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190 Regular Meeting - June lly 1964 Present: .John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond-Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. Visitors were greeted as follows: Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Grooms Mobile Home Owners ., Mr. & Mrs. Charles 'A. Gilli's Mr. Ralph Brothers Mrs. Grace Seaver Mrs. Helena ,Seaver Q Mr. George.Curtis Salesman Mobile-Homes Bernard J. Codner - Superintendent of Highways George Kushner - Member of the Planning Board Barbara Bell - League of Women Voters Attorney Albert E. . Beswick Bernie Zovistoski - Post Star MEMBERSHIP ROSTER OF BAY-RIDGE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC. A Aronson, David *S - Covell, Harry *A Ingraham, 'Thurston A Aronson, Herman S .Crooks, Chelse 3 Irish, Francis S Austin, John D. A Dougher, Thomas S Irish, Robert W, A Bardin, Ben A . Durkee, .Fred .S. .*A Johnson, Eugene S Barney, Clayton J. A Elms, Clarence H. *S Johnson, Lester R. A Barrett, Jack *S Ferguson, Ernest -A Kellogg, Russell S Bartlett, Richard J. -A Ferguson, Milton S Kingsley .Raymond j *S Beers, Charles A Flower, John A Kubricky, John A Bennett, Richard S Frasier, Marion, Jr. A Kubricky, . Richard J. S Bishop, Victor J. A Frye, Robert C. A Landry, Douglas S Blinn, Ed S Gillespie, Richard A , Lembke, Phillip W. *S Blowers, Leo S Grant, Edgar J. A Licht, Rev. F. Divoux *S Bowman, John *S Gwinup, Garner *S Lucas, Floyd C. -A Bowman, John L. S Gwinup, Orlie A Maille, Peter G. A Bowman, Otis L, A Harris, Curtis A Marcantonio, Alfred S Bridge, J. Gardiner *S Harris, Stanley B. S Martell, Melvin A Bubbs, Frank -A Harvey, James G. *A Martindale, Clayton S Cantiello, Joseph A Hawley, Charles H. A Martindale, Floyd S Caoutte, Theodore A Hay, Victor A Martindale, Francis A Chambers, Floyd S Henderson, Herbert A.A Martindale, Irving C. A Kinne Kenneth S Hewitt Clo son Mc A Chambers Ralph s .ys P S Champagne, Frederick S Higgins, Ernest C. A Melanson, Francis G. A Chevrier, Louis J. A Holley, Daniel E. A Mellon, Charles A Conklin, James S Howe, George A Mellon, William A Coons, Kenneth A Huntley, Brier S Miller, Robert S Covell,- Carl A. A Mollick, John A Monahan, Robert *S Mosher, Arthur *S Nassivera, Louis --t S Norton, J. Arthur A Odgen, Charles A Porter, Donald C. 191 A Rathbun, Harold *S Titus, Harold C. A Riecio, Frank --S Toomey, Howard M. S Roberts, Richard W. A, Turnbull,.Arthur A Robinson, Fred A Van Dusen, Sidney S Sanford, Clark W. A Van Vorst, Donald A Sawn, Richard D. S Wagoner, Ellwood •A Sharrow, Edward A Webster, John 0, S Shultz, Reginald F. S Weller, Hally S Smith, Asa H. A Wells, H. Donald A Somerville, Sam A West, Gary A Stevenson, Clarence A Wilson Warren A. S Steven'-son, Walter S Wilson, Wendall A Stewart, John C. A Zverblis, Frank J. A Stone, Richard *Life Members - 15. Active Members - 61 Social Members - 49. Dues Paying Members - 95 June 8, 1964 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH District Office I 13 South Street,. Glens Falls, N.Y. j June 3, 1964 . QueensburyaTown Board Re: Refuse Disposal Area Chestnut Ridge Road Queensbury T. Glens Falls, New York Warren County Att: Mt. John 0. Webster, Supervisor Gentlemen: May and June 1 1964 y 28, 1964, , , an inspection was made of the refuse disposal area operated by the Town of Queensbury. The following violations of Part. 19 of the New York State f Sanitary Code existed at thise times: REFUSE NOT COMP*CTED AND COVERED DAILY. Refuse shall be compacted. and covered each day the refuse area is used, with a compacted layer of at.. least six inches of suitable cover material. NUMEROUS FLIES, INSECTS AND/OR RODENTS OBSERVED. Effective means shall be. taken to' control flies, rodents, and other insects or vermin at a refuse disposal area to thezextent that they shall not constitute a nuisance affecting public health. These conditions are violations of Part 19 of the State Sanitary Code and should receive your immediate attention. Please contact this office if.we can be of any service to you* Perhaps an on the site conference with representatives of the Town and this office would aid in resolving .,this unsatisfactory situation. Very truly yours, Sterling H. Edwards SHB:dgS Public Health Sanitarian cc: .Dr Robert A" Reid 192 Mr. Codner recommended to. the, Town Board that it is his opi#on that a request would be.honored fpr an exemption to do with regular in spection of the Town Dump., The State of New York, Departmenttof Health will be contacted ;tt a later date to institute this request. The following letter was repeived to substantiate aR voucher which will be audited in the reguXar manner at a later time on Juno 11, 1964. , Frederick G. Bascom . r 1 Attorney at Law 24 Bay Street ` Glens Falls ` _ Newt.Yprk June 8, 1964 , Supervisor John 0. Webster Chestnut Ridge Road - Glens Falls, N. Y. - Dear_ John: Enclosed herewith is my bill for services as referee in five of the assessment cases brought against the Town of Queensbury Board of Assessors and which were recently decided by me. I would appreciate receiving. a check in payment of this claim as soon as possible. i Thanking you for giving your attention to this matter, Z am Very truly yours, , F. G. Bascom Copies of the legal decision in each of the five assessment cases . as they were handled by the court were presented to each member of the Town Board, Mr. Beswick, stated to the board, that the time is near when the Court of Claims will be hearing the case of the Town of Queensbury, against the State of New York. The claim has resulted from the confiscation of property which was used in the construction of Route 87. The case will be heard on June 29, 1964. A suggestion was advanced that Mr. Robert Leavitt a Real Estate Appraiser should be contacted to serve the Town of Qaeensbury in the capacity of a witness. The Town Board in its entirety,agreed that Attorney Mr. Beswick should- proceed with arrangements to hear the case on the date specified. The Mobile Home Ordinance and the proposed Building Ordinance were read in their entirety by the Clerk. Mr. George Curtis was granted the floor, to speak in the behalf of the Adirondack Mobile Home Association. A copy of the Ordinance was requested at this time. The Supervisor explained the fact that all persons will be heard at the public hearing- on June 25, 1964. RESOLUTION NO: 95 Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson WHEREAS, the Town Planning Board has drafted and presented to this Town Board for consideration a proposed ordinance for the regulation of mobile homes and mobile home courts in the Town of Queensbury, and 193 (Resolution No. 95 - continued) WHEEEAS ' the Lake George Park Commission has -requested this Town Board to consider the adoption of a lsuild'ing ordinance requiring building. permits for the construction, occupancy and operation of temporary residences in that portion of the Town of Queensbury which lies within the Lake George' Park, be it RESOLVED that this Town Board hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance to regulate mobil6` homes and mobile home courts in the Town of Queeusbury at the Queensbury School on the 25th day of June, 1964, at 8:09 o'clock, P. M. (D.S.T.) and be it further RESOLVED that th{is Town Board hold w*public hearing on the proposed ordinance requiring building permits for temporary residences in that portibt of the Town of Queensbury which lies within the Lake George Park at the Queensbury School on the 25 day of June, 1964, at 7:30 o'clock, P. M. (D.S.T.), and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk give notice of the time and place of such hearings by publication once in' the Post Star and the Glens Falls Times at least ten days before the date of such public hearings Duly adopted by the foll wore: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. ` son, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None ' The following visitors were greeted by` the board to- explain their complaints to do with the Queensbury Water Rystem. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Denison Mrs. Burger Mrs. Thomas Lawson Mrs. Robert Madden Mrs. Charles-Bridenbaker Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Rheubottom Mr. & Mrs. Edward Picken Mr. Joseph Milendino Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Smith Mrs. Merwin Pasco Mrs, R. Brennan Mr. & Mr. Edward Barrett Mrs. James P. Lamb Mrs. Robert Frasier Dr. C,_A, Swift Mr,. Picken was granted the floor, and presented a sample of water from 'his liaise'. Mrs. Rd Vert Frasier,; Pinewood Avenue,, was granted the floor to discuss complaints of all types on the 4kter co�idit*rons MrS Edward "Pfbkeni gpdke on� this cbridittions of"her appliances and also she is-unable to use water for normal use' within- their -ho66. Mrs. Carolyn Pasco and Mr. Reginald lheubotton also voiced similar complaints to do with the water supply. Edward Barrett questioned the board-at-V io the actual hardness of the water.- QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT Jerome Thorne, Acting Superintendent To: ' The Queensbury Town Board, Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor Monthly report for May, 1964. ` ' 17 water taps where made in the Queensbury District and $465.00 turned over to the Supervisor for tapping fees: ` ' 1 water tap in Shore Colony and $25.00 turned over to the Supervisor for the tapping fee. 1-94 (Queensbury Water Superintendents report - continued) Installation .work necessary for the new injection pumps for Calgon are nearly-com _,ete, in the Pump house: This word i.s being done by this department« We have now tried three Water treatment Chemicals, ,all are reported by the Engineer and Chemist to do the same job. Calgon Worren Chemicals Rumford Metofas $23.00 per 100 $18.00 per 100 $12.85 per 100 f Freight poor Freight poor Freight excellent $ unknown $3.60 per 100 $2,40 per 100 Vj Handling poor Handling good Handling .good to mix and use to mix and use to, mix and use The West Mt. Road Storage tank was filled this inonth.` The water mains in .the Water District that are being served -by; our , well water have been flushed'. 1rom the reports of our customers'- some areas along the Aviation Road will need a second flushing. The new fire Hydrants still` need some work done on them before they will be ready to use, this work is being done right now. In the meantime. the hydrants have been taged "Do Not Use". Respectfully submitted . Jerome Thorne - i 14ONTHLY STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR ' ' May, 1964 ' Date .� Receipt Ay,_qunt,... Source Received -- 2 FFrom W.G.F. Water $600. , Shore Colony $300.-to Queensburq Water -- Suparv�sign. 90q,00 20 From State of New York to General--Per �Capita Assistance 8,878.55 28 From General to Payroll Account--Payroll #10 19676.20 29 From Rozelle ,& LaPoipit $2�. , ,Kaily` Broil.,,$S,U. ,Savale $65.., to Queensbury Water -- water` .taps 140.00 29 From Highway Fund to Payroll Account--Payroll #11 39263.15 29-, From QueensbKry Water, #373. 0, Pine,.ViPF Cametery,$710,.96,, , to Payroll .Account--Payroll #�.0., 1,,054 46 Total Receipts 26,504.36 DISBURSEMENTS ' Date Amount P..d Fund or Account Pa id._ May Highway Account 192516.58 General Fund 53,372.46 Pine View Cemetery 1,619.07 Payroll Account ; , 119791.71 Queensbury Water District 81380.79 West Glens Falls Water District 622.50 Shore Colony `Water District ` 303.51 Fort Amherst Garrison Road Lighting 168.46 Cleverdale Lighting 41.08 Pinewogd Lighting 6.67 Reservoir Park Sewer ,District.Bord Aocqupt 130,00 West Glens Falls 14ater Ext. #1 Bond Account 950.25 I 195 DISBURSEMENTS - continued Date . Amount P aid Fund or Account Paid May leservoir Park Sewer 1.33 Queensbury Water District Construction Account-APW-Nif- 52G 21,284.09 Total Disbursements 709188.50 The following is a portion of the Supervisors Report for the m6nth of May which was omitted on Page 194. Date Receipt Amoutit Received Source Received May 1 From G.F. National Bank & Trust to Capital Reserve- Interest CD 350.00 1 From G,F. National Bank & Trust to W.G.F. Water Interest CD 175.00 6 From Weaver $25,Durcan $250.to Queensbury Water- Water tap 275.00 6 From F.Crannell to Queensbury Drainage--taxes 176.12 6' " Cool Ins. Agency to General Acc't--Ins refund 10192.52 6 F.Crannell to General--water fees 1.50 6 `'� F.Crannell to Queensbury Water--water rents 262.00 8 Angle- son to Highway Fund--rebuilding road 200.00 Winchip to C�ueensbury Water Dist.-,-water tap 25.00 11 Frank Cowles to Pine View Cemetery-Cemet. fees 202.50 11 " G.Crannell to General--Town Clerk's. fees 415.75 13 W.G.F. Ext.#1 Bond Acct to Capital Reserve-- Boad Redemption $525. , Interest 425.25 950.25 14 Prom Shore Colony $25, Melly Bros' $25„ Martin $25. to Queensbury Water District--water taps 75.00 14 From General to Payroll Acct--Pr. #9 19676.20 18 `" Queensbury Water $342;70, Pine View $704-.56'to Payroll Acc't--Payroll #9 1,047.26 Prom` Highway to Payroll-Account--Payroll #10 3487'.90 18 " Orleman $25. , Rawathorne $25. to Queensliury� Water -- taps 50.00 Note: TOTAL RECEIPTS shown on pAge 194. t r R. D. 1 Bay Road Glens Falls,,N. Y. June 2, 1964. The Honorable Richard Bartlett Ridge Road_ Glens Falls, New York t Dear Mr. Bartlett: { Approximately one year ago, I telephoned Mr. Herrick Osborne concerning the unsafe conditions existing in' the areas designated on the attached P etition. r At the time, Mr. Osborne explained to me that, in order to- enforce a 35 mile speed limit in this area, it would have to be approved by the state. He hlso explained ihat,- Yn order• to obtain such approval by the state, my request would have to be recommended by him (Mr. Osborne) to' the Thwn Supervisor, who, in turn, would forward their recommendation to Albany. C .196 Shortly after my conversation with Mr. Osborne, I received a personal visit from Mr. Turner, Mr. Aikens and one other member of the Town Board, who had received- my request via Mr. Osborne. These gentlemen assured me that conditions in this area were such that the -Town Board would certainly recommend to Albany that the speed limit on Bay Road between the Haviland/Blind Rock Intersection and"Suhhyside Road Intersection be reduced from 50 miles -per hour to 35. I firmly believe that these gentlemen did Just that, and that my request with their recommendations are now buried in some obscure filing cabinet somewhere in Albany. Since that time, in this area, there have been two actual accidents involving personal property and five near misses --(all involving children) 'becAuse of the existing speed limit. The voters whose names appear on the attached petition appeal to you in the hopes that you can do something about this situation before one�of,the 55 children living in this area gets killed or maimed; -- ' Very truly yours, Anne Sheeran Mazanek cc: Town of Queensbury Board of (Mrs. John B.. Mazanek) ' Supervisors _ Mr. Herrick Osborne Warren County Highway Commission ' The above petition was accepted with a t6tal number of signatures totaling 440- . RESOLUTION N0, 96 Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Robertson. j WHIIEAS this town board has received a petition from residents of the 'Bap Road, Town of Queensbury, for the creation of_a 35 MPH speed zone, and _ WHEREAS, this area is thickly settled, with many children living in the area, and WHEREAS, THIS BOARD DEEMS IT PROPER TO FORWARD this request to the Stite'Traffic Commission, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the town board of the Town of Queensbury does hereby request the State Traffic Commission to establish a lower maximum speed at which vehicles may proceed, not over 35 MPH, on Bay Road, Town of Queensbury, between the intersection of Haviland/Blind Rock Roads, notth to Sunnyside Road, and including Glen Leke Road from its intersection with Bay Road west to the Cottage Area to the northern end of Glen` Lake. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr.- Webster. Noes - None RESOLUTION N0, 97 Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr: Lampson BOND RESOLUTION DATED JUNE 113, 1964, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER SYSTEM IN EXTENSION N0. 4 TO THE PERSHINC_ASHLEY-COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $2,850.00 AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SERIAL BONDS OF SAID TOWN-TO PAY THE COST THEREOF. 197 (Resolution No. 97 - continued) WHEREAS, by proceedings heretofore duly had and taken pursuant to Article 12 of the Town Law,_ the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, has duly established Extension No. 4 to the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District in said Town, and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the construction of the improvements, proposed for said Extension. No. 4 to the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District and to provide for the financing thereof, now therefore be it RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Wj�tren County, New York, as 'follo' ` Section 'l. The construction of a sewer system to serve j Extension .No. 4 to the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District in the Town ,of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, substantially in i accordance with the map and plan annexed to and made a part of j the petition, including, the installation of sewer mains and appurtenances, is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $2,850.00. e c F Section 2. The plan for, the. financing of such maximum estimated cost consists of the issuance of $20850.00 serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury pursuant to the Local Finance Law. Section 3. It is hereby determined that subdivision 4 of paragraph (a) of Section .11.00 of the Local' Finance Law applies to the aforesaid specific obi ect or purpose and that the period of probable usefulness thereof is thirty years. It is hereby T j further determined that the"maximum: maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized will exceed five years. Section 4. The faith and credit of of Town said ` Queensbury are hereby pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same-become due and payable. There shall be' annually levied.upon all the taxable real property` in said Exten sign No. 4 to the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge. Sewer District an amount sufficient to pay the+princfpal _of and interest on said bonds becoming due in such year but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town Shall*be subject'to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal of and Interest on said bonds. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to- sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and`sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor of said Town, the chief` fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form, and contents and shall be sold insuch manner as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the .Local Finance Law. Likewise the power to determine the ter-m$, form and contents of the serial bonds hereby authorized to be issued is delegated to the Supervisor of the Town, the chief fiscal ` officer, in accordance with the provisions of this bond resolution consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately. ` i i The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote which resulted as follows: John 0. Webster, Sypervisor Yes Cc rtis' Lampson, Councilman Y,es N Harwood Beaty, Coundilman " Yes ; Theodore Turner, Councilman Yes ` Hammond Robertson, Councilman Yom_ The foregoing -resolution was declared duly adopted. y RESOLUTION NO. 98 Introduced by Mr; Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson WHEREAS, this Town Board on June 13, 1963, adopted a Bond 'Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of $519, 800 serial, bonds of £the Town of Queensbury to pay part of the-cost of the construction of a water system in the Queensbury Water District, and bond anntio3,$ation notes for the entire amount of $519,800 have been heretofore "isYsued and sold to provide funds for the construction of such water system r, pending the sale of the serial bonds, and WHEREAS, the -construction of the water system in the -Qutensbury Water District is substantially completed and Sykes, Galloway & Dikeman, the bonding attorneys, have recommended that the Town Board proceed with the issuance and sale of said serial bonds, be it' RESOLVED - that Sykes, Galloway & -Dykeman, the bonding attorneys, and Albert E. Beswick, attomzey for the Town of Queensbury, be and they hereby are authorized to proceed with the issuance -and' sale 'of $519,800 serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury for the Queensbury Water District in accordance with the provisions of said 'Sond Resolution and the Local..Finance Law of the State of New York, and be it further RESOLVED that said $519,800 serial bonds be dated as of June 1, 1964, and mature annually on June 1 in the following years and amounts: $14,800 in 1965; $15,000 in each of the years 1966 to 1967, both. inclusive; and $20,060 in each of the years 1977 to 1993, both in- clusive, with interest payable semi-annually on Jttne 1 and December l in each year commencing December 1,-1964. " ' Duly adopted by 'the' following vote: Ayes— Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mi. Robertson and' Mr. Webster. Noes - None i RESOLUTION NO. 99 Introduced by Mr. * Lampson, seconded by Mr. Beaty. WHEREAS, a large volume of high speed traffic is now being carried on Quaker Road, and WHEREAS, this board believes that the present stop, signs on Dix-Avenue E do not furnish adequate warning at its intersection with Qctaker Road, it thereby making this intersection dangerous and that motorists traveling on Dix Avenue are experiencing difficulties and .delays in ,entering , k or crossing Quaker Road, and ,F WHEREAS, both Quaker Road and Dix Avenue are County Roads, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby autho- rizes, that there be installed a red-amber-and green, traffic control signal 'at the intersection of Quaker Road and Dix Avenue and be it F further i �g9 (Resolution NO. 99 - continued) RESOLVED, that resolution # 56 adopted by this board on March 19, 1964, which had authorized a blinking traffic control light, be and the same is hereby rescinded, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Traffic Safety Committee of this board i's -hereby authorized and directed to make the proper arrangements''for the installation of this traffic control signal light. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, fr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None , -- RESOLUTION NO. 100 Introduced by Mr, Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, through lack of traffic control, a dangerous 'traffic"bizzard now exists at the intersection of Montray Road and Sweet Road, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that Montray Road should be generally considered a through street, by requiring vehicle traffic traveling east and west on side or cross streets, such as Sweet'ltdad, to stop before entering or crossing Montray Road, therefore be"it RESOLVED, that "Stop" signs are hereby authorized to be erected at the places where the-following streets or avenues intersect with Montray Road: Sweet Road, Kendrick Road,, Wincrest Drive, Oakwood 'Drive, and any others so intersecting g and be it further RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized and directed to cause the proper signs to be erected in accordance with this resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, that this -resolution shall take effect immediately.- Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes -' Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes'= -None RESOLUTION N0, 101 Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson RESOLVED, that permission be granted to hold `a Carnival -as follows: Sponser - Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Carnival - Continental_ Shows ,Place - Aviation Road Date - Jude 8.113 Furthdr RESOLM, that the Town Clerk -is~hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to hold aforesaid on receipt of the liability insuranoe .in the amount of $1009,000.00 and $3009000.00 coverage" by the production of a certificate -of insurance showing such'coverage:' . , . . t. Duly adopted by the following vote: t Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, ,Mr, Lampson, Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Webster ; Noes None 1,he' Supervisor presented-the following list of appointments to committees td belobserved during the balance of the year 1964. �1 i -0o s. 6/11/64 Now that the vacancy, due .to the resignation of counci_lmaii Harold C. Akins has been filled by. the appointment of Hammond Robertson, Jr. , to this Town Board, effective June 3, 1964, it seems advisable to make a further. revision to the Town Board Committee appointments for the year 1964, Through this announcement, I hereby rescind all committee appointments made on January 91. �1964t and the revised committee appointmsmts made on March 19, 19640 - r Effective this date I hereby appoint the following members- of. the board to serveton the following committees for the balance of: the year 1964. STANDING C0*1ITTEES Lampson Highway _ Beaty Z`iirnerT Lampson Betty Fire Companies Robertson Water Districts Turner Beaty . . ' Robertson Health . 'Lampson Beaty Turner Lighting Lampson Robertson Turner Drainage. Lampson . .Turner 'Robertson Election Beaty Robertson Lampson Assessments Beaty Robertson Latpson Insurance Beaty` Turner . . .Robb rtsox_ Legislative Robertson Turner Beaty. Cemeteries Turner Beaty Robertson Town Dump Turner Lampson `.Beaty . Traffic Safety Turner Lampson Beaty ,,, Industrial Development and Town Promotion Beaty Robertson Turner- Recreation Beaty . Turner lamp$on Planning & Zoning _ Robertson Beaty Turner Libraries Beaty Turner ` Lampson Sewerage Turner Beaty Lampson SPECIAL COMMITTEE ;Town Office Building - Entire Town, Board Chairman - first name listed _ « RESOLUTION NO. 102 Introduced by Mr. Turner,. secolided.by Mr. Beaty. WHEREAS, Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , consulting engineer,_.has recommended to this Town Board a change order in Contract No. 4 with Aoward A. LaRose -Ccnmstruction',Co,,.-,, 7.rsc.,, under Project.N.o. APWNY-52G, for the construction of the well house and furnishing and `installa.tion of well pumps, tenkfoundatiorls and appurtenance bydaletion. of Items 3,49 6 and 7, by reduction. of- Item all amount to $4,900..00 and by edging . __ . _.. Item 2 in the amounting to $495.00, resulting in 'a net deciease -of $4,405.00, be it RESOLVED, that change Order No. 1 (Final) , ' dated June 2, "1964, re= commended by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr: , Consulting Engineer, and accepted by Howard A. LaRose Construction- Co.., lnc. , progiding fora net re- duction of the contract price in the amount of $4,405.00 be and the same hereby is approved, and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute such Change Order No. 1 on behalf of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the 'following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None 2©1 RESOLUTION' NO. 103 Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Robertson RESOLVED, that the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #64-6 numbered 474 to 605 inclusive and totaling $52;612'024 is hereby approved. Deily adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robert§on and Mr. Webster. Noes - None ' On motion the meeting was adjourned. - Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell ` Town Clerk I Special Meetin ' I p g June 18, 1964 Present: John O. Webster Supervisor' . . N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30' p m. Visitors - Mr. & Mrs, Kurzmack - Mrs. Kurzmack - League of Women Voters I The minutes of the meeting of June 4th, 1964 was approved. Carried unanimously. The Supervisor presented the telegram from the director of the Bureau of Planning, which stated than the Urban Planning assistance grant to conduct the 701 Program has been approved. Jhe approval bears a number of P-76. A letter directed to. the Board of Supervisors, of the County of Warren was presented for study to all members of the Town Board. The nature of the message was. to suggest that the State of New York take over certain roads within the county in return for the fact that certain other roads would be relinquished to the County. MONTGOMERY WARD 240 Glen St, Glens Falls, N.Y. June 15, 1964 John O.. Webster, Supervisor Town of Queensbury ` Chestnut Ridge Road ` Queensbury, New York f I Dear Sir: Montgomery Ward Requests permission to bring the Continential Sows, rides division only- -into the Montgomery Ward Northway Plaza from August 24 through August 29, G Yours truly, H. H. VanEtten Store Manager I I I i