1962-09-13 206
The -zlerk reported that he has received and filed the neeessary
Insurance for the contract with Kenneth Nassivera to install. u
traffic light at the corner of Richardson and Main Streets in
West Glens Falls. A report was also submitted on ,the proposal
to purchase a filing cabinet and obtain space, to store 'game .in
the vault of the Glens Falla National Bank Branch on upper GIan
Street. Action on this matter was deferred at this titre.,
The clerk also reported on the `filing . of a map to do with the
claim of the Town of ,Queensbury against the State of New York.
This claim results from the lands used fajr csnstrugtion of the
Glenn Fall] By-Pass:. At the . regnest 4Rf . thetbeard the map was
presented to Mr., Albert E. Beswick the County Attorney. -- ;
The Supervisor presented each member of the .board with the
Highway Report for August., 1962.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
peatf t rmitte��d
George . rannell
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting September 13 , 1962
P eseutr
John. 4. Webster 'Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Cvuncilum
Theodore. Tukmer Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilmam
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Visitors greeted were as followed:
Mr. Keanath Morehouse
Mr, George Winters, With petition for water supp y' on Monataia-
Mr. Henry J. Sleight,i
the successful bidder on Water Ext` '"iong
W. Otto Kuhl, representative-of the office. of Joseph A,, staer iv.
Consulting. Engineer.
Mr. Robert Nolan, interested in purchase of Pineview Cenat cry
property. `
Mr. Bernard Codner, Superintenddnt . of Highways,
W. Morehouse, presented a petition which was signed by 32 people
residents. of Mountain View Lane. The petition was read;.amp,
placed on file in the clerks office. Members of the Town. Board.
explained to Mr. Morehouse, that the extension of water mains;
in the section in question hinges an securing permission from
the City of Glens Falls, to instill .this .extension. Thi . ram
liminaary planning to alteady accomplished. 1&. Akins ex cised
that the. actual installation would be accomplished as soon a8-
all obstructions are eliminated,
Attorney, Robert Nolan was greeted by the board. Mr, Nolan
stated that hik mission at .the meeting was to re-new the offer
of Mr. Gehrity, and himself to do with the purchase of the frontage
on Route 9 which is part of the present Pineview Cemetery property.
Mr. Webster, explained that. the .feeling of the board is toren.•
courkge written off a
ers from all' interested parties at un early
Nr. Otto E. Kuhl., professional engineer from the office of the
townts engineer Mr. Joseph A. Kestner Jr., proceeded to conduct
the signing of the contract for the installations of the water
extensions on Contract pl of numbers 1,7, and 8 of North Glens
Falls Water District.
Mr. Henry J. Sleight, of 121 Aviation head, the successful
bidder, presented the necessary Bead _and tith all in order,
the signing was completed in supervised fashion.
Mr. Sleight, questioned the engineer as to whether the footage
Of pipe as estimated by his office would be near the actual
amount necessary to complete the installations. This request
' was ...explained by Mr. Sleight as an aim in ordering the required
materials for the ultimate completion.
The fell owing groups were welcomed at the meeting at this time.
Thomas Lawson, attorney in the interest of a lighting district
for ]Pinewood Avenue.
A group of people appeared in the request for read crossipg
patrolahn for the Meaaowbrook Quaker` Road crasaing as follows:
John Rozell, Marion Rockwell, Al Ouderkerk Jr., Al Ouderkerk SR.,,
Oscar Sundberg, Henry PiFer, Jam*.& Ploof and Herten Lpshway.
The. group was betug guided by Mr. John Glass and W, William
Cohn of the' Gleus Falls School. Hoard.
Mr, John Roaell of Cronin Road, Town of Queensbury, was the
spokesman for the group to do. with supervision for school
crossing protection on Quaker Road. The danger was stressed at
this location due to the fact that it was stated that 30 children
are crossing the intersection daily. The Quaker Road is, a
County road with 50 M.F.H. speed zone.
W. John Glass, of the City of Glens Failq School Board, explained
his mission at the meeting, was to encourage the request of the
oftk-all group. Acrossing watchman was requested as the answer
to the problem as it stands at present.
W. Cohn, stated that his aim is being at the meeting was to
elaborate on the recent decisions of the Warren County Board of
Supervisors. This group of Supervisors have ruled that the
problem of school crossing protection is .a matter for the Town of
Queensbury to cope with.
W. Thomas Lawson, and .attorney approached the beard with-a
lighting petition for the establishing of a lighting district for
Pinewood goad, a: recently developed section joining the Aviation
Rdad. gections 2 and 3 of Westland are the properties involved.
Wo Lawson presented the petition signed by all residents in the
location' which was placed. on file..: A statement was incorporated
in the' patition shooing the assessed valuation involved in the
improvemelm at over $90,004.00. Action cn. this proposal was
deferre!V-for study.
A general discussion developed on the erection of traffic lights
at the intersections of Town Road's with the Quakaer Read. The
problem oT controlling 'the movement of traffic at these intersections
is very evident at this time.
Thla board' agreed that the' chief if Police should be requested to
contact persons to carry out the. dutes of a crossing watchmen at
the locations in question at present,
`-" RES2jj! i0N HO. 126 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson.
WHERisAS, 'hazardous intersections noon exist at Quaker Road and
Lafayette Street and Quaker Road. and Country Club Road, be it
-RESOLVED; that it is hereby authorised that a mercury contro]led
amber light be installed at each of these intersections.
Duly adopted by the following votst
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes None
RESOLUTION NO. 127 introduced._by_ Mr. Akins,, seconded by Mr. Turner
WHEREAS,, a petition has been filed with this board requesting
protection for school children crossing Quaker Road at Meadowbrook
Road and
WHEREAS, this board recognises that it is imperative to adequately
protect school children in heavily traveled high speed interections,
now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chief of Police be and he hereby is.
authorized and directed to provide a special crossing policeman
for Quaker Road and Meadowbrook Road,, for such school periods
as indicated by advise from the school boards, at the' earliost
possible dates.
Daly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and W. Webster.
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO.. 128 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded` by W. Lampsou.
WHEREAS,, THE Town Board by resolution AM dated June 28,, 1962 did
authorize the installation of a traffic control light in West Glens
Falls at the intersection of Main and Richardson Streets, and
WHEREAS, this light has been installed and in presently in `operation
as a ,full traffic control device-which however may at ' anytime . that
traffic conditions seen to warrent, be switched to a flashier type
of control,, and
WHEREAS„ the original resolution refe?d to this device as a flash-
iag traffic ,control light, thereby causing the possibility.®f 'so�A'
question as to legality when used as a full traffic control °tight,
now therefor: .
BE IT RESOLVED, that this traffic light be and hereby is authorized �
for operation in whatever combination or sequence of poerati®:c ai ;
may be determined by the Town Board or any duly authotimed polli�c&
officer with penalities for violation as set forth in the Vehicle
and Traffic Law of New York State.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mrg,�. Webster.
Noes - None � _.
RESOLUTION NO. 129 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr« Beaty.
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Frank Butler.,,
builder for Joseph De fto, 18 Sargent Street, Glens Falls, N.Y.
to make application to the Water Board of the City of Glens F4118,
for water service for a new residence at the above address,
thereby becoming a water customer of the City of Glens Falls, ,and
that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City hater Board
and Mr. Joseph DkMeo.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes- Mr, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and W'."' Webster.
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 130 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Beaty.
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Melvin Slopey of
of 2 Vista Court, Glens Falls, New York, to make application to
the City of Glens Falls for water service to a lot situated �t
. 29.June Drive, thereby becoming a water customer of tht City'-of
Glens Falls, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
City Water Board and to Mr. Melvin Slopey.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr.-Lampsou, Mc« Akins and W. Webster„
Noes - None
Discussion on the Reservoir Park Sewer District problem was aired
at this time. Agreement of all board members was reached that
the rebuilding of the complete system must _be. completed at an
early date.
The decision on the sale of the frontage of Pineview Cemetery,
on_ Route 9 was discussed at length. It is _evident that a
decision on this problem. will _be necessary at an early date.
A,report was offered on the sites -which are being investigated
for the location of the. proposed Towm Hall.. Several acceptable
ipeations were sivalied by the board in general. Agrea ent was
�— rfached with. alla meimbers of tha board .thst the saperwiaer is
apt-horized to secure* an� option on a pitreel of land` on the
Aviation Road owned by W. Dewey Miller*
R SOLUTION NO. 131 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner.
WHEREAS,, R. Arthiur Stewart, and Mande .M. Stewart, West, Mountain
Rpad, R.F.D, #29 Glens Falls, NY., have offered to convey by deed a
Sir*. parcel of land fsr town highways to� serve a new subdivision
ag the south aide. of Went, Mountain Road, said roads to be named
'*!Stewart Road'*,"B'ake toad", '*Sawn Road", and "Little Road", as
hown on a map prepared and presented fe the town board and approved,
U*ZREAS, Superintendent of Highways, Bernard J. Codrftr has indicated
his a proval of the acceptance of these roads, and fha't they have
been `brought to aX oper ,.grade in accordance with the Town Ordinance
relating to the lopm ent of ubdivia:ions,
THE FORE BE IT RESOLVED, .that the deed from R. Arthur Stewart, and
Mazda M. Stewart, to the Town of juaensbury, dated 9AlA962,
Conveying lands for these above mentioned roads be accepted and
approved, subject and contingent. upon .the approval of Attorney
Albert E. Beswick, and after such approval is given,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded
by" the Town Clerk to the foiloving. named- personst
BJ. Codner, Superintendent of Highways
Z Arfthur Stewart, R.F.D. #29 Glens Falls, N. Y.
Leon fNas s ivera.
John fB. ganDusen
C. Powell South .
VArren County Dept. of Local Assessments `
161y adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
'fhe supervisor presented the report Sf new construction fdr the
month of August, 1962. The report covered l6 new atartings. The
report was placed on file by the clerk.
Plans were dia,mqsed .on the creating of planning board to be of
assistance in. he revision and changes of ordinances, also td
suggest adoption oaf, maw ordinances. It is the feeling of the
board that following"the appointment of a progressive planning
board, a. sucgeaag4.4 in*wi ,fqr the Town of Qaeensbury, could
result. Action on appotments to thin hoard will result at a
M later date.
Mr. Wahster, presented the or inal1ratent for the Town of Queens-
bury dsie'4 in 1761. The- "Patemt'* is a gift to the Town of Queens-
bury from one of 'the decendents' `Abrahan, Wing.
The supervisor presented the following report for the month of
August 19620 .
August 1961
Date. Receipt' Amount
Received Source Received
Aug. 8 From George Crannell--Town Clerks Fees to Geen.Pand 91,50
9 From Forrest Crannell--Water rents--to N.G.F. Water 136.39 '
9 From.Forreat Crannell--Water rents--to N.G.F. Water Lxt.776,78
9 From Forrest Crannell-'-Water rents--to WC.F. Water 7,70
14 From Frank Cowles--CemQttry fees to Pimeview 402.34
1.5 From Robert Lilly--Jubtice fees--to' General Fund 10.00
1,5 From pineView- Payroll #15--to Payroll. Account 457,83
16 Fr®m Highway--Payroll #16--to Payroll Account 21,544,73
26 Frew Forrest Crannell--Water rents--to W.G.F. Water 15.40
20 From Forrest` Crannell=-Water rents--t®1i.*F.Water East,, 11.8.70
20 From Forrest Crannell--Water rents--to X.G.F., Water - ' 42.73
20 From State of New- York--per .capita assist.--toGen,Fad89878.55
20 From Forrest Crannell`:-Water rents--toM.G.F.Wster Fact;, ' 15U,18
20 Aron Forrest Crsnnelh--Water rents--N.G.F. dater 4.50
27 From Shore Colduy--Payroll #8--to Payroll Account 50.00
27 From Ridge Road Water---Payroll #8--to Payroll Account 8,33
27 From. W.GF._ Water--Payroll #8--to Payroll Account 40.00
27 From NoZoYo Water--Payrol2. #8--to Payroll Account 83.33
27 From. Gieueral-- yrd11 #8--to Payroll Account 3s073.30
27 From Forrest Craninelk-Water rents--to N.C.F.WaterExt 93.41
27 From Forrest Cramhell"Water rents--to N.C.F. Water 21.25
3L From Itghway--Payroll_#17-•-to Payroll Account 29999.93
31` 'From .ineview Payroll #16--to Payroll Account S86A3
Total. Receipts •2�i,588,77
Date Amount
Paid Fund or Account Paid
Aug. Highway 89944.82'
General 41426.14
Pineview L,054,42'
W. G. F. Water 40`.00
N. G. F. Water 225.86
N. G. F. Water Ext, 194.95
Ridge Road Water 22.73
Shore Colony ' t t ' t 33.22
Cleverdale Light - 41.08
Ft. Amherst-Garrison Rd. Light 336.92
Reservoir Park Sewer 5,50
Payroll r 9 475.26
Total Disbursements 2: ,
August 6, 1962 John O. Webster
i Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
RESOLUTION NO. 132 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by -Mr Beaty.
RESOLVED, that the supervisor is hereby authorised to make application
for state aid in securing & .grant under Section 1263-A under
article 12 ftblic Health -Law to finance cost of Comprehensive
study and report for collection,, treatment and disposal of sewage
in the Town of Qaetnsbmry, be it further
RESOLVED, that Joseph A. Restner Jr. ,, of 189 No. Lake Ave., Troy, N.Y.
be designated to be employed to make such comprehensive study and
Daly adopted by the following. vote:
Ayes- Mc, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, M`r. Akins and 1&,, Webster.
Noes None
RESOLUTION -ISO. 133 introduced by W. Akins. seconded by W. Turner.
RESOLVED, that the September 13, 1962 Audit of Claims, as ]listed
in Abstract M-9 containing claims numbered 531 through 622
inclusive and totaling. $15,,749.35 is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following_votet '
Ayes. ;- Mr,,, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and W. Webster.
Noes - None
On m 'tion the meeting was adjourned,
7 spectfull y s fitted
Ge rge Crannell
Town Clerk
Special Meeting September 16, L962
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampoon Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
The Towa Board in its entirety net at the site of the Town of
i Qlteensbury du W to discuss operation of the dump., in general.
Ir. Bernard Coduer, Superintendent of Highways was also present.
The control of fires at this location was the main topic of
discussion. The continual. abuse of the dumping privileges by
the public was aired by- the caretaker.
RESOLUTION NO. 1134 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Akins.
WHEREAS, the fact is evident that in order to property control. the
maintenance of the Town of Queensbury Dump located on Ridge Road.
The hours of opening and closeing said dump should be revised„
therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that said dump in the Town of Queenjtbury will: be open
at 8r00 A.M. and will be closed to the publ604 P. M.
Duly adopted by the following votet
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, M
` Lampsmn, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
Agreement was reached with all ambers of the board 'and the Super-
intendant of Highways that installation of a fence of proper
height is necessary to curb the improper dempinga procedures.
With the' fact in mind that a fence has been removed recently at
the location of the Salvation Army headquarters on Chester Street,
in the City of Glens Falls. The board requested the help of
Councilman Turner in investigating the possibility of- purchaseing
this fence with gate from the present owner. Mr. Codner, agreed
that the Highway Department employees could install same,.
A generous supply of signs depectimg the rules of operation at
the dumpr, will be furnished and installed by the Town 'of' Queensbury,
Highway Department. t
At this time the group dispersed to the Supervisors Office on
Chestnut Ridge Road.
In open discussion Mr. Bernard Codner, approached the board with
a request to consider the purchase of a truck which would- be
suitable to transport the town owned shovel. At the suggestion
of the Town Board the Superintendent of Highways was requested
to investigate the mechanical condition of one used machine with
the thought that the purchase of same could be consummated.