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`211 RES©LUTIOR XO. 133 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by W. Tamer. 'SOLVED„ that the September 13, 1962 Audit of Claims, as listed in Abstract #61.9 containing claims ncmberei 531 through 622 inclusive and totaling $15,749.35 is hereby approved. Daly adopted by the following_votet Ayes. Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Nees - None . On motion the meeting was adjourned, ap e ctful�s psitted ` Ge rge Cr IL Town. Clerk Special Meeting September L6. 1.962 Present: . John O. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampoon Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The Town Board in its entirety net at the site of the Town of Qmeensbury dumpte discuss operation of the dumpy in general. W. Bernard Codger, Superintendent of Highways was also present. The control of firer at this location was the main topic of discussion. The continual- abuse of the dumping privileges by the public was aired by the caretaker. RESOLUTION NO. 134 introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Akins. WHEREAS, the fact is evident that in order to property-control the maintenance of the Town of Queenabury Dumpy located on Ridge Road. The hours of opening and closeiag said dump should be revised„ therefore be it, . RESOLVED, that said dump in the Town of Queen y villl be open at 800 A.M. and will be closed to the publ*6 at 6tOO P. M. Duly adopted by the following votes Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampsou,' Mr. Akins and Mr. bster. Noes -- None Agr &&text was reached, with all members of the board "and the Super- intendent of Highways that installation of a fence of proper height is necessary to curb the improper dumpings ocedures. With the- fact in mind that a fence has been remo*ad recently at the location of the Salvation Army headquarters on Chester Street, in the City of Glens Falls. The board requested the help of Councilman Turner in investigating the possibility of- purchaseing this fence with gate from the present owner. Mr. Codger, agreed that the Highway Department employees could install same:. A generous supply of signs depectiag the rules of operation at the dumpwill be furnished and installed by the Town of Queensbury, Highway Department. t At this time the group- dispersed to the Supervi*ors Office on Chestnut Ridge Road, in open discussion Mr. Bernard Codger, approached the board with a request to consider the purchase of a_ truck which would- be suitable to transport the town owned shovel. At the suggestion of the Tom Board the Superintendent of Highways was requested to investigate the mechanical condition of One used machine with the thought that the purchase of same could be consummated. nn 212 A. generat discussion on the purchase of salt for the coming winter took pls'ce at this time: Participation on a: County GOXtrset will be investigated. x The problem of providing school crossing attendants '-was discussed at length at this time. W. Webster, reported 'on the present states of •the rpossibre sale of the Pineview Cemetery frontage on Route9. The results of interviews with the developers for Montgomery Ward and Company, was explained in detail. The offer stands at present at $1100,000.00. With the thought that action must be taken on the decision to sell the property at an. early date. The board agreed that an appraisal on the property should be on file in order to sub- stantiate the decision to sell the property to Montgomery Ward & Company or others who may present written offers on this frontage of Pineview Cemetery, Mr. Beaty was requested to neg- otiate with Mr. Thomas Rogers, and independent appraiser to. . provide the appraisal to be discussed at the. Special.Meeting on September 20f 1962. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, George C. Crannell ` Town Clerk Special *testing September 20-,. 1962. . Present: John 0, Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beatty Councilman + ' Theodore 'Turner Councilman Curtis tampson Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Visitors welcomed were as follows: Ralph pestle - Visitor Bernard J. bodaer - Superintendent of Highways Sidney VanDusen - P neview Cemetery Commission. _ Frank 3 Cowles - Pineiriew` Cemetery Commission _ Nathan Proller - Real Estate Representative Robert Castle - Cale Development Company Inc., Herkimer, N.. Y, Upon invitation of the board, Mr. Proller introduced Mr. Castle and ex�laiued the trims of the Cale Development Company .Inco" to build a sizeable *'Montgomery Ward Store, on the property w ph has been offered for sale on the Route 9 frontage of the Pine- view Cemetery. Mr. Castle`, spoke briefly with an explanation. of the. services which would be offered in this development. The estimated cost of the construction would be over a million dollars. On the subject of the offer being submitted by his company, We Castle repeated the offer of $100,,000 for this tract of land. The maps were studied by the prospective buyer and the members, of the board. A question was raised by the representative of the Cemetery Commission as to the revised map which' in their opinion would involve lands of the cemetery which are of value to the cematery..Following lengthy discussion ih the subject and also a question which was put to the Town Supervisor by way of tele- phone, the fact was established that the revised map was not acceptable. for the interests of the Cemetery Commission. k