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1962-04-29 SP
Special Emergency feting Sunday. April -299 1962.. Present-.' resent: t Johi 00' Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty (absent) Councilmen Theodore ;Turner Councilmen Curtis --on Councilmen . Harold 7'n'a Councilmen The meeting was called to order in Emergency session at 3:00 pm. The following order- was adopted following notice of same being present+sd to all Junk Yard Owners:. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APRIL. 196-1 . E"ECTIVE''AT ONCE AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ALL. OP�ORS OF JO N'YES ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ALL JUNK YARD'PERMITS ARE TElHr RARIIY` SUSPEMED INSOFAR AS THE OPERATIONS CONTRIBUTE IN" ANY WAY TO THE PRESENT FIRE HAZARD. SPECIFICALLY THESE RESTRICTIONS SHALL APPLY TO: , I... NO BURNING, OF JM,CARS OR RUBBISH OF ANY X&TURE. . Z. CUTTING OF EQUIPI►+ENT WITH ACETYLENE TMCHES OR BY.ELECTRIC ARC. 3. OPERATION OF TRACTORS, CRANES IX ANY AUTOWTIVE E IpwNT WITHOUT'SUITA'BLE. MMUST MUFFLERS ETD. THESE ARE EMERGENCY ORDERS. YOU NILE BE NOTIFIED WHEN, YOU MAY RESUME NORMAL OPERATIONS. BY CORDER OF THE TOWN- John: O. Webster Supervisor Duty accepted by the Town Board: Asses - W., Turner„ Mr. Lampoon, W, Akins. andz Mfr'. Webster, -" Noes i None The following action vets adopted by the Town Board: troduced by W. Turner and! seconded, by Mfr: Lmpsonz. • April 29, 1962t As indicated by action of the Torn Board;;. in- regal err meeting of Apr. 2§th, the . Board is deeply, concerned with the fire hazard caused by the extremely dry conditions in the Town. The board continues to feel concern in this -eimergeney and has taken the following anion;- t . BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD: CONFIRMING & FURTHER EMP.'KASIZING THE RECENT OFAM OF THE CONSERVATION DEFT..r THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUE"ENSBURY IN EMERGENCY SESSION HAS ENACTED THE FOLLOWING" CRDER;t • "ALL. OUTDOORS FIRES, BURNING. OF RUBBISH, OR ANA TIONS WHICH IN ANY WAY COULD CAUSE BRUSH OR GRASS FIRES DURING THIS EMERGENCY DRY PERIOD ARE PROHIBITED.K THIS ORDER IS EFFECTIVE FOR THE DURATION OF THIS FIRE EMERGENCY & WILL BE RESCINDED COINCIDENT WITH THE AMNOUNM49NT BY THE CONSERVATION DEPT., THAT THE KHMOENC'Y HAS ABATED. John 0. Webster • Supervisor Duly adopted by the Town Board. Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson,, W. Akins axed Mr. Webster. Nees - bone ,<< 127 TCfial`7 -OF QUMNSBURY John d. Webster = Supervisor April 29, 19620 After the disastiod fire_which occurred. in tb*..,town ono Saturday afternoon, the Qaueensbury Town. Bayard, .meet.isg -i'a emergency session Sunday afternoon., has issued .the. 1ollowing general statement. "The Queensbury Town Board wishes to extend its great appreciation to the hundreds of volunteers'and �.tbe.Rb Fire Companies who re- sponded under mutual aid, to asaist. our Queeasbury Fire Companies 1.1 1 1 s©� n rradz t1iers destroyed We extend our deepest, aympathy .to those:who have Zost their homes and their personal possessions this fire.. and -i.atend to offer what- ever assistance possible VX"thin- our .antherity te,do� so. In to - ection with this, we are taking__steps to have the Town declared a. "Dis to enable.,the victims of the fire to reeoive . what r.1 to or Federal .beuefi.tas. that. can, be made available. Although.tlii.s. fire_has-.. been- a. great_personal., tragedy 9 ed to to many people,..the heroic .offvrts.. of. they..firemen and the volunteer workers. pr vented ,W at otherwise. would_have been an enormous conflagration of vast. proportions. In addition to,.the..4ctaa2...fire -igbting, _we, are also deeply app.. reciative"of the "siatence, given by all the agencys and gr®ups to the firemen, and. to the victims.._af. the..fire. . It is our int- ention to_ contact -eaah,.,groupr.;,who.,asai.sted, .but .in case some are omitted: we take .thin opportunity .to.. thank..the .Fire Company Rescue Squads, the.Warren County Sheriff, Department, the Washington County Sheriff Departmeat,_ .tha. New- York_.State Pblice, the Sea Bees, the Fort Edward .Dairy. gacpreg -.any.,,, ..the Defiance Corp>., the Local contractorq, the Local .Rod o►..Stations, Taxi Companies, Civilian Defence personnel,. the. City. of Glens Falls, neighboring r municipalities, the Salvation. Army, the Red Crosa, local Doctors, and nurses, individual._contributors_, and all others who helped in any way. " RESOLUTION NO.. 77 introduced- by 1&.. Akina seconded by w. Lampson. WUEItFJtSr' d�ee to the. present. Emergency Fire Conditions and in con- f orming. with the request .of._Fire .Chief. Floyd Martindale, the Queensbt�rr Town Dater.. is.._Temp*rgrily .cAosed. RESOLVED,, TUT THE SUPERVISE—.is,.,bereby .awthoriaed to re-open the dump upon eatabL a ._,mutually satisfa9.tory cenditios for the control of fires and. deposit of rubbis.h__with _suitable earth cover. Duly adopt&& by the, following vote: Ayes - M, Turner, W. _Lempsea,_ Ik. Akins and W. Webster. Noes - None Mc, Gilbert H. Lange, , of 16 Ashley. Place., visited the meeting at this time.. W. Lange questioned the-beard .as- to the maintenance of the hydrants within the Broedseres. section... The Board explained to M. Lange that thip. deb► :pment.maa, a.;private enterprise when "Broadacres*' was formed. and that the developers of the section were responsible for the maintenance, of .the .water supply and the hydrants in question. It was s � uggested that. i(...repairs::nre: made the cost should, be_borne by the. property..owaers involved. ©n..motion the meeting was adjourned, pectf �tsbmit o r C. Crannell Town Clerk