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1963-11-07 SP
22 Special meting November 7, 1963 Present: John O. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman - . Theodore Turner Couneilmanx - Curtis Lampoon Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. Visitors at the meeting were as follows: Juliette Ellingsworth - Representing league of Women Voters Bernard Codner - Superintendent of Highways "Becky" Corlew - Highway Employee The meeting was opened as a hearing on the proposed Annual Budget. The clerk presented proof of publication on two dates in the authorized newspaper. Proof of "Posting" was as follows:- Bulletin Board - Town Clerk office- Pole= CorneilLake• Road Route 9 = _ en Pole - Farm to Market Road North Queensbury Fire House Oneida Corners - Grange Hall With no persons appearing as objectors to the proposed Budget it was recommended by the Supervisor that the budget be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 161 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Beaty WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; _ now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as originally compiled, as the annual budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the lot day of January, 1964, and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes° of the proceedings of this Town Board, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED! that= the Town Clerk of this Town shaIX prepare and certify, in duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board, together with the estimates, if any, adopted pursuant to section 202-a,, subd. 2, of the Town Low and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of this County. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner , Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and W. Webster Noes - None G� ANNUAL.BUD4 T FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY General. Fund-- Appropriations 1964 General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices Rentals, board room, offices, elections,. eta. $1,200.00 Compensation of eWployees 100.00 Purchase of FurniVure & Equipment 500.00 Repairs. Light, Heat & Telephone 200:00 Misc. expe4ses,, Surplus Property y 500,00 Elections — Compensation of Election Officials 29,200000 Compensation of Custodians 200-00 t Other Expenses 500.00 Voting Machine, Purchase,. Repair 50.00 Insurance Compensation Insurance 8,500«40 Official Bonds: & Undertakings 500.00 Fire & Liability 6,000.00 Printing & Advertis'.n'G (all Depts.) 1.0000.00 Services of Attorney & Expenses 3,500'«00 Planning Board 701 Program 49,390.00 Expenses 400.00 49.790'.00 Services- of 1"ineer &Expenses 41500.00 Association pf Towns Dues 110.00 Socaial. Security Town Share 4,900.00 II Employees Retirement System 89000.00 Publicity. Fund 800000 TOTAL TOWN BOARD $48v050.00 Supervisor a ary— 59,2001000 Compensation of Emplovees 2,000.00 Office, & .Other 'Expenses 600.00 TOTAL SUPERVISOR 7,80:0.00 Justice of the Peace Sa ar es -- h Justice 3,,000.00 I Justice 3,200.00 Office & Other expenses 550.00 Compensation of empUyeea 100.00 TOTAL JUSTICt OF PEACE 6,850.00 Councilman a ar es (four) 7,200.06 Office & Other Expense (four) 700,00 TOTAL COUNCILMEN - 7,900.00 Town Clerk Salary r ` 49500.00 Office & Other Expenses 600.00 — Compensation. of Employees 800000 TOTAL TOWN CLERK - ` 5,900100 Assessors —tea ar es Chairman & Other. (2) 7,200.00 Office & Other Ex�penses 800,00 TOTAL ASSESSORS: - 89,000.00 - 24 Tasty Collector (Receiver of Taxes & Assess.) Salary 4, 000.00: Office & Other Expenses 11500,00 TOTAL COLLECTOR. (RECEIVER OF TAXES) 5,500100 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 9A,000.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY Police ConstablesI& Deputy Sheriffs Compensation- 2w400.00 14ileage & Other Expenses 300.00 Purchase of Equipent 300,00 TOTAL POLICE, CONSTABLES, ETC. 3x400100 Traffic --' Signs., Signals &t Lighting 6„600.00 TOTAL TRAFFIC 6„600.00 Dag Warden Compensatiou 600.00 Other expenses 200.00 TOTAL DOG WARDEN 8001,00 Inspection. Costa Bldg. Ins p;. & (Enforcement Office) 300.00 Miscellaneoub Expenses - 100.00 TOTAL INSPECTION 400.00 Town. Dump - s Compensation` 6,000,00 Miscellaneous 600.00 TOTAL TOWN DUMP 6,600900 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 17,800,00 EDUCATION Town His:toriam' Compensation 180.00 Other Expensbs 5000 TOTAL° TOWN HISTORIAN 230.00 Public Library Contract- Mountainside Free Library 200.00 Contract--Crandall. Library 6,300200 TOTAL LIBRARY ' 6,500~:00 TOTAL EDUCATION" 6v730,00 Recreation ' Town Recreat3om 10500000 Patriotic Observances 100000 TOTAL RECREATION 10,600.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES Pineview, Cemetery t(Schedule A) Cost of Imprbvement ' Improvements to cemetery 95000 New Equipment 200,00' TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS 19150.00 , " e i Maintenance F�ersonaT=Sd"rviee T0,250.60 Repairs to existing equipment 1.50.00 Gas: g Oil. for equipment 250.00 Bond for Commissioner & Supt. 35,00 Miscellaneous 300.00 Cost of maintenance of outside cemet. 1,2:00.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 12,1 _00 TOTAL PINEVIEW CEMETERY 13-335.00 Construction & Permanent Improvement Town a11. & Others Stucco-Storehouse) $500,00 TOTAL. CONSTRUCTION & IMPROVEMENT 500.00 Miscellaneous Veterans Organization for rooms 200.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 200.00 CONTIGE:NT PURPOSES 69000.00' ESTIMATED REVENUES Mortgage`taxes 22,,000.00 ` Dog Licenses (County) 19800.00 other Licenses (Town) 300.00 Fees of Town Clerk 2,000.00 Fines, penalties and forteitures 100.00 Fees of Justice of the Peace 6*000.00 Fees of Receiver of Tales & Assessment 1,500.00 Fees of Cemeteries' 10,350.00 Per Capita Assistafice s 35,500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 79,550600 Unexpended balance (Sec. 115) 20,000,00 GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 990550.00 APPROPRIATIONS General. Government 900001100 Protection of Persons & Property 170800.00 Education. 6v730.00 Recreation. 1g,60Q.00 Public Utilitias 13s,335.00 Construction &Permanent Improvements 500.00 Miscillafteous 200.00 Contingent Purposes 6,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 136 s 165.001 Less'Estimated Revenues 991550.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR GENERAL FUND 36„6L5.00' V ANNUAL BUDGET HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Highway Fund (Item #1) Appropriation General Repairs 90,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 90,000,00 Revenues: State Aid 80300.00 Interest 19000.00 Unexpended. Balance 10,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1.9,300.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Rand Item #1 70,700.00 Highway Fund (Item #3) Appropriations Pkirchase of Machinery 1.5,000.00 Repair of machinery 100000.00 Indebtedness 8,000.00 Interest 60010 Q) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 83,,600.00 ,p Revenues: Unexpended balance 1,600.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,600.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund Item #3 32„000.00 26 Highway Fund (Item #4) Appropria;t ions: Salary of Superintendent 6„000.00 Expenses of Superintendent 300.00 Removing snow 300000.00 Cutting brush 3,600.00, Miscellaneous 3.000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $#2,900.00 Revenues: Miscellaneous Revenues 5,000.00 _- TOTAL REVENUES x,000.00 Amount to be raised 6y tax for Highway Fuhd Item #4 37„900.00 A TOTAL TAXES HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 140,600.Q BQARD OF HEALTH ` Salary 19754.00 Office traveling other expenses 100.00 Baby Clinics 1.200.00 TOTAL. BWD O .0 F HEALTH $,050.00 Registrar ofVital Statistics 1200 ' ' TOTAL 3,170.00 ANNUAL'BUD6ET FOR QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Expenditures Miscellaneous expense Six mouths payments under existin . contracts 90500.00 (Five companies at annua "rate of 3,800. each Six months payments undei new contracts 12,500.00 (Five companies at anitual`rate. of $5,000. each) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 229000.00' ` Revenues Unexpehded balance 200.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 29800.0 ANNUi BUDGET FOR CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 500,00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 500.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 30.00 Amount tp betraised by taxes 47 0 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FORT AMHERST'GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 2,025.00 TOTAL EXJ'END�TURES 2,025.00 ` Revenues Unexpended balance none TOTAL REVENUES NONE Amount to be raised by taxes 290 �•0 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 90.00 U Repayment of advance from General Fund 75.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 165.00. ` Revenues U ended balance none T REVENUES none Amount to be raised by taxes 165.00 27 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR SNORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance C1oriloril natiom supplies 30.00 Town supervision; (Queensbury Wtr.Dist. 300.00 Repairs 750.00 Power and light • 90.00 Purchase & installation of meters &service130.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES , 1!300.00 Revenues Water rents 570.00 Sale of installation of meters & service 130.00 Expended balance 600,00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes none ANNUAL BUDGET OF WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of im rovements onstruct n of improvement 140900.00 Total cost of improvements 14000.00 Office and other expenses Misc. expenses & authorized refunds 100.00 Town Super.(Queensbury Wtr. Dist) 600.00 Repairs 600.00 Purchase of water 40000.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 ' Purchase `& installation of meters & services 150000 550.88 TOTAL EXPENDITURES0';pQ Revenues Water rents 40000.00 Interest income C.D. 450.00 - UnexPended balance 16,000.,00 TOTAL RMNUES 20,450,00 Amount to be raised by taxes none ANNUAL BUDGET FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER-DISTRICT EXT. #1 Expenditures Cost of im�o�®..v.ements t Band principal 525.00 Bond interest 43 Total Expenditures 955.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 555.00 TOTAL REVENUES 555.00 Amount to be•raised by taxes 0�+ 000 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of improvements Bhd principal pal • 5,000.00 Bond interest 18.300.00 Total Expenditures - 23,.300.00 Maintenance ' Personal services 61000.00 Office and other expenses Printing, Postage, supplies, ets. 500.00 Mowing, painting & shoveling, hydrants 500.00 Refund & miscellaneous expense 19000.00 Repairs 19500.00 Power & Light 61000.00 Purchase of water 5,OOO.00 ` Purchase of equipment 59000.00 Purchase of meters & installation 2,000.00 Total 27,500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 50,800.00 28 Annual Budget for Queensbury Water District - continued Revenues Water rents 38,940.00 Sale& installation & service of meters 10000.00 Miscellaneous revenues Supervision of Shore Colony Wtr. District 300.00 Supervision` of West Water District 600.00 Unexpended balance 109000.00 Total 502800. 0 Amount to be raised by 'taxes none The clerk read the following letter in the form, of a petition signed by a number of residents of the Dixon Road and Broadacres section. TO: BERNARD J. CODNER, TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO THE•TOW BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY„ NEW YORK. We, the undersigned, being residents of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, dow hereby pursuant •to Section 65-a of the Town Law of the State of New York, give NOTICE to you that Dixon R©ad at its intersections with Dixon Court, Hughes Court and Northup Drive is obstructed„ dangerous and unsafe in the following. manner; L. At the southwest corner of Dixon Road and Hughes Court there is a fence covered by a hedge which obstructs the view of persons traveling Ngrth,on Hughes Court and East on Dixon Road, 3. At- the northwest corner of Dixon Road and'Hughes Court there. is a long sign which obstructs the view of persons travel- ing South ok Dixon Court and East on Dixon Road. 3. At the northeast corner of Dixon Road and Northup> Drive there are overgrown brushes, bushes and other vegetation obstruct- ing the view of persons traveling South on Northup Drive and West on Dixon Road. That we, the undersigned, respectfully request that you within a reasonable time after the giving of this notice remove the aforementioned obstructions. That we also give you notice that if you fail to remove the aforementioned abstruction within a reasonable time that a civil action may be maintained against you f.ordamages or injuries to persons or property sustained by reason of said obstructions pursuant to Section 65-a. Dated: October 30, 1963 Marilyn Herrick Richard B. O'Connor Hazel K. Simpson Carol Aronson Ruth H. Okarski Elizabeth D. Gersten Margaret H. Hildreth tsabal Branagon Daine K. Adams Hermine Sherman Mrs.` David Jarvis Howard W.' Cungdon Osnif Galluoci Joyce D. Harrison Shirley Segan Virginia Reed Evelyn Madison Walter J. Reynolds Marion E. Jones Martha K. Shangraw Henry L Ryer Joan B. Hague 3ean` R. Marron Paul. R. Krihak Barbara D. Esner Ann Hayward Mrs. Carroll Cowart Mary E. King' As a result of the preceeding letter the Highway Superintendent was requested by the Town t.o.ard to install STOP signs at all inter- sections of the Dixon Road which was established as a through road some time ago. - 20 Thir Superintendent of Highways Bernard Codner proceeded to recommend the purchase of the followtug_ pieces of equipment. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY DETAIIE:D SPECIFICATIONS HOPPE& SPREADER4�HYDRAULIC DRIVE CHASSIS MOUNTED--6 cu. yd. INTENT: It is the intent of these Specifications to describe a Reversible Stopper Type Spreader to spread sale, abrasives or salt and abrasives combined for ice control. Power is to be frith in- dependent gasoline engine and hydraulic motor drive to Spreader mechanism. It must be constructed to permit mounting on the truck chassis with the spreading disci either b6twfieunthe front and rear wheels or in the rearof the truck. DIMENSIONS.- The principal dimensions shall be: Overall length 101-401; Overall width V-6"; Overall height 41-311; Stopper length (inside) 10'-011; Hopper width (inside) 6'-6*' ; Hopper depth (inside) 2'-11"; Capacity (struck) 6 Cu. yd. ; Total weight of unit at least 3,400 lb. HOPPER: The hopper to be of all welded construction #10 ga. steel sl-'de and 3/16" or #7 ga. bottom. The side to be placed at 40o angle and to be supported by six (6) formed steel braces. conveyor chaia parts to be protected by separate, easy replaceable cover plate running the full length of the hopper. The width of the discharge opening. to be 18*'. The height of the opening to be manually adjustable by means of an infinitely adjustable, positive locking quadrant type gate control operating from the right of the Spreader when center spreading:. The delivery end of the conveyor chain shall extend a minimum of 14" beyond the hopper. The hopper is to be constructed to permit simplified inspection and maintenance in that adjustment mechanism and front end of the chain is exposed for at least 14". CONVEYOR: The conveyor chain to have a 1.631 inch pitch with an overall width of 18". The chain to be of pinned type construction for easy seavicing. The chain to have a minimum tensile strength of 20,000 pounds. The cross members are to be spaded on six and one-half inch (6-1/2,*) centers,, are to be not less than 5/8"x5/$" x 13-5/8" lOni. The conveyor sprockets to have eleven (11) tooth cast steel sprockets spaced on approximately 16" centers. The chain to move over a wear plate 3%16" thick. To allow for normal chain wear, a spring loaded,. fully enclosed chain tightener to be supplied with at least 4" of adjustment available. The conveyor drive shaft to be operated through a 90o, fully enclosed and lubricated, worm gear type: reduction unit. This unit shall have a 7 to Y. reduction ratio. Two discharge unit chutes to be supplied to direct the flow of material onto the distributor. DISTRIBUTOR: The material distributor is to consist of -two (2) 14" diameter spinners rotating in a horizontal plans and adjustable horizontally. It is to be supplied with four (4) vertical fins per unit of 3, 16" steel. and assembly shall be statically and right angle gear box. The chain drive is to be so fully enclosed, with an idler sprocket for adjustment for normal chain wear. The spinner gear box to be self-enclosed spinner shaft housing, running in oil with bearings at top and bottom,, oil seal at bottom to eliminate whip, entirely. The spinner gear box to be fully, enclosed, lubricated, machined and hardened bevel gears. Self-aligninj bearings are to be used throughtout the. power train. Spinners are to be mounted directly on the spinner gear box drive shaft. ENGINE: The Hydraulic Spreader to be powered by a Wisconsin Model THD-29 2 cylinder, four cycle, air cooled .gasoline engine producing 18 H.P. at 3200 R.P. M. The engine to be mounted on the right hand side of the Spreader near the front when center spreading. It shall have separate battery,, electric starter, generator, oil bath air cleaner, pressure oil system, automatic choke. All other controls for operating the Spreader to be on an integrated panel mounted in truck cab. The gas tank capacity to be five (5) gallons mounted integral with engine. The 16 G.P.M. Commercial Hydraulic pumpr to be 30 mounted directly to crankshaft by a flexible coupling fully en- closed by cast steel adapter, The 16 G,P.M, pump) shall. supply power thru 3/4+" hydraulic lines to the hydraulic motor which d drives the reduction and spinner gear boxes. The control must be a two-way parallel valve. that operates..the hydraulic motor for- ward or reverse; this makes the conveyor reversible to eliminate bridging and hanging of the material. The .hydraulic tank capacity to be 22 gallons. . ACCESSORIES,: The 4 pc. screens are of 5/16" dia. wire, ap.prozimatel.y "" square openings and framed with 1-3/411 x 1-3/4tt x 1/4" angles. Screens are supported by and pivot on a 4.1 pound channel running the length of the hooper. Anti-window shield, #10 ga. x 8'" x 16'", is provided for preventing windrowing on L. H. side when center spreading. Hopper baffle, #10 ga x 12" is provided. for breaking up. material and uniform feeding 'material. It is removable and is hinged to hopper by three 1/2" pins. A 1/41" chain is provided for operating the baffle. Cab controlled deflectors--four (4) in number. PRICE: Price bid shall include the equipment and all delivery charges to Town Garage. INFORMATION WITH BIDr Each bidder must submit with his bid a detailed spec ficat on of the equipment bid on. -If equipment offered differs from the provisions of this Specification, such differences must be explained in detail in the- bid letter. Such bids will receive careful consideration if the deviations do not depart from the intent of the Specifications, are in the beat interets of the user. Detailed specifications are the minimum acceptable. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Office of Superintendent of Highways Bernard J. Codner - R.F.D.; #1, Glens Falls, N. Y. October 29, 1963'. Dear Sirs. At this time I would like to recommend that theiTown Board purchase a new Cab and Chassis Truck for use of the Highway Depart- ment, r Truck to meet the following specifications. Approximately 159 inch wheel base C.A. dimension not less than 84 inches Motor displacement not less than 330 inches Governor controlled 6 or 8 cylinders 50 Ampere low cut in generator 12 V=olt 70 ampere hour battery 2 speed Eaton rear Axle 1,6000 lba. r7 Front axle. . . . . . . ... . .. 7000 lbs. Heavy duty reinforced standard frame or d able frame Also include Front side- plates for Frink now plow .....t Front end shaft driven pump installed 5 Speed transmission Not less than 13 inch clutch -- 15 spring Right hand high speed power take off 900 x 20 -- 10 ply tube tires F3 1 1100 Cubic inch Vacuum reserve tank Vacuum hydrauiic brakes Front not less than 15 x 3 in. Rear 15 x 5 in. Heater and defroster *Deluxe Dual electric wipers West coast dual mirrors Auxiliary cylinder gas tank not less than 50 gal. capacity . Standard New York State Lights Queensbury Highway Department Trade-in---One 1954 International 170 Cab and Chassis Delivery date-thirty days from date of award. Bernard J. Codner Superintendent- of Highways RESOLUTION NO. 162 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent' of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has recommended the purchase of one new cab and chassis truck and one new hopper type sand spreader for the use of the highway department to meet the specifications set forth in such recommendations. RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he 'hereby is authorized and directed to cause to be published once in the Glens` Falls Times and the Post Star, on or before November 9, 1963, a notice to read in substantially the following farm: NOTICE. TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals up to 7:00 p* m. on the 21st day of `- November, 1963 at the Town Clerks Office at 95 Dixon Road, Town of Queensbury, or the Town Highway Department, 2 Aviation Road, Town of Queensbury, to supply the Town of Queensbury with one new cab and chassis truck and one new hopper type sand spreader. A copy of the detailed specifications of the equipment to be purchased may be obtained during business hours from the office of the Queensbury Highway Department, 2 Aviation Road, Glens Falls, N. Y. Bidders must submit separate proposals on each itme and must submit bids in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Truck Bid" or "Spreader Bid" as the case ,may be. The Town Board will meet in the library of the Queensbury Public School, 75iAviation Road, Town of Queensbury, on November 21, 1963, at 7:30 p. m. at which time the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Town Board George C. Crannell Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty,, Mr. Turner, W. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None A letter was received and placed on file authorizing the acceptance of the deeds of Lewis De Angelis and Abraham Rudnick to the Town of Queensbury. 32 Mr. Thomas Hagen, a representative of the new formed "Queensbury Jaycees" visited the meeting at this time. y Mr. Codner recommended the acceptance of the highways within a development being completed by Mr. Lewis DeAngelis and Abraham Rudnick as an extension to Roster Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 163 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty. WHEREAS, Lewis De Angelis and Abraham Rudnick have executed and offered three deeds to convey to the Town of Queensbury lands for a 50 foot roadway to extend Foster Avenue, such streets to be known as "Foster Avenue Extension", "Rudley Drive", and "Angel Lane", as shown on a map prepared by John B. Van Dusen dated 7/23/63, and WHEREAS, Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent of Highways, has advised this board that he recommends acceptance of these streets into the Town Highway System, and WHEREAS, said deeds have- already been approved by the County Attorney, Albert E. Beswick, therefore be it RESOLVED,- that the deeds of Lewis De Angelis and Abraham Rudnick conveying "Foster Avenue Extension'',"Rudley Drive", and "Angel Lane" be and the same are hereby accepted and approved and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to have said deeds recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office, after which said deeds shall be .properly filed in the office of Town Clerk. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and b" Webster. Noes - None f Upon suggestion of Mr. Codner, the b®prd in general agreed to authorize the Superintendent of Highways to investigate the availability of different .types of equipment which can be utilized for plowing sidewalks within the Town of Queensbury. - TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Lj Warren County New York John 0. Webster Supervisor November 6, 1963. To: All members of the Board Subject: Bank Interest Now that the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company has credited our accounts for interest that will become payable to us during the current year, I wish to advise the board regarding interest income earned by the- Town during the year 1963, by making the following report: FUND INTEREST EARNED Ridge Road Water District $ 158.00 West Glens Falls Water District 402.20 West Glens Falls Ext. #1 Bond Acct 52.50 Highway Fund 1,425.20 Capital Reserve Fund 874.60 Queensbury Fire Protection District 157.50 - General Fund - - 1,662.50 F TOTAL INTEREST EARNED BY THE TOWN DURING 1963 $4,732.50 If present interest rates continue, we should be able - to continue this program for the year 1964 with similar results. Respectfully submitted: John 0. Webster, Supervisor 33 The New Construction Report for the month of October, 1963, was received and placed on file by the clerk. There were 19 reports filed during the month. The Supervisor presented the report of re-laid assessments for Special Benefit Districts as follows: November 1, •1963. Report to the Town Board regarding unpaid assessments in the special benefit districts for the year 1963. Following is a report of unpaid assessments in the three benefit districts of the town for the year 1963. These unpaid taxes have been filed in the office -of the Town Clerk and the unpaid items have been returned to be relayed on the 1964 Town Tax and Assessment Roll. DISTRICT TOTAL UNPAID PgNALT3( TOTAL AMOUNT ASSR _ X= 5% RELAYED Pershing, Ashley,Coolidge Sewer x.44 $.50 52.50 Reservoir Park Sewer 50.00 2.50 52.50 Queensbury Drainage Dist. 440.50 22.11 462.61 Respectfully submitted John 0. Webster, Supervisor RESOLUTION NO. 164 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner WHEREAS, the work load in the office of Receiver of Taxes & Assessments has been increased substantially by the collection of Lake George Central School taxes in the Town of Queensbury, and by additional water rents, and , WHEREAS, there remains a sufficient balance in the appropriation in the 1963 budget for expenses in the office of Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that emergency part time clerical assistance, at an hourly rate of $1.50 is hereby authorized not to exceed $200. 9 to be charged to the appropriation in the 1963 budget for office and other expenses u6 the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, and that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments shall certify to the Supervisor the hours actually worked each month by such employee for inclision in the monthly payroll of the General Town Fund. Duly adopted by the following vote: .Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - -None The supervisor reported that the bonds for the Reservoir Park Sewer District have been sold per resolution #146 of the 28th day of September 1963. BOND ISSUE OF $8,000.00 OF TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, .FOR RESERVOIR $EVER DISTRICT. I, JOHN 0. WEBSTER, Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, do hereby certify that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury adopted Resolution No. 146 on the 28th day of September, 19630 authorizing the issuance and sale of $8,000.00 serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury to pay the cost of an addition to the sewerage treatment plant in Reservoir Park Sewer District, which resolution delegated to me, as Supervisor,the power to determine. the terms form, contents, date, rate of in- terest and dates for the payment of interest, and place of payment, and that such power has not been revoked, modified or amended. In accordance with such power delegated to me, I hereby make the dollowing determinations: 34 1. Said Bonds shall be dated as of the 7th day of November, 1963, and said bonds shall mature serially on the 7th day of November in each of the years 1964 ,to 1973, inclusive. 2. The interest on said bonds shall be 34% and shall be payable semi-annually on the 7th day of each May and November. 3. , The principal of and interest on said bonds shall be paid at The Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company in Glens Falls, New York. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Town of Queensbury this 7th day of November, 1963. John 0. Webster Supervisor A letter was received and placed on file which accompanied the deed for several lots in PineView Cemetery which the Town of Queensbury is in the process of purchasing from Mrs. Kathryn E. O'Brien. The .01erk' received the deed which will be filed with the County .Clerk and .at a later date filed in the Clerk's office. An agreement was presented to the Town Board to do with the purchase of the water maims in the Cottage Hill development to conform with the agreement reached prior to the approval of thq Queensbury Water District. The agreement will be filed in the County Clerk's Office and at a later date will 'be filed in the town clerk's 'office. STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Albany 1, N. Y. October 31,, 1963 Interstate Route 87 District 1 t Glens Falls-Keesville Town Board Town of Queensbury Warren County - ,-- Gentlemen: The National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for streets and highways , as published by the Bureau of Public. Roads, now requires that two indications on each approach be displayed on all signals located on Federal Aid highways. New York State will, this year, adopt t4is standardtfor all. highways. The State Department of Public Works is engaged in a program of reconstructing state maintained signals in conformance with the new standard. We have issued a Notice of Traffic Commission Action for the Department of Public Works to provide dual indications on Signal #179 which is located on Route. US 9 at its intersection with Ramp '!F" to Interstate Route 87. Copies of this Notice are enclosed, for the records of the Town. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS Chairman By; LLOYD A. MEADER Chief Traffic Engineer 85 STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Albany 1, N. Y. Interstate Route 87 District 1 October 31, 1963 Glens Falls=Keeseville NOTICE OF TRAFFIC COMMISSION ACTION The State Traffic Commission has taken the following_. action with respect to traffic control Signal #17 located on Route US 99 SH 417, at its intersection with Ramp "Ft , which connects Interstate Route 87 with Route US 9, in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County. Change this signal to provide dual `— indications on each approach as more specifically detailed in the specifi- cations which follow. The order for this signal filed with the Secretary of State is identified as Section 2052.10, subdivision (e), of the regulations of the State Traffic Commission. T® complete this action, the New York State Department of Public Works is to operate and maintain traffic control Signal #7 in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the New York State Traffic Commission and the following specifications. This office should be properly advised of the date of completion of the necessary work. SPECIFICATIONS L. This signal shall be equipped with two vehicular signal faces visible to traffic on each approach to the intersection. t 2. This signal shall be equipped with vehicle detectors on Route US 9 north and south of thk intersection and on Ramp ttFtt west of the intersection and shall operate as a 2-phase, full traffic-actuated signal. STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS • Chairman By: LLOYD A. NZEDER Chief Traffic Engineer On motion the meeting was adjourned: Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell, Town Clerk