinproumnent before u4rq any pert of 97aa eotat of thle aaln a far anvvAcr purpose. In witnua whe"Of,JjDa party of tAEa ftrst part hft ller=nto set his heed and seal the day and dear fdraL abova written. i • ANTHONY crrL'jM - k Stage of New York On LTiag � d of �y 1 Capatp of Warxen Ndmetears Mundred aced st;v TY-P (1975) before sae, 97M aubaarfber, poraorxa2dy appeara MTgUUY A. CANR=, I tv me porsonafly kn.awm and knouvz to rite to be the viuma p PTdan deaarobad ft and k WAO exsauted the vratllin IrratrurneRt, grad Ao acknowledged to me that 7ae a =tad tko some., ` State of lgaw York My Couaniasion,Expiras 3f3�f7 fr Nov 1$1975 WA UM fL L7 .y u �L1 � � rr E, M #a � 3 - • f lye-r- - - - .'+.! � . i dsu pR3i su 7` SartIla,Hx•w�tw+a ma w••s� ILRTnIa=� N�. JL lScvCa.m_.e 07 �] 7L71Jr(brrFFifr,w.nrxr,� }x/[ 31st eel of ' Ff V xinaffen aundred and 811VM1!Y-Seven xxeo L.H. xt38RZCSy abd ,TOAD Ll. XU:3 nCKKp his wife, of Ridge ; Rva� (Q_Q_ address Star Route, Glens Fells, N.T. 12E43r} TOM of � C4 4ueensbury, Tdasren County, Haw Yoh, j # part ies of Mo Mt part, and 4 k' d icEFEFICR7C 1F,9 5, SAC., a damastic oarporatrlm w-lth its princi_nal office at 327 #ay 5trbBtr Tom of DueeDGhUryr Warren comaty, -dew Y61kr i party of the seaarut Part, VitnJu eh tf6at EJto parties of tkec first part,in evrt3ddctudaora Of ONE—... �___ _ _ ��------- �- --- ------ Do€#ar q 1.00 ) IawJud ?Monejz q the United Sdates and otb=aacd r. valuable abn daratirr�, p d by tkOP�ty eacaapari,da here-by ae do She part Y o t&s secon d asdifa a 1, its successors � f ,AI L TMT ACT aR 'PARCOL OF LAND sitaubt $R the Town of Quee.AUbMY, 1 County o€ warren and state of New York, descriJoa$ as follmms: on the east side of aay ftad, begissni.ng at the Routhwast car a of Land boar or fo=mer],y own9d by S8.rl Hilliard and 7.i.liien 8illiaza; r=iug along said Hilliard's lim in an eastArly diZe4tiGnF 33-8 faetj thence naxtherly along said Hi3'1 ard's line, SU Pent, to land nnv ar fazmerly ad by Geaxga Davison; tb2nce "s-harly along said Davfsan°a 3-ina, 71 teet, ba the .same more or lsssy thence zMthftrly alone-said DaViroa's land and adjouning lat a now or farimerlY awned by Lemual Wi.].cox, •471 fast, be the Barn& mare or lass, to the line of the neiawam & Hud"n Railroad: thence along said railroad line. 302 Pant ba t;ha same moza or less, to the Hay Road: thanae a1_a1►ff Bay' Hoaa► 320 �Eaiit, be the sani2 more oz less, to the Point or place of beginning. Laing the same Premises CORVEYea By ThMa,S JaMbs and MarSUYz 11- `7acobs to L.H. Xnbcrieky and ,loan K- xubxicky by deed dated the 2Gtb day of Marcht 1975 and recorded in the Warren COunly Clerk's office on the `Jth day of Aprat 3S75 in Ronk 5S7 of Deeds at Page 932. 3 36KC�pTjNra THERE.5FtDK, that parcel pravlously cmveyed by the qz-.aitors herein to the County of Nam-ten by deed 8atind June 20, 1975 and retarded in ttLa warren Conaby clerk's office on the 7-tst day o! July, 1975 in Book 589 of Deeds at Page 936■ which dead was conveyed to the County oi: warren-fox highway purposes ana to which refe-tenca is made fnr a more Fartinular d�sc�igtian. i + E TRocand DZCIlrrr or tOL LJze ap 7 anprCFfCnueei al9F1 LfrecaEaEe rind rWzes of tPao partiesL&C Arsl Purt ire and to ffaid Prsiraiaea, T6 hove ZMJ Lo hold flre projnj A93 IterailL Orapetett pdaL� tfte party of tiaa port, } s sucuessaTs and assiorts foreaer. And safrF parties of the -�3fst part cave379nt asf lows: C' GO Ffrnz, TlraL tire ]arty of tks muvnd part alrCId gtd8dj 67JOY tlae 6ure2 premises; _ $cant}, 2'TtC xoid parties p£ 71t� trst �7Ci I frM foreprei W41-1 the [Ella to sat{L premzaes. . TWr+l, TIF434 iR L'oM{+HaNCe z WL—Sec. 78 of tTra T*aaa Law, 47te grarstors Ural rcLrr-deG Lire cvnalderaliorL for this earrrretranco and-MIN Itofd 471$7Eg7ZG to raestva 91s6'g. wiparderritfuor tur a tract f1thd to tic ufr},fFcmI fra for tha purpa8v of Pazling Lira cast of rhC1 �P1170f6P8prtwH.1 and uMii apply Lita surria ffral to Lire pMrirr ont of tFre eosl of the rrrrf,ro+'a pre++L befirc wfind airy part of Iha total of ilia same for aoay.00rar Purpasa. In WitrLEHH WhCrrafr dj,bC parlies of Lire first pdrt ha1;a henninle sst *heir !aril r! 6 rrlrri Vail s Lfre day aril firar llrxd a boilC 7Vx-it113r1. u rtsr��ce of 11.b oky Z3 r a ty ay Mal $totc of NwARItEt �e �Yi aleErr JlrsptdremC andd&eventy Seven cnrrniy or firforc rrre, Lira xrrb�orFbt;r, per9or�all opAear�d a •l� LAI. KUMICKY artd ZrOAN t1. RUBRICET j to pier peraarra l xorrrrL and krta:irrr �o rrae do fro 4Jra sE01te-f+araorL5 deseribcd fra artd polio cxcoacted bhft Wftliiri IrrsCrrsuaarrt, arrr iFtey $ ekrxoz+ ed5red ;€ to rrre Mat tho? =d Cie fed 4746 dame. Nofa ub�z Ccll= fires 30f7 :I .l t R V `s RE-AL CSTATI< SEP2 5 77F TRANSFE1 TAX... �.�t�aq x 00 NT . - X Lrx i4 r IDS Gt aye 'L7 - _ C2to MC rt -' a ri L� 77 C • -L r.. '}hy F T. M8 •f. Y } rLp V p 1 R1x { Y.! y } 0 Y T 0 �e SJ G 2 0 R H Y-i E n , s d? MI 5RX W.1-DEED—wArprkA*N •cflk 7J.a Cmw.i "•• S '••�.------ `_.. .a X... . ]�y�y��} CL`�J1 TWFYLFFY.rt/+1�W+.dra.-c.. Xaale ter fray Qf R?rf I fir 9_ Pk .Yiajetecfr- }Iuxrlred mid Severs;y--five ,I a.h09V 01.- EUMM84A NOBLRS NcSRIDE,seziding of Elao�in de-{``• -'si{ x+HI'E'c'r ;7N#iL.b0sYFJ Lr.En i<qunty oJ� Essex apcl State Of Nex Ycr1., . par6 y of tAs f&rat part, and Upuff KQBRT= & SONS, Me., a domestic corporation with officas at 237 Bay Street, GZrns £aZls, County of Tl =sen and State a€ Nad Ya=k, i part of the 2000746 part, iirres�:1� �TJJ24thd3part y ofEJ�aj2rst QrG,zrirn}tsuisrutiu�aa{ ............ --T------•----- 7a#ufWr�torreyufLiae VnitedStelca, and other good and valusb a considerati.a asd Z' Lhepart y or the SecondparG.du Aercbx;jra at and release ratto tim pare y of thg seen:dFare, its successors apid assign?fvrever,aft THOSE CERTAIN PRRCIEI.5 OF ILANDsituete in the r;PGwn } of Oueensbuzy, WaYraR County, 16ew Yozk, lying easterly of the Hay Roa$, it, said foam, and which P94 mis are bn=ded and aaacriba3 as fo11o4fs PARC 3L i 8£GZr,:RiNG at a point in the easerly Hounds of the Bay Road at a distance of 26.13 feat, sautharly, rneasura$ along said easterly Lomas €ran the southwesterly right:-off-way ling OE bands of: the Z)elawaze & RuSson Ra lroad, zunning thence trom the Puce of T7egi4l- Ring, S=th 78 degrees 53 minutes East a distance ckl� 24.45 feet to the southwastft�ly bounds of lands o4 the valaware. & $Mason Railroad; thence south 33 dagxaas 46 minutes �Zdst, along said railroad Hounds, for a distance o£ 161.69 feet; thence North 94 degreee 48 minutes Walt, and along }he uaztherly Zane of land now of formerly of Martin, !�ar a list ace o: 3.2a.5 €eEtL to the easterly bounds o€ the Say Raad; thanoE tTczrth 15 de.�r=ez rp-7 zinutas 'East, aZang the eat;tarly $OAIIds of tbE� Bay Road, for a distance of 126.25 feet to the -P1ftaQ o£ begis>- ru.ng arid Containing 0.22 acre. PARCEL IS BEGINNING at a point -in thv northeasterly bounds of I-and5 awned by the uelawa=e a .Rudson Railroadr where said northeasterly Hounds are zntexSpctea hythe easterly prniongation nt the n0rLh$r1y line of the 0.22 ac=e parcel .albove de5cri Toed, m=uiing thence South 7 9 agrees 53 minutes Bast a iU9tanne of 27.24 -feet to the southeast�- exly corner of lands f=a=ly monad by Mazy 1�. and P;zchibald ICn=; thence N=tli 3B dagrtes OG sautes East, and Partly along a wire fence na%klzg thtm easterly 34ve of said lands fo nar?y of Encz, far a distance of 42Z 82 feet to an iran ?xVe set At the 5a11thWatQ=1Y carusr of an old barn faundatian; thence- South E3 degreee 32 rniuutez East, end along ;he southerly line at lands fo¢we=1y of leeukaen E. Baxter, for a distance of 172.46 feet to a fcnac past marking on angle paint in said southnrZy liner tbhmcp south A3 �E_grens 10 n=- utes East, and along a wile fence marking the southerl.,y line of said Baxter property, far a distance of 157.Q4 fast; thencs South 7 d2C r22s and 46 mi.rnutes West, and along -Lhe westerly lima of lands cf med by the 3Siagara Mohawk 8awes Corporation, for a distanam of n16 feet: thence aauth 55 degrees 41 IDinutea vastr and alcmg the north- L westerly bounds of paid lanfls awned by Niagara Mo]sawk Power CQ%Lpoza- tion. for a dlstance of 455.14 figet; thence Worth. 33 degree5 46 min- utes West, and along a wire fence IDarkimg the nvrtheasfcrl.y bounds o€ lands owned by the Delawass & $iidson lULi3XC?ad, for a distance of Em 34 .65 feet to tUe place of hrsginning 2mcl containiM .Z7 Rarer, w pMCE Iz- CD orff c at a point' tormed by t-S+Eg ixttarsacticm'a£ tAe gastesly liz: of lams mad by Niagara � havk Power Corporation vsth the sisterly prolongatirn o£ the northamly line of the ahme aercrihed 5.17 aE=Q parcel, and wx;ch pnimt of beginning is situate at a cis- tance V= 7S €bat an a course of South 83 dngrees 10 minutes Hart €rum CJT the aostheast uvrnj�r of the above aesoribed 5.17 acre parcalr ra= ng tlta=nCa sasth 83 degzees 1U mi.uut:es Hest, and along th$ southerly Zing A of lamas r,ow or fomezly oz RMben T. Baxter, far a cjj,st3npe -of: 77.9 feet to an iron pips-marking the sou�eastarly corner of said lands now or fornarly of Haa%tter; thence South 6 degwees 53 minutes We5tj and ajonCf a Wire fence marking the wsstarly line of ].ands nor or tar- minrly ul eauerwald, tor:a d='term& O: 359.70 feet to an iron pipe sat in the appraximata northerJy liux- of the former Terra Cvtta Branch $=ilroad right-of-w v; thence spnthwestErly, along gala railroad right-afrta!,, £or a distance of 85 feet, rnv-'a or less; thencear;.h 7 dagrses Q& minutes East, and along the easterly li.r'B o€ ].ands a= the Niagara Xuh-dvk Rower Corporation, fafi a distance o£ 353 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning and containing U.58 acre- ;?A EL 5EG1 3=t1G at a point in the northeasterly hounds of lands of the D laware &udsvn RT;iroad, where said nortlleasteTly bounds era in- teZseCt�d by the 3out:heasterly bounds of lands of Niagarft XohaWk Pager Corporation, and N-�niph paint of beginning is alto situate At a distan;a of 442.90 feet, XuEthwesterlg, maasured along said railroad line fron a monument marking tha ncrtlierly corporation 114rL is Of t ne City of Gieng Falls, running thence North 55 degrees 41 m nute5 fast, along ttte- sar%tha-�sterly hounds of said lands o€ Niagara .Whawk power Coxporat:ionr :a= a distance Of 250 iei§t; thence south 34 dagxeez 3.9 ninates East for a distance cf 5 feerb, more Cr ]..ass, to the norhh- aterly lzYLa of thn former Terra Cotta Brans--h 'Railroad r1ght-0f-sway: ttxenue in a south+west erly aria souther-y` air ion, along the vast— erly licuriar o saia farmer railroad zigtt•-of-way# :E= a distance o£ 308 feet, more or leSr, to an iron Pipe get in the northeasterly bounds a£ lands of the Delaware & sudr== Raiiroad; -thence Narth 33 dagfers 46 xrinutes toast, alanq said railroad lands, for a distance of 183 fact, Aoae or less, to the place of beginn=rig and containing 0.32 acre. The bearings and aizt-imss given in the a#rove clftscription are takan frcm a map entitled "Map of L=cls of Soa Fi. nobles, Being Part ' of mots 31) & 31, 4ueensbury Patent, Town of 4ueensbury, Y+arxen C4., New York, " dated October 5, 1952, made by Glenn E. Coulter, ' Ljcensed Lana Suxyeyor, Glans Falls, New Ynmk, which me,g is i#tenclaa to be filed in the warren County Clerk's OUir-e hexe- With. To54�tltar wdth aj. . lights, tit-la aria interest of the grantor herein in and to a certain right-af-way one (1) rod wide described i-R a cer- tain deed iron lRoual C. Silcox to Ada L. uerikinn, dated Ma=h 27, i909 and recorded in the warren Canty Cleilkls ❑ffice. on April 2, .1909 in Hoak 115 of weds at Page 415, as -Lul cre3: 'Also a right vE way one zoad wide laaaing easterly along the northerly side of sand Terra i::4tta Branch Bail, Rand strip of land to ithe road that runs southerly to the Roberts Avenue." i 0a5ethes with all right:, tiitla and interest: of the cr1rantoCr hars- sn in ana to two rights-of-way exuapted and raservrd in a certain dad €rm Charles A. Nohles tg Ne@F York 24war and Light Corporation which dead was dated June 30, 1�39 and rauarl2d in the wartan county Clexk'e Cffzoe August 16, 1939 In Book 212 oz peeds at page 447r and descrihed therein as folZaus: I u8XCEPTI3IG AND RESERVING unto the party of tha first part, bi.s x� hairs and assigns, two (2) rightr. of way or crossings upon ana aver the ahave described or—,-es. said Cru55xngs hat to eXc2a8 twantzy- Fivm (2p4pt in 4Iath anql t•4 be at o"t!5 ta � Sesign tEa � Lh { Ply a e wean part, ate War- xs a ergs i crossings shall be at the Fpale risk at the Pasty or pasties Using tits I SUBJECT to the right granted to tha New York Power and Light Corpration in said last mentioned t-ed to Jet ana rernova any baush, trees, or ot:har nbstsuct:ians upon tht. re-raining pxemisas of the grantor therein as 'mere Particularly set forth in salA last mentioned deed. • Htxrtgage - ,�ohtt R�xbric]q & sons, ins. to tSoa igobles McBride ; f � i I 'eke bAexings and distastaes given irl the above dGscriptioa � axe taker Pram a map entitled Hap of Bands aP Soa H. Nobles. BaiAg Part of Zots 30 m 31, queepsbury Patent, Town of QUeeasbury, I Warren Co_k New 'Zor tt" dated Octcb= 5, 3861, waft by Glenn f B. Coulter. Licensed Lar4 su=vey=, Guns Valk, Nfw York, tO bQ files E m Itaneously heriawff-th. i Tagather with all right, titla and interest Of the grantor horein in and to a certain right-of-way me -(I) zrod wide desoicibad i1 in a crrtain deed fraon LQ=ei C_ WiICOx t4 40a I. OtMkins, dated March 37, 1�Q9 and recoTdea in the warxnn County Clerks Qffiae an April 3, 14c in E�opk 115 of Dcads at page 416, Ito fo11owrm IIA3.sa iu right of way one road wide lea4i ij easterly a3.oug the F porthezly side of said Terra Costa Hra=b Rai? ttaiikd s#:rip of land to the road hhat runs soUtharZl+ to the Roberts AVenUe-" ^soVethar With all rSgbt, L-itlm and xnt0'Ybst 01 the grantor herein 3.st and to two rights-af-way izx=pted and reserved irk a t certain deed g=m Cl,a±-lea A_ tio137.e5 to ITflw Park Power arZ Llgbt `- enrporal-ion which deed WaS ddbcta juaw 310, 3939 and mftacrded i.n the i Warrp-n Cowty Clerk's Wfice August 16, 1939 iri Baal. Z17 of needs at page 4@7, and described therein as f011owsr ' •'l°7CCEPTTljG AND RESERVING ulxtb them ParkY of the tir5t part, his heirs and assigrr"s, hao (2) rights og way or crossings upon an$ Oven tAO abava-qlasrxfbel premisesr nAia crassingr, riot to excaad twent.� five (25) teat in wldtih and to be at points to be desigaakeH hY t Party of the seu(and pert, zts successom or assigns. The use of said p-rosaings sbal-L Ise at the zole risk of the party of partims "using the same." 5UR=CT to the ri.gbt granted tv the New Xork Fawer and Light Corporatiae ±q said Last wmntionad deed to ant and m-wve any bush, tress, or othar ObStr=I:i.ans ugan the rearaining gxemisos of the E gramtgr therein as more particularly sat :Eort:b in said last men- If tiomed deed. E . I 1 1 Uugetfpr w Z&the appurturear:rea and add tAc estals¢rid Hfitts of t7c a part Y of thafdratparCim and co said prami' . W.a IV=ma to lFam ehe preoaises hsreEn aramtod mnto are part y o/ata .50agna part, ,s' Its succars r5 d7td 69S aiiB fOrB�lel. co Pxhae:d Zaa o?ales L• ride W effue72ottt$ �s fol�ott+s: Vlral,Tf at th5 purE y of t7ss mmond part Shaid gzxigQy ludgy 0113 said pre?armr; VT Eprraat�,That aald Boa woblas 11cBYide mdfd forever RIMTmd t7ae t£tie to said prpne as. U cb T a b, dra CoRzpdAanae w$th. See. I3.0f af,Lfara Law, the pantor will receive t�a a on,1 domtfan for this crDIMe'Ycu#s and ToW hold the Tight to r9eedve smelt auwE deratlon va a trust pnd to ba appdc.ad f rst for the pmrpoae of pavine the coat of the �mprormnsnt and zt W app4f t7ta same first to the payment of t)te Cost of me improvement before using amY Part of th0 total of the yama farany otlaer7rrcrpuse. .fin OtInue 334Preaf, ae part Y of t7aq Arst part 7. r hareurao set bar dmnd and seat . the day fund year r&C adxoVeWruitten. s &t¢te of Kum $mh ee• On EJaFs 4 dad}of April ClnmIbj of Xn8tsera Hundred a savarnty-tive drefare rasa, the subaa7tz1 or,personadpfappeared ZOA NO�S�Za^ McBRID to rrxa p mranaUg knott,rc Gm d Arnowrn to in a to be the vamc p2mon described GOG wi d who eseox.fed the uratUR jwtrum.ent, and she has caknowledp#d i to me thtat Wto exeuuled the Sark. � — .. . .. - .--r......._. W=V! F; 4a:ekl�n:u:•rr, 6 2. 5 0 _� ,