1962-06-22 SP As MW
Special Meeting June 22, 1962.
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N,` Hszkood Beaty (absent) Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curts.Lampson Councilman
Harold'Akins Councilman
The meeting'- was called to order at 7:40 p.m.
Visitors welcomed in the interest of currenf water districts
problems were as follows:
Hon. Albert J. Beswick - County Attorney
Mr.- John Kestner .-- Engineer., on construction
Mr. Bernard �Codner., Town Highway Superintendent
With izater problems the main issue at hand, Mr.` Kestner provided a
complete map of the present and proposed ektensiohs. The extensions
as suggested will ultimately become part . of the overall water supply
system as is. being planned, by the Town of L*.ensbury. . The gpgineers
estimated costa for the .construction of the proposed water supply
system was . submitted as.4followsr
EMineer's..Preliminary Estimate of cost
Proposed.Water, District Construction
June 229 196 "
Well No. 1 complete (p. 13), ; $32,000
Well No. 2 „ (p. 14) 20,000
Well dhvelopment and site purchase 5,000
12-inch Main - well ste, to Route 9 , 120000
500.600 S.torage .reservoir ` in Westmount SanitorivaL area
12-inch Main storage reservoir' to 8-inch main on GurnepLane- 199000
5,,000 12-inch Main on Route 9 from Gurney Lane to Aviation Road,
including 8-inch-connection on Montray Road 215,000
12-inch on Quaker Road from,Route 9 to Glemwwod Avenue 50 ,000
12-inch on Quaker Road from Bay Road` to M;eadbwbrook Road` 41;000
8-inch Main on Ridge Road:at Ridge Meadows 259000
12-inch Main:on Aviation. Road from Rbute9; to Cottage Hill 669000
12-inch Main_.and 6-inch. Main ,on Aviation Road .from Cottage
Hill to Wsstmore Avenue. 959000
Hydrant installations, r, Cottage Hill 49,000
Purchase of Cottage Hill' Mains 10,000
Subtotal $6400000
Water District Extension No. 7 - Montray Road 5'400
Water District Extension No, .8 - Homer aad.Everts Avenues
Total $O,5.4- 400
N,B,: All projects include 30% allowance for construction,
engineering, �.egal and financing contingencies. ,
The individual itemized costs of the above listed ptoposal were
analyzed,. with all members of the board participating.
Mr. N. Harwood, Beaty arrived at the meeting at this time.
With the urgent need to supply water service for the newly constructed
Queensbury Notors Building, the Superintendent of Highways reported
on quotations for the cost of the pipe needed to provide this temp-
orary water service. Following discussion and suggestions of all
members of the board, it was decided that further requests for puce
quotations should be sought. At the request of the Town Board it
is understood that the Highway Department will make this necessary
Mr. Webster, explained to 'the board the contents 'of the contract
with the City of Glens Falls Water Department. An opinion by
Mr Albert Beswick, County Attorney, on'the matter of the right
of the Town of Queensbury to make the proposed extensions at this
time was forth coming. With the fact that the 'Town in not using
the amount of water mentioned in the contract; it was the Attorneys
opinion that the Town of Queenabury was within it's rights to con-
tinue with the planned extensions.
At the request of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Mr.
Beswick intends to approach the Water Board .of the City of Glens
Falls, to clarify their stand in this serious matter.
Extensive disnussion with all members of the 'Town Board particip-
ating; ensued on the matter of the cost of the pfopoaed water
supply system. Several sections were examined to the extent that
some of the proposed additions may be eliminated from the finalized
paan. At the close of the discussion the board generally agreed
that Mr. Kestner, should_ establish three more extensions to be
acted upon at a later date.
RESOLUTION NO. 97 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr. Turner
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to '&ion Free School #2
Town of Queensbury, to make application to the Water Board of the
City of Glens Falls, N. Y., for water service in the new school
being constructed on the North side of Qviation Road; thereby be-
coming water customers of the City of Glens Falls, and that a copy
of this resolution be fortarded to the City Water Bdatd 'aztd td '
l_ Union Free School # 2.
Duly adopted by the following -votes
Ayes Mr, Beaty, Mr: Turner, Mr, Iamp'son, Mr. Akins and W. Webster.
Noes - None
Mr. Webster, reported, that the Pine View Cemetery is arranging for
the purchase of a larger "Rotary" mower to .be operated by one man
in their organization. The board agreed that this type of egsip-
merit would be to the advantage of the Commission.
The Supervisor, stated that Mr, Mike Yaffee, owner of the Glens Falls,
Electric' Supply Co., has been contacted to do with his building plans.
The 'need for plans to supply water to this new Commercial Construction
will be apparent at an early date.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Town Clerk