1962-11-23 SP 285
Regular Meeting November 22, 1962
Present: t .
John 0. Webster Supervisor
Since Mr. Webster was the only board member present, the meeting
was adjourned for the lack of a quorum.
George C. Crannell
Town Clerk
Special 'Meeting: November 23, 1962
4 Present:
John 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampoon Councilman
Harold Akins Councilman
Also present were:
Marion J. Crannell Deputy 'Town Clerk
Bernard J. Codner Supt, of Highways
H. Russell Harris - Interested in Extension #4 of
North Glens Falls Water District.
The meeting was called to order at 700 p.m.
Mr. H. Russell Harris was granted the floor in the interest of
activating the installation of a water supply main on Sweet load.
This installation was prdpo'aed in 1957 under the heading of
Extension #4 of .North Glens Falls Water District. With the fact
in evidence that a new home will be constructed on Lot #3 of the
Isabelle Harris property, _the request will be given consideration
by the board. Whether to install a 6** or A"" section of water
main from Montray Road to the point of the beginning of Extension #4
is the main issue to be decided. .at this time.
Mr. George Liapes, Superintendent of North Glens Falls Water District,,
visited the meeting at this time.
Mr. Liapes entered into a discussion to do with a recent billing for
water service received from. the City of Glens Falls . The supervisor
provided the board with a three year resumee of water billings for a
comparison to the billing in question. The Superintendent was
questioned as to how often he_reads the meters with the officials
from the city. Mr. Liapes stated that he had not done so in the
past six Months.
The record book in use by the Water Superintendent was studied by
the board, with the fact in mind that _a new record book will be
needed at' an early date'. A_lengthy discussion oh all aspects of
what 3rype of a book should be supplied all Water Superintendents
took place at this time.
A suggestion was wade that the .Water Superintendents _should canvass
the districts to be sure al , customers are being billed properly.
A possible inventory of the facilities being. used by all customers
will be investigated at a later date. "
October 23, 1962
Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor
Chestnut Ridge Road
Glens Falls, N. Y.
Dear John: Re: Sidney Ti®ms
As requested, by you, I have drafted and enclose. a proposed
resolution authoricing you to pay Timm the sum of $6,000 for the
property you are adding to your Pineview Cematery.
Sometime when you are coming.. in, please bring me tone Queensbury
voucher' forms.
Yours very truly, Albert E. Beswick
- 286
November .21, 1962
Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor
Box 86
Glens Falls„ N. Y.
Re: Timms - Town of Queensbury
Dear John:
I had a call today from Ed Nadeau, who represents Timms in
connection with the sale of his property to Town of Queensbury for
addition to the Pineview Cemetery, and heis very anxious to get
the matter closed.
I now have a search of title, deed, tax search and other
papers so I am .able to approve the title. I have made a tentative
appointment with Nadeau and Times to be in my office on Monday,
November 269 at one o'clock for the closing.
I think you told me that while you had a resolution by your
Town Board to accept the option you did not have a resolution
authorizing you to draw a check on the general fund to pay for
the property, and I suggest that you do this at your Friday night
meeting. If for auy reason you cannot be here Monday at one o'clock
with the check for Timms please, call me.
Yours Very truly,
Albert E. Beswiek
County Attorney
RESOLUTION NO. 184 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by W. Turner.
WHEREAS, this Board adopted Resolution No. 123 on September 6, 1962,
subject to permissive referendum, for the purchase. of the Sidney Timers
property for the sum of $6,000.00 as an addition to Pineview Cemetery,
WHEREAS, notice of the adoption of said resolution was duly published
and posted as required by law and no petition has been filed which
require a referendum on the purchase of said property, be it `
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to pay
to Sidney Timms the sum of $6,000.00 from the general fund .as the '
purchase price of said real property upon delivery of a deed' and
search of title approved by the County Attorney, and be it further
RESOLVED that, when said lands have been acquired by the Tpwn of
Queensbury, the same be placed under the management and control of
the Cemetery Commission as_ a part of Pineview Cemetery.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr, Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lamp,son, Mr. Akins and Mr'. Webster
Noes - None
Upon the recommendation of Bernard Codner, Highway Superintendent
the board generally agreed that the employees of the Highway
Department are entitled to a ten cent 104� per hour blanket raise
beginning January lst, 1963.
RESOLUTION NO 185 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by W. Turner
WHEREAS, there now exists balances in the various items of the
highway fund unanticipated in the 1962 budget, together with other
surplus funds, including interest. earned under certificate of
deposit, therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that the following amounts be and are hereby appropriated
to the several items as set forth below: '
Resolution No. 185 - (continued)
ITEM. # 1
General repair $11,062.01
Special Improvements 17.10
ITEM # 3
Machinery Repair 771.33
ITEM # 4
Rethoval. of Snow $ 11031.62
and be it further,
RESOLVED, that `the following transfer of monetas be made within
Item #4 of the highway fund:
$2,000.00 from Weeds & Brush to Snow Removal
500.00 from'Miscellaneous to Snow Removab
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr, Beaty, Mr, Turner, W. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
New York 13, New York
November 19, 1962
Mr. John 0. Webster
Town Supervisor
Town of queensbury
P. 0, Box 86
Glens 'Falls, New York
Dear Sir:
Subject: Accelerated Public Works Program
Project No. AM-NY- 20
Your application dated Octobei 24�. 196�2. requesting a grant of
438,500 (and a loin' of -4„ J tom construction of a
Well Water Sup ly& Distribution System has been received and is
under review.
Your application has been assigned Project Number APW-NY-52G
Please use this number in any correspondence reg ng, your
Sincerely yours,
Richardson J. Thompson
Regional Director
Community Facilities
November 19, 1962
Mr, John 0, Webster, Supervisor
Box 86
Glens Falls, N. Y. '
Re Extension No. 9
Dear John:
Enclosed is a petition by M. M. Yaffee and Daniel P. DeLong,
acting user; power of attorney for Gwynneth DeLong, asking for the
establishent of Extension No._ 9 to the North Glens Falls Water
District to include both the balance of the Yaffee. property and all
of the DeLong property: I have attached to this petition a map
which I believe contains all of the information required.
Letter Albert Beswick - Re. Extension No. 9 (continued)
The next step is the adoption of an order for public hearing
and I enclose herewith the original and one copy of such order.
This order has to 'be published and posted at least ten days prior
to the date of the hearing.
Since the cost of the improvement is to be paid by the
petitioners -it will not be necessary to have an application to the
State Comptroller to approve the extension but there will have to
be a Water Resources Commission hearing and approval, but this
will come after your Board has held a public hearing and established
the district.
Yours very truly,
Albert E. Beswick
County Attorney
We„ the undersigned owners of the taxable real property situate
in the proposed Extension No. 9 to the existing, North Glens Falls
Water District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York,
hereinafter described, owning in the aggregate at least one-half
of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property -of the
proposed Extension No. 9 as shown upon the latest completed-assess-
ment roll of the said Town of Queensbury and being resident owners taxable rei
real property aggregating at least one-half of the assessed .valuatidn
of all the taxable real property of the proposed Extension 'N6. 9
owned by resident owners according to the said latest completed
assessment roll, do hereby petition your honorable body to establish #
the following described territory as part of the North Glens Falls
Water District as Extension No. '9 thereto:
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the Town.,of_ Queensbury, County of
Warren and State of New York, miore. particularly
bounded and described as follows:. Beginning at a
point in the center line of Country Club Road which'
marks the northerly limits of the existing North
. . . Glens- Falls,Water District, said point being 175 feet
northerly from the intersection of the center line of
Country Club Road with the center line of Quaker Road ,
and running thence westerly and parallel to the center
line of Quaker Road and 175 feet distant therefrom to
a point on the easterly line of lands of Niagara
Mohawk Power Corporation; thence north llo 30' east
along the easterly .line of Niagara Mohawk a distance
of 360.88 feet, more or less, to the point where the
easterly line of Niagara Mohawk intersects the north
line of lands of Gwynneth R. DeLong; thence south
710 34' east along the northerly line of DeLong a
distance of 626.35 feet to the center line of the
Country Club Road, .and thence southerly along the t
center line of Country Club Road to the place of
and to provide a water system whithin the hereinbefore described
Extension No. 9 to the existing North Glens Fa11s .Water District
for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of and properties
in the said proposed extension with water for domestic and
commercial use and for protection against fire.
The territory hereinbefore described is wholly situate in
the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York,
but outside of any incorporated village or city.
This petition is accompanied by a map and plan prepared by
John B. Van Dusen, land surveyor dilly licensed by the State of
New York, (License No. ) showing the boundaries of the
proposed Extension No. 9 to the North Glens Falls Water District
and a general plan of the proposed water system to be constructed
within the proposed Extension No. 9 to the North Glens' Falls
Water District. Said map and plan also shdr such other matters
as may be required by Section 192 of the Town* law.
The source of water supply-- for the proposed Extension No. 9
is the existing water system of the North Glens Falls Water Dis-
trict of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, with
points of connection with the aforesaid existing water system 66
the North Glens Falls Water District as shown on the attached map
and plan.
All of the property, property owners and interested persons
withi.n' said proposed Extension No. 9 to. the 'North Glens Falls Water
District are benefited thereby and all property and property owners
, .benefited-thereby are included within the proposed -Extension No. 9
to the North Glens Falls Water District.
The 'maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improve-
ment ia the proposed Extension `No. 9 to the North Glens -Falls
Water District is Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00),
The undersigned, being the owners oftall tikable real property
included within the aforesaid proposed Extension_No.. 9 to the North
Glens Fails Water District, frill pay to the Town of Queensbury,.
Warren- County, New York, the full amount of the cost of the improve-
ment upon the establishment of the Extension No.. 9 to the North
Glens. Falls Water District, and the .,establishment. of Extension No. 9
to the North Glens Fails Water District and the construction of
i the improvement therein will not result in any debt to the Town
of Queensbury.
Date of
si ni Witness Petitioners
II/Ib]/2 N. Harwoodeatq M.M.Taffee
11/16/62. N. Harwood` Beaty Gwynneth R. DeLong
Power of Attorney
D. P. DeLong
On the 16th day of November, 1962; before me came N. Harwood Beaty,
the subscr= witness to the oregoing instrument, to me personally
known, who, being by me duly sworn,. did depose and said that he
resides in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, that he
knows M. M. Yaffee , and Daniel P. DeLong to be individuals described
in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing
witness, was pregent and saw then' execute the same,, and that` he, said
N. Harwood Beaty at the same time subscribed his name as witness thereto.
Albert E. Beswick
Notary Public
� t
At a Meeting of the Town Board
of the Town of Qdeensbury, Warren
County, N.Y., held at Queensbury
School on the 23rd day of November,
PRESENT: Johw 0. Webster, Supervisor
Harold C. Akins, Councilman '
N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman
Curtis Lampsou Councilman
Theodore Turner, Councilman
In the Matter
the Petition for the Establishment of Extension No. 9 to the
North Glens Falls 'Water District in the Town of Queensbury,
Warren Couhty, New York, Pursuant to Article 12 of the Town Law.
WHEREAS, a written petition,' dated November 16,, 1962, in due form
and containing the required signatures has been presented to and
filed with the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,
New York, for the establishment of" Extension No. 9 to the existing
North Glens Falls Water District in said Town to be bounded and
described as follows:
"All that certain piece or parcel of .land situate,
lying and. being in the Town' of Queensbur�y, County of
Warren and State of New York, more particularly
bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a
point in the. center line of Country Club Road which
marks the northerly limits. of the .existing North
Glens Falls Water District, said point being 175 feet
northerly from the intersection of the center line of
Country Club _Road with the center line of Quaker Road,
and running thence westerly and parallel to the center
line of t,uaker Road .and 175 feet distant therefrom to
a point on the easterly line of lands of Niagara
' Mohawk. Power Corporation; thence north llo30' east
along the easterly line of Niagara Mohawk a distance
of 360.88 feet, more or less, to the point where the
easterly line of Niagara Mohawk intersects the. north
line of lands of Gwynneth R. DeLong* thence south
71034' east along the northerly line of DeLong a
distance of 626.35 feet to the center line of the
Country Club Road, and thence southerly along the
center line of Country 01ub Road to the place of
WHEREAS, the improvement proposed consists of the laying of a
ma.in' aloag Country Club Road for a connection with the main to
the existing, district northerly to a point at or near the southerly
boundary of the proposed_extension, and
WHEREAS., the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the
improvement, including the cost of the main,, engineering and legal
fees, as stated in said petition, is the sum of $400.00, it is
ORDERED 9. that a meeting of the Town Board of the said Town of
Queensbury shall be held at the Queensbury School., in said Town, on
the 13th day of December, 1962, at 7:30 o'clock,, P.M., on that day
to consider said petition and to hear all persons interested in the
subject thereof concerning the same and for such other action on the
Part of said Town Board with relation to the said petition as may be
required by law or proper in the premises.
Dated: November 23, `1.962 John O.. Webster
H. 9. Akins
Curtis Lampoon .
Theodore Turner
N Harwood Beat
Counc Uman
- November 19, 1962
Mr. John O. Webster, Supervisor
- Box 86 ,
Glens Falls, N. Y.
• Re: Miller-Town of Queensbury
Dear John:
Bernard McPhillips name in just before noon today with -the
deed, tax search and tax receipts, so I did not have time to call
you and have you present for the closing.
I enclose herewith the fallowing:
t .
1. Warranty deed from Harold D. Miller to Town of
Queensbury conveying his property on Aviation
Road as the site for 'the new town hall.
24 County Clerk's tax search.
3. Verifax copy of 1962 county and town tax receipt.
4. Verifax copy of 1962 school tax receipt.
I have previously examined the abstract of title prepared by
Willaim `F. Chambers and it is oy opinion that the enclosed deed
conveys good title. This deed-- should be recorded in the office of
the County Clerk and the search continued to show the record of the
deed. .
Yours very truly,,
Albert H. Baswick -
County Attorney
The clerk accepted the-deed and searches to be filed by him at
the Warren County Clerks office at Lake George, New York.
November 19, 1962.
Mr, John 0,, Webster, Supervisor
Chestnut Ridge Road
Glens Falls, N. Y. Re: Queensbury Drainage District-
Henry J. Roehner
Dear John: -
I have your letter of November 16 enclosing a quit claim
deed from the Town of Queensbury and Drainage District #1 of the
I Town of Queensbury to Henry J,w Roehner which relates to the re-
location of an 8 inch storm water drain pipe under an easement
said to have been granted by Carl J. Kreiser to Drainage District #1
dated October 15, 1952, and recorded in Book 315 of Deeds at page 587.
The deed from Kreiser should have been to the Town of Queens-
bury acting for and in behalf of Drainage District #1 of the Town of
Queensbury since a town improvement district is not a municipal
corporation. I called Alfred D. Clark who told me.the abstract shows.
the 'Draivage District• as granteeand that is the reason he has prepared
this quit claim deed with both the,Town of Queensbury and Drainage
District #1 as grantors.
Letter Albert E. Beswick - (Re: Queensbury Drainage District-
Henry J. Roehner) continued
I see no reason why, .as Supervisor, you should not
execute this deed on befial.f. of both grantors to comply with
Mr. Clark's request. You should sign your name on the two
lines indicated and have, the. notary public sign both acknow-
ledgments. The Drainage District has no seal so all you need
to do is impress the town seal once opposite your signatures.
You will need specific. authority from the Town Board
to execute this deed and I have prepared and enclose a
suggested resolution.,
Yours very truly,
t Albert E. Beswick
County Attorney
RESOLUTION NO. 186- introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Turner.
WHEREAS, it has been made -to appear that Carl J. Kreiser ex-
ecuted a deed to Draninage District No. l of the Town of Queens-
bury, dated October 15, 1952, and recorded in the office: of the
Warren County Clerk in Book 315 of Deeds at page 587, which
granted a permanent easement ,for the installation and mail4tenance
of a drainage pipe along the boundary Line Lots 7 and 8 in Block 11
Broadacres Subdivision but a parcel was conveyed by Carl J. Kreiser
which included portions of both .lots, and at the request of Henry
J. Roehner, the owner of said parcel,: the Town changed the location
of such drainage pipe to permit the construction of a dwelling, and
WHEREAS, Alfred D. Clark, attorney for Henry J. Roehner, presented
to the Supervisor a quit c lain deed from the Town of Queensbury
and Drainage District NQ. l to Henry .J. Roehner, which is also to
be executed by said Henry J. Roehner, which will have the effect
of releasing the easement granted by said deed from Kreiser to
the Town and to substitute therefor an easement for said drainage
pipe in its present location, and said deed having .been approved
by Albert E. Beswick, County Attorney, it is hereby
RESOLVED that Jahn O. Webster, Supervisor,, be and he .hereby is
authorized and empowered to execute said quit claim deed- to
.Henry J. Roehner on behalf of -the Town of Queeusbury and also ova.
behalf of Drainage District No. 1- of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson,. Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
November 20, 1962
Mr. John O. Webster,. Supervisor Re: Comprehensive Sewer Study
Town of Queeusbury Tqwn of Queensbury.
Box 86
Glens Falls, New York -
Dear Mr. Webster:
Legislation enacted this year has made it possible for
comprehensive sewer studies to be made at state expense. You
may be familiar with this -to song extent through literature sent
to you in the past few months by the office for Local Government.
Queensbury town and surroundin communities watI.d appear.,
comprise a logical study area. To
.4 iscuss this possibility
and the general program for sewer studies and to answer questions,
a meeting_.has_been arranged for. November 29, 1962. This will be
at 7--30 P.M. at the Moreau Town Hall at 61 Hudson Avenue, South
Glens Falls. Included in the invitations to attend this meeting
will be the towns of Moreau,. Fort Edward, Kingsbury and Queensbury
the villages of Fort Edward, Hudson Falls and South Glens Falls ,
and the city of Glens Falls.
. 293
State Health Department letter - (Continued)
You are cordially invited to attend this meeting, and to
bring with you other. officials from your community if you wish. '
We hope that you will plan to attend.
Very truly yours,
Edward Howard
District Sanitary Engineer
A map was presented for discussion to do with a proposed
development known as "Patten Drive". The developer intends to
rough grade the road in hopes that the Town of Queensbury would
accept same at a later date.
On motion the meeting wast adjourned.
Respecu submitt
eo a C. annell
wn Clerk
Special Meeting November 29, 1962
Present: John O. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty `Councilman
Theodore Turner Councilman `
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Harold Akins , Councilman.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
The following visitors were greeted by the Board-t.
James E. OtBrien - Ford Garage Company
Robert Grablerher - Parsons Ford
John Diskinson - Parsons Ford
Frank T. Shortell — Whiteman Chevrolet
Chester Sprague - Carswell Motors Inc.
Juliette Ellingsworth - League of Women Voters
Bernard Coduer - Superintendent of Highways
"Bucky", Corjew - Employee of Highway Department, Queensbury
Oa request the clerk presented proof of publication on two bids
for Highway Equipment.
The proof of Posting Notices was as follows:
Town Clerks Bulletin Board
Near Sleight's Market, Aviation Road `
Town of Queensbury Storehouse, Aviation Road
Across Toms Drive Inn, Corner Glenwood Avenue and Route 9
Cornetr Belle Avenue and Boulevard, Town of Queensbury
Four bids were received and read aloud as follows:
Whiteman Chevrolet - 2
Parsons Ford _ - 2
Ford Garage - 2
Carswell Motors: _- - 2
Mr. Milton Crandall and 14r. Arthur Norton, the architects on the
proposed new Town Hall were greeted at 8:20 p. m.
Mr. Oberst and his assistant representing "Abilene Pest Control",
were present to discuss the treatment of the town dump on hopes
of eliminating the rats at this location. In the past year the
representatives of the pest _control have visited the dump on a
monthly b4sis with the type of extermination that they consider
to be effective. A receipt has been signed by the caretaker of
the dump: on each of these visits and he in turn has stated that
he is satisfied with the results to date. The control which is
expected by the pest control company is to Stop the Action of the
rats. It is not expected that all rats will be exterminated.