1962-05-10 131 Mr. VanDusen submitted maps of the. following Water Districts for study at this time: Glepdale District Mountain view Lane District Everetts Ave. - Homer Ave. section Parkview Ave, District With the lack of prepardness on the assessments; action on the formation of these districts was deferred .to a later date. On motion the meeting was adjourned. . e eorctful � itt . Gge Cra�stnell --- Town Clerk Regular Meeting: May 10, 1962 Present:John O, Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilmen Theodore Turner_ Councilmen Curtis Lampoon _ Councilmen Harold Akins Councilmen The meeting was called to order at 7:30 v. m. The following visitors were welcomed at the meeting: Mee'. Ames Barber Mr. Japes D*."Souden Mr. William Clarke Mr, George W. Fehr Jr. W. Paul Saville Mr, George Liapes Mr. Richard Coswell Mr, Robert L. Rutledge Mr, Paul Saville, Assistant Chief, West Gleas Fall E®rergeucy Squad, 'Spoke at `length to do with suggestieas. for a celebration an commemorating the up-coming 200th. Anniversary of the redeiviag the chatter for 'the Township3 of Queenabgry. ,iSeveral suggestions t-- along the line of parades, awards and contests were offered by Mr. Saville. It' was explained that hundreds -of visitIMg fire companies and emergency squads could be invited; to take part in the 'off air. The Board members thanked" Mr. Saville for his interest and they in tern explained that a. decision on. the type of a celebration which would be forth-coming will be in the near future. Mr. Ames Barber and Mr., William :Clarke. spoke briefly to the Board in respect to tha fire. hydrants., within the Broadacres developmeat, which proved to be out-of order during the recent fire. 'Both Imo. 'Barber and Mr. Clarke Understand that there are several angles to be. investigat+ed_ .in order to provide the work of having thaae. hydrants restored_ to. .active operation.. Mr. Clarke, offered the, feelings..of the residezte of Broadacres by giving thanks to all Fire Companies and,,indiv duals who fought the recent serious fire.with..such satisfying results. Mr. Akins, the chairman of the water district committee was invited by Mr. Barber to a meeting of, ,the.. Broa4acrea Association on May `21, 1962: Coucil,men Akins explained at ,length the need and also the ultimate costs-of- establishing a Water District. It is understoed.,..tom. Akins will accept the invitation to attend the meeting..on May 21v 19620 Mr. Robert Ruggles and Mr. Bernard Codger, visited the meeting at this time. The delegation of residents of the Meadowbrook Road section were granted the floor at this time. Following the. explanation of their mission at the meeting; a petition was read by the Clerk: 132 PETITION TO--THE HERS OF THE QUEENSBURY BOARD , WHEREAS, because the opening og the Glens Falls. Bypsass,, Quaker Road, has resulted in an increase of vehicular traffic on Meadowbrook Road such that the traffic now is a serious danger to life, property and peace of mind of the residents of Meadowbrook Road, and WHEREAS, "proximately forty (40) children of school age reside on the road, must walk along the road to school,, and cross the road while playing, and WHEREAS, Meadowbrook Road is entirely residential and commercial traffic, in addition to constituting .a.. traffic hazard, tends to destroy the residential .character° of the road, and hence, to reduce the value of the residential prop- erty along the road, THEREFORE: we, the undersigned residents of Meadowbrook Road, respectfully petition that (1) A speed limit of 30 miles per hour . be established, posted and enforced along the.. length of Meadowbrook Road (2) All commercial traffic not having business• e&, Meadowbrook Road be prohibited from the use of Meadowbrook Road, We, the undersigned, have read and understood the, attached petition. . R ME - - ADDRESS Mary Coswell 26 Meadowbroo Road Mr.&Mts. E. George Brandt 24 r a . Doris J. Sowdon 13 Lion F Lortie 28 Elizabeth A. Lortie 28 Margaret LaPann 59 " '! Sai Iy. Palmer 59 Rita Oudekerk 88 n Ruth G. Sundberg 151 ' Oscar Sundberg 151 Grace` H. Piper 141 ! Henry E. Piper - 141 r n We Ted Turner 139 Page W. Lashway 6 Cronin Horton J, Las4way, & *' " Al & Eleanor OWkherk 86 Meadowbrook ' George & Emma Johnson Carole & Joe 'Pannier 3 *' . Mr, & Mrs Angelo auevine 30 • Richard J. Coawell_ 26 '* ' W. & Mrs. George W. Hehr 15 t' " Jones D. Sowdon. 13 Howard J. Weeks 9 Mr, & Mrs.. Reginald Rockwell lie *' ' Jeanette Ploof 133 r ' Jim. Ploof 133 Cecelia C. Mr-Donald 124 ' Richard E. MacDonald 124 Following the lengthly discussion by the -board and the residents of Meadowbrook Road,•. it was generally agreed that the requests involved in the petition would be referred to the County and State Highway Departments. . 33 N)r. Robert Ruggles, presented a deed and & 'description of the development on montray Road, known as Oakwood. Considerable discussion to do with the forming of a Water District Extension took place. The Board assured mac. Ruggles that early action on same will .be taken. Mr. Eugene Johason, .Caretaker of the Town of Queensbury Dump, visited the meeting- at this time Mr• Robert L. Ruttledge, a I representative of the Eddy Valve Co. , displayed a sample Fire Hydrant which is manufactured by the company which he represents. Points of interest were discussed with- all members- of the board and. the Hig4way SiW6fintehdent. Mr. Codner,' reported- on the proggress of the Town Clean-up Day. He explained that the work inval ►ed nearly a week to complete. Plans for inspection of all Town Roads was arranged with all members of the Town- Board, and W. Codner, Superintendent of Highways.. A decision-was reached .that evenings will be utilized for this inspeetion, - if not satisfactory the plan will be changed to all -day Saturdays.. Mr. Liapes, reported that the. sample meter installations will be completed during the coming-week, REPORT-OF NEW CONSTRUCTION TO THE TOWN" BOARD REPORT#4 . . . Period Covered: Month of April 1962. Number covered in report. 11 Date. Owner . Location Nature 'of Construction 1. 4/1 Frank & Gail. Pinewood. Read Garage DeWitt - 2. 4/3` . Jospeh S. Durcan Pinevved Ate.- Dwelling. 3. 4/4_ - Elizabeth & Donald" Due.&L Queensbury Ave. Private Rome 4. 4/6. . Shirley & Donald - Stockman W. Mt, Road E. Side Dwelling: 50 4/_tf• . Stanley -Robichaud" W. 14t. Road - E. Side Addition 6. 4/10- Ralph Chambers No. _Sunnyside Rd. Garage 70 4/17 Bernard Codner W. Mt. Road Addition 8, 4/18 Betsy Lucci Rockhurst Lot#24 Dwelling 90 4/24 'Joseph Archembaul.t 2 Washburn'Dr. Garage 1Q. 4/247, Ray Adams 9 Northupp Drive Garage 11. 4/3+8 East Lake George Laundromat, Inc Route 9L So. Side ndEamat Respectfully submitted: John @. Webster, Supervisor Water rents due May"1, 1962 - All water districts in Town of Queensbury District. Water Rent Baek `:hill Total No. Glen .Falls District 4,889:74 '271.59 5*161*.3'2 No. Glees; .Falls<` Xt# 1 50423.57 188.91. 5,612.48 West G. F. Water District 2,466.88 204.60- 2,671..40 West G.F. Water Ext.# 1 405.00 29.70 4340' 7 Ridge Rd, Water Dist. 677,75 153.45 831.20_ Shore Colony Water Dist. 600:00 - 600,M TOTALS 149462.94 848.25 15,311.19 This report to the Town Board 5/10/1962 Original to Clerk, Copies to Members of board, Receiver of Taxes & Assess- ments, Joseph Kestner, Water Supts. These amounts will not be changed without a resolution of approval of the Town Board. .john O. Webster, Supervisor T04 MNTHLY STATEMENT OF SUPE�tVISOR _ April 1P62 Date Recgipt Amount Received Source R_eceired Apr. 3 From George Crannell--Town Clerk*s Fees to G.F. 102.50 9 From Forrest Cranneeh--Receiver of. Taxes, fees G.F/- 323.44 10 From Forrest Crannell--Water rents. tm W.G.F.Water 29070 13 From Highway-Payroll #8 to Payroll Account 25+11,13 J3 From PineView-Payroll #7 to ,Payroll� Accoant 451.83; 13 From State of N.Y. Audit & Control-Juice feesto General Fund 84 8..50 23_ From Forrest Crannell-Vater rents to W.G.F.W''ater 39.00 23 N,G.F.Water 56.10 23 N.G.F.WaterFxt*#7.60 24 From Forrest .Crannell-Water. Rents t,e..,Ridge .Water 31.00 ; 24 From N.G.F. Water 114.30 24 Shore Colony 90= 00 24 ** �* •• W.G.F. Water 53.00 24 ` ' +• '• ** ' X.G.F,WaterExt.530.13 26 From Forrest Crannell-Water Rents toN.G.F. Water 244.,50 26 " N.Q.F.Water ExtZ84«4Z 26 " W.G.F. Water 55.00 9: From Cowles-cemetery fees to PineView 74"25 27 From Forrest Crannell-WateF Rents to..RidgeRd.Water . $2.7.5 27 " +* " " . "N.G.F. Water 396.30 27 "N,G.F.WaterExt. 209.70 27 "W.G.F.WaterExt, 36.00 27 "W.G.F. Water 207.00 30 From R,*Cotie$ & _Son-Sale of Scrap-HighwayFndItem#3 250.00 3:0 From Audit & Control-Interest on excess deposit Nortbway-Aviation Road water main to Gen, Fund 21.00 30 From 'General-Payroll #4--to Payroll Account 3073.30. 30 From Ridge gd.� Water Payroll #4 to .Payroll Acct. 8.33 30 From W.G.F. Water-Payroll #4-- To Payroll Acct, 40,00 + 30 From N.G.F Water Ext.:Payroll #4-topayroll.Acet._ 83.33 30 From Highway Fund-Payroll #9-to Payroll Account 2598.65 - 30 From lineView Fumd-Payroll#8-to Payroll Account:_:* 6113.83 30 From Forrest Caannell-Water Rents to NGF WaterExt. 327.16 30 WGF Water, 65.00 30 *' '* * .r " NGF Water 1.20 Total---------- $ . DISBURSEMENTS , Date Amount Paid Fund or Account _ Paid Ipril Highway ► '89 :8 General 5984450 Pineview T090'.48 West Glens Falls. Water 60 1.00 North Glens ,Falls Water 359.00 North Glens Falls Water Ext. 196.66 Ridge Road mater 36.16 Shore Colony Water 21.32 Cleverdale Light 41.08 Fort' Amherst=Garrison' Road Light 336.92 .Payroll Account t 04 9Z TOTAL DL4BWJR�EME NTS** • , , Jghn 4.Webster S'%pervisor° Mai 7, 1962 _ Tgwn of Qaeensbury 135 WARREN COUNTY SHERIFF*S DEPARTNENT Lake George, New York April 30, 1962 Emergency Orders issued by Town Board, Town of Queensbury dated April 29, ,1962 forbidding-the-burning of junk cars or rubbish of any kind; cutting of egpipment.wtth acetylene torches or electric are;, operation of tractors, eranea. or any automotive equipment with out suitable exhaust mufflers etc. were served on the following at the time and .place. specified: t Howard Ladd ,Apr. 290 1962, 2:30 P.M. VanDusen Read Keith_Conba # " ++ x:37 P.M. a Robert Saunders , „ 2z,38 ,P.M, se n Tree- Dean '! '!` " 2Z46, F.M. Corinth Road Nelson Harrington '* '* 3:10 P.M. Sherman Ave. George. Mabb 9r 3=l2 P.M. Sherman Ave. Jo+� 4 *� UZ4 F.M. Indiana Ave. Adzre Waste: Co,. 3:20 P.M. Sherman Ave. " Roland Xiidigo. ' ' '! 4.00 P.M. 49 Luzern Road All served in the Town of Queensbury by Undersheriff Wskeuy R. Morehouse, and. Sheriff, RobertN. Lilly. Robert X. Lilly Sworn to before me this 3fth Sheriff Day of .April., 1962 Marion h.,r Sm i.th Wakeley Morehouse Notary Pbeblic Undersheriff . W, Beaty, reported, on the_ sawage. distriet_within the BFoadacres Road-Ashley Place section which is. in .force at the present time. A request from a resident of the T+awr�_of Qtsreensbury, who wishes to become connected to the sewer,. s ;aired: to the ;Board,.. 7611- owing approval of the.city, A,the T Board pf e'nsbury will permit the person to bae served by this sewer. Akins' submitted ra_ report on -the defective. which waf. removed from the North Glen`s Falb Water District. .SAGER SPUCK SUPPLY CO. , INC. May 79 T962 Town of queenibury " Water District Glens Falls, New York Attention: Mr, R.C. Akin Chairman Gentlemen: On May 7th, 1962 W. Akin contacted me in reference to the status of your Goulds Figure 3755,_ si.ze 3 x 4-7 serial number 711A031 pump which has been returned to Goulds for repair. This pump� was returned to the factory on Sager-Speck order 52488 on March 12, 1962_with directions to hold until a full report has been issued covering cause of failure. The bearings were returned by Goulds Pbimps to SKF for analysis and as of this date no report has been forwarded to Goulds from SKF. You have received a quotation covering the cost of rep- airing your present pump and the cost of_ a new unit. I do suggest that you make a decision as to what procedure you want us to take as to repair of your present pump or furnishing a new pump. Sager-Spuck Supply Co., Inc. (letter continued) I will forward the. report on the .bearings to you as soon as I receive it. Very truly yours, SAGER-SPECK SUPPLY CO.; INC. E. Paul Emerick Industrial tpumr. Sales Nh', John VanDusen, submitted several maps ®f Water Districts. Discussion to do with -a -development that Sage-On Plumbing is endeavoring to establish was discussed at t1Qis time. A letter was read to tae Town Board, to do with this ,develop'Meht. This, request for -compliance with the Ordinance on Sub-divisions will be requested of the proposed developers., Mr. Webster reported that the .Boas d received. an invitation from Queenebury American Leg ou tv participate in. the M6v*ria�.' Day Parade,' T Board agreed thAit the members would ac6tpt"th e invitation. Dissuasion ensued to do with. -the 200th Anniversary Celebration, ` It is decided that a more conservative method of celebrating this Anniversary should take place. i The Schedule of audits for the Town of Queensbury, Warren minty, New York, for the mouth of MWy 1962 was examined. and approved by the Board„ RESOLUTION NO. 82 introduced by N t. Akins seconded by Mr. a±t:aty. RESOLVED,'- that the fty 101 1962, Audits of Claims as listed lip Abstract 2-6 containing cams numbtred- 26W thioagh 9 i>t 1 - ive and totaling is hereby approved.`' Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr* Beaty;­ W, 'Turner, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Akins a ikd `i4t•._Webster. Noes -- None - On motion the meeting was adjourned at 12--00 p°.m. < < ` 7eopectful1 knitted, rge C Craunel Town Clerk rf