1962-09-06 SP Special. Nesting, Saptember...6. 1962. .
J ba O, Webster supervisor
W. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampoon Councils m
Harold Akins Councilman,
The meeting was called to order at 700
Visitors present other than the following mentioned bidders ware
as follows:
Bernard J, Codger - Qeee"bury Superintendent of 14ghways
Archie Shufelt - Visitor
David Sp*rry - Visitor
J. !lorry Emerson - Rep. ihahmoon Industries '
William J. Ba1El - Raps,, LeValley Nb Lord Inc.
Frene a D. Itrkins - tap. R. D. Wood Company
Fred E. Field f F. G. Coburn Inc.
W. Jose* Keataer, the engineer on water ,extension and sewerage
Problems was present to conduct the bid .opeaings. j
In_raferancce .to .the, advertisement for sealed proposals for com*-
PAction of Contract #1 , katensions. NQa. 1-7-8 of North Glens Falls
Water District, sealed .proposals were received and opened as
Bidder Amount Bid
Greenwich, N. Y. j
F. A. Tucker Inc. Rutland Vt. 348,1174.38
Henry J. Sleight Glans Falla, N. Y. 22,427.48
Edward S. dray Glans Falls, N. Y. 220608.70)
John Kabricky Glans Falls, N. Y. 270377000
Howard LmRose Glens .Falla, N. Y. Z3qM AO
LaRosa Construction Co,* '
Clarence Alexander Saranac Lakes No Y. 30 717.00
Saranac Construction Co. '
Martin J: Rogers Cimobridge, N. If 27,000.0e*
The proceeding proposals represent the total amount bid on items
.one through seventeen (1-17), of Contract #1! Extensions Ron. 1-7-8
of North Glens; Falls Water District.
x t
Each of the proceeding bids. were.accompaaiod by anther the reetired
road_ or certified check. Tee_bids were read by )We. Esstner and
the interested bidders were present. for answer of any questions in-
volving same.
Following general acceptance by all bidders present, the board
o"aded to accept the low bid of Mr• Henry J. $bight, 121-
Aviation Road, Glens Falls, New"York.
49801 9N .NO. 122 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by W. Tamer.
RESOLVED, that the :ps®posal of Henry J. Sleight, 121 Aviation Road,
Glens Falls, N. Y. for Contract #1, Extensions # L--7-8 of North
Glows Falls Water District, in the amount of $22,427.48, be and
the same is hereby accepted and,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and
directed to enter into contract with the said Henry J. Sleight, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of said contract, specif-
ications and proposal, and
Resolution 122_. con ' d)- -_.
PMTE .RFfinT'ttEil,.:_.that._the_...gr.o_pwials of Louis G. Collins -
F. A. Tacker Inc, Edward S. Cray, John .Eubricky - La Base Con-
struction Co. Claroncaa Al.exadex, Saranac Construction Co. -
and ti J. R ers be and the same.. are hereby rejected and
that the supervisor to and is hereby aUthorirAd and. directed
to return certified check or bonds submitted with the proposals
of Louis C. Collins . F. A.. Tacker Inc, - Edward S. Gray -
Jahn Kubricky - LaRose. CbAs.truction Co. ., Clarence Alexander,
Saranac Construction, Co. and 1irtin J. 'Rogers,` to the owners.
Du31y adopted by the 'following voter
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr`. Lampson, Br. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes 'None '
`! Followiag'discussion, on the tochicalities_ of each extensiou, the
board on the ehaftes to be involved in these extensions. It was,
agreed that the bidders who" reeeived .the contract would be noti-
fied of' all changes to- be, carried out. in the installation.
JL discussion took place ou.the plan& for rebuilding the Reservoir
Park Sewer District: Following._a statement froze Mr. Codner the
Highway Saperintemdent, that the system is not. fun6tionfng pro-
perly at this time., . the board. generally a�recd that action to
repair same. must take,plaze at once.,. The board in general 4uest-
ioneBJ&, Restmer, the engineer, ou all suggestions involved in
establishing a new system which is evidently needed at this time.
X. map of the proposed water supply. system was presented by lac.
Veatner. A:_general discussion on ffhal. lay out plans took place
at this .time. `
RESOLUTION NO.. 113 iiatroduced.by .M. Beaty, seconded by 1&. Akins.
WHEREAS,,, Sidney Timms has offered. to' the Town of Queensbury an
optioh for a period' of_ 90 days for the purchase bf 10.467 acres
of land adjo nia.ing Pitneview Camatery for as price of $6: •009
be' it
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to emcute on behalf of the Toad of Queousbury an
notion with Sidney Tiros for the 'pmrehase of said real property
within 90' days for a price of $6vb7tM006&
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mc. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes to None
RESOLUTZ9N NQ. 124 intr®dueed by Mr Turner, seconded by Mr. Be&,ty. .
WH READS, it is. provided by subdivision, $ of Section 29 of the
Town taw that a town board of a town of toe first class may adout
a resolution, subject to permissive referendbm,` to ac4pire add
itional lands for * town cemetery, and
WHEREAS, tie Pinev ew Qemetery' is owed by the Tolm of Queensbury
and is under rbe jurisdiction and control of the Cemetery Comm--
ission, avid
WHERFNS,' Siduoy Timm kas given, to the Teem of Queensbury as
a ptioh to purchase" .thiA 9'1 days a parcel of land, contoining
I 10,476 acres, more 7 .ass,. ndjoining the. existing Pineview .Cemetery
on the "north for a price of $6,-000.00, and
WMEAS 9 the meet off. the 'Tom Board and. of_ the Cemetery. Commission
have 'agreed that it is desireable to purchase the Tim* prepsrty. for
the future expansion, development and improveatkut of the Pi nev ew
Cemetery, be it
RESOLVED THAT, subject to permissive referendum., the Town of Queensbury
purchase from Sidney Timms for a price of $69004.00 the following
described real propertyt
Res o luticin Xo.. 124_ continued)
ALL that certain piece-.or .1 and situate
lying and being in the Town of queensbury, County .
of Warren, and State of New York, more- particularly
bounded and described as followsr BEOINNIt at an
iron pipe found in the ground in_ the southerly.
! bounds of Sweet Road at the. northeasterly corner
of Lot 110,.'Nbwtray. Heights,' running thence, .i"'th
86 degrees_ ant 42-minutes East along the 8gatherl_y
bounds' of Sweet Read, 50.0 feet to' a point therein
for a corner.- theucerunning South 04 degrees, and
42: vimutes West 243.02 feetr .thence ra$n mg .Meath
09 degrrees` and. 48 minuties West 199.80 feet't thent
running .South 83 degrees and 32 minutes West 449:9j
feet: thence, running South 51 degrees and 46 minutes
East 517.40feet; thence running South I2: degrees
and 04 minutes East, 252.1.2 feet to a point for
a. corner on the nor,tharly boundary lime of. the
lands of Pineview Cemetery; thence wunning forth
83 degrees. .and, 32 .minutes West along the northerly
bounds of: the said cemetery 1022.49; feet to sa
Iron belt" found is the ground fot-°a corner in the .
easterly,,pounds of Mo►ntray Heights; thence running
North .07 degrees and 05 ninates East along Vii; fence
line and the easterly bounds of Mentray Heights,
516.160 feet to .a tall wood post at` or near the,
southeasterly corner of lot 3L08, Montray Heights;
thence ring North 49 degrees and 48 minutes East
al6ug-the easterly bounds of lots L08 and 109 Nbntray
Heights, 240.48 feet to an iron pipe found in the
ground at the northeasterly corner of Lbt 10.9 and the
southeasterly corner of 10t 1'10,, Montray Heights;,
thence ruhning._Mbrth 04 degrees and 42' minutes Eset
along the .easterly .bounds of lot 110 Mentray Heights,
239.57 feet to the. .point or place of begimaing, con-
• taming 10.476 .acres of land be the a� more. or less.
f Bearings given in the above description are as the
magnetic needle pointed on June 8, 1,962.
Being .a .portion of thepremises conveyed to Sidney
Time by. Mary. eat by. deed dated 'tba Uth day of
March L949, recorded in the Marren— County 'Clsrk,"
Office at Lake teorge, N.Y. in book number 274 of
deeds at page 535,
. and be it further
RESOLVED that when such purchase shall have been completed .and
title thereto vested ih the Tohn of Queensbury' said property-shall
be and. become. a part of the Pineview Cemetery sad shall- be under
the Jurisdiction and control of the Cemetery Commission of` the
Town of Queensbury, and be it further
RESOLVED that the purchase price` of said real property in the
amount of $6,000.00 be provided by the issuance, .,and- sale. of
o'blig�atisa°of the Town of_Queenabary pursuant to. the provi9t oars
Of -the Local Finance Law of the State of New York,, and be it
RESOLVED, that the Towg Qlark be and he hereby is hereby directed
to give doe notice. p adoption of this resolution as required
by Section 90 of the swn Law and. that this resolutioh shall take
effect thirty days after the` date of its adoption unless a petition
,. for referendum ix proper fora containing the required member of
valid signatures shall be filed with the Town Clerk witkiW.the
time limited by lax.
Duly adopted by the following votes '
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
The following,-uatice was offered for publication in ,the- Glens
Falls Times by the_ Clerk. The posting of the Notice in five
public places was handled: by the clerk in the following locate
Bulletin Board, Town Clerks Office
In front of Richardson Store, gain Street,, West Glens Falls
Parking lot of Glens Falb Zhinal Sauk Branch
Mountainside Grange Hall, Ridge Road,
Across from Henry Sleights Market, Aviation Read.
Notice is hereby given that thelTana Board of�th* Town of Queensbury.,
f Warren County, Now York* at a regular meeting thereof held on the
6th day of September, 1.962 0 duly adopted' a resolution, subject
to permissive referendums authorising the purcha!st by the Town
of Queensbury from Sidney Timms fow a price of $6,000,00 of 10.467
acres of real property adjoining, the Pinevew Cemetery; providing
for the financing of such_purchase by the issuance and sale of
obligations of the Town of. Queenabury pursuant to the provisions
of the Local Fi)tance Law- and providieg. that upon completion of
such purchase the said real property be used for future expaasion,
development and .impr"*ment of Pineview Cemetery under the juris-
diction and control of the -Cemetery Commission of the Town of
QUeensbury. .
By order of the Town Board of the Town. of Queensbury, Warren
County, -New York.
Dated: September 7th, 1962.
Geor t C Crawaell'
Town CI&r c
As a result of the purchase of the above mentioned property for
use by the Pineview Cemetery Commission, it is the feeling of
the board that the frantage*.ef. tbe Cemetery ontonte 9, couLi
be offered for sale at this time..
RESOLUTION NO. 125 introduced by l&. Akin, see9nded by W. Beaty.
WHEREAS, it is provided by S&etion' 37 of' the Town Law that in a
tows of the first class the receiver of taxes and ssbessments'
shall collect all school taxes on real property iW the town uh-
less there shall be an agreen aat _to. the contrary between the
town board and the school. board, and
WHEREAS, THE Lske' George ventral School includes a portion of
the Town of Queensbury and tha Board of FA ation has rusted
that the school taxes for the._ district is the Toww of Q`peensbbry
be collected by the school district ealiecter for the 1962,1963
school year, be it `
RESOLvzD, that the Town of tueensbury enter. into an agreement
with,Central. SQhool District No. 1 ` of tha Towns of Lake George
Queensbury, Boltoa4 and• Fort Amu, Warren and Washington Counties,
which shall provide that school taxi& on real property in the
Town of Queensbury within the boundaries of said school district
shall be collecte4 and received. during the. school year of 1i962-
1963 by the' school, tax collector of. said district, and that the
Supervisor be a$d. hereby in anthorised and directed to Ex•
&cute such agreement on behalf of the. Town of Queensbury. '
Daly adopted by the following votes
Ayes - Ic. Beaty, Mr. Tamer., Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins` and W, Webster
Noes None
The .elerk reported that he has received and filed the ueaesaary
Insurance for the contract with Kenneth Nassivera t® instaLl. a .
traffic light at the corner of Richardson and Main Streets 'in
West Glens 'Falls. A report was. also submitted onthe proposal
to pureh"e a filing gabinet. and obtain space to store same in
the vault of the Glens Falls National Bank Branch on upper Glen
Street. Action on this mater_was deferred at this time..;
The clerk also reported on the `filing . of a map to do with the
claim of the Town .of :Queensbury_against the State of New York.
This claim results from the lands used fjr construction of the
Glens Falb, Bar-ftas:. At the request elf .the tboard the maps was
presented to W,. Albert E. Beswick the bounty Attorney.
Tie. Supervisor 'presented each member of the board with the
Highway Report for August, 1962.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
` . ctf Z-rp"g e raneell
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting September 13, 1962
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Haywood Beaty Councilmen
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called tic order at 7:30 p.m.
Visitors greeted were as followeds
Mr. Kenneth Morehouse
Mr, George Winters, tri.th petition for water supply' on Mountain
View Lane.
Mr, . Sleight, the su ccessfu milder on Water Externs
Henry y S � fond
W. Otto Kuhl, representative.of the office of Joseph A.. �Cestner Jr.
Mr. Coasulti E weer.
Robert Nolan interested in purchase of P i
neview Cemetery
Mr. Bernard Codner, Superintenddnt of Highways.
Mr. Morehouse, presented a petition which was sighed by 32'pepple
resident&- of Mountain. View Lane. The petition was read,a
placed on file in the clerks office, Members of the Town ]Board
explained to Mr. Morehouse, that the extension of waiter Mina
in the section in question hinges on securing permission from
the City of Glens Falls., to install this .extenson. Tha rem
Limintary planning Is alteidy.accomplished. Mir,', Akins e 4iaed
that the actual anstallation .NouTd be accomplished as soon as
all obstructions are eliminated. .
Attorney, Robert Nolan was greeted by the board. Mr. Nolan
stated that his: mission at .the meeting was to re new the offer
of Mr. Gehrity and himself to do with the purchase of the frontage
on Route 9 which is part of the present Pineview Cemetery property.
Mr. Webster, explained that the f
xp eeling of the board is to en.•
courhge written offers from alV interested parties at an early
W. Otto E. Kahl., professional engineer from the office of the
town's engineer Mr. Joseph A. Kestner Jr., proceeded to conduct
the signing of the contract for the installations of the water
extensions on Contract #1 of numbers 107,, and 8 of North Glens
Falls Water District.