2006-04-03 MTG12
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 735
APRIL 3, 2006 Res. #181-203
7:00 P.M. BOH Res. #7-9
Bob Hafner
Jennifer Switzer, Budget Officer
Marilyn Ryba, Executive Director of Community Development
Stuart Baker, Senior Planner
Mike Shaw, Wastewater Director
Bob Keenan, Director of Technology
PRESS: Glens Falls Post Star, TV-8
Supervisor Stec called meeting to order…
SUPERVISOR STEC recognized Mr. James Coughlin, Retired Solid Waste
Superintendent and presented him with award of commendation from the Town of
Queensbury for his 29 years of distinguished service:
SUPERVISOR STEC-Jim has been a member for almost thirty years here of the Solid
Waste Facility and he has seen it go from a big hole in the ground to a filled in hole in the
ground to a transfer station and a burn plant and everything in between and he ran a great
operation and he recently retired and certainly we wish him all the best. Jim, thank you
very much.
MR. JAMES COUGHLIN-Thank you Supervisor Stec for the letter you mailed me, it
was very much appreciated and it meant a lot to me and also this really means a lot to me
too, I had no idea that something like this was going to happen.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Well it was the very least we could do Jim, we do appreciate your
hard work and your enthusiasm and everything you’ve done for this community, it’s
sincerely meant and it’s the very least we could do to thank you with a plaque and a little
bit of recognition.
MR. COUGHLIN-Well I thank you again, thank all of you, I appreciate it.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 736
PUBLIC HEARING – Proposed Central Queensbury Quaker Road Sewer District
Extension No. 10 – Bay Road
Notice Shown
7:03 P.M.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Okay, I will open this public hearing and I know that our applicant
is here this evening. I’ll try to summarize it; I know our Wastewater Director Mike Shaw
is present as well. The town is considering, we’ve received a map, plan and report that’s
been reviewed by, technically by our Wastewater staff and from legal perspective, our
attorney and we set a public hearing a couple of weeks ago for tonight on this project.
This is a project that the applicant has proposed bringing sewer from Walker Lane on
Bay Road north on Bay Road to the corner here of Bay and Blind Rock Road. According
to Mike Shaw it does meet the long town standard that the town had shot for from a
technical standpoint and basically there are two properties involved directly within this
district. But they’re proposing a district and this is a required public hearing to consider
extension number 10 to bring sewer further up Bay Road. So with that said, why don’t I
turn it over first, if you have any comments? Mike, do you have any comments to add to
that? Again, the public hearing is open if there are any members of the public that would
like to comment on this public hearing or ask any questions. Whatever answers we can
give you tonight, we will but certainly we’re looking for any comment positive or
negative or otherwise on this project. Mr. Salvador, if you would. Again, we just ask
that you, I’ll call on people and if you’d just please come to the microphone, state your
name and address for the record. These microphones not only amplify but they also
record. Mr. Salvador.
MR. JOHN SALVADOR-My name is John Salvador. I hear that you’re going to extend
this sewer line to the corner of Bay Road and Blind Rock Road; it begs the question is
there any plan for sewer extension number 11?
COUNCILMAN BREWER-At this point I don’t believe there is.
MR. SALVADOR-We know we have other wastewater problems in the area.
MR. SALVADOR-And we’ve heard at your last meeting, we heard the residents from
Surrey Fields, one after the other coming up talking about their failures and something
has to be done there. And so I don’t think you can extend this line up in this direction
without some regard that it will have capacity for Surrey Fields or anything else in the
area here. It’s the logical place to tie everything into, whether it’s this Town Hall or its
Surrey Fields.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-Maybe we could ask Mike that, tell us how much capacity is
there and those kinds of details afterwards.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Alright, anything else Mr. Salvador?
MR. SALVADOR-Is Mike going to answer?
SUPERVISOR STEC-Yes, we’ll have him up at the end.
MR. SALVADOR-Well, I would like to
SUPERVISOR STEC-Understood, we’ll have him up.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-I also want to just jump in, when you get to doing
SEQRA, you have to make sure that you aggregate all of the things so I think he maybe
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 737
trying to get at whether or not this district and others in the future should be combined
together. This is the only district that we have and plans for, we have a long range plan
that Mike Shaw and his department worked on for what might be appropriate along this
corridor but this is the only district that we know of and the only one that’s being
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Well there is, there is some maybe it’s not a district but
there is some thing that’s relevant to what your question is and that is, there is a proposed
project that is in front of the town now near Bay Meadows that, we’re not sure where that
project will go but that may have to, that will have to if it is approved hook into the sewer
lines along Bay Road either through a contract or a sewer extension. One way or another,
if the project was to move forward, it would have to feed into that sewer line. So, if your
concern is capacities of the sewer line and whether or not there maybe bottle neck issues,
it’s a good question because there is contemplation for additional tie-ins. Does that help
at all?
MR. SALVADOR-Well it answers the question in that you’re obligated to quantify under
the SEQRA review the events that are likely to occur as a result of approving this action.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-And John I truly believe we will be doing that and I think as the
attorney pointed out, when we get to SEQRA that question becomes very valid and it
certainly will be addressed.
SUPERVISOR STEC-And I should add to that and I should point out because I forgot to
at the beginning here that we will be conducting this public hearing this evening but we
will not be taking action on it until a later date because we need to wait until SEQRA
Lead Agency status has been established. So we will not be acting on this tonight but I
agree with what’s been said that the questions you’re asking will be appropriately
addressed at the SEQRA point.
MR. SALVADOR-Then the public hearing will remain open until just before
SUPERVISOR STEC-I will leave the public hearing open, yes.
MR. SALVADOR-Okay, thank you.
SUPERVISOR STEC-You’re welcome. Is there anyone else that would like to address
the Town Board on this public hearing? Mike, do you have anything you’ like to add?
Mike Shaw, our Wastewater Director.
MR. MIKE SHAW, Wastewater Director-Actually the applicant is here tonight with their
engineers, some the questions might be forwarded to them. I think one of the questions
just came up about Bay Meadows; Bay Meadows is going to discharge into Cronin Road
which won’t affect the extension number 10 that we’re talking about here.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Does extension 10 flow down towards Cronin Road?
MR. SHAW, Wastewater Director-Yes it does but Cronin Road discharges into a twelve
inch line, it won’t discharge it, Cronin Road or Bay Meadows will not discharge in this
line, we’re talking about extension 10.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Mike, you’ve been asked these questions about downstream
impacts of this sewer extension before and I believe you’ve given answers. Do you have
any, from a technical standpoint are there any showstoppers that you’re aware of with the
concern with accommodating a possible contract user coming from Surrey Fields which
is in the works right now and this extension, again which is consistent with the town’s
MR. SHAW, Wastewater Director-We infrastructure this being put in there, as proposed
to be put in there, is to the conceptual plan that we had drafted a couple of years ago, we
had an engineer draft. Capacities do exist in that line to serve all of the corridor for the
future. The two I’ll say bottlenecks possible in the future are the pump station down the
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 738
road that Rich Schermerhorn put in, there’s an upgrade for that minimal cost that will
take care of that question. There’s another connector line further on down Bay Road that
takes care of Glenwood, maybe in the future someday depending on other development in
the town, that might need upgrading and maybe it won’t, it depends on how this whole
thing shakes out.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Alright, is there anyone else from the public that would like to
comment? Again, I will be leaving the public hearing open until such time that we can
act on it from a SEQRA Lead Agency standpoint which won’t be tonight. Yes sir, Mr.
MR. JOHN GIEBINK-Hi, my name is John Giebink, I’m the owner of the Cedar’s Senior
Living Community and I just want to make sure to give the direct answer relative to the
gentleman before because the map, plan and report and the sewer line is designed to
accommodate the flows from Surrey Fields and from the town area here. So, that is taken
into account within the designs for this extension as well as the map, plan and report
shows from all the other areas that have potential development. I would like to just
request to the board because it was unknown to me until today that there was going to be
no action taken because in the previous meetings that we’ve had on this, we’ve been sort
of pushed along, everyone has been pushing along to try to get this to happen because we
want to try to get construction of this done this summer, certainly this bit of a gap here
right now is going to make that a little bit more difficult. So it would certainly, I would
request if there’s any indication that members can make of the board as to what their
feeling is on the sewer line, it will help us because we’re in the mist of engineering and
my engineer is here tonight and I’d hate to have to have him hold up here for thirty days
or so.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-John, if I could just comment briefly, that’s why when I saw
you before the meeting I said gee, you drove all the way from Vermont because I was
aware that we, who was going to be the Lead Agent with SEQRA, it hadn’t been
established so I was surprised you were here, albeit we would accept comments but we
weren’t going to take action, I apologize for you having not been noticed. I had assumed
that you had been notified that that had yet to be determined. I don’t have any problems
with what you’re proposing.
MR. GIEBINK-No, it was obviously my choice to come down and answer any questions.
I just, you know to have an indication of members whether there’s any issues out here
that still needs to be addressed by the engineer.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Not unless somebody comes up with something we haven’t
heard of.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Right, I was going to say I’m not aware of any, having looked at
the map, plan and report, talked to Mike Shaw. I do hope that you were still in Vermont
when I spoke with you on the phone today?
SUPERVISOR STEC-Alright so you did come here knowing that we were
MR. GIEBINK-Oh absolutely.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Well why the delay, what are we waiting on?
SUPERVISOR STEC-SEQRA Lead Agency status. We need to wait until we hear from
all interested parties whether they want to take SEQRA Lead Agency or not or if we
don’t hear from them, after thirty days.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-The county could request it.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 739
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-When did we request it?
SUPERVISOR STEC-A little over, about a week ago.
SUPERVISOR STEC-I don’t anticipate any problems but I do also apologize for the
additional delay.
MR. GIEBINK-That’s fine. No, I understand the process.
SUPERVISOR STEC-So does anyone, Tim do you have anything to add or?
COUNCILMAN BREWER-I have no, the only concern I have is if it’s not done.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-It’s been a long time coming and I appreciate your fortitude
in moving this along and hopefully you’ll accomplish a lot with the extension.
SUPERVISOR STEC-And I know there’s a neighborhood to the north of you that is,
with baited breath cheering for this to happen, I see a few of them nodding their head.
They’re looking at us saying what’s going on here and we have our dance to do and our
wickets to get through according to the law and whatnot but I think reading between the
lines, it sounds certainly like although an unfortunate delay, it looks like most of our
questions have been answered. We can’t guarantee until obviously there’s a vote, it’s not
a done deal until there’s a vote but I certainly expect at the earliest possible convenience
we will be having that. But I know you were looking for an indication moving forward,
if there were any showstoppers or issues that we’re aware of and I’m not hearing any. Is
there any other, do you have anything else to add Mr. Giebink?
MR. GIEBINK-No thank you.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Okay, Mike anything else?
MR. SHAW, Wastewater Director-No.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Is there anyone else from the public that would care to comment?
Okay, I will leave the public hearing open until such time that we are prepared from the
SEQRA Lead Agency standpoint to take action on this at a very near date, hopefully no
later then May 1, possibly on the outside depending on if we hear back from the other
agencies by then we could possibly do so at our next meeting. But at one of those two
meetings, hopefully we’ll be in a position to send this project forward, again after
concluding the public hearing. Thank you very much.
PUBLIC HEARING – Concerning Glens Falls Labels (Glens Falls Business Forms,
Inc.)’s Request To Shift Operations To Washington County Empire Zone
Notice Shown
7:15 P.M.
SUPERVISOR STEC-This is a required public hearing, any time an Empire Zone status
business seeks to leave one municipality, there’s certain strings that are attached with
getting Empire Zone status, it’s a tax and energy incentive program setup by the State of
New York that Warren County was successful in securing a few years ago and this Glens
Falls Labels is a business that has been granted an Empire Zone status. The law requires
that if they are to relocate anywhere in the State and take their Empire Zone credits with
the Empire Zone status with them, that they have to get a release from the original
municipality. In this case, Glens Falls Labels wants to relocate from Queensbury and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 740
shift operations actually into Washington County. So before they can leave and bring
their Empire Zone status with them, we have to give them our blessing. So we set this
public hearing a few weeks ago and we’ve done these before, we did this for TV-8 as
matter of fact and there’s a couple of other ones, I can’t remember the names of business,
but other small businesses that we’ve allowed to relocate. So with that explanation, if
there’s anybody that would like to address the Board on this public hearing, again, Glens
Falls Labels will be shifting their operations and taking their Empire Zone status from
Queensbury in Warren County to I think it’s Kingsbury in Washington County, just raise
your hand and we’ll have you come to the microphone. Any Town Board comments or
staff comments?
COUNCILMAN BREWER-Just one comment. Dan, I would just maybe let the public
know that they’re not taking Warren County’s status from Warren County, I said that
SUPERVISOR STEC-They’re keeping their eligibility.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-Their eligibility they’re applying in Washington County not
Warren County though.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-So they will be drawing from their bank so to speak, right?
SUPERVISOR STEC-Correct, it won’t be held against our bank.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Correct, that’s a good point to point out. Again, the public hearing
is open; is there any members that would like to comment on this public hearing?
Alright, seeing none I will close the public hearing.
7:18 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO.: 181, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
WHEREAS,GF Labels (Glens Falls Business Forms, Inc.) currently operates at
834 Bay Road, Queensbury, New York, and
WHEREAS GF Labels has decided to construct a new facility on Lot #12
Fergerson Lane in Kingsbury, New York, and
WHEREAS GF Labels expects to apply for Qualified Empire Zone Enterprise
(QEZE) status through the Washington County Empire Zone in connection with such
relocation, and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 741
WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law 959
(a)(iii), GF Labels must secure the approval of the Town of Queensbury in order to obtain
QEZE certification, and
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board duly conducted a public hearing and
heard all interested persons on April 3, 2006 concerning GF Labels’ proposed relocation
and QEZE certification,
RESOLVED, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law 959
(a)(iii), the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the proposal by GF Labels (Glens
Falls Business Forms, Inc.) to shift its operations from 834 Bay Road, Queensbury to its
new facility to be located on Lot #12 Fergerson Lane in Kingsbury, New York and to
apply for Qualified Empire Zone Enterprise status through the Washington County
Empire Zone, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to
sign any documentation and take any action necessary to effectuate the terms of this
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006 by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES : None
ABSENT : Mr. Strough
PUBLIC HEARING – Proposed Local Law No. ____ 2006 to Establish Temporary
Moratorium In Professional Office (PO) Zone
Notice Shown
7:19 P.M.
SUPERVISOR STEC-This is a public hearing that had been set well over a month ago, I
think it was actually set back in February. The reason why it was set so long ago to be
held tonight is that we knew that we were required for an action like this to solicit
recommendation from both the Warren County Planning Board and the Queensbury
Planning Board on this proposed Temporary Moratorium in the Professional Office Zone
which was proposed to expire I believe October 1 of this year and it would only affect
the Professional Office Zone properties. In order to get on their agenda there’s deadlines
as many applicants know that are familiar with the processes and in order to allow time
for those two boards to give a recommendation to the Town Board we knew that we
would need to wait until their March meeting so that’s why in February we decided to set
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 742
the public hearing to this first meeting in April so that we would have adequate time to
get a recommendation. I do know that we did get recommendations; I’m not sure
Marilyn or Caroline if you want to read either one of those into the record now or later
but with that I will declare the public hearing open. I look to Marilyn or Caroline to see
if you want to read those in or not at this point before we start taking public comment.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-I think you should at least read the substance of them
because it’s relevant to the vote that’s required.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Correct which I’ll let you explain Bob.
MARILYN RYBA, Executive Director-I was just going to say, I do have the County
referral and essentially the County does have a concern which states, this concern
includes whether or not multifamily housing should be allowed in the zone and that, let’s
see, the information indicates that one hundred ninety-six parcels in the zone would be
affected where the moratorium would temporarily decrease the office and housing stock.
And it said, the data included indicates in 2005 no subdivision in the PO Zone was
requested, four site plans were submitted with only one for ninety-two unit multifamily
project which was withdrawn. It says staff, the County Planning Board recommendation
is to deny, the Warren County Planning Board recommends deny, the Board is concerned
about the negative economic impact during the peak building season and the proposal
does not demonstrate the need since the zoning amendment of Professional Office Zone
was approved at the local level in February. What that means is then that the Town
Board needs to have a super majority to pass the moratorium. The Planning Board
however did recommend in favor of,
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Queensbury Planning Board.
MS. RYBA, Executive Director-Excuse me, yes the Queensbury Planning Board did
recommend in favor of the proposed moratorium.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Okay, so the Queensbury Planning Board recommended to move
forward with this, the Warren County Planning Board recommended denial and Bob,
there’s some statutory language that you wanted to just make the Board and the public
aware of.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-I just wanted to repeat what Marilyn said that because of
the recommendation to deny you need four votes to pass.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-Affirmative, that’s right.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-Yes, four yes votes.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Four yes votes.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-No votes won’t pass it.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Okay, with that said, the public hearing is open, if there’s any
members of the public that would like to comment on this pending action by the Town
Board, we just ask that you raise your hand, I’ll call on you and we’ll have you state your
name and address for the record please. Anybody at all? Yes sir.
MR. DOUG AUER-Good evening gentlemen. Just, actually a question, in the way this
was crafted, would this affect an existing approved subdivision and there is an approved
subdivision within the zone? If this did get, this moratorium did get approved, how
would it or would it not affect that subdivision?
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 743
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-It would affect a pending, if one was in the process but if
one was already approved it would not, that’s my understanding.
MR. AUER-That’s correct Bob?
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-Yes, Mr. Sanford’s got exactly right.
MR. AUER-Okay very well. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR STEC-You’re welcome. Anybody else this evening? Yes ma’am.
MS. KATHY FRANKLIN, 1232 West Mt. Road-I’m Kathy Franklin, I live at 1232 West
Mt. Road. I have a question I would like you to explain what the gist of what the
Planning Board for Queensbury had to say about this project and why they thought the
moratorium should go ahead. I’ll listen from the back. I’m assuming that there’s some
sort of a … of it.
MS. RYBA, Executive Director-There wasn’t a rational provided; only the
recommendation that they thought it should go forward.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Anybody else this evening? Yes, Mr. Tucker
MR. PLINEY TUCKER, 41 Division Road-In that resolution and I don’t know what part
of it that it is asking to allow an extension of the moratorium after October 1, is this
normal procedure?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-They do have to have time frames. You can’t have an indefinite
moratorium, there does have to be a time frame on it.
SUPERVISOR STEC-And actually to be completely thorough I said October 1, it’s
actually a little more involved then that, it’s the sooner of October 1 or such date that the
Town Board adopts an updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan Zoning Ordinance and
Map of Subdivision Regulations, whichever date comes first. So if we adopted the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan and associated updates before October 1 then that would
be the date that it would cease.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-What he’s asking is the extensions, we can extend it if we
want to.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Sure, I mean the Board can always extend it by Board action, if
that’s your question.
MR. TUCKER-Yea well that’s my question, without a public hearing?
SUPERVISOR STEC-No, we would need a public hearing.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-I think it would require a public hearing.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-No, you’d have to have a public hearing.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-It would require a public hearing to extend it beyond, if we were
to pass it.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-They would have to go through the exact same process
that they’re going through here.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Essentially, it would be a new moratorium really.
SUPERVISOR STEC-So it would almost be like starting over, that’s exactly what I was
going to point out.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 744
MR. TUCKER-Thank you.
SUPERVISOR STEC-You’re very welcome. Anybody else like to comment on this?
Yes, ma’am.
MS. ANNIE BANG, 1218 West Mt. Road-Hi, I’m Annie Bang, 1218 West Mt. Road. I
have to, I kind of fail to understand why we seem to go one way and then we go just
change direction. Why would you want to deny a moratorium and not pass it when we’re
working so hard to get a Comprehensive Land Use and Building Codes and the rest? For
once it won’t be, excuse the expression half done and erratic. I mean everybody’s
working real hard to get a coordinated common sense approach to this so why would you
want to?
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-I’ll take a stab at it.
MS. BANG-I’m hoping all four of you do.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-First of all we haven’t made a decision but its likely not to
pass tonight, my guess would be that that would be the outcome. I think if you look at
the history of how this moratorium was created, it was at the same time that we were
contemplating a clarification and or change to the Professional Office Zone. That
happened and so one could argue that that made this effort unnecessary and or redundant
because we accomplished, at least those who supported the change in clarification of
zone; we accomplished that when we passed that law. So now this, this was actually, this
originated, it was a suggestion to do a moratorium on both Professional Office and MR
which is multi residential by Councilman Brewer, later modified to be just a moratorium
on Professional Office. The County reviewed it as they review these types of things and
you just heard their decision, they were not in favor of it. They gave two reasons; the
first reason was because we did in fact pass the change in zone. The other reason was
because they felt there was a fiscal impact to the County. This is questionable in my
mind and I certainly would appreciate some clarification because it begs the question,
there’s very little Professional Office space available that hasn’t already been developed
and if the County is going to find that this has a material fiscal impact to the County’s
finances then I would almost suggest that any moratorium would have an impact to the
County and therefore maybe our State Legislature isn’t wise because maybe they should
just say all moratoriums should have a super majority. Because when I read the County
decision, I scratched my head and I said, this is a real stretch, there’s only a few parcels
that we have in Queensbury and they’re saying that they have deep concerns about the
fiscal impact. To me, it didn’t really pass the smell test. But, I do believe that it’s largely
unnecessary at this point in time because we did clarify and change the zone.
MS. BANG-Okay, I don’t happen to agree with you. Anybody else?
COUNCILMAN BREWER-I feel pretty much the same way. When I proposed this
moratorium it was of a different, it was a moratorium in Professional Office Zone and
MR-5 particularly just for apartments because that seemed to be the hot issue at that time
and everybody was having a problem whether they should be or shouldn’t be, whether
they will be allowed or won’t be allowed. So, I suggested that. That was turned down.
As Richard said, the efforts that were done in this Professional Office to stop apartments
from being in the first thousand feet, that law was passed and enacted, that prevents the
problem as some people saw it. This I think, if we’re going to do a moratorium to get the
Comprehensive Plan done, I don’t think we should pick one zone. It wouldn’t make
sense to pick one zone and say alright; let’s have a moratorium just here and everywhere
else in the town you can build. What purpose would it serve? You know I mean it just;
nobody is going to build a professional office. So, I’m not in favor of it. I think my
effort was to step back, look at it and say well, do we want apartments in Multi Family
Residential; do we want them in Professional Office? That was the question I had and
that gave us time to look at the Professional Office Zone and really decide what we
wanted, not just say you can’t do it in a thousand feet. So I can’t support the moratorium
in just PO.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 745
MS. BANG-Okay, well I’m a newcomer at this, I only got involved when we had the
nonsense up on West Mt. Road but it was a lesson, the kind of lesson you don’t ever
forget because so much of this is so unclear and all this political talk and stuff doesn’t
make it clearer, you know, at all. And so I’m actually enjoying the meetings on the third
Thursday of every month because the reality is, is that I can sit here and moan and bitch
and complain and praise and do all kinds of things but at the end of this, this effort, my
days of moaning and groaning are over because everybody has worked towards this,
everybody has put their two cents in. You’re not going to get everything you want,
you’re going to get some of this and some of that but the reality is hopefully it’s going to
end up being thorough, including taste which we believe our community should have and
you certainly wouldn’t know it if you drive Route 9 and so I don’t, I mean, I have to
admit I don’t see any reason to encourage commercial building and not wait. It just
makes no sense to me because you’re still going to have the same old battles going
through all the Planning Board and the rest. You’re still going to have the same old song
and dance with things being very unclear. You wait six months and people wouldn’t
have to go through what Schermerhorn went through with West Mt. Road. So, anyway I
think you should think twice about it.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Thank you very much. Anybody else this evening on this public
hearing? Mr. Salvador.
MR. JOHN SALVADOR-Good evening, my name is John Salvador and I’d like to speak
tonight on the subject of the moratorium. I’ve prepared a few notes here I’d like to read
from. I would like to establish at this time a foundation for why we need some form of a
moratorium and it should not be as Mr. Brewer said, it should not be directed at one
particular zone or one particular use. Something more has got to be done to curb the
runaway train called Community Development. The idea of a moratorium put in place
for purposes of amending only one small segment of the Zoning Ordinance directed to
only one allowable use smacks of a piecemeal zoning or what is commonly referred to as
spot zoning which can not stand. The New York State Court of Appeals has opined that
spot zoning is the very antithesis of planned zoning. Projects which qualify for being
granted a zoning permit as allowed in accordance with Town Code Chapter 179, Section
179-16-090 titled, ‘Zoning Permits’ should be allowed to move forward regardless of the
form of building moratorium adopted by the Town Board. What is needed is a tightening
of the process for issuing zoning permits. According to Town Code Chapter 179, Section
179-16-090, the Zoning Administrator shall remove the Building Department application
for purposes of Zoning Ordinance compliance and shall issue permits by indicating
review and compliance or non-compliance with the Zoning Ordinance thereon. Section
179-16-100 A establishes the criteria for the issuance of a zoning permit and that the
Zoning Administrator shall issue a zoning permit only if he determines the following. It
says the following, not each of the following, all of the following. The new land use or
development complies with any applicable sanitary codes. The new land use or
development meets the area, setbacks from property lines, bulk and height controls and
the special shoreline restrictions of this chapter, unless an area variance has been granted
pursuant to Article 14. The new land use or development has received site plan or special
use permit approval, if applicable and if such approval is subject to conditions to be met
prior to the granting of a permit. If it is a non-permissible use, a use variance has to be
granted. Firstly the construction of the phrase above dictates that the Zoning
Administrator must first make a determination as to whether or not the project constitutes
a new land use or some other form of development. This is very important. Other kinds
of development, although not specifically addressed in the Town Code Chapter 179, are
articulated in the Building Code of the State of New York which State Code is
administered and enforced by the Building Code Enforcement Officer Mr. David Hatin.
These other kinds of development include, repairs, renovations, alterations,
reconstruction and additions. I have copies of a photograph taken about one week ago of
a residential construction which has progressed to the present stage of construction as an
alteration. (Presented picture to the Town Board)
SUPERVISOR STEC-John, is in the PO Zone?
COUNCILMAN BREWER-It’s an alteration? To the landscape.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 746
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Nice alteration, huh?
MR. SALVADOR-This alteration had its beginning in September of 2005 with the
issuance of a demolition permit for presumably some well defined demolition. Following
that, a building permit was issued some three weeks later for this so called alteration.
Alteration is defined in the Code that Mr. Hatin administers and enforces as that of a
classification of work which includes the reconfiguration of space. The addition or
elimination of any door or window, the reconfiguration and extension of any system or
installation of any additional equipment. Notice that the words expansion, additional,
area and height are not expressions which apply to alterations. The Building Code of the
State of New York does include a classification of work called an addition which better
defines the work shown in the photograph before you. To quote Chapter K3, Section
K307, additions include any expansion or increase in floor area or height of an existing
building or structure. The fact that this project, in addition to being located in the Town
of Queensbury is located in Mr. Boor’s first Ward should have been considered an
addition rather then an alteration is somewhat immaterial from a building permit
perspective. Mr. Hatin’s acceptance of an application cleverly called an alteration rather
then an addition because it involved an increase in floor area and or building height in the
Town of Queensbury in Councilman Boor’s first Ward and in the Adirondack Park.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Mr. Salvador, if I may interrupt for just a moment. I feel part of
my duty is to keep us focused.
SUPERVISOR STEC-And I think we’re losing it right now, as nicely as I
MR. SALVADOR-I’m trying to establish a basis for a mor
SUPERVISOR STEC-The Professional Office Moratorium.
MR. SALVADOR-Any. A moratorium.
SUPERVISOR STEC-As nicely as I know how, I’ll ask you to get to the point please.
MR. SALVADOR-Okay, it won’t take me long.
MR. SALVADOR-Mr. Hatin’s acceptance of an application cleverly called an alteration
rather then an addition because it involved an increase in floor area and or building height
in the Town of Queensbury and Councilman Boor’s first Ward and in the Adirondack
Park paved the way for the Zoning Administrator, Mr. Brown to rely on the definition of
an alteration as specified in Town Code Chapter 179, Section 179-2-010 to direct his
determination required in Section 179-16-100 A. Alteration as applied to a building or
structure, a change or rearrangement in the structure or in the existing facilities or an
enlargement whether by extending on a side or by increasing in height or the moving
from one location or position to another. We all understand that the Town Code can not
trump the State Code that is rule one page one and this we’ve done here. Nevertheless to
say that we do not have a definition for addition in Section 179-2-010, to support my
contention that the completion of this project as it is progressing will result in a dwelling
with increased height and or floor area, I have enlarged photographs taken from the Town
Assessor’s website. (Presented picture to the Town Board)
SUPERVISOR STEC-John, could we move it along please?
MR. SALVADOR-I’m trying. The first photo I gave you shows the old dwelling as it
existed in April, on April 22, 2004 before the demolition was complete. The second
photograph is taken after construction started on February 13. (Presented picture to the
Town Board)
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 747
SUPERVISOR STEC-John, I really think we’re off point here. Town Board Members
feel free to disagree with me if I’m off base here but we would appreciate getting on
point John or allowing us to move along.
MR. SALVADOR-Allow me to get to it.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Well are we talking seconds or hours here? John, I’m asking.
MR. SALVADOR-Seconds make hours. I will finish, I only have another page or two.
Had Mr. Hatin properly identified this development as that of an expansion which it
really is, then Mr. Brown would have been compelled to review the building permit
application for compliance or non-compliance with the applicable sanitary codes and
special shoreline restrictions of the project in the Town of Queensbury, in Mr. Boor’s
first Ward, north of the blue line, in the Adirondack Park, on the shores of Lake George,
bordering the Town of Bolton and in the Lake George Park Commission designated
critical environmental area. Had Mr. Hatin properly labeled this project and expansion
which all additions are, then Mr. Brown would have been compelled to make a
determination before the fact as to whether or not the new development could meet any
applicable sanitary codes including the need to set the leach field two hundred feet from
the lake. Another Zoning Administrator determination that Mr. Hatin’s false lead-in has
allowed to go unanswered is that of the requirement for a major project storm water
management plan, simply because the project site is in the critical environmental area.
SUPERVISOR STEC-John, I’m going to give you one more minute, you’re way off
MR. SALVADOR-Okay. The problem we have here is with definitions. It’s simply
definitions. You recall when we first organized the Comprehensive Land Use Plan,
excuse me, the PORC Committee, the first issue they attacked was that of definitions. In
fact, they formed a special subcommittee within that committee to address the issue of
definitions, a very, very important beginning for any plan. It was short lived. They
couldn’t even, they couldn’t decide on which dictionary to use. But that’s our failing
here and that’s why we have to have a moratorium. We must have. This is a runaway
situation. This is a project that’s moving ahead, it has had no review whatsoever. No
Site Plan. The determination that the septic system is going to support this development
has not been determined. This, and the disturbing thing about all of this is that this
dwelling is, the sponsor of this project is a world renowned analogist, Chairwoman of the
Fund for Lake George, Dr. Carol Collins. This review is totally unacceptable and
supports my contention that we’ve got to stop the race and a moratorium is what we need.
If that’s what we need, we’ve got to stop it but if someone qualifies for a building permit
without any kind of variance requirement, anything like that, fine they should be able to
move ahead. It’s a moratorium on zoning permits is what we need because they’re not be
properly addressed.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Thank you Mr. Salvador. Is there anyone else that would like to
address the Town Board on the Professional Office public hearing?
MR. SALVADOR-If you don’t need those, I’ll take them back.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Here you go John. Anybody else?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Can we keep one for the record John?
MR. DAVID BRUNO, 119 Gurney Lane-David Bruno, 119 Gurney Lane. I didn’t plan
on speaking much but just wanted to agree with Councilman Brewer’s opinion that a
moratorium on just the PO is a waste of our time. I think a broad moratorium would be
more effective. My opinion of the Planning and Ordinance Review Committee was that
it was a poor attempt to placate the voting public by our representatives to lull them into
some idea that they were being concerned with the overall opinion of this town and
we’ve had more then one occasion where petitions have been put forth and it seems to
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 748
me, not totally ignored but again, placated by different maneuverings. And I would like
to say that I think if you look at the surrounding areas from, I work in Albany,
Guilderland, all the way, Rotterdam all the way up, they are slamming moratoriums down
on development because they’ve squandered their resources. Our resources are not yet
exhausted. I think that if we really believe in the process of a planning ordinance review
committee that there’s no good reason why we should let development run amuck until
we get this in place, if we truly believe that that’s, that the outcome of that planning
ordinance review was something that we wanted to follow. If we don’t believe that we
want to follow that, we just want to throw our thumbs under our suspenders and say, look
what I’ve created on my watch, well then we wasted money on the planning ordinance
review committee and the voting public really doesn’t have any say in this town and I
really hope that that is not the case and I support Mr. Brewer in his opinion that a broad
moratorium on building in general is what would be the intelligent road to take in this
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Just one comment. Every two years you have say.
MR. BRUNO-Yup, absolutely.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-And that’s when the elections take place.
MR. BRUNO-Absolutely. Well noted.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Thank you. Anybody else this evening? Any one at all?
MS. KATHY FRANKLIN-Kathy Franklin, 1232 West Mt. Road. You were talking
about the Professional Office Zone being clarified and then you said that basically you
can’t have the apartments anywhere within the first thousand feet, there has to be a
setback and that is, as far as I know the only clarification that was made.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Actually there was another one that had to do with square, what
is it?
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Floor area ratio.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Floor area ratios, yea.
MS. FRANKLIN-Floor area ratio.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Which reduces the size.
MS. FRANKLIN-Right, I understand. When this property that, is at the top of Gurney
Lane which is only one of the three properties you’re discussing, I realize but it’s
relevant, it was one, zoned one family residential and the process was bizarre. The man
who owned the property came with a project that conformed and the town took it off the,
out of his hands and said that the town was going to become, I forget the word for it but
they were going to be the applicant, I think it was and changed it to Professional Office
building. At that time I asked what the Professional Office building was, what that zone
was and it included everything from fruit stands, daycare, cemeteries, I think it had
mobile home parks in it, I’m not sure. It had at least twenty different categories. As far
as I know it still does. Is that true?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-I don’t have it in front of me, I can look it up, I don’t think it’s
germane to what we’re talking about.
MS. FRANKLIN-What we’re talking about is whether or not there’s a clear definition of
what a Professional Office Zone is that meets the requirements of the citizens of the town
and what they expect their town is going to look like.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-That would be addressed at the PORC Committee or with
Saratoga Associates. No, let me, really, it’s really important that you understand this
because we are very limited to what we’re talking about here tonight. This discussion
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 749
does not have anything to do with changing what is allowed in or out of Professional
Office Zoning. We can not tonight say we’re going to get rid of daycare, we’re going to
get rid of cemeteries, this is only about
MS. FRANKLIN-I recognize that.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Well, yea, so I mean although those are great points, they don’t,
they’re not germane to the action that’s being contemplated tonight and although, and
they should be brought up and they should be brought up at PORC and they should be
brought up when we’re reviewing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and you should be
very strong about it and I may agree with you on some of them, I may disagree with you
on some of the others but it really has nothing to do with the determination that we’re
contemplating tonight.
MS. FRANKLIN-But the contemplation, what we’re talking about tonight is whether or
not your going to go forward with the moratorium which will hold up everything until
that PORC Committee which you just spoke of has, has established what it feels
represents the town’s wishes, is that true?
MS. FRANKLIN-That’s what he said.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Not actually but its close. The ultimate decision of what is in
the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and how the new zoning will read is solely and only
the responsibility of this Board. The PORC
MS. FRANKLIN-It’s recommendation only.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Saratoga Associates do not have legislative authority, they can
not, they can only make recommendations. The five, well I should say the four people
here tonight absent one are going to be the only ones that can modify, accept as it is
handed to them or change what they get.
MS. FRANKLIN-I see. Right, you guys have the power, we got that established but my
question is why, why are we paying those people and why are the people who are
volunteering their time, spending their time to make careful and clear recommendations
and think carefully about what they feel the future of this town ought to be in order to
lend their advice to your, you know to lend counsel, if you’re not going to listen to the
counsel or you can give them time to finish it.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-I don’t think, I take exception to not listening.
MS. FRANKLIN-Well, if you’re not
MS. FRANKLIN-If they haven’t completed
COUNCILMAN BOOR-I attended. We’ve attended those meetings.
MS. FRANKLIN-If they haven’t completed the sentence, it’s sort of like our discussion
right now, if they haven’t completed the sentence then you haven’t listened.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Exactly and they haven’t.
MS. FRANKLIN-Okay, they haven’t.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-And until they do, I’m not going to characterize what their
determination is going to be. I’m going to let make a determination, I’m going to read it
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 750
and then this Board is going to discuss, if we agree with it, if we think it’s appropriate
and it can be moved forward in a legal manner and if we do, I would guess that we would
accept it.
MS. FRANKLIN-And in the meantime, if somebody wants to put up a Professional
Office Zone under the existing
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Under the new one, you mean.
MS. FRANKLIN-Yes, I mean the one that says that you can have all those other things
but you have to have them within, if you happen to put in residential housing, it has to be
a thousand feet from the road. They can put up anything of any particular height, any
architectural standards
COUNCILMAN BOOR-They can’t, see that’s
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Let me address this for a change.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-I appreciate what your point is and actually next Monday
there’s going to be a workshop discussion hopefully involving the PORC Committee and
not just the Chairman but others and we’re going to talk about where they are and we’re
hoping to find out when we can receive a product to review. What Mr. Boor stated is
very correct. By law we can not assign our or delegate our responsibility as a Town
Board. We can seek to citizens in an advisory capacity and we have done that and we
have some issues that we need to work out but going back to your point which I thought
was a very good one which is while we changed the zone, your concerned about what is
the line of defense, for a lack of a better way, I’m paraphrasing what you’re saying,
should a new development come along before that work is done. Please keep in mind,
and I was on the Planning Board for four years, the Planning Board reviews all projects
of this nature and whether they exercise the right degree of authority or decision making
can be debated but any project that comes in that they feel isn’t appropriate and can
justify it, they can either encourage modification or deny such a project. Then so you,
you know when we’re up here talking to people who have concerns, I want to say that I
don’t think it’s prudent for us to try to set down into law everything, we have to rely on
the good judgment of our appointed boards to do that job and that’s why they conduct
public hearings and they have people like you that show up to those public hearings,
voice your concerns and incorporate into their decision making process a whole range of
environmental impacts including aesthetics, traffic and what have you. And so, if I sound
like I’m trying to defend the Planning Board it is because I am. I think that we have to
work to give them greater degree of empowerment so that they can do the right thing for
this community.
MS. FRANKLIN-And perhaps in order to do that, is to let them finish their work.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Well that’s a different committee, I’m not talking PORC
now, I’m talking the Planning Board.
MS. FRANKLIN-Related ideas though.
MS. FRANKLIN-The other thing is if you have a super majority which is four votes and
you only have four people because you’re absent one member, how can you take a vote
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-We can take a vote.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-We can take a vote.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 751
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-But if it’s a two-two vote, it doesn’t mean that one issue is
defeated or one issue is approved, it means that there was no decision and what we may
very well do is carry any of those items over until the next meeting when presumably
there will be a majority.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-This is a vote, yes or no.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-Well actually Richard if all four of you don’t vote for it,
it’s a denial.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Oh no, if all four, I’m talking if we have a two-two vote.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-No, it’s still a denial.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-No, it’s still a denial.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Oh on this issue, on this issue.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-On this issue, on this issue.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-And on any other one, if you don’t have three votes, it
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-I understand. No I’m sorry.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-I thought she was talking in the event of a tie break.
MS. FRANKLIN-No what I mean is, if three of you say yes and one of you says no.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-That’s a denial.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-It would always have to be four.
MS. FRANKLIN-Right but if the fourth person isn’t here to say yes.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-The fifth person isn’t here.
SUPERVISOR STEC-The fifth person.
MS. FRANKLIN-The fifth person, I’m sorry.
TOWN COUNSEL HANFER-They would need all of them to vote yes.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-All of us would have to be unanimous in our decision for this
particular resolution to pass tonight.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 752
MS. FRANKLIN-Okay so if Mr. Strough were here, you would have to have five votes?
COUNCILMAN BREWER-No, you’d have to have four.
SUPERVISOR STEC-No you would need four votes.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-No, four affirmative in total.
MS. FRANKLIN-Okay, I understand, four affirmative votes. So if three of you are
affirmative tonight.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-It’s not a super majority.
MS. FRANKLIN-But my question is, if that’s, always not a super majority because one
of your members is not here.
SUPERVISOR STEC-That’s correct.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-That’s correct.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-And the reason why a super majority is needed if you
listened to Marilyn explain was because
MS. FRANKLIN-The Warren County got into it, yup.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-The Warren County Planning Board felt that it was such an
impact, a financial impact.
MS. FRANKLIN-Such an environment
MS. FRANKLIN-Such an economic disaster for all of Warren County.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-That, they just couldn’t see their way through to a…
SUPERVISOR STEC-I don’t think you’re fairly characterizing the hard work of the
Warren County Planning Board Richard.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-I don’t think we’re talking about the work; we’re talking about
the decision.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-I think the Chairman’s here; perhaps he can explain the
criteria they used.
MS. FRANKLIN-That would be a really great idea.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Is there anyone else that would like to speak this evening on this
public hearing? Anyone at all? I’ll close the public hearing.
8:00 P.M.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-I would actually Dan, like to just pull it if that’s
COUNCILMAN BREWER-I don’t think it’s appropriate, I think we should vote on it.
SUPERVISOR STEC-I prefer to take action tonight.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-With Councilman Strough not here you want to do that?
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 753
SUPERVISOR STEC-I’d like to take action tonight. I’ll move it for consideration.
RESOLUTION NO.: 182, 2006
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to consider adoption of Local
Law No.: ___ of 2006 entitled, "A Local Law to Establish a Temporary Moratorium in
Professional Office (PO) Zone” which Law shall authorize a temporary moratorium on site
plan review and subdivision applications regarding properties located within any of the
Town of Queensbury’s Professional Office (PO) Zones until the sooner of October 1, 2006
or such date that the Town Board adopts an updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Zoning
Ordinance and Map and Subdivision Regulations, whichever date comes first, and
WHEREAS, this legislation is authorized in accordance with New York State
Municipal Home Rule Law §10, and
WHEREAS, on or about March 8, 2006, the Warren County Planning Board
considered the proposal and made a recommendation to deny the temporary moratorium,
WHEREAS, on or about March 21, 2006, the Queensbury Planning Board
considered the proposal and made a recommendation to the Town Board to approve the
temporary moratorium, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board duly held a public hearing on Monday, April 3, 2006
and heard all interested persons,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby enacts Local Law No.: __ of
2006 "A Local Law to Establish a Temporary Moratorium in Professional Office (PO)
Zone” which Law shall authorize a temporary moratorium on site plan review and
subdivision applications regarding properties located within any of the Town of
Queensbury’s Professional Office (PO) Zones until the sooner of October 1, 2006 or such
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 754
date that the Town Board adopts an updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Zoning
Ordinance and Map and Subdivision Regulations, whichever date comes first, as presented
at this meeting, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury
Town Clerk to file the Local Law with the New York State Secretary of State in accordance
with the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law and acknowledges that the Local Law
will take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : None
NOES : Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 183, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns
from Regular Session and enters as the Queensbury Board of Health.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 755
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board serves as the Town’s Local Board of
Health and is authorized by Town Code Chapter 136 to issue variances from the Town’s
On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, Jane Madey has applied to the Local Board of Health for a variance
from Chapter 136 to install a replacement absorption system:
1.one foot (1’) from the west property line instead of the required ten feet (10’)
setback; and
2.fifty feet (50’) from a well instead of the required one hundred feet (100’)
on property located at 354 Glen Lake Road in the Town of Queensbury,
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Local Board of Health will hold a public
hearing on Monday, April 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742
Bay Road, Queensbury, to consider Jane Madey’s sewage disposal variance application
concerning property located at 354 Glen Lake Road in the Town of Queensbury (Tax Map
No.: 289.9-1-68) and at that time all interested persons will be heard, and
RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health authorizes and directs the Queensbury
Town Clerk to publish the Notice of Public Hearing presented at this meeting and send a
copy of the Notice to neighbors located within 500 feet of the property as required by law.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
MR. TOM CENTER, Agent for applicant noted that he submitted revised drawings
denoting the full one hundred foot setbacks which the prior drawings did not… There are
no neighboring wells that fall within the one hundred feet except the applicant’s well.
COUNCILMAN BOOR questioned whether the system has failed?
MR. CENTER, Agent-Noted that there are two systems, one that he has advised the
applicant not to use because of backup and the other, they’re concerned with the fact that
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 756
it’s a metal tank that’s possibly deteriorated and located close to the property line with
the drywell being off the property.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Referred to the Queensbury Code Book noting that the
application does not meet the findings required and therefore the Board of Health is not
able to act on this application.
MR. CENTER, Agent-So we should leave this system in place until it fails?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-That’s what the law reads.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-For the Town Board to grant the variances, which you
have over the past you have to make these findings and it’s up to the Board to determine
the reasonable use of the land, whether the current septic meets that and whether you
need to grant a variance to change that and you also, it’s up to the Town Board whether
or not it’s the minimum necessary and whether there’s a hardship.
MR. CENTER, Agent-The current septic, one of them is sixty-one feet from the lake, the
other system is sixty-six feet from the lake. We’re going to increase that separation
distance to a hundred and fifteen feet, we’re trying to make all possible accommodations
to get a system in that protects the lake and the way I’ve understood it in the past that
that’s one of the things the town is trying to do, take old non-complying systems and try
to make them as compliant as possible and that’s why in this case I’ve also included
ultraviolet treatment system for the applicant’s own well system because he is within well
less the hundred feet required.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-If the system is located off the property, I think we can meet the
criteria. I think you need to provide the Board with definitive information as to the
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Does this applicant anticipate any household improvements
or construction improvements to the home?
MR. CENTER-No sir, this is a two bedroom camp right now, they will not be able to and
they’ve been advised they can not add any more bedrooms.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Do they have construction plans?
MR. CENTER-I do not believe so, they have not told me they have construction plans.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Would they be willing to sign paperwork so that they would not
be able to expand?
MR. CENTER-They can not expand with the new system that’s in there.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Would they sign something to that effect?
MR. CENTER-I can certainly contact them.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Or stipulate in the approval.
MR. CENTER-I can get that information by the time we come back for the public
COUNCILMAN BOOR-And I would like more information on locations.
Town Board held discussion regarding the code and possible needed changes to the
code… Town Board agreed to move forward with setting the public hearing…
(vote taken)
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-One more thing about our process, even if the Town
Board thinks that the proposed variance application doesn’t, might not meet the standards
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 757
that Roger just went through, our process says that once we get a completed application
for a variance we will, the Town Board as the local Board of Health will give notice and
set a public hearing. The determination of whether you meet the standards is after the
public hearing.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-If I can just interrupt, Marilyn on the previous application, the
SEQRA short form was not complete, item 12 was not addressed…
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board serves as the Town’s Local Board of
Health and is authorized by Town Code Chapter 136 to issue variances from the Town’s
On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, Andrea Peek has applied to the Local Board of Health for a variance
from Chapter 136 to install an absorption field eighty-eight feet (88’) from Lake George
instead of the required one-hundred feet (100’) setback and one foot (1’) from the property
line instead of the required ten feet (10’) setback on property located at 108 Rockhurst Road,
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Local Board of Health will hold a public
hearing on Monday, April 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742
Bay Road, Queensbury, to consider Andrea Peek’s sewage disposal variance application
concerning property located at 108 Rockhurst Road, Queensbury (Tax Map No.: 227.9-1-
11) and at that time all interested persons will be heard, and
RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health authorizes and directs the Queensbury
Town Clerk to publish the Notice of Public Hearing presented at this meeting and send a
copy of the Notice to neighbors located within 500 feet of the property as required by law.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : None
NOES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 758
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Is your system failing?
MR. BRETT PEEK, Owner-No. Not that I’m aware.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Here again, I don’t know how we can review it if it’s not failing.
MR. PEEK-This is all precursor to doing some construction up there.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Which makes it worse. There’s a subdivision map plat for this
development that you’re in, it’s very clear that there’s a ten foot no build zone where
you’re proposing to put your leach field. If I understand the process correctly, you would
have to go to the Planning Board to get a site plan modification and then you would have
to go to the Zoning Board and get a variance because it shows that you’re going to be
expanding this property and then you would probably have to show that the system that is
there now is failing in order for this Board to grant you a septic variance.
MR. PEEK-We’re going to stay within the footprint, we’re not going to add any
bedrooms, does that make a difference?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-It definitely makes a difference with regard to the Planning
Board, where you’re proposing to put your field is in the no build zone on the subdivision
map plat. So you would have to get a modification from the Planning Board to do that.
MR. PEEK-If I was to stay within my boundaries and leave the system in that I have now
would that be okay? Am I within my rights? Because they were the ones that told me
that I had to change my septic.
MR. PEEK-When we went to submit some preliminary plans they said that this is going
to be considered new construction and you have to change your septic system.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Who said that, the Town Staff?
MR. PEEK-Yea, I believe it was him. I’m not sure, this is what my architect and the
engineer said so that’s what they came and redesigned the septic, did a perk test,
redesigned it and set it out for new because they were told it. A new system is only going
to improve what we have, I mean, we’re not going to stop living there because of the
COUNCILMAN BOOR-I know but you can’t do it without a, I believe you need a site
plan modification from the Planning Board.
MR. PEEK-Okay and then I would still have to prove that
COUNCILMAN BOOR-You have a failing system and that you have a hardship, that
there’s a hardship and that’s why you’re seeking to have an improved system put in.
MR. PEEK-And the alternative to that is to leave an old fifty year system in?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-That you are being denied reasonable use of your property
because of the system that’s in there now.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 759
MR. PEEK-The alternative to me doesn’t sound logical. The alternative is a bunch of old
systems that between twenty and eighty years old that we know are either in failure or
going to fail at some point. Now people aren’t going to stop living at their million dollar
lake houses because of it.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-You raise a very interesting point and Supervisor Stec,
Supervisor Brody and Supervisor Champagne and Marilyn Ryba met almost three weeks
ago and I’m trying to craft a letter that will go to all the residents of Rockhurst asking
their advice and their wishes as it relates to a wastewater management district whereby
we would run a line down Rockhurst, we would have a single holding tank that would be
pumped out on town property and then these problems go away. What it does is
ultimately eliminates all waste from going into the lake.
MR. PEEK-That would be great. My point is that the houses aren’t going away, people
aren’t going to stop living in them and the systems are failing. To me, to put a whole
new and we designed it for an Elgin System and supposedly they’re way better at double
the cost which I don’t have a problem doing, it’s just a matter of getting it done.
Town Board held discussion regarding whether or not to move forward with the
resolution setting the public hearing and it was agreed to take the vote… (vote taken)
SUPERVISOR STEC-So what we’re saying is we would like this to go through the
Planning Board and then the Zoning Board.
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Board of Health hereby adjourns and enters
Regular Session of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
8:35 P.M.
MR. PLINEY TUCKER, 41 Division Road-Questioned Resolution 7.6, ‘Resolution
Increasing Appropriations and Amending 2006 Town Budget to Accommodate EMS
Budgets’ and 7.7, ‘Resolution Increasing Appropriations and Amending 2006 Town
Budget to Accommodate Fire Company Budgets’ of the agenda.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 760
SUPERVISOR STEC-The Town Board adopts a Budget on time every year in November
and then sometimes we wrap up discussions and negotiations in setting budgets with Fire
and EMS companies after that date and that’s basically what’s happened in both of these.
So number 7.6 we actually settled on a contract and we do have a fund balance but the
budget for West Glens Falls EMS was over what we budgeted by three thousand nine
hundred and two dollars ($3,902.00) so in order to cover that, we need to move it and it is
moving from the appropriated fund balance for emergency services and likewise for the
fire companies. There’s five of them that we did this year and the fire companies came in
at about eighty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-five dollars ($88,655.00) more then
we budgeted and again that comes from the appropriated fund balance.
MR. TUCKER-Questioned Resolution 7.8, ‘Resolution Amend 2005 Budget to Increase
Appropriations and Amend Fund Balance’ and Resolution 7.9 ‘Resolution Amending
2005 Budget to Increase Appropriations and Amend Fund Balance’ of the agenda.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Resolution 7.8, this is the 2005 budget to increase appropriations
and amend fund balance for emergency services, this is for last year by the amount of
thirteen thousand six hundred and ninety-five dollars ($13,695.00) and the reason why,
our current bill for service arrangement, we pay ten percent to Iliant, the company that we
entered into Bill-For-Service. Last year was the first full year that we did the Bill-For-
Service, we didn’t know exactly what to expect and we needed to come up with a budget
number back in 2004 for 2005 and we budgeted to receive two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars ($250,000.00) which would mean that we’d pay Iliant twenty-five
thousand dollars ($25,000.00) of that. The good news is that we collected four hundred
and thirty-eight thousand dollars ($438,000.00) in revenue but that also means that we
owe Iliant forty-three thousand eight hundred dollars ($43,800.00) and we hadn’t
budgeted for such a large revenue so this catches that up. Resolution 7.9, in the Highway
Department we needed to move money and again, this is also for 2005’s budget for snow
melting agents, they were short forty-six thousand four hundred and eighty-two dollars
($46,482.00) and also appropriate for a Motor Equipment Operator, a personnel item that
hadn’t been budgeted adequately for and we were four thousand five hundred and
seventy-seven ($4,577.00) short on that line item.
MR. TUCKER-Questioned the status regarding the land acquisition from Niagara
Mohawk to the Town of Queensbury.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-We had received the proposed deeds from Niagara
Mohawk. We had title report prepared by Mike O’Connor, his Title Company to insure
the title to the town because he’s done the title for Niagara Mohawk in the past. So he
has the back title which would be a very big project to go back and redo, there were
certain things that came up in the title report that related to that five acre parcel that
you’ve been talking about because it’s part of another parcel that, and because our tax
records showed it being in the name of another, of the Hydro entity up there, that the
Niagara Mohawk attorney and Mike O’Connor were working out the things that Mike
O’Connor would need so that he could give the town good title. I talked to Mike about a
week and a half, two weeks ago, he was about to go on vacation and wouldn’t be able to
get to it until he got back. He said that they were working things out and that he would
get to it when he got back, that’s where we are.
MR. GEORGE DRELLOS, 27 Fox Hollow Lane-Roger, I can agree with some of your
comments on those two applications but the first one, I don’t have the plans and don’t
know the particulars but if there is a metal tank there, wouldn’t in your book, isn’t that a
safety issue?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-There isn’t a clause and that’s why I was saying I think we need
to address some of these issues and the thing that I tried to impress upon the applicant’s
engineer is, don’t say you think this is what it is, I need to know what it is. We can’t
make decisions on those kinds of comments.
MR. DRELLOS-What if the cover fell in on this tank?
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 761
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Then he’d have a failed system and he would not be able to
enjoy his property in a reasonable way and we could act on it.
MR. DRELLOS-If he just wanted to change the tank, safety?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-He wouldn’t need a variance if he wasn’t changing the location.
He needs the variance because he’s changing the location.
MR. DRELLOS-To do what you’re saying is it cost effective to go in there and do this
work that you’re suggesting when you could put it towards a new system. You’re not
talking no fifty dollars.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-It’s not a failed system.
MR. DRELLOS-I understand but you want to know what’s there, to go in someone’s
yard and start digging, you’re talking quite a bit of money.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Sure, it costs a lot as you well know but we don’t make our
decisions because it costs somebody money, it’s a Board of Health; it’s not a financial
MR. DRELLOS-I’m just saying you want someone to go in there and just find out what’s
there and then come back to the Board, spend thousands of dollars.
SUPERVISOR STEC-In order to grant a variance we need to know it’s failed; I think is
what Roger’s point is.
MR. DRELLOS-Questioned Resolution 7.12, ‘Resolution Rescinding Certain
Resolutions Pertaining to Testing of High Groundwater Levels’ of the agenda.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-That’s something I asked the attorney to draw up. As it
currently exists the law affords, the state affords high water tests to occur March through
June and in 1991 the Town Board at the time granted certain engineers within the town
the right to make determinations out of season and we’ve had a couple of applications
come before us where the science has been lacking and they’ve made big mistakes and
I’m thinking to myself, it’s kind of crazy to let the fox watch the henhouse. So when the
applicant comes in and he’s also authorized by the Town Board to do high water
determinations out of season, I think that’s something that a town engineer should do,
they’re going to be looking out for the best interests of the town.
MR. DRELLOS-Who would pay for the town engineer?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-The applicant.
MR. DRELLOS-Dan, the fire companies have they all signed?
SUPERVISOR STEC-They have all signed and all checks have been signed.
MR. DRELLOS- Referred to Resolution 7.2, ‘Resolution Approving North Queensbury
Rescue Squad Inc.’s Proposal to Purchase 2006 Ambulance’ of the agenda and
questioned why a public hearing is not required.
SUPERVISOR STEC-North Queensbury Rescue Squad met with us in a workshop last
week and any time any Fire or EMS Company uses money from their restricted vehicle
fund, it’s required under our contract with them, they’re required to get permission from
the town in a form of a resolution to allow them to do that. In this case they are looking
to replace a 1994 ambulance at a cost not to exceed a hundred and thirty thousand dollars
and between the proceeds of the sale of the 94 ambulance plus the significant funds that
they have in their vehicle fund, they will be able to buy that for cash without incurring
any debt. But in order to get at that restricted vehicle fund money, they need to come to
us. If they had to take on debt or if they had to borrow, then we’re talking about
amending their contract and that requires a public hearing.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 762
MR. GLENN RODE, 51 Cronin Road-Questioned Resolution 7.18, ‘Resolution Setting
Public Hearing to Further Consider Environmental Impacts of Bay Meadows Planned
Unit Development for Property Owned by the Michaels Group, LLC’ of the agenda.
SUPERVISOR STEC-The brief history of resolution 7.18, anytime we change a zoning
or sometimes site plan as another example we’re required to have a public hearing on a
thing called SEQRA, the State Environmental Quality Review Act that was done by the
Town Board when we reviewed the consistency of a PUD back in November. Some
Town Board Members believe that there’s new information and new information would
be a reason to reopen SEQRA. When you reopen SEQRA you need to have another
public hearing to address those issues so that resolution would set a public hearing for
two weeks from this evening in order to look at the new information and then modify our
previous determination.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-I was going to discuss some of this at Town Board
discussions but I’m going to put this up, this talks to what Dan just mentioned which is
some of the new information, these are pictures taken of that area.
MR. RODE-I’ve been to several Planning Board meetings and I’ve talked about the
hydrology in the area and I’ve got two studies here that basically speak to the fact that
with all of the development that’s gone on it’s affected the hydrology and the ability of
that area to handle stormwater runoff and I believe that would be new information. The
Planning Board was unaware of these two studies. The first one is the Halfway Brook
Watershed Management Plan and the second one is the Halfway Brook Stormwater
Assessment and Management Plan and in the later of the two, there’s actually a section
where they locate potential stormwater improvement sites and that whole parcel of land is
identified as a location of possible stormwater improvement site. So it’s something to be
considered in granting, you know if we’re going to look at, have SEQRA reinvestigate
this property. I think that’s a good thing to keep in mind, that it has been identified in a
study and is part of a plan as an improvement site. I don’t see how the development in
itself and how they were talking about their retention basins, their ground level, that
they’re going to filter the first surge of stormwater. I’ve lived there now for seven years
and it’s not going to work, what they’ve proposed. They’ve got everything backwards,
I’ve heard the engineer on the project speak to designing a stormwater collection system
that’s going to flow water slowly and smoothly into the brook where he doesn’t
understand and they’re not willing to understand it, when you have high rain falls the
water flows out of the brook and goes into that property, it’s not the other way around.
That’s where I think old engineering data was used probably dating 1985, around that era
when FEMA came through and did the floodwater base and assessment or whatever they
do for the floodwater mapping. But due to the recent developments and these studies
speak to the recent development, well these were done in I think 98 and 2000 and we’ve
seen what’s gone on since then so there’s been a significant amount of impact of land use
since these studies have come out.
MR. SANFORD-Later tonight we are going to be voting on a resolution to reopen the
SEQRA. We had a consensus at the workshop to do that but we have to take formal
action tonight and to set a public hearing for the reopening of the SEQRA here. I met
with our Town Attorney and discussed the criteria that’s needed for the Town Board to
do this and what’s key to reopen it is that we have become aware of new information
following the November 05 SEQRA finding and there may possibly some disagreement
among this Board and I won’t know until later tonight but I think those pictures speak a
thousand words each and I guess my, a rhetorical question would be if that is not new and
that was known, would the Town Board pass SEQRA in November 05, if those types of
flooding conditions were understood by the Town Board when they did their initial
MR. RODE-I’d just like to say in closing that that was a unique event as everybody
knows but there’s very similar events, not quite as extreme that do flood the area of my
yard, neighbor’s yards and water reaches a breakwater point and it flows into that field
where they’re going to put that development.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 763
COUNCILMAN BOOR-To add just a little bit on this, as you correctly stated it was a bit
of a unique event although it was not hundred year storm as characterized in our
workshop but I think what’s even more telling is that the property ended up looking like
that and that’s with the blockage on the other side of Quaker Road. One can only wonder
what that property would have looked like if Homer Drive hadn’t backed up and the
water had been allowed to pass under Route 9 and go into this property as the rest of it
MR. RODE-And we were lucky it stopped raining. I’ve also heard a theory about how
the bridge on Meadowbrook may be restricting flow and causing water to rise, well that
would tell me that the water on one side of Meadowbrook would be lower then the other
side so that theory doesn’t hold water. I think the whole thing really needs to be revisited
and I hope that’s the way the Board goes.
MR. PETER BROTHERS-Questioned whether there will be an opportunity for residents
of Warren County to be able to vote on the sixteen million dollar County Social Services
Building that’s going to be built.
SUPERVISOR STEC-I don’t know off the top of my head if that’s subject to referendum
or not. We’ll follow what the law requires and if the law requires a mandatory
referendum then there will be one, if there’s a permissive referendum then perhaps there
will be one.
MR. BROTHERS-Do you think the residents should have the right to voice their
concerns considering the amount of money?
SUPERVISOR STEC-I think the residents should voice their opinions as much as
MR. BROTHERS-Considering the amount of money, I’m not sure if there’s any other
county in the state, I haven’t done the research myself so I don’t know but I’m just trying
to think of another county with a population size of Warren County similar circumstance
that’s proposing this kind of a building just for Social Services.
SUPERVISOR STEC-I’m not aware of any other county in the State of New York that
has an eighty year old tuberculosis clinic that is being used as a Social Services Building
with a condemned third floor right now. But these are all great questions for the
Chairman of the Social Services Committee John Haskell from Thurman; I don’t have
any other information for you beyond what I just gave you.
MRS. KATHLEEN SALVADOR spoke to the Town Board as Secretary of Dunhams
Resort Corp. regarding the Post Star’s news release of March 8, 2006 where an
Assistant State Attorney General alleged that the organization is misleading customers
who dock boats at their facility who are charged a hundred and fifty dollar registration
fees and that those fees were never paid to the Lake George Park Commission. Noted the
process involved regarding the registration fees of owners of commercial boat docks on
Lake George and that they’re payable to the Lake George Park Trust Fund, a fund
established in 1988 when the environmental user fees were first instituted by the New
York State Legislature. As owners of boat docks on Lake George used for commercial
purposes, we have remitted these environmental user fees every year since 1988. The
total of the user fees due is the product function of a number of linear feet of usable
commercial dock as determined by the Commission and the applicable rate. These fees
are invoiced annual by the Commission and due payable to the Commission by April 30
of each year… We bring these matters to this Board’s attention at this time because if in
fact we are in violation of any Lake George Park Commission Regulations concerning
our method of collection for and our obligation to pay commercial dock fees then we
would be at the same time in violation of the Queensbury Town Code Chapter 179,
Section 179-10-060A, Marinas… Spoke regarding their special use permit application in
2003 that was denied by both the Queensbury Town Planning Board and the Warren
County Planning Board and noted that as soon as this litigation is finalized, they have
every intention to renew their application for a special use permit to operate a Class A
Marina in the Town of Queensbury…. (submitted letter to the Town Board)
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 764
MR. JOHN SALVADOR spoke to the Town Board as President of the Dunhams Resort
Corp. regarding background and establishment of the Lake George Park Commission
Trust Fund relating to the boat and boat dock registration fees… (submitted letter to the
Town Board)
MR. PAUL H. NAYLOR, Division Road-Questioned what kind of engineer the town is
considering hiring?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Certainly one that understands soils, that would be one criteria.
Do you want the whole list? Just so that you understand and I think it’s probably
important for the public also, hiring a town engineer doesn’t mean we don’t contract with
engineering companies to do work.
MR. NAYLOR-Okay but he’s going to contract a lot of other engineers to tell him he’s
COUNCILMAN BOOR-No, he’s probably going to say this is most appropriately
handled by this engineer… He’s as much a consultant to the Boards as he is an engineer
but certainly when it comes to soils, I want an engineer in the town that understands soils.
MR. NAYLOR-You’re going to have to hire a big engineer to cover all that. On the
drainage, that water has been like that for as many years as I can remember. The trouble
with drainage, you got to start at the bottom, wherever it’s holding it back. I suggested
one time to the state engineer and all the guys in the world how to lower that brook, they
said that’s a good idea but you can’t do it. I showed them how, I had a plan to put steel
sheeting, dig a ditch and let it gradually flow down until it filled up, naturally clean itself.
They said it’s a great idea but you can’t do it because the law says if you can walk in it,
you legally can’t go in it. If you can ride a boat in it, you can legally get on it. Every law
is against you to do it.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Well based on those pictures you could water ski in it.
MR. NAYLOR-Yea but the trouble is, it doesn’t stay like that all the time. Somewhere
down below Ridge Road there’s a blockage because all the water from the City of Glens
Falls and I laid the pipes personally forty years ago when I worked for Kubricky, I laid all
the pipes on Glen Street, Bay Road and they all dump down this way and you guys are on
the lower end of the totem pole so you get all the water.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Water flows down hill too.
MR. NAYLOR-Just like politicians… Like you said, every two years we’ve got a right
to get even but we can’t because I only got a right to get after him and him but I can’t
touch either one of you guys that’s why the Ward System was designed. Before the
Ward System we were all up for everybody shooting at us, we had to have answers for
Ward 4, Ward 3, Ward 2 and Ward 1… But those days are gone.
9:10 P.M.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-I encourage the Board to move forward with hiring a Town
Engineer, RFP for that. Certainly we need to have a good understanding of what the
engineer is going to be doing and I don’t want the public to believe that one engineer, an
individual could possibly handle the engineering requirements of a town of our size…
There’s a lot to be done and I think the town needs guidance and that’s why I’m going to
be very interested in how we proceed. As I pointed out earlier, a little slower in my
development of a letter to the Rockhurst people because in reviewing the material to
make sure that I covered all my bases, I’ve realized that perhaps we haven’t done some of
the things or recognized some of the codes and information that we should when we
speak to issues of sewer and wastewater.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 765
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Just want to let the public know that the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan Committee otherwise known as PORC will be meeting with the Town
Board on the 10 and will be getting an update at that point in time… I’d like you to put
on the workshop of the 10, captioned setting the agenda process and venue for
workshop meetings. For the public’s benefit, there is no real legal distinction between a
regular meeting and a workshop meeting and it is something that the Town of
Queensbury and other town’s use but all meetings of the Town Board are official
meetings of the Board. However, it was thought to be perhaps advantageous every other
meeting be a workshop where we could discuss, take limitation action but not do the
whole resolution route that we do typically at these regular meetings and try to come up
with a understanding as to where we’re going to go. I certainly want this on the agenda
anyway whether we cover it or not… One additional item which I think will probably
need to be a discussion of a few different meetings and that has to do with legal services
that the town is receiving. I see in the warrant of bills, has a February legal voucher, I did
the arithmetic and I annualized that out and if February represents a typical month, the
legal expenditures would annualize out payable to our law firm two hundred and eighty-
eight thousand four hundred and thirty-eight dollars ($288,438.00). Keep in mind that’s
just for our outside legal services, we also incur inside legal services as well and you add
that together and I’m concerned again as I was before I even came on the Board as to the
level of expenditures. So this may take a number of discussions and it maybe we will not
be able to fit this in on April 10 because of how the workshop is shaping up. But I’d
like to have this earmarked on a near term workshop meeting to read RFP for legal
services and or the hiring of a town staff attorney under a discussion item so we can
review pros and cons of all possibilities.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-Just one item, I got a memo from Miller, Mannix, Schachner
and Hafner back on December 5, I want to revive a couple of street light issues that you
we talked about back in December, I want to bring them to the forefront, we have to go
through a process and I’ll make copies of this and put in everybody’s box so that we all
know what we have to do. There’s three street lights I’ve been trying to get put up since
November, it’s now five, six months later so I’d like that on some workshop so that we
can address that issue.
SUPERVISOR STEC-I’d like to thank Glens Falls National Bank and TV-8 for
sponsoring and producing the Town Board’s televised meetings… Announced
Queensbury’s website, www.queensbury.net, it has a wealth of information… I do want
to report to the public because I think it is a huge success story financially and from a
quality of care standpoint with the EMS bill-for-services and paid daytime staffing. Two
years ago, we got the bill-for-services and we talked a little bit about how that’s worked,
we made a lot more in revenues that we had budgeted for last year. Last year we
budgeted for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) in total revenue and
we brought in four hundred and thirty-eight thousand dollars ($438,000.00). That
revenue has allowed us to do a couple of things and I really think that the public needs to
know about because we do have occasion to beat up, financially on our Fire Companies
and Rescue Squads. That revenue has allowed us to not only lower the property taxes for
EMS which used to be in the thirty-seven cent range, now it’s in the thirteen cent range,
part of that is due to the reval but the lion share of that is actually because we cut the
amount to be raised by taxes by about half. The other thing is that we are spending more
because we’ve also used some of that revenue to bring on a paid crew component so that
during the day when a lot of our volunteers are working and can’t get out to the call, there
are paid people on seven days a week, at least one pair on every day of the week but five
days a week there are two pair that are on somewhere in the town. So the quality and
response time of care to the patient which is their utmost importance, as it should be is
there. This year we budgeted conservatively four hundred thousand dollars
($400,000.00) this year and to date, year to date we brought in about a hundred and
ninety-eight thousand dollars ($198,000.00) and annualized that’s well over seven
hundred thousand ($700,000.00)… We talked a fair amount about Halfway Brook and
the flooding on that part of town, although the January 17 storm we had flooding all
over town in places that normally don’t receive flooding. Certainly we did have a
physical issue with the flow of water in the Quaker Road area of town. I mentioned a
couple of weeks ago that I had gotten the occasion to go out with some folks from
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 766
Warren County Soil and Water to walk and personally view all of the infrastructure, the
culvert pipes and bridges from the Minogue’s parking lot working my way south all the
way to the cemetery on Webster Avenue in Glens Falls. What I had seen there was that
all of the infrastructure there looks to be in pretty good condition and sized pretty well, if
I was looking for a bottleneck on that flow the bottleneck in my opinion seemed to be in
that Minogue’s parking lot area. Last week I went out for a couple of hours again with
some of the folks from Warren County Soil and Water and we worked our way north
from that point on Quaker, looking at the Cronin Road bridge and then behind the Girl
Scout Camp and under Meadowbrook and then again up under Ridge Road and then
ultimately out to the County Line by Sunnyside. That infrastructure, most of it is bridges
and culverts so I can’t offer an explanation downstream of the Quaker Road, Minogue’s
area but my humble opinion from what I’ve seen that’s the main issue on that stretch. I
want to thank Warren County Soil and Water for spending the time with me to look at
this stuff. I think that Minogue’s parking lot is probably definitely worth pursuing, that’s
privately owned and we’ll have to work on that.
RESOLUTION NO.: 184, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury previously established the Town of
Queensbury Recreation Commission in accordance with applicable New York State Law,
WHEREAS, the term of Recreation Commission member Doug Irish expired and
Mr. Irish wishes to be reappointed to the Commission,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby reappoints Doug Irish to
serve as a member of the Town of Queensbury Recreation Commission until his term
expires on December 31, 2012.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 767
SUPERVISOR STEC-I’d like to thank Doug Irish for his continued service to the Town of
RESOLUTION NO.: 185, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury and the North Queensbury Rescue Squad,
Inc. (Squad) have entered into an Agreement for emergency protection services, which
Agreement sets forth a number of terms and conditions including a condition that the Squad
will not purchase or enter into any binding contract to purchase any piece of apparatus,
equipment, vehicles, real property, or make any improvements that would require the Squad
to acquire a loan or mortgage or use money placed in a “vehicles fund” without prior
approval of the Queensbury Town Board, and
WHEREAS, the Squad wishes to replace its 1994 ambulance by trading it in for a
2006 ambulance for the approximate net purchase price not to exceed $130,000, and
WHEREAS, the Squad plans on paying for the ambulance by using proceeds from
the sale of its 1994 ambulance and using funds from its Restricted Vehicle Fund, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board feels that this new ambulance will provide additional
safety protection for the Town and therefore the Town Board wishes to authorize such
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the North
Queensbury Rescue Squad, Inc.’s purchase of a 2006 ambulance for a sum not to exceed
$130,000 to be paid for from proceeds from the sale of the Squad’s 1994 ambulance and
funds from the Squad’s Restricted Vehicle Fund provided that details are received and
approved by the Town Supervisor prior to such purchase, and
RESOLVED, that should any funds remain from the Squad’s proceeds of the sale of
its 1994 ambulance or in the Squad’s Restricted Vehicle Fund, such funds will go back into
the Squad’s Restricted Vehicle Fund, and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 768
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town
Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take any and all action necessary to effectuate the
terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 186, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has entered into Agreements for emergency
protection services with the Bay Ridge Rescue Squad, Inc., North Queensbury Rescue
Squad, Inc. and West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc., (Squads), which Agreements set
forth a number of terms and conditions including a condition that the Squad will not
purchase or enter into any binding contract to purchase any piece of apparatus, equipment,
vehicles, real property, or make any improvements that would require the Squad to acquire a
loan or mortgage or use money placed in a “vehicles fund” without prior approval of the
Queensbury Town Board, and
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board and Squads have negotiated and agreed
upon terms for the Squads to enter into Agreement(s) with Empire Ambulance Service
(Empire) for Empire’s provision of Paramedic 4/Critical Care Technician II intercept
services to the Squads with the Squads reimbursing Empire, and the Town then reimbursing
the Squads, the amount of $175 for each Paramedic 4/Critical Care Technical III intercept to
which a response was requested by the Squad(s), and
WHEREAS, such additional service will benefit Town residents and visitors to the
Squads’ service area(s), and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 769
WHEREAS, since provision for such service is not presently included in the Squads’
2006 Agreements with the Town, the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning
such proposal and amendment(s) to the Squads’ 2006 Agreement(s),
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall conduct a public hearing
concerning the Bay Ridge Rescue Squad, Inc., North Queensbury Rescue Squad, Inc. and
West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc.’s, (Squads), proposal to enter into Agreement(s)
with Empire Ambulance Service (Empire) for Empire’s provision of Paramedic 4/Critical
Care Technician II intercept services to the Squads with the Squads reimbursing Empire,
and the Town then reimbursing the Squads, the amount of $175 for each Paramedic
4/Critical Care Technical III intercept to which a response was requested by the Squad(s),
and the corresponding amendment of the Squads’ 2006 emergency services Agreements to
provide for such service, on Monday, April 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Queensbury
Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury
Town Clerk to publish a Notice of Public Hearing in the Post-Star Newspaper once at least
ten (10) days prior to the Public Hearing.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 187, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec
WHEREAS, New York State Technology Law §208 establishes procedures
regarding the notification of affected individuals in the event of a breach of a computer
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 770
security system and requires municipalities to adopt a notification policy or local law
consistent with these procedures, and
WHEREAS, a proposed “Town of Queensbury Computer System Security Breach
Notification Policy” has been presented at this meeting,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves and adopts the
“Town of Queensbury Computer System Security Breach Notification Policy” presented
at this meeting as the Town’s official policy, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town
Supervisor to take such actions as may be necessary to implement the Policy, and
RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer
NOES : None
ABSENT : Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 188, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to establish the full-time position
of Landfill Equipment Operator (LEO) in accordance with the Landfill Equipment Operator
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 771
position description adopted by the Warren County Department of Personnel and Civil
Service, and
WHEREAS, monies for such an LEO position were budgeted in the Town’s Solid
Waste Facilities Department budget and adopted as part of the 2006 Town of Queensbury
budget, and
WHEREAS, the new position shall be an hourly, overtime eligible position to be
included in the Town’s Civil Service Employee Association (CSEA) Bargaining Unit, and
WHEREAS, consistent with the Public Employees’ Fair Employment Act, the Town
has engaged in discussion with CSEA concerning establishing and filling this position,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby establishes the full-time,
hourly, overtime eligible position of Landfill Equipment Operator in the Town’s Solid
Waste Facilities Department, such position to be included in the Town’s Civil Service
Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA) Bargaining Unit, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further establishes the position at a salary to be
determined at a later date consistent with the CSEA Agreement, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Board to
begin the process of filling this newly-created position, including posting for such position,
and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Counsel and/or Budget Officer to
complete and file any documentation needed to establish this position and take such other
and further action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 772
RESOLUTION NO.: 189, 2006
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has entered into a contract with the West
Glens Falls Emergency Medical Squad to provide EMS services during 2006, and
WHEREAS, the total amount budgeted in the Town’s 2006 budget for such EMS
services is inadequate to cover the cost of the contract,
WHEREAS, the Accounting Department has accordingly requested a budget
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs
amendment of the Town’s 2006 Budget to increase appropriations in Account #005-
3410-4415-4981 in the amount of $3,902 to be financed through additional appropriated
fund balance (005-0000-0599), and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further approves, authorizes and directs the
Accounting Office to make any necessary adjustments, transfers or prepare any
documentation necessary to amend the 2006 Town Budget and effectuate the terms of
this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 190, 2006
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 773
SECONDED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has entered into contracts with the Town’s
fire companies to provide fire protection services during 2006, and
WHEREAS, the total amount budgeted in the Town’s 2006 budget for such fire
protection services is inadequate to cover the cost of the contracts,
WHEREAS, the Accounting Department has accordingly requested a budget
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs
amendment of the Town’s 2006 Budget to increase appropriations in Account #005-
3410-4415-4980 in the amount of $88,655 to be financed through additional appropriated
fund balance (005-0000-0599), and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further approves, authorizes and directs the
Accounting Office to make any necessary adjustments, transfers or prepare any
documentation necessary to amend the 2006 Town Budget and effectuate the terms of
this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 191, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 774
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury Emergency Services Fund has incurred EMS
Contract costs greater than originally budgeted for, and
WHEREAS, the Emergency Services Fund has sufficient surplus fund balances and
has met New York State Comptroller's requirements for the appropriation of fund balance
during the fiscal year, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to increase appropriations and appropriated
fund balance in the Emergency Services Fund,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves, authorizes and
directs that the 2005 Budget be amended by increasing appropriations and increasing
Appropriated Fund Balance in the Emergency Services Fund - EMS Contract Account No.:
005-3410-4400-4981 in the amount of $13,695, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town's Budget
Officer to make any necessary adjustments, transfers, or prepare any necessary
documentation to effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 192, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury Highway Fund has incurred snow melting
agent and motor equipment operator costs greater than originally budgeted for, and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 775
WHEREAS, the Highway Fund has sufficient surplus fund balances and has met
New York State Comptroller's requirements for the appropriation of fund balance during the
fiscal year, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to increase appropriations and appropriated
fund balance in the Highway Fund,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves, authorizes and
directs that the 2005 Budget be amended by increasing appropriations and increasing
Appropriated Fund Balance in the Highway Fund – Snow Melting Agents Account No.:
004-5142-4641 in the amount of $46,482 and Motor Equipment Operator Account No.:
004-5142-1450 in the amount of $4,577, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town's Budget
Officer to make any necessary adjustments, transfers, or prepare any necessary
documentation to effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 193, 2005
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
WHEREAS, the attached Budget Amendment Requests have been duly initiated and
justified and are deemed compliant with Town operating procedures and accounting
practices by the Town Budget Officer,
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 776
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the
Town Budget Officer’s Office to take all action necessary to transfer funds and amend
the 2005 Town Budget as follows:
001-1220-4010 001-1220-1020 51.16
(Office Supplies) (Deputy Town Supervisor)
001-1320-4401 001-1330-1120 223.
(CPA Audit) (Tax Receiver)
001-1320-4401 001-1330-4030 2,380.
(CPA Audit) (Postage)
001-1355-4740 001-1355-1730 3,314.
(Art. 7 Appraisals) (Asst. to Assessor)
001-1440-4720 001-1420-4131 10,878.
(Engineering Consultant) (Litigation)
001-1450-4156 001-1450-1002 4,800.
(Elections) (Misc. P/R Elections)
001-1450-4156 001-1460-1060 2,229.
(Elections) (Records Clerk)
001-1650-4100 001-1670-1060 4,947.
(Telephone) (Clerk – PT – Mailing)
001-1650-4100 001-1670-4030 3,758.
001-1910-4200 001-1950-4430 36,798.
(Unalloc. Ins.) (Property Taxes)
001-3510-4760 001-3510-1640 229.
(Vet Services) (Animal Control)
001-3510-4760 001-3510-1640-0002 310.
(Vet Services) (Animal Control – OT)
001-3620-1372 001-3620-4120 174.
(B&C Enforcement) (Printing)
001-3620-1372 001-3620-2010 608.
(B&C Enforcement) (Office Furniture)
001-4010-4711 001-4020-4135 985.
(Reimb. Engineering Svc.) (Vital Statistics Compensation)
001-5010-2020 001-9060-8060 24,000.
(Highway Vehicles)
001-5010-4001 001-5132-4500 2,167.
(Consumer Supplies) (Fuel)
001-5630-4414 001-6410-4532 1,228.
(Community Svc. Contracts) (Newsletter Publishing)
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 777
001-5630-4414 001-6772-4418 375.
(Community Svc. Contracts) (Programs for Aging)
001-8030-4400 001-9060-8060 10,000.
(Community Svc. Research) (Health Ins.)
001-8540-2899 001-9060-8060 9,436.
(Drainage) (Health Ins.)
002-9060-8060 002-8810-4500 4,185.
(Health Ins.) (Heating Fuel)
002-9060-8060 002-8810-1450 552.
(Health Ins.) (MEO)
002-9060-8060 002-8810-1400 1,204.
(Health Ins.) (Laborer)
910-9060-8060 910-8160-4447 1,373.
(Health Ins.) (Trash Disposable-Burnable)
040-8340-2899 040-8320-4300 25,204.
(Capital Construction) (Electricity)
910-9060-8060 910-8160-1410-0002 1,312.
(Health Ins.) (Laborer PT)
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 194, 2005
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, the attached Budget Amendment Requests have been duly initiated and
justified and are deemed compliant with Town operating procedures and accounting
practices by the Town Budget Officer,
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 778
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the
Town Budget Officer’s Office to take all action necessary to transfer funds and amend
the 2006 Town Budget as follows:
001-3620-2001 001-3620-4105 300.
(Misc. Equip.) (Mobile Comm.)
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 195, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
WHEREAS, Queensbury Town Code Chapter 136, Appendix F entitled, “High
Groundwater Determination” details certain rules concerning the determination of
seasonal high groundwater levels, including the provision that such determination shall
be made during the months of March, April, May or June, within six weeks of the time
that the frost leaves the ground, and
WHEREAS, such provision provides that such a determination may be made at
other times if the person doing such test is qualified and approved by the Local Board of
Health, and
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board, acting as the Town’s Local Board of
Health, has adopted the following Resolutions:
1.1 of 1991;
2.8 of 1991;
3.10 of 1991;
4.171 of 1991;
5.172 of 1991; and
6.184 of 1991;
approving certain persons to perform such groundwater tests, and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 779
WHEREAS, in light of the diminished quantity of good, buildable lot sizes, the
importance of protecting the best interests of the public and concerns about such
determinations being performed out of the specified season, the Town Board wishes to
rescind all such Resolutions enacted prior to this Town Board meeting approving certain
persons in accordance with Queensbury Town Code Chapter 136, Appendix F entitled,
“High Groundwater Determination,” and
WHEREAS, the Town Board acknowledges that this will result in such tests only
being performed during a six week period after the frost leaves the ground during the
months of March, April, May or June and to lessen any impacts to property owners in the
Town wishes to publish an advertisement notifying the public of this change,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby resolves as follows:
RESOLVED, that all Resolutions approving certain persons to evaluate and
certify seasonal high groundwater at other times during the year in accordance with
Queensbury Town Code Chapter 136, Appendix F entitled, “High Groundwater
Determination,” including but not limited to the following Resolutions:
7.1 of 1991;
8.8 of 1991;
9.10 of 1991;
10.171 of 1991;
11.172 of 1991; and
12.184 of 1991;
shall hereby be rescinded, and
RESOLVED, that accordingly, the determination of seasonal high groundwater
levels shall be made during the six weeks after the frost leaves the ground during the
months of March, April, May or June as provided in the Queensbury Town Code, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board requests that the Town Clerk publish an
advertisement in The Post Star notifying the public of this change.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 780
AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
SUPERVISOR STEC-Presently right now New York State Law has that there’s a six week
window following when frost leaves the ground, whenever that happens for groundwater
testing to be conducted. In the past, in 1991 in several instances the Town Board gave
certain additional authority to certain individuals that they felt at the time comfortable and
were qualified to make a determination outside of the six week period. So this resolution as
we discussed briefly earlier would rescind those resolutions and basically limit us to the
state window of six weeks.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-That’s accurate Dan. I was conferring with Counsel prior to this; I
think we’re going to be able to move into a direction that lessens this a little bit. My main
intent here was to not have the current host of engineers who do not have to abide by the
State Law to be doing this because they’re representing applicants not the town and until
such time as we get better clarity on that, I was comfortable with this. Also I discussed that
it’s June to March but they do reference six weeks after the frost leaves the ground. Now, I
would be willing to probably work with it just June to March but I think it’s going to be
loosened up a little bit but for right now I wanted to rescind those that, to have privilege
because they represent the applicants not the town.
TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-This is by resolution because the appointments and
rescissions are by resolution. If you want to change our code, that’s local law, you’ll have to
do the public hearing process.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-I don’t have any issue with this at all Roger but I just wanted to
ask did we or are we going to look at other communities to see what they do?
COUNCILMAN BOOR-Most other communities have an engineer.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-Maybe we could have contract with an engineer until such time
we do have one to possibly do this for us.
COUNCILMAN BOOR-That’s a possibility but the bottom line is, the ones that are named
here are the ones that are sitting at that table getting paid by applicants and that’s not what I
COUNCILMAN BREWER-I understand that, I don’t have a problem with it, I just want to
know if we’re going to come back to this and possibly appoint some particular person.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Correct, I think we’re all in agreement on that. (vote taken)
RESOLUTION NO.: 196, 2006
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 781
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 69,2003, the Queensbury Town Board authorized
establishment of the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project and
establishment of the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project Fund #137
to fund expenses associated with the Project, and
WHEREAS, such Capital Project for the Routes 9 and 254 area congestion
improvements, Town of Queensbury P.I.N. 1753.82 (the “Project”), is eligible for
funding under Title 23 U.S. Code, as amended, that calls for the apportionment of the
costs of such program to be borne at the ratio of 80% Federal funds and 20% non-federal
funds, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 446.2004, the Queensbury Town Board
reaffirmed and authorized its establishment of the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic
Improvements Capital Project and authorized the Town Budget Officer to pay in the first
instance 100% of the federal and non-federal share of the cost of preliminary engineering
work for the Project or portions of the Project, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury wishes to again advance the Project by
again making a commitment of 100% of the non-federal share of the costs of preliminary
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby reaffirms and authorizes
its establishment of the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project #137,
Town of Queensbury P.I.N. 1753.82 (the “Project”), and
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the
Town Budget Officer to pay in the first instance 100% of the federal and non-federal
share of the cost of preliminary engineering work for the Project or portions of the
Project, and
RESOLVED, that the sum of two-hundred twenty-four thousand dollars
($224,000) has already been appropriated from Fund #64 – Capital Reserve Fundand
made available to cover the cost of participation in the above phase of the Project, and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 782
RESOLVED, that the additional sum of thirty-four thousand dollars ($34,000) has
already been appropriated from Fund #64 a- Capital Reserve Fund and made available to
cover the additional cost of participation in the preliminary engineering phase of the
Project, and
RESOLVED, that in the event that the full federal and non-federal share costs of
the Project exceeds the amount appropriated above, the Queensbury Town Board shall
convene as soon as possible to appropriate such excess amount immediately upon the
notification by the New York State Department of Transportation, and
RESOLVED that the Queensbury Town Board further authorizes and directs the
Town Supervisor and/or Executive Director of Community Development to execute all
necessary Agreements, certifications or reimbursement requests for Federal Aid and/or
Marchiselli Aid on behalf of the Town of Queensbury with the New York State
Department of Transportation in connection with the advancement or approval of the
Project and providing for the administration of the Project and the Town’s first instance
funding of Project costs and permanent funding of the local share of federal aid and state-
aid eligible Project costs and all Project costs within appropriations therefore that are not
so eligible, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Executive
Director of Community Development to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the
New York State Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary
agreement in connection with the Project, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town
Supervisor and/or Executive Director of Community Development to take all action
necessary to effectuate all terms of this Resolution, and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 783
RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES : None
ABSENT : Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 197, 2006
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury currently uses Leadsafe Environmental for its
lead based paint risk assessment services, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Governor’s Office for Small Cities has
recommended that the Town Board solicit proposals for the Town’s lead based paint risk
assessment services, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Community Development has requested Town
Board authorization to prepare and distribute a Request for Proposals (RFP) to distribute to
qualified businesses in the Queensbury area and Capital District areas,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the Community
Development Department to prepare and distribute a Request for Proposals for lead based
paint risk assessment services to qualified businesses in the Queensbury area and Capital
District, such RFP to conform to New York State Government Finance Officers Association
specifications and recommendations and to require that all businesses submitting proposals
comply with all applicable regulations of the State of New York, and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 784
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Department of
Community Development to require all qualified businesses to submit proposals by the end
of April 2006 so that the Town Board may review the proposals and enter into an agreement
for the required lead based paint risk assessment services.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-How much did we pay for this last year?
SUPERVISOR STEC-Stuart, you might want to give a little background on what we’re
doing here too, I know that you were encouraged by the Governor’s Office for Small Cities
to put this out to bid, this lead based paint risk assessment for our grants.
MR. STUART BAKER, Senior Planner-That’s correct, I don’t know how much we paid
last year.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-I ask that, I wanted to know if this was material.
MS. JENNIFER SWITZER, Budget Officer-I don’t think we paid more then two or three
thousand dollars for this last year and the reason that we’re doing it is, I’m sure Stuart is
going to explain is because the State has come in and said, you have to do this.
MR. BAKER, Senior Planner-The Governor’s Office for Small Cities is one of the three
funding sources we have with New York State for our Housing Rehab Program and they
have requested that we go out to bid for this.
MS. RYBA, Executive Director-And we really don’t know I think from year to year what’s
its going to be because it addresses homes that are built before 1979 so until we have more
information on who we’re rehabbing, we don’t particularly know.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-The only thing I would like to do is change it from the middle
of April to the middle of May. I think by the time you get out and try to communicate to all
qualified businesses and ask them to submit a proposal to the Town of Queensbury, it’s
quite ambitious to try to accomplish that by the middle of April as the resolution reads.
SUPERVISOR STEC-You’d like to amend your motion?
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-To the middle of May, unless there’s a time constraint.
MR. BAKER, Senior Planner-I actually think the middle of April is doable, there’s actually
only three businesses in the region that are qualified to bid on this.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Alright, well work with me, let’s do it to the end of April.
MR. BAKER, Senior Planner-That’s fine.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Tim, are you fine with that amendment?
SUPERVISOR STEC-Alright as amended… (vote taken)
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 785
RESOLUTION NO.: 198, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec
WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 337,2001 the Queensbury Town Board expressed
support for an application by the Town of Moreau to the NYS Department of State Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program and authorized a letter from the Town Supervisor
expressing such support and a $10,000 cash and in-kind contribution from the Town, and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the grant application is to develop a Local Waterfront
Master Plan for the Hudson River including the Town of Moreau, Town of Fort Edward,
Town of Queensbury, City of Glens Falls and Village of South Glens Falls, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Moreau has been awarded the grant, and has finalized
Contract No.: C006268 with the NYS Department of State, and
WHEREAS, under the terms of such Contract, the Town of Moreau must
document participation of these communities through commitments of cash, in-kind
services and participation in the Local Waterfront Revitalization.
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby reaffirms its support of the
Hudson River and Champlain Feeder Canal Intermunicipal Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program, and
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 786
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes a combination of Six Thousand
Dollars ($6,000.00) in matching funds and Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) in in-kind
services not to exceed the total amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), and
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the
Town Budget Officer’s Office to take all action necessary to transfer funds and amend
the 2006 Town Budget as follows:
001-1990-4400 001-8030-4400 $ 6,000.
(Contingency) (Community Reach Misc Con.)
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town
Supervisor to sign any documentation and take any action necessary to effectuate the
terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006 by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
MR. BAKER, Senior Planner-Essentially we’re finally getting to, out of the starting gate
as it were on a project, an intermunicipal planning project that was first discussed in
2001. The project involves the towns of Moreau, Fort Edward, Queensbury, City of
Glens Falls and the Village of South Glens Falls and the particular project is to do a
waterfront revitalization plan along the shared sections of the Hudson River. The town
along the way has committed staff resources and a ten thousand dollar cash and in-kind
match, that match is six thousand dollars cash, four thousand dollars of staff time. The
staffing in-kind services would primarily be through my participation on the coordinating
committee for the project. (vote taken)
RESOLUTION NO.: 199, 2006
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 787
SECONDED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
WHEREAS, Warren County Board of Supervisors recently unanimously adopted
and enacted Local Law No. 2 of 2006 which provides for an increase in the cap or
maximum exempt amount for Veteran’s tax exemptions under New York State Real
Property Tax Law §458-a, and
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board also wishes to consider adoption of Local
Law No.: __ of 2006 to amend the Queensbury Town Code Chapter 155, “Taxation” by
adding a new Article III entitled "Exemption for Veterans” to provide for an increase in the
cap or maximum exempt amount for Veteran’s tax exemptions under New York State
Real Property Tax Law §458-a, and
WHEREAS, the proposed Local Law No. ____ of 2006 proposes to establish the
maximum Veterans exemption allowable from real property taxes as follows:
1.Qualifying residential real property would be exempt from taxation to the
extent of fifteen percent (15%) of the assessed value of such property,
provided, however, that such exemption not exceed the lesser of Twenty-
Seven Thousand Dollars ($27,000) or the product of Twenty-Seven
Thousand Dollars ($27,000) multiplied by the latest state equalization rate
for the assessing unit;
2.A veteran who served in a combat theatre or combat zone of operations
would be exempt from taxation to the extent of ten percent (10%) of the
assessed value of such property; provided, however, that such exemption not
exceed the lesser of Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18,000) or the product of
Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18,000) multiplied by the latest state
equalization rate for the assessing unit; and
3.Qualifying residential real property owned by a veteran who received a
compensation rating from the United States Veterans Administration or
Department of Defense because of a service connected disability would be
exempt from taxation to the extent of the product of the assessed value of
such property multiplied by fifty percent (50%) of the veteran’s disability
rating, provided, however, that such exemption not exceed the lesser of
Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000) or the product of Ninety Thousand
Dollars ($90,000) multiplied by the latest state equalization rate for the
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 788
assessing unit and where a veteran died in service of a service connected
disability, such person would be deemed to have been assigned a
compensation rating of one hundred percent (100%);
WHEREAS, this legislation is authorized in accordance with New York State Real
Property Tax Law §458-a and New York State Municipal Home Rule Law §10, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning adoption of
this Local Law,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall meet and hold a public hearing
at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
April 17, 2006 to hear all interested persons and take any necessary action provided by law
concerning proposed Local Law No.: __ of 2006, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Queensbury
Town Clerk to publish and post a Notice of Public Hearing concerning proposed Local Law
No. __ of 2006 in the manner provided by law.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 200, 2006
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 789
SECONDED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury and the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire
Company, Inc. (Fire Company) have entered into an Agreement for fire protection services,
which Agreement sets forth a number of terms and conditions including a condition that the
Fire Company will not purchase or enter into any binding contract to purchase any piece of
apparatus, equipment, vehicles, real property, or make any improvements that would require
the Fire Company to acquire a loan or mortgage or use money placed in a “vehicles fund”
without prior approval of the Queensbury Town Board, and
WHEREAS, a manhole cover located on the Fire Company’s property, specifically
on the firehouse’s Luzerne Road driveway, has collapsed, and
WHEREAS, this unexpected property damage will increase the cost of providing
necessary fire protection services to the Town, and
WHEREAS, the Fire Company received a quote from a contractor for repair costs
and received a quote in the amount of $5,000, and
WHEREAS, the Town Highway Department Superintendent has advised the Fire
Company and Town Board that the Highway Department could make the needed repairs
with the dollar value of in-kind services estimated not to exceed $500, where the Fire
Company will pay the cost of the necessary materials which are estimated to be $624, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning the Town
Highway Department’s proposed replacement of the collapsed manhole cover on the Fire
Company’s property and the corresponding increase in the Fire Company’s budget and
amendment of its Fire Services Agreement, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board feels that doing this will cost less to the Town’s
taxpayers than the Fire Company paying $5,000 to correct this damage by contracting with a
third party,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall conduct a public hearing
concerning the estimated $500 increase in the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company,
Inc.’s budget for the Town Highway Department to replace the collapsed manhole cover on
the Fire Company’s Luzerne Road driveway, and the corresponding amendment to the Fire
Company’s Agreement with the Town of Queensbury for fire protection services, on
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 790
Monday, April 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road,
Queensbury, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury
Town Clerk to publish a Notice of Public Hearing in the Post-Star Newspaper once at least
ten (10) days prior to the Public Hearing.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 201, 2006
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
WHEREAS, by Resolution 337.2005 the Queensbury Town Board became Lead
Agency and held a public hearing to consider the environmental impacts of the Bay
Meadows Planned Unit Development, and
WHEREAS, by Resolution 534.2005, the Town Board made a SEQRA negative
declaration on the PUD amendment ant its associated housing project, and
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Planning Board is currently considering a site plan
by The Michael’s Group, LLC at the Bay Meadows PUD, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board believes new information relevant to the
environmental impact of this project has been presented before the Planning Board as
part of its current review, and
WHEREAS, at a March 27, 2006 Town Board Workshop Meeting, the Town
Board discussed the possibility of scheduling a public hearing and the reopening of its
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 791
original November 28, 2005 SEQRA findings for the Bay Meadows Planned Unit
Development zone amendment,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall hold a public hearing on
Monday, April 17, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay
Road, Queensbury to hear all interested parties concerning new information related to
stormwater management, pre-development groundwater levels, floodplains and soils and
the prior SEQRA approval, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby indicates its wish to re-open the SEQRA
review of this Project and authorizes and directs the Town Clerk and/or Executive Director
of Community Development to send a copy of the Long Environmental Assessment Form
Part I and certified copy of this Resolution to any and all communities or agencies that it is
necessary to give written notice to in accordance with New York State Town Law including,
but not limited to, the Warren County Planning Board, notifying the involved agencies of
this reconsideration, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town
Clerk’s Office to provide 10 days notice of the public hearing by publishing the attached
Notice of Public Hearing in the Town’s official newspaper and posting the Notice on the
Town’s bulletin board, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Community
Development Department to provide the Town Clerk’s Office with a list of all property
owners located within 500' of the area to be rezoned so that the Town Clerk’s Office may
send the Notice of Public Hearing to those property owners, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town
Clerk’s Office to send the Notice of Public Hearing to the Clerk of the Warren County
Board of Supervisors, Warren County Planning Board and other communities or agencies
that it is necessary to give written notice to.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 792
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Dan, over the weekend we had a chain of emails, first one, I
wasn’t happy with the resolution, I went to staff and reworked it and came up with a second
one and then further revised on the third one. I understand you had some concerns with my
last one.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-I’ll concede the point.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Are you okay with the second one?
SUPERVISOR STEC-Yes, absolutely.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Now do you have that one?
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Okay, let’s make sure it’s the same one.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Absolutely. I was hopeful that we would get to this. (distributed
copies of proposed resolution)
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-Okay, I wanted to make sure that this referral on 265 was
omitted because that’s not applicable nor is it, do we need to give the intention to be lead
agent when we already are lead agent.
SUPERVISOR STEC-Absolutely, I have no problem with that.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-So, alright, I’ll stay with this one then and then the only other
question I have, I know Tim got to look at this and Roger did, you were busy, do you care
before we vote to see these pictures?
SUPERVISOR STEC-I saw them, I don’t have a problem with considering that new
COUNCILMAN BREWER-I would just make a request, before we have this meeting I
would like to have you give me a call or talk to me or show me what this new information is
other then those pictures. I mean certainly so I can understand what we’re about to do.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-That would be fine, I’d be happy to explain to you how I see
the SEQRA process unfolding and we can discuss it.
COUNCILMAN BREWER-We can do it next Monday.
COUNCILMAN SANFORD-That will be fine… (vote taken)
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 793
RESOLUTION NO.: 202, 2006
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to approve the audit of bills
presented as the Warrant with a run date of March 30, 2006 and a payment due date of
April 4, 2006,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the Warrant with a
run date of March 30, 2006 and payment due date of April 4, 2006 and totaling
$1,494,811.99, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Budget Officer
and/or Town Supervisor to take such other and further action as may be necessary to
effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford
NOES : None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
RESOLUTION NO.: 203, 2006
SECONDED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns
its Regular Town Board Meeting.
Regular Town Board Meeting, 04-03-2006, Mtg #12 794
Duly adopted this 3 day of April, 2006, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Strough
No further action taken.