SOLAR-0649-2018TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5904 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: SOLAR-0649-2018 Date Issued: Friday, January 18, 2019 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number has been completed. SOLAR-0649-2018 Tax Map Number: Location: Owner: 297.12-1-1 495 QUEENSBURY AVE City of Glens Falls Applicant:Solar Liberty Energy Systems Inc This structure may be occupied as a: Solar Panel Installation By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. Director of Building & Code Enforcement { .. �` TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: SOLAR-0649-2018 Tax Map No: 297.12-1-1 Permission is hereby granted to: Solar Liberty Energy Systems Inc For property located at: 495 QUEENSBURY AVE In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: City of Glens Falls Solar Panel-Residential $86,106.00 Owner Address: Total Value $86,106.00 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Solar Liberty Energy Systems Inc 6500 Sheridan DR, Suite 120 Buffalo,NY 14221 Plans&Specifications Solar Panel Installation $ 75.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Monday, October 14,2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To u sbu 4F a. is o.er 12, 2018 14 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office Use Only Permit#: .- lQt.ifi(• 20N2 4Z. Fee: $ 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Invoice#: 0CAA P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net SOLAR PANEL PERMIT APPLICATION • Property Owner(s): Name(s): Greater Glens Falls Transit Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 495 Queensbury Ave Queensbury, NY 12804 Cell Phone: _( )518 792 1086 Land Line: _( Email: ssqgft@choiceonemail.comECE 0 VE --N Project Address: 495 Queensbury Ave Queensbury, NY 12804 Section Block Lot: 297.12-1-1 - OCT 0 4 2018 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Existing Use: ❑ Single Family 0 2-4 Family IX] Commercial ❑ Other: BUD DING it [`ODES • Solar Contractor: Business Name: Solar Liberty Energy Systems, Inc. Contact Name: Kelli Wilson Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 6500 Sheridan Drive Suite 120 Buffalo, NY 14221 Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: _( ) 716 634 3780 Email: kelli.wilson@solarliberty.com • Electrical Contractor: Business Name: Allegro Power, LLC. Contact Name: Michael Smith Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 6500 Sheridan Drive Suite 100 Buffalo, NY 14221 Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: _( ) 716 568 8866 Email: Mike@allegropower.com Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( Email: Solar Panel Application Revised December 2017 Estimated cost of construction: $ 101• r Total System Capacity Rating (sum of all panels): Solar PV System: 38.10 kW DC Select System Configuration: El Supply side connection with micro inverters ❑ Supply side connection with DC optimizers ® Supply side connection with string inverter El Load side connection with DC optimizers El Load side connection with micro inverters El Load side connection with string inverter Please sign below to affirm that all answers are correct and that you have met all the conditions and requirements to submit a unified solar permit. (SG&soGzgi' 0 ct 1,2018 Scott Sopczyk( ct 1,2 s) Homeowner's Signature Date I _ vJiII Solar Co. R:presentative Signature Date Solar Panel Application Revised December 2017 SOLAR LIBERTY® September 25, 2018 Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 FILE COPY • RE: 495 Queensbury Ave Dear Code Enforcement Officer: Please find enclosed the building permit application for the solar panel installation at 495 Queensbury Ave Queensbury,NY 12804. I have included a detailed site plan, wiring diagram, data sheets and information on Roof-mounted system for your review. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Also enclosed is check number 13261 for $75.00 for solar permitting fees. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, Solar Liberty Energy Systems, Inc , k111._ • Kelli ilson 1:6ECEIVE6. 5 Associate Project Manager OCT 0 4 Email: kelli.wilson@solarliberty.com 2018 Phone: 716.634.3780 "OINK OF QU ENSBURY BUILDING& COOPS 4 THE FUTURE OF ENERGY INDEPENDENCE® Corporate Headquarters 6500 Sheridan Drive,Suite 120 866.80.RENEW(73639) solarliberty.com Buffalo,NY 14221 866.807.7882 Fax info@solarliberty.com A f 'Jr Finger Lakes Engineering, PC } a tIA ‘). 2536 State Route 21 Canandaigua, NY 14424 itiattOt _ phone (585) 396 3438 Anthony Yannotti, PE fax (585) 394-3867 Mr. Michael Prinzi September 24, 2018 Director of Project Management and Service Sheet 1 of 3 Solar Liberty C4:1 ..� 6500 Sheridan Drive Suite 120 Buffalo,NY 142214 lECEOWEIN RE: Glens Falls Transit, 495 Queensbury Avenue, Queensbury,NY OCT a � � Dear Mike, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING &CODES Per your request we conducted a Preliminary Structural Condition Assessment that included an on-site visit on 9/22/18, an observational examination of the existing roof structure, and a review of any drawings, blueprints, or sketches that were available. PV solar panels are proposed for the "standing seam" metal roof of this building as summarized below. The panels are mounted to the roof with an anchored deck base system using non-penetrating standing-seam brackets, installed to the metal roof seams per manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. I found that the roof structure, as noted on Site Plan PV-S1, can satisfactorily withstand the additional loads as proposed and will also meet the applicable standards included in the NYS 2017 Supplement, ASCE 7-10, and 2015 IBC. My analysis indicates that the areas of the existing roof, where the additional weight is to be located, and only as it applies to Solar Liberty specified equipment and their tributary areas, are capable of supporting a total load of at least 56 psf. The maximum existing total load on these areas of the roof is estimated to be 48 psf (DL=10 LL=38) leaving an available capacity of at least 8 psf. The average weight of the proposed solar panels and mounting hardware is less than 4 psf. Therefore, the roof framing in these areas will not be overstressed by the installation of the solar panels and mounting hardware. Of NEhe Thank you for the opportunity to be of service 74* A y ,�. Sincerely, V:ti. As ....7:.„"7";-mum FILE COPY 083610 amcki g 6/14444,4ttt- Anthony R Yannotti TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be construed as -------------- - -- indicatingthe Fin erLakesEn ineerin .com pis ands cations are in g g g full compliance with the Building Codes of 1-800-255-8779 New York State. C480 Sheet 2 of 3 Summary C480-load-bearing girder trusses in areas immediately supporting panels Capacity,Total Load(psf) 56 elevation 337 ft 10 D=dead load Total Load(psf) 48 pitch 1 /12 0 Lr= roof live load Lu(w) 16 0 R= rain load Dead Loads(psf) DL 10 y 21.8 38 S=snow load standing seam deck 3.50 leeward 10.3 3 W=wind load Z purlins .69 distance 15.1 girder truss(self wt) 3.24 windward 10.9 10 2. D+L misc lateral, bracing,ties .50 Pg(MAP) 60 48 3. D+(Lr or S or R) electrical, lights .25 Pg(ELEV) 60 at 337 ft. 38 4. D+0.75(L)+0.75(Lr or S or R) misc 1.00 Ce .9 13 5. D+W misc .00 Ct 1.2 41 6. D+0.75(W)+0.75(Lr or S or R) misc .00 I .8 9 7. 0.6D+W misc .00 CS 1.0 misc .00 Snow Load 36 psf 48 max ASCE 7-10 load combination misc .00 surcharge 1.5 psf misc .00 Roof Height 16 ft BWS 115 mph BWS for Queensbury Live Loads(psf) LL 38 Category II Risk Category I: 105 Snow 36 Kd 1 Risk Category II: 115 unbalanced surcharge 1 I 1 Risk Category III-IV: 120 Wind 3 Exp C Rain 0 a 9.5 Wind-snow load govems Zg 900 Rain-pitched roof, simple runoff, gutters KZ 0.86 max/com 3. D+(Lr or S or R)=47.781 K1 0 Seismic-Design Category B,wind loading governs K2 0 Available Capacity 8 K3 0 Ict 1 Panels,avg.weight, proposed 4 G 0.85 panels and mounting hardware DL 4 Qz 29.13 psf additional wind load due to panels and h/w LL 0 Cf 0.1083 Wind Load 3.16 psf FingerLakesEngineering.com 1-800-255-8779 w `P r i C480 Sheet 3 of 3 Summary (cont.) C480-load-bearing girder trusses in areas immediately supporting panels dtotai .084160 dy .080040 Lspan(ft) 38'10" Loch(ft) 39'11.519" Girder Truss O.C. (in) 168.00 Bearing Width (in) 21.00 Overhang (in) 1.50 Out-to-out Span (in) 466.00 Top Chord Pitch 1.0/ 12 Roof TC Length (in) 479.52 span Span/360 ballOW(in) 1.294 Max ptc, at 6a„ow(psi) 15.38 Aptc(in2) 2631.00 Athb(ft2) 559.44 Load Capcity (Ibs) 40,467 Load Capcity(psf) 72 Req'd Design Load (psf) 56 Truss Wt(Ibs) 1810 Truss Wt(psf) 3.24 C480-load-bearing Z purlins in areas immediately supporting panels I(in^4) 14.848 Area: 1.005 sq in E (psi) 29,000,000 Perimeter: 33.737 in distance between parallel purlins (ft) 5.00 Bounding box: X -3.470 — 3.470 in free span(ft) 14 Y: -4.750 — 4.750 in tributary area(ft^2) 70 Centroid: X 0.000 in Capacity, 1/240(Ibs) 4,882 Y: 0.000 in Capacity, 1/240(psf) 70 * Moments of inertia: X 13.754 sq in sq in 0.277 Ibs/in^3 Y: 1.967 sq in sq in Cross Section Area(inA2) 1.0050 Product of inertia: XY: -3.754 sq in sq in Cross Section Area Wt(plf) 3 Radii of gyration: X 3.700 in Self Wt(psf) .67 Y: 1.399 in *cont. braced, FEA=69psf Principal moments (sq in sq in) I: 0.873 along[0.280-0.960] J: 14.848 along[0.960 0.280] FingerLakesEngineering.com 1-800-255-8779 , } Wig. " - `` .. . ! i IL TH E TOTAL PACKAGE The Sunny Tripower TL-US is engineered to Enhanced power production SMA Service can also simplify long-term optimize design,production,and reliability— Leading efficiency and SMA's proprietary planning with comprehensive packages reducing a project's levelized cost of energy OmptiTrac Global Peak MPP tracking covering inverters through plant-wide and improving its financial returns. means owners benefit from superior power operations and maintenance (O&M). And, production and improved economics.When as a decentralized technology, inverter- Unmatched flexibility operated at 1,000 V DC,balance of system level O&M is reduced from the beginning Available in four power classes, the Sunny costs can also be significantly reduced. compared to centralized architecture. Tripower TL-US features a wide operating window, two MPP trackers, and 600 V The Sunny Tripower TL-US also features Optimized cost DC or 1,000 V DC operation, making it advanced diagnostics, including a reverse The Sunny Tripower TL-US allows integrators ideal for any decentralized project. System polarity indicator via the Connection Unit to optimally use real estate, shorten design engineering is made simple and repeatable, 1000-US. and installation time, and produce more resulting in a shortened design cycle. power. Inverter-level O&M is reduced Future proof through string technology and long-term Easy to transport and install, the Sunny The Sunny Tripower TL-US includes a support is made simple through SMA's Tripower can be mounted in a variety of number of technologies designed to service organization, making the Sunny ways from vertical to nearly horizontal. meet tomorrow's requirements. Full grid Tripower TL-US the ultimate solution for Concrete pads usually required by central management functionality is available, as decentralized PV. inverters are unnecessary, preserving site are cutting edge communication options like real estate. SMA's Cluster Controller and Speedwire. SMA . 111111 RATED FOR '1000 V DC & 600 Ni DC SYSTEMS c 1.11. us Design flexibility System efficiency Enhanced safety Future-proof • 1000 V DC or 600 V DC • 98%CEC,98.5%Peak • Integrated DC AFCI • Cluster Controller,WebConnect/ •Two independent DC inputs • 1000 V DC increases system • Floating system with all-pole Speedwire • 15°to 90° mounting angle range efficiency sensitive ground fault protection • Bi-directional Ethernet communications • Detachable DC Connection Unit • OptiTrac advanced MPPT • Reverse polarity indicator • Complete grid management feature set • OptiTrac Global Peak MPPT •Ability to satisfy future utility requirements SUNNY TRI POWER 12000TL-US / 15000TL-US / 20000TL-US / 24000TL-US The ultimate solution for decentralized PV plants SMA's new Sunny Tripower TL-US is raising the level of performance for decentralized commercial PV plants.This three-phase transformerless inverter is UL listed for up to 1000 V DC maximum system voltage and has peak efficiency above 98 percent, while OptiTrac Global Peak minimizes the effects of shade for maximum energy production.The Sunny Tripower delivers a future-proof solution with full grid management, and communications and monitoring features. The Sunny Tripower is also equipped with all-pole ground fault protection and integrated AFCI for a safe, reliable solution. It offers unmatched flexibility =ENGINEERED with a wide input voltage range and two independent MPP trackers. Suitable for both 600 V DC and 1,000 V DC applica- IN GERMANY tions,the Sunny Tripower allows for flexible design and a lower levelized cost of energy. ASSEMBLEDVQ IN THE USA CONNECTION UNIT 0-US • 1 M1 b. rn The Connection Unit is an optional system component of the Sunny Tripower IL-US series and includes combiner box and disconnect functionality in one convenient housing. Its integrated reverse polarity indicator supports safe installation. V W Connection Unit Technical data 1000 V Input(DC) Max.DC voltage 1000 V Number of input source circuits(strings) 8(4+4) Input conductor size #12 to#6 AWG Max.fuse size 20 A Output(DC) Output circuits 2 Output conductor size #12 to#2 AWG Max.rated continuous current/per output circuit 66 A/33 A Protection devices Q Touchsafe fuse holders • 0 Reverse polarity indicator • Load-break rated output disconnect • 0 General data a Dimensions(W/H/D)in mm(in) 500/380/140(19.7/15.0/5.5) Packing dimensions(W/H/D)in mm(in) 520/420/200(20.5/16.5/7.9) o Weight 5.5 kg(12 Ibs) o Packing weight 6.0 kg(13 Ibs) 7,2 Protection rating NEMA 3R Features Certificates and permits(pending) f") to 0 •Standard features 0 Optional features —Not available Type designation CU 1000-US-10 Toll Free +1 888 4 SMA USA www.SMA-America.com SMA America, LLC Technical data Sunny Tripower Sunny Tripower Sunny Tripower Sunny Tripower, 12000TL-US 15000TL-US 20000TL-US 24000TL-US Input(DC) Max.recommended PV power(@ module STC) 15000 W 18750 W 25000 W 30000 W ' Max.DC voltage* 1000 V 1000 V 1000 V 1000 V Rated MPPT voltage range 300 V...800 V 300 V...800 V 380 V...800 V 450 V...800 V MPPT operating voltage range 150 V...1000 V 150 V...1000 V 150 V...1000 V 150 V...1000 V Min.DC voltage/start voltage 150V/188V 150V/188V 150V/188V 150V/188V Number of MPP tracker inputs 2 2 2 2 Max.input current/per MPP tracker input 66A/33A 66A/33A 66A/33A 66A/33A Output(AC) AC nominal power 12000 W 15000 W 20000 W 24000 W Max.AC apparent power 12000 VA 15000 VA 20000 VA 24000 VA Output phases/line connections 3/3-N-PE Nominal AC voltage 480/277 V WYE AC voltage range 244 V...305 V Rated AC grid frequency 60 Hz AC grid frequency/range 50 Hz,60 Hz/44 Hz...65 Hz Max.output current 14.4 A 18 A 24 A 29 A Power factor at rated power/adjustable displacement 1/0.8 leading...0.8 lagging Harmonics <3% Efficiency Max.efficiency 98.2% 98.2% 98.5% 98.5% CEC efficiency 97.5% 97.5% 97.5% 98.0% Protection devices DC reverse polarity protection • • • • Ground fault monitoring/Grid monitoring • • • • All-pole sensitive residual current monitoring unit • • • • DC AFCI compliant to UL 1699B • • • • AC short circuit protection • • • • Protection class/overvoltage category I/IV I/IV I/IV I/IV General data Dimensions(W/H/D)in mm(in) 665/690/265 (26.1/27.1/10.4) Packing dimensions(W/H/D)in mm(in) 780/790/380 (30.7/31.1/15.0) Weight 55 kg(121 Ibs) Packing weight 61 kg(134.5 Ibs) Operating temperature range -25°C...+60°C Noise emission(typical) 51 dB(A) Internal consumption at night 1 W Topology Transformerless Cooling concept OptiCool Electronics protection rating NEMA 3R Features Display/LED indicators(Status/Fault/Communication) —/• —/• —/• —/• Interfaces:Speedwire/RS485 0/0 •/0 0/0 0/0 Mounting Angle Range 15°...90° 15°...90° 15°...90° 15°...90° Warranty:10/15/20 years 0/0/0 •/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 Certifications and approvals(pending) UL 1741,UL 1998,UL 1699B,IEEE 1547,FCC Part 15(Class A&B),CAN/CSA C22.2 107.1-1 NOTE:US inverters ship with gray lids "Suitable for 600 V DC max.systems Type designation STP 12000TL-US-10 STP 1 5000TL-US-1 0 STP 20000TL-US-10 STP 24000TL-US-10 Accessories Efficiency curve SUNNY TRIPOWER 24000TL-US r \ r \ 98 RS485 interface SMA Cluster Controller DM-485CB-US-10 "MkCLCON-10 / / 94 E"i 92 I o ae 99 „ w 90- . 1 g 88 Eta Nr-450 V) ] 97- — Eta(V„—700 V) 2, 86- Eta(V,—800 V) ; iso V„M eoo I I I 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Output power/Rated power •Standard features 0 Optional features —Not available Data at nominal conditions ------ --- ----_________ __________ 1 1i"ii Sunmodule/ Plus SoLARWoRLD \s......1 SW 285-300 MONO (33mm frame 5 busbar) REAL VALUE r A ‘: , TUV Power controlled: rirvwhertla a Lowest measuring tolerance in industry f r"CERTIFIED § 4- I IV I Every component is tested to meet — 3 times IEC requirements 4 ; I RELIABLE COI I li , I Designed to withstand heavy } - MAX Lone accumulations of snow and ice , 8500 Pa/173 psf O 1 t ' , . :I:4 : „ 0 Sunmodule Plus: 4 ♦ • I Positive performance tolerance -0/+5 Wp O I I I I , T 25R1 year 25 year linear performance warranty T ► - and 10-year product warranty WARRANTY O , I i 1 e- _ ' ' '►v� Glass with anti-reflective coating R AntCoat7ecgtiveO Coatin World-class quality •Qualified,IEC 61215 •Safety tested,IEC 61730 I 0 Fully-automated production lines and seamless monitoring of the process and mate- DJE Blowing• sand •Am monia resistance,resistance,IEC 6 IEC 6271068-2-68 11.1.11111111 •Salt mist corrosion,IEC 61701 rial ensure the quality that the company sets as its benchmark for its sites worldwide. •Periodic inspection G, US UL 1703 ga •Periodic inspection SolarWorld Plus-Sorting •Power controlled Plus-Sorting guarantees highest system efficiency.SolarWorld only delivers modules ISO9001 :: ISO 14001 that have greater than or equal to the nameplate rated power. certified E i- I ; Home NG85 GREEN LER?:Innovation, 25-year linear performance guarantee and extension of product warranty to 10 years SolarWorld guarantees a maximum performance digression of 0.7%p.a.in the course o ``EqT' D E 1 of 25 years, a significant added value compared to the two-phase warranties com n+►cs ..d S mon in the industry,along with our industry-first 10-year product warranty.* *in accordance with the applicable SolarWorld Limited Warranty at purchase. www.solarworld.com/warranty 011 solarworld.com MADE IN OF COMPONENTS i ,. , 11"ii1 SQLAR oRLD Sunmodule.YPIus SW 285-300 MONO (33mm frame, 5 busbar) REAL VALUE PERFORMANCE UNDER STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS(STC)* SW 285 SW 290 SW 295 SW 300 Maximum power Pr„x 285 Wp 290 Wp 295 Wp 300 Wp Open circuit voltage V„ 39.7 V 39.9 V 40.0 V 40.1 V Maximum power point voltage Vr Pa 31.3 V 31.4 V 31.5 V 31.6 V Short circuit current I. 9.84 A 9.97 A 10.10 A 10.23 A Maximum power point current I,PP 9.20 A 9.33 A 9.45 A 9.57 A Module efficiency rim 17.00% 17.30% 17.59% 17.89% *STC:1000W/m2,25°C,AM 1.5 PERFORMANCE AT 800 W/M2,NOCT,AM 1.5 SW 285 SW 290 SW 295 SW 300* Maximum power Pray 213.1 Wp 217.1 Wp 220.5 Wp 224.1 Wp Open circuit voltage V., 36.4 V 36.6 V 36.7 V 36.9 V Maximum power point voltage Vr,pp 28.7 V 28.8 V 28.9 V 31.1 V Short circuit current ISC 7.96 A 8.06 A 8.17 A 8.27 A Maximum power point current Ir PP 7.43 A 7.54 A 7.64 A 7.75 A Minor reduction in efficiency under partial load conditions at 25`C:at 200 W/m2,100%of the STC efficiency(1000 W/m2)is achieved. *Preliminary values,subject to change. moo w/m2 COMPONENT MATERIALS I. Cells per module 60 Front Low iron tempered glass 800 W/m2 with ARC(EN 12150) Mono crystalline a 600 W/m2 Cell type Frame 5 bus bar Clear anodized aluminum 400 W/mz Cell dimensions 6.17 in x 6.17 in Weight 39.7 lbs(18.0 kg) (156.75 x 156.75 mm) 0 zoo w/m2 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS ADDITIONAL DATA 100 W/m2 � NOCT 46°C Power sorting -0 Wp/+5 Wp Module voltage[VI V„,. TCIS� 0.04%/K 1-Box IP65 37.8(961) TCVV, -0.30%/K Connector PV wire per UL4703 with H4 connectors 4.20 ' • • T TCP,,,PP 0.41%/K (106.65) ►" `�±' Module fire performance (U L 1703)Type 1 _ -, 4x-I- Operating temp -40°C to+85°C 7.12 0 0.26(6.6) (180.85) PARAMETERS FOR OPTIMAL SYSTEM INTEGRATION o 00.35(9) o Maximum system voltage SC Il/NEC 1000 V 0 o Maximum reverse current 25 A m m Number of bypass diodes 3 o �, o ° Design loads* Two rail system 113 psf downward,64 psf upward o , O1 r„ Design loads* Three rail system 178 psf downward,64 psf upward Lo Design loads* Edge mounting 178 psf downward,41 psf upward *Please refer to the Sunmodule installation instructions for the details associated with these load cases. 0 0 „ •Compatible with both"Top-Down" T * 00.35(9) ( > and"Bottom"mounting methods 0 0 0 0 0 11.32 • Grounding Locations: (287.50) -4 locations along the length of the -' • •ILi--) module in the extended flange. --I I-- L 39.4(1001) -1 1.30(33) r 1 All units provided are imperial.SI units provided in parentheses. `""9 SolarWorld AG reserves the right to make specification changes without notice. SW-01-7510US 07-2015 {.z.,-.�.,Uec. 12, 2U1 1"1. 14FM MU1A., t1 ' IV u u 16/16 �j= i! . .� ? ..�.✓..:%'3�S'ia�e� a ti�Y�`C ,'�''��':�r`?'ram •a./�{fin�\ ♦•��y�va•G(�'7�� `C�.CC a"�_"' ,�Y�. 6 3�U � ���/ - ✓�1•.../•./. hy,�', ,,S U \,y,^ ti -`.J�/•\t,m-e 1 /Y%L/✓:t Jv'�..' y ,' S-tr.vo .VJ . '1%cl/� ..1?✓"iSa ail Ga <•, '•.�. �v`i? -,,,, -.t��:"t%: ti.�' �- 0 MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, ITC. c l Cewe0z that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed below has been examined and is approved as l jJ being in accord with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules in effect on the date l( , noted below and is issued subject to the following conditions. (� ,�>> Owner: °j Greater Glens Falls Transit Date_ 11/07/2018 t -,:a. Occupant: rf ?) Solar PV System Location: r j 495 Oueensbury Ave. Occupancy: Queensbu pervices ry, Warren Co. NY �4 1.4 Applicant: 11. Solar Liberty Energy System t��)) 0 6500 Sheridan Drive • C y• � • t) Suite 120 :At 1L Buffalo, NY 14221 y 141542106823EL. . . ... ._ .... .._ ... Equipment: S 2 - 14,400 Watt Inverters; 1 - Summing Panel; 1 - Production Meter; 3 -AC Disconnects; 1 - Line Side Tap; 127 - Solar Modules 03 • • e. E` This certificate applies to the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed immediatelynull and vole. This certificate applies onlyto the use,occupancy and �'ge P cY fG ti• above and the Installation inspected a5 of the above noted date based on a viSUEI ownership as indicated herein, Upon a change in the use.occupancy or ownership ��c ksl inspection. No warranty is expressed or implied as to the mechanical safety, etfi- of the properly indicated above,this certificate shall be immediately null and void. i( cy cieney or fitness of the equipment for any particular purpose. This certificate shall In the event that this certificate becomes invalid based upon the above conditions, rr Jl <e be valid for a period of one year from the above noted date, Should the electrical this certificate may be revalidated upon relnspection by Middle Department );,"t. G system to which this certificate applies be altered in any way,including but not limit- Inspection Agency,Inc, An application for inspection must be submitted to Middle (,t l c> ed to,the introduction of additional electrical equipment and/or the replacement of Department Inspection Agency. Inc. to Initiate the inspection and revalidation ?(.-.) any of the components installed as of the above noted Bate,this certificate shall be " process. A fee will be charged for this service. 05. '•`i',..;< SYa�yt?`�, t,st � , >s-h9c- fi./--'�` Ne\ ,{a ..r.-..:�ieNti>-4 7�.;.• . /' : :o --"1•;;9 r . -:,,; `41U:L�yr.14 >5 � i:t.�s�.7G�"✓S i1+�i'�� r J + :•+�.. •`/` i�y•„�' ::-�;: �"s!�-'�.Ji�:+t itii` ��, ` ` �:`{� C• �-' l'• •�.�, v .•ti •L.'�,�.�¢\,` n� L r�< �ai..%ty�,�:n..J.�ci �•.l .v ✓:,. � c .. •%�'!.� t�::% ?: 4 �dam Ls',vv+a i i Cr.,' tia . ril DEC 13 2013 f U TOWN E_Y U :nit r T .air N OF reel + ,,.iRY SUlL DING&C.-r3;:S