1963-08-08 479
Regular Meeting August 8, '1963
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Visitors greeted were as follows:
Mr. H. Bruce Wilson
— Mr. Richard L. Allen
Mr. LeRoy Phillips
Mr. Allen, was granted the floor to present a petition to the
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury.
The following petition was received and placed on file, containing
the signatures of 50 residents of the area.
Dated August 2, 1963.
We,, the undersigned, residents of Cottage Hill, Town of Queensbury,
hereby petition the Town Board, Town of Queensbury to remove, or
have removed, the unsightly clutter in the yard of the resident at
7 Hillcrest Avenue, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, Glens Falls,
New York.
Mr. Webster, stated that the request would be referred to the
C6:; Attorney. The question as to the restrictions which were
originally in all deeds of the property owners o; Cottage Hill
was brought to light at this time. The supervisor offered a
suggestion that he would proceed to Vrite a personal letter to
the property owner involved in the complaint.
Mr. Robert F. Beckerle, Mr. Bernard Codner and Bucky Corlew,
visited the meeting at this time.
,Jr. Phillips , spoke to the, board to do with a disturbance which
is taking place on' Quaker Hill Road. A request has been made
by members of the public to close the road for any access to
Mr. Codner was granted the floor with a report on the progress
of a possible machinery purchase which would be used by the
Town Dump and the Highway Department.
Mr. Wilson proposed an offer on a rental basis for the machine
that has been demonsterated at the sight� of the dump
Mr. Codner proceeded to recommend the purchase of the piece of
equipment which has been demonstrated recently.
A draft of a suggested letter to Mayor Helm concerning inter-
connections with the Queensbury Water System and the system
of the City of Glens Falls was studied by the board.
Mr. Orman Holden, Engineer for the Queensbury Water District
visited the meeting at this time. A general discussion on the
condition of the roads and shoulders which are being disrupted
during the construction of the Queensbury Water System took
place at this time.
RESOLUTION NO. 124 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Akins.
Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has here-
tofore adopted a final order establishing the Queensbury Water
District in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of
New York, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12-A of
the Town Law of the State of New York, and certified copies of
said.vlfinal order have been filed in the office of the County Clerk
of Warren County and in the office of the Depprtment of Audit and
Control of the State of New York at Albany, N. Y. , and an order has
been made by the Water- Resources Commission of the State of New
York approving the establishment of the Queensbury Water District
and the construction of the improvements therein, and
Whereas„ the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has
applied to Housing and Home Finance Agency for a grant under the
accelerated public works program to pay a portion of the cost of
the construction of the water supply storage and distribution
system and such application was granted and the Town of Queensbury
has entered into a grant agreement under Project No. APW-NY-52G
with Housing and Home Finance Agency, which provides for a grant
not exceeding the sum of $438„500 under the accelerated public
works program to pay a portion of the total cost of the project,
Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury had made
no appropriation in the annual budget of the said Town of Queens-
bury adopted forte fiscal year beginning January 1,1963 and end-
ing Devember 31, 1963, for ;the expenses of establishing the Queens-
bury Water District and the construction of the capital improve-
ments therein„ and
Whereas, the Town Board adopted Resolution No. 92 on the
13th day of June, 1963 entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE
and which resolution also authorized the issuance and sale of Mond J
anticipation notes of the Town of Queensbury to provide funds for
paying the cost of such construction pending the issuance and sale
of the serial bonds thereby authorized, all as provided by the.
Local Finance Law of the State of New York, and
Whereas, the contracts for such construction have been.awarded
under competitive bidding and the aggregate amount of such con-
tracts 'subject to participation of Housing and Home Finance Agency
are less than the engineer's estimate of the cost and that the
amount of the federal grant will be thereby reduced,. but the total
cost of the entire project, including items not eligible for fed-
eral grant participation, cannot at this time be determined, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,
Warren County, New York, acting for and in behalf of Queensbury
Water District, does hereby appropriate for and authorize the
expenditure o£, during the fiscal year of 1963, the sum of
$519,800.00 from the proceeds of serial bonds and of bond antici-
pation notes authorized by Resolution No. 92 adopted on June 13,
1963, for payment of the expenses of the establishment of the
Queensbury Water District, for engineering and legal services in
connection with the planning and construction of the water system
and the sale of town obligations- to pay part of the cost thereof,
the cost of acquisition of lands, easements and rights required
for the construction of such water system, the cost of existing
mains to be acquired, and incorporated into said water system,
the cost of construction of the water system, and all necessary
and proper costs to provide a completed and operating water system
in Queensbury Water District,
ayeado teg b� thMr.following l , Mr e�ampson Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
ye ea y, , ,
Noes None
A letter was presented to the Town Board from the State of New York
Department of Health, in reference to a training course for water
treatment plant operators which will be held on September 24th
through September 27th, 1963, at Albany. Lengthy discussion took
place at this time to do with the future appointment of a Water
Superintendent for the Queensbury Water District.
The report of New- Construction for the month of July, 1963, was
received and placed on file. There were 29 reports received for
the month.
The meters for North -Gletns Falls Water District have been read
and billed for the total amount of $1,510.88.
July, 1963
Date J Receipt _ Amount
Received Source Received
I-From George Crannell to General Fund--Town Clerk fees 246.75
8 From County of Warren to Highway Fund--State Aid 8x724.00
8-15-16From Forrest Crannell to N.G.F.Water--Water rents 189.06
8 From Cancelled check #1962 to Highway-lost and paid in error 121.12
15 From PineView to Payroll Account--Payroll # 13, 550.96
15 From General to Highway--labor at dump 517.56
15 From Frank Cowles to toPineView Cemetery--cemetery fees 777.50
16-23-29From Forrest -Crannell to W.G.F.Water- Water rents 56.32
16 From Highway to Payroll Account---payroll #14 3x252.10
18 From Dept. of Audit & Control to General---Justice fees 19732.50
23 From G.F.NationalBank & Trust to Highway Fund-Interest CD 1905000
23 It It tt .11 it tt tt to Capital Reserve Fund 't 174.60
23 It it tt tt tt it ttW.G.F.Water Ext.#1 Bond Acct
Interest on CD 52.50
23 From G.F.NationalBank & Trust to W.G.F.Water--Int.on CD 52.20
23 tt It it tt tt it tt to Ridge Rd. tt tt tt tt 18.00
23 tt it It tt tt tt tt "Queensbury Fire Protection
:Interest on CD 157.50
25 From General to Payroll--payroll #7 31160.80
25 From N.G.F.Water to Payroll Acctt--payroll #7 83.33
- 25 From Shore Colony to Payroll Acctt--payroll #7 50.00
25 From Ridge Road Water to Payroll Account--payroll #7 8.33
25 From West Glens Falls Water to Payroll Acctt--payroll #7 41-66
29 From Nelson Harrington to General Fund-junk yard license 10.00
29 From Forrest Crannell to Shore Colony--water rents 33.00
31 From PineView to Payroll Account payroll #14 538.16
31 From Highway to Payroll Account--payroll #15 3,415.55
Total receipts -------------- $15,013.50
Date Amount
Paid Fund or Account Paid
July Highway Account 25,613.59
General Fund 79281.19
PineView Cemetery Fund 19145.68
r West Glens Falls Water District 41.66
Queensbury Water District Construction Account 569.271.06
North Glens Falls Water District 94.97
Ridge Road Water District v 8.33
Shore Colony Water 50.00
Fort Amherst-Garrison Road Lighting District 168.46
Cleverdale Lighting 41.08
Queensbury Fire Protection District 90500.00
Reservoir Park Sewer 1.36
Payroll Account 119996.65
Pinewood Lighting District 7.33
Total Disbursements $112:92- 2- 1.36
Letters were received and placed on file from County Attorney
Albert -E. Beswick and a person named James Pine, to do with a
claim for ownership of an interest in the property of PineView
The following letterk were received from the Attorney of Mr.
Fred Alexy of Dunham's Bay Lodge. The same was answered by the
Supervisor, the copy of which was placed on file.
Clark, Bartlett, Caffry and Dube
Attorneys at Law
Glens Falls, N.Y.
August 2, 1963 j
Town Board, Town of Queensbury
c/o Mr. John Webster
Chestnut Ridge Road
Glens Falls , New York
Re: Fred Alexy, Dunham's Bay Lodge
Gentlemen: .
Because of certain difficulties which have arisen in connection
with the Dunham's Bay Lodge beachp which is immediately adjacent
to the town road, Mr. Alexy, on our advice, intends to erect a
suitable fence between the-town road .and the beach. _.
We ,felt it preferable to inform you of this in advancq so that
any misunderstandings in connection with Mr. Alexy's pJa4s can be
worked out in advance of his making any expenditure.
If there is any question about Mr. Alexy's ownership of the beach
or there are any claims by-the town in connection with •the use
of the beach, we would be happy to provide your attorney with the
title search of the Alexy property showing the northerly bounds
of the property to be the shores of Lake George and would further
- be ,glad to provide you with a map made by Leslie Coulter to the
- same effect, it might also be useful for your attorney to examine
the map on file in the Warren County Clerk's office of the Lake !
George-Brayton Highway made in 1930 on which is located the
bounds of the town road, which at no point extends to the shore of
Lake George as it existed at that time.
In the event a meeting is desired in this connection, we will be
happy to oblige.
Yours Truly,
BY: Richard J. Bartlett
RESOLUTION NO. 125 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Akins.
RE$OLVED, that the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #63-8
numbered 538 through 599 inclusive and totaling $101,936.68 is
hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr.Webster.
Noes None
On motion the meeting was adjourned:
Respectfully submitted,
George C. Crannell
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury