1963-12-28 SP 5 RESOLUTION NO. 189 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Turner RESOLVED that the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #63-12A containing claims numbered 988 through #992 inclusive and totaling $777.37 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk Special Audit Meeting December 28, 1963 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor N, Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold C. Akins Councilman ` The meeting was called to order at 9:30 s�. m. Mr. Bernard Codner, Superintendent of Highways was present also the Justice's of the Peace Mr. Meredith Bentley and Mr. Andrew R. Butz. The Board proceeded to audit all the record books of the following Town Officers: Andrew R. Butz - Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley - Justice of the Peace Bernard J.- Codner - Superintendent of Highways John 0. Webster - Supervisor Mr. Bentley submitted the following -report of activity in his office during the year 1963. `-" Month Civil V&T Penal Indictible Fees & Fine. Banuary LP 26 1 175100 February a 9 1 145.00 March 4• 46 2 353.50 April 4' 25 0 172.50 May 2 -15- Dogs 27 0 219.50 June Supp. 5 . -l& SuVp. 16-4Suppl 110.50 40.50 July 6• 42 1 470.00 August 3- 31 1 351.50 Sept. 7- 61 1 514.00 October 6 21 1 189.50 November 4 16 0 216.00 .December Pending 1-28 3 52 0 1-1/8/64 370.00 Totals - Pending 12 9 1 Jan.v-12/28 52. 376 $2865.50 Total No. cases completed 437 - Dated - December 28, 1963 Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace The Clerk read the following letters of applications for appointment �--' for the coming year 1964. Luzern Rd. Glens Falls, N.Y. Dec.` 22, 1963 Town B-oard of Queensbury • - Gentleman:, - I submit this letter as a application for the appointment for Dog Warden of the Town of Queensbury, for the year of 1964. Respectfully James F, Tucker 76 ANNUAL REPORT D6g Warden 1963 Calls - 183 Dogs dead on Road - 21 Dogs destroyed 80 Dogs returned to owners - 4 Complaints - 45 Dogs destroyed for owners - 15 Lest dogs reported - 18 Respectfully submitted James E. Tucker I am pleased to submit the following report of activity in my office as Town Clerk'for the year of 1963. CONSERVATION LICENSES 377 - Hunting & Fishing $94.25 297 Resident Hunting 74,2:5 925 Resident Fishing Licenses 241.25 8 - Resident Trapping 2.00 683 Big Game Licenses 220.75 4 - Non-Resident Hunting 1100 17 - t' tt Fishing 4.25 14 t' tt 6 Day# _Fishing 3.50 4 tt Big Game 1.00 5 - Archery Licenses 1.25 . 9 - Lost Licenses 2.25 MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES, PERMITS & FILINGS 1451 - Dog Licenses 362.75 101 Marriage Licenses _ 151.50 457 Chattel Mortgages Filed 375.50 143 - " tt Receipts 71.50 51 - " t' Discharge 48.00 _ 308 Conditional Sales Filed 279.00 69 Conditional Receipts 34.50 21 - " Sale Discharge 11.50 --� 40 - Conditional or Chattel Assignments 32.00 37 - Explosive Licenses 18.50 118 Search & Certified Copies 122.00 4 Carnival or Circus Permits 400.00 4 Junk Dealers Permits 20.00 1 Delinquant Dog License Report 1.85 Amount returned by County on Dog License Sales 2,068.58 Total amount of Town share of fees for year1963 4,642.93 Amount paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses3,211.00 Amount paid to Couiaty for Conservation Licenses 8,687.50 Amount paid to New York State Department of Health for Marriage Licenses 50.50 Grand Total of amount collected by Town Clerk _ for year 1963 $ 16,591.93 Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell, Town Clerk REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD AUDIT MEETING 12/28/63 Balances in all bank accounts FUND OR ACCOUNT Balance Balance Anticipated in 12/81Z62 12/31/63 1964 Bud a et Highway Fund 199203.87 18,181.68 ll, 00.00 General Town Fund 21,.840.53 137,.962.52* 20,000.00 Reservoir Park Sewer District Bond Acct 19804.70 500.40 ------------ Reservoir Park Sewer 303.60 1,187.54 400.00 West Glens Falls Water 16,096.85* 179022.05* 169,000.00 77 (Supervisors report continued) FUND OR ACCOUNT Balance Balance Anticipated in 12/31/62 12/31/63 1964 Budget West Glens Falls Water District Ext. # 1 19646.09 --------- --"-"----""` West Glens Falls Water Ext. # 1 Bond Acct 29452.54 3 9 _485.81* 555.00 ___ _ _ North Glens Falls Water- 696029 I6 183,0 ---------------"- North Glens Falls Water 675.17 ----------- -------- ---------- Dist. # 1 North Glens Falls Water - 7 --`--"» --------- »-_-_--- ---- Dist. Ext. # North Glens Falls Water __ Dist. Ext. # 8 6 433.27*- --------' Ridge road Water 6,349.03* , `- 600.00 Shore Colony Water 678.40 839.39 Cleverdale Lighting 54.95 68.99 30.00 Fort Amherst Garrison 42.06 ----------------- Road Lighting 34.50 Pershing Ashley Coolidge 709.24 659.24 500.00 Sewer District 35.00 Queensbury Drainage 134.68 209.47 Capital Reserve 30,307.23* 31,647.83* ++_____-__+_+_-- Agency & Trust -- `---- - ` -- Queensbury Fire 200.00 Protection Dist. 334.76 536. 7 $apital Note Acct 4,207.53 ------24- ---_'+w__'___--- Payroll Account -- -_-_ - PineView Cemetery 3,593.35 12,781.29 ------------ Queensbury Water District 117 ,308.00 . Construction Account ----- -`--- - r --- Queensbury`Water District-------- 49408.69 10,000.00 Q --------- 55,399.85 ---------------» ueensbury Water Bond -- count c Pinewo$d Lighting --------•• - 1.70 ------------- $1141023.3L 1 ,993• $ 599920.00 On Jandary121 1964 the following accoants =will be combined into one i_ account for QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT North Glens Falls Water District $ 10,,183.05 Ridge RoadlWater District - 6,433.27 Capital Note Account 3,134.24 Queensbury Water District 4,408.69 TOTAL - Queensbury Water Dist. $ 24„159.25 Comments regarding bank balances n/31/1963 bank balances Include the following aTmounts� invested under Certificates of Deposit: General TBwn Fund $ 95,000.00 West G.F. Water Dist. 139000.00 West G.F. Water Bond Acctr (Ext.) 3,000.00 Ridge Rd. Water District 59000.00 Capital Rescrve Fund 3300,00000,000 ` ---------------------------------------------7-------------------------- CAPITAL RESERVE FUND STATEMENT Assets : W.G.F.Water Dist. Ext. #19 Bonds 14,175.00 Queensbury Drainage Dist. Note(TaxAntic. ) 500.00 Certificates of Deposit 30,000.00 Checking Account 1,647.83 TOTAL ASSETS. . 469,322.8 Balance 12/31/1962 45 007.23 Net gain for year 1963 - $ r l�, 15�i0 78 (Supervisors report - continued) From the following sources . Interest on C..D. _ $ 874.60 Interest on Bonds - 441.00 Total 11315. 0 _---------------- -------- ---------------- ------------------------ - It"will -be -noted that in every instance where the 1964 budget has anticipated a balance - that the 12/31/63 balance in the fund or - accountmore than equals the estimate. feel _that we are clos in-g-out _the year in excellent financial __cQnc�ition to conduct the business of the town for the year ahead. Res ectfull P ys=i�ubmitted: John 0. Vebster, Supervisor A general diswussion to do with the request of all Five Fire Companies for an increase in the contracts for the up coming renewal in 1964. The 6oard in general agreed to renew the contracts on an increased b4ais . to. con€orm with the budget as previously adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 190 introduced-by Mr. -Beaty, seconded by Mr. Akins RESOLVED-that the bonds of the following Town Officers ,df the Town of _Queensbury. are-hereby_approved_as to form, amount, sufficiency of _s.urety_and manner of execution-- foilows: _NUMBER_. _ SURETY PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 92-T1-53 Glens Falls Ins. Co. Forrest Crannell, $509000.00 • Receiver of Taxes & Assessments 92-39-61___ Glens Falls Ins. Co. John_0--. Webster 209000.00 Supervisor 92-39-62 Glens Falls Ins. Co. George Crannell 49000.00 Town'Cletk 92-39-63 Glens Falls Ins. Co. Bernard Codner 4,000.00 Supt. of Highways 82-34-51 Glens Falls Ins. Co. Eugene Johnson 4,000.00 Spec. Deputy Sheriff 92-41-85 Glens Falls Ins. Co. Meredith S. Bentley 4,000.00 Justice of the Peace and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,, that the members of the Town Board sign a certificate to that effect upon each public bond above described. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes None 9 ;RESOthJTION NO. 191 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Turner WHEREAS, the Supervisor,, Justice of the Peace, Town Clerk & Town' Superintendent of Highways have submitted books, documents, minute book dockets, vouchers, statements , stubs, checks, highway books, cash books, etc., pertaining to each' of their respective offices for audit, and WHEREAS, the town board did proceed to audit and examine said documents as set forth above,; Therefore be it RESOLVED., that after such audit and examination the town board finds and determines that all offioers'who are required to' account for town money have accounted for the same, and have paid out such money in accordance with law, and that such records are kept in a good and sufficient manner. Duly adopted by the following vote' -. " Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town clerk