1963-02-21 SP Tjr. ��ebster, reportced ;that the part- time secretary who is employed in his office will.not-•be able to offer assistance for Mr. Andrew Butz, Justice of Peace. Arrangements will be made on the recommendation of Mr. Butz, with a person who will provide temporary help to assist the Justice of Peace in his office.' The certification of the order to command the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to collect the taxes on improvement districts was completed at this time. RESOLUTION N0. 51 introduce by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson RESOLVED, that the February 14, 1963, Audit of Claims as listed in .Abstract No. 63-2 containing claims numbered 60 through 159 inclusive and totaling $19;560.21 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None On motion the meeting was-adjourned,, • spectfu1 muted '*"(VGeo �rannell wn Clerk i Special Meeting February 21, 1963 Present: John fir W%b&ter'_ Supervisor N. Harraood Beaty Obuneilman Theodore'Turner Councilman Curtis Lanpsdn Councilman Harold Akin: Councilman ' The meeting was called to order at 7r35 P. M. r Mr. Bernard J. Codner, Superintendent- of Highways, was paws& at the meeting. A general discussion took place` to do with accepting a map and deed foi now Town Roads which are an addition to the present davelopmenV known as Rolling Ridge, owned and 'developed by Dr. Robert'A. Reid. The following letter was presented in explanation of the propbsed.apprtl,, Clary, Bartlett, Caffrp and Dube Attorneys at Law Glens Falls, N:Y. . February 18th, 1963 John Webster, Supervisor of the Town of Q.ieensbury . Chestnut Ridge Road, &FDA, Glens Falls, New York t Dear John: . I am inclosing'a current map of section #2 of the Rolling Ridge 'Estates which I herewith submit to you together with the request that it bi presented for the approval of the Qusensbury Town Board at the next meeting. Would you pl"se nottify to on Friday as' td the outcom. I will sups ly you with additional. -copies of the map latwr this weak when Mr. 'Coulter had an opportunity to run off sA&tional prints. Thank you very much for your cooperation ih this matter. Yours very truly., CLARK, BARTLE=, CAFFV AND.DUBE By Robert Stewart p A study of the map was enjoyed with all members of the .board and the Superintendent of Highways taking part. Mr. Bernard d. Codner; the Highw q &iperintandent, recoomendad the acceptance of the roads into the town highway system as explained in the deed and the swap. 1 daee .for a portion of Sheratton Lane and Terrace Road, as shown on th& nap xM be presented to the County Attorney for approval. RESOLUTION N0. 52 introduced by 1fro Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty. 161HAEAS, a map of Section #2 of Rolling Ridge Estates, has been presented to the Town Board of the Tom of QuMnabury for approval, and WHEREAS, said'map complies with all the provisions of the Town, Ordinance relating to the development of subdivisions, therefore be Its • . RESOLVED, that the asp of Section #2 of Rolling Ridge Estates be and the same is hereby approved+ Daly adpted by the following irate: Ayes - *r Beaty, Hr. Turner, Mr. Lampoon, Hre dk3no and Mr. Webster Noes - Nome . R 4 n isatroftced by Hr. lidma, seconded by Nr. Immpsom. ` IPM Robert A. Rid and Margaret F. Acid, dated August 16, 1962 t ,p of,%prrtion and, Terra+ee, Soad, has been presented to tbi asaui 5wper3.ntendsast, Bernard J. has r e d that these roads be accepted into the Town Highxay teas, tharefore be it, ' the deed of'Ted Saad a portion of. Sboration. Lane be' hereby appr�ved, subject to the approval.of the by the fblloViag, votes Ayes - Mr. Boqty Xar• arson, Nr. Akins and Er. NNebster , �'lava�r, '• Noes - None f The fousub w lets, weak;road to the board in, answer to previous requests for Cesar , a►ticwa by' Richard E. Bartlett and Sumter Eustis .Paine, on matte of,1A.Groat to tt ►idaatte,Of the Town of . of sex Tox c February 18, 1963 John a. Webster, S%Mrviser of Glftq Aw, Bear Johas. . Tt + . au .Enuetis ..a►�ce b��g< us �►� t�d.ar a,� In :;: t� oat in wd tst tia�t. s.,ens at" towardR to baiw- Vd .. a#,er ba►t!4 his registration if he `� lT� iWbGr th&A Ong him sub3ect,to a; fib and a mark on her: li.. : k;L:', " In° Witi n witti the tiling of � ,ago and, ties sales contractai I as sorry to report that i ass asst in agreement with the beard. The purpose of filing is to give public iWUse,of ties fhct that t o liens ewt ,. property are outstanding. II'is' often difficult to determine in Mh Us owner of the property actually lives. I really believe Johws, # public interest would be better served by having these instru- ments th,..the County Clark. (better - Richard E. Bartlett continued) I am awaiting with interest, word frtu Al Besvick relating to the Warren- Washington county line squabble. I assure you that I will do everything I can to get this resolved. . Best wishba., Mck THE SWMTE STATE OF NEW YORK Albany February 18, 1963 Mr. George C. Crannell Tower Clerk.. Town of Qaeensbury 95 DUxon Reload Glens Falls, New York Dear Mr. Crannell z - This will acknowledge the two Resolution recently adopted by the Town Board of thb Town of Qaeensbury. in reference to`assolatios No. 50, I'wish to advise you that I have made a public statement opposing the automobile license fee increase; I am not in favor of other specific increases. I believe there are 'some proposed outlays that should be cut, thereby obivating the neeissity for such additions to the established fees. Referring to the filing of conditional sales contracts and chattel mortgages, I wish to advise,you that Assembly bill, Int. 293, Print 2710.. has been reported out of C maittes and will be acted on tonight, February 18, in the Assembly. When this legislation comes before the Senate, I shall support it, as it will correct the present condition. Sincerely yours, Eustis Paine Hr. Beaty, reported en'the'attendance at a meeting which was arranged by the Town of Queensbury, Plawking Board with representatives of the John Burdis Company, who she one of the professional analysts who will be interviewed to do * th supplying planning needs for.the town. All seven members of the planning board were present at the meeting. The minates -of the past two meetings of the planning board were presented to all members of the Tom Board of Queensbury. A general discussion on the present status of the operation of the + 6 board was aired for the benefit of_all members of the board. The Federal program on planning numbered 701 was discussed at length iiith fibers of the board taking part. Mr. Codner reported on a difficulty to do with obstructions in the form of cars and tracks parked along town roans which are hinindOring the plawdag of'saecw►. loume:iluan Tuner suggested that he would visit the persons, owning the equipment to endeavor to accomplish removal of same. A round table disoussion•took place at this time on all matters of great importance to the Tema of Queensbury. The construction of a town muaicipalr bui.ldixng and the ftle of the Pineview Cemetery frontage were the subjects of greatest interest at this time. The ultimate handling of the funds which will be derived from the sale of the Pineview Cemetery frontage was discussed at length. Final decision on this utter will take place at a later date. On motion the meeting was adjourned. • Respectfully submitted, George C. Crannell. TMM Cleric