SIGN-000036-2018 Smart Wash Carwash TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Zoning Department (518) 761-8256 SIGN PERMIT Permit Number: SIGN-0036-2018 Tax Map No: 303.15-1-12 Permission is hereby granted to: Smart-Wash of Queensbury,LLC For property located at: 708 QUAKER RD in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Owner Name: Smart Wash of Queensbury,LLC Sign-Freestanding $0.00 Owner Address: 708 Quaker Road Total Value $0.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/ Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications Freestanding Sign 36.25 on Dix Avenue side of business located at 708 Quaker Road Sign Copy: Smartwash Carwash Sign Variance Z-SV-1-2017 Approved January 18,2017 $ 108.75 PERMIT FEE PAID Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Tuesday,February 6, 2018 SIGNED BY: Ok for the Town of Queensbury. Zoning Administrator Office Use Only Town of Queensbury Building & Codes Received: SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Tax Map ID: Permit No.: t 3(a o r'g Permit Fee: $ Vee P- Date ) J 29112 Applicant J YVVU'f Iidp ck of S&1 ) L-LC- Tax Map ID Address 10Z QM iLfx 17,4 Zoning C .L(-t i i b('u l J, N 1 (Z&U-I Property Owner (TrULA U vt l ContractorlAgent: Elm f ,�-1-- (�A,a-tit Address I0 E (�U cULv �Cc U Address Que2,v►.f IOt wt�, ,�Y d Z8by Phone C5 l& —1�t(-(21 Z_I Phone Contact Person for Sign Code Compliance: P1OL(kf 0 UI►\1K Day Phone: (5( g)14( 19125 Building Street Address: - _- Site Plan,Variance,or Subdivision Approvals jr' I`_ ii 1"a1 1r71 Location of proposed installation i x" five. s/ �f b u�j sJ �+ '1 D �' a wit "3 2018 Business Complex/Plaza/Mall name - W JJ Business name Sol art V J& Of c&-c , L.� T OVvf t CF C' FENS 3URY COr;1V!Ur.iP1 Y f /EL0PI'VIE T Type of Sign proposed cYI,C S�a,��c - .-- _.--. ..�. If sign is to be illuminated, indicate ✓internal extetnal _Incandescent _neon _other Do signs currently exist on property? ✓Yes No(if yes, list all existing signage) �" Change of word/copy From to SW]aft l�)GlSh (cV bVQJVf Sign Wording/Copy Sign Size Length 5f+ x Width 3•to =Total sq.ft. to. 25 Sign Height(freestanding) Color&Material to be used 8 I q p,1k , H- 9 k i mioa :( lot as-b G This application creates a change in the New following existing site conditions(fill in all Change in number of signs from to applicable spaces) Change in setback for sign from to Change in size from to Change in height of sign from to Declaration: To the best of my knowledge, the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. APPLICANT-PRINT NAME 14y S-NQ L.Greeviou APPLICANT-SIGNATURE: I /�, Date: Declaration: I hereby authorize the applicant to place a sign on my property or building: OWNER-PRINT NAME: i , / 7 e, / v ee9-Cc-rs 4 �J OWNER-SIGNATURE: // Date: Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Sign Permit Application 518-761-8256 l , a-oi!,' -i 00 , NUMBER OF CHANGES I :, 00 S0 . AFTER THE 3RD CHANGE A$50.00 IOWA ° DESIGN FEE WILL BE ASSESSED 4. 800-682-7446 I-AX:586-427-0076 WWW.TSSCWS.COM DATE: . 1"-------7:------- 1:5) E CjQ 08/31/16 JAN 3 1 2018 17379 i COMPANY: TOWN OFQ«EEiS3URti NEW ENGLAND CAR WASH EQUIP O�"MURt!ry DE:,.`EL� f'f El CUSTOMER PO# = _._.________L__- VERBAL DESIGNER: JUSTIN A. S col PART #AND DESCRIPTION: tin EM5X1OB DOUBLE SIDED I:2 4 MONUMENT SIGN DIMENSIONS: _ 120"WX44" HX00" D r ›.- Mi Lo OLTAGE: 120 VAC z Lon 0 MOUNT: E MATERIAL: co4 c 0 o a HIGH IMPACT PLASTIC FACECla v M o Z o H H & N 1.0 N .y BLACK c M 0 Eaifno BOLTS ON THE INSIDE TOP OF SIGN C o in a U oe 1m.N C -p c o E o d M N 1� 0 w 43.5 IN H (3.6FT) I HAVE REVIEWED ALL COPY FOR PUNCTUATION, SPELLING w AND DESIGN, THERE MAY BE A SLIGHT COLOR VARIATION BETWEEN THIS DESIGN AND FINAL PRODUCT. a • NOT APPROVED z (0 If you are using the ram logo on your sign we are required to notify Zep wth your phone number x 1''� 'a r .v xs a m-i '' .`�'y�s `� •s t?ak3 n r r a,,. # ��- - .�. �. v Code Compliance and informational Sheet for Permit Use Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Project for: /e �' 36•a56-f EnerGov File No. 5l6' Y-aol 8" Applicant Name: ''^-4.11-- sS� '4F L-LJ Zoning Administrator ' �.r1� - OVED Tax Map No. 363.ly-i-t?.- tiF p lic'fion Lot# House # 20 - _ 6 road,street Apartment Building No. _. rye :c,Administrator Lot Size: 3,8 3 A-rAaIS '4 OF QUEENSBURY Mobile Home Park: Business Plaza: Planned Unit Dev. Subdivision: Phase /Section Effective Year Zoning Designation Zoning Ordinance Prior to 1967, July 10 Subject to current setback requirements at time of development. Section 179-20-10,B Subsequent to Development of lots within subdivisions subsequent to July 10, 1967 shall use the July 10, 1967 setback requirements in place at the time of the approval of the subdivision. 1967 1982, June 11 1988,September 19 Corner lot rule Prior to Nov. 23, 1992 approved subdivisions *(see note on back of form) / 2002, April 9 / 2009, May 12 L Town of Queensbury no longer regulates docks & boathouses on waters of Lake Effective Year 2013 George. A Building Permit is still needed, but Planning and Zoning issues are not applicable unless the project is on "our side" of the Mean-High-Water-Mark MHWM ). Applications for construction are regulated by the Lake George Park Commission. Road Name Setbacks Existing Required Proposed _I Difference ._. Front 1 %S : (o• .!o 4 c..n Front 2 Side 1 Side 2 Rear 1 Rear 2 Shoreline Travel Cooridor Overlay Zone _ Buffer Town of Queensbury Code Compliance and Informational Sheet for Permit Use • Queensbury Dept of Community Development Yes No meets depth,width, &square footage requirements preexisting, nonconforming lot with proper setbacks required frontage on public road has required off-street parking permeable area is adequate (Requirement is %) building does not exceed maximum height (Max. ft.) Is lot in a Flood Zone? Floor Area Ratio worksheet required? Zone: WR-1A * Corner Lot Information for Subdivisions Approved Prior to November 23 1992 Section 179-30.1 which requires front yard setbacks on both roads for a corner lot was not enacted until November 23,1992. Therefore, prior to November 23, 1992 parcels within approved subdivisions have one (1) front yard,two (2) side yards, and one (1) rear yard setback. Review Type file No. Action Resolution Date and Notes Zoning Board of Appeals Planning Board Town Board Check Listry Pd/Rec d L Notes Local Law No. 1,2013 effective Jan.28 2013 $850 new dwellings(per unit): SFD, Recreation Fee Paid 1 duplexes and two-family,multi-family dwelling,apartments,condos,townhouses,or manufactured and modular homes. NOT included are Mobile Homes. I Engineering Fee Paid d� L Site Plan Maps on File Subdivision Mylar Signed and Filed with County .,, Application appears to conform to the requirements of Section(s)of the local Town Code: Application requires additional review for the following: Zoning Board of Appeals Planning Board Town Board of Health Town Board for Mobile Home Outside of a Mobile Home Park Other Review y Staff y _ Date Notes 31/4.o! -- 6nOC.._ [ _ p tncc _ Sc4.Sh.— Cr _( 3/ / ' . ly 7d-cy Pae s✓exp►w.t. //i ao t ' . Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518)761-8238 Town ofCZuecnshury Compliance Letter ATTENTION: PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY SITE WORK, January 20,2017 PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS COMPLIANCE LETTER! TO: Smart Wash of Queensbury,LLC Location: 708 Quaker Road Tax Map Number: 303.15-1-12 RE: Sign Variance No. Z-SV-1-2017 Your application,after review and consideration by the Zoning Board of Appeals;(ZBA)was approved(resolution attached). The variance approval is valid for one(1)year from the date of approval. You may request an extension of approval before the one(1)year time frame has expired. See section 179-14-090. Additional requirements and review for this project shall include: 1. Please submit four(4)copies of the ZBA approved plans to the Zoning Office for the Zoning Administrator's approval-One(1)copy will be returned to you in order to be posted on the project site. 2. Post Approval-Contact Bruce Frank—Code Compliance Officer Once the approved plans have been submitted to the Zoning Office you must contact the Code Compliance Officer for pre-construction meeting before any work is started,and at any time during the site development should any constraints,concerns or questions arise. Mr.Frank will monitor the site development throughout the project for compliance with your approval;however,see item 3; Contact Bruce Frank,Code Compliance Officer at 761-8226. Applicant may apply for a building permit unless the proposed project requires review,approval or permit from the Adirondack Park Agency,Lake George Park Commission or other State agency or department. 3. As-built plans and/or Certification must be submitted to this office for review and approval prior to the issuance of Final sign-off from the Zoning Department and/or a Certificate of Occupancy— If there are no modifications or changes from the approved plan provide a certification from the project designer. If there are minor modifications or changes from the approved plan provide revised site plans with certification that the changes are acceptable from project designer. This may be,potentially,approved administratively. If there are major modifications or changes from the approved plan provide revised site plans with certification that the changes are acceptable from project designer. This will likely require re-approval by the Zoning Board. Since ly, Craig Brown Director of Planning&Zoning Zoning Administrator CB/sh Zoning Board of Appeals—Record of Resolution Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518)761-8238 Town of Qiccnsbury Sign Variance Resolution To: Approve Applicant Name: Smart Wash of Queensbury,LLC File Number: Z-SV-1-2017 Location: 708 Quaker Road Tax Map Number: 303.15-1-12 ZBA Meeting Date: Wednesday,January 18,2017 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Queensbury has received an application from Smart Wash of Queensbury,LLC for a variance from Chapter 140 of the Sign Code of The Town of Queensbury. Applicant proposes to maintain existing 36.25 sq. ft.double-sided freestanding sign located on the Dix Avenue side of the parcel. The applicant requests the following relief: Relief requested from minimum setback requirements for a freestanding sign. Section 140-6 Signs for which permits are required The applicant requests to maintain a 36.25 sq. ft. sign located 6.1ft from the front property line on Dix Avenue where a 15 ft. setback is required. SEQR Type: Unlisted [Resolution/Action Required for SEQR] Motion regarding Sign Variance No.Z-SV-1-2017,Smart Wash of Queensbury,LLC.based upon the information and the analysis of the above supporting documentation provided by the applicant,this Board finds that this will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact. So we give it a Negative Declaration,Introduced by Michael McCabe who moved for its adoption,seconded by John Henkel: Duly adopted this 18th day of January 2017, by the following vote: AYES: Mr.McCabe,Mr.Henkel, Mr.Urrico,Mrs. Hayward, Mr.Underwood,Mr.Jackoski NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Freer A public hearing was advertised and held on Wednesday,January 18,2017; Upon review of the application materials, information supplied during the public hearing, and upon consideration of the criteria specified in Section 179-14-080(A)of the Queensbury Town Code and Chapter 267 of NYS Town Law and after discussion and deliberation,we find as follows: 1. Will an undesirable change be produced in the character of the neighborhood or will a detriment to the nearby properties be created by the granting of the requested sign variance? There will not be an undesirable change produced in the character of the neighborhood nor will a detriment to nearby properties be created by granting the requested Sign Variance. 2. Can the benefit sought by the applicant be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than a sign variance? I suppose it could,but it doesn't make economic sense. The sign already exists and so we'll just leave it where it's at. 3. Is the requested sign variance substantial? It's not substantial considering the sign's been there for quite a period of time. 4. Will the proposed sign variance have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? Not really, again,because it's existed there for a long time. 5. Is the alleged difficulty self-created? Certainly it is. 6. In addition the Board finds that the benefit to the applicant from granting the requested variance would outweigh the resulting detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood or community; 7. The Board also finds that the variance request under consideration is the minimum necessary; Based on the above findings I make a MOTION TO APPROVE Sign Variance No.Z-SV-1-2017,Smart Wash of Queensbury,LLC Introduced by Michael McCabe,who moved for its adoption, seconded by Michelle Hayward: As per the resolution prepared by staff with the following: A. The variance approval is valid for one(1)year from the date of approval;you may request an extension of approval before the one(1)year time frame expires; B. If the property is located within the Adirondack Park,the approved variance is subject to review by the Adirondack Park Agency(APA). The applicant is cautioned against taking any action until the APA's review is completed; C. Final approved plans in compliance with an approved variance must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building&codes personnel' D. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including sign permits are dependent on receipt of these final plans; E. Upon approval of the application; review and approval of final plans by the Community Development Department the applicant can apply for a sign permit unless the proposed project requires review, approval,or permit from the Town Planning Board and/or the Adirondack Park Agency, Lake George Park Commission or other State agency or department. Duly adopted this 18th day of January 18,2017,by the following vote: AYES: Mr.McCabe,Mrs.Hayward, Mr. Underwood, Mr. Henkel,Mr. Urrico,Mr.Jackoski NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Freer Queensbury Web Map a LC-10A :•sM' 0RD-S1 GG v4- A's CLI 4, MDR q CLI CI � Ifl ti,..„ III k ••-•„,'\ ``F/¢;••, / IsF '• �//lQy/ Vital Mart Sup er c ent er Il IIIIQL/6Fs..• ; f i �====1 O t I ' ",./ ' II 1 Q`:� 1 1 I II ,I I, ' ''`. I k. )41;9 Il'1 CLI `. 1 • I 1,1gC1 0 CI �/ 11 I 0 1 ' Z--i / CI li I 1I (--= - I1 __ , ' . \ i. __o J) if -- —__ ,,� Ir___ I I II ` - - �\'` I' I 1 I1 I I -=. 11 I t� 0I II I l 'II G!,=_� II *II I I II l, �... Q__�i II II II III OEDC II CLI II 11 I 1 I \ ,� � ' \ I CLI .x /!' f,, P 0 iy II i%" I'1 '�i C II ti 1 �' CLI 1 Q p �! CLI / 1� J i J�Q �P i Azp -_ v CLI tower- / OJ GREF CLI m HI HI HI ?t rrt Map is for GENERAL REFERENCE ONLY. CLI CLI -LOWFR.V0ARREN•S1 HI ffinollmil l".1.1434 Fe Printed 1/31/2018 1 : 6951 Page 1 / i RIGHT— OF WAY' _ ..—...._. _ gyCa — LANDS N\F OF wl LR.r. JAMES BARRETTAr Kra G> _ [ Q AREA 5 enr •�+ - xnvrl� 166950.3Sq.Feel ,.� Ar 3.8 Ac... \ gS`'� SIGN DLIAIL. � qn„o iw O�w*r+r agN a qi.. s AfteA /1 "p(,OS 6°., u /4r 4f �,. r a AsawALi �"qo w,W, lnrvu AWA L mw a. , W 5 p?,09 d. aF asRiiALi owvc "`�..._ y .n, TIC, Rr e41V 1� r� LANDS N\F OF go 0 SWITCHCO LLL" y O a u SITE MAP: 'WK4r 9g S's0 A N hM1 LANDS N\F OF � a PE"II'k'At J. 6nApN,VV,;W ' DEED REFERENCE: Q, A�el+ GERALD J. &ROGER G. HEWLETT Q• BROAD STREET CAR WASH,INC. 111 ONO DATED FF.HRUARY 22, 1988 SIGN DETAIL_ IN BOOK 703 PAGE 20 rUNhr u,, / MAP REFERENCES: 1, MAP OF LANDS PROPOSED TO HE CONVEYED BY GERALD J. &ROGER HEWLETT n.w aRr TO BROAD STREET CAR WASH, INC. Rome P DATED FEBRUARY 16, 1988 BY COULTER&M.CORMACK MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR s- S.E. REALTY, LIF DATED NOVEMBER 26, 1996 BY VAN DUSEN&STEVES $ME ......_ ..............m..,.._.._.,............._. ._._..v..... 303.15-1.-12 Sign Variance Z-SV 14017 Smart Wash of Queensbury,lLC 708 Quaker Road