1964-04-09 15 ..(Notice to Bidders - continued) A copy of the detailed specifications of the equipment to be pur- chased may be obtained during business hours from the office of the Town 'Clerk, 95 Dixon Road, Glens Valls, New York. Bidders must submit proposals in sealed envelopes plainly marked ."ADDRESSING MACHINE BID". I The Town Board will meet in the library of the t i y Qtteensbury Public i School, 75 Aviation Road, Town of Queensbury, .on.Agril 23, . 19b4, at 7130 p. m. at which time the _sopled bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.. --- By. order of the Town Board Georke C. Crannell Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk Regular Meeting April 9, 1964 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman 1 Theodore Turner Councilman , Curtis Lampson Councilman i The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. t Visitofs were greeted as follows: Mrs. Fred Elsey -, League, of Women Voters Mr. Troy - Visitor Mr. Edward Trombley - Visitor ' Mrs Grace Seaver - Visitor. Mr. Jerome Thorne Su erintendent of _ P Queensbury Water District Mr. Bernard Codner - Superintendent of Highways Mr. LeRoy Phillips - Chief of Police Mr. Bernie Zovitosky - The Post Star Mr. Troy was granted the floor. The question was raised -as to the method the Board of Assessors use in assessing the trailers within the Town of Queensbdry. Upon ,request Mr. Troy was presented a copy of the junk yard ordinance which is in force in the -town at present. Lengthy discussion on the method of -assessment of trailers was voiced by both Mr. Troy and. Mr: . Edward- Trombley. i The minutes of the Spedial Meeting ;of April 2, 1964, were approved at this time. Carried unanimously. WEST GLENS FALLS VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. NO. 1 West Glens Falls, N. Y. Donald Lattimore - 86 Knight St. , Glens Falls, N.Y. to go on active list. t Thomas Flaherty, West Mountain -Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. to be taken off the active list. Mr,. Beaty.made a motion that Supervisor"John 0. Webster, should attend a .meeting to be conducted b - Senator Keating at Washington, D.C.-. .on April 27, 1964. Motion- was seconded by Mr Lampson. Carried unanimously, Mr.` P.Billips, the Chief of Police was granted the floor. A report was submitted showings:the activities of the Queensbury Police Department to date as follows: TOWN DF QUEENSBURY ** ** *** * ** , POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT TO THE TOWN BOARD ­FOgR JAN. FEB. & MARCH 1964 The ,following is a summary of activity for the Police Dept. for the first Quarter of 1964. Investigations: r Junkyards - 5 - one arrest, (Pending) New construction - 9 - four warnings issued Refuse on the Highway - 11 - warrent issued for one Dogs molesting Children - 1 - Owner disposed of the Dog Family' trouble - 3 - - Evictions - 2 - Jurors Summond - 2 - A number of Justice Court papers were served Officers directer traffic at the opening of St. Marys Church on the Aviation Rd. Also attended a number of social functions in. the Town, Public dances etc. The usual monthly reports to the State and the F.B.I. have been made.. The Dept. traveled approximately three hundred miles in performi.`�.t 1 its duties. Respectfully submitted - April 9, 1964 LeRoy Phillips (Chief) Mr. Phillips, proceeded to report complaints of residents in the { Bullard Avenue - Northup Drive section of the Town of Queensbury, to do with abuse of a road which in his opinion should be abandoned. Possible fire hazard was also reported at this time. Mr. Codner, Superintendent of Highways recommended that part of Quaker-Hill. Road from the Dixon Road to the block-off at Route 87 should be abandoned. Action on this matter was deferred. MONTHLY STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR March, 1964 Date Receipt Amount Received Source Received 6 From George Crannell to General--Town Clerk fees 201.50 6 From Forrest Crannell to General—Water fees 30.15 6 From Forrest Crannell to General--Tax fees 221.27 ` 6 From Frank Cowles to PineView Cemetery--Cemeteryfees 546.25 6 From Forrest Crannell to Reservoir Park Sewer-- tax monies 50.00 6 From Forrest Crannell to Queensbury Drainage--tax { monies 139.42 6 From Forrest� Crannell to W.G.F.Water--water rents 6.30 6 From Forrest Crannell to Queensbury Water--water rents295.20 11 From N.Y.State Fire Ins. Rating Org.to Queensbury Fire Protection District--tax on alien and foreign stock 893.F9 (Monthly Statement 'of Supervisor - continued) Pate Receipts Amount Received Source Received 12 From General Fund to Payroll-- Payroll #5 -13,676.20 16 From Queensbgry Water to Payroll--Payroll. #5 187.540 . 16 From PineView Cemetery to Payroll--Payroll A5 . . 365.36 16 From Highway Fund to Payroll Account--Payroll #6 49135.30 1.8 From General to Highway--Labor at dump 386.4Q 18 From G.F. National Bank & Trust--Int. on O.D.to General 1,662.50 30 From General Fund to Payroll Account--Payroll # 6 11694.20 31 From Dorris 2alusky to Queensbury. Water--water-tap 31 From PineView Cemetery to Payroll Acc t--Payroll #¢ 448.56 31 From Queensbury,_ Water to Payroll Acc't--Payroll #6 187_.50_ 31 From Highway Fund to Payroll Acc't--Payroll #7 3,895..05 Total receipts 172107.55 DISBURSEMENTS Date Amount Paid Fu_ nd or account - - Paid March Highway Fund - 11,139.94 General _ - 17,593:77 Pine View Cemetery 919.98 I Payroll Account 1,2*1- 32 f Queensbury Water District Fort Amherst-Garrison Road Lighting - - 168.46 Cleverdale Lighting 82.16 Pinewood Lighting 5.35 Queensbury Drainage 5t980.00 Queensbury Fire Protection District J . 893;89 Queensbpry Water Construction APW=NY-52G 1;,049 Total Disbursements .$51,066.20 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT Jerome Thorne - � Acting 'Sauperintendent To the Queensbury Town Board Mr. John 0. Webster-, Supervisor Mr. .N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman Mr. Curtis Lampson, Councilman Mr. Theodore Turner, Councilman This a report of conditions in the Water Distr' i.ct and Pumping Station as of the date of March 31, 1964. The #1 well. cannot be used because of the diron and air in the casing and well.` This unit is shut off on the control panel. r There is not::chlorine machine for the #1 well, as this machine is now being -used to inject the Calgon in to-the water stream. This is a make"`shift` arrangement that requires attention, at least three times a day -.7 days a week. The gasoline engine for-the standby well - well #3 - cannot be used as this installation is still- not complete, plus-this well contains iron and air the same as well #1. The automatic .airM relief valves, that should have been installed on g in- ally, .but have been called for nQw, Ore still, not installed nor has any thing.further been done to get this installation started-. 155 The Flow-Meter, which gives a record of the actual gallons of water' pumped, is not now nor has it aver worked properly. The B.I.F. Telometer controls, which regulate the water level in the storage tanks and automatically control the pumps, are again not working. Requiring that the pump be operated by manual control. The factory representative has-been called for but it may take a week for him to get here. Nearly two thirds of our water system has had to be sut off from our water supply and supplied water from the City of Glens Falls, because i of the iron and rust problem which is now over 4 months old and not nearly solved. There is no further money in the Queensbury Water District budget to pay for the water we are now currently purchasing from the City of Glens Falls. The West Mountain storage tank has to be drained and cleaned because the water, from this tank shows signs of dirt and rust. This work is supposed to be done by this department,' but because of the malfunction of the automatic tank controls it should not be done until these controls are working properly. Plus the fact that l just don't have the time right now. Nothing further has been done regarding the fencing that was suppose E to be installed around each storage tank. The construction work to complete our water system, is ready to start again on April 13, 1964. There are 5 new water tap requests, not under the contract. There. are 8 new water meters that have to be or should be installed. There are 5 broken fire hydrants. j There are ,approximately 1100 water rent bills that have to be completcC and mailed. . There has been an average of 3 telephone calls a day requesting in- formation or requiring service attention. There are weekly water samples taken for the B.Y.S. Board of Health. i . There is not a complete or accurate record of customer services, water service shut offs, water mains, water main shut offs fire hydrants or there shut offs. The record situation is very poor. With the exception of the West Glens- Falls Water District, the City of Glens Falls, canno- longer offer repair service or water taps to the Queensbury Water, District. I have now completed my 19th week of service to the Water District at the rate of 7 days a week, including quite a few nights. r My requests for personnel to help with the work load have been success- ful, but any attempt to hire a person part time have failed. Respectfully submitted Jerome Thorne , Acting Superintendent A motion was made by Mr. Beaty and seconded by Mrs Turner that all reports be accepted and placed on file. Carried unanimously. Clark, Bartlett, Caffry and Dube . Attorneys at Law Glens Falls, N.Y. S April 1, 1964. Albert Besw ck, Esq. Attorney pat ,Law Warren County Center Lake George, New York Re: Fred. Alexy ?dear Albert: I obtained the enclosed sketch from. Fred Alexy as to what he .intends to construct along the shoreline of his property at Dunham's Bay. The beginning„ of. of the seawall shown on the sketch on the right- hand side thereof is also the boundary line of the Q1exy property. No change whatever would be made in the present town road and the eighteen inch log fence indicated would be entirely off the traveled and maintained roadway. x I would appreciate hearing from the town board in this connection as soon as possible. Yours truly, CLARK, BARTLETT,CAFFRY AND DUBE BY: Dick , .S. It does not strike me this is the sort of work that requires filing of notice of- construction. If you feel same is necessary, however, I will see that it is obtained. ALBERT E. BESWICK Attorney at Law- Lake George, N.Y. April 2, 1964 Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor Chestnut Ridge Road r Clens Falls, N. Y. Dear John: Enclosed is letter I have today received from Dick Bartlett to E which is attached a sketch showing what Alexy proposes to do along” -the town road which crosses his property. One thing appears to be a log fence about 18 inches high right immediately adjacent to the road which will prevent the public from parking. on the lake side of the highway -but will apparently leave the area on the other side of the highway open for parking. Also is in dycated a sea wall along the shore which presumably will not affect the highway use. I suggest that you take this up with your Town Board, and you :may want to find out the distance between his proposed log fence and the travelled portion of the highway .so you can determine whether the #once will be a traffic hazard. Yours very truly, Albert E. Beswick County Attorney 157 Following a survey of the property in question by the Town Surveyor ?f. John Van Dusen'; action will be taken in this matter fo satisfy both parties involved. A discussion ensued to do with adopting,, ordinance for issueing, permits far Carnival's ;snd; Circuse's with�61 ;the Town of Queensbury. General agreeinent; was readied that, without an ordinance in effect at this time, the applicants who wish to ,sponsor Carnival! i oor.. Circuse' s will not be, required to pay a fee'. The useral request for the proper insurande 'tuill' still be 'in dffect. . i RESOLUTION NO, 62 Introduced by l�.r. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lamp son. 1 , WHEREAS, it appears that the aggregate purchases of gasoline for use by' the Town of Queensbury will exceed the sum of $1,000.00 during the current year, therefore BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Clerk caused the following notice to ! bidders be published in the Glens Falls Times and the Post Star at least five, days prior to April 15th, 1964. Notice to Bidders The Town Board of the Town of Queensbuyy, Warren County, New York, invites sealed bids for the sale and delivery to the Town of Queensbury during the fiscal year of 1964 of approximately 302000 gallons of gasoline of an octane specification obtainable from the Highway Superintendent; The Town will furnish a storage tank at the town storehouse on Aviation Road and the successful bidder will be required to make deliveries of not more than 1000 gallons as required by the Town Superintendent of--Highways from time to time. Bidders are required to specify the particular brand, grade j and octane rating of the gasoline proposed to be delivered as required by the Town Superintendent of Highways in the town store- house tank and the price per gallon less tax delivered in the Town storehouse tank. Bidders must also indicate the location of the. storage facilities from which deliveries will be made. Bids will be received by George C. Crannell, Town Clerk, at the Town Clerk's Office, 95 .Dixon Road, Glens Falls, N. Y. up to 5 ' o'clock, p.m. on the 30th day of April, 1964, and must be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Gasoline Bid." The Town Board will meet at the Library of Union Free School #2, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. on the 30th day of April, 1964, at which time . the bids will be publicly opened and. read aloud. The Town Board reserves the right to rej-ect any or all bids. Dated: April 9, 1964. By order of the Town Board George C. Crannell Duly adopted by the following vote Town Clerk Ayes - Mr Bgtt Mr• Tunr Mr. Lamgson and Mr Webjter Noes - Nona Mf. Codnet v cad his op n off! on two equests w �c Fi ve been received i to do with the acceptance of rights of way to result in the establish- ment of two new Sections of Highway with&n the Town of Queensbury. A discussion developed -on the possibility of the Town of Queensbury Becoming involved in purchases by State Contract in Highway Department purchases. L. qtr. Codner suggested that the Highway Storehouse buildings should be painted. Action will be taken following a study of the matter. RESOLUTION NO. 63 Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty. RESOLVED, that h Claims as �Listed. in Abstract .#64-4 riumbered28$ throu g 363 inclusive and totaling $5,129.27 is he approved. r Dply adopted by the following vote: Ayes' - Mr'. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. ,Lampson And' Mr. Webster _ Noes - None " On motidn" the meeting was adjourned. ' Respectfully submitted ' George C. Crannell - Town Clerk I Regular Meeting April 23, 1964= Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty- Councilman Theodore. Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7;30 p. m. Visitors were greeted as follows: "CUs. Lois Johnson, - League of Women Voters I Mfrs'., Jacquline Hall - League of Women Voters Bernard J. Codner - Superintendent of Highways y , "Bucky" Corjew Employee of Highway Department LeRoy Ph flips Chief of Police .;dames Davidson - Visitor Bernie Zovistosky - Post Star The Bid opening on the previously advertised "Addressograph Machine" was declared open. The clerk presented proof of publication. f The reading. of ,the "Notice for Bidders" was omitted. The following bids were opened and read aloud .by the clerk. . : t Addressograph - Multigraph Corporation 1535 Western Ave. , Albany 3, N.Y. f QUOTATION April '20, 1964 To: Town df Queensliury , New York _. We are pleased to quote on the following: -BID- 1 - Model 1957 Addressograph machine equipped with 60-pasition' selector; Regular Dater; Regular Lister; extra Spacing Bands; Last Impression Stop; Five Figure Counter; five extra Platens ;