1963-12-26 11 11
This ,should be done by the town attorney to insure the
legality of all portions. ,
6 - The attached proposal has the.unanimous approval of the
Planning Board.
Yours truly,
George- J. Kus4ner
Chairman-Planning Board
A sample ordinancefwas presented to the Town Board for study.
RESOLUTION NO.. L77 intrpduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson
. � t
RESOLVED that the Audit of Claims as listed on Abstract #63-12
and numbered 905 through 987 inclusive and totaling $82,973.45
is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote.-
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster.
Noes None
Respectfully submitted
George C. Crannell
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting December 26, . 1963
John 0. Webster , Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
t Curtis Lampoon Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7;30 p,. m.
Visitors greeted were as follows:
Chauncey Rowan - Interested in Extension of Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge
Sewer District
Patricia Rowan - Interested in Extension of Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge
Sewer District
Donald Mackie - Interested in Extension of Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge
Sewer District
Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. - Engineer for Sewer District Problems
Otto Kuhl Engineer for Sewer District Problems
Bernard Codner Superintendent of Highways _
Bernie Zovistoski - Glens Falls Post, Company
George Liapes - Superintendent of North Glens Falls Water District
Albert E. Beswick - Attorney, Representing Town of Queensbury
Due to lack of space to hold the meeting at Queensbury Public School
on Aviation Road; the meeting was adjourned to the Warren County
Municipal Center on the Lake George Road, Route #9 at 8:05 p,. m.
Following the re-opening; of the meeting, the clerk presented the
proof of publication to do with the hearing on Extensions #3 and #4
of the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District.
The posting� of the notices of the hearing was accomplished as follows
by the clerk:
Extension No. g
2 notices on Elm tree on N.W. Front Moynihan - 8 Broadacres Road-
1 notice on Elm tree on N.E. Front Moynihan - 8 Broadacres. Road
l notice on Elm tree on S.W. Front Rowan 89 Coolidge Avenue.
1 notice Elm tree on N.W. Front Rowaa - 89 Coolidge Avenue.
Extension No. 4
1 notice Elm tree Front of Monroe - 13 Ashley Place
1 notice Elm tree Front of Prescott -t9 Ashley Place
1 notice Elm tree Side of Prescott - Broadacres Road & Ashley Place
1 notice Elm tree Front of Avrin 6 Luzern Place
1 notice E1}n tree Front of Tobias - 10 Luzerne Place
A description of the extensions as planned was presented by the
Supervisor. A request for any persons in objection to the proposed
Extensions to speak at this time was extended. With no objectors
present;, the hearing ryas declared clbsed.
At a Special Meeting of the
Town. Board of the Town of Queensbury,
Warren County, New York, held at the
Queensbury School in said Town on
the 26t1i day of' December, 1963.
Present John 0, Webster, Supervisor
Harold C. Akins, Councilman
N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Theodore Turner, Councilman
In the Matter
the Establishment of Extension No. 3 to the Existing
Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District in the Town of
Queensbury, Warren County, New York.
A petition for the establishment of Extension No. 3' to the
existing Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District in the Town of
Queensbury, Warren County,, Neer York, the said petition being dated
December S, 1963,. was duly presented to this Town Board, together
with the necessary plan and map attached thereto, and an order
having been duly adopted by the Town Board on December 6, 1963,,
for the hearing of all persons interested in the matter an the
26th day of December, 1963, at 7:30 o'clock, P.M., at the Queens-
bury School,, which said order was duly posted and published as
required by law, and a hearing having been held by the Town Board
at the time and place specified in said order and all persons
appearing who desired to be heard having been heard, now,. upon the
evidence given upon such hearing, it is hereby determined that the
said petition is signed and acknowledged or proved as required by
law,, it duly complies with the requirements of Section 191 of the
Town Law as to sufficiency of signers with respect to the boun-
daries of the proposed extension as herein approved and it is
otherwise sufficient; that all of the property and property owners
within the proposed extension are benefited thereby;; that all of
the property and property owners benefited are included within
the limits of the proposed extension; and that it is in the public
interest to grant in-whole the, relief sought, and it having been
determined that the entire cost of the improvement in the pro- j
posed extension will be paid directly by the petitioners, that no
expenditure of town funds will be required and that the consent
of the .Comptroller of the-State of New York for the establishment
of the proposed extension is not required, it is
ORDERED that Extension No. 3 to the existing Pershing-
Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District, as proposed by said petition, be
established in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York,
to be of the following description and coundaries, to wit:
Lots; Nos. 2 and 11 in Block 15 of Broadacres
Subdivision, to gether described as follows :
Beginning at the point in the southerly line of
Broadacres Road which marks the northeasterly
corner of Lot 2 and the northwesterly corner of
Lot 3 and running thence south 18o 391 east along
the division lines between Lots 2 and 3_ and along
the division line between Lots 11 and 10 a distance
of 300 feet to the point in the northerly line of
Coolidge Avenue which marks the southeasterly
corner of Lot 11 and the southwesterly corner of
Lot 1.0; thence south 710 21.1 west along the nor-
therly line of Coolidge Avenue a distance of 73
` feet to the point which marks the southwesterly
corner of Lot 11 and the southeasterly corner of
Lot 12; thence north 18o 391 west along the
` division line between Lots 11 and 12 the division
line between Lots 1 and 2- a distance of 300.06
feet to the point in the southerly line of Broad-
acres Road which marks the northwesterly corner of
Lot 2 and the northeasterly corner of* Lot I- and
thence north 710 211 east along the southerly line
of Broadacres Road a distance of 73 feet tothe
place of beginning.
Also Lot 8 and the southerly portion of Lot 7 in
Block 14 of Broadacres Subdivision together des-
-cribed as follows ; Beginning at the point in the
northerly line of Coolidge Avenue which marks the
! southwesterly corner of Lot 8 and the southeasterly
corner of Lot' 9 and runhing thence north 04o 581
east a distance of 77.21 feet to a point; thence
north 32o 061 west a distance of 45 feet to a
point; thence north 710 211 east a distance of
120.88+- feet to a point in the westerly line of
Ashley Place;; thence south 18o 391 east along the
westerly line` of Ashley` Place a distance of70.69
feet to a point; thence southerly along the --
kesterly side of Ashley Place on a curve having
` a radius of 200 feet a distance of 74.82 feet to
a point; thence on a curve having a radius of
` 23 feet a distance of 52.53 feet to a point in the
northerly line of Coolidge Avenues ana thence
north 85o 021 west along the northerly line of
Coolidge Avenue a distance of 136.28 feet to the
place of beginning and
it is further
ORDERED that., upon approval by the State Department of
Health, the improvement mentioned in said petition be constructed
wholly at the expense of the petitioners.
Dated: December 26, 1963.
John O.. Webster
Theodore Turner
` Councilman
N. Harwood Beaty
H.C. Akins
Curtis Lampson
` Members of the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury, Warren County,
New York.
RESOLUTION NO. 178 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner.
WHEREAS, a petition for the establishment of Extension
No. 4 to the existing Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District in
the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, the said petition
being dated December 5, 1.963, was duly presented to this Town
Board, together with the necessary map: and plan attached thereto,
WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board
on December 6, 1963, reciting the filing of said petition, the
improvements proposed, the coundaries of the proposed extension,
and the estimated expense thereof and specifying the 26th day of
December, 1963, at 7:30 o'clock„ P. M. , as the time and the Queens-
bury School as the place where the Town Board would meet to con-
sider the petition and to hear all persons interested in the
subject thereof concerning the same, and
WHEREAS, such order was duly posted and published as
required by law,- and a hearing on the matter was duly held by
the Town Board at the time and place specified at which all per-
sons appearing who desired to be heard, it is
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the petition aforesaid
is signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law, it com-
plies with the requirements of Section 191 of the Town Law as to
sufficiency of signers with respect to the coundaries of the
proposed extension as herein approved and is otherwise sufficient;
that all of the property and property owners within the proposed
extension are benefited thereby,, that all the property and pro-
perty owners benefited are included within the limits of the
proposed extension; and that it is in the public interest to grant
in whole the relief sought, and it is further
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the establishment' of an
extension to the existing Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District
as proposed by said petition be approved; that upon the approval
of the proposed improvement therein by the State Department of
Health and upon the required funds being made available or pro-
vided for the said improvement mentioned in the petition be con-
structed- and that such extension shall be designated and known
as Extension No. 4 to the existing Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer
District of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, and
shall be bounded and described as follows
Lots Nos. 4, 59 60 7 , 8, 9, 109 '1 1 1 and 12 in Block
7 of Broadacres Subdivision, together described as
follows : Beginning at a point in the westerly line
of Luzern Place which marks the northeasterly cor-
ner of Lot 4 and the southeasterly corner of Lot 3
and running thence south 140 431 west a distance of
48.05 feet to a point; thence southerly along the
westerly line of Luzern Place on `a curve having a
radius of 554.66 feet a distance of 293.97 feet to
the southeasterly corner of Lot 8 thence south
71021' west a distance of 70 feet to a point; thence
westerly along the northerly line of Broadacres Road
on a curve with a radius of 680 feet a distance of
200.18 feet to a point; thence on a curve with a
radius of 33 feet a distance of,45.79 feet to a
point- thence on a curve with a radius of 580 feet
along the easterly line of Ashley Place a distance
of 268.68 feet to a point; thence north 14016' east
a distance of 535 feet to the point in the easterly
line of Ashley Place which marks the northwesterly
corner of Lot 12 and the southwesterly corner of
Lot 13- thence south 17017' east a distance of
12'8.09+ feet to a point; thence north 06016' east a
distance of 66 feet to a point; thence north
11o431 east a distance of 77-.81 ,feet to a
point; and thence south 78o17t east a dis-
tance of 135 feet to the place of beginning.
Also, L6ts 7, 8 and 9 in Block 6 of Broad- .
acres. Subdivisioft, together described as
follows: Beginning at the point in the e '
northerly line of Broadacres Road which
marks the southeasterly corner of Lot 7 and
running thence north 18o391 west, a distance
of 59.80 feet to a point; ` thence north 02046'
east a distance of 118.50 feet to the point
which marks the northeasterly corner of Lot 9
_ and the' southeasterly corner of Lot 10; thence
north 82o46t west along the division line
between Lots 9 and 10 a distance of 115 feet
to the point in the easterly line of huzerte
Place which marks the northwesterly corner of
Lot 9 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 10;
thence southerly along the easterly line of
Luzerne Place on a surve with a radius of
504.66` feet a distance of 228 feet to the
point in the northerly line of Broadacres Road
_ which marks the southwesterly corner of Lot 7 .
and thence north 7lo2lt east along the northerly
line of Broadacres Road a distance of 110.82 feet
to a point, and it,
is further
RESOLVED that the proposed improvement in said Extension
No. 4 to the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer Di"strict, including
construction costs, legal fees, engineering and all other expenses
shall be financed by the issuance of obligations of the Town of
Queensbury in accordance with the provisions of the Local Finance
Law of the State of New York, and it is further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall within ten days
sifter the adoption of this resolution file certified copies
thereof in duplicate in the office of the Department of Audit
and Control at Albany, N.Y. , together with an application by
this Town Board in duplicate for permission to establish such
Extension 4 as `provided by the Town Law, and that such application
be executed by the Supervisor on behalf of the Town Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr: Tutner, Mr. `Lanftpsdn, 'Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 179 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Sampson
RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments of the
Town of Queensbury be and he hereby is authorized to open and
maintain a checking account in the Glens Falls National Bank and
Trust Company in his name as Receiver'of Taxes and Assessments of
the Town of Queensbury and to deposit therein all moneys received
and collected by him as taxes and assessments required to be paid
to him. in his official capacity, and be it further
RESOLVED, that, as to school taxes collected and received
by the Receiver .of Taxes and Assessments, he be and hereby is
authorized and directed to draw checks on said account for his
settlement with the respective school districts as required by the
Education Law, and be it .further
RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments at
the end of each month account to the Supervisor for any moneys
collected and received for the Town of Queensbury or any special
district therein and to draw checks on said account to the Supervisor
for the amounts so collected and received, and be it further
Resolution No. 179 - continued
RESOLVED THAT THE Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and
he hereby is authorized to draw checks on said account to the
County Treasurer for county taxes received and collected by him.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Akins :and Mr, Webster.
Noes - None
December 239 1963
Mr. Ge r e C. Crannell, Clerk
Town o Queensbury
95 Dixon Road 1
Glens Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Crannell:
This is to call your attention to the fact that
Robert A. Reid's term as health officer of Queensbury Town,
Warren County, will expire on December 31, 1963.
Your Board should meet at its earliest opportunity
after the term expires and make an appointment for a four-year
term beginning on the date on which you make the appointment.
When the appointment has been made, kindly complete the en-
closed "Notification of Appointment's form, have it signed by the
President or Secretary of the Board and return it to this office
at your earliest convenience.
Thank y6u for your cooperation in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
I.T. Loudon„ M.D., D.P.H.
District Health Officer
LeRoy Phillips
61 Dixon Road
Glens Falls, N.Y.
21 December 1963
Honorable members of
The Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Please regard this letter as an application for
reapointment as Chief of Police of the Town of Queensbury.
I have found it somewhat satisfing to be able to serve the
Town in this capasity, and I will regard it an honor to
serve this Office in the coming year, and to the best of
my ability.
I also recommend the reappointment of Police
Officers Raymond Hoague and Joseph Daire.
I wiah to commend the Board at this time for the
splendid job I think you are doing and to thank you each
one for your consideration and coperation both in the past and
in the years to come.
May I wish you and the Town of Queensbury a most
progressive and prosperis 1964.
LeRoy Phillips
December 26,' 1963
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Gentlemen: ,
I would appreciate the appointment as Policeman 'in the
Town of Queensbury for the coming year of 1964.
Raymond J, Hoague
Dec. 16, 1963
RX - 3-2446
Town Board
Dear Sir:
If there is ever any openings as a special policeman
in the Town of Queensbury I would like to be considered for
the appointment.
I have the qualifications and the recommendations if
you would want"them. ` `
I am a Sgt. in the South Queensbury Fire Police and
a company member.
` Edward J. Waters
December 26, 1963
Town of Queensbury
Town Board
I understand that the assessors in the Town of Queeens-
bury are appointed for two year terms by the town board,
I would appreciate it if you will consider me for this
I have held a real estate license for five years and
feel that I am well acquainted with real estate values in the
Town of Queensbury. I have a considerable amount of time to
devote to the job and feel that if appointed I could do the
job well and reflect credit on your decision.
I have been a Republican Committeeman in the Town
as you know for four years and have worked for you gentlemen
in the past and will be happy to do so in the future.
Very truly yours, ,
George Liapes
1.30 Ontario St. , Albany 1, N.Y.
December 13, 1963
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Warren County
This concerns your request for a speed restriction on Old
Forge Road, a town highway, between Dixon Road and the southwesterly
(State Traffic Letter - continued)
intersection of Clark Street in the Town of Queensbury, Warren
County. A study of conditions has been oompleted.
Investigation revealed 8 ,units of Marginal development within
the 0.25+ miles. This is below that which is considered minimum for
an effective and realistic speed restriction. 'The houses are all on.
the south side which would seem to eliminate the need for pedestrians
to cross the highway.
Factors to justify a reduced speed zone are not in evidence
and we regret that it appears proper to deny the request.
- Nery truly yours, -
RESOLUTION NO. 180 tintroduced by-Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson
Whereas, Chapter 814 of the Laws of 1948 -provides that there
shall be a Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury
to consist of three members appointed by the Town Board for three
year terms to expire on June 30 of each year, and
Whereas, it appears from the records of the Town Clerk that
Sidney Van Dusen was last appointed by the Town Board for a term
which expired on June 30, 1961; that Frank L. Cowles was last
appointed for a term which expired on June 30, 1962; and that
Charles K. Denny was last appointed for a term which expired on
June 30, 1963, and that said Commissioners have been holding over
since the expiration of their respective terms, be it
RESOLVED that Sidney Van Dusen be and he hereby is appointed
a member of the Board of Cemetery Commissions of the Town of
Queensbury for a term commencing-as of July 1, 1561 and-to expire
on June 30, 1964; that Frank L. Cowles be and he hereby is appointed
a member of the Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of
=- Queensbury for a term commencing as of July 1, 1962, and to expire
on June 30, 1965; and that Charles K. Denny be and he hereby is
appointed a member of the Board cif Cemetery Commissioners -of the
Town of Queensbury for a term commencing as of July 1, 1963, and
to expire on June 30, 1966.
Duly adopted by the following voter
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO.. 181 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty
Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of Warren County adopted
Resolution No. 179 on November 22, 1963, levying a benefit assess-
ment in the total amount of $1,050.00 in the: Pershing-Ashley-
Coolidge Dewer District of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal
year of 1964 on the basis of 21 parcels at $50.00 per parcel; and
also levied a benefit assessment in the total amount of $1,250.00
in the Reservoir Park Sewer District in the Town of Queensbury
for the fiscal year of 1964 on the basis of 25 parcels at $50.00
per. parcel; and also levied a benefit assessment in the total
amount of $7,500.00 in the Queensbury Drainage District in the
Town of Queensbury on the basis of 242 cents per lineal foot, and
Whereas , the Town Board has prepared a benefit assessment
E_ roll for each of said special districts for the fiscal year of
19649 be it
RESOLVED that warrants be issued to the Receiver of Taxes
and Assessments of the Town of Queensbury requiring him to collect
from several persons and corporations set forth in said assess-
ment rolls the sum of sums set opposite each name without penalty
or fee if paid before the 1st day of July, 1964, and with a
(Resolution No. 181 - continued)
penalty equal to 107o of such assessment if paid between July It
1964 and October .15, 19649 and that the Receiver of Taxes and
Assessments return said assessment rolls and warrants to the
Supervisor on or before October 25, 1964, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they
hereby are authorized and directed to sign such warrants and
affix the seal of the Town of Queensbury thereto, attach said
warrants to the said respective assessment rolls and deliver the
same to the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments on or before
December .319 1963.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. 4eaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr, Webster
Noes - None
A letter of recommendation to do with the appointment of a
temporary Water Superintendent for the Queensbury Water District
was presented from Mr,r, Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , the engineer for
the water district. A copy of the letter was presented to each
member of the Town Board and placed on file by the Clerk.
RESOLUTION NO. 182 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Beaty
RESOLVED that Jerome Thorne, of R. D. 1 , Glens Falls, N.Y. ,
a resident of the Town of Queensbury, be and he hereby is appointed
Superintendent of the Queensbury Water District on a provisional
basis at an annual salary of $4,500.00 effective January 1,
1964, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Warren County Civil Service Cornmi?sion
be requested to co¢duct an examination to establish an eligible
list for such position from which a permanent appointment may
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, M;-. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None Jy'
RESOLUTION NO._'183 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Turner ..
WHEREAS, this Town Board adopted resolution number 175`on
December 12, 1963, which authorized the transfer of certain
amounts from the Queensbury Water District Construction Account,
Project APW-Ny-52G, to the General Fund, and
WHEREAS, this resolution did not include two items concerning
expenses for engineering services which should have been included
in this resolution, therefore, be. it ,
RESOLVED, that there be paid from the Queensbury Water District
Construction A
ecount, Project APW-NY-52G, to the General Fund
the following amount:.
The sum of $2,498.35 paid to Joseph A. Kestner, Jr.
for engineering services from the General Fund on September
13, 1962
and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed
to draw a check against the Queensbury Water District Construction
Account, Project #APW-NY-52G in the amount of $2,498.35 in
reimbursement of the foregoing item and deposit the same to the
credit of the General Fund, and be it further
RESOLVED that there `be aid from the
p Queensbury Water Distr�.ct
Construction Account, Project APW-NY-52G, to the Capital Note
Account the following amount:
The sum of $1,117.00 paid to Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , for
engineering services from the Capital Note Account on
February 14, x.962.
(Resolution No. 183 - continued)
and that the Supervisor be andrhe hereby is authorized and directed
to draw a check against the Queensbury Water District Construction
Account, Project APW-NY-52G in the. amount of $19117.00 in reim-
bursement of the foregoing item and deposit the same to the credit
of the Capital Note. Account. `
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes- Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr.. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 184 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty.
Whereas , Tom Rogers and Cleo H. Rogers have delivered to
the Town Board a deed., dated June 7`, 1963, which conveys to the
Town• of Queensbury, for a town Highway to be known as Wintergreen
Road, a parcel of land in the Old Forge Park subdivision 50 feet
in width from Sherman Avenue to Old. Forge Road, as designated on
the State of New York inventory as 163A
Whereas, Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent, of Highways,
has reported to the Town Board that, in his opinion, the said
parcel of land is in condition to be accepted as a town highway,
and should be added to the town highway. system, and
Whereas, Albert E. Beswick, County Attorney, has advised the
Town Board that he has examined said deed and a map of Old Forge
Park`and1that in his opinion the said deed is in proper form to
be accepted and recorded, be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury accept from Tom Rogers
and Cleo H. Rogers the aforesaid deed, dated June 7, 1.963, and
that the same be recorded in the office of the Warren County
Clerk and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and that upon
the recording of said deed the said parcel thereby conveyed be
accepted and maintained as a town highway and be designated as
Wintergreen Road.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION N`0. 185 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by W. Beaty
Whereas, Tom Rogers and Cleo Rogers have delivered to the
Town Board a deed, dated June 5, 1963, which conveys to the. Town
of Queensbury for a town highway.. a parcel of land 50 feet in
width from Meadowbrook Road to Meadow Lane, as designated on the
State of New York Inventory as #261, . and
N r C Q
Whereas, Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways,
has reported to the Town Board that, in his opinion, the said
parcel of'land is in condition to be accepted as a town highway
and has recommended that it be accepted as a town,hignway and
added to the town highway system, and
Whereas, Albert E. Beswick, County Attorney, has advised
the Town Board that he has examined said deed and map of Ridge
Meadows and that in his opinion the said deed is in proper form
to be accepted and recorded, be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury accept from Tom Rogers
and Cleo H. Rogers the aforesaid deed, dated June 5, 1963, and that
the same be recorded in the office of the Warren County Clerk and be
filed in the office of the Town Clerk., and that upon the recording of
said deed the said parcel thereby conveyed be accepted and maintained
as a town highway.
Duly adopted by the following vote.'
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes None
t .
RESOLUTION NO. 186 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Akins
Whereas, during the fiscal year 1963 the town Board has authorized
additional expenditgres not anticipated in the -1963 budget, `such as
increased supervision at the town dump, etc. , therefore be ' it
RESOLVED, that there be and hereby is appropriated from the
Contingent Fund to the. funds appropriatsed for the kollowi:ig pxirposes
the amount set opposite each item:
General Town Fund - Elections, -Compensation of offieia7.s $ 68.00
General Town Fund - Elections, Compensation of Custodians 3.00
General Town Fund- Town Offices,- other expenses 114.78
General Town Fund - Employees Retirement System, Town share 266.38 ,..1
General Town Fund .- Social Security, Town Share 281.06
General Town Fund - Association of Towns, Dues 46;00
General Town Fund - Insurance, Fire & Liability 383.12
General Town Fund - Town Clerk, Office& Other Expenses 221.58
General Town Fund - Supervisor, Office & Other Expenses 26.82
General, Town Fund - Receiver of Taxes, Miscellaneous Exp; 44.20
General Town Fund - Police, Compensation 24,51
General Town Fund - Police, mileage 70'39
General Town Fund Tewn Dump, expenses 2,800,56
General Town Fund - Registrar of Vital Statistics 69,00
i t
TOTAL $ 41421.40
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes None
RESOLUTION ,NO. 147 introduced ,by Mr. Turner, seconded by 'Mr. Akins
Whereas, during the fiscal year 1963 the town board authorized
engineering services in the Queensbury Water District but paid
for some of this service from the general town fund until the
Queensbury Water District funds were made available for that
purpose, and
Whereas, the General Town Fund has now been reimbursed for these
payments made on behalf of the Queensbury Water District, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that surplus funds in the General Town Fund, iW the amount
t of $3,088.78, be and the same are hereby appropriated to the General
Town Fund, Services of Engineer & Expenses.
Duly adopted .by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr., Lampson, Mr. Akins and W4.Webster
Noes None
RESOLUTION NO. 184 introduced byiMr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson
That the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
hereby inaugurates a Relief Work Project which shall involve such work
as the clearing of right of ways under the Highway Depart�ent, digging
ditches for water mains and related work under the Department of the
Water District, and other work which may include the laying of sidewalks
and similar work of a constructive nature under other general Town Depart-
ments, or any other work involved in the operation or maintenance of the
Town of Queensbury, and
That the Warren County Welfare Commissioner be ---'
requested to furnish a list of the persons available for the type of
labor mentioned in this Resolution, and
immediately. That this Resolution shall become effective
Duly adopted by the follwoing voter
Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None