1961-12-31 SP 52
This house was built by the same contractor as built a house
on Pershing Road from the same pjan$ and specifications. The
Pershing Road house is assessed at` $30,000 market value or
$129,000. The Horican Ave. , house is assessed by the City at
$8000. The house on Horican Ave., (in the City) pays a 'school
tax of $288.32 while the house in the Town pays $46O.82,'(thia
includes the surcharge of $2.37) It .certainly would seem' .that
such an inequity could be and should be corrected. Further
exploration with Mr. Bergaron of Lqualia&tion is warranted. '
Respectfully submitted .
Stanley B. Miller
On motion the meeting was adjourned
• Geor C. Crannell
Town Clerk
Scec al Meeting December 31,, 1961.
John 0, Webster Supervisor
Stanley B. Miller Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akins
Justice of Fleece
Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace
The meeting was called _to order 9:25 am.
Proof of ftblication of the notice calling for bids was
received and filed.
The following bid was received:
f December 29, 1961.
Town Board
Town of Queens bury
New York
Attention: Mr. George C. Crannell
Town Clerk
In reference to your legal advertisement .requesting bids on"
one (1) 8 Cubic Yard Hopper Type Material Spreader mounted oh a
truck chassis, we are pleased to submit the following proposition:'
ropo tion
One (1) SHUNK 8 Cubic Yard Hydraulic Double End Spreader mounted ,
on a 1954 Brockway Truck fora delivered price of $6„235.01 ;
This unit meets your Specifications in every detail.
We trust we may have_.the pleasure, .of serving you.
- Very truly yours,
F. R. Mott
President -
Following a question from the board Mr. Codner reports, the
above mentioned machine to be in perfect condition and suiting
the needs of the Highway Department.
Resolution No. 2,37 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by W.Lampson
W4—as, the Town Superintendent of Highways did on the
14th day of December 1961, duly recommend the purchase of
certain equipment pursant to, Section 142 of the Highway Law-
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved that pursant to Section 142
of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is
hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance tiith the provisions
of 4rticle 5-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval
of the County Superintendent of Highways, the following:
On.e 8 Cubic yard hopper type material spreader, mounted
on truck chassis as per detailed specifications itemized in
the minutes of th$s board dated December 14, 1961t .from
Mott Manbeck Machinery Co., Inc. , for a maximum price of
$69235.00 Six thousand two hundred and thirty-five dollars.
Deliirered at the Queensbury 4torehouse, Queensbury, N, Y.
(and to be delivered. on or about January 1962.)
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr, Webster,, Mr. Miller..Mr. Lempson, W. Akins and
Mi. Bentley.
Noes - None
Resolution NM. 138 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr. Miller
Resolved, that the following bond of Andrew R. Butz
Justice of Peace, be and the-same, are hereby approved as to
form, Amount, Surety, and manner of execution.
Justice of Peace - Glens Falls Insurance Co. Bond 982-34-45
Public Official Bond $4000.00
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Webster, W. Miller, Mr, Lampson, W. Akins and
I+ , Bentley
Noes - None
The Supervisor presented a report of moneys received and
disbursed during the month of December as follows:
December 1961
Date Receipts Amount
Received Source , _ Received
Dec. 5 George C. Crannell Town Clerk fees - to Gen.Fund 129.75
8 Frank Cowles - P.V.. ,Cemet. Repts. ,- P.V.Qemet.Fund 1,126,87
various 0eorge Liapes Water rents - NGF Water Dist. 264.84
various George Liapes Water rents - NGF Water Dist. Fact. 801.12
various Back Crannell Water rents - WGF Water .Dist, 460,00
18 WGF.Water Ext. #1 ,purchase of water-toWGFtfater Dist. 93.54
5 Jack Crannell Water rents - WGF Water Dist. Ext.#1 117.00
7 NGF. Water Dist. repayment of note & interest
to Capital Reserve Fund 502.50
18 Gen. Town Fund -, Equipment rental for Town dump
to Highway Fund 126.00
20 Peter J. Holmes Water rents #oRidge Rd. Water Dist. 329.00
29 NGF,Water Dist. Ext. - transfer to funds -
to NGF. Water Dist, 1,000.00
various To Payroll Fund - From P.V. .Pr#23, #24; Highway
Fund Mr. #24, #25
j General Fund, Ridge Rd; Water,.'. Water Dist.EXT.1,,
NGF. Water Dist. Pr. #12 8,996.50'
Total Receipts 130947.12
Paid Fund or Account - Paid
Dec. General Town Fund 50974.25
.Pineview Cemetery 525.71
North Glens Falls Water Dist. 29467.36
North Glens Falls Water Dist. Ext. 31362.87
West Glens Falls Water Dist. 754.34
West Glens Falls Water Dist. Ext.#1 143.54
Ridge Road Water Dist. 156.37
Shore Colony Water Dist. 6-.87
Cleverdale Lightin* Dist. 41.08
Ft. Amherst - Garrison Lighting Dist. 168.46
Agency & Trust 170.00
Payroll Account 99613.36
Highway Funds 12.843.8_2
Total Disbursements 36228.03,
John 0. Webster
Town of Queensbury
Resolution No.. 139 introduced by-Mr. -Akins, seconded by Mr. Miller.
Whereas, during the fiscal year 1961 the expenses of con-
ducting selections exceeded budget estimates for the reason
that the Board deemed it necessary to create four new-election
districts, and-
Whereas, highway lighting and street signs expenses exceeded
budget estimates because of additional signs and lights authorized
by the board, and--
Whereas, increased use of the town dump has necessitated an
additional expense of operation beyond that anticapated in the
1961 Town budget,-
Therefore be it resolved, that there be and hereby is app-
ropriated from the contingent fund to the funds appropriated for
the following purposes the amount set opposite each item:
General Town Fund - Elections Compensation of officials $717.00
General Town Fund - Elections - Other Expenses 107.76
General Town Fund - Justice of Peace - other expenses 12.24
General Town Fund - Traffic - Signs & Signals 1,442.85
General Town Fund - Patriotic Obseevances 10.50
General Town Fund - Town Dump - Misc. Expenses 19209.70
General Town Fund Registrar of Vital Statistics 27.04 -
General Town Fund - Soc. -Security - Town Share - 23.34
Duly adopted by the following vote: _..
Ayes -.Mr. Webster, W. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr.
Noes - None -
Resolution- No. 140 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr. Miller.
Resolved, that the Supervisor Is hereby authorized to
make, a temporary transfer of funds from the North-Glens Falls
Water District Extention # 1 -Account to the North Glens Falls
Water District Account, in the -Amount -of $1,000. The. same
to be returned to the North Glens ,Falls Water District Extention
#1 account when funds are available in the North Glens Falls
Water District account. - -
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Webster, Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Bentley.
Noes - None
The following applications and reports were read by the Clerk:
December 29, 1961
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Gentlemen: '
I would'like to present this application for Water
Superintendent-of the West Glens Falls Water District.
Please accept this letter as my application.
Yours truly, _
Jack F. Crannell
December 29, 1961
Town of Queensbury
Members of the• Board
Gentlemen: -
Again I am applying for the position of Water Superintendent
of the North Glens Falls Water District and the Extensions.
I believe I have performed my duties satisfactory and if
reappointed I will carry out my duties with perseverance
and resourcefulness.
I have two years experience and believe it will be an
advantage in the future development of water in the districts.
Very truly yours,
George Liapes.
• Glens Falls, N. Y.
Deo. 28, 1961
Mr. John Webster, Supervisor
-- Dear Sir:`
-Here is a brief summary of my work for Ridge Road
Water District for 1961.
Collections to June 1, 1961 Dep. in bank $570.75
t' �* Nov. 15, fr n n tr 108.10
Dec. 17, 329.00
Relaid •to Town Tax Roll 115.50
Unpaid 'Water Rents for May 1961 total: 7L.00
Nov.1961 " 68.50
I trust my work has been satisfactory and hope you
will call on me again in 1962 if I can be of service to you.
• Sincerely
Peter J. Holmes
The following cases were docketed in my court for the year
of 1961.
Vehicle & Traffic----35
Criminal ------------14
Felony & Indict.----- 4
Civil Compromise----- 3
Dog Tax, ------------57 -
Respectfully submitted
H. C. Akins J. P.
Annual Report 1961 Meredith S. Bentley
Justice of the Peace
Jan. No. of Cases 25 Paid Comp. $98.50
Feb. „ " ft 26 r, n 226.50
Mar. " " �: 40 " :t 325.00
A r „ n 23 ,: „ 116.50
Apr. n n 37 ,t t* 352..10
June * _ t* 69 „ ++ 550.30
July „ " t+ 59 „ �� 363.50
Aug. :: „ „ 68 „ *, 480.00
Sept. " ' it 44 „ ' 145.50
Oct. r, „ „ 47 „ ** 21.6.50
Nov. „ „ „ 60 t, tit 545.50
Total -4-9,9 Total 3056.40
Dec..1-29 " " 54 To be paid before Jan.10
1962 330.00
Dec.1-29 Pending 10
Meredith S. Bentley
Justice of the Peace
Report of Fees for months October, Novembers, and December, 1961
turned over to the Supervisor from
Town. Clerk. Town of Queensbury
Number of Type of Licenses Fees
Licenses Received
310 Res. Hunting & Fishing 77.50
322 Res, Hunting 80.50
51 Res. Fishing L2.75
6 Res. Trapping. 1.50
739 Res. Big Game 184.75
10 Non-rtes. Hunting 2.50
8 Noq:Res, Big Game 2.00
3 Res. Archery- .75
1 Lost License Certificates .25
6 Dog Licenses & lost tags 1.50
12 Marriage Licenses L8400
147 Chattel Mortgages 73.50
1 Chattel Mortgage Renewal .50
10 Chattel Mortgage Discharges 5.00
112 Conditional Sales 56.00
13 Conditional Discharges 6.50
4 Conkditional Sales Assignments 4.00
4 Verified Transcript of Marriage 4.00
6 Explosive Licenses 3.00
1 Bingo License 80.00
4 Verifax Copies of Lein .4,..00
Total -915050
Amount .paid to County Clerk for Conservation Licenses $5257.25
Amount paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 4.00
Amount paid to State Health Department for Marriage Lic. 6.00
Dated: December 30, 1961 George C. Crannell
Town Clerk Town of Queensbury
December 30, 1961
Report of the Supervisor to -the. Town Board:
In this second "year endtl. report to the Board, Ism pleased to
state once again that we are closing out the year in good financial
condition. An attached listing of .all bank balances will reflect
this fact.
I want to particularly point out that we have.nowinereased
our working balance-in the General Fund to $119,677.79 from $3,983.30
the previous year, which I consider a- more realistic figure for
a town of our size and needs. _
The financial report indicates that the board should give
some thought to several items - such as what disposition should
be made of; or investment-policy followed, with regard to the
Capital Reserve Funds.
At a meeting early in 1962 I will make further comments as
to our program for the year ahead, but I would like to take this
opportunity to once again thank each of you for the cooperation
shown during the past year. In addition to the work of the
members of this board, I feel that through the dedicated efforts
of our Highway Superintendent, our- Water Superintendents, and the
other elected and appointed Town Officials, that we have made
continued progress in a somewhat difficult period. This year has
required increased effort to make an avderly and proper transition
to a Town of the First Class - in addition to all the other
problems pertaining to our rapidly growing township, such as the
new election districts, and related highway, water, and sub-
division matters.
A tribute is certainly in order to the two members who are
now retireing- from the board. To Meredith Bentley - who has been
a valuable member of this board for longer than I can remember.
And to Stanley Miller - who has made a great contribution through
his efforts and service on important commitee posts during the
period of the past four year$.
With my own experience on the board limited to the past two
years, I am somewhat handicapped in delving back into prior years,
but it should be said that you will both be missed here on this
board, and we hope that in our aew status as a Town of the First
Class that you both will continue to serve our town in some
capacity for many years to come.
Respectfully submitted.
John 0. Webster,, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
Reports to the audit meeting of the Town hoard
Balances in all bank accounts .
Fund or Account Balance Balance Anticipated
I2/ 1/60 12/-31/6 in 1962 budget
Highway Fund - 140940.35 15,437.95
General Town Fund 39983.30 21,677.79 10—,00.00
Pineview Cemetery 20765.93 2,044.85 -------
W.G.F. Water Dist, 172.34 982.04* -------
W,G.F. Water Dist. Ext.#1 3,148.99 1,911.25* 2,000100
W.G.F. Water Dist, 13,6#1.91_ 15,207.33 139000.00
W.G.F. Water Dist. Ext.#1 1,218.27 19672.09 785.00
W.G.F. Water Dist. Ext.#1Bond 31,5527.54 3,,002.54 --------
Ridge Rd. Water Dist. 5,959.96 6,526.97 69,000.00
Shore Colony Water Dist. 218.11 450.22 400.00
Queensbury Drainage Dist. 293.38 103.39
Cleverdale Lighting Dist. 40.81 40.91 -------
Ft.Amherst-Garrison Rd. Lighting 172.73 30.02 ----
j Queensbury Fire Prot. Dist, 203.84 284.19 200.00
Reservoir Park Sewer Dist, 339.63 610.10 450.00
Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer 709.24 709.24 500.00
Capital Reserve Fund 199.631.86 26,198.19# -------
Agency & Trust Account *------- -------- -------
Payroll Account ------ --------- -------
70,9 9 96,889.07 33,33 .00
Includes $10000.00 transfer from Ext. to District as per
resolution West.Wat4�r and Ridge Rd. Water Dist. balances in
eludes certificate` of Depositus . assets in securities,
totaling $179750.00.
Total assets in Capital Reserve Fund now total $43,948.19 -
a gain of $716:.33 during. the year.
Mr. Akins adds to the thanks for Mr. Miller and Mr.
Bentley, with complimentary Femarks of their. service to the
town. The board proceeded to audit books, papers, documents,
vouchers, warrants, checks and statements of the various
town officers.
The detail of Mr. Bentley was audiped and at this point
Mr. Bentley, requested. permission of the board to leave, due -- '
to commitments 66 the afternoon.
W. Bernard. Codner,_ Town Superintendent of Highways,
expressed his appreciation- to the members. of the board and
to the Town Clerk for the. cooperation extended to him in the
past year.
Mr. Peter Holmes,. Superintendent of the Ridge. Road
Water District, questions the board for permission to check
homes in his district as to type of equipment being used
to establish proper water rental for ,each individual.
Resolution No. 141 introduced by Mr. Miller. seconded by Mr.
WHEREAS, the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace, Supt. of
Highways, Town Clerk, and Water Superintendents, have presented
.to the Town Board dockets, cancelled checks,. vouchers, minute
books, cash books, . water ledgers, and other records for
examination and audit by the board.
RESOLVED, that after examination this board finds such
books and records have been accurately kept and that all
moneys coming into the hands of the several officers of
the town have been properly accounted for and paid out
according to law.
j Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes W. Webster, Mr. Miller, A$r. l ampson , Mr. Akins and
Mr. Bentley
Noes - None
On motion the meeting adjourned at 12:00 a. m.
Geo C, Crannell. ,
t Town Clerk _ .