1962-03-22 ,log
State Traffic Commission
95 Washington Ave. , Albany 1, N. Y.
March 7, 1962 File 417
Lane Allocation
Hon. Willaim C. Ba.ssette, Supt..
Div. of Operation & Maintenance
Denartment of Public Works
Albanyl, New York
Pursuant to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle
and Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby
Z. Allocated the center lane of the 3-lane section of Route 9„
SH 417, between Station 35+, and Station 83* a distance of
0..9+ miles in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, exclusively
for traffic proceeding in a northerly direction.
II. Directs the New York State Department of Public Works to
install and maintain signs and apply pavement markingg in
conformance with Manual. of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
of the State Traffic Commission to post this regulation.
Kindly advise the Traffic Commission when this order has been
complied with.
LJS: er
Supt. of State Police
Sheriff McCoy WILLLAli S. HTTLTS
Town Board - Queensbury Chairman
In the Patter of a Hight Quarantine
under Article 7 of the Agriculture
and Markets LaG? for the County of
Warren, exclusive of 'the` City of "
Okens Falls..
, -._ F
WeIEREA_S, the Board of Supervisors of Warren County bjV
resolution adopted on the 12th day of March,, 1962„ requested the
Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets of the State of New York
to place a night quarantine on dogs in all the areas comprising
the County of Warren, exclusive of the City of Glens Falls;. and
I%THERFA.S, in the judgment of the undersigned. Commissioner
of Agriculture and Markets it is proper to grant said. request; now
it DAN J. WICKHAM, as Commissioner of Agriculture and
Markets of the State of New York, by virtue of the power and
authority conferred upon me as such Commissioner by Section 115
of the Agriculture and Markets Law,, DO HEREBY ORDER that all dogs
in the County of Warren, exclusive of the City of Glens Falls ,
shall be securely confined between sunset and one hour after sun-
rise during the period beginning April 1st, 1_962 and continuing
until March 31st„ 1964, at which time this order shall thereupon
become of no further force or effect.
Dated and Sealed at the City (Signed)Don J. Wickham
of Albany, New York, this 19th Commissioner of Agriculture and
Day of March , 1962. Markets of the State of New York
PESO UTZON 1,70. 57 introduced by T?r. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Lampson..
79"EREAS , George C. CrannelL Registrar of Vital Statistics , has
appointed. Marion J. Crannell as Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED., that this Deputy Registrar of Vital
Statistics, appointed by the Registrar of Vital Statistics shall
have the power to perform all duties of the Registrar of Vital
Statistics and such further duties as the Town Board may deter-
mine, not inconsistent with Law.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mx. Lampson and Mr. Webster.
I Noes - None
Mr. Codner, Superintendent of Highways , questioned the board as
to the name which was approved by the board for Alexy Road. At
the same time the Superintendent of Highways inquired as to any
road signs , which the board finds are needed at present.
The Supervisor, John 0. Webster presented the agreement on Special
improvements for 1962, which has been approved by the County
Highway Superintendent. Same has been checked by Mr. Codner and
upon his request the approval was signed by members of the board.
Two extensive extensions ref the subdivision for Westland. Develop-
ment were accepted by the board. Maps were studied by the board
with the understanding that substantial addition to the water
systems will be made by the developer. The board. received a
request for the forming of a Water District in this development.
Ms. Codner, reported that the road known as Sanders Road, is not
owned by the Town of Queensbury. The Superintendent suggested
obtaining easements from the family of LeRoy Sanders , to allow -
the town to maintain the road. The board suggested securing the
approval of Mr.. Beswick, County Attorney.-
Mx. Webster, reported on the proposeal sub-division Save- On-
Plumbing beyond Austin Lane and Foster Avenue. A property
owner has expressed willingness to offer land necessary to
widen Austin Lane to the required width to make this sub-
division possible.
Mr. John S. Wyld, Regional Manager of the New York State Dep-
artment of Commerce and an associate Mr. Richard Slocum were
welcomed to the meeting at this time. +
Mr. Wy1d, explained that in ereating a Planning Board and finally
a Zoning Commission the Town of Queensbury would be making a sub-
stantial step toward better town management.
It is explained that the Town Board has complete control over the
proposed Planning Board at all times. When plans are formulated,
it is done only at the request of the board. The Planning :hoard
is only advisory in nature.
IMr. Wyld, suggests that the Planning Board would be able to protect
-the construction ate-all approaches of newly constructed roads of
the type of the Northway. Protected industrial zoning is also a
another important duty of a Planning Board..
To sum up the overall duties of the board, it is expected that
planning= for the future will be the main objective.
- + t
Mr.. Slocum, explained that the duties of the Planning Board could
be handled by the-Town Board. By-creating the board this work
would relieve the Town Board of the detail involved. The Planning
Board would make an inventory of the possibilities within the
the town, also study areas for each type of Roads and water
systems should be studied with long range future development in
The Town Board may appoint 5 or 7 members to this proposed
Planning Board, who will serve without compensation. The terms
of these members should over-lap so that all will not go out
of office at same time. -
It is suggested that the Town Board should establish a master
plan for the Planning Board to make use of. The Town of Queensburys
problem at present is rapid development. Urban Planning could 'be
accomplished with the bulk of the cost to be borne by the Federal
When in operation the Planning Board cannot expend money or hire
help without the approval of the Town Board.
In creating subdivisions it is explained that any subdivision
must be approved by the Planning Board. This board can force a
developer to furnish bond to insure positive completion`of all
roads in a development.
Mr. Slocum, suggested that the board should contact persons who
could be appointed to such a board. His office would appear and
explain the mechanics of the operation of a-Planning Board. When
the board has been created a consultant could be hired for a mini-
mum cost to the town under Urban Planning Assistance by the Fed.
eral Government.
An important warning was explained to do with discouraging "Spotty"
developments. It is suggested that concentration should be had
on sections where proper school service and water systems are
available. The Planning Board could be of tremendous help to
school boards by looking ahead to areas where schools may be needed.
Decision on these matters would be made by the school board.
Mr. Webster questioned if it is possible to zone sections if the
town where the need is of the greatest nature prior to completing
and over all.. survey. Mr. Slocum, stated that if a Planning Board
is started., the speed of arriving at results could be arrived at
sooner_ than might be expected. The Town Board can enact the
proposed Planning Board by resolution. -
Following--the precaeeding informative interviews , Mr. Wyld and
Mr. Slocum were extended the thanks of the Town Board for the
suggestions which will ultimately result in action by the board
to create this commission.
Mr. George Liapes , reported that the motor which was damaged on
the pump during the recent water service interruption. He stated
that Mr. Rooke,: the engineer for the Imperial Wall Paper Co. ,
has offered to service the motor by baking out the water damage..
Mr. Edward Howard,,. District Sanitary Engineer,; will conduct a
meeting on March 29th, 1962 at which time a movie will be shown
which will be of interest to Water Superintendents, Superintendent
of Highways,. and one of his Assistants Mr. Corlew. Mr. Liapes„
suggested that the above Town Officials attend this meeting
known as the "Adirondack Water ?,forks Conference.
RESOLUTION YO. 5S introduced by Mr. Lampson seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED, that the members of the Town Board and the Water Sup-
erintendents , Superintendent of Highways , and one of his assist-
ants Mr. Corlew be authorized to attend this meeting of the
Adirondack Water Works Conference, to be held on March 29, 1962
in South Glens Falls, N. Y.
Eyes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster. '
Noes - None
The board approved a charge of $10.00 for the North Glens Falls
Water nistrict to collect for supplying water to maintain an
outdoor swimming pool.
Connei loran La.mpson, reported that residents of Glenwood Avenue,
have requested the lighting commitee to change one street light
location. The board requested that the committee make necessary `
arrangements with the proper officials to re-locate one street
light to a point at the intersection of Windsor Drive.
Mr. Webster, submitted a revised map of Ithe Pine View Cemetery
frontage on Route 9, which has been. declared not suited for
burial purposes.
Town of Queensbury
Glens Falls , N. Y..
At a special meeting of the Cemetery Comr'issio*i of the
Town of Queensbury, held on the 12th day of March 1962, a
� majoriti, of the members of the Commission being present, the
fo1_i.owing resolution was duly acted upon and passed by unanimous
vote -
"RESOLVED, that the Cemetery Commission. of the Town of
Queensbury, does hereby release from its control and use for
burial purposes , and area of 1.9.983 acres fronting on the
Glens Fa11s - take George Road, Route # 9. Said area having
been determined not to be suited for burial purposes."
The area above described is shown on a map of the Pine
View Cemetery property made by Sohn A. VanDusen, Town Surveyor,
and revised by him on March 14,' 1962 to show the boundries of
the area in question. A Copy of said map is attached hereto for
the purpose of a more detailed description of the released
portion of the Cemetery Property,
I Witness my hand. this 16th day of March , 1962.
Sidney Van nusen
Cemetery Commission,
Town of Queensbury
The Supervisor, reported thkt the interested parties to do with
the purebos- of this .property have been contacted. A discussion
meeting will be arraned at a later date.
lax. Webster, exnl.aine.d. the opinion of County Attorney Reswi.ck
to- do with the chan ge in g t h e p ath of a stream
on the property
where Ins. Yaffee of the Glens Falls Electric Supply Company,.
has started building construction.. A letter of ngtice that a
suitable system of handling this water has been mailed to Mr.
V,-P e.
The board.generally discussed the up-cgming 200th 'Anniveraary of
theTown of Queensbury. General discuspion ensued with members of
the. board. A suggested list of possible wags of creating a cele-
bration was submitted by a member of the Queensbury School system.
`t this time in the meeting a general discussion on the proposed
I � � � P P
County Sales Tax, was aired with all members of the board taking
part., The board voiced the opinion that the action of our Super
visor in this matter receive the whole hearted sanction of the
RZSOT. IJTION r?n. 59 introduced by Mr. Turner seconded by Mr. 'Beaty.
?T? E.AS, it has been announced that the count-ies of Warren and
Washington haver by resolutions of their respective Boards of
Supervisors, adopted a sales tax, to become effective on July
it 1962, and
WHEREAS, the City of Glens Falls, and the ToVm of Queensbury
are the center. of a large- trading area which 'includes a major
portion of Saratoga County, and the action of Saratoga County
in this regard is apt to affect the economy of this area,-and -
WHERE-t..S r this Town Board considers that additional -time should
be given to the study of the merit, or advisability cf, as well
as the reed for, such a tax, and
WHEREAS, it is our opinion and judgment that the residents of
Warren County and the Town of Queensbury should. bo giver. an
opportunity to consider this proposition,; and to express their
opinion concerninq it, and
WHF21AS, Town of Queensbury Supervisor, John 0. tlebster,, voted
against then sales tax resolutions for the reasons listed above,;,
.hen the Warren County Board of Supervisors tookits ection
on 3/12/1962, -
THEnEFOR.E BE IT RESOLVED, that this board express its approval
of the vote of Supervisor Webster on this important issue.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mtn . Beaty, lox. Turner, Mr. Lampson and Mr, Webster.
Noes None
On motion the meeting, was adjourned, at 12_00 p. m.
F spec tfull itted
George C - Cranne I
Town Clerk
Regular weting April. 12, 1962
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore. Turner Councilman
Curtis._Lampeon Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.
-Visitors and.. Toga officials, were welcomed at the eeetimg.
tMM* Joyce.Deberi - visitor
Uo & P't. AX %►. Visitors ,
John C.`MannI t'- Attorney
Mr, Joseph Kestaer Consulting eargineor .
Bernard J. Coduer - Ruperintendent of. gigh s
Jack Crannell.' - Supt. ' st 'Glens Pa1.1s =Mater District
George Liapes - Supt. Worth Ciena ,F&Uo Water District
- LeRoy Phillips - Chief of 3blice
The problem of an extension of West Glens Falls Voter District on {
the-Lowerue Read was approached. in, .the interest of I** Al "�, ,I�es
wha ,ownes a hasiaeas _at .this_ location. it _is the intentioi -of
X1hes to imp rove and Add..-on to the present strm ts" which-
will_house' a stepped-up,-. iainese.. renture. The need" for water
service is explained to secure proper fire protection.. With the
understanding that there is a 2" privately owned water main already
at this location.