SOLAR-0692-2018 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 — Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: SOLAR-0692-2018 Date Issued: Friday, January 18, 2019 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number SOLAR-0692-2018 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 301.15-1-38 Location: 17 BRIGGS CT Owner: Kimberly Deuel Applicant: Apex Solar Power This structure may be occupied as a: Solar Panel Installation By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development - Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: SOLAR-0692-2018 Tax Map No: 301.15-1-38 Permission is hereby granted to: Kimberly Deuel For property located at: 17 BRIGGS CT In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Kimberly Deuel Solar Panel-Residential $24,000.00 Owner Address: 17 Briggs CT Total Value $24,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Apex Solar Power 64 MAIN ST Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications Solar Panel Installation $ 75.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Tuesday,November 5, 2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before exp' atio ttovember Dated at the Town Quee ury; M 5,2018 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement E C E Q V e Use Only r ENOV it#:o 2 2018 _ v o ee $ -7. , TOWN BUILDING CODES EENSBU Y 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inv ice#: ®� P:518-761-8256 www.cjueensbury.net SOLAR PANEL PERMIT APPLICATION • Property Owner(s): D eue) Name(s): Kim Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 1-1 BriQQs C ours duee.nsburu N 1 WO!d Cell Phone:_( ) Land Line:_( S_�—) 3og-2?8l0 Email: Project Address: 1-1 8ri4as L�ur� &Ueenfbufy Nq izs�o� Section Block Lot: 20 1 ,is,-- 1--3q Existing Use: Rf Single Family ❑ 2-4 Family ❑ Commercial ❑ Other: • Solar Contractor: Business Name: bemar e f lee Ic- C.DRA Ooex Solar Pawer� Contact Name: me-Irl CIL Mailing Address, C/S/Z: fP 4 man S+fe, &uePencb UfV N1 I'MO� Cell Phone:_( ) Land Line:_(S1$ ) 'D9- 2?4s16 Email: • Electrical Contractor: Business Name: Contact Name: od4 �1n� 1ricL Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone:_( ) Land Line:_( ) Email: Contact Person for Building&Code Compliance: Cy. Cell Phone: ) Land Line: J .51% ) 30ei-Z-7kb Email: Solar Panel Application Revised December 2017 Estimated cost of construction: $ 2-gA GHQ.Qo2 Total System Capacitv Rating (sum of all panels): Solar PV System: ,G kW DC Select System Configuration: 4f Jeaxe sec c4acked Mans ❑ Supply side connection with micro inverters ❑ Supply side connection with DC optimizers ❑ Supply side connection with string inverter ❑ Load side connection with DC optimizers ❑ Load side connection with micro inverters ❑ Load side connection with string inverter Please sign below to affirm that all answers are correct and that you have met all the conditions and requirements to submit a unified solar permit. PleaSe sere CL" J nrb .4 fam Homeowner's Signature Date (A, z rower) 11 M, i Solar Co. Representative Signature Date Solar Panel Application Revised December 2017 • emxap Tr AUTHORIZATION FORM "TO ACT AS AGENT FOR" oleupd owner of the premises located at: QriQ Qa Cook Town of Ov-eP„s kur,4 , Tax Parcel# 30i .l S— t-3 7 hereby designate: Apex Solar Power as my AGENT regarding my Permit Application for: Rove rnou4eZ) &Qlar eQAe? ilLihk Date Signature IIIIIIIIIIIIII II II II II II II I I IIIIUI� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII����� ���� ���� Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road -(518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal Case Number: SOLAR-0692-2018 Case Module: Permit Inspection Date: Fri Jan 18, 2019 Inspection Status: Passed Inspector: John O'Brien Inspection Type: Solar Panel System Job Address: 17 BRIGGS CT Parcel Number: 301.15-1-38 Queensbury, NY 12804 Contact Type Company Name Name Applicant Apex Solar Power Granted Permission Deuel, Kimberly Primary Owner Deuel, Kimberly Contractor Apex Solar Power Checklist Item Passed Comments O'Brien, John (Inspector) Jan 18,2019 Page(1) tJ 'Mos V:210S woklsRs '32)S,& 400,0Les'. (32)EWVAASE r4 WD COVE COF SOWS oosnw��� C) M ' (S o�o�- �� � o HST 90 M- ozu) 00 BRIGGS CT TOWN OF QUEENS BURY jNr.Ar-pAIR NT Wlance our limited examination cc Based Ona;6nstrued as r comments shlll not N with our theme oecftatioins are in indicating ththe )3uilding Codes of full compianceith New York State. C ow CODE 20j5jfk WS 201 i e ............ FILE roqef t VN.02 pV.03 pq-04 S1TE pl.A.S S, SC Al SMOGS ON 1204 Swe". WEE" VkOCOF 5j"32- 1oa4t2o OWWAXIS PLOT Pto GodER — PROPERTY 1.11E ®sWIPANEL ------- CONDUTMM QOCOWOWRCT UTILITY METER � E AY p AC MCONWCT AC DISCONNECT C] roan SERVICE PANEL NEPUNCT"sox MAIN SERVICE PANEL O Im1TY I&MM ©�eorwToroNa uwnT INVERTER FV METER CO commm sox D ROOF 008TRUCTIMI CUSTOMER I IITIALS: STRING 3 12 MODULES 12 MICRO-INVERTERS STRING 1 10 MODULES 10 MtCRO-tNVERTERS STRING 2 10 MODULES 10 MICRO-INVERTERS NOTES: 1. Bos TO BE LOCATED INTERNALLY ON NORTHERN SITE PLAN DETAIL BASEMENT WALL NEAR EXISTING MSP 2. CONDUIT SHOULD BE RUN PARALLEL TO EXISTING SCALE: N.T.S. WHENEVER POSSIBLE. REVISION NOTES: DRAWN DATE: FRO)ECTNAME: CLIENT: SCALE: 64 Mein Sweet REV REV BY DATE DESCRIITION BY: DEUEL-420"0 OEUEL,KIM QuaneMry,NY 12904 RGR 10/224/2018 ROOF MOUNT 17 BRIGGS CT D4REr1eeVlrtMffAOM+eRtleNr~ � CHECK DATE: OWWATTS OUEENSBURY,NY 12804 DRAWING ula@spnceola�powa.can BY: 51"32-M NUMBER: (518)-309-2796 DRAWING TITLE: aTE PLAN,BOM,NOTES PV-02 �r J ROOF SPECS T-10" 2s-0 1" 3'- RAFTER SIZE: UNKNOWN RAFTER SPACING On): UNKNOWN ROOF MATERIAL: ASPHALT 2r' ARRAY SPECS " TILT(y: 25 AZIMUTH C1: 192 SQUARE FEET(fl2) m 4-1 2 MOUNTINGLDETAIL RRAY LAYOUT - ROOF 1 1 AZIMUTH: SCALE: NTS sdw mmm ImnRiags lit-100 L-Foot FMO"-Low ProA Composft 5/19"LAG (MWn m 2.5"M+nad pwwks ion) REVISION NOTES: DRAWN DATE: PROJECT NAME: CLIENT: SCALE: 64 Maio SUW REV REV BY DATE DESCRIPTION BY: DEUEL-4209M DEUEL.KIM Omn*ury,NY 12804 RGR 10/24/2018 ROOF MOUNT 17 BRIGGS CT CHECK DATE: SW WATTS QUEENSBURY,NY 121J04 DRAWING ules@ape�cwlrpower.com BY: 519-932-9205 NUMBER: (518).309-2786 — DRAWING TITLE: — 3-it I&--I- Y.It ROOF SPECS RAFTER SIZE: UNKNOWN RAFTER SPACING(in): UNKNOWN ---- ROOF MATERIAL: ASPHALT ' ARRAY SPECS TILT('): 25 AZIMUTH('): 102 1 I I SQUARE FEET(ft2) 200 d I I I � I I •=1.r 1 r- I 1 I � I I � { I I I f , RRAY LAYOUT - ROOF 2 AZIMUTH: SCALE: NTS REVISION NOTES: DRAWN DATE: PROJECT NAME: CLIENT: SCALE: 64 Maim Street REV REV BY DATE DESCRIPTION BY: DEUEL-420M DEUEL,KRA Qwenbwy,NY 12804 RGR 10/24I2018 ROOF MOUNT 17 BR*GS CT CHECK SM WATTS OMENSBURY.NY 12E04 DRAWING ealea@spa�cwlrpowa,com BY: DATE: 51"32-9206 NUMBER: (S18)-309-2796 DRAWING TITLE: -- ROOF SPECS RAFTER SIZE: UNKNOWN RAFTER SPACING(in): UNKNOWN ROOF MATERIAL: ASPHALT � P ARRAY SPECS TILT 15 � P i i AZIMUTH C): 192 1 SQUARE FEET(R2) 300 s r'A s { 4 � S I f m 4 1 i i I � E RRAY LAYOUT -ROOF 3 1 AZIMi1TH: SCALE: NTS REVISION NOTES: DRAWN DATE: PROJECT NAME: CLIENT: SCALE: 64 Male Street REV REV DY DATE DESCRIPTION BY: DEUEI-420900 DEUEL.KIM Qaenubury,NY 12804 RGR 10124/2016 ROOF MOUNT 17 BRIGGS CT CHECK DATE: WATTS CUEENSBURY,NY 12804 DRAWING ulca@,aPexeoirpowor.cam BY: DATE: S1a-93 4rM NUMBER: (518)-309-2786 DRAWING TITLE: — NIVptTElt wits-ONE FOR EACH INPUT PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT ILEC11 cft SPECIFICATION$ NIVERI—SPECIPICATNON$ 9941001 CON ATIONN$ ELECTRICAL KEY: ALL SOL AROSE NN►11TS MAXIMUM AC OPERATING CURRENT T.9A (32)SYLVANR$F27O S ENPHASE M215 MICRONIVERTERS HIGHEST 2%DB DESIGN TEMP CC): 31 1L BREAKER Vow.35w NONCML DPERATING AC VOLTAGE 240V SHORT CIRCUIT CLRtRENT On): 9.1 RATED WATTS(EACH): 215 MIN.MEAN EXTREME ANNUAL D9(-C): -29 SWITCH Vwm-500V OPEN CWAXT VCI-TAGE(WicY 39.6 AC OPERATING VOLTAGE(V): 240 E) SCREW TERMINAL INP WNTH NO STRINO COMBINATIONS OPERATING CUIOlENT(NIP): ass AC OPERATING CURRENT(A): .9 N 0 FUSE UTS • SPLICE Tapp-9.27A OPERATING VOLTAGE(VMP): 31.5 NUMBER OF MPPT CHANNELS 2 s EARTH GROUND yt-10.eeA INvE1RTER EFFICKMY: 99 m CHASSIS GROUND RPM WTH(2)STRING COMBINATION$ INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECT ———GEC Iopp-14L54A (6)010 THHN (3)06 THIN _ EGC he=21.99A (1)06 THIN GRD (1)06 THNN GRO ENPHASE TRUNK CABLE 314"EMT 3/4"EMT (3)#I THHN 46 DARE Cu GRD (1)06 THIN GRD PV AC V EMT COMBINER/SUMMING METER PANEL 125A RATING AC DISCONNECT 240VAC 60AMP SERVICE J-BOX RATED FUSABLE 2-40A FUSES 4X4X4 15A-DP-ARRAY 1 STRING OF 4- 10 MODULES LOAD liNE - 200AMSP 15A-DP-ARRAY ----r - EACH MODULE WILL � �---- --------- ---------- - i 240V HAVE AN ENPHASE M215 200A MAIN BREAKER MICRO-INVERTER. 1 STRING OF 10 MODULES I I I E)LOADS �--1-Lr -OISMA-4D)P-ARRAY --� I E)LOADS 1 STRING OF + I 12 MODULES `\` J I GEC IRREVERSIBLY SPLICED It t TO EXISTING GEC OR BONDED I _ DIRECTLY TO EXISTING _ GROUNDING ELECTRODE I -------- �------------- 11 ENPHASE v COMM ETHERNET GATEWAY CONNECTION TO BROADBAND (2)#10 T (1)06 THHN GRD 3/4"EMT CONDUIT ELEVATION:1/2 TO 3-1/2"=22"C HIGH AMBIENT TEMPERATURE:31'C 200 X 1.2=240 EXTREME LOW:-29"C 240-200(MC-B)=40A ENPHASE M215 MAX CURRENT=.9A ROOFTOP AMBIENT TEMP:53"C=0.76 MAX ALLOWABLE AC PV BREAKER=40A MAX DESIGN CURRENT=.9A X 1.25 X.32=36A=40A 13REAKERIFUSES CONDUIT FILL:1 64 Main Sowt REVISION NOTES: DRAWN DATE: PROJECT NAME: CLIENT: SCALE: Queero6ry,NY 12804 REV I REV BY DATE DESCRIPTION BY: DEUEL-4209M DEUEL,KIM 1660 soy Road RGR 10/24/2018 ROOF MOUNT 17 BRIGGS CT Eed Symcuse,NY 13057 CHECK DATE: SW WATTS QUEENSBURY,NY 1281M DRAWING BY: 516-932-9205 NUMBER: »la@apvmbKpower.cosa (519)-309-2796 DRAWING TITLE:TkREE-LINE DIAGRAM RV-04 o E C E � Nov i$ntctison i - • . . • - • • 1h TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&CODES • !• • .• • • • IN . • • •' • .' • SILVANTIS ADVANTAGE • 16.8%module efficiency with positive power toles • PID free:compatible with transformerless and mtilti-MPPT inverters • Higher return on investment with more watts-pe-module • Reliability tested beyond international standards • Utili"rade manufacturing:ISO 14001,ISO 9001 and 100%EL inspection QUALITY Er SAFETY ROBUST ft AESTHETIC DESIGN • Industry leading PID test conditions: • Black anodized corrosion resistant aluminum frame » 96 hours,85 C,85%relative humidity,—1 kV » White back sheet:SE-F2xxCzC-3y • IEC certified by TOV SOD: » Black back sheet:SE-F2xxKzC-3y » 61730 to ensure electrical safety • Low glare anti-reflective coated(ARC)tempered » 61215 long-term operation in a variety of glass climates including snow loading up to 5400 Pa SUNEDISON WARRANTY and hail testing » 61701 Level 1 salt mist corrosion resistant for 25-Year limited warranty for materials and workmanship for installations<250 kWDC marine regions » 62716 ammonia testing for agricultural • 25-year linear power warranty at STC: environments » Year 1:<3.5%of rated power • Manufactured to AOL 0.4 Level II quality » After year 1:<0.7%rated power degradation and tested up to 3x beyond IEC standards per year • CSA certified to UL 1703 for 1,000 V systems in the US and Canada x'�% • MCS certified by BABT for the UK C. 95% Additional coverage from f SunEdison's Linear Warranty o W% !! a 90% e a COL G V X 2 85% v ■ 0%E /epp.ca:w.stbss� 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 isfHy tlas.i1 Years of Warranty Coverage Su nEdison SILVANTIS F-SERIES: 255 W TO 275 W PHYSICAL PARAMETERS F-SERIES SOLAR MODULE DIMENSIONS mm[inch] Module Ikensions 1.6%mm x 990 mm x 50 mm Module Weight 19 kg 1 Cell Type Continuous Cz(CCz)monoerystalline Number of Cells 60 Frame Ma"" WAck Anodized Aluminum Tempered ARC Glass Thickness 3.2 mm_ _._.__.______...---__.__._...__ _____ °► "� ,.erMw.a A E OVA*PRQ4E TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS AND PARAMETERS' a Nom ai ra s G")I 46 C:t 2 C .,AW�. � m° Temperature Coefficient of Pmax -0.45%/C Atom" ' Temperature Coefficient of isc +0.06%/C A ° C.to+85C Maximum System Voltage 1000Y{UL&lEC) _ Module Dimensions Lim � A A-990[39.0] B-1,658[65.3] Maximum Series Fuse Rating 15 A C-50[2.0] D-30[1.18] Pmsa t!4�Ta"" to+5 W Mounting Hole Spacing Junction Box Rating IP'67 !_ E-950[37,4} F-994[39.11 IEC t4t7``: . > A Module Fire Performance Type 2 Cable Length(indicated in model#) 14te>1Ilst ! „C _ L-1,000[39.4](model-34,-38) Packaging Specifications 20 modules per pallet L-1,300[51.2](model-39) 520 modules per 40'high-cube container_ Wire! t1Up to 6.400 Pa Wind Back Load 2.400 Pa Redu6*0 ON=ofthw4yftm UM W/TW <4% IV CURVES AT MULTIPLE IRRADIANCES[25 C] to 2*whw re] STC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS2 ,t Mod_e1# F � � �27#1 1^ FM �ZTO F2�ii e (04 FbmCzC-V CzC *F Ck c1c K.-C 144 KzC KzC Rated Maximum 255 260 265 270 275 255 260 265 270 275 $•fi �,eoown+a Power Pmax W 0pw":Im*%iDftp 37.8 38,4 38A .5 36.6 37.8 38A XS 38.5 38.6 'Val:M -Mo Wt --aoowh� Short-Circuit Current 8.90 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 3 Isc Nlo r y K} 15.6 16.8 16.1 IBA 40-- 16.5 16A 113.1 164 16.8 Maximum Power Point 31.3 31.4 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.3 31.4 31.4 31.5 31.6 V Voltage Y�M _ _ � 0 0 S to 3S 16 25 3D iS 40 Mwlmritilih #1:t6 8.30 6A3 SM 812 $.15 11.30 843 &5$ 8.72 V~M Cufrint NOCT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS4 IV CURVES AT MULTIPLE TEMPERATURES[1000 W/mz] Model# 420 RW F206 F l F276 f256 F21110 V2416 F270 F275 t0 0,9,f CsC CzC # C*C CzC KxC KzC KOC KzC KzC Rated Maximum 186.3 190.0 193.6 197.3 200.9 182.4 186.0 189.6 193.2 1%.7 a Power Pmax(" Opp m cuiE 1k41sge 34,8 361 35.3 36.6 36.8 its 3�4.8 35.1 3&3 35.6 3 Short-Circuit Current 7.30 7.35 1 7.39 7.42 7.45 7.15 7.20 7.25 7.28 7.30 a -sse IsC(A) -r c Maf ikm m fbwer Point 27.4 27.7 28.1 284 282 27A 27.9 28.0 28.2 28,6 vamp VA"M _ - --- - Maximum Power Point 6.80 6.85 6.90 6.94 6.97 6.67 6.70 6.76 6.84 6.90 Current Impp(A) �� __. ..�_._ a @ S =0 Its 20 =S 30 95 AQ Listed specifications are subject to change without prior notice. V~M 'Temperature coefficients may vary by±10% -All electrical data at standard test conditions(STC):1000 W/ml AM 1.5,25 C;electrical characteristics may vary by±5%and power measurement tolerance by±3% Pmax Production Tolerance:factory-measured module performance is warranted to meet or exceed the stated panel STC power rating by 0 W to+5 W sy indicates connector type:-34=84zlink S418;-38,-39=Amphenol Helios H4 z indicates manufacturing location:M=Malaysia,X=Mexico,K=Korea,P=China,T=Taiwan °NOCT electrical characteristics measured under normal operating conditions of cells:800 W/m1 20 C, AM 1.5,wind 1 m/s For more information about SunEdison's Silvantis modules,please visit www.sunedison.com c 2015 Su.nEdisur Prcd Rct Sing_core P.c. tti A Sr.t�E disc r.Corilpury.All r-ghis re erved.Su iEdisun and the St,nEd�son logo ra regi,ta!ed tr.�dE rarK;cr tradeiii.rk;of ti�,rEJison Produ�s Singapore Pte.Ltd ndior ltz,affiliate, the United S:.ates<,nd ce-t,irti ether.;a ntne .A41 o r'. trader:<;k }.e~:icnerf to;4:.s docutrert ore t;te property of their reFpect ve o.vrer, UVIA 1 g)042 Fbu_DS Vega 45_50mP� i_v22 C4.0 ()4 2015 Enphase Microinverters EnphaseM215 The Enphase M215 MicroinverterTM with integrated ground delivers increased energy harvest and reduces design and installation complexity with its all-AC approach. With the advanced M215, the DC circuit is isolated and insulated from ground, so no Ground Electrode Conductor(GEC) is required for the microinverter.This further simplifies installation, enhances safety, and saves on labor and materials costs. The Enphase M215 integrates seamlessly with the Engage CableT'", the Envoy Communications Gateway", and Enphase Enlighten TM monitoring and analysis software. PRODUCTIVE SIMPLE RELIABLE -Maximizes energy production -No GEC needed for microinverter -More than 1 million hours of testing and -Minimizes impact of shading,dust, -No DC design or string calculation millions of units shipped and debris required -Industry-leading warranty,up to -No single point of system failure -Easy installation with Engage Cable 25 years U` '-v EN PHAS E. r Enphase®M215 Microinverter//DATA INPUT DATA(DC) M215-60-2LL-S22-IG, M215-60-2LL-825-IG Commonly used module pairings' 190-270+W Maximum input DC voltage 48 V Peak power tracking voltage 27 V-39 V Operating range 16 V-48 V Min/Max start voltage 22 V/48 V Max DC short circuit current 15 A OUTPUT DATA(AC) 0208 VAC 0240 VAC Peak output power 225 W 225 W Rated(continuous)output power 215 W 215 W Nominal output current 1.03 A(A rms at nominal duration) 0.9 A(A rms at nominal duration) Nominal voltage/range 208 V/183-229 V 240 V/211-264 V Nominal frequency/range 60.0/57-61 Hz 60.0/57-61 Hz Extended frequency range2 57-62.5 Hz 57-62.5 Hz Power factor >0.95 >0.95 Maximum units per 20 A branch circuit 25(three phase) 17(single phase) Maximum output fault current 850 mA rms for 6 cycles 850 mA rms for 6 cycles EFFICIENCY CEC weighted efficiency,240 VAC 96.5% CEC weighted efficiency,208 VAC 96.5% Peak inverter efficiency 96.5% Static MPPT efficiency(weighted,reference EN50530) 99.4% Night time power consumption. 65 mW max MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range -40°C to+65°C Dimensions(WxHxD) 171 mm x 173 mm x 30 mm(without mounting bracket) Weight 1.6 kg(3.4 Ibs) Cooling Natural convection-No fans Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor-NEMA 6 Connector type M215-60-2LL-S22-IG:MC4 M215-60-2LL-S25-IG:Amphenol H4 FEATURES Compatibility Compatible with 60-cell PV modules. Communication Power line Integrated ground The DC circuit meets the requirements for ungrounded PV arrays in NEC 690.35.Equipment ground is provided In the Engage Cable.No additional GEC or ground is required.Ground fault protection(GFP)is integrated into the microinverter. Monitoring Enlighten Manager and MyEnlighten monitoring options Compliance UL1741AEEE1547,FCC Part 15 Class 8,CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO.0-M91, 0.4-04,and 107.1-01 1.Suggestion only.Inverter self-limits DC inputs.Visit htt sp .//enghase.com/en-ustsul2port/module-compatibility to determine module size compatibility. 2.Frequency ranges can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility To learn more about Enphase Microinverter technology, visit enphase.com 2016-11-21 0 2016 Enphase Energy.All rights reserved.All trademarks or brands in this document are registered by their respective owner. E N P H A S E solar.- • • SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add-On For North America P300 / P320 / P400 / P405 f. at th'e:m leer - b `i£ _ z.: a :<r-<.a'' :,tw � :,i..�'3+.+ �^ -_r - ''�. •e -g 'n- �..,3. w �„y , ,.,yf,., .�_'+f. Y - w �: :, aG '- S�,-" q.«..� ;. Y. „'t°-:,.. d' r - _ - �.r j.. - Niifigates all types of module niisma#ch losses;from;manufactur`in"tol+efarice to partial.shading FWkible system design for maximum space utilization -Y Fast installation with a single bolt a.► Next generatiohkiitE: itinith4dule-te° Motiule-level voltage shutd"own Mlfei b {e , ,. ._. USA-CANADA-GERMANY-ITALY-FRANCE-JAPAN-CHINA-AUSTRALIA-THE NETHERLANDS-UK-1SRAEL www.solaredge.us Solar 1.=Ig z SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add-On for North America P300 / P320 / P400 / P405 P300 P320 P400 P405 (for 60-cell modules) (for high-power (for 72&96-cell (for thin film 0-teN modules modules) modules) INPUT Rated Input DC Powei* '* *'* ") 300 ......I.......... .........320 400.......... ..........405.......... .......W ... ..... ... ...... �,m Absolute Ma ***u,i�In'p*ut*V*0­ft'*a*ge 48 80 125 Vdc jyqcRt.�?"AAqTpe . . .�i�.......Mj,�Kqj........... .........I.................................................................................................... ... . .Mftjq.pe 8-48 ........... ..........8-.80...........I......*'12.,5 *105............ Rq#j................. ............................ Maximum Short Circult Current.Q��). ........ 10 ... 10.1 Adc ..................... ...12.5........... 13.75 ... . ..... .......**­­­*­**­ Adc* MaximumInput Current �._........................ I. ....................................I................................ ......................... ............................ Maximum Effidency 69.� % .... ....... 1,tncX 98.8 . ..................... ..................................................... ........................................................................... Overvoltage S!Lega 11 OUTPUT bURM16',OPERAtION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER) Maximum Output 15 Maximum ty!p....Current............. ................................. Maximum Output Voltage ......... Vdc dl)TPUT RING$TJ.kN--DOY.POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOk_AAEDGt INVERTER OR SOLAREDGE,INVERTER OFF) Safety Output Voltage per Power 1 Vdc .Optimizer STANDARD COMOLIAIRt EMC ... FCC PartlS Wass B.IEC61000-6-2,.!EC61000-6-3 ......................................... ............t�la s 11 Yes�4!�t s y) ROHS (AstALtAvbk1.PtartaT_tbNS ..Ma..x.i.m..um A llowed 5 fs.tA T Y"fe. *10 ... * " *"' ........................... Vdc Compat.ble s........... ...... Ail SoIarEdAle hase aThree.Paiwerers ... . ­ /5 128x152Xii x48 Dimensions(W x L x H) 5 x 5.97 x 1.08 5 x 5.97 x 1.37 5 x 5.97 x 1.89 mm/in ................................................................... ...I...... ..... .. . . . ........................... .......I...... ..Weight�induding IN............... ...................... ....................... .... wz!:8........ ........19"/.A*3 ............. Input,Connector MC4 Compatible............................................................. .... .. ................................................................................................. ....... Output Ore I.Connector Double Insulated-MC4 Compatible .................Type Connector................ ........................................................ ...................................................................... Output Wire 110 9-lUm..................... .......................�.?1.3.9 ......Output A. ...................... ...................... 1 ...............................m..1. OperaOperating Temperature RanAt........ .............................................40.-.+85./.-40.-+195............................................. F.... ting.....I............... .... . .......... ....... IP681 NEMA6P Protection!W.......................................................... Relative HumldY lt 0100 % ...............-...... ..-....I..I..................................................... .................................................... .............. o-f-the module.Module of p to*S%pawn toWtv—stlo"d_ PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING SINGLE PHASE THREE PHASE 208V THREE PHASE 480V A SOLAREDGE INVERTERS Minimum String Length 8 10 18 (Pourer Optimizers)........................................................... ..................................... ..................................... .............. Maximum String Length 25 25 so ..(Povlrer qptnk];eq)........ 5250 6000 12750 W ...................... ..................................... ..............Maximum Power I Parallel Stringsoi Different Lengths Yes or. ...........I............... ................................... Orientations ...............................I............................................. .............. .... ............... I R b not alkwied to mix P4M with P300/P40WP6WP700 in one strft. Nov. r n the# #IIe electrical wiring to ttte electrical equipment listed below has been examined and is approved as being in accord with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental, utility and ,Agency rules in effect on the date rioted below and is issued subrect to the fallowing conditions. Owner: Kim Reuel Date: 11121d2018 Occupant: Same Locati= 17 Briggs Ct Occupancy ingle Family Dwg, Queensbury, Warren Co. NY Applicant: Apex Solar Power 64 Main Street Queensbury, NY 12804 L_ No. 9oJosephA.Holmes 145778I 071.5,0EL. Equipment: 32 -Solar Modules; 32 - Micro Inversters 1 - AC Disconnect;I'- Back Fed Breaker; Meter Enclosure Replaced This certificate applies to the WaCtriCal wiring to the electrical equipment listed immedraldly null and vold. This cen ficate applies only to the use.occupency and above and the imsullation inspected as of the above noted date based on a visual ownership as indicated herein. Upon a change in the use,occupancy or ownership inspection. No warranty is esprassed or implied''as to the mechanical safety,affi- of the property indicated above,this certificate Shall be immeaalely mill and void ciency or fitness of the equipment for any panlrular purpose. This certificate shall to the event that this certificate becomes invalid based upon the above conditionj„ be valid for a oarlod of one year from the above noted daW Should Iris efectrlbal this certificate may be revatldated upon teinspecUon by Middle Department system to which this certificate applies be altered in any way.including but not limit- inspection agency,Inc. An application for Inspection must be submitted to Middle ed to,the introduction of additional eleCSrlCal equipment End/or the replacement of Depanm.ent. Inspection Agency. Inc.. to Initiate the inspection and revalidation any of the componenw Insldtted as of the above noted date.this certificate ahall be process. A lee will pe Charged for this aarvice.