1964-07-09 222
Regular Meeting July 9, 1964
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood`)Seaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman
The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m.
Visitors greeted were as follows:
Frank Morgan
Frank Bronk
Juliette Ellingsworth - League of Women Voters
Mr. Frank Morgan presented a deed to a further extension of the
roads in a subdivision which he is developing known as Land-0-Pines
on the Mountain Road.
Mr. Frank Bronk was granted the .floor to discuss the ultinate sub-
mitting of a road in a subdivision known as West Mountain Park,
which has been approved by the Planning Board. The nature of Mr.
Bronk's request at present was to secure the permission of the
Town Board to install a 6" water supply main in a section of the
development, which would supply a 'total of 16 building lots within
the development in question. Mr. Bronk stated that it 'is his
intention to secure the permission of the City of Glens palls Water
Board to supply the water for the extension being planned. It was
also brought out by Mr. Bronk that he would install a fire hydrant
in the subdivision at the end of the proposed 6" water main. ' A
request was made by Mr. Bronk 'that the Town Board of the Town of —
Queensbury would submit a letter of approval to be presented to
the City of Glens Falls .Water Board. --
A group of visitors were greeted by the Town Board at this time:
Bernard J. Codner - Superintendent of Highways
Leslie Hillis - Fire Coordinator
Charles Ogdan - Member - Bay Ridge Fire Company
d Rathbun - Member - Bay Ridge Fire Company
Harold y
Jack Barrett - Chief - Bay Ridge Fire Company
Mr. Jack Barrett was granted the floor as the spokesman for the
Bay Ridge Fire Company. The visit was prompted as a result of
damage, which was discussed with the Town Board'*, The damige -.4as' to
one of the fire truck pumpers which is owned by the Bay
Company. It is contended that the damage resulted from stones or
roughage which was delivered from one or more hydrants within the
Queensbury Water District. The Town Board in a general way
suggested that the Fire Company should file a claim`agaiinst `the
contractor who installed the Queensbury Water System. The total
damage was quoted in the amount of $800.000
A group of visitors who had been invited to discuss the proposed
Mobile Home Ordinance, were greeted as follows:
Mr. George Curtis 1Kr, Clarence Grooms
Mrs. Grace Seaver Mr. Lester Baird
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoague
Mr. George Curtis was granted to floor. A request was made for a
general revision of the proposed ordinance. A statement was made
by Mr. Curtis that .the ordinance appeared to be a form. of .Spot
Zoning. A change in the fees to be charged to the Mobile Court
owners was requested by the speaker. The fact that the ordinance
requests plans to be submitted drawn to scale was discussed at
length. Mrs. Seaver and Mrs. Richard Hoague advanced the same
question in support of Mr. Curtis.
Mrs. Hoague stated that she felt that discrimination was apparent
in the ordinance as written..
- - Mrs. Seaver objected to the, keeping'of records of the operation
of a Mobile Home Court.
Mr. Curtis advanced the statement that the proposed ordinance is
Unfair and Unjust and in turn requested that the ordinance should
not be adopted at this time Mrs. Hoague and Mrs. Seaver voiced
a similiar feeling.
Supervisor Webster expressed appreciation to all=visitors. for
attending the meeting in order that they could express their
views on the proposed ordinance as a whole.
Mr. Turner reported on the efforts to secure an-installer for the
previously authorized blinker and traffic lights along Quaker Road.
A further effort will be made to secure a contract quotation for
the above mentioned installations.
The minutes of -the meetings of June 25th and July 2nd, were approved
at this time.
Unanimously accepted.
�-- .
Mr. Geo, Crannell July 8, 1964.
Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury
Please make the following changes in the Bay Ridge membership
Take off:
Maille, Peter
Aronson, David
Chevrier, Louis
Sanford, Clark
Put on active
Smith, Clarence
Parker, Lewis
Change from social-to Active.
Stevenson, Walter
Thank you
Jack Barrett, Chief
Albany, N. Y. July 7, 1964
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Warren County
We have the joint requests of the Town Board and the Waren
County Superintendent of Highways for lower maximum speeds on
Glenwood Avenue between Glens Street and Quaker Road, Bay Road I
between Blind Rock Road and Sunnyside Road, and Glen Lake Road
from Bay Road to the cottage area.
Our field personnel) have been notified and will conduct an
investigation of traffic conditions at these locations. Upon
completion of the necessary observations, we will advise yoo'of
the Commission's conclusions:
. Very truly-yours,
. By z. LL0YD,A0 MMER
Chief Traffic Engineer
H. Russell Harris, Commissioner • "'�
R. F. D. #2
Glens Falls, N. Y.
July 7th, 1964"
John Webster, Supervisor
RD #1
Glens Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Webster:
In order -to prevent the recurrance of a serious
situation we feel it necessary to bring the following information
to your attention.
I wish to report that _Westmount Infirmary has
been greatly inconvienced at times due to the fact that the
water has been turned off with no warning beforehand. As our
patient census runs around 77 you can understand how this
shortage of water hampers us greatly in carrying out .our.,work-
such as baths, medications, treatments ert. In addition we
have various types of machinery some of which have recently
required- specialized service and parts. We feel the repairs
were necessary due to the water being turned off before we
could turn the machine off.
It should be noted too that we have a high
pressure boiler in constant use. If we are unaware of the
lack of water and fail to shut it off it could result in an
We hope it will be possible for you to notify
us ahead of time, when planning on turning.off .the water, to
enable us to draw enough water for our use and turn off the
necessary motors and machinery. At least one hours notice
would solve the problem. We feel certain that you. did not
realize the inconvenience and danger this has caused. and also
how much it interferes with our patient Fare.
Hope this can be accomplished withour causing
a serious problem in your department.
Very truly yours,
(Mrs.) Isabelle Harris
Queensbury Water District
Jerome Thorne, Acting Superintendent
To: The Queensbury Town Board, Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor.
(Queensbury Water District report - continued)
Monthly report for June, 1964.
New Water taps made and connected - 4 '
New-Water" TapsTon-'file, fees paid - 2
A'total of $150.00 cohected in taping fees and truned over to
the Town Supervistsr - -
On June 25, a leak in the 12"water-main from the lower Junction
wasrepaired, Time required 4 hours; with 4 men.
C _ # 0 Q
All new fire hydrants have been .checked and operated andcleaned
artd all new and old water mains `have`been flushed and appear to be
free of all foreign materials.
The'WaT);en _County Fire'`Coordinator, Mr. Leslie Hillis, has been
notified Of this information. He has been requested to pass this
information, plus a request that all pumper`t*ests' bq Fire Companies
be do'ne'.- at our hydrant at the pumping station, for the present and
that' the Water Department be notified any time that the Fire Companies
have cause to us any fire hydrant in the Queensbury and West Glens Falls
Water District, to the Chiefs -of all the Fire companies in the Town of
50 -c"tomer service curb boxes have been located a4d records made.
15. *ater main gates and gate boxes hatre been loca 'd `cleaner and
recoids4made. .'
2 exsisting fire hydrants have been over'hauled'iM repaired.
This is all part of our new system"of repair, maintainence ,and
codmplete records.
A rtew Homlite 3" diaphram water pump has been purchased and received
and has been put in to service already by this department and the
Town Highway department. '
Thd new injection pumps and tanks for the Phosphate treatment of our
well water, have been received and the installation is now complete.
Research and testing is be.ing 'done"every day on `our water systeny,
by this department, and will continue until all tests show that the
water that we produce at the wells is the same clear quality water
that our customers receive.
Respectfully subrgitted by
Jerome Thorne
Acting Water Superintendent
Mr. Webster reported on a verbal report made by Mr. Jerome Thorne
'the Supdrintendent of the Queertsbuiy Water District to- do with a
series .of tests being conducted in the system at present. A
Phosphate Chdmical is being induced into the water supply which is
expected' to eliminate the vroblem of odor and settlings in the
system. Additional Chlorine is also being added to the systems
at proper intervals. s
June, 1964
Date Receipt
Received Source Received
5 From Warren Co. Sheriff s Hept.to General Fund-Fine 50.00
5 " Forrest Crannell to Queensbury Water--water rents
„ �� �� 19,595.17
5 to Shore Colony " " 510.00
(Monthly Statement of _Supervisor - continued)
Date Receipt Amount
Received Source . sec
5 From Forrest Crannell to_W.G,F. Water--water rents . 1,926.42
5 �t '! " to_Queensbury Drainage-taxes 73.52
5 t� '� to General Puna--Penalties'- 10.20
10 '� George Ciannell to General Fund--Town Clerk fees 96.90
16 Frank Cowles to Pine View Cemetery--cemetery fees
• $974.00 1 014 00
damage to -vault 4 0.00
15 " Queensbury Water 366.70, PineViewjpmetery 614.96,
General Fund 1,741.20 t6 Payroll Acc't--Payroll 411 2,722.86
16 From Highway to Payroll Acct-- Payroll., 12 3,795.85
1 -184.20
17 " General to Highway-- Labor at dump ;o.
17 Queensbury Water to Highway--Labor 55.60
26 General to Payroll Fund-=Payroll #12 19751.20
30 ` P3.:ieView Cemetery 512;56, Queensbury ,Water 407.10;_,
• to Payroll Acct--Payroll # '12 919.66
30 " From Highway Fund to Payroll Acc't--Payroll #13 3..650.55
Total Receipts 37,356.13
Paid .Fund 'or Aiccount Pa._id
June Highway Account 269213.62
General Fund 1614459.95
Pine View Cemetery Fund 1, .84
'Payroll Account 12,335574.74
Queensbury Water District 2,683.36
West. Glens Falls 4ater. District 906.30
Fort Amherst Garrison Road Lighting 168.46
Cleverdale Lighting " 07
Pinewood Lighting 6.67
Reservoir Park Sewer District 1.21 j
Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District 1,000.00' '
APW-NY-52G Queensbury Water Dist.Construction Acct 19.100'.°53
Total Disbursements 80,311.75
The Supervisor discussed the present change in the New Yo`rk *State
Per-Capita Aid for Towns. The, proposed special census which will be
conducted in 1965 will provide a definite aid for the town in in-
creasing the Per-Capita Aid in future years.
Mr. Codner reported that the newly purchased Galion Grader has been
delivered to the Highway Department. A suggestion was advanced by
the Superintendent of Highways that an amount of $1,489.00 be paid
out of Highway Funds and the balance would be financed over a period
of two years.
RESOLUTION N0. 117 Introduced by Mr, Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED., that permission is hereby granted to Henry P. Beaton of
43 Harrison Avenue, Glens Falls, New York, to make application to
the City of Glens Falls for water service to a lot situated at the
corner of Sawn Road and Stewart Road, thereby becoming a water
customer of the City of Glens Falls, and that a .copy of this re-
solution be forwarded to the City Water Board, and to Henry P. Beaton.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 118 Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by 1#-Lampson
WHEREAS, Hammond Robertson, Jr. , of Cleverdale, New York,,by
resolution number ;161:.da�ed October. 1962
� , .was ,,agpp�irited to a seven
year term on the town planning board, said term of.office to expire on
October, 1969, and
WHEREAS, Hammond Robertson, Jr. , has tendered his resignation from
the town planning board at the time of his appointment to this town
board, therefore be it ;
RESOLVED, that Paul E; Cushing, Jr. , of Cleverdale, New York, a
citizen and resident taxpayer of the Town of Queensbury, be and he
hereby is appointed• a,member, of the town planning board to serve
for the remainder of the enexpired term of Hammond Robertson, Jr.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
j Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
Town Board July 6, 19
Town of Queensbury
We the West Glens Falls Fire Co. #1 request permission
to have a Carnival on our lot o_ n Luzerne Road July
20th thru July 26
Enclosed is insurance certificate for same.
West Glens Falls Fire Co. #1
Francis Johnson, Sec'y.
RESOLUTION N0, 119 Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Beaty.
RESOLVED, that permission be granted to hold a Carnival as follows:
Sponsor - West Glens Falls Fire Company No. 1.
Carnival - Reithoffer Shows, Inc. - Reithoffer Amusements, Inc. ,
Place - F;Lremans Field, Luzerne Road
Date - July 20th thru July 26th, 1964
. Further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to -issue a permit to hold aforesaid on receipt of the
liability insurance in the amount of $100,000.00 and $300.000.00
coverage by the production of a certificate of insurance showing
such coverage.
Duly adopted by the following vote: ,
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
The Town Board agreed• in4 its entirety that the Supervisor should be
authorized and. directed to provide a letter of approval to Mr. Frank
Bronk, Parry Street, Hudson Falls, New York in answer to his request
#or permission to install a 6" water main in a subdivision known as
2nd Section of West Mountain Park. It is understood that the in-
s"tallation will be made whdar the direction of the Superintendent of
the Queensbury Water District.
RESOLUTION 'N0; 120' Introduced by Mr. Turner, seeonded by Mr.�,Robertson
RESOLVED, - THAT the Audit-4f Claims: as listed in Abstract, #64-7
numbered #606 through #70Z inclusive and totaling #20,306;22 is
hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
On motion the meeting adjourned at 12:30 p. m.
� - Respectfully submitted L r
George C. Crannell
Town Clerk
Special Meeting July 16 3, 1964
John O. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty (absent) Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p. m.
Visitors greeted lad -the rCeetiAg were' as follows:
Mrs. Barbara Bell - League of Women Voters
LeRoy Phillips- - Chief. of=2*11-ce
Bernard Codner - Superintendent of Highways
Leon Nassivera `= -Chairnaah of Assessors
Warren Varney- Assessor
George Liapes - Assessor --'
The contracts for the subsistence of each of the five fire companies
who are active in the Town of Queensbury were presented and signed
by each board member present. The contracts have to do with the
next five year period.
A letter was received and placed- on file from the Warren Chemical
Company, to do with the discussion of the Phosphate product being
used in the Queensbury Water District at the present time. The
system of establishing the water analysis was explained in the letter.
The Board of Assessors were granted the floor. Mr. Nassivera spoke
to the town board on -the ,subject, of house numbering within the town.
The question was d'iseussecf-as' to tote- actual authority that the.
assessors- have in establishing -the -house numbers''in any given locality.
Councilman Lampson, presented a letter of quotation to: install traffic
lights at this time as follows:
76 Boulevard,
Hudson Falls, N. Y.
July 132 1964
To, Town of Queensbury
Re: Signal Light at Quaker Rd. and Dix Ave.
Glenwood Ave.
I wish to submit a bid-of four hundred and forty-five dollars,
($445.00) , for the above lights - '