CC-0283-2018 r f TOWN OF QUEENSBURY µ' 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: CC-0283-2018 Tax Map No: 308.20-1-3.3 Permission is hereby granted to: Mike O'Connor For property located at: 75 CAREY RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Mike O'Connor Business Office-New $474,987.00 Owner Address: PO Box 34 Total Value $474,987.00 Cohoes,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency J.Luke Construction 796 Burdick ST Schenectady,NY 12047 Plans&Specifications Shell Only,plus septic system New Commercial Build 12,000 s.f. Lot 9,Northern Distributing Phase 2 Cross Ref. Site Plan Review P-SP-2018 approved January 16,2018 $ 3,600.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Tuesday,June 11,2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of The Town of Queen bury before e ex irati•n,• Dated at the To of Qu e , •i«,,June 11,2018 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement s., eLA OA ty • CC) \11 E. l• . Office Use Only PRI PIC TC ,(F PE Permit#: CC O rS "` of � ILE .F[1Rl L UD, a0 L• RLIcAT.IONJ Permit Fee:$ 3 } T C)i r' bra OlUEENS BU RY *Rec. Fee:$ 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, N / -28o4` UILDMG COo) 6 P: 518-761-8256 www queen,bury nei Invoice#: 0 LI 7iLf Project Location: 7S '-t �O4 Tax Map #: (2)Oq .2-0 — f` 3r 3 Subdivision Name: CAteVf ,ep�4D TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 86-2013:$850 recreation fee for new dwelling units: single family,duplexes/two-family, multiplefamily, apartments,condominiums townh_ouses,and'or manufactured & modular homes,but not mobile homes. This is in addition to the permit fee(s). CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant: Name(s): .�_ (,EJ S1P--cio or Mailing Address, CIS/Z: 72& GNU ���-�iT' 5 �/iJ FbY NLi !Z_Q47 Cell Ph.: _( _37 3/ Land Line:_( t578 ) SS-G-(4,,5S Email: et472 C J b 0-0(.05 647 p,60 • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): `coAlivo L Mailing Address, C/S/Z: PO 60K M &D E5 NY 1ZO47 Cell Ph.: ( ) Land Line: (5-75) 7-38' Ao Z Email: /44(KEepek L ; JEI '. Oorkx • Contractor(s): Name(s): .L / Ace coNcnevere4 Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 77(.0 s(EirV€TCt/9-bie AP( l Z.-so cc Cell Ph.: ( ) Land Line: ( 5 Cf) ) 3S 6,—/43.S--- Email: ( el 040.(;)0eDl.05ki67090, cow% • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Name(s): P=W•t.(SP-OUQ &( Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 13 ? V1CH- 2 FeRge ice, H t-F/14ct A( 1 7-0605 Cell Ph.: _( 570) r Land Line: _(,SZe7) (0 8? 7- Ema il: Pit iv t DE (C�i cI cup eppt►�-(L-- 60,4-N Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: Cell Ph.: _( 579) 540— 3731 Land Line:_( 33 Email: fi¢T-LC( •AO/?oWSt-t cgo92. Com Tnr)Building R Cnde Enforcement Princinle Structure Reviser!March 2)1 R PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: a" Commercial Residential WORK CLASS: Single-Family Two-Family _Multi-Family(#of ) Townhouse X Business Office Retail Hotel/Motel _Industrial/Warehouse Garage(#of cars ) Other(describe ) STRUCTURE SQUARE FOOTAGE: GARAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1ST floor: `Zj 7JQ 1sr floor: 2nd floor: 2nd floor: 3rd floor: Total square feet: Basement(habitable space): Total square feet: 1 Z( • ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction:$ 4 7411 1 r1 2.' Proposed use of the building: ®FF( i Gtisf} (cUSE 3. If Commercial or Industrial,indicate the name of the business: 4. Source of Heat(circle 4one) Oil Propane Solar Other: (Fireplaces need a separat Burning Appliances&Chimney Application,one per appliance) S. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES P..) plain: 6. Are there any easements on the property? YES 0 7. SITE INFORMATION: a.What is the dimensions or acreage?...the parcel? 1,60 Ae b.Is this a corner lot? YES 10 c. Will the grade be changed as a resu t e construction? 41010 NO d.What is the water source? PUBLI PRIVATE WELL e. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRI SEPTIC system? - Tn(1 Buildirm R.COdp EnfnrrPmPnt Prinrinlu Ctrurturw RwvicPd March 701R DECLARATION: I. I acknowledge that no construction shall commence priorto issuance of a valid building perm and work will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a t rue and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I understand that Uwe are required to provide an as-bui ft survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities priorto issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: �� f1 SIGNATURE: ekilaCr-1`P DATE: 5111`43 ToO Building&Code Enforcement arintinla ctr,lr?nrP RP„ieprl Marrh 7mu „::rr SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION Office Use Only TOW)of L3 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 2ccQsi"`ry P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Permit#: Tax Map ID#: 3PE3,20—L—3 g-3 Permit Fee:$ ;Invoice#: Project Location: 15-f (( i&4t' Septic Variance? Yes No Primary Owner(s) O .(E Pgo 2 -t- Mailing Address PO 60{C t2 4 PUY /2o47 Phone&Email 'Ye 2'38— t e 6-e di-Ce to of • ti.60nA Installer/Builder ,,,, , i e CoOSrP.ve't 0 Mailing Address I oQ ,.. T'. (1,C- (-ANfi NY jZ X Phone&Email 52 a - z/-/A-bs- PATPATP4614{0_1(013,6Atu,stA” Up•doirt Engineer tigA& `<I EA6ove8gt/061, Mailing Address Z467-- 5 ' -ugaits- ¶ ()trE- i fr11 4C-' /11 ' /ZcaC3 Phone&Email AGE, 8141 5Z45 .L,3t-i"ipe ,NlI�Situ6,t ',t�tx- ,.Cofr't Contact Person for Building&Code Compliance: P1CIC-14 Phone: 5-te--Z5`373q RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Year Built Gallons #of bedrooms X gallons per =total daily flow ,.., . per day bedroom Garbage Grinder Yes io) 1980 or older 150 Installed? (circle one) ---_ .1981-1.991 130 - Spa or Hot Tub Yes ILio 1992-Present 110 Installed? (circle one) PARCEL INFORMATION: Topography Flat Rolling Steep Slope %Slope Soil Nature Sand Loam Clay Other Groundwater At what depth? 1VnAJ Bedrock/Impervious material At what depth? ji(.A- . Domestic Water Supply k,Municipal ____Well(if well,water supply from any septic system absorption is ft.) Percolation Test Rater?SCE p r-m tr p -,ne;(test to be completed by licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: Tank size 100 gallons(min.size 1,000 gallons,add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hot tub System Absorption field with#2 stone Total length ez._ ft.; Each Trench Z ft. Seepage Pit with#3 stone How many: 3 ;Size: Alternative System Bed or other type: t)( 4� u tett.t -it. Holding Tank System Total required capacity?A 3 ;tank size (64C) ;#of tanks NOTES:1.Alarm system&associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency;2.We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an as-built plan is received and approved. The installed system must match the septic layout on file—no exceptions. Declaration:Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant,shall be void.I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. �� PRINT NAME: pm-per- DATE: Ot/�(16 4. SIGNATURE: J/ / � j • DATE: e.4/15 Town of Queensbd Building&Cod nforcement Revised March 2018 FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE 1 iTown of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 J vr pi* "Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW ILE C®PY Mike O'Connor F 75 Carey Road CC-0283-2018 5/24/2018 Review is for shell building only The following comments are based on review of drawings: • Egress door hardware must comply with Chapter 10 of IFC. Lever or paddle devices required • Knox Box needs to be purchased and installed at each store front • Truss ID required on building • Need HVAC calculations • Separate permits to be submitted and reviewed for each of the (4) fit ups ' ----s2_ ichael J Palm Fire Marshal 742•Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 firemarshal@queensbury.net Fire Marshal 's Office • Phone: 518-761-8206 • ,Fax: 518-745-4437 firemarshal@queensbury.net • www.queensbury.net r '>Construction Company.LI-C, Town Of Queensbury Building Department Attn:John O'Brien Re: Mike O'Connor Warehouse June 1,2018 75 Carey Road Mr. O'Brien J. Luke Construction is currently contacted with Construction Technologies Inspection&Testing in Ballston Lake to perform all soil and concrete testing,rebar inspections and structural framing inspections as well as any other special inspections the town may require. We will employ Northeast Building Performance out of Warrensburg to do the required blower door tests on the building envelop once completed. The air balancing of the mechanical systems will be handled by Alltek Mechanical Systems out of Waterford. Please feel free to contact me if you need any more information. Regard 1/17 Patrick Hedderman r i Sr. Project Manager "l i 11 JUN D S Cc; File -� -. TOWN Ol~ la Es_ S ;' 113 UWE JUN 05 2018 FILE COPY TOWN OF QiUEENSBURY BOLDING„ CODES Il' ii 796 Burdeck Street Schenectady NY 12306 p. 518.356.1447 f. 518-356-1447 itI REVIEWED FOR _ter{ -, a" 9 NERGY CODE COMPLIANCE 1399 Vischers Ferry Road Halfmoon,N.Y. 12065 Office 688-8362 Fax:373-9353 Email:monarchdesigngroup@gmail.com June 5,2018 FILE COPY J Luk Construction RE:Letter of Responsibility To Certify 2105 Energy Compliance For Mike O'Connor Flex Space Dear Sir; I conjunction with J Luk Construction and Mike O'Conner,Alltech Energy Systems, Monarch Design Group,LLC will be certifying the 2015 Energy Compliance Check for the envelope,the mechanical,and electrical for the building shell.We understand each of the (4) separate tenant alterations will require separate permits with separate mechanical, electrical and plumbing. Feel free to call for anything further Edward Joseph Esposito, rincipal Monarch Design Group,LLC 1_,.........__ 1 d JUN 0 6 2018 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&GOOFS Phone(518)688-8362 Fax(518)373-9353 e-mail: monarchdesigngroup@gmail.com , Monarch Design Group,LLC /- )—21 :-.-- - f 1 HM \/ ,‘ , kchit sctur*Drafti . ng landf,cap ch e Aritectlx0 • .--- --`I -------- --:— —'- ------ -- 1•3991'V4schers Ferry Road,Hatfmoon,MY 12065 Harlara-McGee of North America Teel'',551188:68sa8352 a E4 EiCQ°5!"°V. „,,Tk37a3)353 - - ANNtit 1`..RCM tT_ECT.', _ ........... .... 4000 Silver Beach Road, Malta Ridge, New York 12020 Phone: (518) 584-1300 I Fax: (518) 584-1374 I Email: 'info@harlan-mcgee.com , CALCULATION SHEET _ PROJECT#: 4141iV g4-Vit'' 0 I G CALC 6:C.44‘,616.41k...i.,..\ __ _ ., SUJCT* ,.?.._k =_ SHEET*: • 1 . To. L . ck -64 ,..cil,st,,ot., L00,-). s-oes+ . . , . '' Igc•,• -i(4‘-\ t '.is.. 4— 4/1 8 o . . 0 44/s_c„. . X71, 211)-7N6 Pt ... . FILE COPY . . P .,--- L18, 'aid .I". . , I / (0 - L \ \di A 9 r A Z13 -7 Y (.,5 2 6 k t C Cr , 2a,2cs, r' -1 S I ) 0,?5-s .c.-. 5)-• (pa,'? 5' Ic- \) LI,1.C/ i .-,., r ---- ------1 L , , I '1 jc,'/ I..., JUN 0 5 2018 j OF1".:Ait-71-1:N:S6Llibr TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ; BLKElitlo,il r'Ci'n'Y'" BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be construed as - indicating the plans and specifications are in full compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. • 11 -,,, Monarch Design Group,LLC sk ve-'""'",, C.,17317-}i_M .4/1.3°99`tc-ctviscu`tp:r0;`:arilear ;12065 /4414a/1-McGee of North America z::,'::::;'61,, Ed Es*d9'). 4 jTtFax:T8 531783,39r3 1.' =11,..tl'a.t• PLI..1%,:tirIZS `.R.t.. H13 Lif • 4000 Silver Beach Road, Malta Ridge, New York 12020 Phone: (518) 584-1300 I Fax: (518) 584-1374 I Email: info@harlan-mcgee,cona CALCULATION S}-1-MET PROJECT* 14/410 4 13- 01(0 cmic 4A: Fe7.01.0106.-\4 6'A SUBJECT OP SHET*:-Ltl< /Cg v cki 1-s_7 . 'Z..- i.) C- - , , -as-sc- ,,,,,,, -./ 3- 14 ( - t P -- N 1 0,s--- .'‘.4.,' 0 e- 1, .26,,25"5,144•671?, (PO' ?< IC, b - 1 P : qI gt -' L ra —9 Q : )6?, s- K.... Tf=c,. ilr% 4.-cu.J.,„• -;,,,;) ) .7 : * Cl t.40 \ i (A es i 4 1,., ..5.;,...4, • , Slopo.± 44,4 otfc t1/43teN I e>„\c) , 11:444,, ' 0 i ;ii.141A-. ill 0 0 e) 1 8' t 4'0- c690 ne '?°PEssloW' .1 .... ,, — — _ ,- COIAcheck :Software Version FILE COPY ,..._,, .'-' . Envelope Compliance certificate Nil . . _ ll .._-_—_—.. ErcEwrpr-, Pnr.iiierfi infOrrrreiti( D in 1 Elleigy C...7.f.11-.: 21C.41,5,-1E•D7,1 • i Pvini...!t•I,Mu; ?,,lilig O'Cr17101-Fl‘*1-,'V4r;,:irp.iyil.e.;,7j irin JUN 0 6 2018 k Li Queensbury,Nrivh•ynrk i ---., .:1.",',Iiir,atu Z::1141: f•-il TOvv—N OF QuEr...- :N,,u,—,v ?PlaicetT,,•pe,. Now Cx,21-::517.A..;:liQn ' V.-.41-1i1:i1i, :31,1Z:710.1"riii11111 Alt7r.r. W.: Cum-Ariz:Car,Silk:, Cre,71e,;,',,Iken.3L`711.. reiti;!91",..1.'CL:11?:Vill:!IX 'r,.,..-.1rov Rev-A vlo;o O'Cr)nrier C,Liec.4risiburv. NY Artsk Enc4rgy Systems Inc. 3 1 8-EiC7-L5.C5 REVIEWED FOR 171i ke...'00.1,:lf I Im k,:'v•I.!..••,:.:iy.com ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE Ri,Eirding A40,71 Frci. :,r-Ar47,,_1• — . Addidional Effie[efloy Packzaw Hir.r.ri rdri---orc,y i-rg.ar::.,5.ii)...,-di-Tr ;ih 1-•.'ci r,gl r4ithit Inn r.iliciirriginr.il r,..amirrawat''Mil ixl ibanliiir:a al 115.:1 rim:ham-Al ' i•mirt•i• 1141V0 10,1-)0 Adrilillil kasatfribiy Gli-,:::01.-; AO...3'1'A Cavity iiel.6i1,11,- IP eifi011iidd Illudgiti LIN CO rt-V.Fikie R.-Varli.ie, Li-Fag-Or F;Rctorls) Pee:inlet/Lot Fliaza'1:icilellal kai',:litiej,gi•artair.g...,.40.orn,nr.i.11-ina ira.ilolior„L winr watt 12030 tl i 3.1`, 0.0 0.1M 0 ri,c61 Thnririni rI4-I'd),112--,k143 1.!:-K! i -1,etArctIrm-al ri,,,..,I,5iirkp',..:(ti-ririr,l:F.,g.1111....iird,Vrxli1 4.ii.Li-V.L.in 1.1r4.1.1 . i-1:..1131 0 iel;.0 il1456 0.540 Ali-xotire,iiirl ril (4e,::PT in v172• 0%1;111 -.1. SI,•2,E.'.,riv:isri.i.,18'od-_•.,,pk19.L-e.„0-2 1 Viari2lialsi.31 21'2;30 19,0 Onni:,. 11.105.1 11,1534. ricka 2:itigillalii MI:3U S1ir,r, ..Eilt.fg.!...1si:t .,'A'zirtAt...ti ) ild r1,350 0,..11 C• 01.1::i 1.Iniathiled!4,ielz... 1,-,.lar Sqeirt-il.,v,iald•,i.. thie 1 '0,1;.rurt.:Knii.1 576 11,S5T, 0.35L:. wall Al.n...4 r,,,, s,16'f.:4 cl.,IniDklg,1...4:.,2 1 lii,:iidkaisui 1 ea I:1 1,S.0 0,0 0105.; 0,634 Exleciiy•'gall 1,Sif.J11.4 F11:110a.1,1(V 1:,,C„1,111k1V.Llckl: 1 •aniel•-s.v.iut3i ne4e ig,r) o.c, o.ioe Wiriii::•fi i•Ivintal Fr:Hrk•-:' rill Itir:Intii 1::,-riale:ixr..,ci,Pnrf,,:::irsi:::r.,: 51.2 0.550 0.,S130 Prcirtr:t 111 mr:.,Sl--111/2 0.:13,piclm L.I.5n•1 - ,eri',7117.11•,,.-.1121174 1:1-11 flo::r 1.if•ilr-x;.,--;v•5:1':,:•!, 7iiii•gyl•4r Fillz-rip.,1:1-1-1r.nu:si iii-A7ir,,1: 11:2 0,330 0.710 l:Thrir:n;,Pmzig,r..1 In nn 5iFicic o:45,,[1::ldry 1..,,r-on 1 -WEarohourirl 1LOI CAle•ritx ull'I:,Si":1-i ri,:111-&6,rt IV c,,.:.-..,(iLlk10.L . i •ko4Jitd..e1111121 'tE:00 lia,C, 11.0 0.11-1-I CI,C034 ......... _ 0.)HUT.S30111-141:1:Cir*.q.6'AY-A fro'sz:tf,,,l-we..4 1.-piri c.z.-41:11,...3111:&-r4 c3,41...Y.and r•-€:nr.e1 igYIE:rell.b:c.:%1117;:rfil, 1:t9 l'a.altrAratir..51 prOdirl intICATI,10:',•3 fltr:"±i,te 17.5,f11110 In:.nr.,:c.tola r378 1:411-iNF-4.7,ixill nnLve-s supporta-fa Mailrirf-;.111,olion. p:91:: 9,1 ',:-.ir-d trit'let L.',..racicrs s:"Imin:1 1.::-:',t;17,are,l--flazlIce's 1:,-.7..jr,zt•Title M*,r...1 n'c:x.:00rT F.1,?'.$:War;154"..-7:•):1"5;,' iicrort tivitc, '::.edin,9 rile :71,12rzOlr,,17„Ii.:Ill-,•73 1)C,77.:nr-7.-1-7.4zro: CrJricopt'o.7z:r1 r.-,-.1-1k R-11'5,-,:.:1,c,.L:;`,,, F:rilJr,' 1. r4 , _,, - -(d)Thermal spacer block with minimum R-3.5 must be installed above the purlin/batt,and the roof deck secured to the purlins. . elo '7 St SLtesgnoee t"# - .deh+r x �i ' ; n- #� ' 4 x-M [ -s �'4 ; A��s�t .i �F , 4-4rF �;is4,4� 1.»r '�'4,ssfiWN;Y� #„ �"s g4:�.ss��..'.xr." .r '� ...r; x�"�: : Envelope Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed envelope design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed envelope systems have been , designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Name-Title Signature ate — s,Zi 'ale a --- ,. .. iir (---5,, 4-0---- e- Tnt 1-fZili i4er. .it, , iq J, 11/1 ,, c g ,„, "4 ;; r t per•` s� -4'a,y -, 4., [,tip [.,. FL"-.'j,`.v r Project Title: Mike O'Conner Flex Warehouse Report date: 06/05/18 Data filename: C:1Drawings\Mike OConnor\Flex Space Concept\Com.Chk R-19-03.cck Page 2 of 20 a , COMcheck Software Version ' - ,. int- door Lighting Compliance Certificate ' Project Information Energy Code: 2015 IECC Project Title: Mike O'Conner Flex Warehouse Project Type: New Construction Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Carey Road Mike O'Conner Queensbury,NY Alltek Energy Systems Inc. 518-857-1555 mikeoc@alltekenergy.com Additional Efficiency Package High efficiency HVAC.Systems that do not meet the performance requirement will be identified in the mechanical requirements checklist report. Allowed Interior Lighting Power A B C D Area Category Floor Area Mowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts I ft2 (B X G) 1-Warehouse:Fine Material Storage 12000 0.95 11400 Total Allowed Watts= 11400 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B C 0 E Fixture ID :Description I Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. 1-Warehouse:Fine.Material Storage. Linear Fluorescent 1:48"T8 32W(Super T8):Electronic: 2 12 40 480 HID 1:High-Pressure Sodium:Standard: 1 28 60 1680 Total Proposed Watts= 2160 Igar iii tit Dstgri$37oie erthan/codeJ r r'- a k, i ; v1 ,=aF-aTI:Rj?el.:Nii�. v dam -.F. b ,.• i a.. r•. , �«r -^ - -.•.. � ." . ." Interior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed interior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version 4,0.7.0 and to comply with any applicable mandatory requiremani-c licfard in fha Incnar-fine C'hnrirlirf 7 /r IY Name, -."1 r_, r1- * _-�-.-- Signature Date r . -T_ ,i, 1: ,S-Y'lre :cza4 if -'F'',,,e, - . „N r " •"14 -1,.. : ' ',,... " . ....... .„, ....„,,,4, ..„,,, , .„ .4..... ...., r , ... .‘. I p ,... ,..,, , , , `t. -• „ ,,.... , ., ,.,„,,,,, ;, ,, ....„.„_,..„ 4 '--: 1` *1 w7�`} "rsF �� %y-� y, „y6 e es 'n,: '')""ek- ---'`_`-kil.'X'"'+,�: ''fie, jos aye ',::. Project Title: Mike O'Conner Flex Warehouse Report date: 06/05/18 Data filename: C:\Drawings\Mike OConnor\Flex Space Concept\Com. Chk R-19-03,cck Page 3 of 20 COMcheck Software Version Exterior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2015 IECC Project Title: Mike OrConner Flex Warehouse Project Type: New Construction Exterior Lighting Zone 3(Other) Construction Site: Owner/Agent Designer/Contractor. Carey Road Mike O'Conner Queensbury, NY Atitek Energy Systems Inc. 518-857-1555 mikeoc@alltekenergy.com Allowed Exterior Lighting Power A B C U E Area/Surface Category Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Watts Watts/Unit Wattage (B X C) Illuminated area of facade wall or surface 4 ft2 0,15 No 1 Total Tradable Watts(a)= 0 Total Allowed Watts= 1 Total Allowed Supplemental Watts(b)= 750 (a)Wattage tradeoffs are only allowed between tradable areas/surfaces. (b)A supplemental allowance equal to 750 watts may be applied toward compliance of both non-tradable and tradable areas/surfaces. Proposed Exterior Lighting Power A B C l3 E Fixture ID :Description I Lamp!Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps! #of Fixture (C X C) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Illuminated area of facade wall or surface(4 ft2).Non-tradable Wattage LED 1:LED A Lamp 11W: 1 8 60 480 Total Tradable Proposed Watts 0 Exterior 11. hti A3AS ES peso ONetter t an ode ' ; -, , Exterior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed exterior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed exterior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version 4.0,7,0 and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. 64. rS/1 Name Title Date i;y. Al Itq sitrz-, I t ;'...,} tr+ P��G 1jjrp-iPog`. Project Title: Mike O'Conner Flex Warehouse "' Report date: 06/05/18 Data filename: C:\Drawings\Mike OConnor\Elex Space Concept\Com.Chk R-19-03.cck Page 4 of 20 4 ;` C 04,4;1'.1,,,!`g e ('.., iyy., p n .R f�;i ..r.. i't £r, r,4., {= waL��, ,Y�1,c:: u�: ,S., Sr`i'0�S'' "L':;ti i.:E G ar._ P ii': ie l l air C m ' � : H ' ,'e ` t k _ to f PDVJect information Energy Code: 90.1 (2013)Standard Project Title: Okie Properties, LLC Location: Glens Falls, New York Climate Zone: 6a Project Type: New Construction . • Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 75 Carey Road Michael O'Connor Patrick Hedderman Queensbury,NY 12804 Firetek Sprinkler Systems;LLC j-Luke Construction Co. 58 Hudson River Road 796 Burdick Street Waterford, NY 12188 Schenectady, NY 12306 518-857-1555 518-356-1435 nlikeoc@alltekenergy.com patrick@hodorowskigroup.com Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type&Description 1 HVAC System 1 (Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Gas,Capacity=60000 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency=95,00%Ec,Required Efficiency=80.00%Ec Cooling:1 each-Split System,Capacity=24000 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency=9.50 EER,Required Efficiency: 9.50 EER 4.11.0 IEEE Fan System: Unspecified 1 HVAC System 2(Unknown): • Heating:1 each-Unit Heater,Gas,Capacity r-125000 kStu/h Proposed Efficiency=93.00%Ec,Required Efficiency_80,00%Ec Pan System: Unspecified 'I Water Heater 1: Electric Storage Water Heater,Capacity:0 gallons w/Circulation Pump • No minimum efficiency requirement applies Mechanical Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed mechanical systems have been designed to meet the 90.1 (2013)Standard requirements in COMcheck Version 4.0.8,1 and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed In the Inspection Checklist. ‘ '7 Name-Title Da(e 6 0„,-, , ii-, ,..,, , - -, -r-'1411 .,,,,,'.4..' Project Title: Okie Properties, LLC Report date: 06/05/18 Data filename: Untitled,cck Page 1 of 11 ` ~ - � � ~ ���������"�.������ m���������=�°"��" �m ��o ���°��0~�p� � �����m�/�=�������� Energy Code_: 90'1 '2013) Standard Requirements: 90.O% vvere addressed directly |n the CONIcbectsoftw/are Tex-in Uhr. "Cam ments/Assumptions" COILIMn is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen.For each requirement,th user certifies;that s code requirement m/i8be met and hom/that is documented,or that anexce��ion is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table..a reference to that table is provided. Sect Van � co m ? Cnnmmnez�/weee,a���ms 42.2' Plans,specifications,and/or []Complies Requirement will bpme,. 6.4.4z.1. calculations provide all imonnation []ooesmct 6.7.2 with which compliance can be [Pnz]z determined for the mechanical []mot0Usenau|e systems and equipment and []motAppUcsb|e � document where exceptions to'the standard are claimed.Load calculations per acceptable engineering standards and handbooks. � 4.2z. Plans, ---specifications, d/ -------l=lcomp|ies Requirement wiUUemet. ---' 7'7.1' calculations provide all information []ones Not /In'4.2 with which comp8ancecan be � |[p3}z determined for the service water []Not0bsomame � heating systems and equipment and []Not Applicable document where exceptions tnthe standard are dain'ed.Hot water system ___��/nUgu!�e.� --I— *.2.2. p/ �cat []CompUe8 8.4.I.1. calculations provide all information []Does Not' with which compliance can be 8.7 determined for the electrical systems []Nct0bsemab|e [pK6]2 and equipment and document"where []NotApp||cabie exceptions are claimed, Feeder connectors sized/n accordance with aPproved plans and branch circuits L _sized for maximum drop of3%. Detailed instructions for HVAC []complies Exception: Requirement does not apply, -------� [pn5]1 systems commissioning []DnosNot i the plans or specifications for Projects �=50'U00��' []mntObsemab|e []N,tAppUcable AdditlionaDCommmmmmta/.Assummiptimms: ' � l *1�h —� |��uum}�pac -- � Project Title Okle Propmrties' LLC Rmpvrt date: OaD5/io oatafifemamey Untitled.cck Page 2uf 11 49.,.99.9.9 4 ..u.e.ku N 4 ,4"4.• • * •• •.n. ns,u. Setthm /Forari6tiron ins.pacton .CcropSIY-..4s? CommentslAssumptions Req.111,1 16,4.3.7 Freeze protection and snow/ice Ei Compiles Exceptasn:Requirement does not apply. 1[F09j3 melting system sensors for future 00oes Not connection to controls. DNot Observable L . pilot Applicable _ AddTtiicnag CerffirnentSIASSuatnpUoris: • • • 1 1!High Impact(Tier 1) 2 IP/tedium Impact(Tier 2) 3 ow impact(Tier 3) j, Project Title: Okie Properties,LLC Report date: 06/05/18 Data filename: Untitleci,ccic Page 3 of 11 • " I I Prnbinq Ron WispecNon ; CompIllas? Comma EntsfAssumpticirm t&fiqiDj_ 17,4.4,1 Temperature controls installed on EComplies Requirement will be met. iPL2-13 service water heating systems ODoes Not (<=1202F to maximum temperature for intended use). EiNot Observable Dilot Applicable [574.4:2 Automatic time switches installed to nCompiles Requirement will be met, 1[Pl_331 automatically switch off the DDoes Not recirculating hot-water system or heat DNot Observable trace. ElNot Applicable Adiow Coreartnentsi.AssEnTiptonsg • 1 • • • High Impact(Tier 1) 1 2 Fedium Impact(Tier 2) 1 3 it...ow impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Okie Properties, LLC Report date: 06/05/18 Data filename: Untitied,cck Page 4 of 12 i Section J6.4,"Lflz HVAC equipment effliclency Efficiency-. ---friciency: ocom.plies See the tMechanicaf Systems liSt I equipm ent labeled as meeting MNot Observable Sta�and e1examrshaft ven� Elcumpus F_xceprkian.Requirement ''�— —[MB13 have motorized dampers that ODnes Not does not apply. automatically close. []wotobser«ab!e LJmot4ppDcabka 6.4.3.*.2-,—Outdoor i u' � m � ,�s � s ^------- --------------� arnPKes R*ou<ncm wi ll be met, |6.w'3.4.a h=e,nou,nzeddampe� []o ��a� oeswut LME413 automatically shut when not in []mo'uusemau|e use and meet maximum leakage / []mo�4ppocau/a rates.Check vitymampers ! where allowed. Enclosed parking garage L]compKes Exceptiam Requirement Dwess], ventilation has automatic Eloo,-smot does not apply. contaminant detection and []mutouscn/ab|e capacity to stage o,modulate []mo«App|icau|� ranstosomor|essofdesigo � capacity. '. .-a4- Venu\--onrans>0J5 � e []Complies Requirement will bemet. |[Ms5]3 automatic controls m shut off fan []ooesmot � ( when not required. []N,t8bservauAe | � L]mu«4ppUcau|e _ _ ----- anuxuntmlve- |adoo ------ -- Elcomplies Requ|nemenrwdUbemet. ` UmE631 provided for spaces>S0Oft2and uDvesmm >25 le/10o0n2occupant [JN,t Observable density and servedu ystems [3No[App0cub(o with air side economizer,auto modulating outside air damper ronbn| ordes|gn airflow>3,8OD ` 36 []complies Exception,Requirement jj []ouayNut does not apply. and chilled-water and []Not Observable See the eochuwica/Systems list evaporative cooling fan motor hp []NotAppUoab\o m,vames. >=1/4 designed to vary indoor fan airflow as a function of load and comply with openational ocomplies willb-met, mtscuedfrnmdamage UCwesNot Insulation outside ofthe [--]Not Observable conditioned []NoxxppUcaWe with-cooling Systems|svapor retardant. . ______ MVACdu�s and plenums R- ___ n, []compiles Requirement will bamet. � insulated.Where ducts or plenums are installed/nu/under []Not Observable as|ab �e,�ica�ionm�yneedu, ' []NntAppiicab[c occurdudngFoundation � !nspecMon. i6.44.13HV*cp)ping'- in-labonth\ckness. in. >n, []cnmpVas Requiremeffc w III bemet. E91,2 Where.Piping is instilled inor [JooesNvt { under as/a��veh5cabnnmay � � []mn«n»sermo|e � need to occur during Foundation []NvtAppUceble |n5pertmn ��H�h|mpa'���[�) � z|Me� ���|mpac�� er� � 5 �Lo� Pnojec Tide: Okle Properties,LLC Report date: 0610$18 Datafl{enamo� Untffled.cck Page 5Of. 11 , ire f[MME4111 surfaces of sensible heating E]Does Not does not apply. panels have insulation>=R-3.5, MiNlot Applicable lb,4.4.21 DUCtS and plenums sealed.based Qcompiies Requirement wil',be met, 'UME1.011 on static pressure and location, nDoes Not ONot Observable E]No-L Applicable F[ME1113 column requires air leakage 0Does Not does not apply. testing- [JNot Observable ONot Applicable [ME1113 column requires air leakage FIDoes Nor, []Not Observable E]Not Applicable ..)capacity recooling, mixing of hot and cold airstreams or concurrent heating FINot Observable and cooling of the same E]Not Applicable ' �6.sJ,4al Humidifiers with airstream ---- - �0wCon� mounted preheating Jackets []---- Exception: Requirement ' ''' ooesmct does not apply, / preheat auto-shutoff value set tn activate when humidification|n []Notobsemab}e not required. __ []motAppUcabie 6��4% Humidificationmd|apo | []� U . . . �. 0 raon mmp �s �xu����m �equ|mm�n� [��8�] tube hot su�acesinthe []ouesmut does not a'p|y. aicteamsnfduc�ora|� ' { hanu||ngun|t»Inou}aoeU>=R- []NutUbyervab|e []NotA�p||ceb|e ~. ��-2.s Preheat controlled ' Requirement will be e ;�wE?0� heat whenever []D�eN�� - mechanical cooling, i oNd�y economizer operation,is ON���mab� � []Nc¢A���a�� { �u|t|p|e�onexx systems ------' ---------- ------- — ^ . . . vsy�am Elcompxes Emception: Requirement [wE42l3 DDcor individual zone boxes []Dues Not does not apply. have static pressure � ��controls. []m��0bsemab|e reset cnnm�� � See the wemanica Systems list QNot Applicable m,vamea Multiple zone VAY systems with [] IM�4Z]» DDCnf individual zone boxes []Dues'—'�� �r"ame�Mechanical`�--- have static pressure setpoint — eset controls. FINot Observable []NctAppUcaNe /e.5.4.2 xvnc pumping systems>zoxp []Complies Requirement will be,met. --- [MeZ5]� designed for variable fluid I low. []Dnes0ct LJwot Observable []mot Applicable615.6,1 Exhaust air energy recovery on []Complies EXCePtlwm, Requirement systems meeting Tables 63.n.1' []Does0vt does not apply. l.ands.s�o��-a. UnotnbservaWe L []wo�xppUcab}e / ----- -- \ h |U|g»Impact(Tier I) | Low Impact T iers> � Project Title: ONe Properties, LLC Report date/ Q605/l8 Data filename: unUtledo�. page 6mf I ` Exception., Requirement !DAE32f, make up air>=50%of exhaust ODoes Not does not apply. approved field test used to plies Exception. Requiremei I[�uIE4913 evaluate design air-flow rates nDoes Not does not apply. and demonstrate propeT capture and containment of kitchen exhaust systems. [Not ApPlicabte __ if does nat apply. I 'Observable []NotApp!�a�e ------ --'-- - ElComplies Requirement will bemet. -51519 Hot gas bypass limited to: <=240 ONotobservable LJwotAp�icabA� --- - --�-'------ 7.4.2 3er�oa�ate/heating equipment -----Ocomp|ies ME3612 meets efficiency requirements. E]ooes Not []wvtobservab!e � []NotAppUcable ' '-- -- []compVes �z�em�mm Requirements.�3e oeat� ves tibules " ![M^-']' curtains include automatic []Dues Not does not apply, ) oo,tm}sthat shut dfthe hoadn0 []mo«Obsemab|e system hen outdoor air u|e []mn«uppUcau|e heating systems controlled bya ' thermostat in the vestibule livith ' uetpoint-,-,=6Dr. '- -----'--urssapa 'Ungxo^. uionnd []complies 5xcepti*» Bd|dinymaU� [��?3� from ��o�sN�� pn�an�snm*uaup -'--- controls that disable/reset [] doaing devices. ' heating and cooling yyocemwhen []Not Applicable Additkona8 ��mm�mem�s/�as�mm�*���g: Ij High Impact(rIJI) | 2iMeUiumjrg2�t<T�1��) / -- Report(late: O605D8 Project Title: QkePrupo��s LLC � omaIffih*ame: Vntiflod.cck page 7cf ll - _- an autornatic control device. �z !*|o z} --T�- Medium a) | s Low'1r,)pact-----' (T-lers)--- Project Title: ONe Properties, LUC Report date; 06105/18 Data filename: UnbUod.cck Page 8of 11 -6, Thermostatic controls have a 5 *F LIComplies Requirement 1AM be Met. FINot Observable DiMat Applicable T eniperatum controls have setpoint OComplies Requirernent will ib.e Met. overlap restrictions. F-lDoes Not ONot Observable ONot Applicable HVAC systems equipped with at ieast ElCompfies Requiremen'twUl be met, EF12113 one automatic shutdown controL ElDoes Not F-INot Observable nNot Applicable 65,4,33.2 Setback controls allOW aUtOnlatIC ElComplies Requirement Mil be me-'-. restart and temporary operation as FIDGes Not uIred Tor maintenance. nNot Observable EINot Applicable a dehumidification are provided to a Eboes Not zone, simultaneous operation is OMot Observable prohibited.Humidity control prohibits the use of fossil fuel or electricity-to ONot Applicable produce RH >30%in the warmest zone humidified and RH <60%in the __.soldest zone dehumidified. 6,7.2,1 Furnished HVAC as-built drawings ncompnes Requirement will be met [P1713 submitted within 90 days of system nL)oes Not acceptance. Observable []Nrt Applicable 6.7.2-2 Furnished O&M manuals for nvAc Mcomplies Requirement wilt bemet. Erma systems within yVdays of system UDmsNnt � acceptance. []Nutnbwenmbie Not Applicable ------------ ' -' ---------[l --- Re � td | �.7.%.� i ��mp|ies rzcep�a�: quemen ouesn c�apply. (171011 balancing report i5 provided for HV&C LJDoe«Nct uy5te,nm serving zones>58VO��of ' []0ctobsemab!e conditioned area, [JNot Applicable _ HVAC control systems have been []Complies Requirement will bommt (F11611 te5teutoensure proper operation, EiDowsNot calibration and adjustment of controls , []NctObservable ` � ryfau []wmtApp!<caule 7.4. __ � 43 �u�ic\avatucotwata/ []Cum�!� v@U s Koqu(remnr� bemw ' |[R11]3 temperature d:=llU^r. LJDnesmct [Jm,tousemaWe � ________ _[]WotAppUcab|e 7.4.�.� Cnntmivare)n�aUe�tnat limit the []Complies Ryqv\ement*ill bamet, [F!I233 operation ofa recirculation pump []Doeomo« installed to maintain temperature ora []NntObservable Storage Lank []NctAnp/icab|o 10.4.3 Elevators are designed with the ElCompxes E=oeptlem: Requirement does not apply, i[p124]z proper lighting,ventilation power, and LJt)»esNnt ' standby mode. []NotDUsemab|e } | LJmotApp|icaMa Additional Commmmento/Asmummptioms: �I /Hig»Impact _T3-Low Impact(Tier a) / -- � N Properties,LL� Re�mt�a�e' 05/05/I0 Pn��1T (e� � e rope�es. � Data fi|enannm untitied.uck page 9of ll a • • • • • • 1 i High Impact(Tier 1) 1 2 I Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 j Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: ,Okie Properties,LLC Report date: 06/05/18 Data filename: Untitled.cck Page 10 of 11