1961-12-14 3 W. Webster, explains the request of the Aviation Plaza Shopping, Canter, on the Aviation RO&O that, the Tpwn of gueensbury widen the road to f fourr lanee, highway as far -as the Northway. Mr. Codner explains that the Town owns enough land without further purchase of same. W. Webster reports that Mr. Ale • xy, again requests tb# Awa to take over' road which he has .offered In a:deed. discussion was had on; how to_h• adle .the.softer. The go. agreed to a meeting with Mr. xy Ale and his attorney on Saturday, Dece�aber. 2, .1.961...,., providing an appointm*nt e+�. be arranged. - On, moti© thlaa7meatinik adjo Goorat C. Crannell Tom Clerk Regular Meeting. December 14, 1961.' Present: John 0. Webster b"npe iiste�t - Stanley g. Miller Councilman Harold Akins Justice of Peace j Curtis Lampoon Councilman The Supervisor called the ueeting .to order at 7:35 p s. The following- visitors were present: ]Ier. Thomas Rogers Mr. John Lanfear Mr. Alfred Lanfear Mr. Ralph Nestle Mr. Bernard Cedner, Supertendent of- Highways Mr. Theodore Turner, Councilman gloct Mr. Harrood. Beaty,. Councilman El.eet• Mr. Thomas Rogers, was present in the interest of- installation j of Fire Hydrants far_ his development Known as Rdige wadows. RESOLUTIDN HC.125. introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. . 11iller. Whereas Mr. Thomas Rogers, has preaentsd to this board a petition signed bp.all the..iesidanta in the Ridge M*adow* requesting the approvall of. the installation- of two fire hydrants in the above mentioned development. Whereas it is agreed that the cost of installation, yearly rental and maintenance_will be borne by all signers,, without cost to the Town as a whale. Now theref+�re be it resolved that the Town Board approve the installation of such Hydrants and be it further r##o1*ed that the Town Clark be and he hereby is 'authorixei d and ' directed to send a copy of such approval to the water depart- ment of the City of glens Falls. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Webster, Mr, Miller, Mr. Akins and W. Lampoon. Noes None In closeing .Mr. Rogers states that ha 'is willing to turn over the complete water system to the Town of Qeaensbwry, in order to form anew water district. I&. Webster welcomed Messers. John and Alfred Lanfear, to dis- cuss the subject -of widening of Birch Lane. Discussion ensued as to whether Birch Lane is .a road_or a 'Lane... Mr. Alfred Lanfear explained at length how the property at this location has changed hands over the years. Following a question by W. Akins as to their willingness to release the section of the propos.ed. roadway, Mr. Lanfear states that he would be willing to•release same an long as the road remains dead ended. Nr. Codner, explained that ,the amount of black top on the present road was placed there without the request of the property owners. This. was done when a surplus of material was on hand. u - Mr. Webster, explains. to Mr. Alfred Lanfear, that the Highway Law controls the action of the Town Board. The fact must be decided as to whether the road is a public or a private lane. Mr. Alfred Lanfear, submits a tmap . for. study which shows the path of the 4#30 'feet from the Aviation Road. j The situation seems to be cla afied -but the board feels that the other property owwnera .mnould_be contacted. Mr. Codner will-arrange a meeting_with the land owners and Mr. Akins and Mr. Lampoon will accompany him. for an interview. The following communications were read by the Town Clerk: Members,of the Town Board December 2, 1961. Town of Queensbury, N.Y. Eentlemen: I understand there will. be _two appointments made in January 1962 for. the office of. Assessor in .the Town of Qgeeusbury, As I have to retire_early in._ 1962°�Frow. The Prudential Life Insurance Company there .I have been employed for the past L 28 years, I would like to .apply .for one of _these appointments. I have, lived in the Town of.Queensbury all of my life -and for the past" 35 years`at 46 Main St. West Glens Fad is­N.Y. I have "been a Republican Com®itteman. for the last-10-years. I was elected-Assessor for. a .two year4°,and e16at year term from 1946 to 1952, and two years of that time as chairman. I am a me mber of the West__Glena F �Falls Chapel, and a charter Member of the WestfGlens Falls Fire Crsmpany. I will appreciate your consideration in this wetter: -Very truly yours 6farren T. Varney Tmwn` Board December 129 1961. Town of Queensbury Gentlemen! At a recent meeting of the .Queensbury•Repdblican Committee with 18 memtbers ,present, it was voted to submit for consideration, several-names_ to_fill vasancies as follows Assessors Warren T. Varney . LeRoy Phillips L.! Maurice Simmonds Peace Officers:Raymond_Hoague ` Lowell Hill Water Supt: George .Liapes Jack Crannell Lee Lavery Earl Jones Respectfully, Catherine Daire, Secretary C D. Queensbury Republican Committee 34 A letter was read by the Town Clerk- from--the legal rep- resentative 'of the Schenectady Transportation Co. , to do with the .traversing on town`hipways. The answer__to same was req-' uested .of Attorney Albert Beswick. Mr. Coduer, reports on the truck bids which were recently : received from. Carswell. Metors and_Fars©ns of Glens Falls. He recommends that. both .bids be rejected. In relation to the purchase of one Hopper Type Material Spreader for the- Highway. Department, the following specifications were read by the Supervisor: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SPECIFICATIONS FOR HOPPER TYPE `J HYDRAULIC MATERIAL SPREADER MOUNTED ON TRUCK CHASSIS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS: . Each bidder must7au Wt..w1th his bid. a detailed specification . of the equipment bid-,on. Xf. the equipment _offered di .fiou the Provisions, in"thie S +sci"fati n.,Ts.uch ence i e la- inedl..in et is_a bid . eft err. _ Such V reee " +e careful consideration .,the . ev1`1_Mns do not. depart from the of the Sprecif.i.cat ions,.and-are- in. the best interests of the uger. Detailed ;specitications..are_minimum acceptable. .The right"'to reject any or all'bids is. reserved. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: if 'Is the_intention of this Specification to -describe. an a Cu. Yd. Hopper Type Body with both center and reai- 4aterial spreaders and powered with an independent gasoline engine with a hydroulic ;motor. The body to be mounted on an adequate truck chassis and`the entire unit complete ready .to, operate. a The Spreader . shall be equipped .with.a bumper, hopper baffle, engine hood sides, service Ladder. and .two 20" x 135" running boards. III _ v DIM ISIONS AND CAPACITY: Leng' thof o,Fo fir- t*o 131-4"; width of body--not carer`$' ; height of .body -not . over 4'-2't; struck capacity of bdd - t less tfian 8 Cu. Yd. total_weight of Spreader unit-.4 WO BODY: Tfi hopper shall be of all welded construction, 10 ga. stpa sides and 7ga. bottom. The- sides..are. to .be p1peed. at 40 dogs, angle and supported by six formed steel braces. The WIdth of the discharge opehing_.ehall. be 18TM. The height, of the opening is to be mechanically adjustable by means of an infinitely adjustable, positive locking Quadrant type gate control, operated from the side_ of'the Spreader. The body is to be Equipped.with four. screens of 5/16" dia. hire with Sel/Mssquare openings and framed with 1-3/4" x 1-3/4" x 1/4" angles. Screens are supported by and hinged on 4.1 lb. channels running the length of the hopper. The hopper baffle is to be of .10 Ga. steel and 12" wide, and is to be removable and hinged to the hopper by three 1/2" pins. CON XOR.: The conveyor chain is to be 18" wide pin type'for easy servicing. The chain shall have a tensile strength'of 20,000 lbs. The ctoss members. to be spaced on 6-1/2" ceuters. .The chain is to move on a wear plate 3/`16" thick. A spring loaded, fully enclosed chain tightener with 4" adjustment is to be supplied. 35 SER TOR T�2 conveyor shall be reversible to bring material to either the front of rear spinner assembly. The front spinner assembly shall consist of two 14" dia. spinners rotating_ in a horizontal plane and adjustable horizontally. Each spinner to have four vertical fins of SA6" steel: The ,assembly shall ,be statically and dynamically balanced. it is to be mounted in the center of the body in front of the rear wheels. The. rear spinner is to be a single 18" dia. spinner driven by a hydraulic motor. Four cab contoolled spitmer deflectors shall ,be supplied: ENGINE: engine shall be Wisconsin Model THD-2 cyl., 4-cycle air- cooled gasoline engine producing l8 H. P, at 3200 R. P. M. or equal, mounted. on the r_ight :front, aide of the Spreader. It shall have a separate battery,,_ electric..atarter., generator, oil bath air cleaner, oil pressure systam and Autdmatic choke. Spreader controls to be included_on an .integrated panel mounted in the truck cab. The 're tank, to be_five 'g llon ca pacity. .A 16 G. 1P. M. hydraulic pump is to be mounted to the engine Crankshaft by a flexible coupling enclosed in a cast steel_ adapter, This pulp is to supply power to the hydraulic._motor which, drives the reduction and spinner ..gear boxes., _and .the rear" spinner. The F control is a two-war parallel valve that operates the hydr aulic motor forward or reverse. TRUCK CHASSIS: 'die t d chassis shall. .be_ in adciordance..with. tote' following re- quirements: Wheelbase--191"; chas.s.is _weight. with cab--9,.800 lbs.; G. V. W.-- 2,000 lbs..; Tires---11.00 s 20-12 ply; engine---6 eyl.; cubic inch displacement--425; brake horsepower--132 at 2800 R.P.M.; transmission-,-five speeds forward direct- in fourth gear, with two speed rear axle; brakes--West house straight air brakes or equal. If a used truck chassis is offered with your proposal, it shall be not over seven years old. Bid price shall be•for. the Spreader body mouited`on the truck and delivered to the Town Garage, Ir Bernard J Codner Supt. of Highways RESOLUTION NO.U6 introduced-by lir. Akins and seconded by Mr. Lampson. Whereas the. Town Superintendent of Highways has recommended the purchase of one 8 yard._hopper. s.preader truck combination with center and rear material_.spreaders.,. Powered by independent gasoline engine with hydraulic motor to meet the specifications set forth in Much recom andations. Resolved that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be published once .in the Glens. Falls Timea and the Post Star on or before the 20th day 'of December, 1961. To read substantially in the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is_ hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, will receive sealed. proposals- up. to` 9:00 a. m. on the 30th day of December, 1961 at the- Town Clerks Office at 95 Diann Road, to supply the Town .of Queensbury with one 8 cubic yard hopper type material spreader mounted on. truck chassis. Which must meat the specifications as detailed. Detailed speci- fications may be obtained-from the Highway Superintendent at the Highway office on Aviation Road., Town of Queensbury. Such bids will receive careful consideration if the deviations donot depart from the _intent of the specifications and are in the best interest of the user. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all Bids. By, Order of the Town Board Dated: December 16., 1961. George C. .Crannell Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following'vote: Ayes - Mr. Lampson, Mr. Miller, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None ' WWLUTION NO.127.introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr. Lampson'.. . RESOLUTION RE AVIATION ROAD WHEREAS Aviation Road between Route No. + , 9 and the Nc»cthway, has received greatly increased_ traffic. sine e the completion and openir of the Quaker. Road East-West by-pass and the Northaay , North-South by-pass, and WHEN additional increased traffic is anticipated as a result of several retail eotmaercial. developm . both under constructior and. planned r in. the immediate. area, and WHEREAS it is the judgment_of the Town Superintendent o€ Highways, Bernard Codner, that this town highway, to properly handle such increased traffic, ahould. be. .a. four lane hi hs"aq and that the construction_ of .same can be accomplished without the- appropriation of additional lands. - NOW THEREFORE", be it resolved that it is the sense._.of this.. Board that• the. Town Highway Department_under..the direetion ,of the superintendent undertake the widening and improving of, Aviation Road from Route_ No. 9 westerly to the Nortkiay to a four lane paved highway during the year 1962. Duly adopted by the following vote: ' Ayes. - Mr. Lampson, Mr. Miller, W. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None Mr. Webster reports that Mr. Fred Hay has qpn ted him to do with the' Mountain RoAd development. When he Be J' s proper map he will present same at i future meeting, for approval of plan and highway. The Supervisor has contacted Mr. *Kastner. 'He will attend the meeting of December 28, 1961. Mr. Miller states that on the Hughes Court - Dixon Road highway encroochment he. fixds. that the Monthie fence .is on the propeaty line but the hedge is on Town Highway-property. Action for removal of the hedge_ is deferred with the understanding that the hedge will be trimmed. The following communications were presented by the Supervisor: November 30, 1961. Honorable Town Board, I, Leslie A. Hillis, do hereby submit my application for. reappoint sent to the position of..Multiple .Dweling Fire Inspector, for the Town of queensbury, and any additional duties now connected with this position. Respectfully submitted, Leslie A. Hillis The following applications for assessor were received: Town Board of the ,down of Queensbury Dec. 1, 1961. John Webster, Supervisor Chestnut Ridge, Rd., Glens Falls, N,Y. Gentlemen: I„ Donald Winchell,_ an assessor in the Town of Queensbury since Jan. 1, 1960 do hereby request reappointment as an ass- essoF under the new provisions of law governing a town of the first class. In the two years that .I have served as an assessor I have attended all trraining. sepsions-aponsored by the Assoc. of Towns and the N.Y. State Assessors' Assoc. I have a record of 100% attAndance to the Warren Co. Aasesaors_Assoc.,,. the N.Y. State Assessors Assoc. and the N.Y.. Assoc. _of Towns .masting and training sessions. My regular employment by the. glens_ Falls , bst. Co. is from 7 Ram. to 3 a.m. with Nondays and Saturdays off. This leaves me ,,ample time to work as an assessor for the ;town. I thank you for the privilege..of. serving ," your ,assessor these past two years. Your_careful..- and thoughtful consideration of „my application for reappointment is greatly appreciated. Sincerely,_ . , Donald H. Winchell Assessor Town of Queensbury Tom Board November B, 1961 Tovin of Queensbury Gentlemen: r t The people of the town want and need. a modern, _0ooperative, and busdBess-Like Board. of. Asses.sors.. The ways and means are avail- able to bring modern concepts. of. asoesaiug to the Town of Queens- bury, We need but avail ourselves. of them to afford the town the assegsment program to which _it: .is.entitLaed. l respectfully apply for appointment to the Board of Assessors, that I might take part in bringing these concepts to 'the people of the Town of Queensbury. I come `to the Town Board with the qualifications of past experience on the Board of Assessors, a Bachelor of Arts in t study of gever� ent, and a burning desire_te dro► my. part to,make the Town of ,Qaeensbury a "good_ place_.to...live". In addition .I have years of ,experience in.ad® nigtration ire the.:army and years of decisions nuking in _my.. present full time .work,,_ where each dap irretractible decisions in the thousands of dollars are made. The harsh lessons of experieuce- not-only teach us what we should do ,ln. any endeavor, but perhapa_more important what not to do-- sugh as, try to advance _five ye4ws in one in politics.. Hurried Erggr+ti�s is transient. If it please the Town Board that I receive the appointment, my approach will be resolute but not headstrong, fair but ,not conciliatory, forward-looking but not beset with with e*Arrassment for the Town Board. If. appoiated chairman my policies will be: 1. No increase without discussion with the taxpayer; 2. Hold a monthly public meeting in_ various parts of the town; 3. Eliminate vascillation, in .assesssments_ from year to year; 4. Adopt a permanent record system including maps. If it is the desire 'of 'the Town Board that another act as chair- man, I would still be more than pleased to serve the town and help to create a cooperative Board,-of Assessors. Respectfully submitted, Ralph M. Nestle • - The Supervisor submitted the statement of monies received and disbursed by him during._the month of November, 1961. r RECEIPTS Date Amt. Recd Source Recd ' 11A Glens Falls National Bank &Trust Co.Int. on C.D 150.00 • To West Water 11, 1 Interest on C.D, to Ridge Road Water 60,00 1176 Frank Cowles - Pine Vier Cemet*rq, receipts 115.00 11/6 George Crannell_- Torn Clerks fees 339.25 11/14 Forth Glens Falls Water Dist. to Highway Fund 117.35 11/14 No.Glens Falls Water Dist,.Ext.#1. to Highway -Fund .84.00 11/14 Queensbury Drainage Dist. to Highway Fund 18.00 IIA4 Reservoir Park Sewer Dist. to Highway Fund 108.00 11/14 General Town Fund to Highway Fund - 812.50 lfA5 Marren Co. Sherriff's Office-Collected fine To 5.00 Gen. Fund 11/17 State of New York-Per Capita Assistance to Gen.Fund8,878.55 11/28 Warren Co. Treasurer-Mortgage Tax Appointment 16,670.11 Various George Liapes-water rents to No.G.F.Water Dist. 29,149.12 v w gF..water rents to No.G.F.Water Ext."1 2.,,721.68 �* 4-water rents to W.G.F. Water Dist. 10410.11 Jack Crannell-water rents to W.G.F.WaterDist.Extl 144.00 Dater J. Dolmas-water rent to RidgeRd.Water Dist. 108,10 " To Payroll fund-from PineviewPR#21 & 21 Highway Fd.8„610.7 7 PR#22 & 23,.Gen. Fund, Ridge Rd. Water,NGFWater Dist. and WGF. Water Dist. Ext.#1, PR#ll TOTAL RECEIPTS f 500.11 _I DISBURSEMENTS Date Paid ,Fund or Account Amt. Paid Nov. General Town Fund 10 037.27 Pine 'View Cemetery_ Fund �587.27 -North Glens Falls Water District 405.40 North Glens Falls. Water District Fact. #1 > 588.91 West Glens. Falls Water -District -2 .27 West Glens Falls .Water District Ext. #1 50.04 Ridge Road Water Distriot 8.33 Shore Colony -Water District 27,80 Cleverdele Lighting District 34.30 Fort Amherst Garrison Road Lighting Dist. 168.46 Reservoir Park Sewer District 108.00 QUeensbury Drainage District 18.00 Payroll Account - 8,314.89 Highway Fund s 7;2221W40 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS lM0771.30 Mr. Webster, reports on a letter from Retirement Spstem, atknow ledging errors which will be rectified. • The Supervisor requests the boards permission to purchase filing cabinets for town use:, which are greatly needed at present. Mr, Webster, reports. that he has located seven (7) used files that can be purehased. from Glens Falls Insurance Co. The board unamioualy- .approved the ptWbhase at a cost of $28"00 out of General Fund. . The files will be moved to W. Webaters office by the Highway DepIt+ M, Codner and Mr. Akins, discussed the hydrant markers for the fire companies request. it is agreed_ to install new gal- vanized pipe to hold the markers. Mr. Websterg, reports on the, Equalization and Assessment meeting which was held on December 6, 1961. Lack of a sizeable number of appraisals is. considered not to be a true representative picture of the properties in the town. The Supervisor and Mr. Miller__submi.tted a report on the initial court hearing.,on the..As.sembly Point assessment cases. The case will be.heard in Supreme Courtin Januaryt' 1962. REPORT OF ELECTION COMMITEE 1961. In its Report. for the year 1960 this committee recommended that the then existing Election Districts of the Town be re-divided. Early in this year, 1961, your committee prepared .a- map providing for new districts. This. map, (one of the Town prepared" by Mr. VanDeusen) divided .the_.Towa__in accordance .with the fallowinngg requirements: L. In accordance with the Erection LtWPrOv`iding forapproximately 600 registered voters in each district, 2 By a count of houses in the proposed district on the theory that there would be two voters . im .each .house, 3 the accesibility of a proper. pol.l.ing .;place.. The__map...vith descriptive material showing the boundar-ies. of...each....diatrict, was .discussed seceral j times with the full_Board, _and at meetings with the Inspectors of Elections and the Committeemen of .the 5 districts. The Town Board adopted a plan by Resolution #89 dated June 22, 1961 whereby the Town would_be divided into 9 Election Districts. Under the Election Law this plan became effective as of -October 11 1961. The Primary Election of September 79, 1961 was conducted in the 5 Election Districts. Registration on the first and second .Saturdays of October., waa .held in the new Districts. Prior to Registration, the Inspectors of the , Election Districts were employed to transfer the names_ ofvoters to the new Districts. The General Election of_November_ 7, 1961 was conducted in the Polling PL aces designated by this Board. it should be noted that_the_ transition to the new Districts was accomplished with a minimum.of. trouble. This was due, in the opinion of your chairman, to the volunteer work. mf the Inspectors of Elections who sent our. poetcards to each registered voter informing him of his new District. and the polling place. The fallowing recommendations ..are. made.. Those concerned with storage and erection of equipment -sh ul be-acted upon promptly as the. owner of the proposed-stor4elpItce is anxious to have an answer asd to prepare the place for us, or, if we. do not want it., to rent to others. 1. The increase to .9' Distriets .requires more equipment. _ Storage heretofore has been unsatisfactory due in large measure to the swailibility of. space at a reasonable price. That space that has been_ used,..has had to be shared with others, resulting ,in.moving_other .materials to get ours, and loss of some_ material.s such as padlocks and voting booth curtains. W. Walter Robinson, located on Gurney Lane has available_ a .large_barn. that _is not being fully used, He has told your. chairman that he will be glad to make available two rooms on the ground floor, that can be kept under lock and key. I have inspected this area and, in my opinion is exactly what we need. This s�=ice can be rented Lor ^50 per year. 7t w'11 This space . can be rented $50 per year. It will. easily hold all of the equipment for all of our 9 Districts. 2,. I would recommend that the erection, dismantling of storing and safe keeping of this equipment be placed under the supervision of the Highway Department. Some employees of that department are already familiar with the work, having assisted your chairman in the work for registration. and general election. 3. Outside of District 2, there is 'no available space for storing of equipment. The *Grange provide an enclosed space there. the. equipment is not mingled with the. other �f materials such as in Hewitt's garage and the several firehouses. If the f ir'ehouses _could assure .that the equ- ipment would be kept .apart and not left out where it has to be handled, it would seem adviseable to not only make arrangements for such care, but also to consider some sort of an arrangement with the Fire Companies for the erection and dismantling; at those times when the equipment had to be used. Generally it is the opinion of the. chairman of this committee that it would be more satisfactory and certainly more efficient and economical to* fix the responsibility in the Highway Department.. The only exception would be the continued use of the_Grange facilities. 4. The final results of. the registaation_arid the votingon November 79 1961 point .up the . fact, that' new Districts 4 & 6 are the:.largeat_ in. territory as well as registered voters, eaeh .having now over 700 registrants. They are undoubtedly the districts that will experience the most growth due to the..construction of the new County Center and the. aetivity off Aviation Road and the building that will follow the completion of. tlie re-construction of West. Mountain Road._While it. is not an acute situation at tbiis time, it should. be noted and not allowed to reach the stage _of_ old District 3. Lj Respectfully s bmitted Stanley B. Miller Chairman I Submitted to the Board.December _14, . 1961 .with copies furnished Messers. Lampsort and -Akins, the other 'members of the .committee .and their suggestions, .comments,_ and criticisms asked for -older date if December 11. There is attached an Inventory (not warranted as wholly correct) of preacut equipment,. .its .location and what is needed. This equipment is ,not needed .immediately. but must be availdble'before the next primtary. ' 12 `1.4/61. INVENTORY District #l. lset of Rail enclosres, 1 pulpit desk, 2 ballot boxes in fair condition, l padlock. Stored tinder stairs all..iu gouth Queensbury Firehouse. #2`. 1 set of:.rail enclosures., ,2 ballot boxes, 2'-old sjryle voting booths with electric attachmentm and 1 pulpit desk. Stored under lock Grange Halle. a e )tZd ostslwbth ropeoforlenclosnrbeooth(old 1 pulpit • #4 1 Ballot .box, 2 posts with rope for enclosure and l old s.jcyle voting booth with curtain new. #5 1 set rail.enclasure., . l large table, 1 pulpit desk, 2 ballot boxes with 1 lock padlock. All stored Zen" .Hewitt.,garage Dixon 'Road. #6 41 96. 1 set rail enclosures, 1 voting booth, new with 3 openings, 2 ballot boxes. Stored at Zenas Hewitt's garage. Another voting _booth is supposed to be in school but ' I have not located it. ' ' #7. 1 voting booth, old style, new curtain, 1 ballot box, 1 pulpit desk, two. posts. .for enclosure and rope. Now at the storehouse. #g; 1 set rail onclosure, _ I.votipg booth, washed curtain, 2 ballot boxes, l pulpit desk. All stored West Glens Falls Firehouse. #9. 1 pulpit desk, hating booth old style with new curtain, l ballot box, two posts for enclosure with rope.'Stored at Cast Stone Store. r' The equipment in District #3, is . stored at the North Queehsbury . Firehouse. (Not damaged. in.recent fire.) The equipment for District #4 and 7 is at Town Storehouse. That for Districts 5 g 6 19' stored at Zenas Hewitt's_ garage, Dixon Road. NEEDED a Voting Booths(New three opening recommended) . L pulpit desk. . 3 tables for Districts, 4, 7 & 9. Recommend tables used at . Grange Hail of_the folding type. B. Chairs, to be used .at Cast Stone and Kensington Road polling places. None .available. In the other polling places we use the chairs and tables of the Fire Co. . 1. dozen plastic coverswin_which to store voting booth curtains. SUFFICIENT Ballot boxes. If compliance is made with Se—ct n, of the -Election Law .there lust be at least 4 ballot boxes..in. each polling place. Tha best j estimaa that I scan make... is that .we have on hand 14 so we will need- 22 more to comply with the Law. Dist. 3 2 had._the required .4 but 2 were taken away. If purchase .is to be. mad+�..it a ..recom mended that the type used by the. board of Elections be. used. j RESOLUTION_ NO.128 introduced .by 1&.'. Miller seconded by Mr, Akins. Resolved that the board contract with Mr.. Walter Robinson, Gurney Lane, Town of. Queensbury-, for. the storage of election equipment for the aum .of..$50.00 per year. Effective as of . December. l, 1961. - Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson,. Mr._Akine and Mr, Webster. Noes - None Mr, Webster, submits to each member of the board the Preliminary Estimate for study on two. proposed new water . districts.. Sections involved_:ase the. Barber. Ave - Grant Ave. area, and the Mountain View Lane & Tissinger development location. SCHEDULE .OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY,.>WARREN. COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1961. NO. Nib of C aiment Nature o , aim Amt. C armed- Amt. loweA 424 Clayton G. Woodbury&Son Elect. Board Mat, 30.09 30.09 425 Glens Falls Post Co. Truck Bid.Notices 19.32 19.32 426 Glens Falls Hospital, Alcbhol_:BUid Test 3.00 3.00 427 Meredith S. Bentley . Postage Per Receipts 20,00 20.00 428 Queensbury Central .Vol. Rental Election 40.00 40.00 Fire Company 429 George Crannell Postage Town Clerk 2,00 2,00 430 J.E. Sawyer & Co., Inc.. Rope Elect. Board 6.08 . 6,08 42 too. Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amt. Claimed Amt. Allowed 431 Romney C. Patterson Assessment & Tax. Forms 340.48 340.48 432 Niagara Mohawk Power Elect. Serv. Aviat.. Rd. 137.12 137.12 433 WGF Water Dist.Ext.l Water Billing City of 93.54 93.54 Glens_ Falls - 434 ' Glens Falls Savings. 'Water-Rent Deposited in 20.70 20.70` & Loan Error 435 City of Glens Falls Meter Tax .North Glens FallsT.690.54 1690.54 Water Fund_ Water Dist. Meter #93A 436 City of Glens° Falls Ridge. Road Water Dist.' 148.00 148.00 Water Fund Meter #134 437 City of Glens Falls Water NGF Water Dist. Ext.#1 2346.37 2346.3-7 Fund Meter #93' 4338 City of Glens Falls Water WGF Water Dist Dist. 748.34 74804 Fund Deter #95 - 439 Dennis & Co., Inc. Supplement. Mown Law- (K. Webster) 440 Dennis & Co., Inc. . Supple. Vehicle & Traffic Law- (H. Akins) 2.50 441 Wagoner Business Equip.. Cleaning & Adj. Typewriter 26.90 26.90 (Town Clerk) 442 Norman A. Harvey K. D Baby Clinics 3600 360.00 443 Niagara Mohawk Power Co. Elect. Service, Shore 6.87 6.87 Colony Water Dist. 444 Carswell. Motors Inc. Faint for Elect. Booth 1132. 2.32 445 Chas, E. Hotaling Supplies ( Meredith Bentley) 4.80 4.80 446 Russell & Wait Inc... Supplies ( Town Clerk.) 1,0.26 T0.2'6 447 Russell &. Wait. Inc. Supplies ( ,T. Webster) 5.05 5,05 448 Louis Corlew 14GF Water iAiter Dist. L6.50 1:6.50 Labor Checking Hydrants 449 Louis Corlew NGF Water. Dist Extensions 16,50 16.50 450 Niagara Moharek. Power Co. Street Lights-Fort Amherst 16ti.46 168.46 Garrison Road 451 Niagara Mohawk Power Co:.. Elect. Service St. Lights _. 40L.33 401.33; W " 379.73' g StaLightsiBridge-Bridge-Highway 6..79 6179 452' Niagara Mohawk Pewer Co. 453 Niagara Mohawk Power Co. St. Lights-Cleverdale 4L®8 41.08 ' 454 Detroit Supply Co. Paint Thinner 190 X90 455 Dennis. & Co,. Justice Sapplies(Andrew Buts)61.63 61.63 456 Dennis & Co. (2) Supp. Justice Manual 12040 12.00 457 Glenfab Bag & Linen. Co.. Plastic-Pine View Cemetery 5.18 5.18 C 458 Duero Oil. Co.:. Kerosenep-PYwTi+ew Cemetery i 8,58 8158 459 National Welding. Ca, - Welding-Fine View Cemetery 10.95 10.95 460 Owinups Gen. Store Gasoline Dump 70.45 -70.45 461 Williamson Law Book Co. Payroll Book Sup. Highway .12.84 12.84 462 Route t Motor Service Repair Parts Tractor-Dump, U*ft. 16,42 463 Leon Nassivera Mileage (assessor). 56,iA4- 56.64 464 Lykes Radiator Service Radiator Repair 1510al- 15.00 465 Ray Supplies Inc. Verifax Copier "B" 234.60 234.60 With supplies . 466 Wt. M. Bronk Coal & Lumber 713 Loads of Sand (dump) 356.50 356.50 467 Highway Dept. Fund Labor--Truck & Driver 126AO 126.00 General Fund (Dump) 468 Delia Duckett WGF Water Dist.-Rebate 6..00 6.00 Water Bill 469 Harrisena Comm. Church Care & Maintenance of 100.00 100.00 . Harrisena_Cemetery 470 Bullard-Glencraft Envelopes (J. Webster) 58.70 58.70 471 Leon M. Steves Survey 16,5Q 16.50 472 Allen J. Tourers Survey 11 25 . 11.2 7 7885.59 i On Motio etang ad Geo e .C. Crannell . To Clerk