RC-0674-2018TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5904 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: RC-0674-2018 Date Issued: Monday, May 6, 2019 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number has been completed. RC-0674-2018 Tax Map Number: Location: Owner: 308.14-1-52 89 Briwood CIR FOREST PARK MHC, LLC Maggie GannonApplicant: This structure may be occupied as a: Manufactured Home 1152 s.f. By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. Director of Building & Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 a Community Development - Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-0674-2018 Tax Map No: 308.14-1-52 Permission is hereby granted to: FOREST PARK MHC, LLC For property located at: 89 Briwood CIR In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: FOREST PARK MHC,LLC Mobile Home $40,000.00 Owner Address: 183 Pitcher RD Total Value $40,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Hunt's Home Services 36 Brickoven RD Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications Manufactured Home 1152 s.f. $ 230.40 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Tuesday,October 29, 2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbu before t xpi ation e.to Dated at the Town •l Quee ; Me•- ‘1,ctober 29, 2018 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement vt. Office Use Only • ,••.- • ;:•Kk-,.. ttak , MANUFACTURED HOME Permit#: rzc PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ g30, Qjccnsbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.cueensburv.net. lEcilowEE e Fee:$ N/A I v ice#: I OCT 2 4 2018 I 2,r;vvom, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY - OUOLDING&CODES Project Location: H TdxMopID #: 0s . II — Name of Park: r Proposed Date of Placement: CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant: Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z::, .--, Cell Phone: ( ) [(2, Land Line: ( . ) I ' Email:- , • ° • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( Land Line: ( Email: • Contractor(s): Business Name: ; Contact Name(s): f 2 ; Mailing Address, C/S/Z: '4";, - `r Cell Phone: (57N- ) .`..11(f :2) Land Line: ( Email: '11 Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: Cell Phone: CD I C, Land Lirie'. (51 S ) Email: IL VLSI-CY," kt ( 1t 1 C_ Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Manufactured Home Application Revised May 2017 MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: (INFORMATION FOUND ON THE PLATE OR STICKER LOCATED IN THE HOME): Insignia serial #: Name of Manufacturer: Place approval #: Model or component designation (New Home Only): Date of manufacture: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Approximate Value of Home: $ - 2. Is the home NEW or a REPLACEMENT ? 3. Single-wide v or Double-wide ; Size: ft.X ft. 4. Foundation support (choose one): Size Depth li Piers: X Slab: 5. Is the home being placed on a private lot? No Yes (if yes,you must provide stamped engineered drawings of the permanent foundation plan) 6. Total#of rooms (exclude bathrooms): ; #of bedrooms: ;#of bathrooms: 7. Additional heat source? No Yes Choose one, if yes: gas fp woodstove wood fp 8. Are there any other/existing buildings on the property? No Yes ; Explain: 9. What is the water source? PUBLIC PRIVATE WELL 10. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system? 11. Do you need a septic permit application? No \, Yes DECLARATION: I swear that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises; and,that all provisions of the NYS Building Code,the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be completed with I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: I ) )( "`it, ` r ` 4' =f I I )i SIGNATURE:I) 1('),' .("' € _`v ',# <_ .t I DATE: / - ic•*-1/ / Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Manufactured Home Application Revised May 2017 c.---- \,.. .4'... ) '-. • ,... , .. _ FILE COPY NOTICE (r 11 y. 1 ANCHORING OF MOBILE HOME all go 1 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FRAME IS REQUIRED PER a z 0 , BUILDING DEPARTMENT c.1 w(..) Based on our limited examination,compliance MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS =1 with our comments shall not be construed as llg c- .),4 c i::. . , indicating the plans and specifications are in I..—. U. full compliance with the Building Codes of &:: c..3 0 C2f —a New York State 4:-.) 7 V ' . '' CO t..0 "1- .. LINO 170 -ti gi l' i \ , .1 • ---- , ...„, -, MASTER , ,•.: LIVING BEDROOM#3 BEDROOM 2 E BEDROOM ROOM U-0 0 i - ' } i, 1 8*-0"x 14'-2" II KITCHEN 1! x 13%7"x 14'-2" 1 , , ' 0, \...--, DINING c 6,.,.., (\ I, ,-r] ' 1 \N„ • _ d'' / '\ / ,.• 1 1 ViNdfra41Wigaa,-.1iNfigtUltat -- -1, - .$ 1, • MODEL 122-L-27001 3 BEDROOM,2 BATH INIOMINAL SIZE: 16'X 76' ACTUAL.SIZE- 15.-2"X 72%0" TOTAL AREA: 1092 SO FT TOWN OF CM // - FOR REVIEW ONLY I RevIew ! . . . , , . ed 15 r . , ____..... _ ......._ i . CHAMPIONI 1 i 122L i 27001 , LITERATURE 11 ' L-101 1 , i PLAN ,i ! 1 : MANUFACTURED GEAUTIFULLr4 I !I :s,II 4,-, -'.."'-''''''1' L .11'. - :..",._:,_ ;i.:_• ... ,-.L.._L_I _ M.\ENG,,,,SALES SPECULATION\122 1-27001-STRETCH 2fl-CURTIS-RHP,MADISON VILLAGE-LOT 41.00-4-5-17.di,vg,4/6/2017 10:24.34 AM,DWG To PDF pc3 c•-• 6.1 31 IWO- 6 4 k% ;, TYPICAL PIER PRINT i © } DESIGN CRITERIA HAS FOR �"'"� REVIEW }, /i E 1 /C / ONLY L 1 IRS i'h'DIT HA;;QCEtt DERIVED t=l.Otsl 15��F I A ti—O{!•-�\ !�-•c\+!E \Vr i1 {U!�U/ ;4.,,�) i M APPROVED DESIGNS .,:) i g ) :' REFER TO THE APPROVER INSTALLATION OD --' —. MANUAL FOR THE FOLLOWING s_ ( A SITE PREPARATION slic DrT-,IL TO UE C:,,D,IPlr 7 L'.',i:',T,1_Itl::t l.I.i_P, CmZ Q I fi SOIL HEARING CAPACITY C FOOTING DESIGN AND SONG -'1!e.F•iRi!::i<:.F I:I I PIER CONSTRUCTION c P�?JUF l90 R DISCLAIMER NOTICE r -lrr �I . F ANCHORING NH 1' F F` , 1NCiT.R,1 TA ND ri Ti II'I I I LOSION sta.f 1111 AI ION 3 T)il:i PIER SUPPORT[7FS({i"J HAS'Hrf'N Cfit"�Ifla FQ:J'+11J4.T r1Crt: 1. iAl.11'I4) r- t. C iil_CIERs DOES NOTPERFu.s 1.1,NYSlTE'::'C'.tRr 1t',P.iI lt•,ll'.c; cr1 THIS rr•;;,E,,F'LCI•�li.CtIF{�f'i'%fyCN�tt'+� : ,1 I Mr i 't)NSIHII IFY OF THE t1LAlf_ia,:111"L C�SJTE+ACT{7R TO INSURE :t F I;I{ht.LY FUR l HIS SERIAL NUMBER - 4; .. : 1' r ARE 11E(:11.1eRELi AI 801H SIDES OF :.I.l. , g V.,t I.cORRE`LAI l ir.11H 111E UNIT ORDERED Plt?i,LOap ii It.'� '' iAL EXTERN-JP.DOORS IN LCJAD DEAP.ING Sll?[;b'IVIAl I S — ® L BC VERIFIED BEFORE CONSTRUCT ION I'Ihft i ARE Nt)'I REQUIRED IN NON LOAiI QEAR:t;C I `Ji3 i.:F-I ,. 1 'E INS FALLERS HANUFrtCTURES 11U'AE_S l:;'El I I SEVE Rift. «.PRI ^1T 1'iE�1_?LG,I ( -al1 MP TO INS ALL IIOk1F_ON SIIE_V11.111 OUT HAVING END 'A LS) 'PIER SUPPORT ALTERNATE-DAp , I',Pi RR,,:i 0,Ni v�LEDLit.r",t:l:+1JNDERS IANDINC,OF ALL INSTALLATION F'ii('+r.I t':i Gti 1';i I�.I:tY ONLY i3E USED ON CTIJ')RS 9 -_ ' .••' Ct;i S F ILL)RE ICJ IT F.l THESE:(IF.OIJIRFMENTS MAY RESULT IN LE S:_.T)IA,FJ 48tirr(i5k.• -_• fiE.00KIN IS ALSO REQUIRED AlDOTI I SIDES 0 ` C-- _- - INJURY i" i DE_A 11-1 ICJ AN INEXt'ERIFNT_E'D INSTALLER. PLEAS REA() OPENINGS•38 OR LARGER IN LOAD BEARING I . t I ,UNDERSTAN 111E SE I-UP AND INS1 C41 L A►ION MANUALS StIPPL IED WITH SIDE WALL OR MATE WALLS _____—. ��.-___-- �_� H•. •,t_, :-. -,_•: ATTEMPTING INSTALLATION ANY MANUUAC1I.1F1E=i.')1i01..1 � :a ,: VvrATER INLET ; ' MRAME SUPPORT POINT LOAD SUPP'ORI —•Iti'- 3i1).. I EXTERIOR DOOR LOCATION a_ , a . • , „, , ,., , I-BEAM '._..,. ' = t '_ —_—..._..:.W_,.. — i _ i i _—; ...._._i a---, r---a i---� :. ' —4,• 114 EPB DWV DROP TO BE DETERMINED _19'•9 7:8•• C''.S i 1 0' 6 a' i 6 Its, (, FURNACE CIL 1 0; •---'-' ( BEAM I 1 1 Y ( 1 I 1 7 ! 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1_—.. ,�,..:�:.:—"�'> mir_-z--.... ..):>-�+:—h.::.�::..._.:,—'-'.—.�_..�"3_:-�r.�F:.e.u.., a f t i I I I II 1 I t I I 1 F 1 t 1 I ! 1 I .1` I I ._ G' 6 8 . 72' EXTERIOR DOOR LOCATION NOTE .ALL DROPS SUBJECT TO CHANGE UPON COMPLETION OF PRODUCTION PRINTSI C H A M P:i.C N 308.14-1-52 RC-0674-2018 122 00 PIER FOUNDATION -'I 01 i14NUFACTUCIEU OEdUTif11LLY" Forest Park MHC f PLAN _____._______------...._.._.__.__._......._ 89 Bnwood Cir :_.__ -- - _ - 1 I , M:\LNG\SALES SPECULATION\ New Manufactured Home 11 52 s.f. .7.a4•,'L,,4/6/2017 10:24:55 AM,DWG To PDE•.pl_3 f r r F®r . 0 - R, . ._. _ _' non-corner lots Community Name: _ Site#: City Set Backs: Front Yard: ;Rear Yard (end to end): Side Yard: Recommended Home Size: Considerations in Determining Home Size: ; - ` i `L Source of Home Heating (check box): M Natural Gas\-- 11 Propane II Heating Oil 11 Electricity iiiHome Home Home is k Total Length of Site Distance between homes (Distance from home to curb) Distance between homes ♦ Total feet between homes 4 0 \ 0i 4d ' k I trt t om r \ 1 if '4 �^ I �``>" Width ` Width of Porch r of Porch w i , ...... s I F Depth of Porch Depth of Porch Carport_ Carport Yes or`No Yes Qr No size: x ECIEGVE1' 1 size: X .� D OCT 2 4 201 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Distance from BUILDING& CODES Distance from curb to home ...r.......�.... -. �..... n curb to home ♦ STREET(make measurement to back of curb) Name of person filling out this forme ! .` , ' Date: 5:I' - / b , ystems Install StabilizingSystems This chapter covers the design and installation of the stabilizing system which secures the home against lateral and up- ward forces caused by wind.The system covered here uses earth(or ground)anchors and steel straps connected to the home's longitudinal steel beams and/or exterior walls. Stabilizer plates shall be used to prevent the anchor head from moving laterally in the ground.An anchor, strap,and stabilizer plate together are referred to as a tie-down. Anchors can also be mounted in concrete footings when there is enough concrete mass(weight)to resist the lateral and upward forces.This type of system is not covered in this manual. Follow the Steps Below. ✓ STEP 1. DETERMINE ANCHOR LOCATIONS(p. 62) I' STEP 2. DETERMINE TIE-DOWN CONFIGURATION (p.67) ✓ STEP 3. SELECT ANCHORS(p.68) ✓ STEP 4. INSTALL ANCHORS(p.68) ® STEP 5. INSTALL STRAPS (p.69) '' STEP 6. TIGHTEN AND ADJUST STRAPS (p. 72) STEP 1. DETERMINE ANCHOR LOCATIONS Create a sketch of e home plan showing the exterior walls, marriage line(s)(if any) �►' and frame I-beams (this will be similar to the base sketch created in Install Footings, ,i/ page 15). Need for a stabilizing See Table 21 for a list of anchor locations,types, and where they are required. Pages system.The manufac- where the requirements are provided are noted in the last column. tured home must be se- cured against the wind As each anchor location is determined, mark it on the sketch, noting important dimen- by the use of an anchor sions such as spacing between anchors.When complete,this will be the home's tie- assembly or an alterna- down plan(Figure 70 and Figure 71). tive foundation system. Where site or other conditions prohibit the TABLE 21. ANCHOR LOCATION TYPES' use of the manufactur- Location Type Wind Zone I I Wind Zones II and III See page ( er's instructions,a reg- Frame Yes Yes 63 istered engineer or reg- Sidewall i istered architect must Y y Vertical No Yes 67 design the stabilizing Frame Yes Yes 67 system. End wall Vertical No No 67 Flood and seismic forces. Frame Yes NA 67 i The stabilizing system re- Tag Unit Vertical No NA 67 quirements in this chapter do not consider flood or Porch Post Vertical No At Vertical Straps 67 seismic loads and are not Off Set Unit Same as Single Section Home 67 intended for use in flood or 1 Connect any factory-installed sidewall tie-down straps to a ground anchor regardless of the wind seismic hazard areas. In zone in which the home is placed. those areas retain a regis- tered engineer or registered Figure 70 and Figure 71 illustrate typical anchor locations for a double-section home i architect to design the sta- in Wind Zone I and Wind Zones II and III respectively. bilizing system. PFS#®2 Conforms to HUD MHCSS ( 2/7/18 CHAMPION' 52 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 MATAtfAttlin,btAOhltltCt' Systems Sidewail ,-Frame Tie-Down c, � t't -I-Beam ��� End Wall Tie-Downs Figure 70. Typical anchor `— locations for a double-section t� - ' Marriage home in Wind Zone I Line 4 0. 9 �o Key. <; (4: t 9.- -Anchor Head i-■--Strad Vertical Tie- Standard Pier Area Large opening Il C) eCVl 4) n Longitudinal Figure 71. Typical anchor Anchors --- ---- Marriage ; locations for a double-section Line home in Wind Zones ll or Ill }i• am ll$ Be ti Lateral t] C) t7 C} C7C Frame 0 0 0 0 (�} (V) 0 4) Tie-Down 1 High Pier Area Standard Pier Area NSidewallrtical Ve _Lateral Frame Tie-Downs Tie-Down to Far Beam SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHORS Use Table 22,Table 23 and Table 24 to determine the spacing between anchors for zz, Wind Zones I, II, and Ill, respectively.Spacing requirements will vary depending on the type of home(single or multi-section),the slope of the roof,the width of the floor for Maximum spacing require- each section,the sidewall height, I-beam spacing,and the height from the ground to ments.The LAHJ may have the strap attachment point. Determine the values for the home. Using the table for the anchor spacing requirements appropriate wind zone,determine the column and row that corresponds to the charac- that supersede the values pro- teristics of the home.The value on the tables is the maximum distance between an- vided in this manual. chars.Keep in mind that sidewall frame tie-downs must be located no more than two feet from each end wall and no closer than four feet to another tie-down.. Minimum spacing require- ments.The anchor manufac- turer installation instructions may have anchor spacing re- quirements that supersede the value provided in this manual. (As a rule of thumb,minimum ° distance between anchors equals the length of the an- chars cone influence). t ? I ciFS#02 Conforms to HUD MHCSS 2/7/18 € i ! CHAMPION' M4N's?AGFVRlJ 6t AU'tr ui:, Manufacturer's InstaLEation Manual January 2018 63 :. SUIlli. S':' s 4-} a 443 a''3 `° tag k I- --- TABLE 22. WIND ZONE I SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHOR MAXIMUM SPACING MINIMUM ANCHOR SPACING 4'-0" Roof Slope Maximum 4.35/12(20 degrees) Single Section Multi-Section Max. Height from i Floor Sidewall Ground to Beam Spacing ( Beam Spacing Beam Spacing Beam Spacing width height Top of Pier' 80"-82" 96" 99.5" 80"—82" i 96"—99.5" 12"to20" 9'-09" *10'-11" 9"-09" '13'-05" 1 21"to 36" *10'-03" *11'-08" *13'-05" *13'-05" 96" 37'to *10'-10" *12'-01" '13'-03" *13'-05" 53 to 67" *11'-04" *12'-04" *12'-05" *12'-09" 12"to20 8'-10" *9'-07" 8'-10" *12'-01" 21"to 36" *8'-11" *10'-04" *12'-00" *12'-01" 12 Wide 108" 37'to '9'-06" *10'-08" '11'-11" *12'-01" 53"to67 *9'-10" *10'-11" *11'-02" *11-06" 11 12'to20" 8'-00" *8'-06" 8'-00" '10'-09" 21"to36" *7'-10" *9'-02" *10'-07" *10'-09" ( 120" - - �`37"to 52" *8'-05" *9'-07" *10'-08" *10'-09" - I 53'to 67" *8'-05" *9'-10" *10'-02" *10'-05" 12"to 20" 11'-07" 9'-10" 11'-07" 9'-10" 21"to36" 9'-04" *10'-11" 9'-04" *13'-05" 96" 37"to52" *10'-03" *11'-06" *13'-05" *13'-05" ( 53"to67" *10'-09" *11'-10" *12'-09" '13'-01" 12"to 20" 10'-05" 8'-10" 10'-05" 8'-10" 21"to36" 8'-04" *9'-06" 8'-04" *12'-01" 14 Wide 108" 37"to52 '8-11" *10'-01" *12'-01" *12'-01" 53"to 67" *9'-05" *10'-05" *11'-06" *11'-09" 12'to 20" 9'-06" 8'-00" 9'-06" 8'-00" 21"to36 7'-07" *8'-05" 7'-07" *11'-00" 120" -- E 37"to52" *7'-10" *8'-11" *11'-00" '11'-00" 53"to67" *8'-03" *9'-03" *10'-05" *10'-08" 12"to 2.0 12'-10" 11'-09" 12'-10" 11'-09" ( 21"to36" 10'-10" 9'-06" 10'-10" 9'-06" 96' 37"to 52" 9'-02" 7'-09" 9'-02" 7'-09" 53''to67" 7'-10" *11'-06" 7'-10" *13'-05" 12"to20"m 11'-06" 10'-07" 11'-06" 10'-07" 21'to 36" 9'-09" 8'-07" 9'-09" 8'-07" 16 Wide 108" 37"to 52" 8'-03" 7'-00" 8'-03" 7'-00" 53'to67" 7'-01" *10'-00" 7'-01" '12'-01" 12"to20" 10'-06" 9'-07" 10'-06" 9'-07" 21"ta36" 8'-10" 7'-09" 8'-10" 7'-09" FpF #02 120" 37"to 52" 7'-06" 6'-04" 7'-06" 6'-04" 53"to 67" 6'-05" *8'-10" 6'-05" '10'-11" Conforms to " HUD MHCSS 12"to 20"T 13'-05" 13'-02" 13'-05" 13'-02" ( 2/7/18 96" 21'to 36 12'-02" 11'-04" 12'-02" 11'-04" 37"to 52" 10'-08" 9'-08" 10'-08" 9'-08" 53'to67' 9'-05" 8'-04" 9'-05" 8'-04" 12 to 20" 11'-08" 11'-10" 12'-01" 11'-10" _, OF A Lq'''�+,, 21"to 36 11'-00" 10'-02" 11'-00" 10'-02" :�Q.� ,• �q�'I'+,� 18 Wide 108" I = ''•,,,_ " 37"to 52' 9'-07" 8'-09" 9'-07" 8'-09" Lj:; 9 53"to67" 8'-05" 7'-06" 8'-05" 7'-06" - = PHILLIP J. CO_ULAND 12"to20" 9'-01" 10'-09" 11'-00" 10'-09" '- - y ��t-��l O-N A{.: *s 120' 21"to36' 10'-00" 9'-03" 10'-00" 9'-03" ,; `ENGINEER =4. ` r 37"to 52" 8'-09" 7-11" 8'-09" 7-11" _ 53'to 67" 7'-08" 6'-10" 7'-08" 6'-10" .o' 32035 < ' Indicates a configuration that will require an additional strap connected �+44', --- .. onat Er411-0 to the far beam(see Figure 72). + January 8,2018 CHAMPION' 64 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 M..,„.....wuurirmcr- Systems TABLE 23. WIND ZONE II SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHOR MAXIMUM SPACING MINIMUM ANCHOR SPACING 4'-0" i i Roof Slope Maximum 4.35/12(20 degrees) • Single Section^ i Multi-Section g Max. �Height from� } Floor Sidewall Ground to ! Beam Spacing j Beam Spacing Beam Spacing + Beam Spacing width height Top of Pier 1 80"—82" 1 96"—99.5" 80"-82" ! 96"—99.5" 4�12"to 20" *5'-04" *5'-04" 5'-04" *5'-04" 21"to36" *5'-04" *5'-04" "5'-04" *5'-04" 37"to 52" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 53'to67' *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" :: ��. 12"to 20" *5'-04" «5'-04" `5'-04" *5'-04" 21"to 36" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12 Wide 96" 37"to52" *5'-04" *5'-04" "5'-04" "5'-04" 53"to 67" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12"to 20 *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 21"to36" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 108" 37"to52 *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 53"to 67" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12"to 20" 5'-04" *5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 21"to36" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 90" r- 1 37"to 52" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" - 53'to 67" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12"to 20" 5'-04" *5'-04" 5'-04" *5'-04" 21"to 36" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 14 Wide 96" 37"to 52" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" _53"to67" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12"to 20" *5'-04" *5'-04" 5'-04" *5'-04" { ( 1 21"to 36" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 108" - — 37"to 52"� *5'-04„ *5'-04" *5'-04„ *5'-04„ 53"to 67 *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12"to 20" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 21 to 36" 5'-04" *5'-04" 5'-04" *5'-04" 90" 37"to 52' *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" , 53"to 67" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12"to 20..-..- 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 21'to36' 5'-04" *5'-04" 5'-04" "5'-04" ff 16 Wide 96" 37'to 52" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 53"to 67" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12'to20" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" �21'to36" *5'-04" "5'-04" 5'-04" *5'-04" 108' ipFS#02 37"to 52' *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 53-to67' *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12'to 20' 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" Conforms to HUD MHCSS 21"to 36 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 2/7/18 90" 37"to52" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 53"to 67" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" 12"to 20" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" �� QV' A L 4" 21"to 36" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" �� 18 Wide Q6>, 37"to 52" 5'-04" *5'-04" -_ it �__ PHiLLiP J. } 53"to67" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" GOPLANL -,-;:r 12'to 20" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5 ,- PR, FES I OVAL -i 21 to 36" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" 5'-04" I .t -ENGINEER 108" C * 3? to 52' *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" ',,z:rt. NO. 32035 ( 53'to67- *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" *5'-04" a e` *Indicates a configuration that will require the frame strap connected �'`4,,,°j-zsio,,t Esa to the far beam(see Figure 72). '''',,*„,„,..� ' January 8,2018 CHAMPION' *lANUVACtUkCG ktAU`SIULLT Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 _35 sterns TABLE 24. WIND ZONE III SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHOR MAXIMUM SPACING MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACING 4'-0" Roof Slope Maximum 4,35/12(20 degrees) Height from Single Section j Multi-Section , Floor Sidewall Ground to Beam Spacing Beam Spacing Beam Spacing I Beam Spacing width height Top of Pier 80"—82" 96"-99.5" 80"—82" i 96"—99.5" 12"to 20" 4'-00" *4'-00" 4'-00" *4'-00" 21 to 36" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 84" 37'to52'' *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 53'to67" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 12'to20 4'-00" *4'-00" 4'-00" *4'-00" �Ty21'to36' *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 12 Wide 90" 37 to 52" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 53'to67" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 12"to 20" *4'-00" *4'-00" 4'-00" *4'-00" 21"to 36" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 96" 37"to52" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 53 to 67" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 12"to 20"' 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 21'to36" 4'-00" *4'-00" 4'-00" "4'-00" 84" 37"to52 *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" tt' 53"to67" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" I 12"to 20" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 21"to 36" *4'-00" *4'-00" 4'-00" *4'-00" 14 Wide 90" 37"to52" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 53'to67" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 12"to 20" 4'-00" *4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 21"to36" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 96,: _ 37"to52" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" kk 53'to67" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" —__ 12 to 20" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 21 to 36" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 84" — I 37"to52" T 4'-00" *4'-00" 4'-00" *4'-00" 53 to6" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 12'-to 20" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 21"to 36" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" ___...—�_...._._.-- 16 Wide 90" , I 37"to 52" 4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" 53 to6-" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" l 12"to 20" - 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" ( 21"to 36 4'-00" *4'-00" 4'-00" *4'-00" ',FS412 96" 37-to 52" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" T53"to 67" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" Conforms to 12"to 20 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" HUD MHCSS 2/7/18 21"to 36" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 84" 37"to 52" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 53"to67 4'-00" *4'-00" 4'-00" *4'-00" • 12-to 20" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" i 21"to 36" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" �� �°°�o 18 Wide 90' -� &� 37 to 5.7 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" ( — 5o to 6'" 4'-00" `4'-00" 4'-00" '4'-00" � �ir P "� 1 r "J '2 to20' 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" _ PHILLIP J. `-'----- 21' to36- 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" =-`f C0RELAND " . cam" ---- ---- - - _ _ PROFES;SIONAL ; 37-to 52:' 4'-00" 4'-00" 4'-00" *4'-00" I o3 too,� *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" *4'-00" NGINEER * Indicates a configuration that will require the frame strapconnected 9 � �., 32035 - 0 to the far beam (see Figure 72). 'O '. - January 8,2018 CHAMPION' 66 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 „AK,,..e,uR_h...,,UL;, Systems SIDEWALL VERTICAL ANCHORS ( i Homes designed for Wind Zones II and III also require vertical tie-downs along the sidewalls.The vertical tie-down anchor straps(or brackets for connecting to the home) are factory installed and indicate the locations.Vertical and frame sidewall tie-downs shall connect to one double-headed anchor. Any factory-installed sidewall tie-down straps must be connected to a ground anchor regardless of the wind zone in which the home is placed. END WALL FRAME ANCHORS End wall frame tie-downs are especially important for homes that are wider and have higher roof pitches because those features increase the surface area exposed to wind loads at the ends of the home. Use Table 25 to determine the number of end wall frame anchors required at the each end of each home section. TABLE 25. END WALL FRAME ANCHORS REQUIRED PER HOME SECTION ON EACH END OF THE HOME MAXIMUM ROOF PITCH 4.35/12 Wind Zone I Wind Zone It Wind Zone lil Maximum 12 14 16 18 12 i 14 I 16 1 18 12 14 16 18 sidewall i wide wide wide wide wide ; wide 4 wide wide wide wide wide wide height section section section I section section section I section section section section j section section 6 T___ 7'-0° 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 C'cn 8'-0" 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 CD � Wi 9'-0' 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 - - - - - 10'-0" 2 2 2 3 - - - - - - - - 7,-0"._ 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 - ,d 8'-0 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 - n w 9'-0".__ 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 - - - - - 10'-0" 2 2 3 3 - - - - - - - - END WALL VERTICAL ANCHORS End wall vertical anchors are not required. TAG UNIT FRAME ANCHORS(WIND ZONE I ONLY) Use sidewall anchor quantity on end walls and use end wall anchor quantity on side walls. TAG UNIT VERTICAL ANCHORS Tag unit vertical anchors are not required. PORCH POST ANCHORS Wind Zone I anchors not required. Wind Zone II and III anchors located at vertical straps. FlytullS#02 ®FFSET UNIT ANCH®RS Anchor same as single section home(Figure 3). Conforms to A, HUD MHCSS STEP 2. DETERMINE TIE-DOWN CONFIGURATION ! 2/7/18 There are two primary tie-down configurations:the near beam and the far beam methods. If the anchor spacing selected in Luse the farbeam method table(TableOtherwise,e use the 22, ble nea 3beam or a0 ` ='`�, OG A�-q��'''���, ble 24 has an aster k(*) ,`p. 9 ''1 method (Figure 72). Each method varies by wind zone as described below. ; c..) 1' PHILLIP J. ® Near beam method.For all Wind Zones,connect an anchor strap from the an- „ COP_ LAND . chor head to the beam closest to the anchor. In addition for Wind Zones II and .4' PROTES;SIONAL - III,connect a vertical strap from the sidewall of the home to the anchor head us- a ENGINEER ing a double-headed anchor. % - NO. 32035 ® Far be.:m method. For Wind Zone I connect anchor straps from the anchor ! '% .or. p. - head(using a double-headed anchor)to both of the home's main frame beams. i �'''"..,,,4es*s onat Ena`''. For Wind Zones II and III connect one anchor strap from the anchor head (using t",,.",t,,,,,.,- a double-headed anchor)to the home's far beam and one to the sidewall of the January 8,2018 home. CHAMPlON' ...x,. AVOW,sxAtr,6U,:. Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 37 ystems Near Beam Floor Frame Tie-Down Floor Near Beam (Omd In Wind Frame Tares II and III) Tie-Down Vertical Sidewall 60°Maximum V ertical Sidewall Far Beam Frame Tie-Down(To Be Tie-Down(Wind \1 Tie-Down(end Added When Near Beam Strap Angle Zone II and III Ground Level Zones II and III Ground Level Exceeds 60'As Indicated By(1 On Only) Orly) Anchor Charts) • Stabilizer Plate , \• Stabil¢erPlate • % Ground Anchor \j Ground Anchor STEP 3. SELECT NCH z- Figure 72.Lateral tie-down con- Use the torque probe results from Prepare the Site,STEP 6. DETERMINE GROUND figurations ANCHOR HOLDING CAPACITY(p. 14)and the anchor manufacturer instructions;se- lect the type and length of anchor to use.The installed ground anchor size(length) must be listed(i.e.approved)for the soil class. Make sure the anchor is of sufficient length such that the top of the helix is below the frost line.Select a shaft diameter sufficient to resist excessive torsion,"ring-off'(when the helix or anchor head separates from shaft)or shaft splitting. Consult the anchor supplier for guidance. #02 r Review all of STEP 4.INSTALL ANCHORS(p.68)and STEP 5. INSTALL STRAPS t. (p.69)before making final anchor selections to determine when single-headed vs. � ' ' double-headed anchors should be used. Follow the specifications in Table 26 when se- ! Conrorms to lecting stabilizing system components. HUD 'M�HCSS . i TABLE 26. ANCHOR SYSTEM MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS Component Specification Anchors must be tested and listed to resist a minimum ultimate load of 4,725 lbs and a minimum allowable working load of 3,150 lbs or ultimate and corresponding working load limited by soil conditions and anchor Anchors length.The working load is the maximum load the designer can use.Ground anchors must be provided with protection against weather deterioration and corrosion at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30 oz per sq ft of surface coated. Straps must be minimum 1-1/4"x 0.035"zinc-coated(0.30 ozper sqft)steel strapping conformingto � P PP� 9 ASTM D3953-97,Type 1,Grade 1,Finish B with a minimum allowable working load capacity of 3,150 lbs Straps and a minimum ultimate load of 4,725 lbs.Slit or cut edges of zinc-coated strapping do not need to be zinc coated. The size and type of stabilizer plate,required by the ground anchor manufacturer,will be specified in the anchor manufacturer's instructions.Stabilizer plates must be provided with protection against weather t Stabilizer plates deterioration and corrosion at least equivalent to that provided by a coating of zinc on steel of not less than 0.30 oz per sq ft of surface coated.Alternatively,ABS stabilizer plates may be used when listed and certi- fied for such use. (Minimum allowable working load of 2730 Ibs) _ I STEP 4. INSTALL ANCHORS Before beginning anchor installation,check for obstructions under the home such as piers and frame members that may interfere with the tie down strapping. Check with utility companies to determine the location of underground utilities,such as electrical Grading area hor and phone lines,and water, sewer, and gas pipes that may be buried in potential an- around anchors. eAs in chor locations.Also check for homeowner-installed wires and pipes,such as those heads shouldt not rest in connecting exterior lighting or sheds to the home.These must also be avoided. sunken spots. Grade the ground so that water does FRAME ANCHORS not collect around anchor Frame anchors shall be installed against a stabilizer plate. heads, but runs away from the anchor and out from under the home. Do not bury anchor heads. CHAMPION' 68 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 MAM.t ACPURt¢S:Altlt U..• Systems • Main Sidewall Frame .�. Beam Tie-Down Strap Figure 73. Stabilizer plate Ground Anchor with configuration Stabilizer Plate { Stabilizer Plate Configuration Stabilizer plate configurations Figure 73 are suitable for homes in all wind zones.An- chors may be installed after the home is set.A stabilizer device,typically an ABS or metal plate, is used to prevent the top of the anchor from slicing through the soil when the load is applied. Stabilizer plates are available in a variety of widths. Choose the widest plate that can be driven into the soil to maximize resistance to movement.The LAHJ may have stabilizer plate requirements. Install anchors with stabilizer plates as follows: 1. Locate anchor. Select a location for the anchor under the home but within four inches of the exterior wall Figure 74. Avoid locations that will interfere with skirting. Max� • Figure 74.Determining an- 12"or I chor and stabilizer plate loca- 16 Insert'; tion Anttip�t''' ter-=7 ita {v t p`tabliier I! ,I ; 11-1 i f I�l ; I_ -11 T li Ili 1 2. Install anchor.To assure that the anchor attachment point will end up at the stabilizer plate,start the anchor insertion approximately 12 inches back from the desired location if using a 48 inch long anchor, or approximately 16 inches if using a 60 inch long anchor. Install the anchor at about 15 degrees off verti- cal, with the head tilted away from the home. Install the anchor to a depth of Soil depression. approximately one half its length. Do not locate anchor heads 3. Drive stabilizer plate. Drive the stabilizer plate into the ground to its full depth in soil depressions where at the point determined in Step 1. water may pool. 4. Complete anchor installation.Screw the anchor the rest of the way into the ground.The finished anchor must be installed to its full depth. VERTICAL ANCHORS To install vertical anchors, screw the anchor into the ground directly under the strap at- I tachment point on the home until the bottom of the anchor head is flush with the ground or no more than one inch above grade. prile#02 Conforms to HUD MHCSS ? 2/7/18 STEP 5. INSTALL STRAPS CHAMPION' MA =A��u�t?,:��=,�u,:t Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 69 ystems Follow the instructions below to connect straps from the home to sidewall frame, end wall frame and vertical anchors. Always protect straps at sharp corners including around I-beams with radius clips or other methods (Figure 75). Radius clips may be fabricated from 26ga(min)by 1 ' - inch wide galvanized steel strap formed to fit around corners. t� \„, Longitudai Bracket Protect Top and Figure 75.Radius clips Bottom of Beam ifparn Strap is Wrapped Around Beam SPLICING STRAPS Splicing may be required when a pre-cut strap is of insufficient length. Splices in tie- down straps are not permitted in a 'Y'configuration. Overlap straps by 12 inches,ap- plying one splice clip from above and the other from below; use a crimping tool to tight- ly seal the splice clips(Figure 76). Do not run any portion of the splice through an an- chor head bolt. Apply Splice Clips In Direction of Arrows Figure 76. Tie-down strap splice Strap J`- I 'Y'Splice Approx. 12"_ I Not6.41 NO Permitted isijyr - #02 SIDEWALL FRAME ANCHORS Conforms to install straps to sidewall frame anchors as follows: HUD MHCSS 2/7/18 1. Connect strap to home.Connect one end of the strap to the home connec- tion point using approved buckles or clips(swivel or hook clip preferred). Figure 77. Strap to beam connection 'nchO ut///07' Adse,r, Strap to beam connection. - ► ► Regardless of the strap suppli- er's recommendations,the °Wrap strap around main 20 Connect hook totopof strap must be connected to the beam main beam and connect other end of strap to top of the main beam to pre- other head. vent damage to the structure. anch{ 2. Connect strap to anchor.Connect the other end of the strap to the split bolt Iin the anchor. Leave enough strap length to be able to make at least three, f CHAMPION' 70 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018A„. ,,i saauvliunr • Systems but no more than five complete turns around the bolt before it becomes tight (approximately 2 1/2 inches per turn or 7 1/2 to 13 inches total). Fewer than three turns and the strap may not hoid onto the bolt when force is applied. Conversely, more than five turns may not fit within the U-channel of the an- chor head. Follow the procedure outlined in Figure 78. { 1 OInsert the tension bolt into the 4O Place the strap through the slotted O Using a 15/16"socket or open end anchor head and loosely attach shank of the tension bolt and bend wrench,rotate clockwise,wrapping the hex nut. up to 90°. the strap around the tension bolt. OOnce tensioned to the point that 0 Once fully tensioned,align the If approved by the manufacturer, counter-clockwise resistance square neck of the bolt with the double head anchors may be used appears,use a 5/8"open end square recess in the anchor head for both diagonal and vertical wrench to hold the square neck and tighten the hex nut. This will tie-down strap tensioning.Tension while repositioning the 15/16" draw the two together and lock the the diagonal tie-down strap first tensioning wrench to continue system into final position. Follow Steps 3 through 7 to install tensioning. Repeat as required. straps to anchor head. Figure 78. Procedure for connecting the strap to frame and anchor 3. Pretension anchor. For anchors with stabilizer plates, pretension the anchorP-AerA zz by pulling it up to the stabilizer plate using the strap and take-up bolt to move the anchor head. Continue pulling the strap until the plate moves a small amount(about 1/2 inch).This is called packing the plate and it will yield the Anchor head location.As strongest resistance(the bottom of the anchor head should be maximum 1/4 the anchor is pulled up to inch above the top of the stabilizer plate). meet the stabilizer plate, the head of the anchor will END WALL FRAME ANCHORS rise. In its final position,the Attach straps to the bracket welded by the manufacturer to the frame (Figure 79). If no bottom of the anchor head brackets have been installed, use approved beam clamps designed specifically for this ! should be no more than 1/4 purpose, available from anchor suppliers.Connect straps to anchors following same inch above the top of the procedure as for sidewall frame anchors. When more than one anchor per frame is re- stabilizer plate. quired, use swivel brackets and space anchors a minimum of 48 inches c.c. croSio00:000oet7 Conforms to HUD MHCSS 2/7/18 CHAMPION' m�,,.,,�,�,fr„:,�.,,�,,,. Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 7 ystems • Main Beam Bracket Pier End wall Figure 79. End wall frame Tie-Down anchor attachment method Strap 45 t 5 ., Degrees t ii "; Anchor with Stabilizer Plate 11 7=1I1 I1-1!f:-1 II1- Ii-lIi4, ,, 1f1 11i STEP 6. TIGHTEN AND ADJUST STRAPS After all anchors have been installed and pre-tensioned,recheck all anchor straps to assure that they are tight and that the anchor shafts have remained in contact with the stabilizer plates. Do not over-tension straps. ► go to Connect Utilities (p.73) #02 Conforms to HUD MHCSS 2/7/18 CHAMFIOt�' Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 r� .WAN,PACTURiO!lANr4Ultr' • „- ‘ 1 --,-....-.-..--,•-•,.. . ,.....-• . -_-,•-. •--1 1 1 , 1 . , 1 1 .34 .{__________'. 34 • 1 i . , , 4! , , •to‘N 1 g7 1 nit 1 . I. , 1 • t...._ i iik e , • , '--16 • . <nil tti G9 n . t. ... 1 ' „,, . ) 0 .)"i _ ult.:Li& Y\i V 1, 1 . , o/d lilt 'S t�L--ri! �H o '° c 2�L! L l J1 I - HHC R e` i s n it c(0 l nr1 H117 i'n I ,, i l C /; a', NT L l -ICE ti ,/ ',L aLam ,L t,' 2 AL Tmms s l,I_SS TS TIIE PROPERTY OF' HE DEFARTIVDENT OP STATE 1 II L b W MA1 U ACTURED;HUD CODE) + EELOO ti EPA � `'�' r 3ACTi ED(HUD COOP) I I A. I anffac er's name: ` 4fig t Eo P' Whein r: Seifal number:�P: i• D-: -, .� 14—A s 1 II 1 C. Retailer's name: �c, ' , `, ;/ ; ,., ^� Retailer's e✓�¢¢ ile s address: tI I �+ _ 'y} q �. ;la \ .-c f 1,-'p jr- 11 Y f l:el.I / ` Y _�1 �L�0 7.t�SYL'(Y9LM9e2i(44' brJAYo b V't. E'S Ste:Ltr:�^* y yF�.3v>e'4' 4`y f `.j 4 - i D L Telephone ° ;; r I 1 A installer's name: i vk k i I P 1 .✓ 11 Telephone fr o 17' i I I I E, Dateinstalled: 3, 1 (City,t'E'®ea6„-�, ila gel 1 ! 1l6 Customer name and physical address ( I L)wham home is installed: O r .e- ; _-t 1 t t_ °; c T..-; e -e_. i c ‘ ,.; yr . ,New ork. 1 fl I a By attaching this SEAS,to this manufactured home,the undersigned Installer of tins manufactured home was-ants as fellows: I I 4 10 That the installation'of this manufactured home meets the standards of th5 New York State I ;. G Code. I I 2e That the S hieteler is certified as an installer by the New York State Department of State, , I The foregoing warranties are an addition to and not in derogation of all other rights and privileges which the consumer may have under any I, other law or instrument.The foregoing warranties aSPe in addition to,and not in Imitation or or substitution for,any and all other wa wam I• ties,express or implied,given or made by the Installer,whether aout Pact pally or by operation of lawn t iI Printed Name of Person Signing Seal: — Signature of installer or i,.._. 1 I Limited Entailer;ai ier _ ` .t' -- If you have a problem with your home,you should first contact your installer or retailer.If the problem is not resolved try the-installer or i I •j ' milerr you can contact the Rep ent of State at(518)474-4073. 1 DO516 (Rau03105)0 €�e ��o 1 1 le8l6=5mo g�Dep reti.In Gc ©G tar aDo7 R9�_�ocr.�,c vc��tm.�cHd 80fi V c -- ci C7 c [Gan�Et� � 9 ��"R EiPe, d