1963-10-10 i o Regular Meeting October 109 1963 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. With .the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Queensbury, for the year beginning January 19 1964, the main topic at .present; the board proceeded to adopt. said. Budget in it's entiret y as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 151 introduced by Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampoon RESOLVED,, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the prelininary, budget..of .thi$ Town for the fiscal year be- ginning on the lst day of January, 1964 the itemized statements of eatimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, and be it FURTHER 1ESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it ,shall be avai,l4ble for inspection by any interested person $t all reaoan;ble hourat and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board shall meet at 7:30 o'clock F.M. on the 7th day of November, 1963 at the Library of Union Free School #2 on the Aviation Read, for the purpose of holding a public hearing_upon such. pr_eliminary budget, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED„ that the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town.Law, and that such notice be published and posted in sub- stantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARING UPON PRELIMINARY BUDGET --- Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queeasbury for the fiscal year beginning .January lot, 1964, has .beep completed and filed ..in the office .of the Town Clerk, at 95 %xon Road, Glens Falls, New York,. where it is . available for inspection by any interested. pers.on at all reasonable hours. Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing thereon, at the .Library of Union Free School #2 on the Aviation Road .at _7:30 061clock P. M. on the 7th day .of November, 1963, and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the .preliminary budget as com- piled or for or against any item or items wherein contained. Pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Low, the proposed. salaries of the following town officers are hereby specified as follows: . I Supervisor $5,204.00 , Councilman (each) 19800.04 Town Clerk .49500.00 Superintendent of Highways 62000.00 BY ORDER OF THE. TOWN BOARD .J George C. Crannell Dated: October 10, 1963 Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes -None PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY General Fund--,Appropriations 1964 Town- Board General Government Town Hall and Offices Rentals, board oro offices, elections, et*. $1,200.00 Compensation of employees 100.00 Purchase of Furniture & Equipment 500.00 Repairs Light, Meat & Telephone 200.00 Misc. expenses, Surplus -Property 500.00 EledtlohsC `Compensation of Election Offictuls 29200.00 ~� Compensation of Custodians 200.00 Other Expenses ., 500.00 Voting Machine, Purchase, Repair 50.00 Insurance Compensation- Insurance 89500.00 Official .Beuis & Undertakings 500.00 Fire & Liability 6,000.00 Printing- & ,Advertising (all Deets.) 1,000.00 Services of Attorne_ y & Expenses L 3,500.00- anning. Board 0011 —Program 4,390.00 Expenses 400.00 49790.00 Services of ftginetr4 Expenses 4#500,00 societaian of Towns _Dues 110,00 Social Security Town Share 49900.00 Employees Retirement. System 8,000.00 Publici t Fts"d 800100 TOTAL TOW�+T�il $480050.00 Supervisor Salary 5,200.00 Compensation of Employees 29000.,40 Office & Other Expenses 600.00 TOTAL UPERVI S SOR 79800.00 Justice of the Peace Salaries -- -f Justice 30000.00 1 Justice 3,200.00 Office & Other expenses 550.00 Compensation-of employees L00,00 TOTAL JUSTICE OF PEACE 6,850.00 t – Councilman Salaries (four) 79200.00 Office & Other Expense (four) 700,00 TOTAL COUNCILNM 7,940.00 Town Clerk . Salary 49500.00 Office `& Other Expenses 600.00 Compensation of Employees 800.00 TOTAL TOWN CLERK 59900.00 F Assessors . Salaries - Chairman & Other (2) 79;200.00 Office & Other Expenses 800100 TOTAL ASSESSORS. 8,000.00 12 Tax Collector _(Receiver of Taxes & Assess.) 41000000 Salary Office & Other Expenses 1,500.00 TOTAL COLLECTOR (RECEIVER OF TAXES) , 5,500.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 909000.00 PROTECTION OF PERSO'TS & PROPERTY t Police, Copstablea & Deputy Sheriffs CompensfLtion 2,809.00 Mileage. & Other Expenses 300.00 . Purchase of Equipment 300.00 TOTAL POLICE, CONSTABLES, ETC. #,404.00 TRAFFIC Signs, Signals & Lighting... 6,600.40 TOTAL TRAFFIC 6,604.00 Dog Warden CompensptiopL 600.00 Other egpenses 200.00 TOTAL DOG VARDFN 84@.00 Ihopection_Costs Bldg. Insp. & (Enforcement Office) 300.00 Miscellaneo" Expenses 100.00 TOTAL INSPECTION 400.00 Town Dump Compensation. 6,000.00 Miscellaneous 6001.00 TOTAL TOWN,DUMP �s,600.00 TOTAL PROWCTIgN OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 170800.00 EDUCATION Town Historian Compensation 18000 . ther Expenses 50.00 TOTAL TOWN HISTORIAN 230.00 Public Library, Contract--Mountainside Free Library 200.00 Fontract--Crandall Library 6, 300.00 TOTAL LIBRARY 6,500.00 TOTAL EDUC4TIO:� 69730.00 Recreation_ Town Repreation 1,500.00 Patriotic Observances 100.00 TOTAL RECREATION! 11608.00 PUBLIC UTILITIFoS Pin view Cemetery (Schedule A) Lost of Improvement Improvements to cemetery 950.00 New Eguip"nt 200.00 TOTAL INPR(3VEMENTS 10150.00 Maintenance Personal Service 109250.00 Repairs to existingequipment 150:.00 Gas &. Oi L for equipment 250.00 Bond for Commissioner & Supt. 35.00 Miscellaneous 300.00 Cost of maintenance of outside cemet. 1200.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 12.185,00 TOTAL PINEVIEW CEMETERY 13' 5.00 13 Construction & Permanent Improvement Town Hall & Others Stucco-Storehouse) $500.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION.& IMPROVEMENT 800.00 Miscellaneous Veterans Organization for rooms 200,00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 200.00 CONTIGENT PURPOSES 6,.000.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES. • Mortgage taxes 229,400.00 Dog Licenses (County) 1 800.00 rOther Licenses (Town) 1300.00 Fees of Town Clerk 29000.00 Fines, penalties and forteitures 100.00 Fees of Justice, of _phe Peace 69,000.00 - Fees of Receiver of Taxes & Assessment 19500.00 Fees of Cemeteries , 100350.00 Per Capitp Assistance 35,500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 791550,00 thiexpended balance (Sec. 11.5) 20,000.00 GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 990550.00 APPROPRIATIONS General Government 901,000,00 Protection of Persons & Property 17,80000 Education; 6,730«00 Recreation, 1,600.00 _ PupLic Utilities 1.3,335.00 Construction & Permanent Improvements 500.00 Miscellaneous 200,00 Contingent Purposes 6,000.00 MTAJ.APPROPRIATIONS x,361165.00 Less Estimated Revenues 99,550.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR GENERAL FUND 369615.00 PRELIMINARY BUDGET HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Highway Fund (Item #1) Apcopriation General Repairs 90,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 9¢1000.00 Revenues: State Aid 89300.00 Interest 19,000.00 Unexpended Balance 10,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 19,300.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund Item #1 709700.00 Rioway, Fund (Item #3) Appropriations Purchase of machinery 159000.00 Repair of machinery 10,000.00 Indebtedness 8,000.00 Interest 600.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 33,600.00 Revenues: Unexpended balance _' 1.OG#00 Total REVENUES 1,600.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway. Fund Item #3 329000.00' 11 Highway Fund(Item #4) Appropriationst - 6 000.00 Salary of Superintendent 300,00 Expenses of Superintendent Removing snow 309000,00 Cutting brush 39600.00 Miscellaneous _ 31000,00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 42,900.00 Revenues: Niscellaneous Revenues 5,000,00 TOTAL REVENUES !x,000.04 Amount to be raised tax for Highway Fund Item #4 37,900.00 140 600,00 --- TOTAL TAXES HIGHWAY. DEPARTMENT : BOARD OF HEALTH Salary Y 19750.00 Office, traveling & other expenses 100,00 Baby Clinics t 1,200.00 TOTAL BOARD OF.HEALTH: 3,050.00: Registrar of Vital statistics 120,00 TOTAL 3,170.00 TOTA PRELIM;. 12MXG9T ' FOR QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Expenditures Miscellaneous expenses Six months payments under existing contracts 9,500.00 (Five companies at- annual rate of 3,800. each) - Six months payments under new contracts 129500.00 (Five companies at- annual rater of 59000. each) TOTAL. EXPENDITUREH : !1,000.00 - Revenues Unexpended balance - t 200 X00 Amount o be raised by takes 1s��OQ - 1, t RI IM. . B �UPQEZ FOR CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT _. • : Expenditures Maintenance Payment on. contract 500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 500.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 30.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ,PREL.�Mg BU0Q#ET., FOR FORT AMMST-GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 2,025.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,025.00 - Revenues Unexpended balance none TOTAL REVENUES NONE Amount to be raised by taxes 21 xP.RELIM.--XIWE'T; FOR PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance - Payment on "retract. 90.00 Repayment of advance from General Fund 75.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 165.00 Revenues Unexpended. balance none TOTAL REVENUES none Amount to be raised by taxes 165.00 15 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FAR SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Chlorination supplies , 30.00 Town supervision(Queerksbury WtrDist300.00 Repairs. 750.00 • Oower and light 90.00 Purchase efi installation of meters TOTAL EXPENDITURES . T and service130.00 1,300.00 - Revenues . Water rents 570.00 Sale of installation of meters and services 130.00 Unexpended balance x.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,300.00 Amount to 4e.4raise-d by taxez none PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT • Expenditures Cost of improvement-. Cow t' en of' improvement 14,900.00 TOTAL cost of improvements 14,900.00 , Office and other expenses Misc. expenses 4 authorized refunds 100.00 Town Super.(Queensbury Wtr.Dist.) 600.00 Repairs 600.00 Purchase of water 41000.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 150.00 . 5 5_50.O�t TOTAL.EXPENDITURES 209450.00 Revenues Water rents 49000.00 t + Interest income-C.D.. 450.00 . Unexpended balance 1 ; ,00 TOTAL REVENUES 20,450.00 Amount to be raised by takes .a®ne PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR WEST.GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXT. #1 Expenditures Cost of improvements: Bond principal 525.00 Bond interest 430,00 Total Expenditures 955,00 Revenues Unexpended balance 555.00 TOTAL REVENUES 555.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 400.00 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR QUEENSRURY WATER DISTRICT. Expenditures Cost of improvements Boni.princi.pal 5,000.00 Bond interest 18.300.00 239340.00 Total Maintenance , ersona services 69000.00 . Office and other expenses Printing,. Fostage, .supplies.,etc, X00.00 Mowing, painting S shoveling hydrants 500.00 Refund & miscellaneous expense 19000.00 i (see Over) Preliminary Budget for Queensbury' Water District - continued Repairs 1.1500.00 Power & Light 69000.00 Purchase of water 59000.00 Purchase of equipment 5,000.00 Purchase of meters & instaLlation 22,0 27,500.9{) Total. TOTAL EXPENDITURES • 50,800.00 . Revenues Water. rents 389900.00 Sale and installation & services of meters 10000.00 Miscellaneous revenues Supervision of Shore Colony Water District 300.00 Supervision of West Water Dist. 600.00 Unexpended balance 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by taxes noue RESOLUTION NO. 152 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty. WHEREAS, W. D. Frank Sullivan former Chairman of the democratic Commmittee, .did appoint Mary R. Barrett as election inspector in District #6 of the Town of Queensbury, and i WHEREAS, Mary R. Barrett willuot be able to serve, and WHEREAS Mr. Robert Cronin the present Chairman of the Democratic Committee has recommended.that Ruth Granger of 199 Dixon Road, - be appointed as election inspector for District #6 of the Town of Queensbury, therefore be it RESOLVED, that ,Ruth Granger be and the same is hereby appointed election inspector of District #6 of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampse�n, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None t RESOLUTION NO.' 153 introduced,by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty. WHEREAS, Mr. D. Frank. Sullivan former Chairman of the Democratic Committee, did appoint Irma Havens as election inspector in District #7 of the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, Irma Havens millnot beable to serve., and j WHEREAS Mr. Robert Cronin.the, present Chairman of the Democratic Committee has recommended that Joyce Wilson, of .2'.Hughes Court, be appointed as election inspector for District #7 of the Town of Queensbury, therefore be it RESOLVED, that Joyce Wilson be and the same is hereby appointed election inspector of District #7 of the Town of Queenebury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION NO. 154 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mir. Turner RESOLVED, that the audit . of claims as listed in abstract No. 63-10 numbered 686 through 770 inclusive and totaling $197,139.84 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. .Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None On motion the meeting was. adjQurned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk