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Regular Meeting February 28, 1963 Presents John O. Webster Supervisor . N. Armaod Beaty Coundleam Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampoon Couaed'Imax Harold Akins Councilaiati The meeting_ware called to order aFt TOO p, Mr. Webster welcomed the several visitors who 7dsited the meeting in the interest of the purposed QueensbUry Water District. County Judge Albert E. Besid.ck and Xr:. Joseph A. Is 6 r Jr., representing the.legal aspects and the points of interest corn- the engineering to do with the proposed water district were p t. The following visitors were presents Miss. Beaty Quiet Mr. John VauDusen Mrs. Thomas Quinn Mr. Tbo at Rogers Mr. Pram-.Morgan Mr. zdger Grant Mr. Ralph Nestle Mr. Russell Harris Mr. Franck Swdtn Mrs., Halft,Maingeworth Mrs. Gladys Phillips Mr. C. j. Miller Mr. ARoy Phi flips Mr. George Kushner Mr..,Charles Seber't Xr. FkbMrd Mrs. Andrew Kolar Mr. G. Powel South Mrs. Julius Wolff Mr. George Liapes Mrs Florence MoUvaine Air: Julius Mgrroa The motion as adopted on Februarys 14th, 1963 to resolve the hearing ,woe r*,A4 by the c]aark. Proof of,pablic3atioA me presented and the Y proof'ref posting of the notices was ream. by #.hs clerk as felaawsa is he Matter Of, I the EattaArlisk t of f=WBURY I LM IMSTRICT in tba Tom of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York, pursuant to AsticIo 32-A. of the Tows Laxa. STATE QF xzw Yom ) COUNTY OF UR I+T ) g G, CR INULs being swears, s and as" that he is the Tom Clerk. of tlea Teem of , , W—UTIS CAVUntyp Nor Perk, and that on the 16th.eic of Fabruay 1963, her posted true of the annexed order adopted by the T Hoard of said Town of bury on the 14th day of February, 1963, five public places within the limits of the premised Qwwuabury Water Xstri.ct in said Town of vey as desq� iA said order, to t= (1) On a pole at the intersection of Meadow Road and Ridge Road. (2) On a pole at toe interseotion_of Cline Avenue and Meadowbrook Road. (3) On a pole on Aviation Road across from the QaAensbury School. (4) On a pole at the intersection of Oven Avenue and Aviation Road. 15) On a pole at the intersection of Gamey LarA and Route 9. That the five places where copies of said anne3nd order were posted as aforesaid are public places w*thin the limits of the proposed Qusensbury Water IkLatrict commonly used for the posting of public notices. i Swon to before as on this George C. CrannelI _21st__d&y..of .Februaig., .1963. Freeie ck R. Doyle Notary Public i 382 The hearing was opened at this time to hear any residents who are interested for or against the proposed Qaeensbury Water District* Mr. Joseph Kestner, the engineer was granted the floor in the interest of eapla;n. a in detail the. boundaries of the proposed Qwmnabury Water District. A complete outline of the district was covered by the engineer for the benefit of all persons present. Questions brought out by the visitors were mostly routine in nature, such ass Water pressure - Hardness of the crater to be supplied - Iron content - Fik+e Hydrants - Time limit for the construction - How the taxpayers will be affected as to possible increase in taxes. , Mr. Kestmeer, explained each water main as they will be installed as to the- size and length of the aasiaes. A point of definate interest to all persons involved was the fact that with hydrants being installed atrelpired. distances the fire insurance rates will be automatically reduced. The installation of the hydrants will furnish substantially increased fire prateetion la all the districts. Following a question as to how the new 12" water main will be installed-um1or Route 87 (the Glens Falls By-Pass) at,the Aviation Road; the visitors were told that -the main was installed some years ago as an advanced preparation for the proposed construction to be completed at this time. . Supervisor Webster, elaborated on the effect on the taxpayers within the Town of Qaeens'bury. •It•is an acknowledged fact that the revenue wither the district should carry the indebtedness so that there will be no in- crease in taxes. All facts in this matter will be controlled by the ever- all cost of the completed construction. Mr. Cassius J. Miller of the Dixon Road, within the Cottage Hill development voiced approval of the district as it is proposed. Mr. Beswick, the County Attorney, voiced his version of the plan as proposed. .The feeling -of the Attorney was plainly voiced that than Town Board of the Town of Qaeensbury accomplished the request for the Federal Grant at the most appropriate time. A statement was made clear to the visitors that many other municipalities who applied a short time following the application - of the Tom of Qaosbaburi are being deferred due to the lack of Federal Funds available' at this time. E Mr. -Webster explained at length the system-of-buying-grater from-tip-tity of Gleams Falls, which has been the custom within the Town of Qaeenabury, for many years in the past. The Town of Queensbury for maaW years Was bean-, purchasing the water supply in this manner and becoming aware of this was a point of interest to the many visitors at the meeting. Mr. H. Russell Harris, former Supervisor of the Town of Qaeensbuxyr sad Mr. Thera Jbgors,, dew of,amoral sub-divisions voiced their opinions: in favor of the project as it in being proposed for the benefit of all residents of the town. The hearing was dosed at 8s50 p.-a* Following a short recess the meeting was oalled to artier at 9:05 p. me • At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Qaeenabury, Now York, held at the . Queensbury School on the 28th day of February, 1963. PRESENT; JOHN O. 1EBSTER, SUPERVIMR HAROLD C. AKINS, COUNCILMAN N. HARWDOD BEATY, COUNCIIMAN CURTIS LAMPSON, COUNCIIMAN THEODORE TURNER, COJNCILMAN +>a ------------------------------------------------------- -------------..-- in the ]Satter Of the Estab]:i t of QUMMS'BUR.Y VAT DISTRICT: in;the Town of Qneeensbury, County of Warren and ;State of New `ffork,`purousat tb Article 12-A of the Towh Law. --�� -N---------N- ----N-N- --Y-N- --N-N-----N----------------N��-M plan'and report relating °to the establishment of the proposed UIT Meer 13 utrict, prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr., a compdtent engineer day licensed by t St#Lte Of Sr York, in roamer and in such detail as has beeew dot iii'%U Torn Board of the Town of Qaeens- busy has,Uakl'da y filed with Y the Tc idm Mark of the Town of Qaeensbury in accordance with the :ts: of-:1�rticle 12-A of the Tom Law, and iffMAASs. an order was`drily addpted by the Town Board of the Term of QueWmbiLry nw Febbruary" 14, 1963s' reciting the filing of such map, plan and reports the i "v=wAs proposeed., the boundaries of the proposed district, the estimated wepense thereof, the proposed method of financing the cost thereof the tact-that" the map, plan. and report describing the same are on file is a:ffxaa bf' thei Town CIwk for public inspection, and stating all l'.. quiIedr by lax to be stated, ,and ,Apecitying February 28, 1963 other:` test re at 7 30 0 clock as. the time and the Wes nsba7 Sch000l on Aviation Road in said' Tarn as the,place where the Tows.`Board world meet to consider the maps plan.ai d:'`report s aifd to hear all. persons interested in the subject thereof concerai.ng the aao and to take such action thereon as is authorised or required by law, sod . such order was duly published and pasted as required by law, and A MUMM M SAID MATTE AM DW H= BY THE Town Board on this 28th a4i, of 10rear7, 1963,.beginaIng at 7130 ofclock, P. No at the Qtiaenxb rr Sch of in said Town and full discus on of the matter having been- had and All poisons desiring to be heard having been heard, G Nms "the e�ridence given upon such hearing, and upon motion made h3' CondA1 Tamer and seconded by Counciaxaan Akins, it is (a) That the order cbntai nii ng the`notice'of hearing was publisbed and pond' as required by law,' (b}' 7A*t all property and property owners within the proposed: district are` beneflted thereby: (c) That all the property and property o'kters benefited axe included within°thee' limits of the proosd district. (d) That it is-in the public interest U establish said water district and it is further RMLVU AIM ] M that the estsblis�- of the water district, as set forth in said imp,'plan snd:'rsports be improved; that the improve- sent therein be conbtftooeds and "the *tewary 'land. and easements be acgt it®it, bn the retgt f i sad ftnad t h a availi ie and provided for; i and that such district shall,be k wW #rod c sin tsd as the Qnensbury Water bistrict in the Town of Qatein$a U*!, and $'all be bounded and described LI as follows: a that certain tract of land situate, lying and betng'.3n the Tom q sbui*,, County of Warren and Stater of knit Tork more pa►rticulaxly bounded and f described.as follows: "Beginning at the northeasterly corner of the corporate boundary of the City of Glens Falls., running thence in a westerly direction in; a , straight line.and'following the northerly bounds of the same, crossing Ridge Road, Nilson Street, Sargent Street and Everts' Avenue to the south- easterly corner of forth Glens Falls Water Dist- rick Extension No* 1; - thence running 9861%," E along the easterly bounds of the same 1516.84 feet to a point; thence running S 836 O E aloe the same 399.93 feet to a point; thence `,,: N 80 282'E along the same and crossing Avenue; 350.13 feet to a point; thence N 83o o4l W along the same 399.93 feet to a point; thence running N 8o 281,?' E along the same to a point in the northerly bounds of the lands of Mary Kane; (bearings .given,ih the 'five preceding courses refer to the magnetic meridian as of May 1919) thence running in an easterly direction along the northerly bounds of the lands of 9 t to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence rig„la a southerly direction along the easterly bed's of 3xk� the lands of Vary Kara to a point in the ceder of Hal.fvW Brook at the northwesterly corner of .;lmds of Ashton B. Smith; thence running in a n*Aheast- erly direction along the center of Nal.fway Brook, being also along the northerly bounds of the lands Ashton B. Smith ,to a point therein at- the most westerly corner of lands of W. W. Bullis; thence continuing in a northeasterly direction along the center of Halfway Brook crossing Cronin Road to a . point in the said center of HalffmW Brook 150 feet distant from the northerly bounds of Cronin Rooad, measuring at right angles therefrom; thence running in an easterly direction along a line at all points '15o feet distant from northerly bounds of`Cr+caia► Road, measuring at right angles therefrom and. crossing Meadowbrook Road, to its intersection with the line forming the easterly bounds of the lands of Thomvas. Rogers, if the said line forming easterly bounds of the lands of Thomas.lagers were eactended; thence running S 12o 05' W crossing Cronin Road to a point ,on the easterly bounds of the l.and .of Thomas Rogers, said point being also the north- easterly corner of Lot 161 in a. proposed sub- division of the said lands of Thomas Rogers; thence running S 12o5'Y along the easterly bounds of lands of Thomas Rogers., being along the easterly bounds of Lots 161, 160, 159, 158, 157, 156, 155 and 154 of the said proposed subdivision, 770 feet to a point in the northerly'bounds of Lot 152 in the said proposed subdivision; thence running S 84o2l'39"E along the northerly bounds of lands of Thomas-Rogers, being along a portion of the said Lot 152, 114.34 feet to a point in the westerly bounds of an easement belonging to the American Telephone & Telegraph Company; thence running S 84o21'390 T, along the northerly bounds of the lands of-Thomas Rogers, crossing the said American Telephone & Telegraph Company easement and following the northerly bounds of Tots 54 52, 53, 54., 55 and 56 of Ridge Meadows subdivision, a map of which is on file in the Warren County Clerk's Offl.ee at Lake George, New York 1080.27 feet to the northeasterly corner of said lot 56; IL 385 thence running S 9o24'W along a portion of the easterly bounds of said Lot 56-and being along the westerly bounds of lands now or'formarly of Mw, B. Aver-Ill, 118.95 feet to a point at the northwesterly corner of Lot 57, Midge Meadows; thence running S 59o30' E along the northerly bounds of Lot 57, Ridge Meadows 111.32 feet to the northeasterly.:corner 'thereof and the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of D.L. Stewart; thence running. 8 59030' E along the northerly bounds of the said lands of A. L Stewart, 203.88 feet to a point at the northeasterly corner thereof in the westerly bounds of R dip Road; (bearings given in the preceding courses in the proposed subdivision of Thomas Rogers and Ridge Meadows:subdivision.are"magseti c as of August, 1955) thence ruing in, a northeasterly direction crossing Ridge Broad to,the.northwesterly corner of the lands s w or formerly of Reginald F. .Schaltz; thence running s 48o36'E along the northerly boo& of the lands of the said Schultz and lands, now or formerly of Edward J. Grant,_4W*47,1604 thence rq*126,S 82o521E along the lands now or formerly of the said grant 716 feet, more or lean, to an saegle point thereUl thence running i n a southeasterly direction aloing the northeasterly bonds of ,the lands of the said Grant about 200 feet to an angle poiat therein; thence run- ning in a southerly direction along the easterly bounds of the 18a4s of_the.naid Grant about 374 feet to the northerly booads ',:"lands aow.or formerly of Marvin ?daite; thenoel ranaing>3 82o5219 along the northerly bounds of the said lands of White., about 1600 feet to the northeasterly corner,thereof; thence running S 7o 21+Y along the easterly bounds of the lands of the said White and the easterly'bounda of lands of Thomas Rogers, .,972 feet to the ,southeasterly corner of the lands of T We Rote's; thence rawAng N 82o 34' W along the southerly bounds of the lands of Thomas Rogers 2000.20 .fest to the -northeasterly corner of the lands �-- of Otto A Quist; ;thewe running S 6ol9'W along the easterly bonads. ofe the lands.of Otto A. Quist, 884.30 feet to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence run- sing N 82023$V along the southerly bounds of the lands Of Otto A. Quist, crossing Qaaker Road, to the south- westerly corner thereaf; (the preceding seven bearings refer to the aeagaatia meridian`as of 1937) thence Ong is a -straight line in a southerly direction to the northeastterly corner of the City of Glans Falls at the point and place of beginning. EXCeptimg therefrom the Ridge Road fiistrict and Extension No,8 of North Glenn Falls dater District, bath.of which are wholly oant#ned in the above-des- cribed tract of land. Also, all that certain ether tract of land situate in the,Tana, couatr and State aforesaid, more parti- cularly bqunded, and described as follows; Begiming at a point in the center of Halfway . Bratsk distant 234:91 feet at .a bearing of North 84003' 3QM! from a a�t�atne: mcanutaent mired ec.L." found at the- nOrth=stw4 coxseer of the City of Glens Falls, said point of beginwing-being in the southerly bounds of Exbonsion No. 1 of- North- Glens Falls Water IkLstricts thence r nZd 4 in a southwesterly direction along the canter of the said.brook to a"point therein distant 150 foot from the northeasterly bounds of Dixon Road. measuring at right angles therefrom; thence running in a northwesterly direction along an irregular line at all points distant 150 feet from the northeasterly bounds of Dixok Road measuring at right angles there- from, to a point therein in the extended easterly bounds of a parcel of land on the southwesterly, side of Dimon Road conveyed by Jabez N. Ingalsbe to 2shas Hewitt by deed dated May. 24, .1923, recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office at Lake George, New York in Book No. 156 of Deeds at page-362; thence running in a southerly direction along:a line being the extension above referred to, to a point in the center of Dime -Road at the northeasterly corner of a parcel of land conveyed by Jabes N. Ingalsbe to Zenas Hewitt; thence running S 120 441W (magnetic 1958) along the easterly bounds of lands of Warren Clark, being also the westerly bounds of lands of the City of Glens Falls, a distance of 396.0o feet, more- or less.. to an iron rod at the southeasterly corner thereof;` thence running N 73o241 W (magnetic 1958) along the southerly bounds of the lands of Warren Clark, 159.42 feet to an iron pipe at the southwsaterrly corner thereof;, thence running, in a westerly direction along the southerly bounds of the said lands of Una Hewitt., `the same being approximately a continuation of the predsd ng bearing 1498958 feet, more or less , to a point at the southwesterly corner thereof; the same being in the westerly bounds of Lot 56 and the easterly bounds of Lot=63 of the first subdivision of Queensbury thence running in a northerly direction along the westerly bounds of the said lands of''110nsa Hewitt and crossing lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, 680.50 feet more or less, to the comeon corner of Louts 56, 57, '63 and 64 of the first subdivision of Queensbury, said corner being also the southwesterly,corner of Lauds of Sidney Van Dusen; thence running N 5o49t2l*Z ( magmatic 1952) along the westerly bounds of Lot 57 And the easterly bounds of Let 64, being also along the westerly bounds of the lands of Sidney Van Dusen, 1110.37 'feet, more or less, to a point in the center of Dixon Road; thence running N 5o51IE ( magnetic, January 1950) along the westerly bounds of-Lot 57 and the easterly bounds,''of Lot 64 of the first subdivision of Queens- bury, being also along the westerly bounds of Section 3 of Cottage Hill Development.- to- a point distant 150 feet from the northeasterly bounds of Dimon Road, measuring at right angles therefrom; thence running in a northwesterly direction along. a line at all points 150 feet. distant from the-northeasterly bounds of Dixon Road, measuring at right angles therefrom, to a point 150 feet southerly from the southerly bounds of Aviation Road; measuring at bight angles therefrom; thence run- - ring in a northwesterly direction along a line at all • points 150 feet distant southwesterly from the south- westerly bounds of Aviation Road, crossing Potter Road to a point 150 feet distant northwesterly from the northwesterly bounds of Potter'Raad, measuring at right angles therefrom; thence raxani.ng southwesterly and westerly along-lines at all points distant 150 feet northwesterly and northerly from the northwesterly and northerly bounds of Potter Road, measuring at right angles therefrom to a point therein in the westerly bounds of lands of John B. Van Dusen and the easterly bounds of lands of Nesbert Dehoney; thence running in northerly direction along the westerly bounds of the lands of Cahn B. Van Dusen., the easterly bounds of Nesbert Dehoney and d V. Howe j to the northeasterly corner of the said lands of Fred V. Howe; thence running in a westerly direction along the northerly bounds thereof to the northwesterly ear- ner of the lands of Fred V. Hoge and the southwesterly corner of the lands of John B. Van Dusen; thence run- ning in a northerly direction along the westerly bounds 3 of the lands of John B. Van Dusan to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence running in_an easterly direction along the northerly bounds of- the lands of John B. Van Dusan and the southerly bounds of lands of the City of Glons Falls to the southeasterly corner of the said lands of the City of Glens Falls; thence running N 7o35' E along the easterly bounds of lands of the City of Gleas Fails and the,veeterly 'bounds of lands of Willard C. Stan an, 3:T.&� feet to 'a fence corner; thence running N 56olac w along the southerly bounds of the ` lands of the said.3tocutnan and the,ioutherly bounds of the lands of Bertram and Skin Harvey, 5147 feet to an iron pipe c+ers or;"thence running in a northerly directi along the'I westerly bounds of the lands of L- Harvey 242..511 feet, more or less, tt the northwesterly corner thereof in the southerly bounds of Aviation Road;; theme rig is a northerly direction, crossing Aviation Road, a distance of about 50 `feet to the south- westerly corner of a parcel of land convoyed to Curtis M. Harrington.and wife by deed dated. June 15, 1943s rocorded in the 'Warren County Mark's Office in Book No. 225 of ?feeds at page 23 thence running in a nor Awray direoti4m. slung the westerly bounds of the said lands conveyed to Ohrtis Xe."Barrington, about 200 feet to an iron pipe at the southwesterly corner of lands.now er formerly of Charles 'T sa tiger; thence run- ning N 20o 311 E along the westerly bounds of the said lands nos or formerly,of Charles Tlsar nger, 1187.07 feet to an iron pipe at the southeasterly corner of lands WS or formerly of George N. and having Ge Coon; thence running N ,200 154 E, still along the westerly bounds of the laude now or.foramer4 of Charles T ssinger, 773.10 feet to an iron pipe at the northwesterly corner thereof and in the southerly bounds of Mary Neal Ellsworth- thence, running ng N Mo'15' E, being s continuation of the preceding course, erosa eg the 'said lands of Mary Head Ellsworth, to a polat in the southerly, bounds of West Mountain Road; thence running in a`northerly direction, _ crossing the said list Mountain Road and running per- pendicular thereto, to a point 150 feet northerly from the,northerly bounds thereof; thence run ing along an irregular line is a. northerly or northeasterly direction., at all points 150 feet' distant from the westerly or northwesterly•bounds of the said road, measuring at right angles therefrom, to a'point therein Which is on the westerly boundary line of lands of Warren County .(said boundary lime being near the intersection of OurnW.Lane and the Moustain, Read, so called); theme running is a northerly direction along the westerly bounds of the isid lands of Marren County to the northwesterly corner thereof, thence running in an easterly direction.' along, the northerly bounds of the lam of Warren County, crossing Interstate Route No. 87, also known as "The Northway*, and New York State Highway U*& No. 9, to a point at, the northeasterly corner tbwreof, thence rwndng in s; southerly direction along the easterly bounds of the lands of Warren County to the northerly bounds of Glen Lake Road; thence running in a southwesterly lion along the north- westerly bounds of Glens la1ce Road to a point therein distant 500 feet easterly from tom'easterly bounds of New York State Highway N64,- U.S. 9 treasuring at right angles therefrom; dance running in, a southeasterly direction along a& irregular line distant at all points 50© feet easterly from the easterly mounds of the said higr, to a point therein in the northerly bounds- of Nontray Heights Subdivision; thence runner in as easterly direction along the northerly bounds of Hontray Heights Subdivision to the northeasterly corner thereof, said point being,.also-the northwesterly corner of Zxtension No. 4 of the North. Glens Falls Water Dtis- trict; thence running in a southerly direction along the easterly bounds of M@ntray Heights Subdivision, being .also along the westerly bounds of Extension No. 4 of the-Worth Glens Falls slater District, to the northeasterly corner of Extension No. 7 of the North Glens. Falls Water District; thence running S 710 141 30!' W (magnetic September, 1959), along the northerly bounds, of Lot 137, Montray Heights.;Subdivision, being also the.northerly bounds of said Extension No. 7, 1505.38 feet to the easterly bounds of Montray Road; thence running in a southiA esterly direction, crossing Montray Road, still following the northerly bounds of said Extension No. 7, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 65, Montray Heights; thence running in a westerly, direction along the northerly bounds of Lot 65., Nontray Heights, 340 feet to the northwesterly corner thereof, said course being also along the nor- therly bounds of said Extension No. 7; thence running in a southerly direction along the westerly bounds of Lots 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 723 73 and 74 , Montray. Heights, being also along the westerly bounds of 9[444 Extension No. 7, 750 feet to a point in the northerly bounds of the North Glens Falls Water District; thence running in a westerly direction along the northerly bounds of Lot 41, being also along the northerly bounds of North Glens Falls Water District, crossing Nett York State Highway Ne. ,iT,S. 9, to the westerly bounds thereof, 273.2 feet, sore or less; thence running in a'southerly direction along the westerly bounds of said highway and the westerly bounds of the Worth Glens Falls Water District., 585 feet, more or less, to a point therein at the northeasterly cor- nor of lot 142, Montray Heights; thence running in a westerly eiirectian along the northerly bounds of Lots 142 and 158, being also along the bounds of the North Glens. Falls Water District, 349.5 feet, more or less, to the Qentor of the,northerly and of Pine Drive; thence running in a southerly direction along the center of Pine Drive and the westerly bounds of the North Glens:. Falls Water District, 8806 feet, more or less, to a point in the northerly bounds of Zot 4, Tripler Subdivision; thence running in a westerly direction along a portion of the northerly bonds of the,said Lot 4 and the. bounds of the North Glens Falls Water District, 35 feet to the northwesterly corner of said lot 4; thence running S .4o 15, W along the westerly bounds of said Lot 4, and .the westerly bounds of the North Glens Falls Water DtLstrict, 200 ieet to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence running is an easterly direction along the southerly bounds of said lot 4. and the bounds of the ,North Glens Falls. Water M atriet, 100 feet more or 249[9[6# to a point in the westerly bounds of Lot 1, Trfpler Subdivision; thence running .S 4o 15' W along the westerly bounds of the Tripler:.Subdivision, .being also the westerly bounds of the North Glens Falls Water District, 796.08 feet to the northeasterly corner of the second subdivision of Glen ,Acres Subdivision, said point being, alpo the northeasterly corner of Extension No. 2 of the North Glens Falls Water District; thence running N 840 14'- W along the northerly bounds of the said,second subdivision of Glen Acres, being also along the northerly bounds of.said Extension No. 1, North Glens Falls Water Distriot, .072.1A feet; thence running S 50 561 W along the westerly bounds Of the said second subdivision-of Glen Acres,. being also along the wester- ly bounds of the said Extension No. 2 of the North 389 Glens.Falls Water District, 1248.60 feet to a point in the northerly bounds of Aviation Road; thence running In a southerly dirscttioni, 6rossixg Aviation Road, about 50 ,feet to the scut Iy bouh .thereof at the north- westerly corner of IbEteni on No 3 of 'the Forth Glens Falls Water District; thence running -in a southerly direction about 250 feet along the westerly bounds of the said Extension No, 3 of tie 26rth°Glans Falls Water *District to tfie southwesterly corner thereof; thence running in an easterly direction along the southerly bounds of the said Extension No. 3 of the North Glens Falls Water D istrlct about '800 feat to a point in the westerly bounds of the North Glens Falls Water Diz- trick;, . thence running S 66 '301Y along the westerly bounds Of the North Glens'Falls 'Hater District about 500 feet " to the nort1twesterly corner of'Ixtension No. 1 of the North Glens Falls Mater District; thence inzaning S 7o 141 W along the westerly bounds of Extension No 1 of the - North Glens Falls Water District, 2067.74 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof- thence running S 82o 14, `4511 E along the southerly bounds of Extension No. 1 of the North Glens Falls Water Districts 2657,95 feet to the point and lace of be . P P n8 (Bearings of the preceding two courses are as the magnetic needle pointed in May 1949) The boundaries described are intended to include all properties within said boundaries excepting the property already included within the existing extensions to North, Glens Falls Tester District above referred to and sass shown on the on file in the office of the Tom j Clerk, and be it further RESEfLQED that t proposed Ugxrcvemmt, including coimtructioncosts, cost of acquisition' of lands, easements and existing mains, legal and eaginsering tees, and all other expenses, less the "amount of the Federal Grant app Uabli to some portions of said cost, be financed by'the issuance and sa e" "of serial bonds of the Town of Queens- bury to mature in such number f annual iastaa root exceeding thirty, as_may hereafter ble deterained by the_'Taro Board of the of Queensbury, payable in, the first instance from ad`valorem taaeei"evied on all taxable real property in said district,"and it is further' RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a perm- issive referendum as provided in Section 209-6"of the Tows law, and that the 'Town clerk be and he hereby is directed:tcl give ,due public notice of the adoption of this resolution in the canner provided by law. The adoption of this foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote, and upon roll call, the vote was as follows: John 0.1 Webster, Supervisor Yes Harold 'C. Akins, CouncJJ=n' Yes N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman TOW Curtis°Lampoon, Councilman Yes Theodore Turner, Councilman 70-8 A sum®nary of the board members opinions as to the reaction of the visitors was discussed at this time, General feeling of the members of the Town Board v" 'that` lets acceptance of the proposed water district was voiced by,tho,-group RESOLTIOWNO 54 introduced by Mr. Lampoon, seconded by Mr. Beaty. WHERUS, the,. Town. Board of the Town of Qpeensbury has this day adopted a resolution piirsbant''to Section 209-e of the.Town Law approving the establishment of the Queensbury Water District, be it Resolution No. 54 - conted RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make application on behalf,-of the Town Board of the: Tom. of Queensbury, Warren-Gounty, New York, to the Comptroller of the State of New York, pursuant to Section 209-f of the Town Law, for permission to establish the Queensbury Water District. ' The foregoing resolution was duly put to Vote and was' unaniwusly adopted. Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lwg5son, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None In closing his taking part At the meeting, Mr. Beswick the County Attorney, stated that the lease.with Montgomery Ward & Co., to do with the new construction on the Pine Vier Cemetery frontage has been signed. A closing of the purchase transaction will take place as planned on'March 112 1963- It was also stated by the Attorney that than option for the purchase of a sight for one of the water storage tanks has been signed by a Mr. Lehman of the Mountain Road. Mr. Beswick has proceeded with selecting and notifying the bond council to be the`qude in the final enactment of the Queensbury Water District.' February 27, 1963 Mr. George G. Crkamll, Clerk Town of Queensbury ` 95 Dixon Road Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Sirs: i I want to call your attention to a condition on Idnerest Drive that needs attention badly. On February 16th I had occasion to leave town returning the following Tuesday night. Upon our arrival home we found that our water had frozen. ff That was about 8.-0O`F. 'PI."The'f61lowing morning we had a thawing machine. 1 come up and thaw the pipe oute The next day one went through the same thing. I realize that perhaps'other people went through the same thing. ` However the trouble in o-dr case was not in our own Piping system. It froze about $ feet across Zaete!st Drive in front of the fdrmer Emaett Tho*don house and just under the"street at the Main. I.understand that this trouble f came about due to there being no snow on the street. I Several years ago the Thompsons had a.lot of trouble and the Town, at its own expense, lowered the pipes and they had no trouble thereafter. VO'are now letting our-water.runi 24 hours a day which seems to be a tremendous waste. We`cant go away and unquestionably the situation depreciates the value of the property. Inasmuch as the trouble is not in my pipes but is caused by an unfortunate condition on the opposite side of the street I respectfully ask that the Town Board approve the bill for thawing for payiu at. I dont want to new unreasonable in this but I do think the Board'ought to consider a way of overcoming this trouble. Yours very truly, Elmer J. West dr. The Supervisor,reported on the prices as submittid from different suppliers on behalf of purchasing stock supplies for the North Glens Falls Water , - District. A letter from Mr9 gestner, established the fact that the prices quoted were in line with so called "Book" prices as they are being quoted by all supplier's at the presentrtime. A notice of the establishing of the Queensbury Water District was placed on file by the Clerk as follows: Notice is hereby -given that the Term Board of the Tvvn of (aIaa Asbury, Warren County, New York, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of February, 1963, duly adopted, subject to permissive reforeadva$ a.resolution,. purstant to Article 12-A of- the Teen Law., establishing a water district to be"'know as I the Queensbury Water District and providing for the construction of a water system,th reiza consisting of wells, pumps, storage tanks or reservoirs, mains, hydrants sn othst , and farther providing for acquisition of existing maims, legal and engineering and incidental expenses, at a total cast not to exceed $958,300. The plan for financing the said total cost provides for the payment of a portion thereof frm a"'Federal grant-„net to exceed ".500, and for the issuance and sale .of SW191 bends of the'Rom of Qeeeas- bury to be paid in nand installments not exceeding thirty in an amount to cover the difference,botwee n vthe actual cost of the improvement ;and the pro=t of the al grant a 7 cable-to.the improvement, but such serial bonds will not exceed the sum of $5502000. The annual amounts required for the payment of the principal=of and interest on said serial boids and for the�opdration and maintenance of the water system will be provided by water rents and by aft `ad valorem tax on real,propsrty within the district. The boundaries of the!Queensbary Water District are the same asset faith in the map, plan and report and as set forth in a certain order adopted by the Toga: Board of the said Towa of Qweefisbro ry on February 140 1963, both of which are filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the said Town of Qaeensbury . By order of the Town Board of the Towa Yf Queeenebusy, Warren County, New York. Dated: March 1, 153 'k Gao Co MmunaU Town Clark of the Town of Qaeensbury Warren County, New York Five copies of same, ri.l l be posted by the tale tk at the same locations as the original notice of February Ili, 1963. Mr. Iestner, reported on a meeting with Mre Garner Tripp; the Water Superintendent of the City of Glens Falls to do with the problem of having inter-99mveti & _-v4 #► ,p is with the water mains of the City of Glens Falls and the Qeieensbury Water Aistrict. Action on this matter will be decided following approval of the City of Glens Falls Water Board. RESOLUTION NO. v i tr ch aced_by MrJ Boaty, seconded by Mre Turner WHEREAS., the 1963 budget of the Town of Qaeensbury provided for as item of $20D.00 to,.be pat-d to they Trustees of Momntsinsidr Free Library for library services furnished to the residents of the Township., and t WHEREAS., County Attorney'Albert Ee Berwick has approved,--a. 'contract between the Town. of Qasensbury and Mountainside Free Library as set forth in detail hereafter in these minutes, therefore be it RESOLVED, that this contract between the Town of Queensbury and Mountai nsi.deo Free: 0rar-y for fumishing library service to the residents of the Town *f Queenabury.for the.fiscal year of 1963 is hereby approved, aid be it further -- RESOLVED, that the Superroieor is,hereby authorized and directed to execute:the contract on behalf of-.the Town� and that a copy of subh contract duly signed shall be filed with the Toren Clerk. Duly adopted by the following votes Ayes - Mrs► Suety; fir..Turner, Mrs Lespe", Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None 39 The following contract„for the appropriation to the Mountainside Free Library was read by the clerk. e This agreement, made .,as of the let day of Jaau=7,* x.963,.,between, the TOWN CIP QUEENSBURY, ;a wmicipal corporation in the County oY.Warr and State of beer York,, party, of the first part, and the- T$VSTERS-®F MOUNTAINSIIS ,FREE ISBRUT., .at Dunham Bay in the Town of�peensbury Warren County, No* York, parties of the second part,, , WITNFZ=H, That WHERUS, it.is provided by statute that a Town Ao4rd may appre= ”- priate funds for the ,support of a public library in the Tour, and WHER O, MouattUmide .Free,TAbrory�has rendered and furnished a free library to the ,res.idemts- of the Town of Qaeeusbur7 for MWW "are, NOW THEREFORE, it is mmtually ,covenanted and agreed as follows: 10 The Tom Board of the Town of Qaeensbury agrees to pay to the Trustees of Mountainside Free T+ibrary, at Dunham Bay, N. Y., the aua, of Two Hundred Dollars ($=00) to be applied by the Trustees for_tip support and operation of the library. 2. The aforesaid payment shall be made quartsrly &Uqtv the year 1963 and the Trustees shall file with the Town Clerk of the Town of Qaeensbury prior to December,34 1963, a statement of the application of the aforesaid funds. 3e In consideration of the slid payment, the Trustees agree to maintain a free public library service for the residents bf the Town of Queensbury at ;its library premises at Du hams Bay N. Y. during the year 1963-._ IN iTIITAtESS WH&MF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be ezeautsd 4p7 their .40,v authorized officers as of the and first above written. TQWN OF gtTMSBW By John .WebFsr supervisor , TRUSTEES OF MQUNTAINSIBE FREE LIann By L1 TT introduced by Mir. Lampson,.,seconded by Mro Tan w: WHEREAS, Howard Ladd, of R. Fe D. #2, Glens Falls, New York has made - application for a renewal of the Junk Yard license for the year 1963 at the VanDusen Road location, and , WHEREAS this application;has,been accompanied by the proper license fee of W.00, thereeire be it RESOLVED, that the renewal of the junk yard, license of Howard Ladd, for the year 1963, be and i*he.same,is hereby. approved, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby directed to issue such renewal. license and deposit ,the fee of �9W 00 in the feral Fundo, f Ages - MT. Beaty, Mr. `t�irner, Nor. Leapson, Mr. Akins and Nre Webster. Noes - None Arrangements were made at We giro. for Mr. Beaty,and Mr..Taruer, the - representatives of the Queensbury Town Board to attend a meeting on the - Comprehensive Sewer project which will be conducted at the Town Hall in the Town of. Fort Edward, on March lst, 1963- On motion the meeting was adjourned. Rs � ctfully �tif�.ta��l Q/�