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113 the Boated suggested that boar d*members and W. A+lkes'should arrange a meeting with Attorney Louis_ Garusoae_ and Father Le Duc of Saint Alphonsus Church,. vhe own this _2" water main already installed. It is the thought of the interes.ted .parties that an arrangement could be made. in which the water main could be ex- tended and the cast be borne by .all_ users in the section. Attorney John Mannix, is granted the f1b►or at this time. Upon presenting a map of the Westland development-owned by- Mrs. Floyd Ellsworth and explanation, of tba .future plains 6f the .devdl6per were. expl.aiaed. One of.,the .main ques_ti one bro ght ur by the Attorney Mr. Mannix, was whether tranaite pipe .could tot used in the laying Of the propoae&new._water main. Following a lengthy explanation-by Mr._Joseph Kestner, c6nsulting engineer, employed by the _Town. of Qmeensbury, the_fact. was brought out, that the 40mlity of transite Tr pe .is. comparison to cost iron pipe ,is Very poor. The board genlralllr .agreed.:thAt.the .6rd$aamee of the Town demanding. that .cast_#ron _pipe_ be used should be followed in all new water. main._installations. RESOLUTION NO. its _introduced.. by.Mr.. Lampoon. aeccanded-by Yx. .'jner�,. RESOLVED, thaat the 2e Board, of the,.Tovl, of Qbee> abury denies the requeat. of tbia .devalopar, . Wa. ..nOY*.M1Av*rth to a transite pipe for the installing .of..>aew.. *fns in the. development known as "Westland" on the Aviatoii 1. Duly adopted by the, followfug vote Ayes e- Beaty, Mc. Tamer.. Mr. Lawson, W. Akins and W. Webster. ftes - done March 2:8th, 1962 John ,O* Webster, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Chestnut lidgE load Glens Falls, New York re retaaming .of.. Wood.left Avenue Dear Mr, Webster: Mrs. Ellsworth .has_ aske .mss to., anbui t-three street names to you and the tBmard .for .your approval:. . :'lie_.name in_ order. of- Pka.. Ellsworth•s preference are as follower 1. Sherwood Drive 2. Woodhaven Drive 3• W alvood .Drive Mrs,. Sllaworth has no .objection to. .cuanging the _name of._Woodlawn Avenue tc� any ell.` the_ three_. -L abovained naaaes I would appreciate. hearing.,.frow you as._ soon. as possible on this since we„will_ not be able-to compJAU. .oaaEr a#j;licatioa for the new sub&-!vis�6aaa< until.. the. server or. caa..c°o eet-the cap.. to show the new street' name, _- As to point auaabor. wl" raised- in_.your; letter of March 26th,' we will take steps to nee -that the an4edi.cated. Portion of WestMebm Avenue is deeded to the town .in the sear future.. t Very truly yours., MILLER & RINGWOOD BY. John Mannix 114 RES )14MQN -NO. 6L- , introduced by W. ,Turner seconded by W. Lampson RESOLVED,. that . the name of as urtdevelapa«d sttreet in the Westland development now known .as_Woodlawn /Avenue.'.be .changed to the name SHERWtO DRIVE, and . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,, that the._Town Clerk is hereby authorized to send. copies .of this resolution to the following named persons: John C,, Madnix, Attorney Louis G.B. Stebbins, Pbstmaster John B. :vanDusen,, Surveyor _ heon.Nassivera, .Chairmas Board .of Assessors George A. Webster, Director of.Local Assaaaments C. Powell South, Secretaty, Queensbury Ceintral Vol. Fire Co. Bernard J. Coduer, Superinteudent.of U'ghways Dula .adopted by the. fAll wag,:.vote: Aye-& - YWO' Beaty, W irner$ Mr.. Lampson, Mr,. Akins ..and. ! o'-Webster. Noes - Hone Mr-. George Liapes, Water Superintendent, Morth.Glenn Falls Water t i et, reported .that the-water.. meter. at De _Long t s Dairy, is edding correctly. The board suggested that W. •Lispea par- chase .and have installed _a new meter at this location.. an the matter of adjusting the ;present billing it. ,was' decided to `bill the customer. at ,.a comparable._:rate for`similiar bane of year from }fast readings. A. auggeatiou ,waa-made that-the,the ,master meter should be checked to. assure the fact that an excessive amount of water has not been used in the district. W. Mkias reported_the__re ult of the..inapectida o `. the peeVi0usly, reported .defect. in the .pump .on the system. The Gould P0m71 C®., state that the pump .,is. worn beyond .repair. /A. request was submitted .from the Clark Discount St fpr a report on the water. service which they will be in. " of in the near future, The request will be answered by W,. kes'taar. W, Akins, requested. the services- of.the Police_ Departsent to control traffic during... church .houra .when. the West Glens Falls Chapel_is oat. . X report was submitted thy, -members_.of the,,.bo.p rd to. do With ar recent interview with $ rayceaentative. of ;Butler. lnil , a recently constructed.-build.ing-..has been Imapected lk .t e,.Town of Caldwell. RESOLUTION NO. 62 introduced- by Mr. Turner seconded. by . Akins. WHERE v a request for Water ,service. has been received lay the Sun Oil Company, for a connection to serve .a :Service Station at the intersection of Ridge Road and Quaker Road and ' WHOMM v this._property is. located within the present oa<� , Water District., but tht existing._�ai ter main."on. Ridge Road does not extend _to_ serve this_ property; TI3EFdRE BE IT RESOLVED, that the. Stsintendent of s AA hereby afthori.zed to piurchaae appr tsly' 150 feet''Of mechanical joint .cast .iron xater pipre .and_ fittings, an8 one . hydrant, and install_ tbw som with employees of the Department, and; the samt.;shall be charged against the%=40'Road - Water, district, Duly adapted by the following,vote: Ayes - W. Beaty, 1&. Turner, Mc. Lampsen, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Nees - None i I&. may Phillipa, Chief of Police_submitted the following report, to. date ' - Summons .served 2 ' 'Disposs Notices- Answered 24 complaints 8 - Kew Construction . Inspections r •I- - Arrest 1 - Conviction Wghway Tittering) ' 72e8pectfully jntm4tted-. Z.E Rey. Phillips , Mr Phillips suggested, that_ the...policemaa °bave. .own a. in their possession while on _dutyo., scr ,The bo &:.Approved,,ordering, of same in the wear future. We. L. F. Becker.Ie,,_ a representative of _the Queenabury School Board visited the m meting at:> thie:...time. _ kte ._re, rted that- the school has received a regweat fromm. wa.. Alfred. VaftVirt to do with additional fi8aac' her1�.,frr. ril..hb_r,. 1 . Beckerle suggeated that .the To rn _Board .should.. offer.any increases due to' `the:.fatt that.. tmere__m3.ramvl.,..ia...an _itamn in the- present budget`of the,-Town of. Qda,�abi uT- ...''741" King. ±disss ,au the Town Board generally agreed .that due._.tw. the. fact ,that the present contributi Avas.:a; aubstsntial... aae.:.from►._fihm. peat sad that with tea. erataudisg.:that. ate.,is_,.a...deefiai.te caved..for "re. fume Thee board,may b; atmlm:__t*. a grease. the, contribution, again: in the coming 'year of 1965, ION_NO� . introduce&,.by. W. Beater seconded, by Mr. Akins WHEREAS Douglas. .Crockwell.,. Eas:.t. :Sanford Street, has asked for perma:i scion of tiia-, board.to.mate.,arr to. sake a water connection with of.. Nlacsaw lAI" .water,.�aa n.:4u East Spn- ford Street, to.. serve.a_dWell.in&g oft.Eaat .Ssnford Street located withia the, Town of.4?s" ab=y j ,and. ,,tea -thereby beeomme, a water customer of the City of Glens. Falls, and WMERW 'W. CrockweLL__h".. agreed:_to pay .for.the cost :p€ such installation, , TU"ZFM BR `TT. RESOLVED . that_:_tMai.board. grants approval to W. Crockw -171 and to At}�ak.Gity..ef_Mena.-1+' lla. te�_..1l�ite th►i a:crater connection, and Wider �&e_revise : tom,. ;mod.-_in..:this-,ire elution. Duly adopted by tme.. f�aia>orfsyx. Ayes - W, Beaty, W. Tmtrmer, I r. cpaon, I&* Akins_.and Mr. Webster, Noes Mae RESOLUVION Q. X 64 introdr crA.._by: To r 'se+eouded __by )ft. Lampoon. RE OL-VED, that p arm eaioim I3&-herehp,.granted to the .following. named individuals to_make: ag .3.c tac_.ties :.City..of. Glass .Falls water : Board for water service. :iii.:t wL ,. therebyn--becoming customers of the City. William J. art, Clark_Street, Reservoir Park Detelopmemt Shirley & Donald...Stockman., .RoV,*#I9_heat Misuntain Road Joseph Durcan, . ilder, twoJ_t@Vs. sn, PiuAvood Vie..,. Westland Dev. Daly stied by-, Early, iag..,t�tea. Ayes - =Mr Beaty, .°>�r. Tarmterm� W6 -�pa+sa, 4k. _Aklz .-.sad . Webster. Nees. 'None RESOLUTION NO. 45 intuoduced by Mr. Akins . seconded. by Mr, Beaty. WEEREiS, xesol utiou #44v adopted. by _the.. **"bur_y ,Town Beard on February 22, 1962, authorised .the.....ins_tallation of .tan. ►ter meters in the Dixon Road area where_., proposed .crater .district will eventually be established, A - be .areat+ed aft. appropr4t�ion of $500-. for "IhR L r and-i s there llati on of .such meters der 1.nScC ANE0 JS "EXPENSES of the. GENER" FUM,., and, that said seam of $SOQ._ be transfered from the contingent farad .fear the purpose of creating, such appropriation. Tul.y adapted by the following_ vote: /yes Mr. Beaty,, Mr. Turner, M. Lampson, Mr. Akisa .-and„Mr. Webster. Noes - None Mr, Beramrd Codnery Superintendent of Highways, announced that clean up day for the Town_of_ Queemsbury would be Monday, May 79 1962` Mr. -Codair �regueated. permission. to .advertise-_an_.auctiou for -salo of scrag iron which has_.accumulated_in -the. Kighv*y ,Dep*rtM4Ut. _ This sale of materials. has been. approved by the.Connty SaVer intendent of Highways. The. Clerk was requested_ to advertise- the .auction as.. folliwss - Pftblic:motion of. Scrap..Iron's . The Su ,riate rat of ya of. the.:.Towa..eaf q0tonaburyi1riviII conduct an anctioa,wf as gage scrap.:.iron .on. Tmeaday. April 2btb,1, at IM p6m* Sale 1- be +c d..at tips Queenabtzry.MigbWay,.Store 100 t.' on the AvUti-esa R*S& GIetas .Falls,..�1. y1j 9 e ia1:. to'_lea:asid will conarist, of *baolate. articles_ -of a©reltg:.ir*u. Included iA Bale will be -a tractor and grader, which. Aral of no further, use to the Town of Queensbury. Sigmed, Beraayrd .J., Cater Superi ntandent.. of Highways Tel-ephene- - BX-12979 Town, of. Quesupbury MUM.* NO. W introduced...by ;mr. Aki",aecosded by W.fir: - gg S EA.S,, it appears_.that the .�► re ate, chasers of olne for use by the Town -HigbwLy Department-will *iMeed, the 400k of $1,000000 during_tbe current year., therefore BE IT 82SOLM,.that:,tbs. Town Clerk catzaed tb&. oll mortice tv 'bi. w--he p tbl boti , s I the. Clews_FAUs-Ti and ,: bst Star tt*-lhawt fi.Vft_..=4aya1 prior. to April-26th., 19*0 c Notice- -to :B The Town. Board of the. Town of Queenabury, Warrens c tyry New York, invitee sealed. bids. for the salt and deliveryr to the • 'Teasel.�ei �t eeb wb y, during:..the. fiscal year. of::1.'961”r of tely 34,000. gallons_ of gasoline._of, an octane_ specificiUiit e Prow the. H ghway.super a. T1t! Ewa.wiT1: f ut aisbc =st4r#ge tatek .at the tows star biause. an Aviati came .rand the s #f01; biddor,..vill be required,t .make.:eltiehiarer#es : Aot. MOV4 .044 10 gallons as required by_.the Town-Superintendent of Highways froert time to t1mo* - - Bidders ,ate. required,_ tea. apenifyr-the ���F '}. ,� g�cade and octane rating of the gasoline proposed to be delivered as required by the Town auperintendout,. of.'H ps.>-in _the A store- - k wse Ttank and,,the:. pricy ,per. 1411 e: %a&& :UX .eial. Vtre d. in:the ,--I Town storehouse tank.. Bidders =at,...also. -indicate the ration of the storage fa cilities .from. which..deliveries will be made. Bids, will be received. by George C. Cra=ell, rTow t Clerk, at the Toeemt Clerk*a office, .95 Dixon road, ,,-GleMw Falla, N* >Y4 up to 51 o'clock, pest, On- the _16th day_of of AFL, 1962, and #ha m Board will meet at the.UbrazT of Union Mme_Sakeol_ #2, at TtW a'clock .m. on the 26th day of.-April, h%2. at which t:$- the bids .will be opened and read. The Tows. Board reserves .the. right to reject any or all bids. 117 RI SOLUTIOR,N0. 66 (csontinued) Bated April 12, 1962• - George C. Cramnell Town Clerk Duly adapted by the following, votes . Ayes W. Beaty, Mr. Turner,_ ]fir.. _Lampoon,_ Mr. Akins and Mr, Webster. Noes - None RESOLUTION NO, 67 :introduced by .Mc. Beaty seconded-bytW. Lampoon. WHEREAS, there remained a bblance. .of $1.,45#.52_ iii -item #3•of the Highway Faced at the close , the..fiscal. year 1961, and such balance was not antielkated.in."the-budget..mf, .1962:, and. WHEREAS, unusually, severe weather during. aahuery. and February -has increased expenditures. for .auo .removal beyoAd 'that anticipated is the 1962 budget, THEREFORE BE .IT RESOLVED, 9 that'$434.52 Of aatk <eurplps funds be and the same are hereby-, appropriated.-toi, Ite* #4, Removing Obs trust- ions eaused'•b►y anew,..of the ffiighicay'Fug: " Duly adopted by the. foil ving...votst Ayes -W.'; Beaty, Nr. :ftruer j.. l&- r% mprs*&# le. 'Akins-,` aad'W. Webster. Noes - ;Ndna _ W. * Cvdner, reported en the._ atorm sewer repairs on Garrison Road. The Superintendent stated.! tha tt, the..preseut .plugged condition will necessitate: excavation 'of the. p►l;W"_in order. to repair same. RESOLUTION NO. 68 introduced_ bye. 2&* Turner .seconded by W. Beaty. RESOLVED BY THE T -Board. of_ the. Town of Queeesbury., that George C. Craunell, Town. Clerk be.._ end hereby_is authorized to dispose of � r record- Items nor .26•►27..35L-52- 3. 3-4 ►-81969 =12�-128-12 - 13T-132�I3B-1.39.141l x.44 on recoids 'diapositlim.rtgp ta.t List numiber 147TCS issued.. pursuant_ to._section..114 of time_.regulations of the Commissioner of.Edwsatiom0 and..-be.-it, further: RESOLVED, that the clerk of th _.board.be__and. hereby is directed to furnish a certified_vopy_,of .this, _:reaelutiou to:. Gearge C. Crannell, Totes laierk for,'be fatwar ed:...to.. .the4 CoMmUsionar of Zdaeattioxe, Duly adapted, by the following._vote: Ayes - Mr._ B"ty a !h . Turner,_Nr, Laedpaos, lac. Akins and W. Webster, Noes Nye RESOLUTION NO* 6 introduceid..by )f. _Beaty seconded by Mr. Akins, WHEREAS, resolution #25, dated _January a_1, 1962,, fixed the salary of Warren T. 'Varney, Assessor, 4t- ►2,100.00' annually and,, 1111MR , Mr. Varney has. now requasi.ted that he be paid a salary commencing April 1, 1962, at the rate of $12,00JF.00 per year, or $100. monthly, THEREFORE BE IT-RESOLVED, that the salar of Warren T. Varney, Assessor...,_.ia. hereby-,fixed .at. the-sum. of 11',425.00 for the year. 1962, payable at tbe. rate of $1 00, per 'mouth .f©r the balance of the year commenei ^April 1,, L962. Duly adopted by the following._vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner,, ,-, Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes = Done VL8 TOM OF KINGSBURY Washington County" Hudson Falls, N. Y • April. 9, L962 Honorable John O. .Webs:ter ��1.r`i1oery-isor••,., t . " t . e Tows of° Qneensbury 1, Chestnut Ridge Road, Glens �418, N. Y. w Dear W. WWebsterr t At the monihly,.me,�timg of the ,.Towm.Board .of.. tke.,TpNa i►f., Kingsbury held on Wednesday, April. 4th,. the matter was dis-► au4sed.relative .tQ .:haw wg_ a. sodium.streaet,. at. glaced at the .oem*i* ..-;where,:Quarry. .Street ,and ,Dix.Av,enue.. ters;ociiou.` Following considerable__di.s-cussion of the_matter, the Board,.v s of the opinion that,poeaibly .the Town :of Queens- .sight. Iik+e. .te► pari� o,ipate . .. the.cost. of operation Use such a light in view. df the;"fact...that it is on the town 1, Mme between the two townships, ` Will,yo -kindly Ai+�eauss thin .prgpeslti®# with.Feisr.Town Board and let us know at your earliest po sible. convenience_ their feeLings. on the matter? Thank you. Sincerely, . Warriet Washer Town Clerk Town. of Kingsbury . 8'ES 1� ='1Oki.N2.. 10 xtrodaced: .by I&, T mtpsoa, seconded by ., Turner. ,,. . W E B -0.18 apparent ,that: its x©uld..# � ed4asaOle to $#ve a color improved.,marcury.,otreet,l got .plaead at_.the_intero"tion � of Quarry Street „and Disc Averse, and WHOFAS 9 this intersection is on the town line between the town of , .asbury sad .the ,Tows of Qnensbnry, town, dyrl indieatadf, dog!ire, t+e Participate in the. cost of such installation, FARE NB IT;-RZSQ._ ,,,.that the T?wu,,of Q,,een agrees to join with the Town of sbury in. requesting_ the'`Ni&g4rs,,Xohavk Pbwer Corp, to iustalL_ such.lzght,,. and to participate with the of,N3 ngsbary in_ the. .cost.of operation"-of'.such Vight, on a S": 50% basis, ftLy adopted by ,the: folljw xg vote. Ayes — W, Beaty„ W, Turner, W.. Lampoon, Mr. Akins and W. Webster. Noes �Xoue REPCAT OF NEW CON'STRbCTION TO THE TOWN BQARD `Rare T43 ch 1, 1962 No, 5 DAT* MNER WCA I N ` NATURE O ` 2 it Lynn _e. Lot 101 One . dwol�iag , 3. '2 Rayu6nd Rase Lynn Ave. , D�re411, 3/`1.5 Angelo & Chauncy V Luzern koad Garage iY Didio 3/19 Rebert Robfchaod r West.ash, R ad !Barn, iA4 Mrs. Rose Waite L6 M�.nneso a Ave. Addition to garage Respectfully submitted: John D. Webster, Supervisor MNMW STATE'IM OF SUPERVISOR ..March -1962 Date Amount Received Received Received ve►d Sit Mar. 5— From George C. Crane L- owu Clerks fees to G.F.• _ _220,50 5 From Forrest CrannelT-Receivers fees to G.F. 1.86.74 5 Was.. George _C.� .+f�smaa3aL-}�: . f�a- to >#.F. '80 00 5 From.Agency ..= , to GF. - 40.00 5 From W.G.F.W.Ext #1•Ist.. ==on .band ,.tQ Capital Re.si� 437450 5 From W.,G.F V.Bxt#T-8ond..Ace,ttBon& jaitemoti6n to fapital Reserve 550.00 I 5 From General,7und-Sterehouse_ comphat VU' bond t* CAP& eil Raa va 2575.00 From .Forres.t.:Cr�►anell�atdr. renba.'to V40.1r,,pater 5.50 1Z' ; :From ie"y Phiilipe•#rotmtned..and, void" fi& to =91:95 9 Fro Y Y;. Fire Ins., 'Rating—, AnJ2atiaa-taz t returned on fQra gn.:Iaa. '°ta:,ts to Fire 'protection X6, I+ram.. eViaw for J tyt'a3:1''-,95.to,�Pby roll Actic4at -147,,3 16 From Highway for Payroll_ #6 to PayrolL:.Accou3it 3085.83 19 From Forrea.t. Cranne-It-water .rents to W.G.F.Water 9.91 Zb F Geneural f ,Payroll, ,.to._rwyr�aLl�.Acaauat 3$.4�8'.30 26 F�' t w i ., .a►d.Water. Payral-l-A ..to Pnyr*l 'Acs[t,. . - ', 9.33 26 Pa y , # F°on N.GUo . a.^ prop Acct. 40.00 . . _ F #3 to Payroll Acct. 93.33 2:7 From, Forrest CraUAell; wager_.rents•�t*-W.A.F, Water 1. 9190 29 From. Glens. Falls_ Paint & Glass-Ins. refund. Highway . 49.70 30 From Highway for Payroll, #7 to Payroll Account 2908.13 30 From,. Pine�Viaw f*r X11 #6 to Payroll Account 325.83 31 Fr T�watar. rants-:to _N G,F. Water. 22.77 31. From 'lkrreat_Crann&11-winter rents.-V G.F. Water 50' 60 -- TOTAL RECEIPTS, $1 i Date Amount Peid I%md t Account_ Paid ON .$8 General Fund , 4 15181.62 Pine View . : 631.41 V G.F. Water Est. Bab 'Account' 550-.00 W.G.F. Water .47.54 W.G.F. Water Ext, 457:50 Y.G.F. Water-Ext. 83.33 .Ridge. Bead.Watsr. 8.33 Clever ale .Light 41.08 Reaerveir-.Sexw 31.00 Qneemabury Firs Ptat�ectioft 912.28 queausbury Drainage 6120.00 whey pi"Trot. 40.00. Peel l'As�omtt ,: Sf493.�76 t .O DI UFtSE.L :N.TS 43301,73 Supervisor Tema of queensbury STATE._TRAYM COMISSIt t Ally'T;° Nair York Town Board t, - �. h 309 +1962 Tam of Queensbury File No. 1666 Warrei. County G-1334 . Gegticmdnz 1 Letter-State Traffic Commission (continued) The Commission has underway_ a .program.te._re-evaluate all of its speed restrictions to assure that they are reasonable and realistic in terms of existing pb*a ceal conditions and traffic patterns. The speed zone. ou acute. 9-L adjacent to Glens Falls. . Us lWen reviewed .as part. :of tii384rogram. The review jadicates :that the-existing 33 speedfAimft i$ unrealistic. This is verified.:by radar sped; eyecl�rs°. thfch iod ate that a-traffic..pattern...exista..Utich-ftuld,be c i►sistent with 40 speed limit. Unreal,►atic. speed:,l3mitis are undeserable_,..since theY. are not o4Sy_jneffeetive.ln theasalves-, but they can also have adverse effects on._.other,traf:f is. controls..,by.`.dreatiug�a°:pattea.a-=df geaeraL app priate asd realistc.speed control, we have repealed our order of June : 1:96+x,:mrl�ich. zeatricts speed_ to .35 I _on $+dh#�e=�'lT., aid have;.ra-eatabli, d the_limit .apt:40 'j*K.- Ac copy of the order is enclosed for the records _of the Town. Signs. postin this re,gaatiou;,erill.,bm_ In tolled and-ma ntained, by tt*1_St&"'Vepstt- nt.Df Public wii AE 'x it is ®man..l aetta ts_Sto. < aahe additional speed. �* ka, after the MAW control:erns[.is" _mm s of l the:measuce in and prcvdiag.fa 4*00"r r e �n ,.Aatermued;. and t© assisre=,-U at ae advrse effect the aver all speed p cture ,have betit' intre deed. Very truly yours, -STATE TBAMC CO ISSIGt GFC/eg WILLI" S.. MJLT3 . cq: ffixpt. Public W*Vks. I Chairman Supt. State Police BY: LWYD A. MMMER Chief Traffic Engineer STATE TRAFFIC., SIDN Albany Y, New Uri k . ;.,,William_C. Bassette, Supt. March 28, 1962 D3v.. of operation :#a Naintenauece File No. 1666 Department of Public Works G-1334 MLbany 1, New York . TRAFFIC Z%WSS10N : ,Pursuant to authority York State Wb�Le and Traffic,, ' r*¢. a :State--Trafti-c.'Commis.s.ion hereby- L. 8pVAals Item 2 of i.ta dated._Jim-16i Ll 1Vhich establishes as the s ed. eh les may proceed on 1666., between Station 0+ a . , 9171 , a o esbryGens Falls City pine) a St im 2. Todiatanct.�sf the w , r2couxty, < > f. Establishes 40 NM as the-maximum speed st which vehiel+es say proceed on or Ri dWL ,. Route j•L, SKi"1" between StatA - 0+ (Glens Falls C tyw ,,j*n% Stat inn 22: "C e Sy-Pass)v a distance of 0«4+ Unes, in the Town of � . ,. ury, Watr�ea Cgmty. 3. Directs the Now, York State. Department of Public move the signs posting,. the restriction repealed of this order and to ivastaU, and maintain aigus in a►r I it. . f with the Metnual of Uniform Traffic .ControlDevie of tine State Traffic. Commission to post_ the speed restriction%0_116tablished by Item 2 of this order, ' 121 ?fetter ,� STATE'TRAF'F'— CM4MSSION (continued) 4. Directs that Items I and 2tof._this. ordersshall become . effective on the date that Item-3. oof _this .order is completed. Kindly advise the Traffic Commission when this order has been com*l:ied with. GFCeg cc: set. of State STATE TRAFFIC COMMSSIoN Surt. State Police WILLIAM S. MMTS Sheriff. uny Chairman Town Board _ Queensbury The Clerk placed a letter of April -6. 1962, on file from the State Traffic Commission to. do.with notifying_ the Commission that the: - Order dated October. .IO,. 1961...which. changea _the..speed limit on. Cleverdale. tad, _in_.the Uhincorporated Commux&ty of Cleverdale from 20 WN to 25 MPH. The Clerk has reported to.the Co miss on_that this order has been completed The schedule of, audits. far. the Town__of QQieemaburlr, Warren County, New "fork,, for the .month. oEf.ApriA.,_..1962, _was:_examined and approved by the board. RESOLMON NO. 71 introduced'.by._No.. Akins, secou lad. :by W. Tamer. RESOLVED, that the April.-12, _1961,_ Audit .of Claim as .listed in Abstract #r62-4 comttiU-4 chess. ,numbered- ISO through 259 inclusive, and tot-aling .$6,Zy'S.65 ia:._hereby approved. Dr adopt#.# by the followiag. votez Ayes — Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, W. Lmpseuq lac• Akins and W, Webster, Nees None on ]btion the meeting vas. ad jsurwad. spectf y �ttod i Geo . Crannell TOW& Clerk Regular Meeting_ aril 26,' 1962.. Present: *John 0. Webster (absent) Supervisor N, Harwood Beaty Counciluan Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampsou. Council'"n . .Harold Akins (temporarily oraril y absent) Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p�.w. in relation to the public -notice reg"tiug. bids_for the supplying, of. the Tow of qoaimbary, with approately 30,000 gallons of gasoline, the proof of the publieation of the notice reeting the bids, was received and filed. April 249, 1962. Town of Queensbury Highway Dept. 2 Aviation Road Glens Falls, N. T. Attention of Mr. Bernard Codner We wish to submit our bid on_.oar. (Branded) Cities Service premium gasoline. The regular gasoline carries an octane rating of 95 plus,, premium gasoline.1.01, plua. octane rating. Gasoline is to be. delivered from our s.torage_. facilities in Glens Falls.