1961-11-30 SP No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Amt. Claimed Amt.Allowed
418 Leon M. .St.eves Survey 17.25 17.25
419 Allen F. Towers Survey 30..00 33600
420 Niagara .Mohawk Power Ft..Amherst-Garrison fide 168.46 168.46
Street Lights
421 Niagara .Mohawk Power St. Lighting--Traffic Siaens
31-5.73 315.73
St. Lighting 294.13
Traffic Siren 21 ,60 -
422 Scott Napkins Custodian Voteing Maehine
100.002 100.00
423 Donald J. Sullivan , Custodian Voteing Machine
100.4® 106,00
*526.65 5,261-65
On Moplon the me a ed
Borg ranne 1 .
. Town Clerk
issal.ar. Meeti" November -23, 1961
Present: John 'O, mobster„ Supervisor,
Since Mr. Nabiter was the.. only board me r present t sting
Adjourned for 'lack of. a .quorum.
C. sane 1
. Town Clerk
iyecial Meetiia November 30, 1961
John Q. Webster Supervisor-
Stanley B. Miller Councilman
Harold ,Akins Justice of Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilsaa
. l.so present;, George Liapes, with Mr. Atwood Collins,, a. representative --
pf the builders . of the proposed new. Aviatiou Plaza, shoppift "rater.
Thadd.ore Turner, C. Powell. South, Roland Mandigo, Robert Auggles,
W. hasher and Bernard Codner.
The meeting alas ..called to,or,.der by the. Supervisor at 7:30 V�. m,
I earl T. Carswell of the ,Carswell. hors., . Inc.. ,was also present.
Chester Sprague of Parsons of. Glens Fa11s,,:Is a*, riae also present.
Proof of the publication:,of the. notice,..calling. for bids was
�. received and filed.
The following bids were receiveds
j November 30, 1961.
Town of Queenabury
Glens Falls, p. Y.
j Gentlemen:
We one 1962 Ford mo"l .F-750_.,56 fl Wheelbase -.84" CAtwith the
following specifications:
All specifications meet. or exceed those asked for. in the.
332 Cu. In. V-8 Engine
Governor controlled
50 Amp. Low cut-in generator
12 Volt 70 Asp Battery
2 Speed Eaton Rear Axle . 16,000 1b. capacity
7000 lb. frost axle
5 Speed direct_in. 5th transmission
900x20 10 Ply Tube Type Tires
160.0 cu.. in. vacuum reserve tank
Vacuum hydraulic, brakes
Heater. A Defroster
f Dual Electric Wipers
Vestcoast Mirrors
Left Hand. Side 50 gal. Cylinder tank .
New York States Lights plus ICC Flasher
Heavy duty Vinyl Seat
Heavy duty Front Springs A Extra Heavy Duty Hear
4 yard dump_,body with 6 yard ends as specified
Front end.,hydraulic. pump
Side .,.delixer_y plow #425 Frink with 10' wing h a P21
control box & right hand_side..power take off
Delivery Price $9841.00
Less Fleet Discount . ,984.-,00
Allowance - 1954 International. Q 00
Net delivered_ Price Glens Falls
Delivery date .approximately -
6-8 weeks.
Cheater E. Sprague
Track Manager .
Upper Glen Street Glens Falls, N. X.
Tows Hoard November 30, 1961
Town of :Queensbury
Glens Falls, New York
As per your notice, we are pleased_.to.. bid the- following
One new Internatioasl .Msdel 8172.,. 153*I wheelbase,
CA-849 900_x..20 10 ply_.tirea., V345 V8.Eggine, per-
manent antifrersa_ (40-below)j, _7000 lb. FA 65 Axle, front
IH RA 136 16000 1b. I speed..raar .axle., .heavy duty
spriuga, vacuum reserve, tank with gauge, T -35
direct in 5th syncromeah tranamis.aiom, dual electric
wipers, 12V 5OAmp ga uerater.,_:12V 70 Amp. hour battery
le al NY3 lights. and_.dire�ctioaal_sigr�sla with Hazard
switch, west coast airrora., IK heater and- defroster,
50 gal. auxiliary. gas tank ..(total 71 gal..) flares,
reflsctora. on :body,, 9' x 7' '4yd Aristocrat .dump
body-with 6yd.. anda, Heil 1715. hoist, PTO mounted
right side, Msdel_.41S Frink.anow plow with 10
right hand leveling..wing, with front mounted pump
_ Allowance 'l...954 Int.. 8172 1298.11
Net delivered price .
Delivery 6 to 8 weeks
Very truly yours,
Bernard M. Hawley
After questioning both W. Carswell and Mr. Sprague on the
difference. ..between present. aud. previoua._quotat.ions, the board
decided . to._defer their deciasion.ou both quotation&. _An..appoint-
ment was _made by the.-board_ f_or: .a:.meeting .on_ ec.ember 2,. 1961
at Carswell. Motora.,. to.,_clear._.up. questions., about,-.the. proposed
bids as received.
. 26
After questioning _both Mr. Carswell and Mr. Sprague on the
difference between present and previous quotations, the board
decided to defer their decision on both quotations. An appoint-
ment was made by the board fora meeting-on December 2, 1961,
at Carswell Motors to clear up questions about the proposed
bid as received.,
The board explained that .both parties would be notified of the
final decission.
Mr. Roland Mandigo, presented. a .map of the proposed new
Junk Yard. The board ques.tioned .Mr. Mandigo. on the distance
from present structures in order to-comply with the town
ordenance. Action on the matter was deferred until application
is P resented.
Mr. George Liapes, introduced Mr. Atwood Collins, a representative
of the builders of ..the proposed new Aviation Plaza shopping
center. The question of water supply is the main interest at
present. Mr. Collins suggests-an 8" water main providing the
water pressure will be at least 60 lb. The builsers have plans
for a residential 'development .of._at least 100 .homes on the
same land at a later date.
The board questioned.Mr. Collins on all plans for the future
developement. The understanding is that construction will
start in the spring of 1962,
Mr. Robert Ruggles and. Mr. Edgar. Washer presented to the
board a plan for a development, known as Oakwood Drive, on
Montrary Heights, The request .for. a .water Extension is
studied at length_.by tb* board. Several suggestions were made
as th the proper way. _to. handle .same.
Mr. Ruggles offers_ the board_ a deed for the road for the
proposed development. Action will be taken when a proper map
for the development is_ presegted to the board.
With the continued water problems faceing the board at present, I
Mr. Akins auggesta having.W. Kestner enter into the laying
out of all proposals. .It_is_.agreed by the board, that all
new developements should. conform with the master planning,.
W. Powell South approvc hed the board on the matter of
markers for fire hydrants.- The board agreed that approval has
been made. Mr. ,Codner ia_ requested to provide ,the markers
with the help of the fire company.
Mr. George Liapes, reports. thatthe owners of the Queensbgry.
Plaza dev.elopement. are. .furnishing .the..water .metera to< be aaed
at that development. Mc. .Liapes also reports that one aew '
2" water tap has been installed for Otto's Fastery Shop, to,
provide water for a future motel,
Mr. Webster suggests an adjustment of water meter. reading :dates
to conform ,with collection of taxes. The two .dates . should-:sot
be coincided, .
Supervisor, John O. Webster, explains_ that �� water su piy
for Mike Yaffee building mn t be coped with sue, The board
is studying possible ways_ of handling. _thia'.eattasion.
In the matter of dog enumiator .the .following applications
were received:
Town Board November 30, 1961
Town of. Queensbury
I would like to submit this letter as a application for
the job of dog. euumerator.
. Very truly yours,
James. E. Tucker
Dog Warden
Town Board November 29, 1961.
Town of Queensbury
I would like -to submit ._Ky application for dog
enumerator for the year of 1961.
Raymond J. Hoague
Connecticut Ave.
West. Glens Falls
Resolution N0. 123 introduced.. by- W, Akins seconded by Mr.
RESOLVED that Raymond Hoague be and is hereby appointed
dog enumerator provisions of the Agriculture and Market Law
for the- pear 1961.
Duly- adopted by the _following"vote:
Ayes - Mr. Lampoon, M. Miller, W. Akins and W. Webster
Noes - None
The Clerk read the following letter from Mr. Ernest Hillis.
r 17.1 Newcomb Street,
Glens Falls 40, N. Y.
November 20, 1961. .
Town Board of Queensbury
An submitting.. my. application._for apointment as
assessor of the Torn of Queensbury.
Yours truly
Ernest Hillis
The Clerk read the fallowing latter from the New York Traffic
Commission: .
- Stop Signs 1
Warren County
`-- G-Warren Misc.
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Warren County
Traffic Commission orders of August. 30, 1961, provided for the
installation of traffic signals an Routs US 9, Route 9L, and
Route 32 at their intersections ,with the Glens Falls Bypass in
the Town of Queensbury, Warren._ County.
These -intersections_wearer. previously controlled by STOP signs.
We hOW issued an order.. covering the- removal of these STOP signs.
A copy of that order is.. enclosed to. complete. the records of the
very truly Yours.-
Chief Traffic Engineer
Mr. Bernard Codner, Superintendent of Highways reports that
these orders.- have been carried., out.
The _following letter was read from:
155 .V"hington Ave.,
Albany 10, N. Y.
RE: 1961 Survey November 27, 1961
The State Board of Equalizatiou. and Assessment has com-
pleted the fieldwork in connection with the study of equal-
iwatijen rates in.Warren .ConAty. Appraisals have boan made,
of a number of typical and representative properties in each
town, village and city.
The Board of Equali.eation_ and Assessment desires to. meet
with the members of the Town Board and Assessors and. Vi lage
Officers and Assessors to discuss .the various appraisals and
to ascertain their views on each property which we hom ap-
praised. We hope that .as. xmW of, the. offleers as possible
will attend so that full dis.cuasions. of the appraisals may be
We are, therefore. scheduling the .following conferences
for the city towns-and villages_ at places which, we. are in-
formed, ire. the_ regular. meeting _places of the City and Town
Boards. We would like. to. have the village officers attend
the town conference so. that. parcels located bath in the town
and village may be discussed by town and. village officers
at one conference.
We hope that the time and date. of the conference will
be convenient for you.
Town officials are respectfully requested to bring to
the meeting their. 1960 assessment, ..roll,. and the. Village
Assessors bring their 19.61 assessment. roll. (City ._& Towa, .
rolls are those prepared in 1960 and collected in 1961.
Village rolls ame .those_prepared and. collected _in 1961.)
Very truly yours,
Arthur L. Bergren
Director of Equalization
196 Survey
Date Town or Village, Time P9.ace: of. Mie+et
Dec. 6 . Queensbury 2_00 F. M. 9peensbury ,sclWax.
The Clerk announced the ..fi.ling. of. a. nat3ce from the Elie
Service Cemmisslon,_to do. with the acceptance of a petition
from the Schenectady .Transportation. Corp..,. to take over-the
. . bus, service .formarly. .owned .by. the. Saratoga. Bus Service Ijw.
W. Codner, submits. a map of the Fred Hay .development on .
West Mountain.. Mr. Hay. will be. requested to oomply with
regulations by submitting .proper map with a deed for any
proposed road.
The Supervisor read an. extensive resolution from Mr. Beswick
to do- with the. request of. Mr. Samuel ,Jacobs to abendon, �
Californ As,aud .Kansas Axenues... Mr. Cadner is requested to
help complete-form-to do- with this matter and return some �
at a later meeting. .
Resolution No 124 Iii. Webster, introduced Resolution No. 124
and moved. its adoption., seconded by Mr.
Ak ns. _
Whereas, this Town Board .has adopted the annual budget of
the Town of Q eensbury: for the fiscal. year _of 1962, wherein there
was appropriated the sum of. $600.00 for repairs is the North
Glens Falls Water..Bis.tri et- Extens_iou:. Nb.. .l, and
WheFeas ,it now appears . thet the total of the several items
- appropriated as set forth. in .said budget for North Glens Falls
„ - 'hater District Extension No.. >1_ exceeds. the total of such appro-
priations. as. set forth.._in _said: budget. .by $100.00, be it
Resolved that the .budge_t of. the Town of Queensbury for the
fiscal year of 19:62.. be-.and__the'..aame hereby is_ amended by reducing
the appropriation forethe.repairs_..in the.North. Glens Falls Water
District. Exteuaion No. _l. from the aum of $600.00 to the sun of
Duly adopted by the._fo.11owing vote:
Ayes - We Lampson, We ;Miller., Mr. Akins and Mr.. Webster
Noes - None .
The Supervisor submit_ted,.the .following_ construction report:
Report of )iew .Construction to. the-Town Board Report #9
Dec. 1. 1961
No. 15
I�f T/61 George Vaughn_ B Rd. Shop _
11A/61 Reg. Thomas. Bay. Road.... Boat torage
11/1/61 Finch Pruyn & .Company Country Colony Dwelling
11/1/61 Clarence- Dagge,.tt , Ridge .Meadows Dwelling
11/'2/61 Earl H. Pregeat_... ._ Pinewood Rd. Porch
11/3/61 Charles W.,. Se.bert, Lynn Ave. Dwelling
11/9/61 Apex Industrial Const. Everetts Ave. Office & Warehouse
11/' 161 Walter _Palmer. Rattskill Bay Cottage
11/1061 J. D. Wilson. . Lynn, &. Sunset Dwelling
11113/61 EAM1 D. Atwell_ 686 Glen St. ue Antf Sho
Q p
11115/61 James & Mary Walsh_ _ Assembly. Point Added room
llA5/bl Thomas E. Meath North Rd. Dwelling
11/x.7/61 Withan Euterpr..iaes _ Route 9L .Marina
11/24,161 William.. .& _Tf�erese Hart:, . Clark.Street ]gelling
ll/'29/61 ,Clarence_.E...Groa tis. __ . Corinth Rd.. Trailer Court
Respectfully submitted: John O. Webster
Following; the..subod-tti ng_of. tbe.-aonatruction .report the Supervisor
dispiayed a sizeable.map. of.,the..Town, of..Queenshury, with Colored
pins marking the—location—and type of new construction, whidh
was approved duringvn1961.,..Mr._.Webater. explained that 143 new
projects —were._started,.during.:.the,._ ►ear.
The board unaaiously. agreed. that-the map was.-vary impressive.
Mr. Webster explained.., to..the.board the need for a copying
machine to be used. by different. groups._ .in the toms government,
purchase of same. wasapproved by. all. members of the board.
W. Akins reports on visit.,to..the_residents. of Hughes Court,
Dixon Road IntersectioRn.to. da_.with encroachment on Town Highway
Right of way. He .states-.that fame on, James ..Wilson side of road
has ben removed. There bAs-bean no action_ on the Warren Mo�athie
side of the roadway by the ownerse,
3 w,
Mr. Webster, explains the request of the Aviation Plaza
Shopping Center, on the Aviation Roa+do .that the, TpWn of
Queensbury widen the road to p four . lane h" hway as far -a$
the Northway. Mr. Codner explains that the Town owns
enough land without further purchase of same.
Mr. Webster reports that Mr. Alexy, again. requests the
to take over' road which he has of in a deed., Lem
discussion was had. on, how to handle the_spatter. The O
agreed to a meeting.irith. Mr. A1exy and his attorney on
Saturday, December. 2, .1961. ,.. providing an appointmput can.,
be arranged.
On motio the.meetia ad o
�OrC. Crannell
Town. Clerk
Regular Meeting, December 14, 1961.'
John 0, Webster. diapec�ir aa�c -
Stanley A. Miller Councilman
Harold Akins Justice of Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The Supervisor called_ the meeting to order at 7:35 p ■t.
The following visitors were present:
Mr. Tomas Rogers
Mr. John Lanfear
Mr. Alfred Lanfear -
Mr. Ralph Nestle
Mr. Bernard Codner, Supertendent of- Highways
Mr. Theodore fir, Councilman Elect
Mr. Har4irood. Beaty, Councilman Elect-
Mr. Thomas Rogers, was present in the interest of- installation
of Fire Hydrants for his development Known as Rdige Meadows.
�Vjj%YjI,Ok NO.125. introduced by Mr. Akins and seconied by
W. Miller.
Whereas Mr. Thomas Rogers, has presented to this board a
petition signed by all. the. residents in the Ridge Meado ,,
requesting the approval of the installation- of two fire
hydrants in the above mentioned development.
Whereas it is agreed that the cost of installation,
yearly rental and. `sa nt.enance will be borne by all signers,,
without cost to the Town as a whole.
Now therefgre be it resolved that the Town Board approve
the installation of such Rydrants and be it further `+dsolved
that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorised and ,-' '`
directed to send a copy of such approval t& the water depart-
went of the City of Glens Falls.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Webster, Mr. Miller, Mr. Akins and W. Lanpson.
Noes None
Ia :closeing Mr. Rogers states that he "is willing to turn
,over the complete water system to the Town of Queensbury,
in order to form a new water district.