1962-09-20 SP i 212 A. general discussion on the purchase. of salt for the coming winter took place at this time.` Parti`cipatioh on a County fratrAtt will be investigated. t The problem of providing school crossing attendants 4as ditbussed at length at this time. ° Mr. Webster, reported 'on the presevdt status of the tpossibre sale of the Pineview Cemetery frontage on 'Route9. The results of interviews with the developers for Montgomery Ward and Company, was explained in detail. The offer stands at present at X1:00,000.00. With the thought that action must be taken on the decision to _ l sell the property at an early date. The board agreed that an appraisal on the pro perty should be on file in order to sub- stantiate the decision to sell the property to Montgomery Ward & Company or others who day present written offers on this frontage of Pineview' Ceme ery. W. Beaty was requested to neg- otiate with Mr. Thomas Rogers, and independent appraiser to. - provide the appraisal to be discussed at the, Special,Meeting on September 20, 1962. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, George C. Crannell Town Clerk Special *eating September 20-, 1962. , Presents John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beatty. Councils" Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampoon Counallmas Harold.Ak as Qouncilw ` The meeting was called to order at 700 p.m. Visitors welcomed were as fellows= Ralph Nestle - visitor Bernard J. Codaar - Superintendent of Highways Sidney VanDuses, nneview Cematery Commission _ Frank L Cowles -► Pinoiriew` Cemetery Comkiss on _ Nathan Droller - Real Estate Representative Robert Castle - Cale Development Company Inc., Herkimer, N.., Y. Upon invitation of the board, Mr. Proller introduced Mr. Castle and explained the trims of the Cale. Development Company Inc:, to build a sizeable "Montgomery Ward Store, on the property wh�ch has been offered for' sale on the Route 9 frontage of the Pima- view Cemetery. Mr. Castle`, spoke briefly with an explanation of the.. services which would be offered in this development. The estimated cost of the construction would be over a million dollars. On the subject of the offer being submitted by his company, Imo'. Castle repeated the offer of $1000000 for this tract of_ land. The maps were studied by the prospective buyer and the members' of the board. A question was raised by the representative of the -� Cemetery Commission as to the revised map which' in their opinion would involve lands of the cemetery which are of value to the cemetery..Following lengthy discussion ah the7.sabject and also a question which was put to the Town Supervisor by way of tele- phone, the fact was established that the revised made was not anceptable. for the interests of the Cemetery Commission. i 213 W. Castle, of the Cale Development Cerny, agreed that a- previous map, the original one would be acceptable to him. This agreement led to clarifying. the boundaries to satisfy all parties concerned. At this point Mr. Castle read a letter which has been presented to the Crandall Trust on thetpro- position of locating the proposed Montgomery WArd Store on a:: section of Crandall Perk in the City of Glen* Falls. W. LeRoy Phillips, Chief of Police,; and W. Robert Nolan visited the meeting at this time. Upon request frost the Seupervisor, Mr. Droller and Mr. Castle relinquished the floor to Mc. kobert Nolan, another representative of an interested buyer of the same section of frontage on Route 9 of the Pineview Cemetery. Mr. Nolan, presented a `letter wtiich `constituted tan offer from Mr. Gehrity for the property in question. The letter was read by Mr. Nolan. The offer of $102,500 was accepted for discussion by the members of the board. The maps of the property were studied again at length. With the fact in mind that Mr. Nolans offer was based on the revised map and it is evident that the Cemetery Commissiox would not consider the sale of the property on that basis. It was 'the decision of the board that the original map Gust be the one to be considered in the sale of this property. The board agreed to enter into an Execdtive Session in order to arrive at a decision on this all important matter. Following the Executive Session the would-be purchasers of the property were heard.. The board agreed that the offer of the Cage Development Company Inc.., should be accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 135 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Akins Resolution Relating to Pine View Cemetery Lands WfiERFAS, Pine View Cemetery, a'sambership, corporation, c6nveyed to the Town of Queensbury by deed dated July 17, 1947, and recorded in the office of the Warren County Clerk on September 30, 1947, in Book 256 of Deeds at page 399, the lands which in- clude the existing Pine View Cemetery and also lands fronting on Route 9 from Quaker_Road. on the south to the Bromley property on thetnorth,which is not used .for 'cemetery purposes, and ' WHEREAS,, by Chapter X314 of the Lawn of 1948 the _,Legislature provided for a Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury to have the management, supervision and controL of the cemeteries and places provided for the burial of the dead belong- ing-to or under the control of the Town*of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Board; of Cemetery Com®issionerstof the Town of Queensbury did, on the 11th day of March, 1962, make a deter- mination by resolution that the lands of Pine Vied Cemetery„ as described thstoin and as hereinafter described, being the fron- tage along Route 9, are not presently used for burial purposes, are not reg4ired for future expansion and development of Pine View Cemetery and are not generally suitable and desireable for burial purposes, and approving the use of said' portion of Pine View Cemetery land for other town purposes than burial. purposes, and �R 214 W ►8,, this Town Board intends to acquire a parcel of land on Aviation Road as the site for a town hall which may be buiTtt at- some time in the future and the said. portion of the Pine View Cemetery lands fronting on Route 9 are not required for any town purpose, be it RESOLVED and DETERMINED that the following described portion- of the Pine View Cemetery lands owned by the Town of Queensbury, to wits An. area of 19.983 acres as shown on a map, entitled "URID of Survey of Pine View Cemetery in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County New York" made by John B. VanDuaen, Queensbury Town Surveyor, dated January, 1954, acid revised March 149 1962. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr.. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. ' Noes * None ' RESOLUTION NO. 136 introduced by Mr. -Lampson, seconded by W. Turner Resolution Authorizing Sale of Real ,Property WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury is the owner of the lands of Pine View Cemetery, including the read frontage on Route 9' from Quaker Road on the south to -the Bromley property on the north, which frontage never has been used is not now being- used for cemetery purpose, and WHEREAS, the Board of Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensbury have made a determination that said road front parcel is not required"for burial purposes and is not suitable for such purposes, and that such road frontage may be used by the Town of Queensbury for other town uses, and WHEREAS, this Town Bayard has made a determination that said-. - road front parcel is not required for any town user and WHEREAS, Cale Development Company, Inc., of Herkimer, New York, has offered to .purchase said parcel from the Town of Queensbury, and to paylthe sda of $100,000 therefor, and it appears to be for .the best interests of the Town of Queensbury to accept such offer, be it RESbLVLD,, that subject to permissive referendum, the Town of Queensbury sell and convey to Cale Development Company, Inc.,, of Herkimer, New York, for the sum of $100,000 the following described parcel of real property owned by the Town. of Q%eens- bury to wit: A parcel of 19.983 acres as shorn on a map antitled "Map of a survey of Pine View Cemetery in the Town of *ens bury, Warren County, New York," Made by John B. VanDusen, Queensbury Town Surveyor, dated January, 1954, and revised March 149 1962. and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk. be and he 'hereby is directed to give notice of the adoption of. this resolution in the wanner provided by the Town Law. , Duly kdopted by the following vote. Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None X map was presented to the board of a piece of property which can be purchased for a site for the new Town Hall construction. An option on the property willvbe secured by the Supervisor. Mr, LeRoy Phillips was present to report on applications for the position of School Crossing attendant at the intersection of Meadowbrook Road and Quaker Read. Two applications were received as follows: Mr. Al Ouderkirk Sr., of Meadowbrook Road and Mr. Fred Mc Coreick of Cottage Hill Road. The board agreed on a salary of $100.00 a month -during the school year. Action on the final hireing of one crossing attendant was deferred to a later date. Mr. Bernard J. Codner, requested permission to have a survey made of a road known as Sanders Road. Following receiving a map from the Town Surveyor it is possible that the Town may be able to accept the road into the Town Highway system. Mr. Codner, suggested rebuilding one of. the four wheel F.W.D. trucks now do service to answer to the need of carrying the town owned shovel. The board generally agreed that this change should be made at this time. On motion the meeting was adjourned. • g Georg�c,ctf ly ubmitte Cranxiell Town Clerk Regular Meeting September 27, L962 Presents John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman `— Theodore Turner Councilman ' Curtis Lampoon Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. Several visitors 'were welcomed at the meeting as fgllowas Mrs. Hulda Ellingsworth - Member League of Women Voters Mrs, A. E. VanWirt - President of Crandall Library Mrs. Edwin Willis - Attorney Glen Caffery - Each were present in the interest of contribution to Crandall Library Fund. Mr, Bernard Codner - Superintendent of Highways Mr, LeRoy Phillips - Chief of Pblice ` Mr. Raymond Hoague - Policeman Mr. Ted Mainville - Visitor Mr. Ralph Nestle Visitor Mr. H. Dewey Miller - Owner of property to be purchased by town for new Town Hail Mr. Glenn Caffery, was granted the floor as the representative of the Crandall Library to discuss the financial plight of the Lib- rary. An extensive explanation of the services of the library was offered to the Town Board. It was stated that the library estimates that the Town of Queensbury's residents enjoy 20% of the total use of the Library. Hopes of additional financial support for the operation of. the Libraryia being sought -at this time. Mr. Caffery recited the amounts of dinancial assistance which is being received from all l-o r sour-c,es_,at- the presaut- - time in hopes of elaborating on the request made from the Town of Queensbury.