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349 Regular Meeting January 24, 1963. Present: John 0, Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampoon Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Ralph Nestle was welcomed as a visitor. The clerk presented- and placed on file the following letters from the New York State Traffic Commission. STATE SIC COMMISSION 130 Ontario St., Albany 11, N. Y., Warren 1 Case 4 t G-1432 January 2L, 1963 Town Board Town of Queensbury - Warren County Gentlemen: This concerns the joint request of the Town Board and the Warren County Superintendent .og. Highways for a low maximum speed on Holden Avenue, Meadowbrook Road- and Dixon Read in the Town of- Queensbury, Warren County. A study ®f_conditions has, been completed by the State Department of Public Works, the 'Division of State Police and the Department of Motor Vehicles.. With respect to Holden Avenue__the. marginal development indicates a 30 MPH restriction would. be .reasonable, however, since this road is similar to many roads in the area, a restriction on this one highway is not adviseable. Instead, . we_ would consider an area restriction on many of the roads if the Town Requests this type of restriction and will furnish a map of the area to be restricted. In regard to Meadowbrook Road, the problem is apparently the safety of school children. We would be deluding ourselves if any appreciable reliance were to_ be. placed on a posted speed limit to overcome a situation for which the real basic solution is the re- moval of the need for the children to walk along Meadowbrook Road.. Once we mix vehicles and pedestrians on a public highway which was constructed for vehicular traffic and not as aside walk, a potential hazard is present which. arti-ficial restraints on vehicles will not in any significent degree remove. It seems to us that the prime requisite is to _get the children off the highway. This, of course, can be accomplished by the con- struction of side walks or pedestrian paths. The marginal development on Meadowbrook Road from the city line to Cronin Road is commensurate with a speed limit. of not less than. 45 MPH and we are prepared to issue an order for a 45 MPH speed limit if such limit is agreeable to the Town Board.- In the distance of 1.5+ miles under consideration on Dixon Road, there are only 29 units of marginal development which is below the minimum considered desireable for an effective speed restriction. There are no factors in evidence which would justify a reduced speed limit and we, therefore, regret that we do find it proper to comply with the request. Very truly yours, State Traffic Commission, LLoyd A. Maeder Chief Traffic Engineer 350 STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 Ontario St. , Albany 1, N. Y. January 17, 1963 File 656 G-Warren Misc. Town Board Town of Queensbury Warren County Gentlemen: The Commission has under way a program to re-evaluate all of its speed restrictions to assure they are reasonable and realistic in terms of existing physical conditions and. traffic patterns. The speed zone de- _ scribed below has been reviewed. as part of that program. The review indicates that. the existing regulation is unrealistic. This is verified by study, including radar, speed .checks, which indicates con- ditions and a traffic pattern supporting revision of the speed zone. Unrealistic speed limits are undoxiiahbi, since they are not only in- effective in themselves, but they can also have adverse effects on other traffic controls by creating a pattern of general disobedience. In order to provide more appropriate and realistic speed control, we have revised the existing regulation to incorporate the changes indicated by the study. Copies of a statement of the new regulation are enclosed for the Board's records. Signs posting this regulation will be .iustalled and maintained by the State Department of Public Works. The existing and revised regulations are as follows: Lower.' Warren .Street Route -32 and River St-rest, Route 254 Highway 35 MPH (Xiisting Regulation) October 6 1949 Date of -or r which established existing regulation 40MPH at s M location. Revised_Regulat ou It is our. intent to take .additional speed. checks after the new control has been established so that the effectiveness of the -measure in im- proving a sounder basis for enforcement can be. determined, and to assure that no adverse effects on the over-all speed picture have been introduced. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILLIAM S HULTS Chairman { By: LLOYD A. MAEDER Chief Traffic Engineer The description of the Action by the State Traffic Commission to do with the preceeding letter, .was. pl.aced_on file by the clerk. The members of committee'e .in different departments reported to the board as follows: Mr. Turner, stated .that the tractor at the Town Dump is broken down at present. The machine .will -be brought .in to the highway gaeage for repair at an early date.. ]Ir. Lampson, reported on the survey of sights for the master water storage tanks which will be incorporated in the proposed new water supply system. Following tispection, Mr. Akins, stated that a change in. the electrical operation of the pumps in the Reservoir Park Sewer System will be made as soon as necessary parts are received from the original supplier of the pumps. W. Webster, presented the following letter to do with the project of a Water Supply System, which will be constructed in the Town of.Queensbury, during 1963. HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY Office of the Regional Administrator 346 Broadway New York 13, New York January 22, 1963. Mr, John 0. Webster Supervisor, Town of Queeusbury P. ©. Box 86 Glens Falls, New York* Dear Mr, Webster: Subject: Project No. APW-NY -52G Water Facilities As you have been previously informed., the .subject project has been approved. You should now proceed as ,rapidly as possible with completion of the final__plans and specifications so that bids may be received as soon_as possible. . in`order that you may conform with.our requirements, we are en- closiug, two (2) copies (one copy for your Architect/Engineer) of form CFA-236 '"Preconstruction Information for owners. To avoid any futurea misunders.tanding .or .omiss.ions, please read these instructions carefully and .follow_ them closely. Enclosed are two (2) sets of form CFA-238-PFL. As referred to on page 3 of the informatiou. sheet._(i.e. CFA-236)9 a supply of these forms, for inclus ion in .the contract bid documents will be furnished you or your Architect upon request. When making a request, you should indicate the. number needed. As soon as you are able, please advise_- this. office. of the following: (a) The date final plans and .specifications will be complete and submitted to thin .office for, review. (b) The. date you propose`to advertise for bids. (c) The bid opening date. (d) Estimated date of construction. If you have any questions._.concerning _engineering, `please contact Mr. Leo Stein, Chief En ineering,_Staff.; Telephone REctor 2-8000, Extension 584. Sincerely yours, Richardson J. Thompson Regional Director Community Facilities The Supervisor stated that, along with Councilman Lampson. and Engineer Joseph Kestner, the. visit _to. Audit and Control and Water Resousers Division was accomplished. during he past week. The aim ,.at present was to acquaint the members of the Town Board as to the demands of the State of_ New York, in qualifying for the Federal Grant from the. Housiag ,and. Dome Finance Agency. This grant for aid id establishing_a master water supply system has been awarded to the Town of Queensbury. Mr, Robert Norton, of the office of Milton A. Crandall, the Architect for the proposed town, hall wag' greeted at the meeting at this time. Mr. `Norton, exp6sed the results, of .requests for estimates on the construction of the *proposedl.town office building. Estimates which were _exposed to the town board were as follows.- Duplex Construction Co-. $73,000. Modular Wall Construction Co. - 71,,000. 352 A resumee of the construction requirements was discussed at length by Mr. Norton. Study of the plans for the building entailed a lengthy discussion with all board members# taping part. Mr. Charles Sebert, visited the meeting at this time. General agreement was reached with all board members becoming in- volved; that the architect should proceed with completiegsthe application to be forwarded to the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the United States, A special meeting with the architect was arranged at his officer for Tuesday, January 29th, 1963 at 7:30 p. m, The aim in mind will be to formulate the most adequate set of plans and also to complete the application for the grant for financial aid in the completing of the construction of the proposed new town office building. A discussion ensued at this time with Mr. Norton, who is also a member of the newly formed planning board up. to this date. The subject of the activity of the planning board was the nature of the discussion. The feeling of the town board is definatly that the planning board have only offered suggestions of items which have been on the agenda of the _town board for some time passed. The wishes of the town board in forming the planning board were, that upon formation, the group would offer. suggestions which have not already been explored at length by the present and also past town boards of the Town of Queensbury. Several. suggestions were offered to Mr. Norton on items of interest for the Town of Queens buryv which could be studied at length by the planning board. Amongg these suggestions were the location of the Adirondack Community College which is a point of interest of other muni- cipalities at present: The Town of Queensbury has a location in mind which is owned by others and. could be offered on a no-cost basis, STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 13 South Street, - Glens Falls, N. Y. January 17, -1963 Nt. John Webster, Supervisor Re Comprehensive SewerStudy Town of Queensbury Town of Queensbury Box 86 Glens Falls, New York Gentlemen: The application for a state grant for comprehensive sewer planning in the Town of Queensbury has been reviewed. This application contemplated a study area that would include the entire township. The Town of Queensbury includes land in three district drainage basins, namely the Hudson River, Lake Champlain via Halfway Brook, and Lake George.._ Present and future land uses within these drainage basins is distinctly different, Moreover, the sewage from certain sections logically might. be included with that of other areas outside the town. As you know; a comprehensive sewer study for the Glend Falls -region is virtually assured with the only question being that of how many municipalities will be involved in this study. Logically, some of the town should be included in such a study. It is expected 'that definite plans for this comprehensive survey of the Glens Falls region will be completed shortly. To some extent the scope of the study in- cluded in your application will hinge can arrangements for the study of this larger area. 353 The land included in the Lake George drainage basin is distinctly different from the rest of the town with problems. and needs such that this might better be included in some. future study which would con- centrate on problem unique to this section. The scope of the study described in your application is based on the Town of {Queensbury solely and does not take consideration the drainage areas nor the sewerage needs of, other municipalities in the area. Your application is therefore not approved. One copy of the application is being retained for our. files with the remaining ;pepigs being returned to you with the suggestion that the scope of the study • be- revised. You will be advised_of. thet extent of the proposed Glens Falls regional study so that this may be taken into consideration. _ It is hoped that this Glens Falls regional study will be sufficiently extensive and inclusive so. that most of Queensbury will be included. If this does not prove possible, your revised application with the deletion of the Lake- George drainage area will be given favorable consideration. Very truly yours , Edward Howard District . Sanitary Engineer General agreement was reached with all members of the town board to attend the meeting mentioned in the ##J letter on January 31, 1963 following at South Glens Falls. STATE, OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 13 South Street, Glens Falls* N. Y. January 22, 1963 Mr, John 0. Webster, Supervisor Re: Comprehensive Sewer Study. Town o€. Queenebury Town of Queensbury Box 86 Glens Falls, New York Dear Mr. Webster: A comprehensive. sewer study for this region has been discussed with you and other local officials, in recent weeks. The. general reaction has been very favorable and there appears to be no doubt that a com- prehensive study will take place. Thereis some.questiou .about the municipalities which will participate and about the specific procedures to be followed. To discuss these points and to make arrangements to move forward with this project, a meeting has been arranged for January 41 , 1963 at 7:30 P.M. at the Moreau Town Hall. This is at 61 Hudson Avenue, South Glens Falls. You are invited to attend and to bring with you .other local officials. We hope you will plan to be there. Very truly yours, Edward Howard I District Sanitary Engineer I Mr. Webster, reported on 4 recent visit to the Department of Equalization and Assessments, at :Albany in company with the Town Engineer and surveyor, Mr, John VanDusen.. The .tax ,maps which- were approved by the department at Albany, are the type which Mr. VanDusen has prepared up to this date. A decision will be reached by the Town Board on the future progress of creating tax maps for the Town of Queenshury in its entirety. Approval was reached on a limited continuatiol of the making of certain maps at this time. 354 RESOLUTION NO. 34 introduced by W. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampoon WHEREAS, Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent._ af. Highways, has fecommended that this board appr0ve purchase of .one 1950..used. Oshkosh 4 wheel drive dump truck, to be used by the highway department in snow removal operations, for the sum of $800.00, therefore. be it RESOLVED, that the purchase of one used. 1950 Oshkosh, four wheel drive, dump truck Serial N0.3746 Model. from Burton Machinery Company, of Lake .George,New York for the sum of $800.00 be and the same .is .hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Xr. Webster. Noes - None STANDARD, WEISBERG & HAROLDS Counselors at Law - Proctors in Admiralty 38 Park Row New York 38, N. Y. The Town of Queensbury January 14th, 1963. Department of Buildings & Electrical Installation Town of Queensbury near Glens Falls, New York Gentlemen; Our office is counsel for Mr. Donald Whittemore of Glens Falls, who was seriously injured in an electrocution. which occured at the Cement Company plant now known as Flintkote in February 1960. At the time of the accident Mr.. Whittemore was in the old substation, which was known as Building No. 17. A different substation, at another location, is presently in use. Since the Cement Company property lies. partly within. the City of Glens Falls and partly within the Town of Queensbury, we would like to determine whether the old substation came under the juris- diction of Glens Falls, or whether it was under the jurisdiction of --� Queensbury; and we would also appreciate receiving a copy of any provisions which the Town of Queensbury might haveadopted with reference to electric power, installations and equipment which might have been applicable. of _course, if there is any charge for for- warding thiw data, we shall be glad to reimburse you. Thanking .you for your courtesy, I am, Very truly yours, STANDARD, WEISBERG & HAROLDS BY •Louis. R. Harolds The preceeding letter will be referred to County Attorney, Albert E. Beswick, RESOLUTION NO. 35 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Akins. t RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby permitted and allowed to file a copy of the annual .financial report to the Comptroller with the Town Clerk on or before March 1, 19639. in lief of filing a separate financial report by February lot, 1963. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. .Beaty, Mr. Turner, .Mr. Lampoon, W. Akins and Mr.. Webster Noes - None 1/24/1963 To: The Town Board, Town of Queensbury Jack Barrett, Chief of the Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Company has asked me to request the -Town Board to confirm one additional volunteer fireman on ,the rolls of ithe company Very truly yours, John O, Webster, Supervisor RESOLUTION NO. 36 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson RESOLVED, that the following be and is hereby confirmed as an `-- active Volunteer Fireman of the Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Charles Mellon Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes - Mr. Beaty, W. Turner, Mr. Zampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noss - None On motion the meeting was adjourned. rpectfulliL:.Mitted George ll Town Clerk Special Meeting January 29, 1963 on application for grant for Municipal Office Building Construction. Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor Na, Harwood Beaty- Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:35 py. m. The tekised-ag plans for the proposed Municipal Office Building for the Town of Queeusbury were studied at length by all members of the Town Board. The plans receihed general acceptance, of all board members, The following- resolutions were read by the clerk: RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY OF APPLICANT i RESOLUTION NO,.. 37 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Turner Resolution authori zing filing.- of application with the Housing and Home Finance enc. United States of America . for a ant under Agency, � � the terms of Public Law 345, 84th Congress, as amended by the Public Works Acceleration Act. . WHO, under the terms . of said public Law 3450. as amended, the United States of America has authorized the -making of grants to public bodies to aid in financing the construction of specific public projects Now Therefore, Be it Resolved By Town Board of the Town. of Queens- bury 1. That John 0. Webster be and he is hereby authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the Town of Queensbury with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, United States Govern- ment, for A grant to aid financing the construction of a muni- cipal office building.