1964-01-30 SP 141. RESOLUTION NO. 36 introduced by Mr. Lampson= seconded by Mr. Beaty . Whereas, the collection of town taxes on real property is usually completed in the first three months of each fiscal year but the expenditures of such funds is graduals with the result that the Supervisor has on hand during the first half of each fiscal year an accumulation of funds not'.immediately required, and Whereas!-it appears desirable that the town receive such interest as may-be available an such fu"s until the sale are requireds be it RESOLVED that the Tower of Queensbary invest funds not immediately needed for town purposes is certificate of deposit of any bank designated by the Tows Board as an official depositary of the Town at a rate of interest not less than 3;6 per annum, and be it fui-Eher' ' . RESOLVED that the power and authority be and the same hereby are delegated to the Supervisor to determine the amounts of town funds to be so invested, the terms of such certificates, of depositq and the rate of interest thereon, consistent with M* provisions of the Town Law and other statutes applicable thereto. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes We Beatys Mr, Turserp Mr. Lampoon and Mr. Webster* Noes .. None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted T Geroge C._ Crannell Town Clerk Special Meeting JanuarY 30, 1964 Present: . John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold Akins (absent) Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. m. Visitors: j Beraaad Codner - Superintendent. of Highways "Becky" Corlew - Employee_ of.Highway Dept. Juliette Ellingsworth. -League of Woman Voters Barbara Bell - League of Woman Voters Eugene Faircloth - Resident Town,, of Queenabury Mr. Eugene Faircloth was granted the.floor. Discussion to do with drainage of the property which he purchased for a trailer coubt at the intersection of Mountain View Lane and Aviation Road, 6nsned at this time. The following leteers were received from interested parties to do . with appointment to the proposed Recreation Commission. . January 30, 1964 Queensbury Town Board Glens Falls, Now York Gentlemdst I an writing to offer my assistance with the Youth Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury. The following is brief summary of former and present activities. 102 1. Teacher of High School English ,_- dbr4wazmd,present .ac t ;ties 2. Chairmocu of Department of High School English (New Hyde Park Memorial High School-)-- two years � 3. Faculty advisor and organizer of High School Student Goverment and Hi Y Club program 4. Long Island Stato Park Cimmission Police--Four. years 5. Member of the Attending Staff of Brooklyn Hospital-- one year 6. Presently -donating time 1n. the- Dental .Clinic at Glens Fs�11p. Hospital, which ha`s facilitated, dental.' :treatment of ;indigent Queensbury_ children 7. The only dentist practicing full time in the Town of Queensbury As a parent, I am very. much- interested in. the Youth Recreation Program and I hope -that , I will have the privilege of servjng onthe Commission. : . ._..� Very truly yours A. N. Burkich B.S. January 309 1964, Town Board' ToVd of Queensbury,- N`,.. .Y, r Gentlemen: Please consider thi's letter and the- attaehed resume, of mp I personal background, as my official application for appointment to the newly formed Town Recreation Commission. As a resident of the Town of Queensbury for five years, I have long been -interested -iu seeing a Recreation Commission stabted and I feel that, with my previous background in Education combined with my business experibnee,' I could make a positive contribution to this program. Sincerely, Lloyd H. Demboski 2 Reservoir Dr. Glens Falls, N. Y. - The above letter was accompanied by a Rasumee of qualifications for the appointment. ;January 22, 1964 Bear Mr. Webster: I am writing in response to your appeal for volunters to serve on a recreation Commission. I would be proud to be a part of this commission. I am able and.wrlting to. give as much time as will be needed for-this program. I am a housewife and mother of three children. I belong to the Auzillary to the West Glens Falls fire Co. and am treasurer of West Glens Falls- Emergency Squad. I also served on the "Citizents Committee on Youth Recreation. I am a lifelong resident of the Town of Queensbury. I hope I will be considered a qualified applicant. Sincerely Mrs. Marelyn Gregory My addtess is: Mrs. Glenn Gregory R.D.#3 Luzern •Road West Glens Falls, New York RX 2-9248 5 Easy Street Glens Falls, 'N.Y. January 25, 1964 John Webster, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Chestnut Ridge Road Glens Falls, New York 103 Dear Sir: Please consider my application for member of the Queensbury Youth Commission. I have lived in the Toren of Queensbury and vicinity for 27 years. I served four years in the United States Navy, after which I served on the Glens' Falls Police Department for eighteen months. I have since completed a Bachelor of Science ,program at Plattsburgh. While attending college, I took charge of the winter program at the Y.M.C.A. I am presently employed as a teacher in the Fort Ann Central School system. In 1963 I iras one of the founders of a Queensbury Community League of which I am president. I am also serving as cubmaster of pack 16 of the Town of Queensbury. I' have' been working with a committee to help instigate this youth commission. I feel that I am fully qualified to fulfill this position. Thanking you for your consider- ation I remain. Sincerely yours, Floyd Benway January 259 1964 Mr. John Webster C,bestAut Ridge Rd. . Glens' Falls, N.Y. Dear Mr. Webster: This letter Is 'in reply to your request concerning background in connection with stewardship on the planning board for the Town of Queensbury. As a member of our cummunity,' I feel a certain responsibility for its sound growth and development. I can best contribute to this ultimate and by serving as a member of the planning board. Listed below is a short summary of my background. Educational i 1- B.S. , University of Tampa, Tampa, Fla. 2- Harvard Graduate School of Architecture, Cambridge, Mass. 3* Pied., _ New Hampshire State College, Keene, N.H. Experience i 1- Designed the parks and playgrounds for the City of Tamps, Tampa, Fla. ( 1947-1951) . 2- Professor of Engineering g Jacksonville Univ. ( 1954-1956) • 3- Professor of Engineering Graphics and Architecture, Lafayette College Easton, Pa. , ( 1956-1959) . 4- Professor of Engineering Graphics and Architecture, Abadan Institute of Technology, Abadan, Iran, ( 1959-1961) . 5- Professor of Engineering, Adirondack Community Coliige, '1961- Mr. Webster, if the board feels I can make a worthy contribution as one of its members, I would be very happy to serve. i Yours, Arthur Trubiano . ` Professor of Engineering Adirondack Community. College Mr. Codner was granted the floor. . A statement to do with a bid which was received on supplying a truck. for the use of the Highway Department. The Parsons Ford Company will not beable to supply the truck per specifications as provided by the Highway Superintendent. The Superintendent of Highway, Mr. Bernard Codner recommended to the Town Board that the bid should be cancelled and awarded to the second bidder who will be able to supply the equipment per the specifications. 104 RESOLUTION NO.37 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty WHEREAS, the work load in the office of Receiver of Taxes & Assess- ments continues to warrent part time clerical assistance, . , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that emergency part time clerical assist ance, at an hourly Late of $1.50 is hereby authorized not to exceed $200. , to be charged to the appropriation in the 1964 budget for office and other expenses of the Receiver of Taxeh and Assessments, and that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments' shall certify to the Supervisor the hours actually wo'rked' ekeh month by such employee for inclusion in the semi-monthly payroll of the General Town Fund. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None RESOLUTION NO. 38 introduced by Mir. Lampson, seconded by Mr. -Beaty. WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted specifications for a new truck to be purchased on the recommendation of the Town Superintendent of Highways and advertised for sealed bids which were opened by the Town Board on November 219 1963, at which time two bids were received, one by Persons of Glens Falls, Inc. , in the net amount of $4, 85.00, and the ether by Carswell Motors, Inc. , in the net amount of449695.009 and WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted Resooution No. 169 on Novembe-r 21, 19639 accepting the bid of Parsons of Glens Falls, Inc. in the amount of $6,112.00 for a new 1964 Ford F-700 truck with front end shaft driven Frink pump installed, with an allowance of $1,527.00 for the trade in of a used 1954 International truck, leaving a balance of $49585,00 to be paid from the machinery fund, and WHEREAS, the Tow Superintendent of Highways has reported to the Town Board that Parsons of Glens Falls, Inc. has been unable to install the front end shaft driven pump on the Ford F-700 truck and are unable to make delivery according to specifications, and WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways has reported,to the Town Board that .the new truck is urgently needed for snow removal and has recommended that the bid of Carswell Motors, Inc. ; in the net amount of $4,605.00 be accepted, be it RESOLVED that Resolution No. 169 adopted by the Town Board on November 219 1963 be and the same hereby is rescinded, and be it further RESOLVED that the bid of Carswell Motors, Inc. , in the amount of $6,286.50 for a new International 1800 series with front end mounted ishaft driven pump, an allowance of $1,591-50 -for- the trade in of the used 1954 International 'truek, leaving a not balance of $49695-00 to`be paid ,from the machinery fund, be and the,-same aereby7is accepted and that the TowarSuperintendent of Highwayp be and he hereby is, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, authorized to enter into a purchase agreement with Carswell Motors, Inc. in accordance with said bid$ and to deliver to .Carswell M otors, Inc. The used 1954 International truck traded in for part payment of the j new truck, and upon delivery of the new truck according to specifications, the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to draw a check on the Machinery Fund (Item #3) to the order of Carswell Motors, Inc. in the amount of $49695.00 in payment of the balance of the purchase price of said new truck. f Duly adopted by the following vote: - r Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster. Noes None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully subaitted Genege C. Crannell Town. Clerk