SIGN 434-2018 NEPSI TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Qtioensbury, NY 1 2 904-5 904 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Zoning DepartmeRl (51 S) 761-8 56 SIGN PERMIT Permit Number: SIGN-0434- 01 Tax Map No, 308,20-1-6 Permission is hereby granted to: Signorks Sign Corp, For property located at: 66 Carey RD in the Tos9i of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in comp]iance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Tyne ofConstmetion Owner Name= Northeast Power Systems sign-Wall 1�0.00 Owner Address; 66 Carey RD Total Value 50,00 Queenmbury,NY 12804 Contractor orBuilder'sName/ Address Electrical Inspection Agency ignworks Sign Corp. 27 Carey RD Queensbury,NY 12804 Puns&Specific-Uions Wall Sign 29.9 sq. ft. (This would be a second wall sign in Iieu of a freestanding Sign on [he parcel.) Sign Copy; NEP31 S 89.70 PERMIT FEE PAID Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Tuesday, July 17, 2018 SIGNED BY; )A�) for the Town of Queensbury. Zoning Administrator RECIFIVED OFFICE USE ONLY rnx r AP NO `f" Pr-RMIT NI� T= 11T FEE JUN 2 9 2018 AhPROVALS _ 0C-POS1T T""NN OF QU . SC�RI' TIVPE���`A�'�'L�' A7�' i ................................ •.. -- 'Nfhl - A peemit must be obtained before InstAlabon of your permanent elan. All sppllr-anW spaces on This appllcallan rnuBilt be cum pleted and must a p pear on th e applteaUan form. OWNER:_ Northeas€Power System, InG. -- rNSrALtERoRLuiLOER- Si nwarks Sign Carp. ADDRESS: 66 Carey Rd.,Queensbury, NY 12804 ADDRESS: . 27 Carey Rd.,Queampur�r, NY 12804 PNpN9 FtdS 518-792-4776 PHONE NOS. 518-745.0700 Fax 518-745-0702 LOCATIGNOF PROPOSED INSTALLATION: LEGALADDRESS} i36C2rgj.Rd...r_ BUSINESS COMPLEX r PLAZA MALL NAME: 13UF31NESS NAME: Northeast Power Systems, Irlo,-NEP31 CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE. Fred Early p11pNE- 51 B-745-0700 TYPE OF SION RROPMM: _f estendxrQ Vm11 _nwrueg —Y-}ccung rF SIGN M TO eE ILLUPAIHATED,PLEASIE INOICAT15 lrtWmal X Extafnal _Jnc*rKt smM _Neon —OrtYlr DO SIGHS CURRENTLY GE IST ON TH5 PROPERTY7 ){Yvs _No IF YES.LIST ALL EIUST.ING SIGNAOE- f)ne rlOn-illuminated 4'x 7'wal€sign with"NEPSt"cupy-to I]e removed _�. 1_0� l The application creates a changa New 0 in the fdtovring existing site X Change In number of suns from to -- -- Y 4 wndlholla(911 In all appliloam ♦Yhanga in mtbac*for ugu(turn to -- a;ykces): _Change€n size of sign from 28 sa.ft to 29.9 s❑-it. 4� _Changet irk halghtof sign fmm_ to Change of wording/copy from: to: Sign 44rordingfCopy_ _NEPSI - sfde wall Slgc Srg n size- Length 34.Y x V'Idth 1 5" =Total Sq. R. 29.9 Bi9n Height(freestanding sign). Color and Material to be used: X16-42114 BGue acrylic plastic with black trim,ngn-owQgive rart9Rern 4" Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with litre f ollouring infarmabon' Location of sign(wan*dipns. drnrirg of the f*;-Nde Ihn sign trill be located on,Inda=ato sign on tagzde) QUESTIONS? CALL T67-621SE 4fi EMxPL a Helght oT freestanding sign codes&q ueenV,bUrV-net o Depth of pmeding sign o Distances(Tom(turd and We property lines- VITAT OUR YVECSITE FOR MORE INFOR MA-nQN Provide 2 drwMnigs or photos of sign design. www.ctueens bury{.nct Provide Applicard and Owners signature(pam7isstnn for pigcement of sigrt on the property of buildirg)- Ueclatadon: To the beet of my knovdgdgo,the sta laments cants ireed in t6A application.logether wish the plans and speaficat oss sutrmilmd.are 7 true and annplete s#-atameTlt of al I pro pawed work to be clang on the des=tad premises and that all provisions of the 7.aning Ordinance,and air vUwr laws Pertaining to the lom osad vNfk sha11 bo oarnplicd with,whotlhor opecificd or nomd,and that such work is authari zed by the owner. APPLICANT 51GNATURE `l� 17A7F: 0 2018 SiigriwPrk9 Sr Piu�wt rdinator I htsraby authorize the applicant to place a sign ofi ww property or building, OVAERSIGNATUR DAT1E: AW2018 'rrank Staduk, PL" b'mr.r Town r f Qjjr1w5[grry■ f-crinrrumify Drrk.'l'Opitem✓! Oder' ■ N2 &I'll RL41#, QIll-e sfu r_V, NY 12804 00 C-4 a Q + k I O dp . k r p p O r 1 r M O �8 C (h +4N i 1 9E � * WAREHfkJSE€��i..6L DR �^r — � - r FRokf watt eIGN ^------ � ' SIFIE,ypSld.sax UMEA l F`ERTY YE` Aa 66.7 86.Fr. N X AREY ROAD - • ~ ~ AMENUEO 517E PLA#+1 z PROPOSED ADDITION4 } NOitlNll PO111FB�! �CSr A.2 AM Fr f NORTHEAST POWER SYSTEM INC. x - 06 CAREY RUA0x La Eff FRQNT ML.L SIGN AREA Q21 A= 14"X 308" 1 144 a a A 4,312 SO. IN1144 L 60' - 0" 1 �m A= 29.9 Q. FT. SQ. FT. ly 25' -8" H 53� �� v� �-: FQ F EXCSTING NEW SLIILDMG ADDITION ` i --- NORTHF.AS'f "WSR SYSUMSLU 1 FRONT ELEVATION W2" = i`-0" n n � SIDE WALL I RE A ❑❑ NOTE: Bath signs W be 3116': thick# 114 Blue acrylic plastic A= 345' X 125"1 144 with black trim edge, Pinned W metal wall surfaces with A= 4,312.5 SQ, IN. 1 144 E1[ISi1NG NEW nor--Evr05ive fasteners. A= 29-9 Q- FT eulL41NG ADdIT10N 40,- G" NVS-1 i . I r I - _LE11 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION IL U3 4 u m O LU LLJ . I � F # v w lIS�'H01rrHE POWER SYSTEMS7 0 O CL y QQ� ESR} # / g 2, �} Q � 4J CL U_ V) E w Code Compliance and Informational Sheet for Permit Use . uee Sbur }Dept. of Community D MorDment n Nojed fey: '; � . '. Eki i'Gav File No.� Applicant acme: }1'7`�1 i�� r� n�k V Zoning AdmInistratow Tax Map No. Lot House # &i 4� ' /{ ppy p� }� road streel - f Apartment Building No. � ` Lot Size- Mobile Home Park, Business Plaza: Planned Unit Dev. Subdivision* Phase / Section Eifedive Year - - ZaWng Deslgnolion Zonino Ordinance _ Pear to 1967,July 10 Subject to current setback fiequiremerits at time of development- - Section i 79-20-1 U Subsequent to Development of lots within subdivisions subsequent to July 10, 1967 shall use the Jvly 10, 1967 setback require m e nt.5 in p lace ❑t the Time of the a ppmvcl of the subdivision, 1967 1982, June 1 l 1988, September 19 Corner lot rule Prior to Nov. 23, 1992 p e p roved subdivisions *(see note on bock of form) 20D2, A ri19 2009, M yYl 2 Town of Quaensbury no longer regulates docks & boathouses on waters of Lake Effective Year 2013 George. A Building Permit is still needed, but Planning and Zoning issues are not applicable finless the project is on "our side" of the Mean-HIgh-Water-Mark HWM ). Applications for construct ian are regulated by the Lake George Park Commission. Road Name 1 Setbacks fadstin R'e wired Proposed i Difference Front 1 Front 2 Side 1 Side 2 Rear 1 Rear 2 j - Shoreline Travel ; coofidor _ 5 Ater — - �� oF . �p I Town of Qucensbury f � ,odt� lt. li ai p I I an ce, and Iysto mat lon ll Sheet for PerrnI1 0s ti (jueensbuty Dept, of CommunityDevelopment meets depth,wicllh. &square fooiage requirements preexisting, nonconfoaming loi with proper si�tboaks required frontage on public road has required off-street porkirrg permeable area is adequate (requirement is building does not exceed maximum height fMox- fl.� _ Is lot to a Flood 7 one V Floor Areo Raiio worksheei required? Zone, W R-1 A Corner Lol Information for S u bd Ivislons Ap proved Pr gr to November 23, 199 Section 179 0.1 which requires front and setbacks on IpQih roads For a corner loi was not anacted until Noyember 23,1992, Therefore, prior to November 23, 1992 parcels within approved subdivisions have one [1) front yard,two ; ) side yards,and one [1) re or yard setback, C Renew Type _ _ File No. � -Acldon J Resolution Dole cnd Hofer o nfn..g Gourdo1 A eOh -T--- T- � PlanningBoar Town Board :.CheeklFst C'd __ Noles--- -- ----`�- -- Local Law No. 1.2D 13 eFlectlye Jan,28, 2013 $95D now dwollCngs (per unitl, 3FD, Recreailon Fee Paid duplexes and Two-Farnllyr mulfl-fomily cWellingr apWrnerds.condos, townhouses,of r artiufocluredand modal--Homes. NOT Included are hhobAe Homers, - En Hearin Foe Fa9ci _ __ .- ....� .----.:----........_. L e Plan MdRS osrti file �--�-�- -- "' -bdivCsCon Mylcr Signed anded ilh County - - -- - - --- - - - - Applic alion oppe ars 10 conk m to the re galre menls of Secilon[s)of the total Town Code: Appitcallon reclutms uddillonal tevtew for the Following; Zoning Board of Appeals Planning Board Town Board of Heallh -- Town board for Mobile Home Qutside of a Mobile Home Pcnk Other - - - --- _ ........... ---- --- - - - . ._.. -- - - - Revre ed Staff Date _ Notes _ — ---�. ..-- -----,-Y-, -__—.-- Town of Queensbury Queensbury Web Map r II + � NR NR NR NR F 0 NR P I II K= Ili C14 III I'G� Q,�y —�rsOLklK-AVC . ill i i S, 0I� � � NR I II I Ik � {II m k .�� IIIIh1 R' Il li IaI R CLl u0` I�I'I CE1+ � � NR NR CL! + ICI Ill p z rn I IP II ,I I� �Iy[fj'Tx3 'II ICI + P o Y ILI ]11 'LM � III � M Ilp r I + I I I r f I* a �o�:Rea[1x 'III k r MDR V— '+ Ci_I + ThPe., Ind usbi7k __--� — i'i6eld ril `J i xNo ii+In4istrkbulIn9ml7s4 _ r di a Fr1dR II4r IIII }I`Y�zyzz���;szss 1� Ili 1 Mic]il 0 Altil4 I� a4auer kit Conseruancy �+ MOR I I I I � WR II IL �I {{ II IIF1i�fCh.Pdllr7la Il N1R a =r Ll k J.&O e p Till j o.' -- I' _ Map is for GENERAL REFERENCE ONLY. 346 Ne Printed 7f6f 20 113 1 : 6518 page 1 f 1