1962-05-24 Ilk.. Webster, stated that following the receiving of this final offer; the Board would investigate all points of interest in- volved in the purposed purchase and the purchasers were assured of a final decision at an early date. Mr. LeRoy Phillips,.;Chief of Pblice visited the meeting art this time. W. VanDusen, , sested that the Board would be wise to endeavor to force the purchaser to make an offer for the purchase of all of the property at this xipe. Mr.. Nolan, dial not make an Offer on the total parcel of land. Mr. VanDusen aired the feelings of the Vemetery Commission to do with the purchase of additional land. for future ; use, of- the cemetery. It was understood that members of the Cemetery Coma- ission will investigate the purchase of a parcel of land during one week hence. . Mr. Webster,,: explained the .hopes...of the Town Board of Queensbury, that the Qe®etery Commiasa on,will .aee,:fit. to. take over Two abandon"-, 49'imateries, in_;the ,near future. 8 Mr. Akins, stated that the West Glens Falls Fire Company is very anxious-to pr o eed.,vith .plans:,for the..200'th Anniversary Celebration. It is` the feeling of the Board that all .of the Towns Fire Companies should participate in any venture. e It was agreed by the Board that a meeting with the-chiefs and other representatives of the different fire companies would be arranged for Sunday evening May, 20th at SOO p n. On motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. I - Re ctfully tted • Geozge. .�. au �' Clerk Regular Meeting May 2,49 L9614 Present: J®hn a. Webster supervisor N. Harwood Beaty. Councilmen Theodore Turner Councilmen Cum's Lampson Coilrsa - Haroti Akins Councilmen, The meeting vas called to. order at 7:30 p.x. . Visitors present.: Garner Tripp buperintendent of Glens Falls Water Dept. Harry, HsXa - for of the ,City ;of Glens Palla, N. ? I ,Vbwell .So4th - Secretary, Queexabury. Central. VoL Fire Co,. 3amei .k6biason.,Jr.•.. - Asst. Secretary Queensbury Central Fire Co. Mr. South announced to the Board that the up coming Carnival to be held by the Queemsbury, Centra�,Volunteer .Fire Co., will .be situated on the Glendale lot *ff :Routt 9 ,iustegd .of .the location previously ' announced. _ Notice was given of a change in the .roster of the membership of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. i I k 1 hh t j QUEEN SBURY .CENTRAL 'VOL JNTEEK FIRE CO. . INC. . 1Foster Avenue Glens Falls, New York 23 May, 1962 Town Board Town of Queensbury Warren County New York Dear Sirs: Will you please add to the active roster of the Queensbury Central Volunteer"Fire Co., Inc. the following man. Francis G. Baker West Mouhtain Road RD 2 Glens Falls, N. Y. The above named man has met atl reguiresents for membership and our Doctors' examination shows him.. to be is good physical condition. This will make a total active membership of thirty-seven men. Yours truly, C. Foae1 South, . Secretary The business at hand to do with water district extension and development was discussed at this time. Mr. Webster,v a p lained _that- this mee'ti u g is the follow-up of a sizeable amount of planning to do with new and extended water districts. It is understood by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury that_plenty of water is_.available.. It is the feeling of the Board that eventually all persons irithin the Town should be served water by districts which will be created through the efforts of the Town Board. The Supervisor displayed a sizeable.:walp of the Town of Queeusbury withi`markiags by colored pins showing the location of all districts and extensions in the planning stage at this time. Mr. Garner Tri p, Superintendent of the Water Department, of the City of Glens ;alls, stated that in his opinion the city should not refuse the water supply for the proposed requests due to the fact that the fact that the Town of Queensbury is using only around 40% of the water perviously allocated to the Town. A discussion ensued as* to the different ways possible that billing for water supply could be handled. It is the wishes of the Town Board, of the Town of Queensbury, that a flat rate for all districts can be arranged following approve! of the pity of Glens Falls Water Board.} t Mr. Tripp, suggested. that a number of sample meters could be installed within all sizeable districts to arrive at an overall charge for the water supply of each district. It is the belief -- at this time that the Cit of Glens _Falls, ,would install and own the meters used*for this ;Urpose, Mr. Akins, reported on the recent meeting with members of the Broadacres Association. A further .neeting will be arranged at a Later date when members of the Town Board and members of the City of ,Glens Falls Water Board will be..invited io attend. A discussion to do_iith the future hydrant maintenance._itill take place at this meetin. . i 140 Mr. Leon Na&sivera, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, visited the meeting at this time. W. Tripp suggested that members of the Town of Queensbury Water Committee visit a meeting of the City of Glens Falls Water Board on Monday May 28th. The committee members agreed to attend this j meeting. W. Webster, complimented the visitors from the City of Glens Falls for the work being done at the city dump. The results to`'date have been very gratifying. W. Nassivera had been invited to the meeting .with the thought of discussing assessments.. values of the property' which is the section under proposal for sale as part- of the P'ineView Cemetery prot located along Route 9. Investigation proved that by comparing recent property purchases along Route9 the offer which has been tendered to the Town Board mf. ensbury by the individuals who intend to purchase this section of land, is in line with present day value by compariaion. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES House of Representatives Washington, D.C. May 14, 1962 George C. Crannell, Town Clerk Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, New York Dear Mr. Crannell: I am enclosing a letter I have received from the Assistant Postmaster General, in further reference to establishfiani of a post office in the Town of Queens—, ';' bury, New York. W. Beien's letter, as you'will see, is self-explanatory and I certainly regret it isnot of a more favorable nature. Under' the circumstances, I do not know of anything fisither I can do at this time. If, at some future date you would `care`to have the Post Office Department reconsider this matter, let me know and I will be glad to bring it to the Department's Retention. With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, CARLETON, J.' RING, M.C.' PAST OFFICE DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL BUREAU OF OPERATIONS Washington25, D.C. May 11, 1962 Honorable Carleton J. King House of Representatives Washington 25, D.•C, Dear Congressman-- This refers further to your interest. in the establishment of a post office in the Town of Queensbury, `New York. The Town of Queensbury is located in the southern and of Warren County. It encompasses approximately 80 square mfaes and includes the city of- Glens Falls and a nmmber .of small develop►- meats and communities. These. seall unincorporated sections are not political- entities. Services are provided through the Town Board and offices. Approximately 75 percent of the Town*hip population is in areas adjacent to the City of Glens Fall&. The rest of the Township is sparsely populated. _ 141 (letter continued) Post office Department Service tothe patrons in the 'Town of Queensbury is pro- vided _from the Glens Falls post off.ice .by carrier'service; a contract station; a contract branch; and by rural .route from Lake George, New York. All financial and mailing swrvees are available, at the station as_ well as at Queensbury Contract Branch, which is located on Route .9 notth of the Glens" Falls limits and services are avai.lable .to 11 F. X. daily. The Town of Queensbury has no _actual,population canter. There is no practical location for' & single central post office to con- veniently serve all of the town, nor would there be any service advantages to establishing a_classsified branch at this time. There would be i,nsuff icient ,population to warrent, any form of delivery ilervice to the various residential developments except possibly by rural route. it is not believed this°.would be satis- factory to patrons presently' receiving city or mounted delivery. In view of the foregoing,, establishment of a postal facility is not considered wa'rrented at. this time front a. postal services stand point. If at a future' date there is need for a classified postal facility and the matter is brought to the attention of the Department it will be given further consideration. Sincerely yours, " Frederick C. Belen The Clerk placed on file a letter from the Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. which was a duplication of the letter from the Assistant Postmaster General. ' Mr. Webster, reported on securing Mr. Beswicks cs=piuiou as to the power of the Town Board of the Town of 9"ensbury, to request changes in Traffic Control within the Town. Action on the Meadow Brook road petition will take place when these rulings: are clarified. ' i Mr. John VanDusen arrived. at the meeting at this time. i RESOLUTION NO. 83 introduced. by_Mr. Turner seconded by Mr. Lampson. { RESOLVED,, 'that Junk Yard License's for the following be and are hereby renewed for the year of 1962 and that the Supervisor be and is authorized and directed to :renew such licenses. Name ` Address Robert anders Van Dusen & aanders Road Keith Combs VanDusea Road Duly adopted.by the following vote: ' Ayes -- W. Beaty, W. Turner, W. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes -- None The fee of $20.00 received for the renewal of two licenses was turned over to the Supervisor. The Supervisor, reported on proper handlings of Certificates of Deposit with the bank. A notice of 6 months vast be given to the bank prior to demand for withdrawel.. It is agreed by the Board that anticipation for use for any money could be forseen to comply with this ruling. Mr. VanDusen presented several revised maps of Water Districts and Extensions for discussion. Lengthly discussion ensued with all Board members participating. 142 A revised map for the proposed development of Save-On Plumbing was studied by the Board. The map was not complete due to lack of a lot., lay-out. RESOLUTION NO,., 84 introduced by Mr. Beaty seconded by W. Akins UMMEAS, the Town of Queensbury will observe . itts 200th anniversary as a Township in 1962, and WHEREAS, .it .is deemed- appropriate to celebrate this occasion with a* suitable. commemorative program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorised and directed to appoint a 200th Anniversary of queensbury Committee, to consist of at least seven and not more than eleven active members, and at least one and_ not more. than five honorary members, to plan for and carry out the program of the celebration on behalf of the government and the people of the Town. ' Duly Adopted by the following vot&A Ayes --. Mr, Beaty, W. Turner, Mr, Latapson, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Webster. Noes - None The deed and search for the Oakwood developmeht on Montray Heights was presented for filing at this time following study by W., Beswick. ALBERT E. BESWICK Attorney at Law Glans Falls, N.Y. May 18, 1962: Mr. John 0, Webster, Supervisor - - Chestnut Ridge Road ' Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear John: • i I have examined the deed from Edgar T. Washer and Robert E. Ruggles to the Town of Queensbury, which cronveya- parcel of land for. right of way for town road in Montray Heights in the Town of Queensbury. ' i 'The parcel described iii this deed appears to 'be more than .fifty feet in width as required by the Highway Law. I have also examined abstract of title -and 'it appears that Edgar T. Washer and Robert E. Ruggles are the owners.-An- fee of the premises_. conveyed in said deed, and that there are no mortgages, judgments or other liens affecting the titlo,w It is proper for the Town Board to accept the said deed, which I return hereiith. . The. deed should be recorded in the office of the County Clerk and filed with your Tower Clerk. - t Yours very truly, Albert E. Beswidk `County Attorney Mr, Bernard Codner, Superintendent of Highways indicated app- roval of the acceptence of the road. 143 RESOLUTION N0.85 introduced by" Mr. Turner seconded by Mr. Beaty WHEREAS, Robert L. Ruggles, 5 Wincrest Drive, Glens Falls,' New York, and Edgar T. Washer, 33 Pearl Dtreet, Hudson Falls, New York, have offered to convey by deed -a 50* parcel of- land fora town road in Montray .Heights. to serve a new suhdividiou, said road to run east from Motitray Road and parallel and northerly of Wincrest Drive, and WHEREAS, Superintendent of Highways, Bernard J. Codner has indicated his approval of the acceptance of this road, and that it has been brought to a proper grade in accordance with the Town Ordihance _. relating to the development of subdivisions and WHEREAS, Attorney Albert E. Beawick. has given-.his opinion that it is proper for the Town Board to accept the deed for this new road, THEREFORE be it resolved, that the dded 'from` Robert E. Ruggles and Edgar T. Washer to the Town of eensbury, dated 3129/62, conveying lands for a new road in Montray Heights to be known as Oakwood Drive be approved and be it further RESOLVED; that a copy of this resolution be forewarded br the Town Clerk to the following usmed persons,•. . . . B.J. Codner, Supt. of Highways Robert E, Ruggles . Edgar T, Washer ` John B. VanDuseu Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr, Beaty, W. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins" and Mr, Webster. Noes None ALBERT E. BESWICK Attorney at Law Glens Falls, N. Y. May 149 1962 i Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor Bhestnut Ridge Road Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear John: This is in reply to your letter of May 9 concerning the Austin Cemetery. The Town Law provides that. 'all cemeteries- in a torn which are not owned by an individual,4ehur6h or a cemetery corporation shall be the property of the town .in which the cemetery is _located and the town is charged with the scare of the cemetery. In the Town of Queensbury you have the special act establishi4 the Cemetery Commission and vesting the care ' and maintenance of town cemeteries in the cemetery commission. I am certain from your letter that "the Austin Cemetery, so-called, is not owned by an ind3.vidual, a church or cemetery dorporation and has thus beceinie the property of the Town of Queeusbery, and comes under the jurisdiction of your Cemetery Commission. Yours very truly, Albert E. Beswick County Attorney 144 RESOLUTION NO. 86 introduced by Mr. Lampson seconded by Mr. Turner. WHEREAS,. A, reque.st. has been. made to this Town Board, that maintenahce and care...be. provided .for the Austin Cemetery situated on Austin, or Rockwell Road, and WHEREAS: This Board comb iders this cemetery to-be abandoned at the present tine, and not owned by any individual now'living , and WHEREAS, Attorney Albert E. Beswick has. given his opinion that this cemetery has become the property of the Town of Queensbury now-- , j Therefore Be it Resolved; that the Town of Queensbury shall ta" charge and possession of' the so called'Austin Cemetery effective immediately, and .that the PineView Cemetery Commission be requested to provide for care and maintenance- of this cemetery as is now done for all other such cemeteries in the Town of Queensbury, and be it further . RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Sidney VanDusen, Secretary of the PineView Cemetery Commission, and'. to John D. Austin, R. F. D. #1., Glens Falls, New York Duly adopted by the following vote: t Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner,, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and W, Webster. Noes None Mr. Webster, stated that numerous complaints have been received by him .to do with better traffic protection 'at the intersection of the Farm to Market a"hd Ridge Road's. RESOLUTION NO. 87 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr. Turner. WHEREAS, a dangerous highway intersection now exists at the point where State highway # 149 (Farm to Market Road) crosses Route 9L (Ridge Road), in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County., New York ! and WHEREAS, in the past year a considerable increase in traffic has been noted at this intersection,, and WHEREAS, C-blinker light installed by the State of New York although of definite value, has to date failed to prevent serious automobile .accidents from occuring at this intersection,, with continued frequency, and V.HEREAS,, it is the sense of this Town Board that more adequate advance warning of the approach to a through interaieetion' should be placed on the east and west approaches on the route 149(Farm to Market Road)„ and or consideration should also' be given to the replacement of the blinker light with a full REDUNBER-GREEN traffic control light, and WHEREAS, this is. an ;intersection of two State Highways, now therefore be it RESOLVED., that the Queensbury Town Board, meeting in regular sess- ion,`.express its* concern as to the inadequacy of the present traffic control at this intersection, and be it further RESOLVED, that the State Traffic Commission of the Statte.of New York is hereby requested to make a prompt engineering art udy of this intersection to the end that mom adequate. controls and signs be erected, .and that the Commission is further requested to forward a report of fts findings and determinations to this board. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampsou, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None - 14-5 A petition was placed on file signed by several residents of Bell Avenue, requesting street lights. Following- an explanation to residents of this district, that in order to aquire street lights a lighting district must be formed. Action. wes deferred until the lighting committee. investigated the matter further, . RESOLUTION NO. 88 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr. Turner. WHEREAS, by Resolution #50 the queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc., was authorized to. hold a carnival on property on Aviation Road, opposite the Queensbury School and WHEREAS, it now appears that amore suitable location on the property at the rear of Glendale_Furniture, previously used for this purpose will be available: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the permit to Queensbury Central Volunteer' Fire Co. Inc., be ammended to all®* the holding of aforesaid carnival on the Glendale lot location. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, W. Lampson, W. Akins and M. Webster. Noes - None Mr. Webster, reported 'tha't a` State of New York Grant is available for the purpose of financing a study of sewage problems within the Town. The Board requested that Mc. Kestner be approached to investigate. the nature of this grant in the interest of the Town of Queensbury. The Supervisor explained that there will take place at an early date a survey by the Department of Commerce, to establish potential business and industrial development possibilities within the Town of Queensbury. A general discussion ensued to do with the proper proceedures in connection with the sale of the PineView Cemetery frontage on Route 9. Future publicity of the proposed sale was discussed at length with all members of the Board participating. On motion the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 px.M. especul�p fitted GCr nne Town Clerk