1963-01-01 ORG Or&ani.zation Ixeeting _ January 1 , 1963
John 0, Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold. 1,kins Councilman
The meeting was called to order, at 9:30 a. m.
?Ylr. Bernard Codner, Superintendent of Highways , of the Town of
Queensbury was present at the meeting.
-- The following applications for employment were read by _the clerk
and placed on file. v
December 31, 1962
I. Eugene J. Johnson, hereby make application for caretaker
of the Queensbury Town Dump #'1.
Eugene Johnson
December 31, 1962
Town Board
I would like to be reappointed. on Police Deprartment.
Raymond J. Hoag; ie
Connecticut Ave. _
West Glens Falls
December 29, 1962
.Town Board
Town of Queensbury
~ Please accept this letter as my application. for Collector
of Water Rents for the 'v,est Glen4 Falls Water District for the
year of 1963.
_ Very truly yours
Jack F. Crannel_l.
The following resolutions were submitted by the clerk for board
RESOLUTION NO. 1 introduced, by Mr. Elkins , seconded by ?,r. Turner.
RESOLVED, that the regular-meetings of the Town_Board of the
Town of Queensbury, shall be held on the second and fourth Thursday
of each month hereafter at 7:30 p.m.. at the Library of the Union
Free School No.. 2 on the Aviation -oad, Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes = Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. La4iDson, Mr. Akins and 14r. ` ebster.
Noes - None
_ RESOLUTION NO.. 2 intrpduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded,by Mr. Akins.
RESOLVED, that the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. , be
and is hereby designated dep-sitory for Town moneys for the year 1963.
~ Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Beaty, sir. Turner, fir. Lamp_ son, Mr. Akins and Mr. . ebster.
Noes - None
NO. 3 introduced by i!fr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Akins..
RE OrsVED, th=at the Glens �alls Times be �xnd is hereby desi.� nated
as the official newspaper for publishing legal notices of the Town
o Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the foll.owing vote:
t ves - Mr. Beaty, 14 . Turner, Mr. Lamson, ilir. Akins and '.,r. ;i'ebster..
Ns es - None
RE0OLU`lION iYu. 4 introduced by -r. Lampson, seconded by lair. Turner.
UI OLVED, that the following Town officers be and are hereby
authorized to attend, the annual meeting of the Association of Towns
of the State of New York to be held at New York City, N. Y.
February 4-6th, 1963.
Justice of Peace
Town Clerk
Receiver of Taxes
"uperi.ntendent of Highways
Peace officers
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the actual_ and necesspry expenses of any
Town officers attending such. meeting be and. the same are Town_ Charge,
FURTHER TZLSOLVED, that Supervisor Webster be and is hereby
authorized to cast the vote of the Town of Queensbur_y, and in his
absence ; Mr. 'skins is to cast the vote of the Town.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, 'Mr. Turner, 'Mr. Lam-oson, Mr. Akins and MIr. T ebster.
Noes - None
The clerk read a certificate of designation which was properly pre-
oared and forwarded to the Association of Towns.
RESOLUTION NO. 5 introduced by 1,1r. Akins, seconded by Ivlr.. Turner,
RESOLVED, that all incumbents for Superintendents of Water
Districts be appointed.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lamp.gon, Ins. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 6 introduced by I-r. Turner, seconded by Tvfx. Lampson.
RESOLVED, that Eugene Johnson be and is hereby appointed care-
taker of the town dump to serve at the pleasure of the board.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, T%Ir. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Webster.
-Noes - ?done
RESOLUTION N0. 7 introduced by 1,ir. . Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson.
RESOLVED, that Leslie Hillis be and is hereby appointed multiple
dwelling inspector to serve at the pleasure of the-board.
Duly adopted by the following; vote:
Ayes - Mr. meaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Ivirjj Webster.
Noes - None -
RESOLUTION NO.. 8 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Akins.
RESOLVED, that Mary St John be and is hereby appointed Town
Historian to serve at the pleasure of the board.
Duly adopted by the following vote: —"
Ayes - Mir. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Ilr; Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 9 introduced. by Mr. Akins, seconded by 1,x'. Lampson..
RESOLVED, that the hourly rates for town employees, beginning
with the :first payroll period of 1963 be and hereby fixed as follows .
Shovel operators $1.85
Grader operators 1.85
Motorized ec;uipment operators 1.70
Laborers 1.60
Duly adopted by the "foll,owing vote:
P.yes - Mr. Beaty, Mr Turner, Mr. Lampson Mr. Akins and Mr. Vebster
Noes - None
' SOJ UTION NO. 10 introduced by Tyr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner.
i2IL LVED, that John VanDusen be retained as Town Surveyor and
that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to -execute a contract
with the said John VanDusen covering such services on the same terms
acid on the conditions as heretofore.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, ;!?r. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins -and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 11 intrdduced by -Mr. Lampson; seconded by 1,1r. Akins
RESOLVEED, that James Tucker be and is hereby appointed Dog Warden
"for the year 1963.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. :Lampson, Mr. Akins land Mr. �Jebster
Noes - None
I?E50LLZ O'? NJ. 12 intrdduced by °1,r. 'Turner, "seconded by Mr, Akins.
RESOLVED, that purchase of materials , supplies and tools for the
Highwak Department maybe madd by the Town Superintendent of Highways
without the prior .approval of the Town Board where the cost thereof
does not exceed an aggregate of $500.00 during the fiscal year.
Duly adopted "by the following vote:
i>yes - Mr. Beaty, Mir. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. A'cins and lvb% Webster.
Noes = None -
RESOLUTION NO. 13 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by zr. Turner.
U.SOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Superintendent
of Highways to purchase needed sand and -ravel for use on the Town
Highways at a cost thereof not to exceed x.10 per yard.
Duly adopted by the following, vote:
Ayes - iIr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
noes - None
. .ESOLUTION NO. 14 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Turner
RESOLVLD, that the sum of $.08 a File be and is hereby allowed
for the actual and necessary use of the automobiles of a Town officer
in the performance of his duties.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Lyes Mr. L,eaty, 1-1r. . Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. "Iebster
Noes - None
January 1, 1963.
Town B6 ard , Town of Queensbury
Pursuant to Subc'. 10, Sec. 30 of the Town Law, I hereby
appoint Marion J. Crannell , Deputy 'Town Clerk, and Carol r.. �. ebster,
Deputy Town Clerk.
Yours very truly,
George. C. Crannell
p,USc,j,u,rjoN 1\10. 15 introduced by M:,. Akins, seconded by IIr. Lampson
WT'ETI.,E,I-c I George C. Crannell:, Town Clerk, has appointed Marion J.
1 " '
Crannell and Carol C. Webster as Deputy Town Clerks ;
THEIRIEFOI2Et be, it resolved that these. two Deputy Town Clerks
appointed by the Town Clerk shall have the power to perform all
duties of the Town Clerk, and such further duties as the Town Board
may determine, not consistent with law.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - T,Ir. Beaty, Mir. Turner, 14r. Lampson, Mr. !,;,kins and Hr. Webster.
Noes - ,None
REscq,,u`.iION No. 16 introduced by Mr. Akins , seconded by Mr. Turner.
TATHE',!R_'E,AS , due to the increase of business being conducted in the
Town Clerk's office it is deemed adviseable to provide compensation
for one deputy.
TFIFRFFOI,?E, be it resolved that the compensation o-F Marion J.
Crannell, De?-)uty Town Clerk, be aiid the same is hereby fixed at the
rate of $600.00 per year, payable monthly as follows :
$50.00 -- 12 months -
Duly adoptc,.d lby the following vote :
L �D
Aves - 71,4r. Beaty, Mr. Turner, '114r. LamT)soa, ',1r. A T kins and Mr. t�Tebster.
Noes - 'None
�7 S,LUTION 140. 17 introduced by II'. seconded by r. Beaty.
that the Tom will subscribe to Roberts Q.ules
of order for the yedr 1963.
ogly adopted by the followinc, vote :
I cw
eyes Mr. Beaty, mr, Turner, I.-ir, Lampson, 74r, �0.,cins and 14r. Webster
'does None
RESOLUTION NO. 18 by ?Sr. La.rfr)son.
introduced by, 'Ir %kins , secoqd.ed '
7? ')L, ED, that Leon Nassivera be and is hereby appointed
Chairman of the Board of Assess• rs for the year 1963.
Duly adopted by the follox,,7ing vcte :
..yes Yr, Deaty, Yr♦ Tdrn er, Y(r.' I
--)son, Iv!t. Akins and _ir. ^!ebster.
RESOLUTION NO. 19 introduced-by I-4r. !skins, seconded by Mr. Beaty..
the Town of Queensbury has established a Police Dep-
art�nent under Section #150 of the town law.
THERE 01-1,E be it resolved that the following are named to
positions in the Police-.Department For the year 1963, with com-
pensations as listed below:
Chief of Police - Le Roy Phillips - $1000.00
Special Crossing Attendent - Albert Ouderkerk - 1000.00
Policemen - Raymond Hoague - $300,00
Policeman - Dorrance Branch - 300.00
Policemen - Joseph Daire - 300.00
I'luly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes = Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr; Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr-, -Jebster.
Noes None
LESOLUTTION NO. 20 introduced by 7,1r. Akins , seconded by blr. Tampson.
IqHF,R,EAS,. George C. Crannell , Registrar of Vital !Statistics bas
appointed Marion J. Crannell as Deputy
TH'E?,,,EYORE be it resolved, that -Marion J. Crannell shall have the
power to Perform all duties of the Zelistrar of- Vital Statistics and
such further duties as the Town Board may determine,, not inconsistent
with In.w.
Duly,ddo�ted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mir. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Hr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and ?,Ir. -,,,Iebster
Noes - None
To the Honorable Town Board :
I hereby reappoint all 1962 standing and special committees of the
town board, for the year 1963.
Respectfully submitted:
John. C. Webs ter
RESOLUTION NO. 21 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by �1r. Akins.
RESOLImD, that the salary of each Town officer set forth in the
following schedule be and are hereby fixed at the amount and payable
in the manner and at the times specified:
John 0, Webster Supervisor $4,000.00 $333.33 -11 mo.
333.37 - 1 mo..
George C. Crannell Town Clerk 41000.00 333.33 -11 mo.
333.37 - 1 mo.
Harold C. Akins Councilman 1, 300.00 150.00 -12 mo.
N.. Harwood Beaty Councilman 11800.00 150.00 -12 mo.
Curtis Lampson Councilman 19900,00 150.00 -12 mo.
Theodore R. Turner Councilman. 1 ,800.00 150.00 -12 mo.
Meredith S. Bentley Justice of Peace 39200.00 266..66 -11 mo.
266.74 - 1 mo..
Andrew Butz .justice of Peace 2,300.00 191.66 -11_ mo..
191.74 - 1 mo.
?peon Nassivera Chr. . Assessors 31000.00 250.00 -12 mo..
Ernest Hillis Assessor 21100.00 1.75.00 -12 mo.
Warren T. Varney Assessor 21100.00 175..00 -12 mo.
Dr. Robert F. Reid Health Officer 1,750.00 145.83 -11 mo.
145.87 - 1 mo..
T-P-Roy Phillips Chief of Police
E m 000.00 83.33 -1Z mo.
83.37 - 1 mo.
?)or.ance Branch Policeman 300..00 25.00 -12 mo.
Raymond Hoa.gue Policeman 300.00 25.00 -12 mo..
Joseph A. Daire Policeman 30%00 25.00 -12 mo.
Albert L. Oudekerk .special Polieemarz 1,000.00 100.00 -10 mo.
. Each month except
July, August
Eugene Johnson Caretaker of dump 1,399.92 116.66 -12
Leslie Hillis Mult. Dwelling Insp. 300.00 25.00 -12 m.o.
Forrest Crannell Receiver of Taxes &
Assessments 31600.00 310.00 -12 mo.
Bernard Codner Supt. of Highways 6,000.00 500.00 -12 mo..
r4ary St. John Historian 180.00 15.00 -12 Tno.
Marion Crannell Deputy Town Clerk 600.00 50.00 -12 mo.
Sylvia Dougher Clerk 11500.00 125.00 -12 mo.
James E. Tucker Dog Warden 600.00 50.00 -12 mo.
George Lianes Supt.. NGFAI Dist. 11000.00 83.33 -11 mo.
83.37 - 1 mo.
Jack Crannell Supt. WG.!A4 Dist. 500.00 41.66 -11 mo.
L-1_.74 - 1 mo.
J. Neal Schoonover Supt. Shore Colony 300.00. 50.00 per mo.
for the month of IT ay
June, July August, September, and October
Peter J. HolmesSu-)t. n id.ge Rd.. Water
Dist, 100.00 8.33 -1.1 mo.
Franklin Scoville. Caretaker. PineView
Cemetery 3700.00 308.33 -11 mo..
303.37 - 1. mo.
urther RESOIXED, that the compensation fixed above for policeriien
is for Criminal matters and that the nola_cemen shall retain and are
entitled to retain all Civil fees.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, N11r. Lampson, fir. Akins and Mr. !ti'ebster
Noes - None
In reference to R.e.solytior. No. 1, establishing dates for board
meetings , it was unaniously agreed that Thursdays of each week
should be .reserved in a sense by all board members , should a
special meeti.na be deemed necessary.
Lengthy discussion ensued to do with the present status of neg-
ociations on the development of the Aviation tla7a Shopping Center.
Under new head the shopping center may still be established in the
near future.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
h espectfu lye submit
George .rannell
Town Clerk —'
Re.vular Meeting January 10, 1963.
- { John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman.
Theodore Turner Councilman. A
Curtis I,a_rnoson Councilman
Harold. Eakins _ Councilmal
The meeting was called. to order at 7 :35 p. m.
Visitors. greeted. as follows :
Hulda Ellingsworth - : epresent_ative of League of Women Voters
Catherine Daire - Visitor
Joseph Daire - Policeman.
Joyce Sebert - Republican Cor%,i.ittee Tloman
LeRoy Phillips - Chief. of Police _
3ernard Codner - Superintendent of highways
uc':y" Ccrlew - Ili_g,hway Fmployee
in the interest of business of the )ubli.e, "r. Josennh T'taire was
granted the floor.
?,Tr. Joseph Daire , ncl-howled-ed his a )poi_ntment to the Police
Department , of the Town of, Queensbury, with expressions of. app-
reciation to the Town Board for his appointment. The statement
of the fact that his efforts for the future would be carried out
to the best of his ability, was voiced by the newly elected
policeman , 1,r. Joseph Daire..
!, . 'vlebster, presented they fol7_c►wing letter froi;, the engineer,
r. Joseph Kestr.er. Jr. , to due with the request for a grant from
the ta.te of New York for financi.c.l ass-stance in a comprehensive
study on. Sewerage. problems
' C
A. h,ELS- MN ;R JR.
Consulting; Engineer
189 No. Lake Ave, ;Troy, gz. Y.,
January 8, 1963
fir. John-O. Webster. , Supervisor
Town of tueensbury
Chestnut Ridge Road
Glens Falls New York
Dear. Jahn:
Thank you for y c ur letter �;f January 4. and for Your thou ;ht:L ulnes s
in sending me a. copy of the Annual Report for the Town for 7.962..
Congratulations to you and to the meLnbcrs of the Town Loard upon
the completion of a ye,x of notable progress in all. branches of
Town ,overnrient.