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i9 our bid for re oliue, Per gall,0p, wed on the current posted dealer tank wagon price for this area, is .1.390 less .eto-per gallon, :taut excLude*,,..makjag your price .129 . . Premium gasoline will' be .0350: above price..for..regular gasoline. In order to protect you. as well .as. OUrrselves, this price is based on our posted price at time of delivery, which could fluctuate with the market, either higher or lower. In case of. emergencies, our deliveries to you will available night or day. . Trusting that we may be favored w th. your, gasoline contract for the coming year, we remain, Very truly ysurs9, Loren J. Doers Doers pil any RESOLUTION NO. 7-2 introduced by W. Turnjer secronded. by ele. Beaty RESOLVED, that the bid of Doers oil Company to supply the Town of :qwtunsbury, with, gasoline_.at a-,-,pri per gall-94i of . .2 . aka. regu ar gasoline. im035d ve _ : the,, egplar gas- oline price for premium gasoline grade. The regular flg @tin. :- will be of an octane rating of 95 plus while the parem-tem grade milli: be JAL plus,,,QctAMe ratting., In accor4�aant 4a wit#a :the p e►posal received, be and the same is hereby accepted; FURTHER RRESOLM, that, thel Sup eiintendemt, Of Highways be- i is hereby authorised., Aud, acted t© ,enter into. ;a contract r tk Doers oil Company, for the supplying of said gasoline to' the Town of QUeensbury, agreeable to to 'And ndd conditions exp'. arenssed in the notice, lir�g �tar .thee bids. and the proposal _ received from the Doers.. Oil.. Company. DULY adopted by the following .1M,404 Ayes - Mr. Beaty, W. Turner, Mr. lamp aon Noes - ,None The notice of an.auction t.®. offer for sale ,& quantity of scrap iron by the Highway :Department was presented and filed. W. Codaer,, Superintendent of Highways, reported that the sale was graccessful with $250.00 being realized from same. RESOLUTION NO. 73 .iutroduced._by W. Beaty seconded by 1 . Loapson. WHEREAS,, the Taws .of `Queensbury dump tractor has had considerable breakdowns ands WHWAS,.. IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY TO have it brought into the high- way storehouse to be inspected; T ZFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Superintendent of Highways i and is 'hereby aath®rixed and directed to uspiect tha -town dump tractor once! a month and make. aecessary' repiirs iUi4 needed. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes W. Beaty., Mr. Turner and W. Lampson. Noes None` Police Chief, LeRoy Phillips and Assessor Leon Nassivera, iAtered the meeting at this time. Mr. Codner, reported that work was being done to c' ange the course of a run-off of surface water at the .extension of the Aviation Road to eliminate the water flowing on the hig ay which id to Ooperty. 123 The Highway Superintendent, Bernard Codner, -has negotiated with a representative of the Tropical Paint Company for paint to cover the-rear section of the Highway storehouse. The board approved the purehase. of_ the paint at a cost price of $4.70 per gallon. W, Coduar, reported that several_ higimays are being re-surfaced at this time.. The work is progr_easing favorably. W. LeRoy Phillips, presented..a letter with a' check from State Farm Insurance Co.,, to do with_ a fee for a highway accident report. The''Board` agreed. that the:Ie.tter should_ be referred to W,. Beswick for a ruling on accepting�_aame. _. April. T6, 1961 W. John O. Webster Supervisor Chestnut Ridge Road Glens Falls, No Y. Re:`AssembPl, ,_fti t Tax Cases Dear Supervisors We started out on the trail:.of these 27_cases rasing Alger Mason as an expert witness on .the ,value: of...the .stub ject prop er- ties; and 1&-. Naassiveri. .on__the, .Q 'sample_pardels picked for the issue of inequality. t W& YAseu, has told me .that doe. to. .the_great amount of work he has now pending. .he_ will. find it..very difficult to devote the time_required_for the remaining cases. Mr. Nassivera.. has..an. ,4xc Ueut_knowledge of real estate values but he has the. dis.advantage. in not being able to qualify as an expert and was, neat famili.ar__with these properties during either of the -tart years. 1959 sic 1960. With the approval of your Town Board we retained Robert W. Leavitt as an expert witness..an .the ten. 'sample parcels, and in my- opinion has done an excellent.. job. We have atipulate+d .that the record in the-Barber case as to the issue of inequality. will _be. adopted _and. c:onsidered in each of the remaining cases. without..the. mecessty of repeating the testimony as to the ten sample parcels. . . We shall have to have proof auto each of the subject prop- erties'.remaining._and I recommea __that 2&,. Leavitt be retained by your Town Board as aa.. expert. witness on each of the Subject prop- erties. This will.. mean .aomee. additional-.expense bat:. I ,believe that the issues in .theae.. Aasemhl-,y Pbint. cases. .are of sufficient importance to warrant this. additional.._expense. Years very-.truly, . ALBERT E. BESWICR Mr, Leon Nassivera, Axplained at length the proceedings in the • Assembly Pbint assessment cases up to this date. - At this point a -delegation. of representatives from all fire companies visited the. sreeting,the..folloving were present. peon Richardson Chief Vest Glaus Falls .Fire Co. NealSchoonover South Qnieaashary Fire Co. Neal Schoonover Chief North Queensbury Fire Co. Floyd Martindale Chief Bay Ridge Fire Co. Raymond B. Crannell Captain West Glares Falls Fire Co. The group visited the Town Board in the interest of Fire Control. at the city dump. . Considerable discussion ensued. It was agreed that members of the Town Board .shoulad. approach_I&* Beawick to do Nr h Pmv oOasible'ruliro to control tha.serir ua_situation as it stands at present. TOWN OF KINGSBURY April 18, 1,962 To Whom It May Concerns WHEREAS. it has been determined, by the Town of Queensb�sry and ,. the Town of Kingsbury..that it' is advisable, to, have a color fug- proved mercury street Light installed at the intersection of quarry Street and Dix Avenue; and WMRA 9_this i nterssetion is. on the town l.ihe` between the Towra. of Kingsbury and the. Town of Queenpbury and j WHEREAS 9, the, Town of� Queensbury has by its resolution No. 70, passed April 12, 1962, approved participation in the cost of operation of such a light;, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,, that the Town of Kingsbury ogre" t4 join with the Town of. Qt�eensbury in requesting the. Ni ar4L M wk Pbwer Corporation Mto. i�'taLL .a�ach..a, light, and to participate with the Town of Queensbhry in the -cost of operation of such light on a 50% - 50% basis. _. I, Harriet Washer., Town. Clerk. of. the. Tewn. .of Kingsbury, do hereby Verti'fy,. that.._tki&. is. .a.. true, copy, of-a a resolution duly adopted. by thei.foxe:Board-bf._,,the Town: of,Kingsbury at a spoeAal meeting held on April__169 1962, and the Tpww Clark was .ra atVdl to forward one copy of said resolution to the Town Clerk of the Town of.q eeusbury. and .ene-copyy to. the Niagara Mohawk Pbwpr Corp- oration, Harriet Washer Town Clerk Town of Kingsbury RESOLUTION NO. 74 introduced,, by Mr«. Turner secod by Mfr, Beaty. WHDF.AS, there is a shortage, of signal Lights, in the five '(,5) f ire. _companys of. the, Town of Queenabu ry ri THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that Bernard Codner purchase 12 doze4' lights for the. conpaays. and, deliver, them as ,weeded. Daly, adopted. by the, fatUoWi ng, Vote Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turn^r and. Mr. Idapsou Noes None Ik. NnsL .Schoonove1.., re%pested..permiasion to secure a suprpLy of Zhlerisa for the;.Shore. Colony,Water. District.. The Board -fibers explained that a supply touTd. be_pmrchased..from the City off;Gleas Fal la.:b .contacting W.4, Garner Tripp. , Xr. Pbuell South ppeaemted an amendment to the Bingo license of the Queenabury Central.-Piro Company, for an additional four games. for the month of May 1962. RESOLUTION NO. 75, introduced. by Mr. Turner ocicoaded. by Mt, Ison. WHEREAS, the queensbury.. Central .Volunteer °=Fire Company Inc*, bon, 44110iaRitto sw ap plicatisrn to I amend. its binge .license for the, year 1962 and has submitted the required.fee of $40 and whereas the application is in due .form. and .complies -with the statues such cases made and provided,-.. and; 125 $F.. QLtJ' IQ�t NO. 75 - (continued) VtHERFAS,, an investigation has been made by this Board and after such investigattoa .the Board makes the followingjindings and determinations; 1. That the applicant is qualified organization as defined by laws 2.. That all. the members . designated to. conduct.gsmes bonafide active members.. of the, applicant- organization; 3. That all the_membera.,AeaIgn&ta4i to conduct games,, and the assistants, are of. go*4,.noral character; 4. That all the membere designated.,to conduct ,ggames,hand the assistants, have never been convicted o.f crime, 5. That. the games.are., to..be .held...according to the Bingo Licensing :Lav, the Rules .and Regulations of the State Lottery Control Commia.sion, .and local ord4-ances, 6i. That the. entire net proceeds_ are to be used solely for purposes permitted. by ,_the Bingo Licensing Law; 7. That there. Is._satiafactor_y proof that no casaissi®n,, salary, compensation-, ..reward -or.recompenso will be paid or given to any persoa..for.,conducting . the games or assisting therein, except. to the extent allowed by Law- 8. That there._is _aatisfactor..y.proof that the type and value of prizes will conform..to Law; 9. That no rent for the..pres as-.is bedag paid and as a result of the findings and deteri"abons stated above, Licenses is _granted. FURTHER RESOLVED,, t kat the Town. Clark_be and_ is hereby authorized and directed to sign the.,necessary..findings. and. determinations and issue and amendment, license to .conduct bingo games in accord- ance with the application repeived. Duly adopted by the .following voter Ayes - fir. Beaty, Mr. Turner._and_W, Lampson. Noes - None s Mr. South urges the Board- to do everything_possible .to control out door burning at _the present. time. Mr. Jphu VanDSpea, Town Survpyor,, visited the,.neetiv at this time. Upon preseating_ several .maps of different dater Districts, same were studied. by all ®embers of. the Board. RESOLUTION NO. 7.6 iatrodaced_ by.;:W. .Beaty _seconded by-Mr. Akins. RESOLVED, that Robert. W. Leavitt, of Lake George, N. Y. be retained as an, expert witness as to the._ value of each of the subject. .properties-.-in.-thc. Assembly..ibint_tax cases:,; which are being heard at this..t ime. Duly adopted by the fii1owi.ng..voter Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner and..MrI&ILampsoa! Mr. Akins ]toes - None Mr, Akins, Councilmem, entered the. meeting prior to the above resolution being passed. Mr. Akins,- discussed the Water .District Extension on Everette Avenue and Quaker Road. A map of the Barber Ave. and Grant Ave. section was stud;Led _by ttba. Board, A Special Meeting._to do wth_Water. .Districts in general was arranged for May 3, ,1962. on motion the meeting. was adjourned. 5 jieo&4orPe ctf�l submit g C. Crannell Town Clerk