1962-05-03 SP Special Meeting May 39 1:962
John 0. Webster Supervisor
S. Harwood. Beaty
Theodore Turner Councilmen s
Curtis Lampson Counc�linen
Harold Akins Councilmen
The..aeeting. was called .to order at 7:3=5 ,jp m,.
Visitors and Tovfp, Office als_.,.preeent:z.
Mrs. Geneva Elmore. visitor
Mr. Ralph Elmore Visitor
Mrs, Marion. J. Crannell Deputy Town Clerk
Mr. Bernard J. Codner Superintendent of Highways
Mr. LeRoy Phillips ,- Chief of police
Mrs. Elmore was.. granted: the floor at this tima. She proceeded
to report that a road which leads from her property to the
Lupine Lane section was blocked when the recent fire was, raging
out .of control, The serious predicament which was apparent was
due to not..having access to_ a read leading in or out of 'thet
section surrounding.-her ding_her home. The road was. closed foll4iwing the
Pt of property by Mr. Thomas Rogers, a real: eatate
developer. Following a request that this road be reopened it
was_established. by the Board that the read in' gaestion_ is not a
Town Highway.
WS. Atmore proceeded to,request the Town Board. that sow' plaas
be devised to force improvement of the typ* of home constiucction
in the area.
�A delegation of owners_ of "Junk Yards", operating within the
Town v$sted the meeting: at this time. The following persons '
were present: t I i
1&. Combs s
Mr. Sanders &.Son
Mr, Hammond
W. Joseph Ray
Following a request of the above persons the following pa;voj�otion
was ntroducedx t
RESOLUTION NO. 78 introduced by. Mr. Turner seconded by Mt Lamp-ton.
WHEREAS, an emergency order was exacted at a Special Emergency
feting; on, SuUdaf,...April 29, 1962, to- suspend btrniag :cif` junk
cars or rubbish of any nature andre
WHEREAS at present with fire danger conditions being improved due
to the heavy rainfall;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this order be rescinded at this
Duly adopted by the following. vote: + ,
Ayes -, Mr.. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampoon, Mr Akins and Mr Webster,
Noes - .None
In reference to the.check.and letter from the State Farm Ins, Co.
which was previously.:presented by Police Chief, LeRoy Phillips,
to due with a fee for motor vehicle report; It has been ruled by
Mr. Beswick that the check was the property of the Town sf''Qaeeus-
bury and same was turned over to the Supervisor.
Mr, John VanDusen appeared .at the meeting at this time.
RESOLUTION NO. 79 _ introduced. by Nr. Turner seconded by W. Lampoon
WHEREAS,. the City of Glens Falls has for�many years owned and
operated a dump located between Sherman. Avenue and Lumerne Road
in the Town of "_. bur.y_and: in recent years there haver been
several large real state developments and a .substantial amount
of residential constOuction in the_:area_of. the Town of Queensbury
around the City of Glens Falls and
WHEREAS, for the past two years or more the City has permitted a
L_ nuisance to exist in the operation-of_ -its dump- to the extent that
with recurring fires aot_ kept_under control and the presence of
hordes of rats and other vermin at the dump, the safety and health
of a considerable aumber. of residents__of the Town of Queensbury
have been and continue to be endangered, and
WHEREAS,, the Mayor and members of, -the Common Councili. have publicly
acknowledged the deplorable conditions at the _dump. and stated that
steps would be taken to change. such ,conditlons. but up to this time
no action has been taken _and_ it is the opinion -of the members of
this Town Board that appropriate. legal :action should be taken to
compel the City., to operate an& maintain she_dump in such. manner
that the lives,_ property and .heahth of. the_ residents of the Town
of Queensbury affected thereby will .be protected, be it
RESOLVED THAT the Town of Queensbury bring an action, against the
City of Glens Falls and its responsible officers= to compel. the.
abatement of the daugerous` and.; unsanitary_conditions now existing
and which have existed_ for some time 'at_ the city dump] and to ex
join and restrain it and them from maintaining_ and operating the
city 'dam in such manner_ as to expose residents of the Town of
Queenaburp to constant -danger. te` lives. and property frew,° recurring
fires and to protect the health of. such residents from stench of
debris its the dual and inroads from rats and other, vermin in the
dumpy and that Albert E. Beewick. be_and hereby is retained as
�-- attorney for the Town of Queensbury in such action, and be it
RESOLVED, that the commencement of such action be postponed until.
July 1# L962, to afford the Mayor-, members of the Common Council
and other responsible officials .of the City of Glens Falls suff.
icient time in which to take voluntary steps to abate such nuis-
ance at the city dump, to acquire machinery and equipment suffi-
cient to handle the vol.ume, .of waste materials .deposited at the
dump daily and otherwise .change...the operation and maintenance of
the dump in such manner as. v ll .adequately protect the residents
of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vete:
Ayes - Mr Beaty, .W.! Turner, lm".. Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster,
Noes None
RESOLUTION NO.. 80 introduced by W. Turner seconded by W, Beaty.
WHEREAS,: both Quaker Road. and. Bay Road in the Town of Queensbury
are County- roads under the .,juriod ct on:of the County Superintendent
h of Highways and the Board of,,_Supervisors,. and
EAS,� the large volume_ of high speed. traffic an Quaker Road has
made it adviseable for the county officials to designate it as a
through &treat and Bay Road,._having..Te.ss._traffic., as a stop street,
as indicated by existing signs, and
Resolution No.- ,'80 (continutd)
WHEREAS,. `bA- members of the. Town .Board of the Town of Queensbury
are concerned over the considerable number of accidents which
have occuied at the.-intersection of Quaker. Road .and, Bay Road and
believe that the present stop signs on Bay Road do not furnish
adequate warning of the. dangeroua, intersection, ,be it, T
RESOLVED, that. the Town Board. of the .Town:xof .4�ueeusbury does here-
by request the,,.County. Superintendent- of .Higkoays and the' Board
of Supervisors .of, Warren County. to .install :blinking light at
the intersection of Quaker Road..and_ Bay Road`=which will-chow red
on Bay Road and yellow on Quaker Road.
Duly adopted., by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, W. Lampoon, ,W. ,Akins and W. :Webs ter
Noes - None
RESOLUTION. NO. 81 introduced by Mr. Lampoon and seconded by
Mr. Turner.
'RFdc, the fire house of the..West Glens Falls .Volunteer Fire
Company is. located...on Luzern:-Road,. and on. most calls the fire
trucks. and, .the ambulance_.:must .either enter or cross Main Street
which is a well Xraveled. highway, and
WHEREAS.,, it appears .that_ for the. protection of the public using
Main .Street as -well as -the._members of .tbe West. Glens; Falls Vol-
unteer Fire. Company a:. traffic control should be> iastalled at
the intersection of Main. Street and Richardson Street, be it
RESOLVED.,- that a blinking traffic coutrol. light be installed at
the intersection of Main. Street and Richardson. Street with: a.
red face against .traffic.. on. Richardson .Street .and .an amber light
on Main Street, with a. manual. switch at: the. fire house on Lu$erne
Road.,, and .such other. location as shall ire, practical .to the end
that traffic will be stopped on Main. Street while the `ire trucks
or ambulance are entering or crossing Main Street from Richardson
DeLy adopted by the following vpter
Ayes W. Beaty, W. Turner,. W. Lampoon, W. Akins and 146.,.
Noes None
Mc. Codger reminded .the. board again, that clean up day within
the Town sould be Monday, May 7, 1962.
bW, Webster, reported that residents of Lupine Lane (the scene
of the recent fire) are conducting a,clean tap detail to eliminate
the accumuiatfou 'o£ rubbish material, which has tbeen dumped .along
the road in their neighborhood.
The Supervisor stated that there is a very good possibll.tty of
some decisive action on help for the recent fire victims from
the Red Cross Emergency Fund or possibly a Federal Agency.
+ Mr. Akins explained to the Board that a sizeable amount of
cost of operation for -pieces of equipment that came to 4d in
the serious :fire. from other sections has become the responsibility
of the West Glens Falls ,Fire Company.
The Board requested that an opinion should be requested from Mr.
Beswick as to a: legal procedure for the. Town of Qusoasbuiy
to offer financial help to. defray some ofthese expenses..
W. VanDusen submitted maps of the following Water Districts
for study at this time:
Glendale District
Mountain ntain Vier Lane District
E'veretts Ave. - Romer. Ave. section
Parkview Ave. District ,
With the lack of prepardness on the assessments; action on the
formation of these districts. w.as deferred: to a Later date, ,
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
pectful#X tted
George Crannell
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting: � May 14, 1962
John 0, Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilmen
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilmen
Harold Akins Councilmen
The meeting was called to order at-7:30 P. m.
The following visitors were welcomed at the meet}:
Mr* Awes . Barber Ms Japes D«,Smwdou
Mr, William Clarke Mr, George W. Hehr Jr.
W. Paul. Saville Mr, George Liapea
Mr, Richard Coswell Mr, Robert L. Rutledge
W. Paul Saville, Assistant _Chief,, West Glean Fall Emergency
Squad, 'spoke at length to do with suggesti s..for, a celebration
co ating the up-coming 7.00th. Anniversary of the redsiviag
the charter for 'the Townships of Queenabipry. Pe4er41 suggestions
&long the line of parades, awards and contests were, offered by
Mr. Saville. It' was explained_that hundreds -of visitdAg fire
companies and emergency _squads could. be i.nvited; to take part
in the affair,
The Board members thanked Mr. Saville for his interest and they
in turn explained that a; decision on the type of a celebration
which would be forth-coming will be .in the, near future.
Mr. Ames Barber and Mr.: Will.ia®, .Clarke spoke britiefly., to the
Board in respect to the. fire hydrants, ithin the Broadacres
development, which proved to.. be_out :sf order during the recent
fire. 'Bath Mr. Barber and. Mr. Clarke. undewrstaad that there
are several angles to beinvestigated__.in order to provide the
work of having these. hydrants restored to sctive operation.
Mr. Clarke, offered the..feelings .of the residenteE of Breadacres
by giving thanks to all Fire Companies and ludividuals who
fought 'the recent serious fire.with.su►ch satisfying results.
Mr. Akins, the Chairman of the water district committee was
invited by Mr. Barber to a meeting. of. the. Brea4acres Association
on May '219 1962: Coucilmen Akins_ explained at length the need
and also the mltimate costs_ of. establishing a Water District.
It is understo -tbe W. ,�' will accept the invitation to
attend the meeting on May 210 1962.
Mr, Robert Ruggles and Mr. Bernard Codger, visited the meeting
at this time.
The delegation of residents of the Meadowbrook Road section were
granted the floor at this time. Following the. explanstion of
their mission at the meeting; a petition was read by the Clerk: