1985-126 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN Of QUEENSBURY No. 85-126 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Craig MacEwan and Honey Miller Lq OWNER of property located at Lot 14 Morningside Circle Street,Road or Ave. 3 Heatherbrooke Subdivision 0 in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a One—V am i 1 y nwAi 1 i ng at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is y 8034 Spruce St. South Glens Falls, New York W 0 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER S Name C Curtis Homes Inc. z HP N N 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address M 4. ARCHITECT'S Name r 0 5. ARCHITECT'S Address rt F-J 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) ( Wood Frame ( )Masonry 1 )Steel ( ) fi 7. PLANS and Specifications p, 491x29' per plot plan, specifications and application M No. submitted including two-car attached garage and sewage 0 system. ' lZ 8. Proposed Use M One-Family Dwelling 0 $5. 00 C/O Paid M m $ 105. 00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES November 1 19 85 ftj (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) K. 1-+ Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 18th Day of April 1985 Q � SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury ~ Building and Zoning Inepsc F+- A TOWN OF C A1EE"SSURY Building Dle"Tt,ment �a Per Remarks gxca atxon Food-n F'oru� Footin & piers Foundation Cewent Coat Water roofin Ba c7cfill Final Serve Framin c�eg.thi ' Roof Felt Roofs 11 Sidin Masonr Veneer Ron h Pl 0 Relief Valves Wall Board PINES sxt . porches Finished Floor Xnteri,or Trim .. l Stairs & Rail le in IS Cellar pro Concrete Floors Pl Fixtures Gar . Fire roofin soar Closers " Ch.I Water Meter Xnst ' Se tic A roval Floors Foundation -� — --" Xnsulation Walls Ceill lding rnspe,ctor RLPMpRKS i TOWN OF 04JEENSBURY Building Department Date N&=w Low Weather Permit No. Remarks Excas7a on Faati Farms FQatin & Piers Foundation Cement Cant waster raafin 8acxfill Final S urve F,ramin Sheathin Roof Fel t Rapfin n Masanr Veneer Rou h PI Relief valves Wall Board dLr gxt0 Porches Finished Floor Interior Trine ! �- t [.O Stairs & Railin s F Cellar Dr . Tile Concrete Floors t PI . Fixtures y� Ccrn JET Gar . Fire roofin !N Door Closers chimne Water Meter .Inst . Setic A roval F2DCY.Y's Founda tian .Insulation WSlis ----~ Ce31� -�- Built`Ting Inspector PXMARKS TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department w permat 1, ion. �I G� Remarks LXCaiYa t on Footin Forms Footin & Piers Foundation Cnt Coat Water rQafin BacFr]Ei.I3 Final Serve Framin Shea thin Roof Felt Roofin Siding Masonry Veneer Rou h PI Relief Valves Wall Board EXt . Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railin s Cellar pr . Tile Concrete Floors P1 r , Fixtures Gar . Fire ofin ,moor Closers Clz.imne Water Meter Ynst . Se tic A roval Floor's ---� —� Founda ti fin �...... Insulation Walls Ceilin Bu lding Inspector REMARKS v p [ yf�EJN s�t.gA/ fSL , p4I.+ TOWN OF CUEENSBURY Building Department fampacews RePwt D.te 4s� I Y Name . e�&U& ,✓)7AC Ewa&I^-r Pen=k No. W dettirer Remarks Exca1}a tion Footlnz Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat rater ropfin Bachfill Final SurveY Framing sheathing RCx�f Fel t Roofi Siding Masonry veneer Rou h Pl Relief valves Wall Board Ext . porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar &rr . Tile Concrete Floors P12xrw Fixtures Gar . Fire roofin Lic+or Closers chimney Water Meter Inst . Se tic Approval Floors Foundation .Xnsulation Walls _ Ceiling BU11dang Inspector REMARKS TOWN OF CtUEENSSURY Building Department Rem Date Namwr Pernaooi�kk Na -- Weat}aer Rernar*S Exca0a t on rooting Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Water roofin Backfill Final Survey Frardn Sheathing Roof Fel t Roofin Siding Masonry Veneer Rough PI Relief Values Wall Board 8xt . Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Raili Pf- Cellar Dr . Tile Concrete Floors PI:L>go Fixtures Gar . Fire roofin Door Closers ` chimney Water Meter Inst . Se tic A ronal Floors ` Pounds t1,on Insulation Walls [ceiling __......._._._. Building Inspector REMARKS TOWN of C EENSBURY Building Department Remarks Exca0a t.x on Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Water roofin Ba cJkfi.Il Final Surve Framin Sheathing Roof Felt Roofl n Sidinq Masonry Veneer Rough Pl Relief Valves Wall .board Ext . Porches Finished Floor l'ntexior Trim Stairs & Rail.fn s Cellaa- Dr . Tile Concrete Floors Plbgv Fixtures Car . Fire roof ''n Door Closers _ ChImneil Water Meter rnst . Septic Approval Floors Insulation Foundation +" Walls ceilipff B_u xldin ctar '� REMARKS TOWN OF C?UEENSBURY Building Depa,rtmeat Lupect° a Rcport Date ,r Location permit No. . Weather Remarks ExcaQatlon rooting Forms Footing Pooting & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Water roofin Ba ckE.j l l Final Survey Fromm Shea thing Roof Felt Roofin Siding Masonry veneer Rou h P3 Relief Valves Wall Board 7!ixt . Porches Finished Floor Tnter.ior Trim Stairs & Railzn IS Cellar Dr . Tile Concrete Floors PI . FiXtures Gar . Fire roofin Door Closers Chimney Water Meter Tnst , se tic Approval Floors Insulation Foundation Walls Building Inspector REMARKS