1963-09-12 493
Regular Meeting September 12, 1963
John 0, Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m.
Visitors welcomed were as follows :
Bernard Codner - Superintendent of Highways.
LeRoy Phillips - Chief of Police
Jogeph 'A Kestner, Jr. - Engineer, Queensbury Water District
Discussion at length on the future meeting, which will come up
at a later date with the Chiefs and Officers of the Volunteer
Fire Companies within the Town of Queensbury.
Mr: Kestner was granted the floor to offer a progress report of
the construction of the Queensbury Water System as it stands at
the present time.
"resentation of a map lay-out for the extension of the Pershing,
Ashley, Coolidge , sewer district was accomplished by Tt4r. Kestner.
RESOLUTION N0. 135 introduced by Mr. Akins , seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED, TEAt the Preliminary Budgets of Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge
Sewer District , Reservoir Park Sewer District, Queensbury Drainage
District, of the Town of Queensbury for the year 1964, having been
completed as herein after set forth and that the same be filed in
the office of the Town Clerk where they shall be available at all
reasonable hours for inspection and that this Board hold. a hearing
thereupon at a regular meeting of the Town Board thereof to be held
at the Library of Union Free School #2, Town of Queensbury, Aviation
Road, on the 26th day'of September, 1963 at 7:30 p.m.,_ and that
-- a notice of such public hearing be published twice in the Glens Falls
Times , the first publication shall be at least ten days prior to the
date of the holding of such hearing, at which time and place the
Town. Board will meet and review the said Preliminary Budgets , and
any person interested may be heard in favor of or against all or
any of the items of slid Preliminary Budgets as presented.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk cause a Notice of the Hearing
to-be published and posted as required by law in substantially th&
following form:
Public Notice of Preliminary Budgets
Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary Budgets of Pershing-
Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District, Reservoir Park Sewer District ,
Queensbury Drainage District, of the Town of Queensbury for the
Fi8cal year 1964 have been completed and filed in the office of
the Town Clerk of said Town, that the Town Board of said Town will,,
at-a meeting thereof to be held on the 26th day of September, 1963,
at 7:30 p. m. at the library of Union Free School #2, Town of Queens-
bury, Aviation Road, hold a public hearing thereon and review said
budgets and any person may-be heard in favor of or against the
budgets as compiled, or for or against any item or items therein
Dated: September 1.3, 1963
By order of the Town Board
Town of Queensbury
George C. Crannell
Town Clerk
The Preliminary Budgets of the Special Benefit Districts, as
prepared by the Town Board are as follows :
Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1964
Payments on contract 11050.00
Repairs & Service 500.00
Provision for uncollected j
1964 assessments 50.00
Unexpended balance 500.00
ec' ts from uncollected
1963 assessments 50..00
TOT:L REVEiqUES 550.00
dated September 12, 1963
especffully submitted:
John 0. v ebster, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury for the fiscs.]_ year beginning January 1, 1964
Cost of improvement
Redemption of indebtedness 800.00
Interest on indebtedness 300.00
Total cost -of improvements $1F100.00
Supervision 50.00
Repair & upkeep 300.00
Electric service 200.00
Provision for uncollected
1964 assessments 50.00
Total maintenance 600.00
Unexpended balance 400.00
Rec'd from uncollected
1963 assessments 50.00
Amount to be raised by taxes r_
Dated: September 12, 1963
Respectfully submitted: '
John O. Webster, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning Jamuary 1. 1964.
Preliminary Budget-Queensbury Drainage District-continued
Bond principal _ 51000.00
Bond Interest _ 12890.00
Note principal 500.00
Note interest 10.00
Provision for unpaid
196s4 assessments 700.00
Total expenditures ' 81100.00
— Unexpended balance 35.00
Rectd from uncollected
1963 assessments 565:00
Total revenues 600.00
Amount �to be raised by taxes $7,500.00
Dated: September 12, 1963
Respectfully submitted
John 0, Webster, Supervisor
RESOLLUTION NO. 136 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Joseph S. Durcan, as
builder for William Sporing, of 293 Ridge Street, Glens Falls , N.Y..
to make . anplication to the City of Glens Falls for water service to
a lot situated at Sylvan Avenue, thereby cecoming a water customer
of 'the city of Glens Falls , and that a copy of this resolution be
forwarded to the City Water Board, and to Joseph S. Durcan.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - 'Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO.. 137 introduced by Mr. Meaty, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Joseph S. Durcan of
293 Ridge Street, Glens Falls , New York, to make application to the
city of Glens Falls for water service to a lot situated at 9 Sylvan
Avenue; thereby becoming a water customer of the city of Glens Falls ,
and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City Water
Board, and to ft. Joseph S. Durcan.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson„ Mr, Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 138 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty/
WHEREAS, Mr. D. Frank Sullivan, Chairman of the Democratic Committee
did appoint Christine Bergeron as inspector of elections for District
#5 'of the Town of Queensbury.
WI-MMEAS Christine Bergeron will not be able to serve, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Mary McIlvaine of 23 Wilson Street, be appointed as
election inspector for District #5 of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following voter
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
August, 1963
Date Receipt Amount
Received Source Received
Various From Forrest Crannell to N.J._.11ater. Dist--Wtr.Rents
2-7-12-14-19 19441.24
5 From Glens Falls National Bank & Trust To �ueensbury
District Construction Account--Bond Anti: Note 150!000.00
6 From George Crannell to General Fund-T.C. Fees 425050
13 From N.G.F.Water Dist. to Highway Acc t--Pipe
Purchase 26.60
13 From General to Highway Acc 't--Labor at dump 477.80
15 From PineView Cemetery to Payroll E.cc.;'t Payroll#15 499.76
16 From Highway to Payroll acc t--Payroll #16 3,163.15
16 From State of N.Y. to General Fund--CapataAssist. 8,878.55
16 From State of N.Y., to General Fund--Civil Defense
check 81.25
26 From. U.S. Government to Queensbury Water District
Const. Account--! Federal share of project AM4-NY-52G
102 9w875..00
23 From NGF WaterDistrict to pavroll Fund to Payroll
#8 83.33
28 From General Fund to Payroll Fund for Payroll #8 3,160.80
28 From W.G.F.Water District to Payroll Fund for
~Payroll #8 41.66
28 From Ridge Rd.Water Dist. to Payroll Fund for
Payroll #, 8 8.33
28 From ShoreColony to Payroll Fund for Payroll #8 50.00
29 From General Fund to Payroll Acc t--Payroll 8A 100.50
-30 From Capital Reserve to Queensbury Drainage—
Tax Anti.note 500.00
30 From PineView .Cemetery to Payroll Acc t-Payroll#16 602.16
30 From Highway to Payroll Acct--Payroll #17 31,263.55
15 From Warren County Sherriff's 7ept.to General-fines 100.00
Total receipts 2759779.18
Date Amount
Paid Fund or Account Paid
August Highway Fund 7,568 0
Gendrar-Fund 69206.54
Pine View Cemetery Fund 11101.92
Queensbury Water District Construction Account 97,683.11
West Glens Falls Water 41.66
North Glens Falls Water 295.78
Ridge Road Water 8.33
Shore Colony 55.75
-Fort Amherst-Garrison Road `Lighting - 168.46
Cleverdale Lighting 41.08
Reservoir Park Sewer 1.36
Capital Reserve ' 500.00
Payroll Account 101520.84
Pinewood Lighting 7.33
Total Disbursements 12+2200.76
The report of New Construction for the month of August, 1963 was
presented by the Supervisor. The total number of startings of
Construction for the month were 22.
RESOLUTION NO. 139 introduced by Nir. Akins, seconded by 1,1r. Turner_
"RESOLVED; that the Audit of Claims as listed in 'Abstract #63-9
numbered 600 through 684 inclusive and totaling $109,577..06 is -
hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes- Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, 'Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
George C. Crannell
Town Clerk