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172 7rSnT_.tT'['I0'_'? : C. 7 Introduced by 'Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr.` Reath this ' tortn board hap rece jyed ntuTierous r..equesta from.` residents of the Country Club `R.da-d,' Town of Queensbdry� for the creation of a 35 MPH speed zone, - and PTEREAS, ' this area iiicludjn� arty ~o'f B�1'ind Rock Road ,arid kaIrMis Road is thick'l'y' settled' and�indludds a nianufacturin est"lishment as c-vell as the Glens Falls Country lub g y golf course, and""' {'HrREAS, this board considers that `speed should be' restr .cted on Country Club Road and that .consideuat. on of 'this request should to given by, the State Traffic Commission, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the town board of -the Town of Queensbury hoes hereby request -the State Traffic Commission. to establish a lower maximum speed at Which vehicles may proceed, not over 35 MPH, m Country , .Itib Roar# own of � �)�eensbury, frgm its intersection with Quaker Road nortt�orly` and 's tet to ,then a,und "Pond casino property and on Mannis Road and `Bi1nd Root .Road_ near the poaint of intersection ith the Country Club Road. Duly adopted by the following vote: ` Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster. . Noes - None Cn motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted ueo`te 'C. Crannell Totrn Clerk May J4,_1964 John 0'.. t7ebster Supervisor Y. Harwood Meat. _ Coune'I Theodore_ Turner Councilman Curtis` Lamp son `'... a Counclrnan4 " The meeti n— was called to order at 7:30 p,. m. 171.sitors were greeted as 'follows. NIrs. Grace Seaver Richard Tioague Mr. Clyde Dunn ` Mrs Anne Fagan, - ,League of Women ,Vo.ters _ Mr. George Kushner-, Chairman of the- Ptanning Board Mr. Bernard. J. Codner Superintendent of tiig ways; 4 The approval "of Audit & Control of the application of.. the Town Board I t , u w .. . of the'TOwn o iQueensbury, far, the permission -to extend the P6rshing- Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District was read by the Clerk and placed on file. i The Extension will be knowu as No. 40 t u STATE OF NEW 'YOR t TOWN BOARD"OF,THE ig M 'OF QUEENS V"X CM4TY, NEW YORK ( n t e`' a tt6i • the Establishme it cif Ext6hsion,°N6. 4� !tQ the o Existing Pershing- Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District. tn°�the`�T °° f-QdieRtbury, Warren County,; New 'York ORDER ESTABLISHING E :>N ?.} A netitien i.n "°this matter f&r the'iesiabiiahment 6f Extension No. 4 t6 the existing-Ptrs i1*µ Ie r= Aft µ646a'District in the Town of Que"ensm ry :dated De mber 5, }1963 havlog'been duly presented .to thit k Bard t ftpther wit the neees`sary map and plar. rr attached thereto, and sit order'hiv ng diily adopted by the Town Board on Do-cember 6,. 1963 -f eft ing of all persons interested in the matter on =the- 26th da ®fkv6c.6 t4r '19ft3 ' at `the eensbur y � � Ru Y v School in said town, and it `Av1ng been duly oftolved` and deter- mined following-¶ such hearing tit r said' petitibi was signed and ach- nowled6e' d as required wby,law' And otherwise liufficient, that all the proper and <praperty t3wners wi in`the ptbpoet °ext}e�sion were benefited thereby, that Al2".prib rty and p perif°hers benefited wer-i�°it elu eat °within Ae li is-' bf„ the' propca"d extftsion and that it`` wasp: in the public.-interest `tee' grant-°-in'Vfiole M"relief sought, and it` 'hav ng been'-then`-and there-`duly resolved{ that„- the establish- mootf Stich ecteexttsiort'as propcs+ t lies approved, and application thereafter having'-"been' &1.y.ms:de n care to the Department of Audit d C©ntrQl at Albany, N, , '`fob^' ieriniss v t6 create such extension as-.�re tf`rc!d-by 'the'T, vn Law . the'`Ztat�e- Cbmptroller .. 2 having made an`. ' e* ern y' 12,• 964;`` gran itg=perea�ts'sion for the establishment of Extension No. 4 to the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District in all respects as petitioned for acid:api�ived -by the Town Board As .afar id., xe t o AcctplCw.of said order having been duly filed in the .Q �e .ttf �<: er�nt of Audit and Control in Albany,`<N.Y. , anA the + tier :in ufice...of the Town Clerk of the Town of==- eens ry,..and ;the TO�Min'.`,M rk having duly presented such order to this Board at this meeting, being its first meeting held after the filing of' said'oider, {°t `i-.§µhereby ORDERED that Extension No,. 4 to the t�Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge _ r Sewer 0ietrict . in °`the;Thy fr eensb'� ` ` reft--Couivt�r,, ;New':York_, as described in the order of the State Comptroller to be of the follow ng` description a-fi& boundarie,' .tb"wit: ., a Lots Nos. 4, 5,• 6, .°g,' 944' 10 I and 12 in Block 7 of Broadacres Subdivision, together described as follows:-, Beginnings `at' a�peint in the,-° testerly line of Luzerne- 'Place which, marks`the� ,rt'heasterly cor- ner-of Lot 4 and the southeasterly corner of Lot13 and rz Ming`"thenc-e-'sd6th'14'ti4'3 crest 'a- distance of 48.05 :feet'�td, a point; thence southerly along the westerly Tifte"of luzetne Place on a curve having a radius of'. 5-5k66 feet is dietanee 'uf'293.97 feet to the southeasterly corner of Lot 8; thence south 7lo21,': .west .a .d Stan .af, � feet. tc : point; thence westerly along the northerly line of Broadacres Road Lm f on a curve with a radius of 680 feet a, distapce of 200.18 feet to a point; thence on a curve with a ra#usr.,of 33 feet,a, distance of 451;79 . t to, a oatnt; thence on a curve frith a radius of 580 feet along the easte7rly line 'of- Ash ley Place a distance" of 268.68 feet to a. point; thence north 14ol6' east a distance of 535 feet tothe point in the easterly line of Ashley Place whic marks the northwesterly corner of Lot 12 and the touthwesterly comer of t l3; thence 'south, l.7olll7' east a distance; o£- w e north 06ol6' ea. ._ 12$.09 ° to. a _point, thenc, distance of 66 feet to a 'point thence north- 11o43' east a distance of 77.81 feet to a point; and thence south 780]7 east a distance of 1351 feet "to the F g lace of, beginning. Also, hots .!,, 8 and 9 -in �lock-6 of -Broadaere Subdivis .together des ribe ,as 013ows, Bey- a . ginning at the, point in t e ,northerly line :n ; Droadacres Read which mar a -the sputheasterly, corner of Lot 7,and. .running thence north 18b, 39' west a distance of X9.:-80 feet t a point;. thence 'th 02046', east a, distance of 118..50 feet to the point which marks,:-.the northeasterly corner of Lot. 9 -,#nd . the southeasterly.,,corner, of Lot 10, ,thencee he x`th 82046 west along the divlisi®n,. line be;tcen:Lets 9,, and 10 a�distance: of 115 jfeet t0 the po t,,,in thp easterly; line of Luzerne Place which, m4trks the northwesterly corner of I�ot 9 and the s*ut sterly ; _ corner .of;,Lot,.10; thence-�,southerlY along the st+erly dine of Ierne Place on a ourue nth a rad -4 11504.,646 feot,;a. distance of 228 feet tc , the .oast mi the northerly- line of Broadac-res Read whieb mks. the southwesterly, corpe;r o f Lot,.7;. and ,,thew 0�Wirth 02.1' east along the no�therly line, of Ar O res 71 8 Road ,,a distance of 110.8 - feet to a gonnt .I Dated:. May 14, 1954 John 0.'I Webster , Supervisor . N. .Har 4R2.d Theado to Tex r 4un, n. _. . Curtis ,-La o"k"t, rvn . v tubers of t e...Town"-I and cif t I Town of Quee sbury, Warren° County, YN.Y. �tE 4h "l0N NO Introduced by Mr. Beaty,-, seconded by Vic°_... , son. rTuEREAs, the installation; of s main s wer in extension 4 of the`. Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District will require the purchase of ,lay pipe.In an amount, inr er ess oaf 1 , O 0.E,.'.and . ::HEREAS3, it also appears that some addit oxmIL Pipe: will!,be required ,y -the Town Highway Department, therefor be It r ?.7SOLVED, that the Town- Boatd. request se led pro osa3ls for this Clay E Wipe, and that the Tov:*n Clerk is hereby uthor zed- and :dilrect+ed to lace an advertisement in the. official., n .,rspapers .of- the -0town, on or 'ry'efore May 19,, l 6'4 in' substantially the following fob;:° Notice to Clay Sewer Pipe Suppliers Sealed proposals for the materials state herein will be rec.eive(? b tlit- ToT,.,r, Board at the o- Tice c)'' t:hr 7" t n r1er?r, 95 D l_xon Roae , C Glens Falls, N. Y. , Jn said Toi-�nluftil 7:00 p. fi. E.D'.S.T. May 28i 19614 The"TO-win Board'will meet in -the library of Queensbur-y' juntor High School.� 75 Av_iatiqqRoad, _ 1p ,.q !,�jd .Town at 7:30 p. m. MA "time- tho s4l s will .be publicly' May 28., 15 4 dt 'ropo -o;ened and read aloud. a r 950 IF -8 inch Ext' 300 LF 6 inch Extra Strength Clay Pipe h'�! 9 Each 8X6-1E-ktA^tt" -*� 11rdnc 04, 9 Each 6" 30b Clay lipe Tend� 9 Each 6" Clay Pipe Stoppers" 3 Each 6" Clay Pipe Y Saddles Bidders are also asked to submit proposal concerning the fc;llowing material, althot I this. 12,_inc pipe may - or, be purchased I-, t he town 'this time, 300 LF 191 inch Extra Pipe, s i 'd h office of 9-pecifiddtion' ' are otC an, t.; e stn.'e'r' t4ne Troy, Joseph A. Kestner, Ji!.'$' C6h6ult'ifig Engineer 1 'ke' New York and at the -office of the Town Clerj�,, , P,,5,,P4,�WR_oad,. Glens es, Falls, New York and may be obtained free ae th6 --a ov ' address No deposit,. -pid, Bond or, ,CertifigA, Check _ijs_rpqujre4, RMvery of"al-I-indt s 6pecified'shill b 6 c o4 lefte d within 10 da-, S followin- the Town Board acceptance of the proposal. iirelopes, c' ea r,,qi , er ly �n arked "PIPE BID ' ht7 to waive The Town Board of t1fe TdiOn'-of -qWeensbury reserves the 'rig in any informaU�tipp,, to rop ept the al I �tqp� r xbmitted 'M __ , - 11 1 C - '� .1 � I I , ,_p; ,to.,,acp rp�spons.' 10 bid And awaid' t fitrad o thp oW,,e4 (!�ie, rmal bidder qjo ' therefore'. as Orde:p__qf t Board - Ge Dated: Md_� To4wn Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes, - Mr. Beaty, Pir, TurneT,,,,,,M;F,,,...jzm s, pp 4n4_Mr-. W e-b.s t e r-, p, Noes li6ne�� To the Town Board, Town of Queensbury Dear, Sir s Again",thks' ,year-_' -(l964) I would like permission to present f ireworks��fsls-lay ;tt-' the-Glen Drive -In theatre at Voute 9 , Town of Queensbu, Sponser - Acme Threatre Inc. Date - May 30th, 1964 The same amounts of i;surance will be provided as in years past. Manager Frank Scoville sue.,. . . Letter' was presented' to the board a" c placed on file from the Conservation'.Department .of the State f New York; to do_ with. the Gypsy math Sera Which `will be con acted'*durri The ,minutes `of'the megt'th a.f 'May'.7th '19 4 were ace6p ted and approved, Carried unaiiitnously. Mr. Lampson reported ern .ht4, �investiga iou_..af, Unhealthy and .Unsi htly conditions around home's Ir Ehe section` of the town �ciiown as Western Park. ADDRESSOGRAPH - MULTI P-OU COR.rORATIOR Albany Br,anch. 1535 Western Ave, , ' Albany 3, New Fork May 5, 1964. Mgr. John ©. Webster, Supervisor . , Town ,of Que ' sbUry New York Dear ?'fir.. Webster: It is our unddrstand'ing that a. bid wa '` received from aincatkier`msnu-, factures besides the Addresso raph-Mu]tigraph Cdrporatian and this bid covered a paper stenci.l. operation.j The paper stencil and spirit .duplicating system: has. sever4l. "short- comings and does' notes-.meet your specifications,' Per' your specificait, ioxfs: 1. The Addressograph' equipment has- th- ab illtyto' imprint• carbon form sets, ,s,imildr to what you are resently,*sing on,your water .+ 2. The Addressograph system has the bility. to. vertic, lly List ' f certain .i & tion'' of the master ecordd on an' $-1 .>x 1'1" sheet of P a er and, at the same time, consecutively nuiiber these, µ' � p.giving us a control. on our listings. 3w , The Addre'ssograph' system has,. the ap l,ity to establish a ;aster tile' C`ontdimiiig the' 'ad dress; water number, location of",property, DUy and December billing amount an� , depending on the' particular this-Addressograph` file is boa, g used for, can delete par- ti.cular` infbrmation such as only printing the amount due during I the month of May,, deleting that which is du'e in. December,+ aid f vice versa. In additit tt the AUdresso ra h` rind 61 of`me'tal plates.pr nria& through a ribbon g �; quality p� .. . produces high uality imprint and a record that will last for many years. C . If there `s an y further question n concerning in g t is, please advis e., e..... . . : �ery,truly, yours, '. W.. Harrell �r f Sales Manager v . I 177,11'sv• t?'1 r"�'"ett�Tt!' "Y, 1 -.y T.,'�•• '"?tyyy't;a 3^ n-.lR .., a_ '! Af,... .F 5�_ ,.. ..- e... . ,f.3.,i ... .. , 1(.:A...(.rp, •_. �'4 V i"'6 f i -. i i ''EER S .this bq a. d has. .receiveed __ ,request frta��, tttL *�e�r�s?�ur, 'Zyc��f,. Z} E tf'�iC� A"hf? .� 7 G () , Sr ..I.'t, .- c rn val-The ,'�i�� 'Rett_t� C�.? , < in )ueensbur Plaza Sho pin- Canter Y May !I. 1.n' y F: C> , for a period from, .Ma, through -Ma). 1.7 , 1964 ane 7HERE,AS the request has been a,cc!xiipanied by an extensl.nn ,ar j of the Certificate of Insurance in, tho. amount of 140,000/300,00(.? k 'txbl _c, Liari?.Ay. Insurance, therefore bc, it { I TIESO�VED,,, that permission is hereby grantee? to the ueensbu +— J;aye„ to .� sor Kin a Reid Shows at the , � E � n Queensbtry Plaza S !onp i n C, yid �-- -from May 11,, 1.964 through Ma.y 17, 1.964 ard. that the Toy�z C7 erl< i r hereby authorized ,ard directed to grant the requested permit. Duly adopted, by the following -vote Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster Noes - None ILL 16, Introduced by Mr:. . Lampson, seconded by Mr. Turnr-,r. RESOLVED, that' permission is hereby granted to Acme Theatres Inc. , to hold--a Fireworks Display on May 30, 1964 under the following condij-q_-• -, - , 1.. That,_ a Certificate of, Insurance in the amounts of $1Q0,00Dcach person, $300,Q04each aecident and $50,000 Property. damage to be filed with the Town Clerk. 2. That the. Queen$bury Central VolunteersFire. Cpmpapy, gives i.ts approval to the Town Clerk, concerning matters of fire safety. FURTHER RESf�LUE➢ ; j , .. , . t�tat. the Tosar� .. Clerk, be .and_ �:s. heret�� ,authca .Z.ed artc;' I directed to issue a permit to hold such fireworks display ss aifore r,' . Duly adopted by the following vote: _ I I _ . Ayes - Mr. Be4ty-,.,i Beat -,., Mr. Turner, Mr. Lamp;son and Mr. Webster. Noes - None RESOLUTION NO,, ,J ' .Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded bv�Mr. Turner. WHEREAS, this town board has received numerous requests from re4ider of Glenwood. Avenue from Glen Street* north to Quajer Road intersect-.01" Town of Queensbury, for "the creation of a 35 MPH speed zone, and WHEREAS,, this area. is thickly settled and includes a,pop:d where cr:i 1 trather to fish., and _ tiHEREA,S., ' this board considers that . speed should. t►e restricted or, t h s, secta.on of Glenwood Avenue and that consideration of this request be given by. the, State Traffic Commission, now therefore,be it RESOLVED, that the town board of- the Town of Queensbury , rah , request .the State Traffic Commission- to establish a to x ;mUM sne-c. at rah ich vehicles may .proceed, not dyer 35 MPH, qn Glenwood ,Avenue f_o:. its intersection with Glen Street northerly to its intersectioin-w t?h 33 Quaker. Road. I Duly adopted by ,the following vote: Ayes - M . Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. LamPson and Mr. Webstei. Noes - None OLUTIQ* NC.` 78 'Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by ?sir. Beaty WHEREAS) the Town Board adopted specifications ;fgr an electrically operated addressing machine for imprinting metal plates through _1 f ( c�L ?�a.ti•on No. 78 - 'continued ribbon to produce carbonized bill forms trith` certain equipment and n.nd advertised for sealed tsids, and 'a bid was received from Addressopraph-Multigraph Corporation lr., the amount of $2 ,983..90 for a :machine and equipment which conformed to the specifications adopted by this Board and 'a -bid' was received From Empire Audio-Visual' Service in the amount of $359100 for a -,n chine which uses stencil instead of metal plates; and WREREAS, thi''s Board has carefully- considered- the two mach n.es offered and has determined the, -stencil zrachine cannot make copies ef; bills nd that the Addressograph-Multigraph .machine, ' while it is more expensive to purchase, will in one operation--do the required work ;and i on the basis of its years of usefLil life will- `,justify the expenditure, Tie it i TESOLVED trxat the bid of Empire Audio-Visual Service for a Nordmatic r Model.'`12-00 machine be -rejected for the reason that suc1r_m&,*htx6 .does, r not conform to the specifications adopted by the Board, and be it fur-ther � F ?ESOLVED that the bid of Addressograpi-Multigraph Corporation in the n.mourt cif ,$2,983.90' for a Model 1957 Adaressograph machine with equip- ,ryent specified in the- bid -including a cabinet with drawers,' be''and the same hereby is accepted. Duly adopted by the following vote: 4 dyes :" Mr, Beatty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster: ' Noes None <ESOLUTION -NO. fig, Iritreduce-d by Mr. Beaty, seconded, by Mr ` Lda vson,. ♦ RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Eugene South of ?R Odgen Street, Glens F611s,. New York, to make application• to the Oity of Glens Falls for -water service to a lot situated at' Rakei Road, thereby becoming a water customer of the City of Glens Falls, and that a copy of this resolution be -forwarded to the City Water card' ' -and- .to F'ugene South. Th ly adopted by the following vote.: . Ayes —Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster ?oes - None RESOLUTION N0j--$0,` Introduced by Mr. Beaty, second.ed 'by Mr. Lampson. RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Donald Tucker, of Ia zerne -Road, RFD. #3 `West `Glens. Falls, New 'fork, to iru�ke application -to the City of Glens Falls for water service to a lot situated at Eldridge toad, thereby becoming a water customer of the City of Glens ral11s, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City of !,liens. Falls-Water ' Board, and to Donald Tucker. Duly adapted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and' Mr. Webster. ',Toes* - None RESOLUTION NO. 81 Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Turner. RESOLVED, that the Audit of Claims as liste� i_n Abstract #64-5 num- hered-4,104 to #473 inclusive and totaling $31, 505.12 .is hereby • nnrove T)uly adopted by the. following, vote: .ayes '' "W, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster. oes None 1