1963-02-14 3�2
Regular Meeting February 14,; 1963.
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harft*d<aBeaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p. m.
Interested persons present were:
Joseph A. Kestner Jr. , Engineer Queensbury Water District t
Hon. Albert E. Beswick, County Attorney
James Tucker, Dog Warden, Town of Queensbury —'
Bernard Codner, Highway Superintendent, Town of Queensbury
Hulda Ellingsworth, Visitor
With the formation of the Queensbury Water District, the main topic
of importance at this time; the proceeding centered around same.
The engineer presented each member of the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury, the map, plan and report to be adopted at this time.
A lengthy description of the district was offered by the engineer.
The map was studied at length by all members of the board.
All legal aspects concerning the adoption of the following order
were made clear to the board members by Mr. Albert E. Beswick,
County Attorney.
At a Meeting of the Town Board
of the Town of Queensbury, Warren
County, New York, held at the Queens-
bury School on the 14th day of February,
-----------------r•rr-. r+u w...
In the Matter
the Establishment of QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT in the Town of
Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York, pursuant
to Article 12-A of the Town Law.
WHEREAS, a map, plan and report have been prepared in such
manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury relating to the proposed
establishment of a new district to be known and designated as the
Queensbury Water District in the Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, such map, plan and report have been duly filed in
the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS,. said map, plan and report were prepared by Joseph A.
Kestner, Jr. , Consulting Engineer, of 189 North Lake Avenue, Troy,
N.Y., a competent engineer duly licensed by the State of New York,
showing the boundaries of the proposed_district, the source of
water supply, the mode of constructing the proposed water works
and the location thereof, including storage reservoirs, water
mains, distributing pipes and hydrants, and the proposed method
of operation, together with an estimate of the cost of construction
of said proposed water system, ar4 estimate of the annual cost of
operation, and the plan for financing the cost of such construction
and of providing the revenues for debt service and the operation
of .said proposed water system, and other pertinent facts relating
thereto, and
WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed Queensbury Water
District are as follows:
"All the certain tract of land situate, lying and
being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State
of New York, .more particularly bounded and described as
Beginning at the northeasterly corner of the corporate
boundary of the City of Glens Falls, running thence in a
westerly direction in a straight line and following the
northerly bounds of the same, crossing Ridge Road, Wilson
Street, Sargent Street and Everts Avenue to the southeas-
terly corner of North Glens Falls Water District Extension
No. 1; thence running N 8028.11 E along the easterly bounds
of the same, 1516.84 feet to a- point; thence running
S 83004' E along the same 399.93 feet to a point; thence
running N 8028?' E along the same and crossing Homer Avenue,
350.13 feet to a point; thence running N 83004' W along the
same 399.93 feet to a point; thence running N 8028'1 E along
the same. to a point in the northerly bounds of the lands of
Mary Kane; (bearings given in the five preceding courses
refer to the magnetic merifian as of May 1949) thence ran-
ning in an easterly direction along the northerly bounds of
the lands of Mary Kane to the northeasterly corner thereof;
thence running in a southerly direction along the easterly
bounds of the lands of Mary Kane to a point in the center
of Halfway Brook at the northeasterly corner of lands of
Ashton B. Smith; thence running in a northeasterly direction
along the center of Halfway Brook, being also along the
northerly bounds of the lands of Ashton B. Smith, to a point
therein at the most westerly corner of lands of W.W. Bullis;;
thence continuing in a northeasterly direction along the
center of Halfway Brook crossing Cronin Road to a point in
the said center of Halfway Brook 150 feet distant from the
northerly bounds of Cronin Road measuring at right angles
therefrom; thence running in an easterly direction along a
dine at all points 150 feet distant from northerly bounds of
Cronin Road, measuring at right angles therefrom and cross-
ing Meadowbrook Road, to its intersection with the line
forming the easterly bounds of the lands of Thomas Rogers,
if the said line forming easterly bounds of the lands of
Thomas Rogers were extended; thence running S 12005'40" W
crossing Cronin Road to- a point on the easterly bounds of
the lands of Thomas Rogers, said point being also the
northeasterly corner of Lot 161 in a proposed subdivision
of the said lands of Thomas Rogers; thence running S 1205'
4011 W along the easterly bounds of lands of Thomas Rogers,
being along the easterly bounds of Lots 161, 160, 159, 158,
157, 1569 155 and 154 of the, said proposed subdivision, 770
feet to a point in the northerly bounds of Lot 152 in the
said proposed subdivision; thence running S 84021'39" E along
the northerly bounds of lands of Thomas Rogers, being along
a portion of the siad Lot 152, 114.34 feet to a point in
the westerly bounds of an easement belonging to the American
Telephone & Telegraph Company; thence running S 8402153911 E
along the northerly bounds of the lands of Thomas Rogers,
crossing the said American Telephone & Telegraph Company
easement and following the northerly bounds of Lots 51,52,
53, 54, 55 and 56 of Ridge Meadows subdivision, a map of
which is on file in the Warren County Clerk's Office at
Lake George, New York, 1080.27 feet to the northeasterly
corner of said Lot 56;
thence running S 9o241W along a portion of the
easterly bounds of said Lot 56 and being along
the westerly bounds of lands nvw or formerly of
M. E. Averill, 118.95 feet to a point at the
northwesterly corner of Lot 57, Ridge Meadows;
thence running S 590 30t E along the northerly
bounds of Lot 579_ Ridge Meadows, 111.32 feet to
the northeasterly corner thereof and the north-
westerly corner of lands now or formerly of D1L.
Stewart; thence running S 59o301 E along the
northerly bounds of the said lands 'of D. L.
Stewart, 203.88 feet to a point at the north-
easterly corner thereof in the westerly bounds
of Ridge.Road; (bearings given in the preceding
courses in the proposed subdivision of Thomas
Rogers and Ridge Meadows subdivision are magnetic —'
as of August 1955) thence running in a north-
easterly direction crossing Ridge Road to the
northwesterly corner of the lands now or formerly
of Reginald F. Schultz.; thence running S480361 E
along the northerly bounds of the lands of the
said Schultz and lands now or formerly of Edward
J. Grant, 400.47 feet; thence ruining S 82o 521E
along the lands now or formerly of the -said Grant
716 feet, more or less, to an angle point therein;
Thence running ina southeasterly direction
along the northeasterly bounds of the lands mf the
lands of the said Grant about 200 feet to an angle
point therein; thence running in a .'southerly direct-
ion along the easterly bounds of the lands of the
said Grant about 374 feet to the northerly bounds
of lands now or formerly of Marvin White; thence
running S 82o521 E along the northerly bounds of 4k#
bhe said lands of White, about 1600 feet to the
northeasterly corner thereof; thence running S
7o211 W along the easterly bounds of the lands of
the said White and the easterly bounds of lands
of Thomas. Rogers, 972 feet to the southeasterly
corner of the lands of Thomas Rogers;. thence
running N 82o 341W along the southerly bounds of
the lands of Thomas Rogers 2000.20 feet to the
northeasterly corner of the lands of Otto A.Quist,
thence running S 6o19'W along the easterly bounds
of the lands of Otto Quist-, 884.30 feet to the
southeasterly corner thereof; thence running N 82o
231W along the southerly bounds of the lands of
Otto A. Quist, crossing Quaker Road, to the south-
westerly corner thereof; (the preceding seven
bearings refer to _the magnetic meridian as of 1937)
thence running in a straight line in a southerly
direction to the northeasterly corner of the City
of Glens .Falls at the point and place of beginning.
Except}ng therefrom the Ridge Road Water District
and Extension No. 8 of North Glens Falls Water
District, both of which are wholly contained in the
above described. tract of land.
Also, all that certain. other tract of land
situate in the Town, County and State aforesaid,
more particularly bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the center of Halfway
Brook distant 234.91 feet at a bearing of North
84o03130t1 W from a stone monument marked "C.L,"
found at the northwesterly corner of the City of
Glens Falls, said point of beginning being in the
southerly bounds of Extension No. 1 of North Glens
Falls Water District; thence running in a southwes-
terly direction along the center of the said brook
to a point therein distant 150 feet from the north-
easterly bounds of Dixon Road, measuring at right
angles therefrom;
thence running in a northwesterly direction along an
irregular line at all points distant 150 feet from
the northeasterly bounds of Dixon Road measuring at
right angles thereform, to a point therein in the
extended easterly bounds of a parcel of land on the
southwesterly side of Dixon Road conveyed from Jabez
N. Ingalsbe to Zenas Hewitt by deed dated May 24, 1923 ,
recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office at Lake
George, New York, in Book No. 156 of Deeds at page 362;
thence running in a southerly direction along a line
being the extension above referred to, to a point in
the center of Dixon Road at the northeasterly corner
of a parcel of land conveyed by Jabez N. Ingalsbe to
Zenas Hewitt; thence.. running S 12o441W (magnetic 1958)
along the easterly bounds of lands of Warren Clark,
being also the westerly bounds of lands of the City of
Glens Falls, a distance of, 396,00 feet, more or less,
to an iron rod at the southeasterly corner thereof;,
thence running N 73o241W (magnetic 1958) along the
southerly bounds of the lands of Warren Clark, 159«42 feet
to an iron pipe at the southwesterly corner thereof; thence
running In a westerly direction along the southerly bounds
- of the said lands of Zenas Hewitt, the same being approx-
imately a contiuution of the preceding bearing, 1498.58
feet, more or less to a point at the southwesterly corner
thereof, the same being in the westerly bounds of Lot 56
and the easterly bounds of Lot 63 of the first subdivision
of Queensbury; thence running in a northerly direction
along the westerly bounds of the sikd lands of Zenas
Hewitt. and crossing lands of Niagara Mohawk.Power Corp-
oration, 680.50 feet, more or less, to the common corner
of Lots 56, 57, 63. and 64 of the first subdivision of
Queensbury, said` cornar being also the southwesterly
corner of lands of Sidney Van Dusen; thence running N
5o49121" E (magnetic 1952) along the westerly bounds of
Lot 57 and the easterly bounds of Lot 64, being also
the westerly bounds of the lands of Sidney Vats Dusen,
1110.37 feet, more or less, to a point in the center of
--- Dixon Road; thence running N 5o51'E (mafnetic, January
1950) along the westerly bounds of Lot 57 and the east-
erly bounds of Lot 64 of the first subdivision of Queens-
bury, being also along the westerly bounds of Section 3
.of Cottage Hill Development, to a point distant 150 feet
from the northeasterly- bounds of Dixon Road, measuring
at right angles therefrom;
thence running in a northwesterly direction along a
line at all points 150 feet distant from the northeasterly
bounds of Dixon Road, measuring at right angles therefrom,
to a point 150 feet southerly from the southerly bounds of
Aviation Road; measuring at right angles therefrom;
thence running in a northwesterly direction along a
line at all points 150 feet distant southwesterly from the
southwesterly bounds of Abiation Road, crossing Potter Road.
to a point 150 feet distant northwesterly from the north-
westerly bounds. of Potter Road, measuring at right angles
therefrom; thence running southwesterly and westerly along
lines at all. points distant 150 feet north westerly and
. northerly from the northwesterly and northerly bounds of
Potter Road, measuring at right angles therefrom to a point
therein in the westerly bounds of lands of John B. Van
Dusen and the easterly bounds of .lands of Nesbert Dehoney;
thence running_ in a northerly direction along the westerly
bounds of the lands of John B. Van Dusen, the easterly
bounds of Nesbert Dehoney and Fred V. Howe to the north-
easterly corner of._ the slid lands of Fred V. Howe; thence
running in a westerly direction along the northerly bounds
thereof to the northwesterly corner of the lands of Fred V.
Howe and the southwesterly corner of the lands of John B.
Van Dusen ;
thence running in a northerly direction along the
westerly bounds of the lands of John B. Van Dusen to
the northwesterly corner_thereof; thence running in an
easterly direction along the northerly bounds of, the
lands of John B. Van Dusen and the southerly bounds of
lands of the City of Glens Falls to the southeasterly
corner of the said lands of the City of Glens Falls;
' thence running N7o35'E along the easterly bounds
of lands of the City of Glens Falls and the westerly
bounds of lands of Willard C. Stockman, 417.60 feet
to a fence corner; thence running N 56o4l'W along the
southerly bounds of the lands of the said Stockman
. and the southerly bounds of the lands of Bertram E.
and Sonye Harvey, 547 feet to an iron pipe corner;:
F thence running in a northerly direction along the
westerly bounds of the lands of Harvey 242.50 feet,
more or -less, to the northwesterly corner thereof in
the southerly bounds of Aviation Road; thence running
in a northerly direction, crossing Aviation Road, a
distance of about 50 feet to the southwesterly corner
of a parcel of land conveyed to Curtis M. Harrington
and wife by deed dated June 15, 1943, recorded in the
Warren County Clerk's Office in Book No. 225 of Deeds
at page 23; thence running in a northerly direction
along the westerly bounds of the said lands conveyed
to Curtis M. Harrington, about 200 feet to an iron
pipe at the southwesterly corner of lands now or
formerly of Charles Tissinger; thence running N 200
3111E along the westerly bounds of the said lands now
or formerly of Charles Tissinger, 1187.07 feet to an
iron pipe at the sputheastarly .corner of lands now or
formerly of George H. and Lavina C. Coon; thence
running N 20ol51E, still along the westerly bounds of
the lands now or formerly of Charles Tissinger, 773.10
feet to an iron pipe at the Northwesterly corner there-
of; and in the southerly bounds of lands of Mary Mead
r Ellsworth;
thence running N 2Oo151E, .being a continuation
of the preceding course, crossing the said lands of
Mary Mead Ellsworth, to a point in the southerly
bounds of West Mountain Road; thence running in a
northerly direction, crossing the .said West Mountain
Road and running perpendicular thereto, to a point
150 feet northerly from the northerly bounds thereof;
thence running along an irregular line in a northerly
or northeasterly direction,: at all points 150 feet
distant from the westerly or northwesterly bounds of
the said road, measuring at right angles therefrom,
to a point therein which is on the westerly boundary
line of lands of Warren County (said boundary line
being near the intersection of Gurney Dane and the
Mountain Road, so called) ; thence running in a north-
. exly direction along the westerly bounds of the said
lands of Warren County to the northwesterly corner
thereof;, thence running in an easterly direction, along
the northerly bounds of the lands of Warren County„
crossing Interstate Route No. 87, also known as
"The Northway", and New York State Highway U.S. No. 9,
to a point at the northeasterly corner thereof; thence
running in a southerly direction along the easterly
bounds of the lands of Warren County to the northerly
bounds of Glen Lake Road; thence running in a south-
westerly direction along the northwesterly bounds of
Glen Lake Road to a point therein distant 500 feet
easterly from the easterly bounds of New York State
Highway No.. U.S. 9, measuring at right angles there-
thence running in a southeasterly direction along an
irregular line distant at all points . 500 feet easterly from
the easterly bounds of the� said ;highway, to a point therein
in the northerly bounds of Montray Heights subdivision;
thence running in an easterly direction along the northerly
bounds of Montray Heights Subdivision to the northeasterly
corner thereof, said point being also the northwesterly
corner of Extension No. 4 of the North Glens Falls Water
District; thence running in a southerly direction along the
easterly bounds of Montray Heights Subdivision, being also
along the westerly bounds of Extension No. 4 of the North
Glens Falls Water District, to the northeasterly corner of
Extension No. 7 of the North Glens Falls Water District;
thence running S 71o14130 11W (mafnetic September 1959) along
the northerly bounds of Lot 137, Montray Heights Subdivision,
being also the northerly bounds of said Extension No, 7,
1505.38 feet to the easterly bounds of Montray Road; thence
running in a southwesterly direction, crossing Montray Road,
still following the northerly bounds of said Extension No. 7,
to the northeasterly corner of Lot 65, Montray Heights; thence
running in a westerly direction along the northerly bounds of
Lot 65, Montray Heights, 340 feet to the northwesterly corner
thereof, said course being also along the northerly bounds of
said Extension No. 7; thence running in a southerly direction
along the westerly bounds of Lots 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,,
729 73 and ,74, Montray Heights, being also along the westerly
bounds of said Extension No. 7, 750 feet to a point in the
northerly bounds of the North Glens Falls Water District;:
thence running in a westerly direction along the northerly
bounds of Lot 41, being also along the northerly bounds of
North Glens Falls Water District, crossing New York State
Highway No. U. S. 9, to the westerly bounds thereof, 273.2
feet, more or less;
thence running in a southerly direction- along the
westerly bounds of said highway and the westerly bounds of
the North Glens Falls Water District, 585 feet, more or less ,
to a point therein at. the northeasterly corner of Lot 142,
Montray Heights,• thence running in a westerly direction
along the northerly bounds of hots 142 and 158, being also
-- along the bounds. of the North Glens Falls Water District,
349.5 feet, more or less, to the center of the northerly
end of Pine Drive; thence running in a southerly direction
along the center of Pine Drive and the westerly bounds of
the North Glens Falls Water District, . 88095 feet, more or
less, to a point in- the northerly- bounds of Lot 4, Tripler
Subdivision; thence running in a westerly direction along
a portion of the northerly bounds- of the said Lot 4 and the
bounds of the North Glens Falls Water District, 35 feet to
the northwesterly corner of said Lot 4; thence running
S- 4ol5'W along the westerly bounds of said hot 4, and the
westerly bounds of the North Glens F#lls Water District,
200 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence running
in an easterly direction along the southerly bounds of said
Lot 4 and the bounds of the North Glens Falls Water District,
100 feet more or less, to a point in the westerly bounds of
Lot 1, Tripler Subdivision; thence running S 4ol5'W along
the westerly bounds of the Tripler Subdivision, being also
the westerly bounds of the North Glens Falls Water District,
796.08 feet to the northeasterly corner of the second sub-
division of Glen Acres Subdivision, said point being also
the northeasterly corner of Extension No. 2 of the North
Glens Falls Water District;
thence running N 84o14'W along the northerly bounds
of the said second subdivision of Glen Acres, being also
'— along the northerly bounds of said Extension No. 1, North
Glens Falls Water District, 672.10feet; thence running S 5o56M
along the westerly bounds of the said second subdivision of
Glen Acres, being also along the westerly bounds of the
said Extension No. 2 of_the North Glens Falls Water District,
1248.60 feet to a point in the northerly bounds- of Aviation
Thence running in a southerly direction crossing
Aviation Road;, ahoute50 feet to the southerly
bounds thereof at the northwesterly corner of
Extension No. 3 of. the North Glens Falls Water
District; thence running in a southerly direction
about 250 feet along the westerly bounds of the
said Extension No. 3 of the North Glens Falls
Water District to the southwesterly corner thereof;,
thence running in an easterly direction along the
southerly bounds. of the said Extension No. 3 of the
North Glens Falls Water District about 800 feet to
a point in the westerly bounds of the North Glens
Falls Water District; thence runriing S 6o30'W along
the westerly bounds of the North Glens Falls Water
District about 500 feet to the northwesterly corner
of Extension No. 1 of the North Glens Falls Water
District; thence running S 7o14140 1"W along the
westerly bounds of Extension No. l . of the North
Glens Falls Water District, . 2067.74 feet to the
southwesterly corner thereof; thence running
S 82o141451"E along the southerly bounds of Ex-
tension No. 1 of the Borth GlensFalls 'Water
District, 2657.95 feet to the point and place of
beginning. (Begiings of the preceding two courses
are as the magnetic .needle pointed in May 1949).*'
WHEREAS, THE improvements proposed generally consist
of the sinking _of. two wells on lands presently owned by the
Town of Queensbury, ` the installation of pumps, the construct-
ion of two storage reservoirs, the construction of mains and
pipes, the installation of hydrants, valves and other appurt-
enances and equipment, and
WHEREAS, the estimated maximum cost of the proposed
improvements, including the acquisition of mains now
privately owned, lands for the location_of the storage
reservoirs and the rights for the installation of mains
and other improvements, including engineering and legal
services, is the sum of $958,300. and the proposed method
of financing such cost consists of a federal grant in the
amount of $438,500. under the Housing and Home Finance
Agency, Project No. APW-N.Y. 520, and the issuance and
sale of serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury in the
amount of $519,800. to mature _in. annual installments over a
period not . exceeding thirty years, payable in the first ins-
tance from an ad valorem tax levied on all taxable real
property in the proposed Queensbury Water District, and
WHEREAS, the said map, plan and report describing the
proposed district and the improvements therein are on file
in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury
for public inspection,
Now, on motion of Councilman Akins, seconded by
Councilman Beaty, it is hereby
ORDERED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,
Warren County, New York, shall meet and hold a public hearing
at the Queensbury School on Aviation Road in said Town on the
28th day of February, 1963, at 7:30 o'clock, P. M. , on that
day, to. cons.ider said map, plan and report, and to hear all 1
persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the :-
same, and to take such action thereon as id required- or auth-
orized by law.
The adoption of the foregoing order was duly put to a
vote, and upon. roll call, the vote was as follows:
. 369
John 0. Webster, Supervisor yes
Harold C. Akins, Councilman yes
N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman yes
Curtis Lampson, Councilman yes
Theodore Turner, Vouncilmafl yes
The above order was properly Cerfified•by the clerk.
The Clerk was authorized and directed to accomplish the posting
of the certified notice of the above order in five conspicious
places within the proposed dibtrict.
RESOLUTION NO. 41 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Turner
WHEREAS, it is proposed to establish the Queensbury Water District
to provide a supply of water for considerable areas in the Town
not within any existing water district and the plan for such supply
includes wells with pumps and two storage tanks or reservoirs for
distribution, and
WHEREAS, said plan includes the location of one of such storage
tanks or reservoirs on an elevated site on the West Mountain Road
and George G. Lehmann and Jane E. Lehmann, his wife, have offered
to sell to the Town a parcel of about 0.82 acres on the westerly side of
West Mountain Road for a price of $500.00 for that purpose, be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury enter into an option agreement
witti George G. Uhimanri and Jane E. 'Lehmann,- hiss wife, for the
purchase of said parcel for the sum of $500.00 as soon as the
Queensbury Water District has been established but within three
months from the date of such option, and that the Supervisor -be
and he hereby is authorized to execute such option agreement on
behalf of the Town of Queensbury in such form as shall be approved.
by the County Attorney.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes = Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Kr, Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 42 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson.
WHEREAS, Joseph A. Kestner, Jr.., consulting engineer, has recommended
to this Board -that at least three test holes should be 'drilled on
the land now owned by the Town as the site of the wells for the
water supply for the proposed Queensbury Water District and that
a series of test pumpings be done in such test holes to determine
the location of Well No. 2, and
WHEREAS, R, "E. Chapman Cordpany, of Oakdale, Mass.:, has offered to
drill such three test holes and do the test pumping, all under the
direction of Mr. Kestner, for a price not to exceed the sum of
$1,500.00, and
WHEREAS, the terms of the federal grant for such water system
require the work on such system to be commenced and completed
within a limited time and it is deemed adviseable that such tests
be made as soon as possible in order that the engineer may complete
the plans and specifications for Well No. 2 without delay, be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury retain and employ R.E. Chapman
Company, of Oakdale, Mass. , to drill three test holes and do test
pumping in said test holes under the direction of Joseph A. Kestner, Jr.
consulting engineer, for a price or cost not to exceed the sum of
$1,500.00, and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to
execute on behalf of the Town of Queensbury a contract in form
approved by the County Attorney to carry for foregoing into effect.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
A report was received from Counciluan Beaty that Mr. Thomas
Rogers a local developer has agreed to relinquish to the Town
of Queensbury, the water mains on Meadowbrook'Roed beginning
at Cline Avenue in of the fact that property .
owned by Mr. Rogers will be. included in the proposed new
Queensbury Water District. Plans to include this section of
land was included in the over-all lay out of the proposed
Queensbury Water District.
RESOLUTION NO. 43 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty.
WHEREAS,, the Town purchased from H. Dewey Miller a parcel of
5 acres of vacant land on the southerly side of Aviation Road
in December, 1962, as a site for the proposed new town office
building, and '
WHEREAS, there has been levied, against said premises a combined
county and town tax for the fiscal year of 1963 in the total
amount of $41.05 and the County Treasurer has computed the
amount of the 1963 county tax thereon to be $29.78, the amount of
the general town tax thereon to be $10.21 and the amount of the
fire protection district tax thereon to be $1.06, be it
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to
pay out of the general`. fund to 'the Receiver of Taxe's and Assess-
ments the sum of $29.78 'to pay the 1963 county tax levied on the
premises now owned by the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr, Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None' '
Mr. Webster stated that the present status of the proposed Compre-
hensive Sewer Study will be 'discussed again at a meeting with the
New York State Health Department representative Mr. Edward Howard
on Friday, February 15, 1963 at the Town of 'Moreau, Town Hall.
A general feeling persists on the Queensbury Town Board that
should the City of .Glens Falls fail to enter in the study; the
Town of Queensbury should be al'lowe`d to progress in a -mann`er to
develop a study of sewer needs by itself.
RESOLUTION NO. 44 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby agrees to ,join with
other communities 'of this area in making application to the New
York State Department of Health for a Comprehensive Engineering
Study and Survey of sewerage needs of the Town of Queensbury as
related to this area, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , of Troy,
New York be designated as the eng.ineer .to carry odt this study for
the Town of `Queensbury, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that N. Harwood Beaty and Theddore Turner
are hereby named as a representative of the board in any joint
meetings with area communities in formulating plans for ,the joint
application to the state for this survey, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the entire southern and central area
of the town, with the exception of the most northerly area around
the shores of Lake George, be designated as the area to be included
in this engineering study.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 45 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Turner
WHEREAS, this Town Board has heretofore authorized a contract
with John B. Van Dusen for his services as Town Surveyor for a
consideration of $3,000400 during the fiscal year of 1963, which
contract provides that the Town shall reimburse said John B.
Van Dusen for extraordinary traveling expenses and other
additional expenses incurred in the performance of his work for
the Town, and
WHEREAS, in addition to the services generally described in
the contract dated as of Hanuary 1. 1963, said John B: Van Dusen
has agreed .to perform some work in 1963 on the preparation of
tax maps for the Town' of, Queensbury which will necessarily require
the employment by John B.. Van Dusen of persons to assist in the
compiling of data and the drafting of such maps, be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury reimburse John B. Van Dusen
for the salaries and compensation -of persons employed by him in
the preparation of tax maps during the fiscal year of 1963 but
not to exceed in the aggregate the total sum of -#3,000.00 for the
fiscal year of 1963, but that such reinbursement be made only
upon itemized and certified wouchers therefor audited by the
Town Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes None
RESOLUTION NO. 46 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr.Turner
WHEREAS, Dorrance L. Branch was employed by the Town as a
policeman at a salary of $25.00 per month, and
WHEREAS, Dorrance L. Branch died on January 18, 1963, survived
by his widow, Bessie Branch, be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized
and directed to pay to Bessie Branch the amount of salary due to
Dorrance L. Branch, now deceased, for the month of January, less
all proper 'cdeduc"t ions there am
'Duly adopted. by the following vote:
A)tes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
January 31,E 1963
Quednsbury Town Board ` Re: Approved 'Plans for Sewage Disposal
c/o Mr. John 0. Webster Reservoir Park Sewer District
Chestnut Ridge Road Queensbury (T), Warren County
Glens Falls, New York
Plans for this project were approved on January 29, 1963
in this office. We are returning herewith two sets of the approved
plans with the permit.
The remaining set of plans will be retained for our files.
Very truly yours,
Edgard Howard
District Sanitary Engineer
The permit for the above mentioned sewer study was placed on file
by the clerk.
Clark, Bartlett, Caffry and Dube .
Attorneys at Law
Glen Falls, New York
January 24, 1963
Supervisor John 0. Webster
Chestnut Ridge Road
Glens Falls, New York
Re: Crandall Library
Dear John:
Inclosed is the standard contract between the Library and
the Town of Queensbury. Would you kindly. execute two copies
and return to me. I will get Mrs. Van -Wirt to sign the same
and then return one copy to you.
May I again extend my thanks and those of all thoe trustees
for the substantial contribution which you are making .to our
budget for 1963.
I would also like to thank you for the `copy of your annual
report. I found it to be an excellent resume which accurately
reflects a well ren town.
• Sincerely yours, _
H. Glen Caffry
RESOLUTION NO. 47 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner
WHEREAS, the 1963 budget of the Town of Queensbury provided for
an item of $5,000 to be paid to the Crandall Library for
library services furnished to the redidents •of the Township, and
WHEREAS, County Attorney Albert E. Beswick has approved a contract
between the Town of Queensbury and Crandall Library aerset forth
in detail hereafter in these minutes, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that t s�--:ig0Utr40t`;bik'4;l,' W-tbe- Tom*.-6 ,teQus sbi rmr Ud -:o --�
Crandall Library or urnishIng i rary service to the res amts
of the Town of Queensbury for' the fiscal year of 1963 is hereby
approved, and be it fdrther
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to
execute the contract on behalf og the. Town, and that a copy of such
contract duly signed shall be filed with the Town Ul.erk.
Duly adopted by the following bote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes —None
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 14th day of February,
1963, between the TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, a domestic murticipal corporation
hereinafter called the TOWN, and CRANDALL LIBRARY, and association
incorporated by Charter Number 696 by the Regents of the University
of the State of New York and located in the City of Glens Falls,
New York, originally designated as CRANDALL FREE'LIBRARY and now
known as CRANDALL LIBRARY, hereinafter called the LIBRARY.
The LIBRARY agrees to furnish library services to the TOWN and to - i
the residents thereof for the TOWN 1963 calendar year, which is
also the fiscal year, in consideration of the sum hereinafter
The TOWN agrees to pay to the LIBRARY, during the TOWN 1963
calendar year, which is also the fiscal year, the sum of FIVE
THOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS in consideration of the library
services to be furnished as hereinbefore mentioned.
The aforesaid sum of $5,000.00 shall be paid in such
portion as from time to time shall be requested by the LIBRARY. *
This agreement may be renewed each year and from year to
year in the following manner:
The LIBRARY may notify the Supervisor of the TOWN on or
'before the first day of 'Septemlier, of its desire to continue the
agreement for one additional year, and of any change the LIBRARY
wishes to make in the terms of the agreement. The Supervisor
and the Town Board may then, by resolution, agree to continue
the agreement for one additional year, either with or without the
changes requested by the LIBRARY. Every year this agreement is
continued, 'a copy of the resolution .of the Town Board continuing
the agreement, either as is or as amended, shall be attached to
the original copy of this agreement, which will be filed in the
Town Clerk's office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Town Board 'of the Town of Queens-
bury and the Board of Trustees of -the Crandall Library have caused
this iiistrument' to be signed by their 'duly authorized officers and
their respective seals hereunto affixed the day and year first
above mentioned.
. Supervisor
. By
On this day of , 1963, before me personally
came JOHN 0. WEBSTER, to me lcr ovin, who, being by me duly
sworn, did depose and say that he resides at R.F.D. #1 in the
Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York;
that he is the Supervisor, of; THE. TOWN QF QUEENSBURY, THE
corporation described in and which executed the above instru-
ment; that he knows the seal of ,said corporation; that the seal
affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so
affixed by order of the Town Board of said corporation, and that
he signed his name thereto by like order.
Notary Public
SS. . .. ..
On this day of , 1963, before me personally
' came Grace M. Van Wirt, to me known, who, being by me
' duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at 49 Ft. Amherst
Road in the City of Glens Falls, County of Warren and State of
New York; that she is _the President of CRANDALL LIBRARY the
corporation described in and which executed the above instrument;
" that she knows the seal of said corporation;. that the seal affixed to
° said instrument is such corporate seal;. that it was so affixed by
' order of the board of trustees of said corporation, and that she
' sighed her name thereto by like order.
Notary Public
Mr. Beaty, Chaiiman of the Insurance �Committee, recommended that
Cool Insurance Company, of Glens Falls should handle the insurance
needs of the Town of Queensbury, for the year of 1963. Mr. Leonard
of the E. Leo Spain Agency will handle the Fire Insurance for the
year of 1963.
RESOLUTION NO., 48 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner.
WHEREAS, .it has been the custom to designate an agent to be the
writing agent for the -Town .of Queensbury for Town Insurance
business foa a period of three years.
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that The Cool Agency Inc, 24 Maple
Street, Glens Falls, N. Y. be the writing agent for the insurance
requirements of the Town for the year 1963, with the 'exception
that fire insurance policies now expiring with the Proller Agency,
24 Elm Street, Glens Falls, New York, be written by William Leonard
of the E. Leo ,Apain Agency, 18 Ridge Street, Glens Falls, New York.
Duly adopted by the following vote;
Ayes - Mr.. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
January, 1963
Date Receipt Amount
Received Source Received
Jan. 3 From Highway to Payroll Account for Payroll #1 $ ,
3 From Forrest Crannell to W. G. F. Water-water rents 6.93
3 From Forrest Crannell to Ridge Rd. Water-water rents 20.35
3 From Forrest Crannell- to N.G.F. Water-water rents 35.97
8 From George Crannell to General Fund--town clerk fees 62.75
10 From Forrest Crannell to N.G.F. Water-water rents 17.82
10 From Forrest Crannell to WGF. Water-water rents 6.93
16 From General Fund to Highway--Labor Town dump 238.40
16 From W.G.F. Water Ext. to W.G.F.W. Ext.Bond Acct
for transfer of funds 1,546.09
16 From Frank Cowles to Pineview Cemetery-cemetery fees 875.00
16 From Mandigo & West Side Auto to General Fund-Junk Lic. 20.00
16 From N.G.F.Water Ext.#1toN.G.F.Water--transfer of`funds
16 From General Fund to Pineview Cemetery-transfer offends
16 From Forrest Crannell to General Fund--Tax monies . 369215.00
16 From Forrest Crannell to Highway Fund--Tax monies 40,900.00
16 From Forrest Crannell to Reservoir Park Sewer -
Tax monies 11250.00
16 From Forrest Crannell to Pershing-Ashley-Collidge
Sewer tax monies 11000.00
16 From Forrest Crannell to Queensbury Drainage-tax
monies 711045.29
16 From Forrest Crannell to Queensbury Fire Protection
tax monies 199044.01
16 From Forrest Crannell to Cleverdale Lght-tax monies 507.00
16 From Forrest Crannell to Ft.Amherst Lght-tax monies 21029.08
16 From Forrest Crannell to N.G,P.Wa'ter Ext.#1-tax monies5,660.57
16 From Forrest Crannell to W.G.F.Water Ext.2ond Ace t
tax monies 400.68
16 From Forrest Crannell to N.G.F.Water Ext.#7-tax monies 115.26
16 From Forrest Crannell to N.G.F.Water° Ext#8-ta-v monies 100.17
16 From Northland Electric to Reservoir Park Bond Aoc't
for refund 14.17
16 From Forrest Crannell to N.G.F.Water-return water rents 645.28
16 From Forrest Crannell to W.G.F.Water-return water rents 320.10
16 From Forrest Crannell to Shore Colony-return water rents 33.00
16 From Pineview Cemetery to Payroll Acctt-Payroll # 1 288.56
16 From Highway Fund to Payroll Account-Payroll #2 4,084.30
18 From Forrest Crannell- to N.G.F. Water--water rents 17.82
21 From State of New York to General Fund-Justice fees 3,056.50
(Monthly Statement of Supervisor-Continued)
Date Receipt Amount
Received Source Received
Jan, 22 From Forrest Crannell to N.G.F. Water--water rents X7.82
25 From General Fund to Payroll Account for Payroll #1 32260.80
25 From N.G.F. Water to Payroll Account for Payroll #1 83.33
25 From W.G.F. Water to Payroll Account. for Payroll#1 41.66
25 From Ridge Rid. Water to Payroll ,Account for Payroll #1 8.33
28 From Forrest Crannell to W.G.F. Water -water rents 6.93
31 From Pineview to Payroll for Payroll #2 378.16
31 From Highway to Payroll for Payroll #3 6 066.25
Total Receipts $244,775.58
Date Amount
Paid Fund or Account Paid
a—uuary Highway Fund 17,227.13
General Fund 9,230.98
Pineview Cemetery Fund 683.37
West Glens Falls Water 41.66
West Glens Falls Water Ext. 19546.09
North Glens Falls Water 101.93
North Glens Falls Water Ext. #1 - 31675.17
Ridge Road Water 8.33
Fort Amherst-Garrison Lighting 168.46
Reservoir Park Sewer 46.60
• Reservoir Park Sewer Bond Acct 30.39
Payroll Account 16 203.37
• - Total Disbursements 489963.48
The report of new construction for the month of January, 1963 was
received and filed-by the clerk. - There were two new starting&
reported during the month.
RESOLUTION N0.- 49 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Akins
4 WHEREAS, it has been announced that the New York State Department
of Public Works intends to make plans to pave the remaining sections
of the Adirondack Northway with asphalt instead of cement, and
WHEREAS, this board believes that the entire length of the Adirondack
Northway should be surfaced with cement, for reasons too numerous
to list in this resolution, among them the importance to the cement
industry located in the Town of Queensbury, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to write
a letter to Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller expressing our belief that
cement should be used to complete the Northway, and listing the
reasons therefore, and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of the letter be sent to the Glens Falls Portland
Cement Division of the Flintkote Company„ Assemblyman Richard J. Bartlett,
and to the Glens Falls Chamber of Commerce.
Duly adopted by the following voter
Ayes - Mt, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO.- 50 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by .Mr. Turner
WHEREAS, in the recent election the republican party pledged "No
increase in taxes" and
WHEREAS, iti the dpittidti bf thS general public, the fine distinction
between taxes, fees, licenses, etc is indiscernible, and
WHEREAS, it is firmly believed that enactment into law of the recently
proposed so called fee increases, will cause irreparable harm to the
republican party, and
WHEREAS, public opinion as assessed by this Board, regardless of
party affiliation is strongly opposed to any increase as afore
mentioned , now therefore be it
Resolution loo. 50 - continued
RESOLVED, that this Board state its position as opposed to the
proposed increases, and
- FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded
' to Honorable Richard- Bartlett, sembly man and Honorable
Eustis Paine, Senator with request that they oppose. w�th
firmness and vigor any attempt to pass, promote, compromise of
further the enactraeiit these increases which we consider to be contrary to
public welfare, wishes and desirest,
a.)1y adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Fir, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Per. Akins and Mr. Webster j
Noes - None j
Le :ioy Phillips
Chief of Police
February 13, 1963
A report to the Town Eoard, Toga of Qt eensbury on School crossing.
Due, to illness Mr. Ouderker?: our regular t,ratchman at Quaker Road and
Mead.o,,igrook Road on Jana 31, of t'.ais year. I found it necessary to
cover the crossing myself. I noted that it was. a very cold morning and
all of the children were transported to school by auto. However at noon.
4 children did walk across returning home, again returning to school by auto.
After school between 3:00 P. M. and 1 :00 P. M. their was only 1 that crossed
on foot. On Feb. 1, the same condition preva.led.
On Feb. 1, the crossing. was covered by Mr. Fred McCormick .
Mir. Ouderkerk returned to work Monday
",s. McCormick having worked one 1 Da;-.
LeRo` Phillips
Queensbury Central Voll.znteer 7.ire Co., Inc.
1 Foster Avenue
,lens Falls, New York
28 January 1963
Mr. ueorze Crannell
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
95 Dixon Road
Glens Falls, New York
Dear George:
Enclosed, please find toe active membership roster for the (a.eensbury
Central V11-1,ntenr Fire Co., Inc.
I would appreciate yo,1 forwardinV this -to t?<e Town Board at their -
RE ular meeting on the fourteenth of February 1963, for me, as I have a
meeting scheduled 'for that date and. -twill be unable to attend the .Board
Than'{inS you, I remain
Yours truly
C. Polrrel South,
Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire•;Co.., _Inc.
°y 1 Foster Avenue
Glens .Falls, New York ,
28 January,1963
Town Board
Town of Queensbury ;
Warren County
New York
Dear Sirs:
Enclosed please find a list of membership,for,the •laueensbury Central
Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. 1 Foster Avenue, Glens Falls, New York.
Officers: _.
President: Karl Chadwick Chief: J. Floyd Sleight
Vice President: R. M. Griffin Ist. Assrt. : Bertram Martin
Secretaty: C. Powel South 2nd. Ass't. : George Liapes
Assistant See Iy.<: James Robison, Jr. Captain: George S. Reese
Treasurer: Paul W. Sperry Lieutent: Harry H. Stewart
Directors: Robert F. Stott Chaplin: Clayton Ramsey
LeRoy J. Gordon Captain of Fire Police
David Sperry Kenneth Gage
it M
Baker, Francis Wst. Mt. Rd. RD#2 Glens Falls, N. Y.
Butz, Andrew R. 2 Glendale Drive Glens. Falls, N. Y. ,
^varpenter, Philip 15 Lafayette St, n n n
Chadwick, Karl Fm-Mkt Rd. RD#1 Lake George, N. Y.
Codner, Bernard Wst. Mt. Rd.R f2 Glens Falls, N. Y.
Daley, George Country Club Rd. n ►r u
Dickinson, Dennis 21 Lafayette St. It It It
Dickinson, Robert 21a Lafayette St. It '! !r
Fredericks, Thomas 14 Lynnfield Dr. n ►r tr ,
' Gage, Kenneth Country Club Rd. it It n
Gordon, LeRoy 14 Foster Avenue ►� " ++
Tiffin, Robert M. Aviation Rd. " !! !+
Howe, Charles 88 Glenwood Ave. rr It It
Kane, Owen B. 297 Bay Rd. n rr r►
King, Charles F. 33 Aviation Rd. It It
LaClair, Brian 51 Aviation Rd. it n u
LaCla 1, Gerald 51 Aviation Rd.. it " �!
LaRose, Harold 49 Glenwood Ave. r+ n n
Lester, Malcolm, Jr. Wst. Mt. Rd. RD#2 rr tr n
Leuenberger, Fred LL'Geo. Rd. RD#1 Lake George, N. Y.
Liapes, George 3 Foster Avenue Glens Falls, N. Y.
Martin, Bertram Aviation Rd. RD#2 n n n
Miller, J. Ernest 144 Ridge St. it rt It
Ramsey, Clayton 690 Glen St. ++ n rt
Rawson, Boyce D. 14 Homer Avenue
Reese, George S. 32 Prospect Dr. rr n n
Robison, James Jr. 56 western Ave. ►! n ri
Schoelermann, John 54 Aviation Rd. rr n !+
Shortell, Frank 11 Vista Court
Sleight, J. Floyd 111 Aviation Rd. r► !+ ►r
Smith, Jesse Potter Rd.
South, C. Powel 29 Parkview Ave. r► n it
Sperry, David Glen Lk. Rd. RD#1 Lake George, N. Y.
Sperry, Paul W. 171 Dixon Rd. Glens Falls, N. Y.
Sperry, Timothy ' 171 Dixon Rd. It It it
Stewart, Arthur Wst. A. Rd. RD#2 It it n
Stewart, Harry H. Wst. Mt. Rd. Rd#2 n n n
Stott, Robert F. 257 Bay Rd. !+ n rr
Total Active Membership -----------38 Members on leave-------------0
Active Members Over 65--- ---5
This Company maintains a membership,quota of 40 members under age 65.
This list will be ammended. as the need. arises in the 1963 period
Yours truly
C. Powel South,
I�Lr. 'ulebster, report�e& fiat the part- time secretary who is employed in his
office willnot--be able- to offer assistance for Mr. Andrew Butz, Justice
of peace. Arrangements will be made- on the recommendation of Mr. Butz,
with a person who will provide temporary help to assist the Justice of Peace
in his office.
The certification of the order to command the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
to collect the taxes on improvement districts was completed at this time.
RESOLUTION N0. 51 introduce by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson
RESOLVED, that the February 14, 1963, Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract
No. 63-2 containing claims numbered 60 through 159 inclusive and totaling
$19,-560.21 is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Yr. Turner, Mr. Lai-apson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
On motion the meeting was-adjourned,.
tGeo�ectf ul muted
. raell n Clerk
Special Meeting February 21, 1963
Present: John Q. Webster, Supervisor
N. Hara�ood Beaty Cmuncilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis LaWson Councilman
Harold Akd no . Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7r35 P. M.
Mr. Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent of Highways, was get at. the meeting.
A general discussion took place to do with accepting a map and deed foSr new
Town Roads which are an addition to the present deveiopmeav know as
Rolling Ridge, owned and 'developed by- Dr, Robert` A. Reid.
The following letter was presented in explanation of the propbsed.,apprpivi7..
Clark, Bartlett, Caffry and Dube
Attorneys at Law
Glens Falls, N:T.
. February 18th, 1963
John Webster, Supervisor of the Town of 4meensbury
Chestnut Ridge Road.., RFD#1
Glens Falls, New York
Dear John: ,
I am inclosing a current map of section , of the Rolling Ridge Tiststes
which I herewith submit to you together with the revuest that it bs presented
for the approval of'the Queensbury Town Board at the nest meeting.
Would you please notify as on Friday acs' td the- outcome. I will supply
YOU with a+dditionel -copies of the map later this week when Mr. Coulter leas
had an opportunity to run off as iiitional prints, j
Thank you very much for your cooperation ih this matter. '
Yours very truly
By Robert Stewart