1962-10-09 SP 232 PINEVI ; CEMETERY . t 1963. Budget I Cost of Improvements.- Improvements to Cemetery* $700.00 New Equipment (Mowers, ate.) 280.00 I $980.00 MAINTENANCE: ` Fersonal.t Services $9,000.00 Repairs to existing equipment 150.00 Gas & Oil for truck & Equipment 1250.00 Bond for Commissioner & Supt. 35.00 Replacement of Vault roof 400.00 Miscellaneous 275.00 Cost of maintenance of outside cemeteries, including repairs to fences 1.0200.00 $12,290.00 REVENUES: f Sale of Lots, less perpetual care $4,000.00 Fees for vault rental 100.00 Fees for opening graves 3,600.00 Fees for setting monuments t 150.00 Estimated balance Dec. 31, 1962 1,500.00 $9,350.00 Requested Budget Appropriation $2t940,00 On suggestion of the Supervisor a meeting to enact the pre- liminary budget was arranged for Tuesday, October 9th, at 7:30 p.m. On motion the meeting was addjourned, spectfull s teed George 6, annell Town Clerk October 9, 1962 Special Meeting Presents John 0, Webster Supergisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner. Councilman Curtis Lampoon Councilman Harold Akins `Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7t&f p�.m. Mr. Andrew Butz, Justice of the Peace was granted the floor in the interest of the enactment of the Preliminary Budget. Mr. Butz, presented a letter of comparison of duties in his office for the years 196,1-1962. Following lengthy discussion the board in general ,explained that proper consideration for altk"y increase would be taken in tbae forthcoming budget. Mr. LeRoy Phillips, visited the meeting at this time with j hopes of discussing his suggestion of October 4 1962, to do with expanding the police force of the Town of t usensbury to a full time operation I, I 233 The Board in its entirety explained that a full. time policeman is not considered possible at this time. Mr. Phillips stated that the demands of the public f©r police protection is very extensive at all times. It is the feeling of the Town Board that the Warren County Sheriff's department should supply the bulk. of the protection needed within the town at all times. It is understood that on a tax basis the Town of Queensbury's residents- support -25% of the operation of the Warren County Sheriff's,Department. Resolution. No. 153 introduced by Mr. Beaty,, seconded by W. Akins e RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year be- ginning op the 1st day of January, 1963 the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution= and beeit t FURTHER RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board shall meet at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 8th day of November, 1962 at the Library of Union Free School W2. on the Aviation Road, for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget , and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such " public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be published and posted in sub- stantially the following forms - NOTICE OF HEARING UPON PRELIMINARY BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January let, 1963, has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, at 95 Dixon Road, Glens Falls, New York, where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours. Further nlotice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing thereon, at the Library of Union Free School #2 on the Aviation Road at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 8th day of November, 1962, and that at such hearing-any person may be heard ,in favor of or against the preliminary budget as com- piled or for or against any item or items therein contained. Pt;rsuant to Section 113 of the Town. Law, the proposed salaries of the following town officers are hereby specified as follows: Supervisor $41,000.00 52-066 Councilmen (each) 19800.00 116E °° Town Clerk 4,000.00 q S,0 c du ` Superintendent of Highways 69000.00 `p 0 o BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD Geurge C. Crannell Dated: October 9, 1962, Town Clerk ~— Duly adopted by the following vote: R, Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None e 234 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF UEENSBURY General Fund Appropriat ons 1.963 General Government Town Board. Town Hall and Offices n a s„ oar room„ offices,; elections, etc. $1200.0a Compensation of employees , �'�E1„rs< Purchase of furniture and equipment 100100 ;±�r Repairs, light, heat and telephone 500.00 . 500, Q _ , xa Misc. expenses, surplus property 200.00 ' Electiens - Compensation of Election Officials 2J88_ 88 . Compensation of Custodian Other expenses 1000000 Voting Machine, Purchase, Republican 50.00 Insurance compensation Insurance 8000;000 tofficial Bonds & Undertakings 500.*00 Fire & Liability 5300,00 Printing & Advertising (all Depots.) a 1000.00 t Services of Attorney & Expenses 3500.00 Services of Engineer & Expenses 6000.00 Association of Towns - Dues 110.00 Social Security - Town Share 4400.00 Emp}Loyees Retirement System 7500.00 Publicity Fund 500.00 TOTAL TERM BOARD $429,760.00 Supervisor Salary 4000,00 Compensation of Employees 3000,00 Office & Other Expenses 500,00 TOTAL SUPERVISOR ?V500.00 C Justice of the Peace Salaries -- I Justice 2300.00 1 Justice 3200.00 Office & Other Expenses 550,00 Compensation of Employees 12.5.00 TOTAL JUSTICE OF' PEACE t 175.00 Councilman Salaries (four) t 7200.00 Office & other expenses (four) 700,00 TOTAL. COUNCIL1M c 7t900.00 Town Clerk Salary 4000.00 Office & •Other expenses - 400.00 Compensation. of employees - x 600000 TOTAL TaWN CLERK 59000.00 Assessors Sa arm - Chairman & Other (2) 7200.00 - Office & other expenses 800.00 TOTAL ASSESSORS 89,000.00 235 Tax Collector - (Receiver of Taxes) Salary 3600.00 Office & Other expenses 1250.00 Miscellaneous 25.00 TOTAL COLLECTOR Receiver of Taxes) 42875.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 82v210.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY P011c6 -06n6tables & De Sheriffs Compensa on 2600.00 _ Mileage and other expenses 2040.00 Purchase of equipment 100,00 TOTAL POLICE, CONSTABLES! ETC 21900.00 Traffic - Signs, Signals, & Lighting 6600.00 TOTAL TRAFFIC 69600.00 Dog Warden Compensation 600.00 Other expenses 200000 TOTAL DOG WARDEN 500100 Inspection Costs Bldg, Insp. &(Enf orcement Office) 300.00 Miscellaneous expends 100.00 TOTAL INSPECTION 400.00 Town Dump Compensation 1400.00 Miscellaneous expenses 2500.00 TOTAL TOWN DUMP ' ` 3,200200 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 149600.00 EDUCATION : Town Historian Compensation 180.00 Other expenses 50.00' TOTAL' TOWN HISTORIAN 230.00 Public Library Contract - Mountainside Free 200.00 Crandall Library 5000.00 TOTAL LIBRARY 5 200.00 TOTAL EDUCATION 59430,00 RECREATION ` Improvement to Town property 300.00 Patriotic Observaneek 1001001 TOTAL RECREATION 400.00 PUBLIC UTILUTIES - Pinevievi Cemeter ' Schedule A os o mprovementsz Imprbvements to Cemetery 700.00 New Equipment 280.00 TOTAL' IMPI OVENENTS. 980.00 " 3s intena c rsonal services $90000.00 . Repairs to existing equipment 150.00 Gas & Oil for`Equipuent 250.00 Bohd fbr Comm. & Supt. 35,00 Replacement of Vault roof 400.00 Miscellaneous 775.00 Cost of maintenance of outside cemeteries,, including repairs to fences 1200.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 112. 290.OQ -- TOTAL PINEVIEW CEMETERY ` 3*27-0,00 *WNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST Redemption of Debt. Principal Storehouse Bond None Interest - Storehouse Bond None TOTAL INBEBTEDNESS REDEMPTION N"bne Construction and Permanent Impv. 500.00 Tawn Hall & others TOTAL CONSTRUCTION & IMP. 500.00 MISCELLANEOUS Veterans Organizations for rooms 200.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 200;00 CONTINGENT PURPOSES (Sec. 112) 6.!000.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES Iybrtgages Taxed 15,000.00 Dog Licenses (County) x,,800.00 Other Licenses (Town) 100.00 Fees of Town Clerk 2,300.00 Fees of Justice of Peace 3,.000.00 Fees of Tax. Collector (Receiver of taxes) 1,500.00 Fees of Cemeteries 9,350.00 For Capdta. Assistance 359,500.00. TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 68,550.00 Unexpended balence (Sec.115) 20,000,00 GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED BALANCE 889550.00 Appropriations- General -Government 82,210.00 Prbtection of Persons & Property 149,600,00 Education 5,430.00 Recreation 400.00 Public Utilitihs 13,270.00 Redemption of Debt. None Interest On Debt, None Construction & Permanent Imp. 500,00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Contingent purposes 6,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - 1229610.00 Less Estimated Revenuer 88,550000 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR GENERAL FUND 34,060.00 ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS Highway Fund (Item 1) Appropriations General Repairs 809000.00 Special improvements 109000.00 Total expenditures 909000.00 237 Revenues 80300.00 State Aid " Total revenues 89300.00 ' Amount to be raised by Taos for Highway Fund (Item 1) 819,700.00 Machinery Fund (Item 3) Expenditures " `Purchase of machinery, tools, and Impl. 159000.00 Repair of machinery, tools and Impl. 109000.00 Redemption of `machinery certificates Interest on machinery certificates ' Total expenditures 25„000.00 Revenues Rental of machinery 500.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Machinery Fund (Item 3) 24b500.00 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund ( Item 4) ' Expenditures Salary of Town Superintendent 6,000.00 Expenses df Town Superintendent 300.00 Removing obstruction caused by snow 27,000.00 Cutting and removing weeds and brush 3,600.00 Other miscellaneous purposes heat and phone 3.000.00 Total expenditures 390900.00 Revenues Miscellaneous Revenues 5,200.00 Total revenues 5,200.00 Amount to be raised by tax for snow and miscel., ` fund (Item 4) 340700.00 Bernard J. Codner Superintendent of Highways ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY BQARD OF HEALTH For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1963 Expenditures Salary 19,750.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 100.00 Baby Clinics 1,200.00 Total expenditures 3,050.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics 85.00 Amount to, be `raised by tax Town Health 3t135. ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DIST. Expenditures Cost of Improvement Construction of improvements 3,300.00 Maintenance Total 30300.00 _ Personal' services 11,000.00 Office and other expenses (itemize) Printing, Postage, supplies, etc. 200.00 Mowing, painting, & shoveling hydrants 200.00 Refund & miscellaneous expense 100.00 Repairs 19000.00 Power and light i 800.00 Purchase of water 12,000.00 Purchase of equipment 500.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 11000.00 Total 17 800.00 Total expenditures ' 1,100.00 Revenues `— Water rents 21.100.00 Total revenues 210100.00 Amount to"be raised by taxes None ANNUAL ESTIMATES FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DIST. EXT.#1 Expenditures Cost of improvements Bond principal 5,000.00 Bond interest 660.00 Total 5,660.00 Total expe 238 Annual estimate -fortNorth Glens Falls Water Dist. Ext.#1 (coat. ) Total Expenditures 5,660.00 Revenuest Water Rents None Unexpended balance None None Amount to be raised by taxes 54660.00 • t - t ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DIST. EXT.#7 Expenditures - Bond interest 115.00 Total 115.00 Total Expenditures 115.00 Revenues Water rents None Unexpended balance None Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes 115.00 ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DIST. EXT.#8 • Expenditures Bond -interest 100.00 Total 100.00 Total Expenditures 00.00 Revenues a Water rents None Unexpended balance None - t Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes 100.00 • F ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement 13,330.00 t Total 13,330.06 Maintenance Personal- services 500.00 Office and other expenses (itemize) 200.00t Miscel. expenses & refunds 100.00 tRepairs 600«00 Purchase of water 4,000.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Purchase and installation of meters and service 150.00 Total 5.650.00 Total expenditures 180980.00 Revenues e Water rents 3,.630.00 Interest on Cert. of Deposit 350.00 Unexpended balance 15,000.00 Total revenues 18,980.00 Amount to be raised by taxes t None ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DIST. EXT.#1 - t Expenditures Boni principal 575.00 Bond interest 400.00 r • Total 975.00 Maintenance Personal services None Total None Total expenditures `. Revenges t WWater rents None Unexpended balance 575.00 Total revenues 575.00 Amount to- be raised by taxes 400.00 _ t 239 ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Personal services 300.00 office and other expenses (itemize) Including chlorination & power 120.00 Repairs t 550.00 Purchase and installation of meters & service 30.00 Total 11000.00 Total expenditures 1,000.00 Reven(es Water rents - 570.00 Sale and installation of meters &service 30.00 Unexpended balance , t Total revenues 1,000.00 Amount to be raised by taxes None c s . ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR RIDGE RbAD WATER DISTRICT ` ' Expenditures` - Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement 51500.00 * Total 5,500.00 Total expenditures ,55� 00.00 Maintenance Personal services 100.00 Office and other expenses (itemize) • Postage& supplies 100.00 Refunds 50.00 Flushing hydrants & shoveling snow 50.00 Repairs 400.00 Purchase of water 800.00 Purchase and installation of meter & seraiceslOO.00 Total - 1,600.00 Total expenditures . ,1 Revenues j Water rents 19100.00 Unexpended balance 6,000.00 • = Total 7,100.00 Amount to be raised by taxes None ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Expenditures - Payments under contracts - 5 companies 0 $3,800, each 19,000.bO Total expenditures 1-90000.00 Revenues Unexpended balance Total revenues ` 't�r00 �" ,uoeoo Amount to be raised by taxes - 180900. 00' ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT r ' Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 500.00 Total 500.00 Total expenditures 300.00 Revenues Unexpended balande None Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes 500,00 ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR FT.AMHERST,GARRISON RD.. LIGHTING DIST. Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 2,025.00 Total 2 02.5.00 Total expenditures 2tO25.00 Revenues Unexpended balance None Total revenues None_ Amount to he r& .sed .by taxes 24 Posting of the notices on the JP'reliminary Budget was accomplished as follows: On Bulletin Board, Town Clerks Office Power Pole, front,of Richardson's Store, West Glens Falls, Tree, front of South Queensbury Fire House Mountainside Grange, Ridge Road Power Pole, across from Queensbury School, Aviation Road RESOLUTIOE NO. 1,54 introduced byMr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty WHEREAS, in the recent registration days it appears that Mrs. Pauline Josclyn wall be unable to serve as election inspector of District #9 of the Town of Queensbury. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mrs. Jean T. Moon of Corinth Road, West Glens Falls, will replace Mrs. Pauline Josclyn for the two registration days - October 6, 1962 and October. 139 1962. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None On motion.� the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk Regular Meeting : October 11, 1962 Present: John O.` Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman ` Theodore Turner Councilman ` Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold. Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Visitors greeted at the meeting included: K. Hanson - Reps, Durkee Motors Chet Sprague - Rep Carswell Motors Inc. Thomas M. Lawson - Atty. Pinewood Lighting District Joseph Brayton - Birch Lane, Town of Queensbury , Leo Ball - Birch Lane, Town of Queensbury "Buckie"'Corlew - Employee of Highway Department Bernard J. Codner. - Superintendent of Highways Mr. Dunn - Visitor Mr. Howerd - State Dept. of Health Rep. Joseph kestner - Engineer for Sewer & Water Districts Mr. Guy Bush - Reservoir Park Mr�*Howard Rose - Reservoir Park Ralph Nestle - Visitor Attorney, Thomas Lawson, presented the order for the enactment of the Pinewood Avenue, Lighting District. Due to the fact that their was know one who appeared in objection to the lighting district, same was accepted by the board. Public hearing was opened at this time on the three special districts of the Town of Queensbury, as follows: Pershing Ashley-Coolidge, Sewer District Reservoir Park - Sewer District Queensbury Drainage District Proof of publicatioii was presented by the clerk.