1964-04-30 SP 16
SOLUTION NO. 67 Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seco-adcd by Mr. Beaty.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, County of
Warren, State of New York, has heretofore by resolution duly en-
acted, created, and established the Cleverdale Lighting District;
and '.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of°Queensbury, County of �
Warren, State of- New York, "for and on behalf of ;said Cleverdale
Lighting District proposes to enter into a service contract with
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, pursuant to Town Law Section
198 (6) and (11) , for the furnishing of street, lighting service in
said lighting district under Niagara Mohawk Power-Corporation Servi.cr
Classification No. 2 of P. S. C. No. 205,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, County nf
Warren, State -of New York, for ,and. on behalf of the said Cleverdale
Lighting District, be and the same,,is' hereby duly authorized to enter
into a contract with Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation for the furnishin,7
of street lighting service in said lighting district ;pur.suan.,t to the
provisions of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Service Classification
No. 2 of P. S. C. No. 205, and that the members of the Town Board rerobT
are authorized to execute said contract for and on behalf of said
lighting district pursuant to the provisions of Town Law Section 198(6)
and (11) .
Duly-a.depted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson and Mr.. Webster. j
Noes None
On motion the meeting was, adjourned. ,
r. .
eetfuiiy ted
ge,� � ;Crannell
Town Clerk
Special Meeting April 30, 1964
Presents: -
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The meeting was called 'to 'order at 7:30 p. m.
The Supervisor welcomed a group of visitors at the meeting:
Ralph Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nicholson J
Mr. & Mrs. Mosher William Van Guilder
?fir. & Mrs. Paul D. M6tf Anna Van Guilder
Mrs. Jennie Purdy Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Goodman
Miss. Margaret Ruane Mr. 6: Mrs. Charles Fisher
s Mr. F Mrs. Kenneth Fisher Yfr. & Mrs. Vict Berry '
Lois Smith Carol Jac obie .
"-- E Earl Eckerson Mr. & Mrs. Clarr'nce E, Grooms
E11, ?hinr� Alvin Dean
Alfred -Van Rorn Ceorge Curtis
Mr. Mattison Ethel Laws
Hazel Gehring Mr. 6, Mrs. John Wohlefahrt
'Mr. & Mrs. John Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Miller Jr.
All ertr. Yacenas Clyde S. Dann
• ,aer�c Faircloth Tars. L eCrande Seaver
,john Czajkowski Kenneth Van TTo
Mrs. Elmer Barber Mrs. Rubv Mosher
Mr. & Mrs' R' ichard Hoague Mrs. Dorothy Brayton
Mrs. Joseph lioague Mr. Charles Brayton
Mr_ . Donald Clements
Mr. Edward Bennett
Mrs. Juliette Ellingsworth - Leave of Women Voters
Bernard J. Codner - Superittendent- of Highways
Martin Geruso - Recreation Commission
c'u-nervisor Webster declared that the opening of Bids for gasoline , -
supply for the year of 1964 would take place at this time.
The clerk presented proof of publication of the Notice to Bidders.
cHth no objections the reading of the notice was omitted.
Glens-Falls, N. Y.
April 22 1964
Town of Queensbury
Highway Dept.
2 Aviation Road - - -
Glens- Falls , N.Y.
Attention: Mr. Bernard Codner
We wish to submit our bid on our (ara-aded) Cities Service
regular gasoline and Cities Service premium gasoline. The regular
:asoli.ne carries an octane rating of 95 plus, premium gasoline 101
plus octane rating. Gasoline is to-be delivered from our storage
facilities in Glens Falls.
Our bid for regular gasoline per gallon, based on our current
posted "dealer tank wagon price as of this date for this area, is F
.119 less .01.E per' gall.on, ''tAx excluded, making your price .1090
per gallon. Premium @aedillse will be .035 above price for regular
In order to protect you as well as ourselves, this price is
based on our dealer tank wagon posted price at time of delivery,
f,hich could fluctuate with the market, either higher or lower. '
In case of emergencies, our deliveries to you` will be avail-
. vale night or day.
Trusting that we may be favored with your gasoline contract
For the coining year, we remain,
Very truly yours,
' Loren J, Duers
Duers Oil Company-
-Glen's Falls, N.Y. April 30th,' 1964
Town of Queensbury .
Superintendent of Highwdys '
Bernard J. Codner -
R.F.D. 1,
Cl.ens Falls, N. Y.
We are pleased to submit herewith our bid proposal for the delivery
of your requirements of-Regular Gasoline, containing an Octane of
Q5 along with our Premitim Gasoline containing an Octane of 101 .
PRICE: We will deliver ouV Sinclair DINO Gasoline at
our established Tankwagon Price of 15.40 per gallon
less a, discount of- 0.750 per gallon, or a net price .
at this time .of 14.65, per gallon.
PLACE: We will deliver our Dino Supreme Gasoline at our pre-
sent, to *wagon price -of_18,.9G less a°•discount of 0.75
per gallon or a net price.18,r-15(,% per gallon.
Both gasolines subject to market fluctuations.
PLACE: Deliveries to`be made to4ighway Garage.
Following tLre reading of the bids by the clerk; the Superintendent
of Highways recommended that the awarding of the cpntract should
be deferred to allow study of the ,bids.
The minutes of the meeting of April 23, 1964 were approved. ,.,
Carried,unanmiously..: ,
f _
Mr. Kenneth Fisher was introduced as the spokesman for the group of
Ivisitors, who are interested in the proposed ordinance. to control
locating Mobile Homes within the Town of Queensbury.
Mr. Clyde Dunn spoke of the ,activity of.:.the ,group to date.
. Mrs. Grace Seaver spoke on the subject of a complaint to do with the
method which will be used . n ultimately aiopting an ordinance to
1 r control the infiltration of Mobile Homes within the Town of Queensburv.
Mr. Clarence Grooms of the Corinth Road, was granted the flgor to
voice his opinion on the points of interest which involves what a
Mobile Home really is.
Mrs. Richard Hoague spoke at length ,on her views to do with whether
or not the Town of Queensbury should adopt any ordinance to control
Mobile Homes at present.
Mrs. Lois Smith expressed her views on the subject of Mobile Homes
at this time.
Mr. George Curtis a representative of Mobile Home sales was granted
the floor to express his views in the matter.
Mr. Eugene Faircloth spoke again with the suggestion that at least or-
two of the members of the planning board of the Town of Queensbury
should be owners of Mobile Homes,
Supervisor Webster spoke at length to offer thanks to the group for
having the interest to warrent their appearance at the meeting of the
Town Board.. The Supervisor stated that all points which were expressr�e
were of interest to all persons involved.
The names of the members of the Planning Board were furnished the group
by the Supervisor.
Od a motion of the Supervisor the meeting was recessed at this time.
t _
The meeting was resumed at 9:40 p, m,
Mr. Martin Geruso was granted the €loot as' a representative of the
newly formed Recreation Commission' of the Town of° Q'deensbury. Mr.
Geruso presented the following proposition
Proposition tobe submitted to-'Town.Board-attd" to`rvthe1 Nib-ard of
Education o£ -
Queensbur-y 'S'ehool:
Place: Queensbury, School Playground
Time: June '29th Through August 28th (9weeks)
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 - 4:00
Personnel: Playground Supervisor-- ,recreation experience necessary.
Two assistants (High School, graduates) 4
Anticipated Costs: host
Director - $100 -per week maximum $ CCU
2 Assistants - $50.00 per week maximum 900.00
Equipment .
Insurance - Comp. , Liability, Disability, etc.*?
Soc. Security
The need for Insurance was discussed at this time.
fir. Geruso stated that plans will be made at a later date to submit
a request far State of New'York Financial Aid in carrying -out the'
above mentioned program.
1. letter was read by the Clerk from the State of New York.''Conservation
Department to do with an application for an easement to secure hands
under water in Lake George. The applicants were John J. and Gertrude
� .
Abele. .
Fetters v.ere Presented by the Supervisor from the agencys who control
the issuance of a Federal Grant to enable the Toxm of Queensbury to
construct a --Town Office Building. .
On motion the ineeting was adjounied.
Respectfully submitted
George C.: Crannell
Town Clerk