1962-07-12 171
Regular Meeting July 12, 1962
Tohn 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m.
Visitors present -were:
George Liapes -Superintendent of North Glens Falls
Water District
LeRoy Phillips-Chief of Police
Marion. Crannell- Deputy TowntClerk
Bernard. Codner -- Highway Superintendent
"Buckie" Corlew - Highway Employee
The Supervisor- presented the following letter to do with
application for Extensions # 6-7-8, of North Glens Falls Water
July 13, 1962
State of New York
Department of Conservation
Water Resources Commission
State Campus Site
Washington Avenue
Albany 1, New York
Subject:, North Glens Falls Water District Extensions 6, 7 and 8
Town of Queensbury, Warren County,' New York
Enclosed is a water supply application of the North Glens Falls
Water District Extensions 6s 7 and 8. which includes the following
exhibits: t
Exhibit A - Abstract of proceedings authorizing the project
B - Map showing general location of thetproject
C - Detailed maps and drawings of project works
D - Report of Petitioner's Engineer, Specifications
and Estimate of Cost for the project
• E - Analysis of Water
The most suitable place for conducting a hearing on this app-
lication is the Queensbury Public School, 75 Aviation Road, on
the western side of tixe Northway in the Town of Queensbury.
Arrangements will he made for the use of this building by the
Town Supervisor. The applicant's engineer is Joseph A Kestner, Jr.,
Consulting Engineer, 189 North Lake Avenue, Troy, New York. The
attorney for this application is Albert E. Beswick, Esquire,
Colvin Building, 206 Glen Street, Glens Faller, New York.
The Glens Falls Times, a daily evening newspaper with general
circulation in the Town of Queensbury area, is designated for '
advertising public notices and other Town matters.
A Very truly yours,
t t John 0. Webster
Town of Queensbury
Introduced by Mr. Turner seconded by Mr. Beaty: -
RESOLVED,, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to make application to the Water Resources Commission of
the State of New York for the approval of plans for Extensions 6,
7 and 8 of the North Glens Falls Water District.
Upon roll call the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following
John 0, Webster, Supervisor - Yes
Harold C. Akins, Councilman _ Yes
N. Harwood .Beaty, Councilman) Yes
Curtis Lampson, Councilman Yes
Theodore Turner, Councilman Yes
(Signed) George C. Crannell - .
Town Clerk
The proceeding `resolution was Certified by the Town Clerk.
Thirteenth: All. the foregoing matters are set forth more fully
in various exhibits attached to this petition and form a part of it;
Exhibit A -Abstract of proceeding and authorizing
project. `
B - Map showing general location of project
C - Detailed maps and drawings of the proposed
D - Report of Petitioner's Engineer, Specifi-
cations and Estimate of Cost of Project. 1
E - Analysis of water.
Such further data, information, and evidence as maybe required
will be brought forward at the hearing.
Wherefore, your petitioner respectfully prays hat the Water
Resources Commission take action on this applicati i as required
by the terms of Article XL o$ the Conservation Law,,- and that the
project be approved and that permission to take this water supply
and acquire land for this source of water supply be. granted.
Town of Queensbury
By: John 0 Webster
Seal. Supervisor
Attested: `
George C. Crannell
Town 'Clerk
Mr. LeRoy Phillips, Chief of Police, presented the Quarterly re-
port of The Police Department as follows:
Police Dept., Town of Queensbury
Report to The Town Board, April 1, 1962 to July 1., 1962.
In the past three months the Police Department, has answered ,
27 complaints of various kinds , has investigated 3 auto accidents,,
furnished accident reports to two Insurance Company's have made
2 arrest M.V. Law.
Have called on 24 new construction found 7 in violation, given
out 7 report forms for slime.
Made inspection of 5 junk dealers found three without pro-
per license since have complied.
Made inspection of different yards of homes in West Glens Falls,
which has resulted in cleaning to some extent, Your Police Depart•
ment was very active during Queensbury's Fire of April 28th, we
also took an active part in the Memorial Day Parade.
At the request of the Cemetery Commissioner we have patroled
Pine View Cemetery for vandelism at various times.
In 90 days past this Department has traveled approximately
400 miles and your Chief is now reporting to the State Department
of Correction every month on activities of this Department. , so
far as criminals are involved.
Respectfully submitted
Le Roy Phillips - Chief
Mr. Phillips, made a .formal request to secure a typewriter for his
use in completeing forms and reports. It is suggested that the
machine now in use by the Highway Department may be suitable for
Mr. Phillips needs.
Mr. Akins, reported that complaints are being voiced by residents
of the City of Glens Falls, that residents of the Town of Queensbury
are abusing the priviledge of using water for sprinkling at un-
authorized hours. Aid in control of this use of water is requested
from the Police Department. A letter of notice will be published
in the approved newspaper.
The Town Clerk reported the filing of the annual resumee of the
changes for street lighting within the Town of Queensbury.
Also the HudsoA River - Black River regulating district assessment
forms were filed.
The Town Board of Queensbury, were in receipt of a note of app.
reciation from the family of Ralph B. Turner, for the sympathy
extended during gheir recent bereavement. t
RESOLUTION NO. 106 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson
WHEREAS, Mr. D. Frank Sullivan, the Chairman of the Democratic
Committee did appoint Agnes C. Ross as Inspector for Election Dist.# 6
in the Town of Queensbury, and
` WHEREAS, Mrs. Agnes C. Ross has moved away from the Town of Queens.
bury, so
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Patricia Dempsey of 11 Meadow Brook
Drice, Town of Queensbury be appointed as Election Inspector for
District # 6"of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by tAe following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, 'Mr; Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
The report of New Construction for the month June 1962 was placed
on file.* A"total of 28 filings were made during the month. The
Supervisor read a notice which will be published in the authorized
newspaper, depicting the fact that the above mentioned report is
the largest report ever received.
A general discussion took place with all members of the board to do
with arranging a meeting of a group of invited guests at a round-
table discussion of the proposed Water Supply system fot the Town of
Queensbury. It is hoped that several of the Board Members of previous
years will attend: The present board generally feel that the work
done over the past years will be'of help. in the present day plans.
Mr's Codner presented a. tentative map of another new sub-division
which is planned in the Town of Queensbury. Following study and
discussion by the board, an approval of' same was voiced pending
submission of proper maps and a deed for the roadways.
The Superintendent of Highways submitted a claim for damage from
a resident of the Rockhurst section to do with the cutting of a
,patch of raspberries during the recent road repairs. Upon a
suggestion of the board it was agreed that the claim should be
submitted to the carriers of the Town of Queensbury's liability
insurance to settle this claim.
Mr. Codner, stated that the recent meeting of the Highway Dep-
artment at Cornell University was very informative and interesting.
Mr. Webster explained the try-out of different new typewriters in
his office,# Action will be taken on the purchase of one. make of
machine in the near future. M
Discussion on the new rulings of the Warren County, Highway
Department to do with driveways and parking lots on County Roads
was heard by all members of the board. The regulations on this
new ruling were given to each member of the board.
A round table discussion took place on the plans for the proposed
new water supply district. Whether to proceed at this time with an
extensive testing program for a supply of water -is the main
question at this time. The board in general expressed the feeling
that every effort should take place toward the completion of the
proposed water supply system.
Mr. Webster presented the following letter to do with supplying
of the water for the new construction of the Glens Falls Electric
Supply Company on Country Club Road. This water supply will be
made from the North Glens Falls Water Extension #1.
July 9,, 1962
Mr, John 0, Webster, Supervisor
Chestnut Ridge Road
Town of Queensbury
Glens Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Webster:
I im advised that in order 'to obtain water for our building on
Quaker and Country Club Roads, I must request that the entire parcel
of land acquired by me, be placed in the North Glens Falls -,Water
Will you kindly accept this letter as my petition to that effect,
and we will be responsible for all water tax-bills covering our
Anything you can do to expedite matters that we may have water
by or about August 15th will be sincerely appreciated.
Very truly yours,
M. M. Yaffee
July 2, 1962
Mr. John Webster Mr, Bernard Codner
Glens Falls, N. Y. Glens Falls, N. Ye.
Please be advised that all the water taps havetbeen
made on Clark St. - Town of Queensbury, as agreed.
Thank you very much for your co-operation in this
Very truly yours,
F. Hay, President
July 129 1962
To: The Town Board
I hereby recommend that the remaining .portion of Clark Street, .in '`
the Reservoir Park subdivision now be accepted into the town highway
Signed Bernard J, `C dner
Supt. oT Highways , B,J. Co ner
RESOLUTION NO. 107 introduced by W. Beaty, seconded `by Mr. Turner,
WHEREAS, Mr, Frederick T, Hay, the .developer of the subdivision
known as "Reservoir Park" has requested this town board to accept
into the town highway system the remaining portion of a street in
&aid subdivision known as "Clark Street" and has offerred a deed
`! to the Town of Queensbury to convey such portion'of land for that
purpose, and .
WHEREAS, Mr. Hay has complied *ith the request of the Superintendent
of Highways that all water taps be completed on this portion of the
proposed street, and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways has now recommended that
Clark Street be accepted into the Town Highway system, now therefore
be it
RES6LVED, that the*deed from Frederick T. Hay, to the Town of Queens-
bury, dated July_6, 1962,, .be and the same is hereby accepted, subject
to the approval of the Town Attorney, Albert E. Beswick, and be it
< t
RESOLVED, that after such approval is given, that the Town Olerk is
hereby directed to cause-such deed to be recorded in the Office of
the Warren County Clerk, and to file such deed in the office of the
Town Clerk, after which copies of this resolution shall be sent to
the.following named persons: ,
Supt. of Highways, Bernar J, Codner
Postmaster, Louis G. B. Stebbins
Leon Nassivera� Chairman, . Bd. of Assessors
Frederick T. Hay, .P.*O. Box 435, Glens Falls, N. Y.
John B. .VanDusen,; P. 0, Box, Lake George , N, Y.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr.. Lam�son, .Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
A. report on the present construction of the~new ^Clark'Discount Store"
was submitted at this time. The plans of the contractor to do with
water supply needs was discussed by all members'of the board.
RESOLUTION NO.. 108 introduced by W. Lampson, seconded"by Mr. Turner.
WHEREAS, the Pine View. Cemetery Commission has recommended the purchase
of a power, tractor type, lawn mower for use in the care of the Pine
View Cemetery, and
WHEREAS; there remains in the Pine View Cemetery account at the present
time $2,044.85 of funds not appropriated in the 1962 budget for the
Pine View Cemetery., and
WHEREAS, the 1962 budget provided for an appropriation of $200.00 for
the purchase of new equipment, and such amount is not sufficient to
cover the purchase of this new power mower, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the sum of $600.00 is hereby appropriated to the item
funds of the Pine View Cemetery account.
RESOLUTION NO. 108 = (continued)
Upon roll call the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following
vote-. ,
John 0. Webster, Supervisor Yes
Harold C. Akins, - Councilman Yes
N. Harwood Beaty; Councilman Yes
Curtis Lampson, Councilman Yes
Theodore `Turner, Councilman - Yes
Signed Geor a C. Crannell -
George C. Crannell, Town Clerk
Dr. Robert A. Reid, presented a map of an extension 60 the deve-
lopment known as "Rolling Ridge". Following study by the board
Dr. Reid was requested to submit a deed and map at a later date.
On request of the board the Superintendent of Highways will
impact the lay-out of the roads up to this point. - <
June 1962
Date Receipt Amount
Received Source Received
Various From Forrest Crannell - Water Rents--W.G.F.W. 277.10
g" t " 114961,18 C - _
Various From Forrest Crannell - Water Rents-.s]LG.FiW. 384.55
1,7911,18 -
Various From Forrest Crannell - Water Rents-W.G.F.W. Ext, 48.30
Various From Forrest Crannell. - Water Rents--N.G.F.W. Ext. x.,123.14
June 1 From Forrest Crannell - Water Rents--to Ridge Rd.
= Water 106.75
4 From Forrest Crannell - Water Rents--to Shore Colony 90.00
5 From George Crannell. - T.C. fees to G.T.F. 1,44.95
7 Forrest Crannell--Receiver of Taxes & Assess. fees 636.49
15 From Highway.-to Payroll Account Payroll #11 29504.58
15 From PineView--to Payroll Account Payroll-#11 5590-83
15 From Keith Combs--Junk Yard License-to G. T. Fj 10000
15 From Robert Sanders--Junk Yard License-to-G.T.F. - 10.00
18 From Frank Cowles=-lot sales, openings; cemeteryfees
to Pine View Fund 1,841.50
20 From Forrest Crannell--Water Rents-to Shore Colony 33,00
20 From W.G.F.W. Dist. =Ext.-Purchase of Water-t®W.G,F.W. 96.38
20 From Highway to N.B.F. Water labor fees------------- -6,00
28 From N.G.F.W. Ext.-=Payroll #6--To Payroll Account 83.35
28 From General--Payroll #6 --toPayroll Account 39073.30
28 From Ridge Rd. Water-Payroll #6--to Payroll Account 8.33
28 From Shore Colony--Payroll #6--to Payroii Account 50.00
28 From W.G.F. Water--Payroll #6--to Payroll Account . 40.00
29 From Gray Truck &Equip.-=Repair Curb box and Cover
Miller Hill--to. N.G.F. Water � 12.38
29 From State of N. Y.--tax on foreign mutual fire Ins. ,
Co.s to Tire Protection 281.36
29 From Highway--Payroll #13--to Payroll Account = 2,502,53
29 From Warren County--State Aid for Highway Account 8,705.25
29 From Dean--Junk Yard license--to General Fund 1 10.00
30 From PineView--Payroll #12--to Payroll Account - = 523.83
Total------i------$ 2 9262.
Date _ Amount
Paid Fund or Account Paid
Tun— Highway = $2T'FO.$7
General - 13.,627.14
Pine View 19311.02
West Glens Falls Water 832.56
West Glens Falls Water District Ext, 96.38
North Glens Falls Water 1,306.40
North Glens Falls Water District Ext, 1,679.12
Ridge Road Water 578.63
Shore Colony 52.51
01.everdale Li/q'�ht 41.08
7t,"r R 'S rS't \7c^.'^?"' OTI T.!.ght 1 '�` 45
AF ePucy Trost 100.0
June Fort Amherst Garrison Light 168.46
Agency & Trust 100.00
Payroll 9.010.72
` Total Disbursements 09035.89
A ruling by Judge Albert E. Beswick on speed control on Town T6ads
was. read by the Supervisor. Members of the board suggested to W.
Webster that he submit another request to the Warren County Highway
Department, . to urge the installation of a traffic light at Bay and
Quaker Road intersection. The letter from Mr. Beswick as follows:
July 12, 1962
Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor
Chestnut Ridge Road _
Glen's Falls, N. Y.
Dear Johns
You have told me of the complaints of residents on
Meadowbrook Road as to speed of vehicles along that road and have
asked me to advise you as to what powers your Town Board has to
regulate speed and to institute traffic controls.
Section 1622 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law provides
that the State Traffic Commission, upon the request of the County
Superintendent of Highways and the Town Board of the town affected
with respect to county roads and* town highways in such town out-
side of cities or villages, may by order, rule or regulation
establish maximum speed limits at which vehicles may proceed along
such highways lower than the fifty miles per hour statutory max
imum_.apeed limit but not less than twenty0five miles an hour.
This section also provides that the State Traffic Commission may
establish lower speed limits than fifty miles an hour within an
area designated on a pap and by description of the boundaries of
such area submitted by the County Superintendent` of Highways and
the Town Board of the town affected. The first part relates to a
specific highway while the second part relates to all county roads
and town highways in a given area. This section was amended in 1960
effective October 19 1960.
So, in order to establish a speed limit on Meadowbrook
Road at less than fifty miles per. hour, there would have to be a
resolution of your Town Board requesting such action by State
r Traffic Commission and a consurrent' rego.est and' approval by Mr_.
You have also inquired about the power of the Town Board'
to erect flashing signals and traffic control lights.
Section 1660 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, effective
October 1, 1961, provides that the Town Board of any town with
respect to highways outside of villages in any such town, but
not including state highways, may by ordinance, order, rule or
regulation, designate county toads and town highway's as through
highways and order stop signs, flashing signals or yield signs
to be erected on county roads or town highways at specified
entrances to such through` highways or designate any intersection,
except those where one or more entering highways is a state
highway maintained by the state, as' a stop intersection or
yeild intersection and order signs , or signals at one or more
entrances to such intersection. Subdivision 5 of this same
i section provides that a Town Board may regulate traffic by means
or traffic control signals on county, or town roads but not on
`s:tate roads. y
j pp
Letter Beswick (continued)
Under Section 1661 of the Vehicle And Traffic Law, a town of
of the first class is given some additional powers but these generally
relate" to Marking, one way traffic, exclusion of commercial traffic,
safety* zones, etc. , but does not include traffic signals or speed
So far as I have been able to find,- the only power in a Town
Board to regulate speed is provided by Section 1663 of the Vehicle
and Traffic Law° which provides that a Town Board may restrict speed
of' vehicles on bridge and elevated structures on town highways.
Years agotthere was power in Town Boards to establish speed
zones even on state highways but this resulted in complaints of
"speed traps" which provide a sourde of revenue to towns and a -
source of complaints froth motorists. As highways were improved,
especially state highways, the Legislature determined- that the
need for speed zones was 'lessened and in the interests of moving an
increased volume of traffic, the power in Town Boards to regulate
speed was taken away and vested in the State Traffic Commission.
I trust this covers adequately the problems you had in mind.
Yours very truly
Albert E. Beswick
County Attorney
RESOLUTION NO. 109 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED., that the Town Board of Queensbury, N. Y. hereby requests
the State Traffic Commission, with approval of the County Superint-
tendent of Highways., to limit the maximum speed at which motor
vehicles may proceed upon the following roads to 30 miles an hour.
#1 - Town road known as Meadowbrook Road from the intersection. with
the Ridge Road, near the City of Glens Falls line to the Cronin
#2 - Town road known as Dixon Road from a point of the Glens Falls
Pumping station 'to the intersection of Aviation Road.
#3 - Town road known as Holden Avenue.
Duly adopted by the followingtvote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes =- None
W. Lampson reported that a decision should be made on the problem
of allowing, trees to be cut at the sight of the Town Dump. It is
understood that- Mr. Eugene Johnson, the caretaker of the town dump
would endeavor to secure the trees for his own use. The board
generally refused to accept such a proposition at this time.
The Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury, Warren County„
New York ,, fortthe month of July, 1962 was examined and approved by
the Board.
RESOLUTION NO. 110 intaoduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED., that the July 12, 1962, Audits of Claims as listed in
Abstract #62-7 containing claims numbered 413 through 470 inclusive,
and totaling $7v2ll.18 is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes- Mr, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster,
Noes - None
On motion the meeting was adjourn
Respec ully submitted
George C. Crannell
Town Clerk