1962-01-25 Mr. Webster explained the use of the abstract book in the
handling of audits in a nember one town.
The Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury, Warren county, y
New York, for the month of January 1962, was examined and approved
by the board.
RESOLUTION NO. 33 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by W. Turner.
RESOLVED„ that the January 11 1962 audit of claims as listed in
Abstract number 62:-l„ containing claims numbered l through 52
inclusive, and totaling $11,753.49 is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
On the motion the meeting was adjour d.
George .—"Crannell
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting: January 25, 1962
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called to order ai 7:35 p. m.
Mr; Ralph Nestle was present as a visitor.
Yzo Bernatd Codner, Superintendent of Highways was also present.
The clerk read the following letters:
_ State of New York
Department of Public Works
J. Burch Me Morran
Albany 1, New York
In reply refer to : JMT January 23, 1962.
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
Queensbury, New York `
Dear Sirs.
Attached you will find a copy of Special Charge
Voucher No. 139, the original of which is today being advanced
to the State Comptroller.
The purpose of this voucher is to authorize refund
to you of the unexpended balance of $84L.40 from the deposit
of $1400.00 made by the Town of Queensbury on April. 14, 1959,
for participation in the cost of construction Contract FISH
59-99 H. C. 071. You will find listed on this form the
expenditures made from said deposit.
You may expect to receive this refund within the
`-' next few days.
Very truly yours
Henry A. Cohen
Director .
` Bureau of Contracts
DIVISION OF Construction No. 139
Special Charge Voucher January 23, 1962
Please issue your warrant, upon preaudit, in favor of the
following.,payees and for the respectiye amounts listed, said
amounts being due and authorized under the proyis ions of
Period Name and address For Amount
Funds deposited April 14, 1959 by Town of Highway contract $841.40
Queensbury for participation. in cost of FISH 59-9, H.C.
listed contract $1„400.00 4971
E enditures
Contract $532.00
Engineering 26.60 Total 558.60
Balance to be refunded to:
own Clerk
Queensbury,, New York 841.40
Charge Appropriations as follows:
Localities, etc. , share of hi hway improvement costs
Total $841.40
January 24, 1962,
To Town Board of Queensbury
I wish to thank you for considering my application
and appointing me as one of the assessors of the Town of Queensbury.
Thanking you again
I remain very truly yours
Ernest Hillis
Notation for minutestof 1/25/1962
The supervisor filed with the Town clerk a complete copy of,
all water rents remaining unpaid as of 1/1/19629 and which
have been turned over to the Receiver of Taxes and Assessxdents
for collection. The tonal amounts, by- the various districts,
including penalties, to be collected are as follows:
North Glens Falls Water District $ 353.43 '
North Glens Falls Water District Ext.# 1 263.34
Ridge Road Water District 153.45
Shore Colony Water District
West Glens Falls Water District 305.80
West Glens Falls Water District Ext.# 1 29.70
Mr. Codner, Superintendent of Highways, was questioned as to {
problems at present, Abandonment of Kansas Avenue, to due 1
with Mr. Samuel Jacobs was mentioned.
Mr. Webster explains that Mr. Van Dusen is preparing a snap of
the land in question and when same is ready the lawyers of the
. interested parties will submit a deed for said land.
Mr. Codner, presents an approval from Mr. Herrick Osborne,
County Superintendent of Highways, to dispose of broken and
worn out machinery and also pieces of scrap iron.
TO: Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
TO: Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
Herrick 'Osborne, `County Superintendent of Highways
I, BERNARD F. CODNER, Town Superintendent of Highways of
the Town of Queensbury, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that there are now in
my possession in the Town Storehouse, Town of Queensbury, the
following' items of tools and equipment owned by "the `Town of
Queensbury which are no longer required for use by the Town
Highway Repartment,,. and I hereby request permission to sell such
items at public auction to the highest bidder and to turn over
the proceeds of such sale to the Supervisor, to wit:
1 - Broken worn out Allis .Chalmers Tractor _
1 -Baker Bull Dozer
1 - Show Plow for Tractor
1 - Adams Tow grader
1 - Old Stone crusher
Numerous peices of old scrap
Herrick Osborne, County Superintendent of Highways
January 29 1962.
Bernard F. Codner
Town Superintendent of Highways
Town of Queensbury
RESOLUTION NO. a introduced by Mr. Turner seconded bjt Mr. Beaty
WHEREAS, it has been determined that certain obsolete equipment
is now no longer of any use to the flown as such and has no
value except for sale as scrap iron and:
WHEREAS, approved for sale of this .equipment has been given by
County Superintendent, Herrick Osborne:
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Town Highway Superintendent
Bernard F. Codner, be and he hereby is authorized" and directed
to advertibe this scrap iron for sale at public auction, and
to conduct such sale, the proceeds of which shall be delivered
to the Town Supervisor for deposit in the machinery fund of the
Highway Department.
Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampoon,; Mr. Akin and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
Mr. LeRoy Phillips, Chief of Police entered the meeting at this
RESOLUTION NO.. 35 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr. Lampoon.
WHEREAS, it has been made to appear to this Town $oard that
Mra. Floyd Ellsworth has designated a street in Westland develop
went as Lynn Avenue and that there is already in the Town of
Queensbury another town highway known as Lynn Avenue, and
WHEREAS,. Mrs. Floyd Ellsworth has expressed willingness to _
change the name of Lynn Avenue in her development to Jeffrey
Lane, be it
RESOLVED that, in order to avoid confusion by having two town
highways in different locations bearing the same name, the
name of the town highway designated as Lynn Avenue on the map
of subdivision known do Westland development be and the same
hereby is changed to Jeffrey Lane, 'and_ be it further
RESOLVED that,. the Town Superintendent of Highways be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to install the usual street
signs bearing the name of"Jeffrey Lanett on what has heretofore
been known as ttLynn Avenue" in Westland development, and be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed
to transmit conies of this resolution to George 'A.. Webster,
Director of Local Assessments, and to Leon, Nassivera, Chairman
of the RnArd of AsaPssors.
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby i& directed to.
transmit copies of this resolution to George A. Webster,
Director of Local Assessments, and to Leon Nassivera, Chairman
of the Board of Assessors.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Meaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson,, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
Nk*. Codner reports that speed zone signs for Cleverdale and '.
West Glens Falls have arrived. These signs will be installed
as soon as time is available.
Mr. Codner also reports that the cleaning work at the well"site
with relief help is progressing as well as weather permits...
The Superintendent of Highways suggests that the road being
cut in from Route 9 to the proposed new shopping Plaza be listed
as a Town road. Naming of this road will be done ataa later "
The Board agrees that Birch Lane should not be maintained by
the Highway Department aati1 such time that the road is
accepted by the Town of Queensbury.
Considerable discussion ensued to do with the condition of
the tractor which is used at the town dump. That the machine
is not in condition to operate a back hoe as had been planned
in the past:
Mr. Phillips is granted the floor.
He presents a book with suggestions on selecting of badges to
be used by the newly formed police department, It is suggested
that an identification card and a badge is necessary for each
member of the department.
Considerable discussion resulted to do with a water district
for Parkview Avenue. The members of the water committeie agree
to meet with Mr. Phillips to discuss the proposed district.'
Mr. Beaty submits a report on the opinions of Mr. Thomas Rogers
to do with a water district extension for Ridge Meadows. A
map of the section is studied by the board. The request from
M'. Rogers that he be reimbursed for part of the original cost
of the system already in operation was disc ussed at` length' '
by the board.
W. Akins submits an application form to be used fbr Junk Yard '
Licenses. The board suggests that a supply of this form be
provided to the proper persons who will issue same.
Mr. Webster reports, on the claim against the State of New York
to do with the property infringement resulting from the building
of the Glens Falls By Fuss. Mr. Beswick has explained that
the Court of Claims is crowded at present. Action on same will not
be taken until Fall of 1962.
W. Webster also reports on the Assembly Point tax cases: The
lawyers for the property owners were not ready at the original
date in January. The date for the hearing is uncertain at this
The Supervisor states that the Kestner proposal has been studied
by Mr. Beswick. Following some changes in same, action will be
taken by the board at a later date.
The .Board discussed at length the proposal by others to acquire
f the part of the Pineview Cemetery which fronts on Route 9.
Action on this matter will betaken at a latdr date following
a meeting of the Cemetery Association.
Following the approval of all members of the board the Super-
visor will have printed "The new directoty of the Town df
Queensbury". These directories will be available for dis-
tribution in the near future.
TO: THE TOWN BOARD January 17, 1962
The Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company has agreed to allow
the following interest rates on Certificates of Deposit made by
the Town during 1962: BATE THIS YEAR RATE LAST YEAR
Six months - .035% per annum. .03%
Three months ,,x025% n " 101%
a One month - .01 " "' 40%
In accordance with this,, I'recbmmend that we continue our policy
of investing temporar surplus funds under certificates of deposit
and that effective 27/`1962 the following certificates be purchased.
0,000. HIGHWAT- —No. 25% 187.50
50,000. I
6 Mo .035% 875.00
9 000 Fire Prot. Dist. Fund 6 Mo. .035% 157.00
' 209000. Capital Reserve Fund 6 Mo. .035% 700.00
It is further recommended that the present certificates of`deposit,
authorized by prior action of the board, be continued:
10,000. West G.F. Water Dist. 6 M. .035% 3'50.00
4„000.. Ridge Road Water 6 Mo. .035% 140.00
I have consulted with Attorney Beswick on the matter, and will have
resolutions for board consideration at our meeting. It can be
expected that a further Certificate of Deposit can be made on
August 1, 1962 from the Highway Fund for 90 days, as follows:
20,000. Highway 3 Mo. .025% 125.00
It is entirely possible that some of these investments will not be
left at interest during the full year, such as Ridge Road Water
District, or Capital Reserve` Funds, however we should always be
able to look ahead a§ to our needs for bi.x months and invest
If the investments are made as per above recommendations, the int-
erest income during 1962 on these investments should amount to
approximately $2,534.50.
Respectfully sub&itted: '
John 0. Webster, Supervisor
RESOLUTION NO.. 36 introduced by Ide. Akins seconded by W. Beaty:
WHEREAS,: the Town of Queensbury presently has available and on
deposit in the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company funds
from the collection of 1962 taxes, a considerable portion of
which is not required for immediate expenditure, and
WHEREAS, it is provided by Section 11 of the General Municipal Law
that a municipality may temporarily invest such funds in special time
deposit accounts or`certificates of deposit provided the same are
payable within such time as such funds shall be'needed to meet
expenditures for which such moneys were obtained and appropriated, be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury invest the sum of $50,000,
from the 'Highway fund, .the sum of $9,000. from the Queensbury
Fire Protection District Funds, and the sum of $20,000. from
the Capital Reserve Fund in Certificates of Deposits of the
Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company for six months at the
rate of .035% per annum, and the sum of $30,000. from the High-
way Fund in Certificates of Deposit for three months at the rate
of .025% per annum, of the Glens Falls National Bank & -Trust
Company, and be it further -
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to draw checks on the funds now on deposit in the 'Glens
Falls National. Bank & Trust Company in the several accounts of the
Town of Queensbury for investment in such certificates of deposit
authorized by this resolution but not exceeding in the aggregate
the amount hereby Authorized., but further provided that such
certificate 6f deposit"be secured as provided by Section 11 of
the General Municipal Law-, and be it further
RESOLVED that the investment of $20,000. of funds of the Capital
Reserve Fund in said certificate of deposit be continued at The
same rate of interest and under the same pledge of security until
such funds shall be required for other use..
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes Mr, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes None -
RESOLUTION NO. 4 introdiuced by Mr. Turner-seconded by Mr. Lampson.
WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted Resolution # 120 on the 22nd day of
September 1960, which provided for the investment . of $10,000 of
funds of the West Glens Falls Water District in two certificates of
deposit of the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company, and the
sum-of $40000. of the fufids of the Ridge Road'Water District inta
certificate of deposit of the Glens Fallk National Bank & Trust,
Company, all of which certificates were secured as provided by
Section 11 of' the General Municipal Law, and
WHEREAS, it appears that the funds represented by the aforesaid
certificates of deposit will not be required to be used daring the
fiscal year of 1962, and
WHEREAS, the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company has now
offered to pay a higher rate of interest than that provided for
under the resolution # 120 previously adopted, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the investment of $ 109000. of funds of the West
Glens Falls Water District, and` the sum of $4,000. of funds of the
Ridge Road Water District in said certificates of deposit be
continued at the interest rate of .035% per annum, and'under the
same pledge of security until such funds shall be required for
the use for which they were appropriated and collected.
Duly adopted by the following vote: t
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster,
Noes None
W. Webster reported on the contract with Crandall Library as
follows: -
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 25 day of January,
1962, between the Town of Queensbury, a domestic municipal
corporation hereinafter called the TOWN,. and CRANDALL LIBRARY,
an association incorporated by Charter Number 6:96 by the Regents
of the University of the State of New York and located in the
City of Glens. Falls, New York, originally designated as CRANDALL
FREE LIBRARY and now known as CRANDALL LIBRARY, hereinafter
called the LIBRARY.
The LIBRARY agrees to furnish library services to the.
TOWN and to the residents thereof for the TOWN 1962 calendar year„
which is also the fiscal year,. in consideration of the sum herein-
after mentioned.
The TOWN agrees to pay to the LIBRARY, during the TOWN 1962
calendar year, which is also the discal year, the sum of TWO
THOUSAND ($2,,000.00) DOLLARS inconsideration of the library
services to be furnished as hereinbefore mentioned.
The aforesaid sum of $2,000.00 shall be paid in such
portion as from time to time shall be requested by the LIBRARY. `
This agreement may be renewed each year and from year to
year in the following manners
The LIBRARY may notify the Supervisor of the TOWN on or,
before the first day of September, oft its desire to continue the
agreement for one additional year, and of any change the LIBRARY
wishes to make in the terms of the agreement. The Supervisor
and the TOWN BOARD may then, by resolution, agree to continue
the agreement for oneradditional year,, either with or without the
changes requested by the LIBRARY. Every year this agreement is ,
continued, a copy of the resolution of the Town} Board continuing
the -agreement, either as is or as amended, shall be attached to
the original copy of this agreement, which will be filed ii� the
Town Clerk's office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
and the Board of Trustees of the Crandall Library have caused
this instrument to be signed by their duly authorized officers and
their respective seals hereunto affixed the day and year first
above mentioned.
By John 0 Webster
Supervisor '
RESOLUTION N04 38 introduced by Mr. Lampson seconded by Mr. Beaty.
WHEREAS, the 1962 budget of the Town of Queensbury provided for
an item-of $2,000. to be, paid to the Crandall Library for
library services furnished to the residents of the Township, and
WHEREAS, County Attorney Albert E. Beswick has approved, a contract
between the Town of Queensbury and Crandall Library as set forth
in detail hereafter in these minutes, therefore be t
RESOLVED, that this contract between the Town of Queensbury
and Crandall Library for furnishing library service to the
residents of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year of 1962
is hereby approved, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and. directed to
execute the contract on behalf of the Town, and that a copy of such
contract duly signed shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty' Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson„ Imo'. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes None,
The Supervisor explain the need for a proper mailing address for
the new Warren County Building. The suggestion of having created
a Post Office for the Town of Queensbury has been made by Mr.
BeswiEk . The following resolution was submitted:
RESOLUTION NO.. 39 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr. Beaty
WHEREAS, the county seat of the County of Warren is to be
moved from Lake George to the Town of Queensbury next year upon
the completion of the new county center at a cost of approximately
$4,000,000 and there are now being cor}structed two large shopping
centers in the Town of Queensbury in addition to the Large pin
of stores and business establishments which have located in the
Town of Queensbury in the past few years, and
WHEREAS, the population of the Town of Queensbury now exceeds
10,000,, a large portion of which id concentrated in the Aviation
Road and Quaker Road section, with new real estate developments
being planned, and during the past ten years the population of
the City of Glens Falls has decreased, and
WHEREAS,, the construction ,of the Northway, Interstate Route
87, from the New.xyork State Thruw$y near Albany to the Canadian
border at Champlain., which by-passes the City of Glens Falls, but
which passes through the ,Town of Queensbury with several inter-
changes, will tend to promote the location of new business in the
Town of Queensbury, and .
WHEREAS, the County of Warren has during the past year con-
structed Quaker Road, a direct route from Route 4 to Route 9 and
the Northway, and which by passes the City of Glens Falls but
passes through the Town of Queensbury, is bringing other new
places of business, some of which are now under actual con-
struction, tolthe Town of Queensbury, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury is now served by rural delivery
routes both from. Glens Falls and Lake George and the only post
office service in the area of the new shopping centers on the ---1
Glens Falls Lake George state highway is a contract sub-station,
WHEREAS, it is_ the consensus of opinion of the members of the
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury that, on the basis of the
size of population of the town, the construction of the new
county center which will bring the court house, jail, and the
offices of the county clerk, county treasurer, and the Supreme
Court Chambers, the County Court, Surrogate's Court, the t
County Attorney, the Board of Supervisors, the Welfare Dep-
artment, the Children's Court, the offices of the District
Attorney, the Department of Local Assessment,, the Civil Service
Commission, and all other eounty.offices than the Highway
Department, into one location in the Town of Queensbury, the
construction of shopping centers and other business establishments,
and the projected new residential construction in the area of the
Town of Queensbury north of the City of Glens Falls, there
should be established in the Town of Queensbury an independent
post office which will furnish the services required by a
rapidly growing community, it is
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby
requests the Post Office Department to make a survey of the Town
of Queensbury and establish a post office in the Town of Queensbury L
under the name of Queensbury, New York, and be it further
RESOLVED, that copies, of this resolution be ma�ldd to, Hon.. J
Edward Day, Post Master General, and to Hon. Carlton J. King„
* raAStr*TW%1FhL following vote:
Ayes -- Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
I, GEORGE C. CRANNELL, Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury,
County of Warren and State of- New York, do hereby certify that I
have compared the foregoing copy of resolution relating to the
establishment of a post office in the Town of Queensbury, adopted
by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on the 25th day- of
January, 1962, with the original thereof on file in my office and
that the same is a true, correct and complete copy of said reso-
lution and of the whole thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and- affixed
the seal of the Town of Queensbury on this 25th day of January,
George C. Crannell
Town Clerk
RESOLUTION NO. 46 introduced by Mr. Lampson seconded by Mr. Turner.
WHEREAS, resolution #25, dated January 1, 1962 fixed the salary
of Curtis Lampson,. Councilman, at $1800.00 annually and
WHEREAS, Mr. Lampson has now requested that he be paid a salary
of $12000'00 for the year 1962,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the salary of Curtis Lampson,
Councilman, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1200.00, payable
at the rate of $100.00 per month for 12 months.
Duly adopted bytthe following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Cdr. Webster.
Noes - None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
George Crannell
= Town Clerk
Regular Meeting February 8, 1962
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
ME. Ralph Nestle was welcomed as a visitor.
The following were.,.greated by the board in the interest of
LeRoy Phillips Chief of Police
George Liapes N.G.F. Water Superintendent
Bernard Codner Highway Superintendent
Robert Nolan District Attorney
Upon granting the floor to District Attorney Nolan, he presented
a mep of the Pi.neview Cemetery with the portion marked off w"ch
has previously been declared not a usable section of the Cemetery.
Mr. Nolan is representing interested parties in the purchase or
lease of said land. The board assured Mr. Nolan that following
the approval of the I''ineview Cemetery Association they would
take action at an early date.