1962-08-20 SP special Meeting August 20, 1962
v4 e.r Extensions < <
,Ibhn. 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akin . Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7=30 p.m.
Mr, Joseph Kestner, Contract Engineer,_ was present in the interest
`— of bid offerings on Extensions No. 1 - 7 and 8 of the North Glens
Falls Water District.
Mr. Webster, reported on the opinion of Audit and Control to do
with the problem of possible AdValorum tax to be levied on the
new 14arren County Center now under construction. It is expected
that from quotations from several property tax laws; that the
County of Warren are liable for ant AdValorum tax, should the
Town of Queensbury install the proposed water supply system.
Discussion of the contracts which will be offered to bidders
for construction of the extensions to North Glens Falls Water
District was examined at length by all members of the Board.
RESOLUTION NO. 115 introduced by Mr. Akin, seconded by Mr. Beaty,
WHEREAS, the Town Board in special meeting August 20, 1962, has
received and approved the engineer's copies of "Notice to con
tractors ,, Information to Bidders proposal , Form of Contract and
Board Specifications" for Contract #1, Extensions Nos. It 7s 8
of the North Glens Falls Water Distriety and
WHEREAS, it has been agreed upon to advertise for bids in news-
paper advertising of August 22nd with bias to be opened Sept-
ember 6th at 7:30 p. m.
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized
and directed to cause to be published ,a notice to bidders in
substantially the following form:
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr, $,eaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akin and Mr. Webster.
Noes None
Notice to Water Pipeline Contractors
Sealed proposals for Contract No. 1 - Extensions Nos. 1., 7 , and 8
will. be received by the Town Board of the Town o£ Queensbury in the
Queensbury High School on Aviation Road not later than 7:30 p.m. DST.
on Ash# September 61, 1962, at which time and place they will be
opened publicly and read aloud. Bids by mail. should be addressed
to the Town Clerk at 95 Dixon Road, Glens Falls, New York.
The work shall consist of -all construction, labor, mateeials,
„tools, aqd equipment requ#ed for gxtending six-inch, eight-inch,
and 12-inch water mains a total distance of approximately 282a feet,
including appurtenances and miscellaneous work.
196 ,
Plans , specifications , and contract documents for the
proposed work are on file and publicly e-xhibited at the Town of
Queensbury, Office of. the Town. Supervisor, Chestnut Ridge Road,
Glens Falls, New York, and at the office of Joseph A, Kestner, Jr. ,
Consulting Engineer„ 189 North Lake Avenue, Troy, New York. The
said plans and specifications may be obtained at either of these
addresses. A deposit of $25 will be required for each set of plans
and specifications distributed, which amount will be refunded only
to those submitting formal bids, if said plans and specifications
are returned in good condition within two weeks after the bids have
been received and acted upon by the Town Board.
Each proposal tnust be accompanied by a bid bond or certi-
fied check payable to John 0. Webster, Supervisor, Town of Queens- !
bury, in the amount of five percent of the total ,amount bid,
conditioned that if his bid is- accepted, he will enter into a --
contract for same and that he will execute such further securities
as may be required for the faithful performance of the contract.
The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury reserves the
right to waive any informalities, to reject all bids submitted,
or to accept the= bid and award the contract to the lowest, res-
ponsible, formal bidder therefore, as provided by Section 197 of
the Town Law.
By order of the Town of Queensbury
George C. Crannell
Dated:, August 22, 1962. Town Clek
The problem at hand to do with the rebuilding of the sewage system
in Reservoir Park sewage district was discussed at length. The
opinions of Mr. Kestner, the engineer on the lay-out for the
improvement were aired, to the board. The board requested -a
complete estimate to be submitted at a later date.
Maps for the .two roads which were deeded to the Tawn of Queensbury,
were -orededted th the board. The roads have been approved by the
Superintendent of Highways.
RESOLUTION NO. 116 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Akin,
WHEREAS, a map dated August 6, 1962, of a proposed sub-division
on West Mountain Road at Luzerne Road, has been filed with this
board, and
WHEREAS, -the Town Superintendent of Highways, Bernard J. Godner,
has recommended the acceptance into the Town Highway System, two
streets, to be known as "Twin Mountain Drivel', and Lilac Lane in
such sub-division and
WHEREAS, warrenty deeds have been presented to convey these streets
to the town, said. deeds having been approved by County Attorney,
Albert E. Beswick, now therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that sub-division map be approved and that the deeds to
• Twin Mountain Drive and Lilac Lane be and the same are hereby
accepted and approved, and that the clerk is authorized and------
directed to cause the deeds to be recorded in the office of the
County Clerk and then filed in the Town Clerks Office.
Duly adXopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akin acid Mr. Webster,
Noes None
Mr. Beaty introduced Resolution No. 117 and moved
its adopted, seconded by Mr. Turner.
WHEREAS, it is provided by the- Townt Law that. all.
school taxes in a town of the first class are subject to a fee
of 1% of the amount of the tax during the first thirty days
period of collection unless the Town Board shall. waive such fee
and shall collect a fee of S% of the amount of the taxi after
the first thirty day period of collection unless the Town Board
shall fix a lower fee which cannot be less than 2% of the- amount
of the tax, and
WHEREAS9, it is deemed in the beat interests of the
taxpayers of the Town of Queensbury to keep taxes on. real prop-
erty as low as possible, be it t r
RESOLVED THAT, pursuant to Section 37 of -the Town Law,,
the Receiver of Taxes and assessments be and he hereby is auth-
orized and directed to collect and receive school taxes in the
Town of Queensbury without fee or additional charge for the
first thirty days of the collection period and with an addition-
al fee of 2% of the tamount of the tax for tlne remainder of the
collection period after the first thirty days, and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect
immediately and shall remain in effect until rescinded or amend-
ed by the Town Board. `
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akin and Mr. Webster.
Noes None
Resolution Fixing Period for
Collection of School Taxes
Mr. Beaty introduced Resolution No. 118 and moved
its adoption, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is authorized to collect school taxes in the
Town of Qdeensbury for a period of sixty days from the date of
the notice of collection and that at the end of such collection
period, the said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments shall. make
his return as provided by law.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akin and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
Mr. Webster, reported on receiving applications from Mr. Howard,,
the New York State Sanitary Engineer, to do with planning a
sewer district for the Town of Queensbury. Action on this matter
will be discussed at a later date.
The approval. of the Water Resources Commission on the Extensions
No. 6, 7, and 8 were accepted by the board and same placed on
file by the Town Clerk.
State of New York
Conservation Department
Division of Water Resources
Water Resources Commission
Albany 1,; N. Y.
rnTater Resources letter (cc,n�inued)
August: 7. 1962
Water' Supply Applipation No. 4251
North Glens Falls Water District - 5th Appl,
Albert E. Beswick„ Esq.
Attorney at Law
Colvin Building
206 Glen Street
Glens Falls ,, New York
Dear Sir:
We,. are sending you herewith two certified copies of the
decision of the Water Resources Commission n'In the matter of
the- application of the North Glens Falls Wate'r District
Extensions 6. 7 and &,, for the approval. of the financial and
engineering plans for the extension of public water supply
This application was approved by the Water Resources
Commission on August 2. 1962..
Very truly yours,
J. Co Thompson
Executive Engineer "
Mr. Webster, explaix}ed to the board the plans of the Glen Lake
Association, to form a park in the siction where `the NiAgari
Mohawk Power Company, are abandoning dam. The board generally
agreed to consider the possibility of forming a park district
at this location for the benefit of all residents of the area.
A general discussion on the proposition to construct oa_ Uewr
Town Hall for the Town of Queensbury, was enjoyed"at this time.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
'e spectfull m'tted,
George Cr "ell
Town Clek ti