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f e lei Regular Meeting March 9, 1961 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stan ley B. Miller Councilman The supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:50 F.M. Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways and Leon Nassivira, i Town Assessor were also present. The following communication was read to the Board: e March 4, 1961 Town Board of Queensbury Dear Sirs, ' It ,.,is .with deep regret that` I must submit my resignation as water �cQ 'lector. In evaluating my retirement income, I have found that this position would cause me-a. substantial loss'. My Social Security and compagy retirement have placed me in a bracket where after com- puting, a few dollars more would represent a loss in my veteran,xs pension of much more than this position would pay. I have just recently been able to determine these figures. Sincerely Yours , Edward Larabee .Resolution No. 39 introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. Lampson RESOLVED that .the resignation of Edward Larabee as collector and superintendent of the Ridge Road Water District be and the same is hereby accepted effective as of February23, 1961. Dula adopted by the following vote: . Ayes - W. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr, Webster Noes - Nose The matter of .an appointment of a successor to Mr. Larabee was put over to the next meeting. The Town Superintendent submitted the following as his recommendations for special improvements to be accopp�ished during the year 1961 show- ing roads, footage and approximate costs; Town of Queensburg Office of Superintendent of Highways Bgrua,rd J. Codner e R.F.D. 1, Glens Alls ,N.Y. Feb. 22, 1961 To Town Board: ' Subject: S►pecial., Impravements r F` Road Footage Cost . :Feeder Dam. 650 Ft. 975..00 !dements Road 2640. 3900.00 I* dow View Road; 1663 2294.00 Lupine Lane 1887 2830.00 Total 99-02 192 Respectfully submitted, C Bernard J. Go ner Supt. of Highway The Board generally discussed the condition of Highland Avenue. The matter of special improvements and the release. of the Highway's monies was laid over to the March 23 meeting. George Liapes entered the meeting at this point and reported a break- in, a water main on the Fort Amherst Road and was excused from the meeting. A discussion was had respecting a meeting in which the supervisor called for Saturday at the Queensbury Schad. on March 18, 1961 for the purpose of a discussion respecting the change of classification of the Town from a second class to a first class Town. Lean Nassivera briefed on the Certiorari Proceedings and discussed pertinent assess- ment matters relating thereto. Thereafter the supervisor expressed his appreciation to Mr. Nassivera on behalf of himself and the B'owr,� for coming to the meeting and making a report. Mr• Nassivera also discussed with the Board a possibility of making all maps and pictures. in a unitorm. s.ise and putting them is a book. Mr. stiller, Chaim Of, the Election Commi.tto'e, -submitted the fallowing report and reccssmendations REPORT .AND RECGMMEN OS ELECTION '0DWITTEE To the Town Board. This committee recommended at the final meeting of the Board for the year 1964 that the Election Districts of the Town be re-divided. This recommendation was based upon tae-fact that the 1,06©, registration and annual election_ developed what had been known for several years, that several of our present districts were too large both as to area and voters-. Accordingly your committee has given serious study to the problem and wishes to make this report. Such:suggestiona as are made with�.ttmise thoughts in mind; - t 1. To conform- to_ the Election Law in limiting the voter Registra- tion to no_m,Wm_tb a 600 voters in each district. 2. In making the divisions we have. given ,consiAeration to the fact that any distriet,_ ean; be enlarged to 900 voters provided that 2 voting aachiaes are used„ 3, in s. esting the polling places we-have, tried to meet the re. qurements of the. Eleetion Law which, states "that there shall be designated _aa_ polling places UX ex met._property such as schools, churches- and town property. 4. Each new district has been _drawn on the basis of accesibility and_.convenienceo of the voters to.. the. polling, place, keeping in mind. the registration limits .both as to. area and number of voters. 5. Some districts, particular 4 and 7 are 1 r in area and less in registration,-, Consideration here w.a�t` given to the fact that these two districts seem. to have. the. greatest _possibility of growth. 6. Some districts, notably '6, 8 and. 9 seem -to -'show up on the map as limited to growth. These areas are well developed and there is little room for building.. exparls-ion w l&, as sow set up their voting -strength is nearly=to the.600 limit. 7. One basis- of establishing voter population was by actual count of the number of houses in the district and then multiplying by 190 two on the theory that there were two voters in each resid- ence. Another method. emplayed_ was taking the number of water bills sent. oat by each Water Superintendent and mint iplying .that by two. We +believe that the districts as laid out and shown on the attached map iM V drove fair and equitable to all voters and that such division is. in .tshe bast interests W' the Town. me We therefore recommend that the Town Board adopt the,dixa. .;.&A mat, forth in,.rtbj - and the descrip- ive matter reflecting and identif-yiag.`eaach district. ResPect#idly submitted jtauLsy $. Miller Chairman, Mirch __9, 1961 OESdRiPTiON AND BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICTS (ELECTION) TOWN OF Qt,1 SBURY AS ItECOMMCNM By the Election Cooe®ittee of the Town Board. Bristrict # 1. Begissiag, at a point on the North bank of the Ha tson. River West of �er .Warren Street where the City Line of -,Glens Falls intersects the r var a�u following the .City 11m*.North and West to a point. where it iatearsiceta the East side of Ridge ..Street and continuing. North along that zq .aid� of Ridge Street to. the nterseat,ioa of Hicks Road# then Zaater F oa the South side_ of..Hicks. Road to . the Intersection. with the o ,.®f, 1Ciagsbury thence South &Long_the Town Line of Kingsbury to the Buenos River. _ ;t Polling Place; South Qieenabury Firehouse. r; District #f 2. _ f Begint_-C�.r at the Northerly aid& of. Bia.ko Road where it intersects the Town =.of Kingsbury and pros evading..ttesterly along. the northerly side of Hicks- Road to its intersection with Ridge. R,o►ad; then Northerly along the Last side of Ridge Roast to the intersection of Haviland Road, then Westerly oa the North side of ,"viland Road to Bay Road; then Northerly _ o>¢ # $fit..aide of ,Bay .Road to,its .intersection with_Tee Dill Read, than aia .,;acs tb+e . forth_side. of:l�n gill_Baad to the Bow mill, then up tea VA on the M girth sids_.te ._the. interaction with the Farce to_Market Refl4 i Vasterly along the Wirth, side of. the Faroe to Werloet Road to *ig ra.•a Springs, thence .North along s line drawn,t® intersect the Town tom: of Caldwell where it a-rassen Route 99 then along,, the Town 3ia (eA- dwal�. tq a point �:an aX4;:itrary.lima leas, been draws which pr*te*d4s ea snarly and alsf, tai :North .side to the intersection of the Top of the World. Road_ and_.Bair_Road and .still fellowin* said arbitrary, iii. saross the Hna !t_.�qr..:: e►r. tr.a point on Ridge Road, juat North of the Faroe of Earl. Sand an4 following said line to its intersection with the Town ,rise + _F .rt Ann, than South along said Town Lice of Fort Ass and the Town. of Kingsbury to Nicks Road. Felling,PIsce;, I4hiaan Orange Mall, The Oneida, District 3. Sergi. at aw arbitrary dry on alas. Map where_ said lite►e inter- seatar tU .T Line of ,For t Ann.and proceedi erg,`Wes terly:al ng the North aide..of sai4. line t . k .. intersection, with Ridge Road.. just. North of the Fare` of Carl Sand and following said arbitrary line Westerly and on its North aide_ to. its interaectias with the Town Use of Cald- well, proceeding Northerly and_Easterly along said Town Line of Caldw 11-'`and the Shares of ;Lake George to- the intersection with the Town Lisc. .of_Fort. Ann and than Southerly along said Town Line of Fort Anti to.,Xha .1r*3. ►t of begisu3sg mg., said arbitrary.Line. Bolling Place; Norcth Qneensbury Firehouse. 194 District # 4. Beginning at the intersection of the arbitrary line .that -intersects Route 9 and the Town Lisa of Caldwell_ and proceedinN&'Easterly and on the South side to Latt uare's 'Spriags. end-the_l`arm.te,_Market 'Road and along the South aide and Easterly ,** the Farm to Market Road to tie fiats ' ' with �c il1 the down the. om .the South sulk to the Mo��t11 road and proceeding along. thy:-WestarZy side of t� M®on IIill �� `gilZ. Rs ,then along...the-.:�onth sides..of Z`ee Bill�to - its iateteet� +i►n with day► &oad tbeence .So�eth on the .Wesiterly s irde erf ' Bay Road- to its �:nter�es+�ton Frith .the _H1s�l..Rock Rued:, then �esterZ�r ' along the Vorth..aide_..of the Blind Ratak.'Road and the Road Pond Road to its intersection with Some_ 9 Crosaing.Routee 9 on an inagi�tsry` line to the Nor`gray, themes North oa_thee Easterly side of the 'North- way to its intersection with Gurney Lane, then_ Westerly-`on the'ADrt'k side of Gurney-Lane and its extension -by an. arbitrary. line to!th>s Town Line of Berme, then North along said __Town Line of Luzern and the Toga .Line of Caldwell to the iiiteriection. of Route 9. Polling_Place; Westsaunt_ Sanitarium. District # 5. Begianing,.at the intersection of Route. 9, and Sast-Wast By-Pass .pro- ceeding_ Eastakly on the South aid* , By-Fars to. the interse4tie with,the Country °Club Road, then North along. the Eaa.terly aide, of tIiit` Cogntv7 Clt& head to its iaeteraeetion with- flee__Sliud-Soak. Road, thin n Easterly l o t the South side of Blf*d. Bock. Read_..,erosoiag ley toad imd: coatitiming 419ag, tea ,South- s Ae of ftvil.au&'Road to its intersection-, with-at t',-Road them South o a the West aid*, of._.Ridge Rood to f -dLtr of f Fl.e t, Falls, -then Weaterly along. ,said.City MAee. creamiAt.14fto 9 amd following an arbitrary line along the_ Main water supply line of the City of Glens Falls to its intersection with the Worthway, then North along the Bast a de of said Verthway to Aviatisa Road then East- erly wag tha South side of Aviation Read ,to its intersection with Route 9 and. East-West By-Pass. Palling Place; Queensbury Central Firehoua , I Poster Avenue. District 9 d. Reg ni.ag-'st the intersectiaw of-,Route._9 and mast-Wetst Sir-Pass and p taeedi Easterly along. thee' nth aieda_ of tba..gy�-Frei_ to-- its ist4r ieatiex with t 06nntry,Cl RoAd tboa North along. tha. Wedterly side 1 thin Govatry Club $oad to its -Axter ection with the.Iiind 44mkl Road;: Wast4wly ,coutinalng Westerly., aleft_-the. Round-I Re" ma tl a 84ut -PAde creating Vute, 9 and fall . an a i_trary Lime t+o .tie:morthwy, ` s Soar" along $"t side of 'YmOth►ay 'to Aviat **.Road, _-,ttisi East tom;-'rte North sided of Aviation Reed to 'its 'intersection. *ith Re tte R, Polling Place; Qe6ousbu y► Town`Storehouse. t District # 7. Beginning on the Westerly side of the Nc rthway overpaias on Shiermaa Ave. nue. and contin�mii . Westerly on the North side of .ibae!mo i'Avenue crossiag West Mountain Road and following an imginary litre to the intersection with the Town Line of luz rse then North ale said Town Line of Lucerne to th+e intersection of the line with tea. arhitrary line extending Gurney Lane; to`said. Timm Line, then Easterly along, ire. ly aid* of "td saS nary lame to ,tba Gurney Lane overpass, tb&A" .South along the West side of the rthway to She A laterseetioa. Fis1Z ,..I9aee`; Qneeetsb Seho+i. district # S . Beginning at the -intersection of Western Avenue., e4rlixa Street' Shermm Avenge Frotacodixg.Westerly on the. North.aide.of t3hermaa Avenue Its to Northway then Forth along the East side. of Northway to a point where the main city water supply Line. passes under the Nort"Y9 then Easterly on ,the South aide ,of said_ aait►...t®. ,a road extemdi Jerome Avenue, than. aloxg City Lite.. southerly to;shorn" Avenge and West*ru,Avt*ut ialttt-*eetione Polling Place; Kassil ton` Rd School.: District #' 9" Beginuing at the junction -of Sboftfi; Avab se. land Corline Street where City of Gleus Falls`.line. starts, and. prose*dim:'.Southerly along said City Line to lbe SvAsen .Rlver, that Vesterly along the south bank of- acid. river; to Northway.Bridges, tbat crosses said river,,` iheu proeeding Northerly slant Zatt .side'of North- way to Sherman* Avenue, ovsrposn, of Sharman,.*venue, ;then.Easterly along.South's-ids of Sherman Avenue, to the interaectioa with C©rline Streets a . Vestern.Aveaue. Polling glace; best Glens. Falls. Firehouse. y Disttict '# 10. Beginning. V a point on the westars sine of the Bridge that crosses over the Nerthway.,at Sheram AAvn , .and,,fojlsi►ileg,..Westerly along the-South 'si . 4:9 Shermw Av Wm ;dtd�li Feast X0vfttaia..R®ed and f of low , sm. rx Iize to:the...To ni, ;'of 'tske va .tots,.soutu i� along said Toren{. . a ,of-UnAerza t♦'.the::N iR :Ei�►tr,_.tbreat following ` along the north bank of said river. is. as astetly.d R6tiam to the Northway Bridge crossing s aid tiger then. North. abug: the tresterly side of said, Northway. to the Sherman Avenue-.overpass. P llift, Plsee;, Cut Store 'Place, .Corinth ltd.. Mr. Miller moved that the adoption •the,.reeosroendat ions es set forth in` tbe'` repot tad .nap ,and he rfarthe d that, the. .above lay _ over until the next *Aititcg. No action was t0en on the foregoing notion. Resolution No, 40_ introduced by Mr. Akins and sec®aded by Mr. Lampoon. . RE VEM MT'IC1PATION NOTE RESOLUTION QF .MARCH (9th, 1961 OF THE Too 3OF > B1KYVVARRZN COUNrYgNY l:N .Tffi_'Al!(�W , : ►1'000.00. -BE IT 221SOLYMt this 9th d&# 'of .'XsrQhL 1961 by the Town Board of ,the Town of Qmei utyj V&rrea _Ce►nsty, .Nes< .York..as follows r' Section 1. T$ t pursuant to the Local. Finance Law of the State of New York, the said. Town of Queensbury, Warren, Coun New York in antic. ipation of the cod, o0tan .f a, apecific_sevt� e; ofha real estate taxes and or asset 4 ti wit' ttw reaeipt"of stet' resits to be collected in the North Gl*aw .Folls Water Dis,triet._to become due -and .payable during the finical year -mar i 'W Janus_y, 1,, 1961,, Sectiow U That the runt it the uncolleeted specific revenue afore. said to with the reo <.�f .aster. uete .b .be.eoll►+erted is the West Glens Falls Water . stri*t. a :#.aa t w ish .tbe.._aa L.,AAte .is_ authorized to be issued is as the dues thereof, in excess 4.t s� .a►f �1,Oi� and that there are no other o ataaditeg,, revsnua _antic pa ign..carte_issued tad_ an anticipation of the receipt_of such revenue. 0, 1 T except..as..be npec#f tally.described, said note shall be j the dote, terms, farm, .cofte4to and. pl ace of payment and at a rata ` t tccOeed . seatum.per annam_.es may be d eter mixed by the SupervAAW ,..QOnsistent., %owe, ,; �t3 b, ,the pravisiona of the heal F�1�.;Imo► o f the State of Sew York a shAl be executed is the name of.-t ;,braid :T by .the Supervisor .svi4 the..se,al_of. the Town shall be attached 'thtretr. Section 4. That said note ah*U be sold, at private sale by the Supervisor at a price of not less clian par value a3ld accrued interest, if a and y p any, upon the execution and sale of said note. , the sake shall be delivered to the purchaser upon the payhent. b h�iu to the Super. visor of the purchase price incash, and the...reeelpt of the Super- visor shall be a full acquittanet. to the purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application. of the purchase money. Section 5.. The full faith and credit_.of the Town of ueensb Warren. County.- New Yorks are, pledged to the punctual payment of they principal of and interest on said note. Section 60 This resolution shall take effect immediately. The forogoing;resolution_was duly put .to vote which resulted as follows Ayes W, Miller, Mr, Lamps"en, Zero Akins and Mr, Webster, Does None The resolution was thereupon declared adopted. Resolution N*L_4 k introduced by W. Akins and seconded by Ier. Miller WMEREAS, the Town Board of Quee Abury,Warren Count author- iced to is" sad sale .of _a �reveuue ..antic ation note then amount of $1,000 to mare on the 9th day_ of May,1.961,, to provide funds for the payment of expenses of.operation of the_,North G10.us. Falls Water District prier to collection of water rents, t RESOLVED that the "SU04rTiser be and he hereby is authorised and directed to invest $l, of the funds in the. Capit, Reserve Fund of the Town of Queensbhry br purebbsing. said_rave= anticipation note. The farega resolstion was duly put to vote which. resulted as follows: Ayes •• *Idlers Mro Lampsen, Iar, Akins and .W.. .Weabster. Noes - None I The resolution was declared adopted. Res lotion introduced by W, ,Akins and seconded by.Mro Miller. 1UMOLVED that the next regular meeting. of this Board to be held on 31arch _23w#. 96t shall be held in the school house_ of. the Union Free Sch sic at : of the Town. of Queensbury on the Avp t ion Road not- withstamd _eg, any previous designation of , the pl,aee for the holding of sru� m�.etiug. Duly ,adopted by the f 6.114wing ,vote: ` ,fires 1* Miller s )k Laapson, W* Akins and W o Webster, l�isa - .' ate The supervisor read the following re0ortt MONTHLY STATENENT OF SUPERVISOR T4 THE TOWN BOM OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY February 1.961 Receipts Hato t Re ivied r eived - Feb. ' Frank Cowles-Cemetery,Fees tin Pine Vi" Ceemetery Find $472.50 George Lirapea-wager rents to 11GF Water Diat 326,78 15 Frances Turner-Twa.Clk's Fees to General Fu 194.00 20 State of New York-Per ;capita Assistance to ral Fund 5242046 20 George Liapes•water rents to HOF Water Me t 20.05 20 George Liapesa-water -rants to NGF Water Dia 1 104.94 21 Warren Co.Treasurer-Dol License money to Fund 1631,04 23 General Fund.-Transfer of Tax moneys to Pi! iew Cemetery 4655004 197 Feb, :Z8 Howard Ladd-Junk. Yard ,license. fee to general f utld - . 10000 28 Leo Dean-Junk Yard 'licease fee to general fund • 10'06 t Total .Receipts 12761977 Disbursements Date Asount Paid Tu d, or Paid . Feb, Hi&hvA r Fund ;180587025 Gdaeral Fund ' V 13,757.08 hiss View Cemetery �,8 +' plater Didtrict Water District 137,50 VK ;F pater DIAtrict _ - - - 50.00 Shore Colony hater District 2.65 Cloverdale Lighting Dis'tret 47,86 ,Ft. Amherst, Garrison Rd; Xihting._Dists 336092 f .. 'Reservoir tank Sever DIstzLct 8.,60 Pershing Ashley. Cook.. $ tw+ Distret 1000.00 q"easbary Fire Pri eetiou D Atrict 9500.00 ' Total Diabrrsemea . . . . ._ st 4,a53.43 SCOhE OF AUDITS `� W�RRES T3I Y, Aw l td 1961 No, Wine o t ature o t R _Allowed 69 t ftlli u Law Book ; $ '7*38 $ 7.38 j Co. Supplies-J.O.Web- ,� *ter, Supvj., . 70 Dennis & Co. Inc. Supplies."._Bentley 10.47 10,47 Justice of the. reace 71 Aivataibside Free ' Annual. gift to library Library per contract It •00 100000 72 Wagoner Business ' Ribbon & carbon P&P- Equipment er-Tun.. =to ©f f ice 6.38 6,,30 73 l�iagara•M9h wk Cloverdale-lighting. Prover District(Street L t)47.86 47.86 74 Riagora haft Street Lights & Traf- Power fic Siren 217.14 217.14 75 Niagara-MShawk Street lights. Fort Power Amherst-Garrison Rd. Liting District 168.46 168.46 76 Niagara-Mohawk Eleetaezwice-Boos- Prrmer b I�rsm 119.15 77 AX4ra- hawk' i .#ct service Prrter for Tft.of ens* l curt►, tore ►�uee :6 ,89 not-audited 78'" ''Frier Paint Corp. Paint 15;68 not audited 79 Adirondack Resorts 1000 Record of Inter•• resa(A,*3.K&ight meats Printed 2 sides 45.50 45.50 80 1*90sa'wyer &Co. Uc. 3 ds« .R.atove "Its�?v.C. _ 1047 1,47 - J 81 .E.SmWer &Co, 'lac, Stow Beitsplock Nash- ors rflat soft steel- sawing; ist am -haedle;3/8 Cyclo tw masonry . Drill, PiSevi ew Cem t stery 6.53 6.53 �9 82: Edward Gray 1957 Intern.Model A130 995,00 not a it*A C&C S#43137ZZ-Pv.Ceu. 83 J.E.Sawyer&Co.Iac.2pr.8pee 'Dee Saw Norse 3.40 3'.40` Brackets, Pv,Gea. 84 Frances L, 'vwxer Postage Stamps-Twn.Clk's office 8.64 8.64 85 Glens Falls Post Publishing_Supv's Annual Co. Report 95,12 95,12 86 City of- G.F.Water Water Rent #134-Ridge Rd. Fd. Water District 148.00 148.04 87 City of G»F.Water Water Rent #93A-NGFWD 710-„57 710.57 Fd. 88 City ofKG.F.Water Water Rent #93-NGFWD 1016.71 1016,71. ' Fd, ' r 89 City mf:,G.F.Water Water Rent #95-WGFWD 542.90 542.90 Fd. x 90 DoWds &Co.Inc. Supplies-H.C.Akiva.,JP U35 X,,35 91 Nattonal Welding Thawing.,water pipe at Co. ' Georgt Rooke,Jr. on 11 24,(61,2/`216l;2/3/61 6l (Nam) 1 23400 not audited 92 Nattonal Welding 1 91/,01-Thaw water0pin- Co ai.a�. IC ahem ce-' 3.nerast Drive- ( PND EXT.) 100-00 mot Audited 2 . t 0A ioa...the. meatizz._adJourned flown Clerk Special eet larch' 189 1961 Places tAeensbury Usi a Free School District #`2, Town of Queenabary, Aviation Road . Presents • John 0, Webster . - Supervis®r Harold Akins Justicm of the Peace .; Curtis meson Councilman Stanley B. Miller, Councilman Meeting called purstuant to .;the following..a-otices March 19 1961 To: Ail 'Town Officials _ Sleeted and Appointed _ Dear ` I an sure you are_aaiare that tb&.1960. Faderal Census ma dates that our town become a town of tba; first .class, _affective Jan airy 1, ;1'962, The off is of the, tr waition.from a'tewn. of the second class to this new status will tom►, upon practically all .elected and appointed.-of• ficials in our tow"hip. . Your town board maybe required to sake decisi40 during tLhe coming weeks std sonths which could have far reaching effects du sowd town offices. ` The several VAndatory aid`option nol chone provided for{ under the town law are tto nsmaroua to :veation it this letter; U*a- ever, I an sending to you a .eopy of the March 1961 issue of "Town and County Topics* which carries the, address' "The Trans ition� to a Town of the First -Class", ven-by. Miss Ze1da .M, Uthe, Director, Association of Towns, at tU recent anaual. meeting held in Buffalo, New York. I suggeiii that you read this informative article.