1963-01-10 334
In reference to Resol$tior? No. 1, establishing dates for board.
meetings , it was unaniously agreed that Thursdays of each week
should be .reserved in a sense by all board members , should a
snccial meeting be deemed necessary.
Length; discussion ensued to do with the present status of neg-
ociations on tide development of the Aviation plaza Shopping Center.
Under new head the shopping center may still be established in the
riear future.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
,^espectfu ly�,submi_t
George ,rannell
Town Clerk —
Regular Meeting January 10, 1963.
John 0« Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Counci"lrrtan
Curtis Lain-!)son Councilman
Harold. Akins _ Councilman
The mePti"ng was called. to order at 7 :35 p. m..
Visitors. reeted as follows :
Hullo Ellingsworth - _R.e ores entative or League of Women Voters
Catherine Daire - Visitor
Joseph Daire - 'oliceman
Joyce Sebert - R.e,)ublican Com.n.ittee r-loman
LeRoy ?hill-ios - Chief of police
Bernard. Codner - Superintendent of Highways
C.(-,rler,- - i3ui.g hway i'm-)loyee
-In the interest of business of the public , Tr. Joseph ,hire was
granted the floor.
her. Joseph Daire , acicnowled, ed his a opoi_ntrnent to the Police
Department, of the Town of, %ueensbury, witb exore.ssions of -
app—reciation to the Town Board for his appointment. The statement
of the fact that his efforts for the future would be carried out
to the best of his ability,, was voiced. by the newl;, elected
olice-m«n, Yr. Joseph Daire.
�s. C-Yebster, -presented- the, following letter froi , the engineer. ,
'Mr. Joseph Kestner. Jr. , to due with the request for a grant from
the S.ta.te of New York for financial assistance in a comprehensive
study on, Sewerage problems
_ t
Consulting Engineer
179 No. Lake Ave,
.ve, r«y,, N. Y.
January V, 1963 _
TMr. John- O,. Webster, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
Chestnut Rid e Roa,'
Ole ns F cells ,v3ew work
ar John:
Thank. you for rL ur letter -
� January 4
.��f and for. Your thoughtfizlriess _._.
I.P. sending me a. copy of the Annual Report for the Town for 1962.
Congratulations to you and. to the members of t:ae Town Board upon
the corrLpletion of a ye.:r of notable progress in all branches of
Town �overD.r ient,
Last week I noticed in the Engineering News-Record that the Federal
Government is releasing an additional $200,000.000 in. funds for the
accelerated public works program.. v!e shoule' receive some word in
the near future concerning our application for funds. This might be
an opportune time to have Congressmen Carleton J. King check the
matter on behalf of the `mown.
On January 2 I discussed. the Queensbury application for cor;nrehensive
sewage works planning with r-zr.. Fdward Hocward. .who told me that the
application would be returned because he could not approve a single
application for the Town.. It will be necessary to submit an applica-
tion which will include for study the suburban area of Queensbury
with the City of Glens Falls. Mx. Howard does not know whether
Glens Falls is interested in a joint application, but indicated. that
the City has sewage problems which deserve study. He thought that,
over the years , Queensbury could study the Town sewage problems under
the following three planning grants :
1) A study of the suburban area of Queensbury jointly with the City
of Glens Falls. -
2) A study of the central portion. of the Town of Queensbury in-the
Glen Lake and Rush Fond areas.
3) A study of the Lake George area with consideration of areas in
adjacent towns and the Village of Lake George,
The State is insistant that comprehensive sewage works stud.l_es be
rude on the basis of drainage areas rather by political subdivisions.
For example, in the area of Troy the Towns of Brunswick, Schaghticoke ,.
North Greenbush and the City of Troy made a sing le appliapplication. Our
office is making the study for the Towns of Brunswick and Schaghticol<e;
and we shall work with the consulting; engineer -For the City of Troy
and the Town of N7orth Greenbush.. The practicability of a single plant
to serve all four political subdivisions will be studied, as will
separate plans to serve the townships.
In the event that the City of Glens "Falls does not wish to .participate
in a joint sewage works study at this time, I should be pleased to
work with you on a study of any areas in the Town which should he
considered at this time for sewerage end sewage treatment. I am
certain that we could make an economical appraisal of immediate
sewage problems on the same basis that the water studies have been
Cost breaksowns of the individual water ,projects constructed under
Contract No. 1 have been completed. I shall send the information to
you this week.
Joseph A. Festner, Jr.
"'he following letter was read by the clerk and pl<<ced on file :
January 6 , 1963.
Andrew R. Butz, Justice
Town of Queensbury
To TJem.bers of Town Board,
Sirs , I would like to request of yQu if at all possible
for the loan of the town secretary or to be allowed to hire a secretary
at town expense , for about four hours a week. If I could. get this
help. every, Sunday afternoon it would enable me to keep up with the
increased work load on this office.
Thanking You,
,:.ndrew R. .Butz
RESOLUTICN NO. 22 introduced by 14r. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson.
T1,EZOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to the West Mountain
Corporation, to hold a fireworks display on iiriday , January 11 , 1963
under the followin-0 conditions :
1) That a certification of Insurance in the amounts of $100,000.
each person, $300,000. each accident and $25,000. oroperty damage
to be filed with the Town Clerk.
2) That the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company, gives its
approval to the Town Clerk cQncerning matters o.� fire safety..
FURTHER _?.ESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and is hereby auth-
orized. and directed to issue a permit to hold such fireworks
display as aforeaa id.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Dyes - 1,1r. Beaty, 'Nlr, Turner, '11,1r. Lam.pson, !,.ir. Akins and Mr, -+' ebster.
Noes - None
Mr. Edward Howard of the State of New York Department of Health, w4.s
welcomed at the meeting at this time.
A lengthy explanation as to the status of the acceptance of the
application which was previously submitted by the Town of Queens-
bury was aired by Mr. Howard. ,.reas to be included in a compre-
hensive study of sewage problems were discussed at length. In
voicing his opinions as to the way that the study would be made was
enlightening but not at all in accord with the wishes of the members
of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury. statement was forth-
coming from '.,1r. Howard that the Town of Queensbury is not an accept-
able area for study of sewage. problems.
Councilman Akins , questioned 14r. Howard on all technicalities to do
with this proposed study. It developed into a definite fact that
the Town Board members of the Town of Queensbury, werenot in accord
with 11x. Howards opinion that several localities must be included
in the study in order to arrive at a satisfactory solution of the
It is to be understoof from Mr. Howards statemen",L-s that should the
City of glens Falls elect not to enter into the application for a
Joint comprehensive Study; the Town. of Queensbury would be accepted
to conduct the study for the Town alone.
Mr. LeRoy Phillips , expressed his appreciation to the Town Board
for his appointment as Chief of T?olice , of the Town of Queensbury.
Mr. Bernard Codner, reported on tkie present status of the work
being conducted at the town dump. It was stated by the Superintendent
of Highways , that all. further work, must wait-for, warmer weather
in the sorin-, of 1963.
The Superintendent reported on a problem with plowing a highway at
Glen Lake.. A, section of the land has been posted bX7 a resident,
making it impossible- to plow the road in it's entiret.y. The solution
of the problem rests with the residents as it was decided that same
is not a town problem.
Lake George, ?T.Y..
January 9, 1962.
11r. Bernare., Codner
Superintendent of Highways
Town of Queensbury-
Cl ens Falls 7 New York
Burton Letter - (continued)
Derr Sir:,
We are herewith. submitting specifications on an Oshkosh four
wheel drive truck which we have for sale. Incidentally, we have two
of these which are identical.. The price on each is $P,00..00.
1950 Oshkosh Dump Trucks Serial No. 3745, ljoodel. W312-10SPD„
capacity ^5 ton, Gross of 259 0000 5 sr�e'ed transmission with 2 speed
auxiliary, 4 wheel drive,' L-head motor,1 ;510 amn. generator, Governor
35 i.p. '. Has Hercules re.uilt "engine which is a model WXLCO 39
1.26 h.p.', 2800 r.p.m., 40.4 cu. in. _cylinder displacement. Has six
excellent 10:00 s 20 tires' 'any'. -cab mounted snow pfoi,? lights. It has
a Garwood dump, Model C-12, Serial No.. 325360, capacity of 3 yards
and with sideboards 4 yards. Is equipped for a sand spreader.
The general condition is excellent and we just drove it 350
miles and t used no mil.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - -
Thank you very' much- 'f'er tlie, pra.vil.e�e. o _submitting this
_nf ormat'ion.
Very truly yours ,
neuglas C. Burton
Mr. Codner stated that foll`owin-g- Wis inspection , the trucks
quoted above appear to be in good_ working condition...
Upon recommendation of the Superintendent' of Highways , the board
proceeded to authorize the purchase of one of the previously ment-
ioned tri...cks.
:-.5'.iILTI: �? 1\70. 23 introduced by 1,tr. Akins , seconded by Mr. . Lamnson.
1AT iIPPDQS, Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent of Highways , has recommended.
that this board approve purchase of one 1950 used Oskosh Damp Truck;
to be used. by the 0.E-hway Department in the heavy duty act of �plow`i_ng
(1`'fi.cult sections of roads , for the sum of 800..00,^ therefore be ^it
°'.!:,")LVED, that the purchase of one used 1950, Oskosh dump truck �Erom
Murton Equipment Com-zany, of Lake George, 'New York,, f or the sure of
$800.90 be and the same is hereby approved.
Duly adorned by the fol.lowi.ng vote.
w:yes - '11r. Beaty, 144. Turner, Mr. Lampson, 11r. Akins and 1"'r. V ebster,
Noes - ?ore "
ESuLUTION NO. 24 introduced by Hr. Turner, seconded by Mir. Beaty.
Bernard J. Codner, Supe.rin.teade.nt of highways, has
recommended that this boerc' approve purchase of a used tank truck,
to be used by the highway department in the program of stabilizing
dirt roads, by spreadi_ng used' motor mil , for the sum of ` 200.00,
therefore be it
that the purchase of used 1950 ,ord tank. truck prom
the Duers Oil Company for the sum of $200. be anc. the same is hereby
Duly adopted. by the following vote : '
Ayes - YJr, Beaty, 4r. Turner,
Mr. Lampson, ? r. 'ca.ns and. �1r. Webster
�?oe.s - None '
` Lie follcwlna report was submitted by the Cemetery Commission of the
To-,,m of Queensbury.
.nnual aeport 1962
Cemetery C'om�issi_on - Town of Queensbury
(Cemetery Comnl.i..ssion Report - conti..nu}_.d}
"?alance , January 1, 1962 $21741.01
1..Y 1�.:I �T
Sale -o: Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ` 4,703.50
Openings, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-,645.,00
Vault 11'3nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210.00
Four'etions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.00
investment .ncor nc°.°. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371.30
o1- & 0
2ede=)ptJ—i U1 1rS Bonds . . . . . . . ... . . .`. . . . . . . 2 , 500.131?
D 1,-: NITS
Super.visor, Town of Q?ue.ensbur. y
757, Sa1P o :dots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5 27.62
(I fl z?gs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41645.00
V a111t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210.00
oi.znJaI ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.00
fans Pall_s Nat opal '.�� ? 'Trust Co.
To open Savings Account; $ 6,000.00
14, 571..62
Total Recei-)t:-s. . . . . . . .'112 ,61S.80
Total Di.sl3urse7nents. . . 14,571.62
Net Inco e. . . . . . .1,952 ..82
3��ia.rtce Jan. 1 , 1962 2,741.61
3alance as pe.ran1: fccount ^ec. 31. , 1962 738..79
Investments as of Jan.. 1 , 1963
?1,000.00 U.S._f--. Treasury 1�ote, -4 7/8;� rue 11-15-64
$1 ,000.00 4t It tt ,t' tt tt
$1,070.00 tt tt tt It It It,
+1. 1000.00 it It it It It It
: 1,000.00 It It tt it It It
500.00 U..S.A.. Treasury Bond 2'=;0 1962-6;
500.00 It tt tt It tt
`11000.00 ^Pntral New York .'?ower Corr). General aortae "Bond
3`"" Series , Due 1974
$1 ,000..00 General Motors cceptance Corp. 3 5/8'o Debenture-r)ue9°-1-75
$1-,000.00 It It it It it It tt It
>6,000.00 S avim-s ,kccount - Glens iLalls, National lank 3. Trust co.
'rank L. Cowles
Sryrl'. asurioer
Mr. Webster, reported on the closing of the purchase Contract with
Cale De.velonment Comr)an;71 on t1le s=ale of the P-ineview Cemetery
property which was scheduled for 1 :60 p.m. or, `iedresclay, January 9th,
".SCLUT101N NO.. 25 introduced. by '4r. Mkins , seconded by "'r. Turner.
the Town of Queens::ury entered into a. contract with
Cale 'Development Co. , Inc. dated Oecember 11, 1.962, for the sale
of a portion of the nineview Ce-ietery lands for a purchase price
of $100,000. which ag �
ree� ent provided Eor a closing of title and
payment of the balance of the purch-sa -,coney on the 9t1i day of _
January, 1963 , and
Ai 7!�1RLi',S , one of the conditions of the purchase- agreement ti•ras
that ifontgoraery Ward should be ? tenant, of Cale Development Co. ,
Inc. on the property, and at a meeting with the attorneys for
Cale Development Co. , T.nc.. January 9, 1963 it a.r peared that
the lease, between Cale Develo m.ent Co. , Inc . and 14or tgomr ery OTarcl
had not yet been signed, and a request was made by attorneys for
Cale Development Co. , Inc.. that the time of closinb be postponed
to 'March 11, 1963, by which time the 1";ontgomery :Nerd- lease would
be signed and Cale Develo-p--t�ent Co. , Inc. would be able to present
t7 }hca 'T'%TMn R^arrl 9 r nlrn.f,ohnTt it7n n1 a-n For th.P.. de_vel,nnment. and
Clesolotion 70. 25 continued)
J!-1U,R ;.:?:.S , :!filbert E. Beswick, County P ttorney, advised Sze ner-
va_sor V, ebster and Councilman Beaty that in his opinion the closing
should be postponed in order to make certain that 1Iontgomery Ward
would. be a tenant,, and the purchase agreement was amended to provide
`-or the postponement of the closing until March 11, 1963, be it
RESnL�?D, that the closing of the title of the Town of 1'eueens-
bury to Cale Development Co. , Inc. be and the same hereby is post-
poned. to March 11, 1963 at one O'clock, ',,% , at the � u(:�ensbury
Branch of the Slens Falls National Dank : Trust Company, and that
all other terms and conditions of the abreernent remain in effect,
and that the act of John 0. Webster, Six0ervisor in endorsing the
amendment to the purchase agreement be and the sa.1e hereby is
ratifaed and confirmed
Dilly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and T-Ir. Webster.
Noes NTone
;Ir. John VanDusen, the Town. Surveyor was greeted by the Zoard..
Mrs VanDusen_ explained the work of preparing land use ;naps for use
by the Assessors. The question as to appro_�ria.tions for this
extensive work. was discussed by Mr. VanDusen and the Town Board.
Mr. VanDusen agreed to be present at the next board meeting on
January 17 , 1.963 to discuss the malting of maps with the Town
:Manning Board.
Olin 'J. Loughrey
Attorney at Law
206 Glen Street,
^lens Falls, N.Y.
January R, 1963
Town Board
Town of Queensbury, ATarren County, NT.. Y..
/n John 0. Webster, Supervisor
Cliestnut Ridge road
Glens Falls, New York
Re: Peters ' ?ronerty-Aviation.
Road and Route 9
As you know the Town of Queensbury was deeded property by
the Peters for a Town Road through their prooerty. At the )rr sent
time neotiations are takinn place pertaining to a part or all of
their nrooe.rty. As a part of' the negotiations , the Tocm may be
requested? to relocate the road.
I have been retained by Mr. Peters ' Estate to clear several
possible defects in. the, title to. somp of the, parc-els. The road
runs across two nieces that contain such possible defects .
If the estate brings the action, alone, such action will not
apply to the road as that is Town property. Then, if the road is relocated so that the present roadway could be used for development,
than the original defects , if any, would. remain on the - resent read
For that reason it is requested that the Town of Queensbury
join with the Peters Estate in an action or actions to clear up
the alleged defects.
I am authorized by the representatives of the h;state to advise
you that by joining in the action with the Estate , t;he 7state will
?gay all legal fees and disbursements and will save ti?e Town of
Queensbury harmless from the awarding of costs resulting from said
(-Lotter -Continued)
In additiolip by so participating it is specifically under-
stood that the Town is not committed. thereby to relocatior of the
said road.
Your courtesy in this regard. is greatly appreciated, If
it meets with your approval , wi-11 you please enact necessary
resolution permitting this action on behalf of the Town.
Sincerely yours
PESOLUTION No. 26 introducedby ,Ir. Beaty, seconded by 4r. Turner.
the Town Board. has received a letter from Olin
J.. Loufhrev attorney for the Peters Estate-, dated January 8, 1963 ,
requesting this Hoard to join as plaintiff in an actio-L1 to be
brought by the Peters Estate to clear.- the title of a considerable
parcel of real property in the Town of Queensbury west of ZQute
acid south
of Aviation Road, WithJut cost tc the town and
i'JEERDN_Sv it appears that Peters conveyed to the Town of
Queensbury several years ago a portion of said parcel for a town
highway and that the title of the town to SOMe- portions of said
town highway lands may be q„-estical.ed , and
Zttorney, has advised
Albert E. Beswick, County
this Board that , in his opinion, there is no objection to the
?articipation by the Town in such action, provided the Town assumes
no financial liability and that such partici,--)ation shall not be
deemed a commitment by ,the To,,n-t '3oard. to any I relocation of said-
road, ifie it
7:ES')LVED, that the Town of I-IL:Leensbury be a plaintiff in
the action to be brought by Peters estate i to clear t'Re title to
the. Peters propertyy, including the lands heretofore conveyed by
Peters to the Town of Queensbury, a nd be it -further
RUZOLVED that Olin W. T.,oughrey be and he hereby is
atithorized to act as attorney Lcor the Town of Queensbury in such
action upon the express condition that his fee and disbursements
shall be paid by the Peters Estate and that no part thereof shall
be charded to the Town of Queensbury, and u-pon the further express
condition that if any defendant in such action shall recove.r a
judgment a-ainst the plaintiffs in s�ich action :nor costs or
otherwise, such judgment shall be paid , discharged and satisfied
by the Peters Estate and that the Town of Queensbury shall incur
n; liability therefor by reason of joining as plaintiff in such
action at the request of the Peters Estate , and be it further
that the Supervisor be, and lie hereby is authorized
to verify a complaint on behalf of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly ado?-Led by the following vote :
Ayes - T.Ir. n.eaty, Mr, Turner, TTr. Lampson, -Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
With all. board members voicing general argree�-n� ent , it was decided that
each Thursday night of, the year 1963 , at 7 :30 T). m. , would be a
board meeting ni�-ht . on all Thursday; other than the second and
fourth Thurddays there will be a meetin,; unless same is
called off in advance.
The Su-,.),,trvisor presented the report of New Construction for the
month OP December, 1962. The report entailed 6 new starlings .
I C� I
Sa:}ie was Placed. on 'file by the Clerk. —
.LE'S'OLUTZ;)�T NO. 27 introduced by Mr. Lamson, seconded by !,x. Turner
7t!Ta:'_RK S , Maurice Lebowitz, of T,,Test ride Auto Supply, has made
application for a. renewal of the Junk Yard license for the year
1963 at the Corinth Road location, and
"oMEaEAS , -Roland 'andi`o, of Mandi o's used auto Parts, has -made
application for a renewal of the junk yard license for the year
1963 at the Luzerno Road Location, and
both of these a-)plications have been accompanied by the
proper license Fee of $10.00 each (Total $20.00) , therefore be i.t
RESOLVEM, that the renewal of the junk yard licenses of r.?est Side
Anto SiiT?ply and MandiJo 's ITS Auto ?arts , for the ye�ar 7.963, be
and the same are hereby approved, and be it further
R::S"LVEM that the Supervisor is hereby directed to issue such
renewal licenses and dpposit the fees of $20.00 in. the ('7eneral 'l?oialY
Duly a.dooted by the followi.nor vote:
Ayes - 11r. 2jeaty, 141r. Turnery Mr, Lampson, Mr. ,Akins- and N -. Webster.
goes - None
December, 1.962
,_; e
at ''eCoipt �`,Tnn!zIlt
received Source 'received
Various .sirom .Forrest Crannell-water rents-to -t?.,�;,_'."'ater Dist. 132.02
3,L ,10,19,30
3 -ro�9 Forrest Crannell.-water rents-to T.'.r,.r.:?at?r??i_st. ,_:-Lt. 25.20
3 "From Forrest Crannell-wafter rents-to N,,�.r'.Water Di_ct, 260.40
Various From Forrest Crannell-water rents-to 7.,TotprDist.Txr_.401. .72
3 ,4,19,30
7 jr_ om Georce ^ran,)ell.-town clerk fees-to -eneral Fund 126.75
10 From Forrest Crannell-Water rents-to r^T.G. .i.Water Ext. 6.93
11 -'rain. Cowles-cemetery l=ees-to Teneral E'und 696.25
13 From General Fund-cpr r c 3� , �.;_ � �, :x -to 'ine�'i_e��� 696.25
14 From Fine Vies,--Payroll 1"23-to ''ay roll `ccount 265.83
lt, Frm o, , ic.t,j .y- -,--yroll X24-to "'a,°roll_ .ccount 3,027 . ,
18 "Irom Glens Falls Nc-tional '3anh & Trust-note-to3esery oir
:`'ark Sewer District 7,and kccount 31000.00
20 From Hivhway- 'ayroll ,'`25-to Payroll Account 12 499.Lc6
20 E'romn Ceneral . ►and-:rayroll ==12-to -'ayr oll .°account 3,1 73.62
00 From �?.G. '. Water Dist.- _.'yrol.l. 412-to 7ayroll j.ccot�nt 83.35
20 From T.C.<<. Water ?fist.-Payroll #12-to 'ayroll Account 50.00
20 From Rie ;e ?road TTater Dist.-2ayroll #12-to 'ayral_1 Acct. 3,37
2n� From 'Reservoir Park. Sewer Dist. fond Account-labor-to
rl i hw-a,7 P ccount 2 ,34L .75
.20 .r N.G.F. Water Dist..Ext.- abor-to i-li away
;ccou?t 44.80
2�? .'nom -eneral "un�R-�T�zra: mai ntana.n.ce-to �:li`iiWay Lccount 981,30
20 '`rom, N.ti.F.Water ri_st..-1 -.'bor-to iT7.[;�1GTTy' Account ')I
7 ,
20 From W.G-.r.Water Di.st,Rxt.-1 !8 meter bill-to,`. .t .if.i�ist.712t50
30 From Forrest Crannell-water rents-to TT.n.F.Water Dist, 5.08
28 From Pi_npview-Payroll #211-to Payroll Accovnt 301.91
T�otal Receipts 17 ,268.67
? -+
J-D a t lint
Tait' Fund or Account -�)a i_d
ITi.ghway ;"recount= 17 016 4
General Fund 8,754.70
Pine View Cernete_ry Fund 556.60
Reservoir "ark Sewer Disf. and t�cct. 49440.43
`Test Glens Falls Taster Pi.strict., 900.00
Test Glens Falls slater District Ext.. 162.50
�TOrth G1.P.ns Falls Water District 31002.21
North Glens call. ,later District .'xt. 742.48
Ridge :Road 1vater D.i_strict 189.3 5
Shore Colony ' ater District 2.86
'CleverdaIe Li�hti.ng District 41.08
nT�s e r,' ^"T - continued
Paid fund or G d.
,ccount ?aid..
Dec. rcrt Amherst arrison l igl.ta.ng District 168.46
-Payroll Account 91,117.00
Car)i.tal Tote P,ccount 7 ,095.92
Total Di_sburser.lents 527219..69
rCouncilman, Turner stated that tie had received a request from
George Liaises , 7.7ater .uDerintendent of ?orth Glens Falls ^:�ai:er
District, to make purchase of replacement erui_pment to have on
harLO for use in the repairs in the district. Y t the suggestion
of the board in genera.l it was a--reed that the cost oC each item
shoulf_ be investigated and. submitted to ti-.e board at a later date.
:'r. Turner, renortcr' on a visit to the City of Glens 1'a11s Dump
which lies -within the Town. of Queensbury, to check on fires which
have reportedly been started at tt-iis location.. Starting of fires
is against the agreement madF between t:e city and tLLe Tow?l. of
1 'LfI:"IG�? '.: 0 28 introe!uced by - r. =skin 9 seconded by t-:r. Turner.
• . x r
:y hat the January 10, 1.963, /�X.di.t of Clleirfis as listed in
�':bstract #M-1 containing claims ni..�mbered. #1 through r59 inclusive
and. totVlinc $6,401.73 is her?by ai._,proved.
Duly adopted by the following- vote:
r. Zam,�san,Dyes - ?ezity, 1,x. Turner, tor. Akins and i�ir. Webster
Noes - ;?one
On Motion_ ti�e Peetin,,rwp.8 adjourned.
s?_1Pct' subrli t1.
' _T .or ' Cran_.iell
'?'a Clerk
Special Meeting January 17, 1963
John O. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
t Curtis 1lampson Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
With the meeting planned jointly with the newly found planning
board, the following persons were greated by the Supervisor:
Mrz George Kushner - Planning Board Chairman
Mr: John Glass - Member 6f Planning Board _
Mr& M. H. Simmonds - tt tt it tt
Mr* J. A. Norton - tt tt • tt it
Mr* Robert Fitzpatrick - *t n " It tt
Mrs. Juliet Ellingsworth Representative .of League of Women Voters
Mr: Bernard Codner - Superintendent of Highways
Mrs. Marion Crannell Deputy Town Clerk
Mr. Leon Nassivera - Chairman of Assessors
Mr. John VanDusen - Town Surveyor
Mr. George Kushner, accepted the floor to voice his report on the
activity of the newly found planning board up to this date. A
discussion on the meetings held by the board up to this point was
offered by Mr. Kushner. Several maps were presented to show the —
activity of -thp, planning. board along the line of ultimately
developing a mater plan for the Town of Queensbury. Planing and
zoning maps -of another community were displayed in hopes of showing
the results of the type of planning being requested by the planning
board. A suggestion was offered that the planning board be allowed
to -investigate the over-all cost of employing an independent town
planning concern to develop a plan for the town.